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Pdu Lab Manual 2017 Labs

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PDU Lab Manual 2017 - labs

Power Distribution and Utilization (The University of Lahore)

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Laboratory Manual

Power Distribution And Ultilization

Department of Electrical Engineering


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Presented to:

Engr Umair Tahir

Submitted By:

Abdul Ahad Saeed BSEE01153060

Sarmad Niazi BSEE01153104

Syed Fasih Ul Hassan BSEE01153108

Hafiz M. Inaam BSEE01153118

Sameer Akram BSEE01153120

Department of Electrical Engineering


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This report is provided with all development notes
and source code. Code and schematic is free licensed
and Open sourced by Syed Fasih-ul-Hassan on 28 December, 2017.
This manual can be developed for personal use or
Educational purpose but it is strictly prohibited to
Develop this kit on large scale for sale purpose or any
Inappropriate use. For any kind of help regarding this
Manual please free to ask at .



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Lab. No. 1: Introduction to Simulink…………………..…………………..2

Lab. No. 2: Three phase VI-Measurement…………………………………20

Lab. No. 3: Single line diagram..................................................................30

Lab. No. 4: Load curve and Load duration curve………………………..40

Lab. No. 5: Calculate load factor average energy in transformer using

load curve……………………………………………………………………..45

Lab. No. 6: Three part tariff………………………………………………..48

Lab. No. 7: Buck-booster transformer……………………………………..54

Lab. No. 8: Distribution transformer connection………………………….62

Lab. No. 9: DC distribution system………………………………………....89

Lab. No. 10: AC distribution system………………………………………..96

Lab. No. 11: Power Factor improvement…………………………………..105

Lab. No. 12: Project demo and evaluation………………………………...111


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Introduction to Simulink


The objective of this lab is to introduce students to the Simulink environment and
enable them to perform basic operations related to Simulink.


Simulink, an add-on product to MATLAB, provides an interactive, graphical

environment for modeling, simulating, and analyzing of dynamic systems. It
enables rapid construction of virtual prototypes to explore design concepts at
any level of detail with minimal effort. For modeling, Simulink provides a
graphical user interface (GUI) for building models as block diagrams. It
includes a comprehensive library of predefined blocks to be used to
construct graphical models of systems using drag-and-drop mouse
operations. The user is able to produce an “up-and-running” model that
would otherwise require hours to build in the laboratory environment. It
supports linear and nonlinear systems, modeled in continuous-time, sampled
time, or hybrid of the two. Simulink is integrated with MATLAB and data
can be easily shared between the programs.

Starting Up of Simulink

In order to use Simulink, you must first start MATLAB. With MATLAB running,
there are two ways to start Simulink:

1-Click the Simulink icon on the MATLAB toolbar


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2-Type ‘simulink’ at the MATLAB prompt followed by a carriage return (press

the Enter key)


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Next, select New Model from the File pull-down menu in the Library Browser.
The following blank window appears on your screen. We will refer to this window
as the model window.


Building a Simulink Model For Single Phase

Building a Simulink model of a system consists of selecting the appropriate blocks

and connecting them in a way that represents the mathematical models. Since the
best way to learn a simulation tool is to work with it, this first tutorial will guide
you through a simple example. We will build the block diagram for a simple
model consisting of a sinusoidal input multiplied by a constant gain, which is
depicted below.


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The following are the steps to draw the desire model on the simulink:

1. In search bar ,search the desired equipment that we required and drag it into the
model as shown in figure below:


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2. Use the previous method and draw the model by using simulink tools as we
draw the following model as shown:

3a. Now we have to change RLC into RL and also edit their values and units
by clicking right click and edit them and we rotate them by Ctrl+R as
mention below in figure:

3b.Now double click on the Ac voltages to set new parameters value of

Voltages and Frequency

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3c. Now click on RL series branch to set values of Resistor and Inductor.

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4a.We have two measuring devices voltage measurement and current

measurement and 1 scope that does not show the output result on the scope
i.e. output not shown

Figure 1

4b. To avoid this problem we introduce another terminal of scope as shown


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5.Now connect both measuring devices to scope.

6. Before we run the simulation we have to set the simulation time e.g.

F=50 Hz
If we have to run simulation for 5 seconds
0.02 * 5 = 0.1sec

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7. Now double click on the Scope to see the output waveform of the model and if
we want your desire color click on setting, see the following figure given below :

8. Select the desired color for output waveform and change the Figure color, Axes
color and Line color respectively as shown:

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9.Now “Run” the simulation, clicking on the icon as shown into the figure

10. Double click on Scope to see the output waveforms of the model.

Figure 2

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To simulate three phase Source connected to RL Series branch

In previous task we simulate the model for single phase but now we just replaced
single source with the Three phase source


To draw the model for three phase we have to follow the following steps:

1- Select New Model from the File pull-down menu in the Library Browser.

2-In search bar , search the Three phase Source and drag or add it to the model,

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3-In search bar , search the Measurements and select the Three Phase V-I
measurement and drag or add it to the model,

4- Use the previous method and draw the model by using simulink tools as we
draw the following model as shown:

5- Double click on the Three phase source and edit the phase to phase voltages and
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6- Now we have to change RLC into RL and also edit their values and units by
clicking right click and edit them

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7-Now Run the simulation and double click on the scope to see the output
waveform result respectively i.e:

Figure 3

8-Three output waveforms shown into the scope ,we can’t distinct between them
for this purpose we use Demux,Demux is multitasking output showing component

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9- We can also change the output ports of Demux by double click on the demux

10-Now the present model is shown as given below:

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11-Now the output waveform shown separately on the scope i.e,

Figure 4

Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab, students will be able to

1. Introduction of Simulink and its basic operations by using Simulink libraries.

2. To draw the model on Simulink and execute it.

3. To see the effect of single phase in MATLAB by using Simulink.

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3 phase VI measurement

Introduction to three phase source in Simulik.


Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternating current electric

power generation, transmission, and distribution. It is a type of poly-phase
system and is the most common method used by electrical grids worldwide to
transfer power. It is also used to power large motors and other heavy loads. A
three-wire three-phase circuit is usually more economical than an equivalent two-
wire single-phase circuit at the same line to ground voltage because it uses less
conductor material to transmit a given amount of electrical power. The single
phase, two winding voltage transformer which can be used increase ordecrease its
secondary voltage with respect to the primary supply voltage.

Three-Phase Transformer Inductance Matrix Type (Two Windings)

The Three-Phase Transformer Inductance Matrix Type (Two Windings) block is a

three-phase transformer with a three-limb core and two windings per phase. Unlike
the Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings) block, which is modeled by three
separate single-phase transformers, this block takes into account the couplings
between windings of different phases.

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To begin, the simulink model for the three phase source attach to transformer and
step down voltages start with the following procedure:

1-Startup the Simulink on the MATLAB as shown in the figure

2- Next, select New Model from the File pull-down menu in the Library Browser.

3- In search bar , search the powergui , and drag or add it to the model,its
necessary to simulate your model on the MATLAB, demonstration shown in figure

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4-In search bar , search the Three phase Source and drag or add it to the model,

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5-. Use the previous method and draw the model by using simulink library as we
draw the following as shown:

6-Use Demux component from the Simulink library ,demux is the multitasking
output showing component

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7-We can also change the output ports or Demux by double click on the demux

8- Use the previous procedure then draw and connect the model by using
Simulink library as we draw the following model as shown:

Three phase source attach to transformer and step down voltages

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9-Double click on the Three phase source and edit the phase to phase voltages and

10- Double click on the Three phase Transformer and edit the parameters

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11- Now we have to change RLC into RL and also edit their values and units by
clicking right click and edit them

12- Before we run the simulation we have to set the simulation time e.g.
F=50 Hz
If we have to run simulation for 5 seconds
0.02 * 5 = 0.1sec

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13-We have connected four Scopes two for the input phase voltage and
current and the other two for the output phase voltages and current as shown:

Figure 1

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Figure 2

Figure 3

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Figure 4

Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab, students will be able to

1-How to measure voltage and current in three phase.

2-How to use and change the output ports of Demux .

3-Implementation of Multi Scopes in smulink with help of Demux.

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Single Line Diagram
Introduction to single line diagram(SLD) and to understand its operation on


Single Line Diagram(SLD) is the first step in preparing a critical response plan,
allowing you to become thoroughly familiar with the electrical distribution system
layout and design in your facility. In the single line diagram, the system component
is usually drawn in the form of their symbols. Generator and transformer
connections, star, delta and neutral earthing are indicated by symbols drawn by the
side of the representation of these elements. It is a drawing that shows by single
lines and symbols a simplified layout of a three-phase electrical system.Single line
or one-line diagram get their name form the fact only one phase of three phase
system is shown and only one line is used to represent any number of current
carrying conductors.


To perform single line diagram (SLD) on Simulink in MATLAB.

To begin, the simulink model for Single Line Diagram(SLD) start with the
following steps:

1-Draw the Single Line Diagram(SLD) Model on the Simulink ,with the help of
Simulink Libraries as we done in previous lab ,the model on the Simulink is
shown in figure below:

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Simulation for Single Line Diagram

2-Now we have to edit the values of each respective components by double click
on them e.g if have to change the value of Three Phase Source just double click on
it as shown in figure below:

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3-Now edit the configuration and parameters of the respective Transformers i.e

For T1 Configuration and parameters

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For T2 Configuration and parameters

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For T3 Configuration and parameters

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For T4 Configuration and parameters

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4- Now we have to change RLC into RL and also edit their values and units by
clicking right click and edit them

5- Now we have to change Series RLC into RL and also edit their values by
clicking right click and edit them as shown in figure below:

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6-After editing the respective values the final model is show in figure below:

After changing the valus,Simulation for Single Line Diagram

7-To See the Output waveform run the simulation wait for compiling and then
click on the respective scope to the waveform following are the inputs and outputs
shown on the screen when we simulate the simulation

Figure 1
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Figure 2

Figure 3

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Figure 4

Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab, students will be able to

1 -Implementation of single line diagram (SLD) in simulink.

2-How power is transmitted from generation end to consumer end.

3-How power is step up and step down during the distribution and utilization with
the help of transformers and their different configurations and parameters.

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Load curve and load duration curve
To understand coding in matlab and to plot the curves in matlab.

A load duration curve (LDC) is used in electric power generation to illustrate the
relationship between generating capacity requirements and capacity utilization. A
LDC is similar to a load curve but the demand data is ordered in descending order
of magnitude, rather than chronologically.

Load curve

In a power system, a load curve or load profile is a chart illustrating the variation in
demand/electrical load over a specific time. Generation companies use this
information to plan how much power they will need to generate at any given time.
A load duration curve is similar to a load curve. The information is the same but
is presented in a different form. These curves are useful in the selection
of generator units for supplying electricity.

Load duration curve

A load duration curve (LDC) is used in electric power generation to illustrate the
relationship between generating capacity requirements and capacity utilization.A
LDC is similar to a load curve but the demand data is ordered in descending order
of magnitude, rather than chronologically. The LDC curve shows the capacity
utilization requirements for each increment of load. The height of each slice is a
measure of capacity, and the width of each slice is a measure of the utilization rate
or capacity factor. The product of the two is a measure of electrical energy (e.g.

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1-Startup the Matlab on your personal computer and write the following code

data=[0 4 5;
4 8 15;
8 18 20;
18 24 5];
tt=[data(:,1) data(:,2)];
for n = 1:L
pp(2*n) = p(n);
xlim([0 24])
ylim([0 25])
title('Load Flow')
xlabel('Time (Hr)')
ylabel('Power (MW)')
%assumeing that the power factor of this particular area is 0.85 lagging
%using power factor calculating the transformer rating that will supply

2- In the given code first column is the starting points of the curves second column
is the end points of the curves and third column is the amplitude of the curves(

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3-The output of the respective code is shown in the figure below

Figure 1

Load curve

4-Now we write the code for the Load duration curve, the code is shown as below

Data= [0 10 20;

10 14 15;

14 24 5];

P=data (;,3);

Dt=data (:,2) – data(:,1);



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Tt=[data(:,1) data (:,2)];

t=sort (reshape (tt,1,2*t));

For n=1:L

Dd (2*n-1) = p(n);

Dd (2*n) = p(n);


Plot (t,dd)

Xlim ([0 24])

Ylim([0 25])

Title (‘ load curve ‘)

5- The output of the respective code is shown in the figure below

Figure 2

Load duration curve

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Learning Outcomes

After performing this lab, students will be able

1-To plot the load curve and load duration curve through coding on Matlab.

2-Understand how to differentiate between load curve and load duration curve for
different time intervals.

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Determination of Load parameter
To understand about load parameters such as load factor, able to write their code
and plot curve in Matlab.

Load flow study is the steady state analysis of power system network. Load flow
study determines the operating state of the system for a given loading. Load
flow studies are commonly used to optimize component or circuit loading.
Develop practical bus voltage profiles. The load factor is defined as the average
load divided by the peak load in a specified time period. It is a measure of
variability of consumption or generation; a low load factor indicates that load is
highly variable, whereas consumers or generators with steady consumption or
supply will have a high load factor.

1-Startup the Matlab on your personal computer and write the following code

data=[0 4 5;
4 8 15;
8 18 20;
18 24 5];
tt=[data(:,1) data(:,2)];
for n = 1:L
pp(2*n) = p(n);
xlim([0 24])
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ylim([0 25])
title('Load Flow')
xlabel('Time (Hr)')
ylabel('Power (MW)')
%assumeing that the power factor of this particular area is 0.85 lagging
%using power factor calculating the transformer rating that will supply

2-The output values of code is resulted in editor file that is shown below

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3- The output curve of the respective code is shown in the figure below

Figure 1

Load flow

Learning outcomes
1-To plot the load flow curve with the help of code on Matlab.

2-Understand how to calculate load flow of a system.

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Three Part Tariff
To calculate total charges by three part tariff.

The amount of money frame by the supplier for the supply of electrical energy to
various types of consumers in known as an electricity tariff. In other words, the
tariff is the methods of charging a consumer for consuming electric power. The
tariff covers the total cost of producing and supplying electric energy plus a
reasonable cost.The total bill of the consumer has three parts, namely, fixed charge
D, semi-fixed charge Ax and running charge by.

where, C – total charge for a period (say one month)

x – Maximum demand during the period (kW or kVA)
y – Total energy consumed during te period (kW or kVA)
A – Cost per kW or kVa of maximum demand.
B – Cost per kWh of energy consumed.
D – Fixed charge during each billing period.

This is known as three-part electricity tariff, and it is mainly applied to the big


1-Code for initialization in MATLAB

Data = []; % Initialize array/vector

%{ This code gets i/p from the user and

% arrange it in order: {starting time, ending time & load,


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St = 1; % starting time

Et = 2; % ending time

L = 3; %load

for i=1;200

value = input (‘Enter starting time or enter 100 to stop: ‘);

if value==100



data(st) = value




value = input (‘Enter Endind time or enter 100 to stop: ‘);

if value = 100;



data(et) = value;




value = input (‘Enter load value or r=enter 100 to stop: ‘);

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if value==100



data(1) = value;







Finaldata = vec2mat (data,3) %convert a vector to 3 column matrix

P=finaldata (:,3) %Here we access the third column of the matrix

Dt=finaldata (:,2) – finaldata (:,1) %column array of demand interval

W=p’*Dt %Total energy, area under the curve KWH

Peak=max(p) %Peak load MD

2-Code for calculation of tariff

Fc=1000 %fixed charges

Sfc=100*peak %semi fixed charges

If w>100 %w=440

If w>300
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Rc=((100*10) + (20*200));

Rc= rc + ((w-300)*30)


Rc=((100*10) + ((w-100)*20))



Rc=(w+10) %total running charges


Tc= fc + sfc + rc %total three part tariff


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Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab, students will be able to

1-Learn how to calculate electric charges in an electricity bill.

2-Learn how to calculate bill through three part tariff.

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Booster Transformer
To understand the principle of working of buck and boost transformers.

Load parameter include rated power rated frequency rated voltage rated ratio.
A buck–boost transformer is a type of transformer used to make adjustments to
the voltage applied to alternating current equipment. Buck–boost connections are
used in several places such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units for
computers and in the industry.Buck–boost transformers can be used to power low
voltage circuits including control, lighting circuits, or applications that require 12,
16, 24, 32 or 48 volts, consistent with the design's secondary's. The transformer is
connected as an isolating transformer and the nameplate KVA rating is the
transformer’s capacity.Buck–Boost is a two-winding, single-phase transformer
with low voltage secondary windings, which can be connected as an
autotransformer. Used to raise or lower single and three phase line voltages by 10 –


1-First of all startup the Matlab on your personal computer, the editor window will
be opened. Then click Simulink Library Browser and open new model. Then draw
the following circuit in it as shown in figure below

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Simulation for Buck Transformer

2-Set the following parameters for AC Voltage sources

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3-Then Set the following Parameters for Multi-Winding Transformers which can
be accessed through sources

4-Run the simulation and notice the difference in peak voltages of each phase

Figure 1 (Primary Voltages)

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Figure 2 (Secondary Voltages)

5-The difference between peak voltages



1- First of all startup the Matlab on your personal computer, the editor window will
be opened. Then click Simulink Library Browser and open new model. Then draw
the following circuit in it:-

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Simulation forBooster Transformer

2-Set the following parameters for AC Voltage sources

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3-Then Set the following Parameters for Multi-Winding Transformers which can
be accessed through sources

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4-Run the simulation and notice the difference in peak voltages of each phase

Figure 3 (Primary Side)

Figure 4 (Secondary Voltages)

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5-The difference between peak voltages


Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab we are able to understand the following:

1-To familiar with load parameter of 3 phase buck-booster transformer

2-To distinguish between Buck and Boost transformers.

3-To distinguish between Buck and Step-Down transformer.

4-To distinguish between Boost and Step-Up transformer.

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1-To understand the connections of distribution transformers.

2-To learn about the voltage and current distributions in various windings.

1-First of all startup the Matlab on your personal computer, the editor window will
be opened. Then click Simulink Library Browser and open new model.

2-To set the parameters search “MULTI WINDING TRANFORMER” and add 2
times to the main block.


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3-The “MULTI WINDING TRANSFORMER (A)” parameters are given below

4-The “MULTI WINDING TRANSFORMER (B)” parameters are given below

5-Add “THREE PHASE V-I MEASUREMENT” and “SCOPE” in the main block.
The number of inputs of “SCOPE” is 3.

6-Also add “DEMUX”. The number of outputs are 3.

7-Click on “SCOPE” and the following figure will be shown

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Figure 1 (3phase, 3wire Open Delta Primary)


1-To set the parameters search “MULTI WINDING TRANSFORMER” and add 3
times in main block.

2-Draw a Following figure as given below

Simulation for 3 PHASE, 3 WIRE, Y PRIMARY

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3-The parameters of the “Multiwinding transformer (A)” are given below

4-The parameters of “Multiwinding Transformer(B)” are given below

5-Also add “3 phase V-I Measurement” and “Scope” in the main block. The
number of inputs are 3.

6-Search “Demux” and add it to the main block. The number of outputs are 3.

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7-Click on “Scope” and the following figure will be shown


Figure 2 (3 phase, 3 wire Y Primary)


1-To set the parameters search “MULTI WINDING TRANSFORMER” and add 3
times in main block

2-Draw a Following figure as given below

Simulation FOR 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE OPEN Y grounded PRIMARY

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3-The parameters of the “Multiwinding transformer (A)” are given below

4-The parameters of the “Multiwinding transformer (B)” are given below

5-Also add “THREE PHASE V-I MEASUREMENT” and “SCOPE” in the main
block. The number of inputs of “SCOPE” is 3.

6-Also add “DEMUX”. The number of outputs are 3.

7-At the end, Click on “Scope” and the following figure will be shown

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Figure 3 (Phase, 4 Wire OpenY grounded Primary)


1-To set the parameters search “MULTI WINDING TRANSFORMER” and add 3
times in main block.

2-Draw a Following figure as given below

Simulation for 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE Y grounded PRIMARY

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3-The parameters of the “Multiwinding transformer (A)” are given below

4-The parameters of the “Multiwinding transformer (B)” are given below

5-Also add “THREE PHASE V-I MEASUREMENT” and “SCOPE” in the main
block. The number of inputs of “SCOPE” is 3.

6-Search “Demux” and add it to the main block. The number of outputs are 3.

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7-At the end, click on “Scope” you will get the final figure as given below


Figure 4 (3phase,4 wire Y grounded Primary)

Learning outcomes
After performing this lab we are able to understand the following:

1- To understand the various connections of distribution transformers.

2-To understand the line to line and phase to phase voltage distribution.

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DC Distribution System
To understand and calculate the current and voltages of the branch and load ends
respectively of DC Distribution System.

There are three configurations of DC Distribution System:-
1-DC Distributor Fed at One End.
2-DC Distributor Fed at Both Ends.
3-DC Ring Distributor.
DC Distributor Fed At One End
In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to the supply at one end and
loads are taken at different point along the length of the distributor. Fig. shows the
single line diagram of a DC distributor A B fed at the end A (also known as singly
fed distributor) and loads I1 , I2 and I3 tapped off at points C, D and E

The following points are worth noting in a singly fed distributor:

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(a) The current in the various sections of the distributor away from feeding point
goes on decreasing. Thus current in section AC is more than the current in section
CD and current in section CD is more than the current in section DE.

(b) The voltage across the loads away from the feeding point goes on decreasing.
Thus in Fig. the minimum voltage occurs at the load point E.

(c) In case a fault occurs on any section of the distributor, the whole distributor
will have to be disconnected from the supply mains. Therefore, continuity of
supply is interrupted.

DC Distributor Fed At Both Ends

In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to the supply mains at both ends
and loads are tapped off at different points along the length of the distributor. The
voltage at the feeding points may or may not be equal. Fig. shows a distributor A B
fed at the ends A and B and loads of I1 , I2 and I3tapped off at points C, D and E

Here, the load voltage goes on decreasing as we move away from one feeding
point say A , reaches minimum value and then again starts rising and reaches
maximum value when we reach the other feeding point B. The minimum voltage
occurs at some load point and is never fixed. It is shifted with the variation of load
on different sections of the distributor.


(a) If a fault occurs on any feeding point of the distributor, the continuity of supply
is maintained from the other feeding point.

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(b) In case of fault on any section of the distributor, the continuity of supply is
maintained from the other feeding point.

(c) The area of X-section required for a doubly fed distributor is much less than
that of a singly fed distributor.

Ring Distributors
In this type, the distributor is in the form of a closed ring as shown in Fig.It is
equivalent to a straight distributor fed at both ends with equal voltages, the two
ends being brought together to form a closed ring. The distributor ring may be fed
at one or more than one point.

1- DC Distributor Fed At one end

1. Design the Following circuit in Simulink Model

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Simulink model for DC Distributor Fed At one end

2. You'll to to measure the power. For this you'll need to multiply the I 2 by R.
You take the square by calling the square function which is shown below

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3. Adjust its parameters as shown below

4. Now take the constant from simulink library

5. Now multiply them using the product function as shown below

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6. Now sum the readings using the sum block in simulink library

7. Now adjust its parameters by adding "+" signs the number of times you want
to use it.

8. Now display the readings using the display block in simulink library
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9. Now Run the simulation and you'll get the readings in the display block

Simulation of DC Distributor Fed At one end

2-DC Distributor Fed At Both Ends

1. Design the Following circuit in Simulink Model

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Simulink model for DC Distributor Fed At Both Ends

2. You'll to to measure the power. For this you'll need to multiply the I 2 by R.
You take the square by calling the square function which is shown below

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3. Adjust its parameters as shown below

4. Now take the constant from simulink library

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5. Now multiply them using the product function as shown below

6. Now sum the readings using the sum block in simulink library

7. Now adjust its parameters by adding "+" signs the number of times you want
to use it.

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8. Now display the readings using the display block in simulink library

9. Now Run the simulation and you'll get the readings in the display block

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Simulation of DC Distributor Fed At Both Ends

3-DC Distributor Fed At one end

1. Design the Following circuit in Simulink Model

Simulink model for DC Distributor Fed At one end

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2. You'll to to measure the power. For this you'll need to multiply the I 2 by R.
You take the square by calling the square function which is shown below:-

3. Adjust its parameters as shown below:-

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4. Now take the constant from simulink library:-

5. Now multiply them using the product function as shown below:-

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6. Now sum the readings using the sum block in simulink library:-

7. Now adjust its parameters by adding "+" signs the number of times you want
to use it.

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8. Now display the readings using the display block in simulink library:-

9. Now Run the simulation and you'll get the readings in the display block:-

Simulation of DC Distributor Fed At one end

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Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab, students will be able to

1-Familiar with load parameter of 3 Dc buck-boost transformer.

2-To distinguish between Buck and Boost Transformers.

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AC Distribution System
To understand and calculate the current and voltages of the branch and load ends
respectively of AC Distribution System.

There are three configurations of AC Distribution System:-
1-AC Distributor Fed at One End.
2-AC Distributor Fed at Both Ends.
3-AC Ring Distributor.
AC Distributor Fed At One End
In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to the supply at one end and
loads are taken at different point along the length of the distributor. Fig. shows the
single line diagram of a AC distributor A B fed at the end A (also known as singly
fed distributor) and loads I1 , I2 and I3 tapped off at points C, D and E

The following points are worth noting in a singly fed distributor:

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(a) The current in the various sections of the distributor away from feeding point
goes on decreasing. Thus current in section AC is more than the current in section
CD and current in section CD is more than the current in section DE.

(b) The voltage across the loads away from the feeding point goes on decreasing.
Thus in Fig. the minimum voltage occurs at the load point E.

(c) In case a fault occurs on any section of the distributor, the whole distributor
will have to be disconnected from the supply mains. Therefore, continuity of
supply is interrupted.

AC Distributor Fed At Both Ends

In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to the supply mains at both ends
and loads are tapped off at different points along the length of the distributor. The
voltage at the feeding points may or may not be equal. Fig. shows a distributor A B
fed at the ends A and B and loads of I1 , I2 and I3tapped off at points C, D and E

Here, the load voltage goes on decreasing as we move away from one feeding
point say A , reaches minimum value and then again starts rising and reaches
maximum value when we reach the other feeding point B. The minimum voltage
occurs at some load point and is never fixed. It is shifted with the variation of load
on different sections of the distributor.

(a) If a fault occurs on any feeding point of the distributor, the continuity of supply
is maintained from the other feeding point.

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(b) In case of fault on any section of the distributor, the continuity of supply is
maintained from the other feeding point.

(c) The area of X-section required for a doubly fed distributor is much less than
that of a singly fed distributor.

Ring Distributors
In this type, the distributor is in the form of a closed ring as shown in Fig.It is
equivalent to a straight distributor fed at both ends with equal voltages, the two
ends being brought together to form a closed ring. The distributor ring may be fed
at one or more than one point.

1-AC Distribution Fed at one End

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Simulation of AC Distribution Fed at one End

2-AC Distributor Ring Main

Simulation of AC Distributor Ring Main

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

Learning Outcomes
After performing this lab we are able to:

1-Familiar that how to determine AC distribution parameters e.g. resistance.

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Lab -11
1-Design of ac distribution connections with Simulink.

2-Analysis of the ac distribution connections using MATLAB.

3-To measure and observe voltage and RMS value of the ac distribution connected
in different configurations.

A.C. distribution calculations differ from those of D.C distribution in the following

1-In case of D.C system, the voltage drop is due to resistance alone. However, in
A.C system, the voltage drops are due to the combined effects of resistance,
inductance and capacitance.

2-In a D.C system, additions and subtractions of currents or voltages are done
arithmetically but in case of a.c. system, these operations are done vectorically.

3-In an a.c. system, power factor (p.f.) has to be taken into account. Loads tapped
off form the distributor are generally at different power factors. There are two
ways of referring power factor:

a- It may be referred to supply or receiving end voltage which is regarded as the

reference vector.

b- It may be referred to the voltage at the load point itself.

There are several ways of solving a.c. distribution problems. However, symbolic
notation method has been found to be most convenient for this purpose. In this
method, voltages, currents and impedances are expressed in complex notation and
the calculations are made exactly as in d.c. distribution.

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How To Solve
(i) Power factors referred to receiving end voltage.
Consider an a.c. distributor AB with concentrated loads of I1 and I2 tapped off
at points C and B as shown in Fig. 14.1. Taking the receiving end voltage VB
as the reference vector, let lagging power factors at C and B be cos φ1 and cos
φ2 w.r.t. VB. Let R1, X1 and R2, X2 be the resistance and reactance of
sections AC and CB of the distributor.

ii) Power factors referred to respective load voltages.

Suppose the power factors of loads in the previous Fig. 14.1 are referred to
their respective load voltages. Then φ1 is the phase angle between VC and I1
and φ2 is the phase angle between VB and I2.

Make the Ac distribution circuit fed at one end on MATLAB Simulink and
measure RMS value and voltages at the output.

Do the following given task on MATLAB.

a-Make the following circuit of ac distribution system on MATLAB.

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Simulation of Ac distribution circuit fed at one end

1-First of all we attach the “AC VOLTAGE SOURCE” from the “powerlib”, place
it into our model.

Then we change the value of the source.

2-For the line and the load resistance and inductance, we select “Series RLC
Branch” from the “powerlib” and place it into our model.

3-Then give the values of the Branches resistance and inductor .

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4-We then attach the suitable VOLTAGE and CURRENT Measurements in order
the calculate the RMS voltages and RMS currents at each load.

5-Then we attach display for show the value of rms voltage and rms current.

6-After connecting the appropriate VOLTAGE and CURRENT Measurements, our

final circuit is as follows:

Simulation of Ac distribution circuit fed at one end

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Figure 1

Figure 2

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Figure 3

Figure 4

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Figure 5

Figure 6

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Figure 7

Figure 8
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Make the Ac distribution circuit fed at both end on MATLAB Simulink and
measure rms value and voltages at the output.

Make the Ac distribution circuit of ring distributor on MATLAB Simulink and
measure rms value and voltages at the output.

Learning outcomes
After performing this lab we are able:

1-To make ac distribution circuits by using Simulink on MATLAB.

2- To get measurements of rms voltage and rms current circuits by using

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Power Factor Improvement
1-To know about the power factor.

2-To improve the power factor using static method.

3-To draw three phase system (3 phase series RLC load) using MATLAB.

4- To calculate the power factor before and after attached the 03 phase Load.

We know that most of the industries and power system loads are inductive that
take lagging current which decrease the system power factor. For Power factor
improvement purpose, Static capacitors are connected in parallel with those
devices which work on low power factor.

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These static capacitors provide leading current which neutralize (totally or

approximately) the lagging inductive component of load current (i.e. leading
component neutralize or eliminate the lagging component of load current) thus
power factor of the load circuit is improved.

1-Click on “New Script” to open new model for Simulink.

2-Now open the Simulink library and draw the following given diagram on

Simulation for P.F improvement without Capacitors

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3-Select the following parameters.

a-Now change the block parameters of AC Voltage Source by double clicking on

the AC Voltage Source. We use those parameters which are given in the circuit.

b- Now change the block parameters of 3-phase series RLC Branch by double
clicking on it. We use those parameters which are given in the circuit.

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c- Now change the block parameters of 3-phase series RLC Load by double
clicking on it. We use those parameters which are given in the circuit.

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4-Now we want to improve the power factor by adding the capacitors with each
phase .Now connect the capacitors (C1, C2, C3) as shown below.

Simulation for P.F improvement with Capacitors

5- Now change the block parameters of “capacitors” by double clicking on it. We

use those parameters which are given in the circuit. Calculate the capacitance and
set the capacitance parameters.

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Learning outcomes:
1-Power factor improvement importance.

2-Static capacitor method to improve power factor.

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Project Demo & Evaluation

To see firsthand apparatus that we will be studying in this course and learn
about their role in operation and protection of power systems.

Project Task

Design The Substation on Matlab.


The paper presents a concept of design distribution substations.The

distribution substation acts as a service provider for distributed resource units in a
micro grid and can be used for bidirectional energy exchange between consumers .
Protection and control functions of the low voltage part of the distribution
substation must be tested prior to exploitation. The testing method for substations
includes both computer simulations .Simulation results can be used to define and
optimize parameters for protection. Functions of an experimental micro grid
application were simulated with MATLAB.

Introduction of Components

The following components used in forming Substation on Matlab using Simulink

Library and Powerlib.

a-Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect

an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current, typically resulting from
an overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after a
fault is detected.

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b-Three phase Source:

In electrical engineering, three-phase electric power systems have at

least three conductors carrying alternating current voltages that are offset in time.
Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternating current electric
power generation, transmission, and distribution. It is a is the most common
method used by electrical grids worldwide to transfer power. It is also used to
power large motors and other heavy loads.

c-Power Gui

Power Gui specifies the behavior of only the SimPowerSystems blocks in your
system. It's equivalent to specifying, for instance, the sample time of an individual
Simulink block, even though your global Simulink solver (from Model
Configuration Parameters) has its own behavior.

d-Current Transformer(CT)

A current transformer (CT) is a type of transformer that is used to measure AC

current. It produces an alternating current (AC) in its secondary which is
proportional to the AC current in its primary. Current transformers, along with
voltage or potential transformers, are Instrument transformer.

e-Potential Transformer(PT)

Voltage transformers (VT), also called potential transformers (PT), are a parallel
connected type of instrument transformer. They are designed to present negligible
load to the supply being measured and have an accurate voltage ratio and phase
relationship to enable accurate secondary connected metering.

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It shows the values of all components, it tell us the value of current, voltage. If the
input to a Display block has an enumerated data .The block displays enumerated
values, not the values of underlying integers.
g-Bus Bar
Wires connected through bus bar, but Multiple physical signal lines can be
connected together directly like they would in the physical world, without the use
of a Bus Bar.

Ideal Switch

 Internal resistance
The internal resistance of the switch device, in ohms (Ω). Default is 0.001.
The Internal resistance parameter cannot be set to 0.
 Initial state
The initial state of the Ideal Switch block. Default is 0. The initial status of
the Ideal Switch block is taken into account in the steady-state calculation.
 Snubber resistance(RS)
The snubber resistance, in ohms (Ω). Default is 1e5. Set the Snubber
resistance Rs parameter to inf to eliminate the snubber from the model.
 Snubber capacitance (Cs)
The snubber capacitance in farads (F). Default is inf. Set the Snubber
capacitance Cs parameter to 0 to eliminate the snubber, or to inf to get a
resistive snubber.
 Show measurement port
If selected, add a Simulink output to the block returning the ideal switch
current and voltage. Default is selected.
 Constant
To create a library for constant values that you can access by name, first create
a package folder, then define the various classes to organize the constants.For
example, to implement a set of constants that are useful for making astronomical
calculations, define a Astro Constants class in a package called constants.

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Design of Substation(Matlab Simulation)

Subsystem A inside


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System B inside

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Subsystem 12(Load Connected)

Three Phase Circuit Breaker

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Three Phase Source


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VI –Measurement

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It gives values of voltages on display. The display indicate the voltages for
Commercial load and for the Residential Load by taking supply of 11kv.

Figure 1


Figure 2


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Precautions & Common Errors

If Power GUI does not show, then result can’t be shown.

If all wires or any port does not attach properly with the component than the result
not be correct or may be not shown

Learning outcomes
After performing this project we will be able

1-To understand the line to line and phase to phase voltage distribution.

2-To make three phase transformer circuits by using Simulink on MATLAB.

3-To get measurements of three phase transformer circuits by using MATLAB.

4-To connect transformer in different configurations.

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