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Thermal Engineering (ch 1 - 14)

(Classroom Practice Questions)

Which of these statements is/are correct?
1. Basic Concepts (a) 1 alone (b) 1 and 3

01. Given: P = pressure, (c) 2 alone (d) 3 alone.

T = temperature,
04. For NH3 – H2O mixture system existing in
v = specific volume
two phases in equilibrium, the number of
Which one of the followings can be
independent properties required to fix the
considered as property of system?
state of the system are

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) # P dv (b) # vdP
# dT + Pdv # dT − dP 05. Pressure reaches a value of absolute zero
(c) T v (d) T v T
(a) at a temperature of –273 K
02. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct (b) under vacuum condition
answer using the codes given below the lists. (c) at the earth’s centre
List-I List –II (d) when molecular momentum of system
(Parameter) (Property) becomes zero
A. Volume 1. Path function 06. Two blocks which are at different states are
B. Density 2. Intensive property brought into contact with each other and
C. Pressure 3. Extensive property allowed to reach a final state of thermal
D. Work 4. Point function equilibrium. The final temperature attained is
specified by the
(a) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 (a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 (b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 (c) Second law of thermodynamics
(d) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 (d) Third law of thermodynamics

07. An ideal gas mixture whose apparent molar

03. Consider the following statements: mass is 36 kg/kmol consists of N2 and three
A real gas obeys perfect gas law at very other gases. If the mole fraction of nitrogen is
1. High temperatures 0.30, its mass fraction is
2. High pressures (a) 0.15 (b) 0.23
3. Low pressures (c) 0.30 (d) 0.39
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2 Thermal Engineering

08. An ideal–gas mixture consists of 2 kmol of N2 13. An ideal-gas mixture consists of 30 percent
and 6 kmol of CO2. The mass fraction of CO2 Helium and 70 percent Argon gases by mass.
in the mixture is The mixture is now expanded reversible
(a) 0.175 (b) 0.250 adiabatically in a turbine from 400°C and
(c) 0.500 (d) 0.825 1.2 MPa to a pressure of 200 kPa. The mixture
temperature at turbine exit is
09. An ideal – gas mixture consists of 2kmol of N2 (a) 195oC (b) 56oC
and 4kmol of CO2. The apparent gas constant (c) 112oC (d) 130oC
of the mixture is
(a) 0.215kJ/kg.K 14. A piston-cylinder device contains an ideal-
(b) 0.225 kJ/kg.K gas mixture of 3 kmol of He gas and 7 kmol
(c) 0.243 kJ/kg.K of Ar gas at 50°C and 400 kPa. Now the gas
(d) 0.875 kJ/kg.K expands at constant pressure until its volume
double. The amount of heat transfer to the
10. A rigid tank is divided into two compartments gas mixture is
by a partition. One compartment contains (a) 6.2 MJ
3 kmol of N2 at 600 kPa and the other (b) 4.2 MJ
compartment contains 7 kmol of CO2 at 200 (c) 27 MJ
kPa. Now the partition is removed, and the (d) 67 MJ
two gases form a homogenous mixture at 300
kPa. The partial pressure of N2 in the mixture is 15. A spherical balloon rises up and the radius
(a) 75 kPa (b) 90 kPa becomes thrice that on the ground. What
(c) 150 kPa (d) 175 kPa is the pressure at that altitude? Assume the
11. An 80 L rigid tank contains an ideal-gas temperature to be constant and pressure on
mixture of 5g of N2 and 5g of CO2 at a ground level is 72cm of Hg.
Specified pressure and temperature. If N2
were separated from the mixture and stored 16. The volume vs. temperature ‘T’ graphs for
at mixture temperature and pressure, its a certain amount of a perfect gas at two
volume would be pressures ‘P1’ and ‘P2’ are shown in the fig.
(a) 32 L (b) 36 L Which is greater, ‘P1’ or ‘P2’?
(c) 40 L (d) 49 L
V P2
12. An ideal-gas mixture consists of 3 kg of Ar and
6 kg of CO2 gases. The mixture is now heated
at constant volume from 250 K to 350K. The
amount of heat transfer is T
(a) 374 kJ (b) 436 kJ
(c) 488 kJ (d) 525 kJ

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3 Objective Practice Questions

17. In a new temperature scale say o

ρ, the same?
boiling and freezing points of water at one
atmosphere are 100oρ and 300oρ respectively. 21. Consider an ideal gas contained in vessel. If
Correlate this scale with the Centigrade intermolecular interaction suddenly begins to
scale. The reading of 0oρ on the centigrade act, which of the following happens?
scale is (a) The pressure increase
(a) 0oC (b) 50oC (b) The pressure remains unchanged
(c) 100oC (d) 150oC (c) The pressure decrease
(d) The gas collapses
18. The readings ‘tA’ and ‘tB’ of two thermometers
‘A’ and ‘B’ on the Celsius scale agree at 22. Statement (I): During the temperature
the ice point and the steam point, and are measurement of hot gas in a duct that
assumed to be related by the correlation has relatively cool walls, the temperature
tA = a + btB + c t 2
B indicated by the thermometer will be lower
where a, b and c are constants. When the than the true hot gas temperature
two are immersed in a well-stirred oil bath, Statement (II): The sensing tip of thermometer
‘A’ reads 51oC and ‘B’ reads 50oC. Determine receives energy from the hot gas and loses
the reading on A when B reads 26oC. Which heat to the duct walls.
thermometer is correct.
23. The barometric pressure at the base of a
19. The temperature ‘t’ on a thermometric scale mountain is 750 mm Hg and at the top 600
is defined in terms of a property ‘K’ by the mm Hg. If the average air density is 1 kg/m3,
relation t = a ln K + b where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the height of the mountain is approximately
constants. The values of ‘K’ are found to (g =10 m/s2)
be 1.83 and 6.78 at the ice point and the (a) 2000 m
steam point, the temperature of which are (b) 3000 m
assigned the numbers 0 and 100 respectively. (c) 4000 m
Determine the temperature corresponding (d) 5000 m
to a reading of ‘K’ equal to 2.42 on the
thermometer. 24. The correct sequence of the decreasing order
of the value of characteristic gas constants of
20. A new scale N of temperature is divided in the given gases is (ESE – 95)
such a way that the freezing point of ice is (a) hydrogen, nitrogen, air, carbon dioxide
100°N and the boiling point is 400°N. What is (b) carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, air
the temperature reading on this new scale (c) air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
when the temperature is 150°C? At what (d) nitrogen, air, hydrogen, carbon dioxide.
temperature a both the Celsius and the new
temperature scale reading would be the

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
4 Thermal Engineering

25. Consider the following conditions for the

reversibility of a cycle:
1. The P and T of the working substance must
not differ appreciably, from those of the W
surroundings at any state in the process. Q

2. All the processes, taking place in the

cycle, must be extremely slow. Condenser
3. The working parts of the engine must be Pump

friction free.
Which of the above conditions are correct? Win

(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (a) boiler and condenser are open system
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only and turbine, pump and overall plant are
closed systems
26. Experimental data obtained from a constant (b) turbine and pump are open systems and
volume gas thermometer is shown is the figure boiler, condenser and overall plant are
below. The value of l in °C is closed system
P (c) boiler, turbine, condenser and pump
are open systems and overall plant is a
closed system
(d) overall plant is an open system and
boiler, turbine, condenser and pump are
closed systems

KEY for Practice Questions
(a) 373.15 (b) 1.0
(c) –100 (d) –273.15 01. (d) 02. (a) 03. (b) 04. (b) 05. (d)
06. (b) 07. (b) 08. (d) 09. (a) 10. (b)
27. In the figure showing a schematic of a thermal 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (d)
power plant, the closed system (S) and open 15. (2.67 cm of Hg) 16. (P1 > P2) 17. (d)
system (S) are correctly identified as
18. (26.77°C) 19. (21.6°C)
20. (550°N, -50°C) 21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (a)
24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (c)

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
5 Objective Practice Questions

The thermal efficiency and work ratio for the

2. Work & Heat
cycle will be respectively
01. Two ideal heat engine cycles are represented (a) 33% and 0.66 (b) 66% and 0.36
in the given figure. Assume VQ = QR, PQ = QS (c) 36% and 0.66 (d) 33% and 0.36
and UP = PR = RT. If the work interaction for
the rectangular cycle (WVUR) is 48 Nm, then 04. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
the work interaction for the other cycle PST is answer :
List - I
W V A. Work done in a polytropic process.

B. Work done in steady flow process.
C. Heat transfer in a reversible adiabatic
Q process
D. Work done in an isentropic process

U P R T List - II
Volume 1. –∫vdP
(a) 12 Nm (b) 18 Nm 2. Zero
(c) 24 Nm (d) 36 Nm 3. (P1V1 – P2V2) / (γ-1)
4. (P1V1 – P2V2) / (n-1)
02. A system at a given state undergoes change
through the following expansion processes to (a) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
reach the same final volume: (b) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
1. Isothermal (c) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
2. Isobaric (d) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
3. Adiabatic (γ=1.4)
05. A gas expands from pressure P1 to pressure
4. Polytropic (n=1.3)
P2 (P2 = P1/10). If the process of expansion
The correct ascending order of the work
is isothermal, the volume at the end of
output in these four processes is
expansion is 0.55 m3. If the process of
(a) 1,2,4,3 (b) 1,4,3,2
expansion is adiabatic, the volume at the
(c) 4,1,3,2 (d) 3,4,1,2
end of expansion will be closer to
03. The values of heat transfer and work transfer
(a) 0.45 m3 (b) 0.55 m3
for the four processes of a thermodynamic
(c) 0.65 m3 (d) 0.28 m3
cycle are given below:

06. Match List-I (Process) with List-II (Index n in PVn

Process 1 2 3 4
= constant) and select the correct answer
Heat transfer (kJ) 300 0 –100 0
Work Transfer (kJ) 300 250 –100 –250 using the codes given below the lists:

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
6 Thermal Engineering

List-I refrigerator runs only one quarter of the time

A. Adiabatic and the unit cost of electricity is Rs. 0.09/kWh,
B. Isothermal the electricity cost of this refrigerator per
C. Constant pressure month (30 days) is
D. Constant volume (a) Rs. 3.56 (b) Rs. 5.18
List-II (c) Rs. 8.54 (d) Rs. 9.28
1. n = infinity
2. n = Cp / Cv 12. A rigid tank contains 6 kg of an ideal gas at 3
3. n =1 atm and 40°C. Now a valve is opened, and
4. n = Cp / Cv – 1 half of mass of the gas is allowed to escape.
5. n = zero If the final pressure in the tank is 2.2 atm, the
(a) A-2, B-3, C-5, D-4 final temperature in the tank is
(b) A-2, B-3, C-5, D-1 (a) 186oC (b) 59oC
(c) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-5 (c) – 43oC (d) 20oC
(d) A-2, B-5, C-3, D-1
13. The net work done for the closed system
07. The number of degrees of freedom for a shown in the given pressure-volume diagram
diatomic molecule is is
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
08. The slope of log P- log V graph for a gas for 6
isothermal change is m1 and for adiabatic A
4 C
changes is m2. If the gas is diatomic gas, then
(a) m1 < m2 (b) m1 > m2 1 D
(c) m1 + m2 = 1.0 (d) m1 = m2
2 6 V (m3)

09. The ratio Cp/Cv for a gas with n degrees of

freedom is equal to : (a) 600 kN-m (b) 700 kN-m
(a) n+1 (b) n-1 (c) 900 kN-m (d) 1000 kN-m
(c) (2/n) – 1 (d) 1 + (2/n)
Linked Data question Q.14 & Q.15
10. Assertion (A): Ratio of specific heats Cp/Cv A football was inflated to gauge pressure of
decreases with increases in temperature. 1 bar when the ambient temperature was
Reason (R) : With increases in temperature, Cp 15°C. When the game started next day,
decreases at a higher a rate than Cv. the air temperature at the stadium was
5°C. Assume that the volume of the football
11. Consider a refrigerator that consumes 320 remains constant at 2500 cm3.
W of electric power when it is running. If the

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
7 Objective Practice Questions

14. The amount of heat lost by the air in the working fluid can be represented as a circle
football and the gauge pressure of air in the of 10 cm diameter on Pv diagram on which
football the stadium respectively are 1 cm = 300 kPa, 1 cm = 0.1 m3/kg.
(a) 30.6 J, 1.94 bar (b) 21.8 J, 0.93 bar Find the net work during cycle in kJ/kg.
(c) 61.1 J, 1.94 bar (d) 43.7 J, 0.93 bar
20. An engine cylinder has a piston of area 0.12
15. Gauge pressure of air to which the ball must m2 and contains gas at a pressure of 1.5 MPa.
have been originally inflated so that it would The gas expands according to a process
be equal to 1 bar gauge at the stadium is which is represented by a straight line on a
(a) 2.23 bar (b) 1.94 bar pressure-volume diagram. The final pressure
(c) 1.07 bar (d) 1.00 bar is 0.15 MPa. Calculate the work done by the
gas on the piston if the stroke is 0.30 m.
16. A 0.8 m3 rigid tank contains nitrogen gas at
500 kPa and 300 K. Now the gas is compressed 21. A system of volume ‘V’ contains a mass ‘m’ of
isothermally to a volume of 0.1 m3. The work gas at pressure ‘P’ and temperature ‘T’. The
done on the gas during this compression macroscopic properties of the system obeys
process is the following relationship.
(a) 831 kJ (b) 0 kJ (c) 420 kJ (d) 2440
;cP + m^V − bhE = mRT ,

where a, b and R are constants. Obtain an

17. A mass of 1.5 kg of air is compressed in a
expression for the displacement work done
quasi-static process from 0.1 MPa to 0.7 MPa
by the system during a constant-temperature
for which PV = constant. The initial density of
expansion from volume ‘V1’ to volume ‘V2’.
air is 1.16 kg/m3. Find the work done by the
Calculate the work done by a system which
piston to compress the air.
contains 10 kg of this gas expanding from 1
m3 to 10 m3 at a temperature of 293 K. Use
18. An ideal gas (air) is heated at constant
the values a = 157 Nm4, b = 1.07 × 10-2 m3 and
volume until its temperature is 3 times the
R = 0.278 kJ/kg-K.
original temperature, then it is expanded
isothermally till it reaches its original pressure.
22. A spherical balloon of 1 m diameter contains
The gas is then cooled at constant pressure till
a gas at 100 kPa. The gas inside the balloon
it is restored to the original state. Determine
is heated until the pressure reaches 350 kPa.
the net work done per kg of gas if the initial
During the process of heating the pressure of
temperature is 350 K.
gas is proportional to square of the diameter
of the balloon. Find the work done by the gas
19. An imaginary engine receives heat and
inside the balloon.
perform work on slowly moving piston in such
a way that cycle of operation of 1 kg of

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
8 Thermal Engineering

23. The gas space above water in a closed continuously agitated by means of a stirrer
storage tank contains ‘N2’ at 25°C and 100 passing through the cylinder cover. The
kPa. Total tank volume is 4m and there is 3
cylinder diameter is 0.40 m. During the stirring
500 kg water at 25°C. An additional 500 kg process lasting 10 minutes, the piston slowly
is now forced into tank. Assuming constant moves out a distance of 0.485 m against the
temperature throughout find the final pressure atmosphere. The net work done by the fluid
of ‘N2’ and work done on ‘N2’ in the process ? during the process is 2 kJ. The speed of the
electric motor driving the stirrer is 840 rpm.
24. A piston-cylinder device contains a 0.05 m of 3
Determine the torque in the shaft and the
a gas initially at 200 kPa. At this state a linear power output of the motor.
spring which have spring constant of 150
kN/m is just touching the piston but exerting 27. An electric heater is put inside an insulated
no force on it. Now heat is transfer to the gas chamber containing a gas. Considering the
causing the piston to raise and compress the system boundaries A and B as shown in figure,
spring until the volume inside the cylinder we have
double. If the cross-section area of the piston
is 0.25 m2. Find (i) final pressure inside the
cylinder, (ii) workdone by the gas.
25. A cylinder is fitted with a piston as shown
contains 0.01 m3 of gas at a pressure of 0.1
MPa. The C.S.A. of piston is 0.05 m2. Initially chamber
the spring does not touch the piston but
atmospheric pressure of 0.1 MPa acts on Electric
the piston. The gas is heated till the volume heater
is three times the original value. If the spring (a) Heat transfer across A and B
constant is 25 kN/m. Calculate work done by (b) Heat transfer across A, work transfer across
gas. B
(c) Work transfer across A, work transfer across
Pa = 0.1 MPa B
(d) Work transfer across A, heat transfer across
0.2m B

0.2m 28. Statement (I): Cp for a gas is always greater

than Cv.
Statement (II): Cp includes work of expansion
26. A fluid, contained in a horizontal cylinder in addition to storage of internal energy.
fitted with a frictionless leak proof piston, is

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
9 Objective Practice Questions

3. First Law of Thermodynamics

KEY for Practice Questions

01. When a system is taken from state A to state
01. (c) 02. (d) 03. (b) 04. (c) 05. (d)
B along the path A-C-B, 180 kJ of heat flows
06. (b) 07. (d) 08. (a) 09. (d) 10. (c)
into the system and it does 130 kJ of work
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15.(c)
16. (a) 17. (251.62 kJ) 18. (130.16 kJ/kg) C B

19. (2356.2 kJ/kg) 20. (29.7 kJ)
21. (1742 kJ) 22. (686.62 kJ) A D
23. (116.67 kPa, 54.42 kJ)
24. (320 kPa, 13 kJ) 25. (2.5 kJ)
How much heat will flow into the system along
26. (0.079 N-m, 6.95 W) 27. (d) 28. (a)
the path A-D-B if the work done by it along
the path is 40 kJ?
(a) 40 kJ (b) 60 kJ
(c) 90 kJ (d) 135 kJ

02. A system is taken through a series of processes

as a result of which it is restored to the initial
state. The work and heat interactions for
some of the processes are measured and
they are as given below

Process W(kJ) Q(kJ) U(kJ)

1-2 100 100 ..
2-3 .. - 150 200
3-4 - 250 .. ..
4-1 300 .. 50
Network and net heat interaction are

03. The Heat transfer Q, The work done W and

the change in internal energy U are all zero in
the case of
(a) A rigid vessel containing steam at 150°C
left in the atmosphere which is at 25°C
(b) 1 kg of gas contained in an insulated
cylinder expanding as the piston moves
slowly outwards.

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
10 Thermal Engineering

(c) A rigid vessel containing ammonia resistance heater are running continuously
gas connected through a valve to an but the air temperature in the room remains
evacuated rigid vessel, the valve and the constant. The rate of heat loss from the room
connecting pipes being well insulated that day is,
and the valve being opened and after (a) 3312 kJ/h (b) 4752 kJ/h
a time, condition through the two vessels (c) 5112 kJ/h (d) 2952 kJ/h
becoming uniform.
(d) 1 kg of air flowing adiabatically from the 07. A rigid insulated tank of 3 m3 volume is divided
atmosphere into a previously evacuated into two compartments one compartment of
bottle. volume 1 m3 contains an ideal gas at 0.1 MPa
and 300 K while the second compartment of
04. A well-sealed room contains 60 kg of air at volume 2m3 contains the same gas at 1 MPa,
200 kPa and 25°C. Now solar energy enters and 1000 K. If the partition between the two is
the room at an average rate of 0.8 kJ/s while ruptured determine,
a 120W fan is turned on to circulate the air in
the room. If heat transfer through the walls is (i) Number of moles in chamber A and
negligible, the air temperature in the room in chamber B are
30 min will be (a) 400 & 2400 moles
(a) 25.6°C (b) 49.8°C (b) 40.093 & 240.558 moles
(c) 53.4°C (d) 54.4°C (c) 0.040 & 0.24 moles
(e) 63.4°C (d) 0.045093 & 0.240558 moles

(ii) The final temperature and pressure are

05. A 2-kW baseboard electric resistance heater
(a) 900 K & 7 MPa
in a vacant room is turned on and kept on for
(b) 723°C & 0.7 MPa
15 min. The mass of air in the room is 75 kg,
(c) 900 K & 0.7 MPa
and the room is tightly sealed so that no air
(d) 627°C & 7 MPa
can leak in or out. The temperature rise of air
at the end of 15 min is
08. A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle
(a) 8.5°C (b) 12.4°C
consisting of the following processes:
(c) 24.0°C (d) 33.4°C
i) Process 1-2: Constant pressure
P = 1.4 bar,
06. A room contains 60 kg of air at 100 kPa and
V1 = 0.028m3,
15°C. The room has a 250-W refrigerator (the
W12 = 10.5 kJ.
refrigerator consumes 250 W of electricity
ii) Process 2-3: Compression with
when running), a 120 W TV, a 1 kW electric
PV = constant U3 = U2.
resistance heater, and a 50 W fan. During
iii) Process 3-1: Constant volume,
a cold winter day, it is observed that the
U1 – U3 = –26.4 kJ.
refrigerator, the TV, the fan, and the electric

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
11 Objective Practice Questions

There are no significant changes in KE and PE. required to move it. Heat is now transferred to
(i) Heat transfer and change in internal energy the air until volume doubles. Determine total
for the process1- 2 are work done and the total heat transferred
(a) 36.9 kJ & 26.4 kJ to the air during the process. Also show the
(b) –15.9 kJ & – 26.4 kJ process on a P-V diagram.
(c) 36.9 kJ & - 26.4 kJ
(d) –15.9 kJ & 26.4 kJ 12. A piston-cylinder device contains an ideal
gas. The gas undergoes two successive
(ii) The heat transfer in process 2-3 is cooling processes by rejecting heat to
(a) 18.78 kJ (b) –18.78 kJ the surroundings. First the gas is cooled at
(c) zero (d) 10.5 kJ 3
constant pressure until T2 = T.
4 1
(iii) Heat transfer in process 3-1 is Then the piston is held stationary while the
(a) 26. 4 kJ (b)–26.4 kJ gas is further cooled to T3 = T , where all
2 1
(c) –18. 78 kJ (d) 18.78 kJ temperatures are in K.
(i) The ratio of the final volume to the initial
09. A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle volume of the gas is
consisting of three processes beginning at an (a) 0.25 (b) 0.50
initial state where P1 = 1 bar, V1 = 1.5 m and 3
(c) 0.67 (d) 0.75 (e) 1.0
U1 = 512 kJ. The processes are as follows:
(a) Process 1-2: Compression with (ii) The work done on the gas by the piston is
PV = constant to P2 = 2 bar, U2 = 690 kJ (a) RT1/4 (b) CvT1/2
(b) Process 2-3: W23 = 0, Q23 = –150 kJ and (c) CpT1/2 (d) (Cv+Cp)T1/4
(c) Process 3-1: W31 = +50 kJ, Neglecting KE (e) Cv(T1 +T2)/2
and PE changes, determine the heat
interactions Q12 and Q31. (iii) The total heat transferred from the gas is
(a) RT1/4 (b) CvT1/2
10. Air in a rigid tank is at 100 kPa, 300 K with a (c) CpT1/2 (d) (Cv +Cp)T1/4
volume of 0.75 m . The tank is heated to 400 K,
(e) Cv(T1+T3)/2
state2. Now one side of the tank acts as piston,
letting the air expand slowly at constant 13. A gas of mass 1.5 kg, undergoes a quasi-static
temperature to state 3 with a volume of 1.5 expansion which follows a relationship P = a +
m . Find the pressure at states 2 and 3. Find
bV, where a and b are constants. The initial
the total work and total heat transfer. and final pressures are 1000 kPa and 200 kPa
respectively and the corresponding volumes
11. A piston-cylinder device, whose piston is are 0.20 m3 and 1.20m3. The specific internal
resting on a set of stops, initially contains 3 energy of the gas is given by the relation.
kg of air at 200 kPa and 27°C. The mass of u = 1.5 Pv – 85 kJ/kg, where P is in kPa and v is
the piston is such that a pressure of 400 kPa is in m3/kg.

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12 Thermal Engineering

(i) The values of a and b are For the fluid system, calculate E2 and E3, if
(a) –1160 kPa & – 800 kPa/m 3
E1 = 0.
(b) –1160 kPa & 800 kPa/ m 3
(a) 29.7 kJ & 110.7 kJ
(c) 1160 kPa & – 800 kPa/m 3
(b) –29.7 kJ & –110.7 kJ
(d) 1160 kPa & 800 kPa/m 3
(c) 29.7 kJ & zero
(d) zero & 110.7 kJ
(ii) The heat transferred is
(a) 640 kJ (b) 600 kJ 16. The heat capacity at constant pressure of a
(c) 660 kJ (d) 620 kJ certain system is a function of temperature
only and may be expressed as
(iii) The maximum Internal energy attained
during the expansion is C P = 2.093 + + J/cC
t 100
(a) 335. 53 kJ (b) 503.3 kJ
(c) –335.3 kJ (d) –503.3 kJ where t is the temp of the system in °C. The
system is heated while it is maintained at a
14. One mole of ideal gas Cv = 20.785 J/mol-K at pressure of 1atm until its volume increases
300 K and 0.1 MPa is contained in an insulated from 2000 cm3 to 2400 cm3 and its temp
rigid cylinder. A paddle wheel is inserted into increases from 0°C to 100°C.
gas space and it was rotated by an electric
motor of 50 W capacity for 2 minutes. Estimate (i) Find the magnitude of heat interaction.
the final temperature and pressure of gas. (a) 238.32 J (b) 219.24 J
(a) 588.67 K; 0.1962 MPa (c) 238.32 kJ (d) 219.22 kJ
(b) 58.88 K & 1.962 MPa (ii) How much does the Internal energy
(c) 578.67 K; 19.62 MPa increase ?
(d) None (a) 197.79 kJ (b) 197.79 J
(c) 179.24 kJ (d) 179.24 J

15. A slow chemical reaction takes place in

a fluid at the constant pressure of 0.1 MPa. 17. A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity

The fluid is surrounded by a perfect heat of a steadily flowing stream. At the inlet to a

insulator during the reaction which begins at certain nozzle, the enthalpy of the fluid passing

state 1 and ends at state 2. The insulation is is 3000 kJ/kg and the velocity is 60 m/s. At the

then removed and105 kJ of heat flows to the discharge end, the enthalpy is 2762 kJ/kg.

surroundings as the fluid goes to state 3. The The nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible

following data are observed for the fluid at heat loss from it. (A1 = 0.1 m2, v1 = 0.187 m3/kg,

states 1, 2, 3. v2 = 0.498 m3/kg)

(i) The velocity at nozzle exit is
State 1 2 3 (a) 692.5 m/s (b) 743 m/s
V(m3) 0.003 0.3 0.06 (c) 653 m/s (d) 689.9 m/s

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13 Objective Practice Questions

(ii) The mass flow rate is state is maintained in the room.

(a) 3.208 kg/sec (b) 32.08 kg/sec (a) – 1.91 kW (b) 1.91 kW
(c) 368.93 kg/sec (d) 370.32 kg/sec (c) 0.59 kW (d) –3.59 kW
(iii) The exit area of nozzle is
(a) 0.023m2 (b) 0.23 m2 21. The steam supply to an engine comprises two
(c) 0.15 m2 (d) 0.13 m2 streams which mix before entering the engine.
One stream is supplied at the rate of 0.01 kg/s
18. A turbine operates under steady flow with an enthalpy of 2952 kJ/kg and a velocity
conditions, receiving steam at the following of 20 m/s. The other stream is supplied at the
state: pressure 1.2 MPa, temperature 188°C, rate of 0.1 kg/s with an enthalpy of 2569 kJ/
enthalpy 2785 kJ/kg, velocity 33.33 m/s and kg and a velocity of 120 m/s. At the exit from
elevation 3m. The steam leaves the turbine at the engine the fluid leaves as two streams,
the following state: Pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy one of water at the rate of 0.001 kg/s with an
2512 kJ/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and elevation enthalpy of 420 kJ/kg and the other of steam,
0m. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate the fluid velocities at exit are negligible. The
of 0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of stream flow through engine developed shaft power of 25 kW. The
the turbine is 0.42 kg/s, what is the power heat transfer is negligible.
output of the turbine in kW? (i) Mass flow rate of second exit stream is
(a) 112.51 kW (b) 112 .22 kW (a) 0.109 kg/sec (b) 0.509 kg /sec
(c) 111.99 kW (d) 112.8 kW (c) 0.101 kg/sec (d) None
(ii) The enthalpy of second exit stream is
19. In a test of a water-jacketed compressor, (a) 2400 kJ/kg (b) 2460 kJ/kg
the shaft work required is 90 kN-m/kg of air (c) 2430 kJ/kg (d) None
compressed. During compression, increase in
enthalpy of air is 30 kJ/kg of air and increase in 22. A heat exchanger is used to heat cold water
enthalpy of circulating cooling water is 40 kJ/ at 15°C entering at a rate of 2 kg/s by hot air
kg of air. The change in velocity is negligible. at 100°C entering at a rate of 3 kg/s. the heat
The amount of heat lost to the atmosphere exchanger is not insulated and is losing heat
from the compressor per kg of air is at a rate of 40 kJ/s. If the exit temperature of
(a) 20 kJ (b) 60 kJ hot air is 20°C, the exit temperature of cold
(c) 80 kJ (d) 120 kJ water is
(a) 44°C (b) 72°C (c) 39°C (d) 72°C
20. A room for the four persons has two fans,
each consuming 0.18 kW power, and three
23. Argon gas expands in an adiabatic turbine
100 W lamps. Ventilation air at the rate of 80
from 3 MPa and 750°C to 0.2 MPa at a rate
kg/h enters with an enthalpy of 84 kJ/kg and
of 5 kg/s. The maximum power output of the
leaves with an enthalpy of 59 kJ/kg. If each
turbine is
person puts out heat at the rate of 630 kJ/h,
(a) 1.06 MW (b) 1.29 MW
determine the rate at which heat is to be
(c) 1.43 MW (d) 1.76 MW
removed by a room cooler, so that a steady
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14 Thermal Engineering

24. An ideal-gas mixture of helium and argon 28. Consider an ideal gas in a frictionless piston
gases with identical mass fractions enters a cylinder assembly. The weightless piston is
turbine at 1200 K and 1 MPa at a rate 0.3 kg/s, initially loaded with a large number of small
and expands isentropically to 100 kPa. The weights. How would you carry out a reversible
power output of the turbine is isothermal expansion process ? Assume that
(a) 478 kW (b) 619 kW a large number of very small weights, and an
(c) 926 kW (d) 729 kW arrangement for reversible heat transfer are
25. Helium at 20 atm and 40°C is contained (a) without adding or removing weights on
in a small steel cylinder having a volume the piston, transfer heat to the system
of 15 cm . The cylinder is placed in a large
(b) without adding or removing weighs on
container having a volume of 1500 cm . The 3
the piston, transfer heat from the system
large cylinder is perfectly evacuated and (c) adding weights on the piston, transfer
insulated. By an appropriate means Helium is heat to the system
discharged to fill the container. Calculate the (d) removing weight from the piston, transfer
final pressure after equilibrium is reached. heat to the system
(a) 0.2 atm (b) 0.202 atm
(c) 0.198 atm (d) none 29. Consider steady flow of air (Cp = 1.005 kJ/
kgK) in an adiabatic passage. Air enters the
26. An insulated storage tank that is initially passage at 100 kPa, 500 K at a velocity of 150
evacuated is connected to a supply pipeline m/s and exits the passage at 510 K. Assume air
carrying a fluid specific internal energy ui and to be an ideal gas and neglect gravitational
specific enthalpy hi. The valve is opened and effects. The passage is a
fluid flows into the tank through the supply (a) diffuser and the velocity at the exit is
line and reaches the pressure same as that of approximately 49 m/s
supply pipeline. (b) diffuser and the velocity at the exit is
(i) Show that final specific internal energy of approximately 79 m/s
fluid in tank is equal to hi. (c) nozzle and the velocity at the exit is
(ii) Find the final temperature of fluid inside approximately 179 m/s
the tank if the fluid flowing is an ideal gas (d) nozzle and the velocity at the exit is
and supply line temperature is Ti. approximately 249 m/s

27. Statement (I): If the internal energy of a closed 30. If δQ is the heat transferred to the system and
system decreases by 25 kJ while the system δω is the work done by the system, then which
receives 30 kJ of energy by heat transfer, the of the following is an exact differential
work done by the system is 55 kJ. (a) δQ (b) δω
Statement (II): The first law energy balance for (c) δQ +δω (d) δQ – δω
a closed system is (notations have their usual
meaning) ∆E = Q – W.

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15 Objective Practice Questions

31. A ballon containing an ideal gas is initially kept 1. Q > 0 2. W = 0

in an evaculated and insulated room. The 3. Q < 0 4. W < 0
balloon ruptures and the gas fills up the entire
room. Which one of the following statements Codes: A B C D
is True at the end of above process ? (a) 3 1 2 4
(a) the internal energy of the gas decreases (b) 3 1 4 2
from its initial value, but the enthalpy (c) 1 3 4 2
remains constant (d) 4 2 1 3
(b) the internal energy of the gas increases
from its initial value, but the enthalpy
remains constant
(c) both internal energy and enthalpy of the KEY for Practice Questions
gas remain constant 01. (c) 02. (-200 kJ) 03. (c) 04. (e)
(d) both internal energy and enthalpy of the 05. (d) 06. (c) 07. (i-b, ii-c)
gas increase 08. (i-a, ii-b, iii-b) 09. (74 kJ, 22 kJ
10. (69.3 kJ, 131.831 kJ)
32. During a process with heat and work
11. (516 kJ, 2454.6 kJ) 12. (i-d, ii-a, iii-d)
interactions, the internal energy of a system
13. (i-c, ii-c, iii-b) 14. (a) 15. (b)
increases by 30 kJ. The amounts of heat and
work interactions are respectively 16. (i-a, ii-b) 17. (i-a, ii-b, iii-a)
(a) –50 kJ and 80 kJ (b) –50 kJ and –80 kJ 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b) 21. (i-a, ii-a)
(c) 50 kJ and 80 kJ (d) 50 kJ and –80 kJ 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (a)
26. T2 = g Ti 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (a)
33. An ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process
30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a)
J → K → L → M, w.r.t this cycle, Match List-I
(process) with List – II (Energy variation) and
select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:



List – I
A. J → K B. K → L
C. L → M D. M → J
List – II

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16 Thermal Engineering

from the power plant is

4. Second Law of Thermodynamics
(a) 200 MW (b) 400 MW
(c) 600 MW (d) 800 MW
01. Which of the following statements
are associated with second law of 04. An inventor claims that heat engine has the
thermodynamics? following specifications:
1. When a system executes a cyclic Power developed = 50 kW; Fuel burned per
process, net work transfer is equal to net hour = 3 kg; Heating value of fuel = 75,000 kJ
heat transfer. per kg; Temperature limits = 627°C and 27°C;
2. It is impossible to construct an engine, Cost of fuel = Rs.30 /kg; Value of power = Rs. 5
that operating in a cycle will produce no / kWh.
other effect than the extraction of heat The performance of his engine is
from a reservoir and performance of an (a) possible (b) not possible
equivalent amount of work. (c) economical (d) uneconomical
3. It is impossible by any procedure,
no matter how idealized, to reduce 05. The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given as
any system to the absolute zero of 0.75. If the cycle direction is reversed, what
temperature in a finite number of will be the value of C.O.P. for the Carnot
operations. refrigerator?
4. It is impossible to construct a device that (a) 0.27 (b) 0.33
operating in a cycle will produce no (c) 1.27 (d) 2.33
effect other than transfer of heat from a
cooler to hotter body. 06. Assertion(A): Heat cannot spontaneously
pass from a colder system to a hotter system
Select the correct answer using the codes
without simultaneously producing other
given below:
effects in the surroundings.
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2 and 4
Reason (R): External work must be put into
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
heat pump so that heat can be transferred
from a cold to a hot body.
02. A heat engine working on Carnot cycle
receives heat at the rate of 40 kW from a 07. Consider the following statements:
source at 1200 K and rejects it to a sink at 300 1. The first Law of thermodynamics is a law
K. The heat rejected is of conservation of energy
(a) 30 kW (b) 20 kW 2. Perpetual motion machine of the first
(c) 10 kW (d) 5 kW kind converts energy into equivalent
03. An electric power generating station 3. A closed system does not exchange
produces 400 MW. If the coal releases 36 X 10 8
work or energy with its surroundings.
kJ/h of energy, the rate of rejection of heat 4. The second law of thermodynamics

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17 Objective Practice Questions

stipulates the law of conservation of 11. A heat pump with a COP of 3.2 is used to heat
energy and entropy. a perfectly sealed house (no leaks). The entire
Which of these statements are correct? mass with in the house (air, furniture, etc.) is
(a) 1 alone (b) 2 and 4 equivalent to 1200 kg of air. When running
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3 the heat pump consumes electric power at
a rate of 5 kW. The temperature of the house
08. The heat absorbed and rejected during a was 7°C when the heat pump was turned on.
polytropic process is equal to If heat transfer through the envelop of the
(a) {(γ-n)/(γ-1)} 1/2
x work done house (walls roof, etc) is negligible, the length
(b) (γ-n)/(n-1) x work done of time the heat pump must run to raise the
(c) (γ-n)/(γ-1) x work done temperature of the entire contents of the
(d) {(γ-n)/(γ-1)} x work done
house to 22°C is,
(a) 13.5 min (b) 43.1 min
09. The data given in the table refers to an engine (c) 138 min (d) 18.8 min (e) 808 min
based on Carnot cycle, where
Q1 = Heat received (kJ/min), 12. A typical new household refrigerator
Q2 = heat rejected (kJ/s), consumes about 680 kWh of electricity per
W = work output (kW) year and has a coefficient of performance
of 1.4. The amount of heat removed by this
S.No Q1 Q2 W refrigerator from the refrigerated space per
1. 1500 16.80 8.20 year is
2. 1600 17.92 8.75 (a) 952 MJ/yr (b) 1749 MJ/yr
3. 1700 19.03 9.30 (c) 2448 MJ/yr (d) 3427 MJ/yr
4. 1800 20.15 9.85 (e) 4048 MJ/yr

If heat received by the engine is 2000 kJ/ 13. A window air conditioner that consumes
minute the work output will be, nearly, 1kW of electricity when running and has a
(a) 9.98 (b) 10.39 coefficient of performance of 4 is placed in
(c) 11.54 (d) 10.95 the middle of a room, and is plugged in. The
rate of cooling or heating this air conditioner
10. The drinking water needs are met by cooling will provide to the air in the room when
tap water in a refrigerated water fountain running is
from 23 to 6°C at an average rate of 10 (a) 4 kJ/s, cooling (b) 1 kJ/s, cooling
kg/h. if the COP of this refrigerator is 3.1, the (c) 0.25 kJ/s, heating (d) 1 kJ/s, heating
required power input to this refrigerator is (e) 4 kJ/s, heating
(a) 197 W (b) 612 W
(c) 64W (d) 109 W 14. In the figure, E is a heat engine with efficiency
(e) 403 W of 0.4 and R is a refrigerator. Given that Q2+Q4
= 3Q1 the COP of the refrigerator is

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18 Thermal Engineering

(a) 2.5 Q1 Q3 engine refrigerator plant is 360 kJ.

(b) 3.0 (a) Evaluate the heat transfer to the
(c) 4.0 E R refrigerant and the net heat transfer to
(d) 5.0 the reservoir at 40°C.
Q2 Q4

(b) Reconsider (a) given that the efficiency

15. Using the engine of 30% thermal efficiency of the heat engine and the COP of
to drive a refrigerator having a COP of 5, the refrigerator are each 40% of their
what is the heat input into the engine for maximum possible values.
each MJ removed from the cold body by the
refrigerator? 19. A household refrigerator is maintained at
a temperature of 2°C. Every time the door
16. We wish to produce refrigeration at -30°C and is opened, warm material is placed inside,
ambient. The work output of engine operating introducing an average of 420 kJ, but making
between 200°C and 30°C ambient is used to only a small change in the temperature of
operate the refrigerator. Determine the ratio the refrigerator. The door is opened 20 times
of heat transferred from 200°C reservoir to the a day, and the refrigerator operates at 15%
heat transferred from the –30°C reservoir? of the ideal COP. The cost of work is 32 paisa
per kWh. What is the monthly bill for this
17. A heat engine operating between two refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 30°C.
reservoirs at 1000 K and 300 K is used to drive
a heat pump which extracts heat from the 20. A heat pump is used in place of a furnace for
reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which heating a house in winter. The heat lost from
the engine rejects heat to it. If the efficiency the house is 60,000 kJ/hr when the outside
of the engine is 40% of the maximum possible air temperature is –10°C and the inside is
and the COP of the heat pump is 50% of the maintained at 21°C. Determine the minimum
maximum possible, what is the temperature of electric power required to operate the heat
the reservoir to which the heat pump rejects pump. Compare it with the power required
heat? What is the rate of heat rejection from to maintain the room at 21°C with an ordinary
the heat pump if the rate of heat supply to electric resistance heater.
the engine is 50 kW?
21. It is proposed to produce 1000 kg of ice per
18. A reversible heat engine operates between hour from liquid water at 0°C in summer when
two reservoirs at temperature of 600°C the ambient atmospheric temperature is
and 40°C. The engine drives a reversible 37°C. It is planned to use a heat engine to
refrigerator which operates between operate the refrigeration plant. Hot water at
reservoirs at temperatures of 40°C and –20°C. 70°C which is produced by solar heating may
The heat transfer to the heat engine is 2000 be used as a source to supply energy as heat
kJ and the network output of the combined to the heat engine and the engine used the

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
19 Objective Practice Questions

ambient atmospheric air as sink. Calculate

(a) The power required by the refrigeration 200 K 300 K 400K
(b) The ratio of the energy extracted as heat Q3 Q2 Q1=5MJ
from the freezing water to the energy
absorbed as heat by the heat engine

(c) The rate at which energy is rejected to

24. A reversible heat engine receives 6 kJ of
the ambient atmosphere, by both the
heat from thermal reservoir at temperature
devices. The enthalpy of fusion of water
800 K, and 8 kJ of heat from another thermal
at 0°C is 333.43 kJ/kg.
reservoir at temperature 600 K. If it rejects heat
to third thermal reservoir at temperature 100
22. A house is to be maintained at a temperature
K, then the thermal efficiency of the engine is
of 20°C by means of a heat pump pumping
approximately equal to
heat from the atmosphere. Heat losses
(a) 65 % (b) 75 %
through the walls of the house are estimated
(c) 80 % (d) 85 %
at 0.65 kW per unit of temperature difference
between the inside of the house and the
25. Which is the more effective way to increase
the efficiency of a Carnot engine: (A) to
(a) If the atmospheric temperature is -10°C, increase T1, keeping T2 constant:(B) decrease
what is the minimum power required to T2, keeping T1 constant ?
drive the pump?

(b) It is proposed to use the same heat 26. Statement (I): Negative temperatures are
pump to cool the house in summer. For impossible on the Kelvin scale.
the same room temperature, the same Statement (II): The Kelvin scale is
heat loss rate, and the same power thermodynamic temperature scale.
input to the pump, what is the maximum (ESE – 14)
permissible atmospheric temperature?s
27. Statement (I): Though heat is added during
23. A reversible engine, as shown in below figure a polytropic expansion process for which g >
during a cycle of operation draws 5 MJ n > 1, the temperature of the gas decreases
from the 400 K reservoir and does 840 kJ of during the process.
work. Find the amount and direction of heat Statement (II): The work done by the system
interaction with other reservoirs. exceeds the heat added to the system.
(ESE– 07)

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20 Thermal Engineering

28. A cyclic device operates between three Codes: A B C

thermal reservoirs, as shown in the figure. (a)
1 2 3
Heat is transferred to/from the cyclic device. (b) 2 3 1
It is assumed that the heat transfer between (c)
3 2 1
each thermal reservoir and the cyclic device (d) 2 1 3
take place across negligible temperature
difference. Interactions between the cyclic 30. The thermal efficiency of a reversible heat
device and the respective thermal reservoirs engine operating between two thermal
that are shown in the figure are all in the form reservoirs is ηmax. The COP of a reversible
of heat transfer. refrigeration cycle operating between the
same two reservoirs is
1 1
1000 K 500 K 300 K (a) η max − 1 (b) η max + 1

1 1
50 kJ
(c) η max (d) 1 − η max
100 kJ

60 kJ
31. According to clausius statement of second
device law of thermodynamics, the COP of a
refrigerator is never
(a) ∞ (b) > 1 (c) 1 (d) < 1
The cyclic device can be
(a) reversible heat engine
(b) a reversible heat pump or a refrigerator KEY for Practice Questions
(c) an irreversible heat engine
01. (b) 02. (c) 03. (c) 04. (b) 05. (b)
(d) an irreversible heat pump or an
06. (a) 07. (a) 08. (c) 09. (d) 10. (c)
irreversible refrigerator
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (d)
29. Match list – I and list – II and select the correct 15. (0.667 MJ) 16.(0.68) 17. (86 kW)
answer using the codes given below the lists: 18. a-(23891 kJ, 5531 kJ) 19. (15.168)
List – I b-(256.3 kJ, 1896.3 kJ)
A. Cycle is reversible 20. (6326.5 kJ/hr) 21. a(12.55 kW), b(0.708),
c(223.37 kW
B. Cycle is irreversible and possible
22. (2 kW, 50oC) 23. Q2 = 820 kJ,
C. Cycle is impossible Q3 = -4980 kkJ
List – II 24. (d) 25. (B) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a)

# dQ 29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (a)

1. T >0
# dQ =
2. T 0

# dQ
3. T <0

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21 Objective Practice Questions

5. Entropy
T 1,1′ 2 2′

01. The specific heat cp is given by

(a) T (∂v / ∂T)p
(b) T (∂T / ∂s)p
(c) T (∂s / ∂T)p S

(d) T (∂T / ∂v)p On Pressure-Volume coordinates, these

cycles are best represented as
02. In which one of the following situations the
entropy change will be negative? 1,1′
(a) P 2
(a) Air expands isothermally from 6 bar to 3 2′
(b) Air is compressed to half the volume at 3,3′
constant pressure
(c) Heat is supplied to air at constant volume V
till the pressure becomes three folds (b)
(d) Air expands isentropically from 6 bar to 3 P 1,1′
03. An ideal gas contained in a rigid tank is
cooled such that T2 < T1 and P2 < P1 In the given 3,3′
temperature entropy diagram, this process V
path is represented by the line labelled.
(a) A (b) B (c) 1,1′
(c) C (d) D P
2 2′
T P1
D 3,3′

S 1,1′

04. Two heat engine cycles (1-2-3-1 and 1’ - 2’ - 2

3’- 1’) are shown on T-s co-ordinates in 2′

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22 Thermal Engineering

05. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct 07. Match the curves in Diagram I with the curves
answer: from the codes given below the lists in Diagram II and select the correct answer.
List – I Diagram I (Process on p-v plane).
A. The entropy of a pure crystalline
substance is zero at absolute zero
B. Spontaneous processes occur in a
certain direction
C. If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium D
with a third body, then they are also in V
thermal equilibrium with each other. Diagram II (Process on T-s plane)
D. The law of conservation of energy.
T 1
List – II
1. First law of thermodynamics 0 4
2. Second law of thermodynamics
3. Third law of thermodynamics
4. Zeroth law of thermodynamics s

(a) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(a) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-5
(b) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
(b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-5
(c) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(d) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
(d) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3

06. Consider the following statements:

08. Consider the following statements:
The definition of
When a perfect gas enclosed in a cylinder
1. temperature is due to Zeroth law of
piston device executes a reversible adiabatic
expansion process,
2. entropy is due to first law of
1. Its entropy will increase
2. Its entropy change will be zero
3. internal energy is due to second law of
3. The entropy change of the surroundings
will be zero.
4. reversibility is due to Kelvin-Planck’s
Of these statements
(a) 1 and 3 are correct
Of these statements
(b) 2 alone is correct
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(d) 1 alone is correct
(c) 1 alone is correct
(d) 2 alone is correct

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23 Objective Practice Questions

09. Which one of the following statements 13. A heat engine receives 1000 kW of heat at
applicable to a perfect gas will also be true a constant temperature of 285°C and rejects
for an irreversible process? (Symbols have the 492 kW of heat at 5°C. Consider the following
usual meanings). thermodynamic cycles in this regard:
(a) δQ = du + p dv (b) δQ = T ds 1. Carnot cycle
(c) T ds = du + p dv (d) None of the above. 2. Reversible cycle
3. Irreversible cycle.
10. Assertion (A): If a graph is plotted for absolute Which of these cycles could possibly be
temperature as a function of entropy, the executed by the engine?
area under the curve would give the amount (a) 1 alone (b) 3 alone
of heat supplied. (c) 1 and 2 (d) None of 1, 2 and 3
Reason (R): Entropy represents the maximum
fraction of work obtainable from heat per 14. An electric motor of 5 kW is subjected to a
degree drop in temperature. braking test for 1 hour. The heat generated
by the frictional forces in the process is
11. Four processes of a thermodynamic cycle transferred to the surroundings at 20°C. The
are shown in fig. 1 on the T-s plane in the resulting entropy change will be
sequences 1-2-3-4. The corresponding correct (a) 22.1 kJ/K (b) 30.2 kJ/K
sequence of these processes in P-v plane as (c) 61.4 kJ/K (d) 82.1 kJ/K
shown in fig. 2 will be
T 3 15. 1600 kJ of energy is transferred from a heat
C reservoir at 800 K to another heat reservoir
4 2 B at 400 K. The amount of entropy generated
1 A during the process would be
(a) 6 kJ/K (b) 4 kJ/K
Fig 1 s v
Fig 2 (c) 2 kJ/K (d) zero

(a) (C-D-A-B) (b) (D-A-B-C) 16. A system of 100 kg mass undergoes a process
(c) (A-B-C-D) (d) (B-C-D-A) in which its specific entropy increases from 0.3
kJ/kg-K to 0.4 kJ/kg-K. At the same time, the
12. A cyclic heat engine receives 600 kJ of heat entropy of the surroundings decreases from
from a 1000 K source and rejects 450 kJ to a 80 kJ/K to 75 kJ/K. The process is:
dQ (a) Reversible and isothermal
300K sink. The quantity # T and efficiency (b) Irreversible
of the engine are respectively. (c) Reversible
(d) Impossible
(a) 2.1 kJ/K and 70 %
(b) – 0.9 kJ/K and 25 %
(c) +0.9 kJ/K and 70 %
(d) –2.1 kJ/K and 25 %

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24 Thermal Engineering

17. Entropy of a saturated liquid at 227°C is by two compressors: one isothermal and
2.6 kJ/kg K. and Its latent heat of vaporization the other adiabatic. If the entropy change
is 1800 kJ/kg; then the entropy of saturated of air is Δsisot during the reversible isothermal
vapour at 227°C would be compression, and Δsadia during the reversible
(a) 2.88 kJ/kg K (b) 6.2 kJ/kg K adiabatic compression, the correct
(c) 7.93 kJ/kg K (d) 10.53 kJ/kg K statement regarding entropy change of air
per unit mass is
18. Steam is condensed at a constant (a) Δsisot = Δsadia = 0 (b) Δsisot = Δsadia > 0
temperature of 30°C as it flows through the (c) Δsadia > 0 (d) Δsisot < 0
condenser of a power plant by rejecting
heat at a rate of 55 MW. The rate of entropy 22. The heat added to a closed system during
change of steam as it flows through the
a reversible process is given by Q = αT + βT2,
condenser is
where α and β are constants. The entropy
(a) – 1.83 MW/K (b) – 0.18 MW/K
change of the system as its temperature
(c) 0.56 MW/K (d) 0 MW/K
changes from T1 to T2 is equal to
(a) α + β(T2 – T1)
19. A unit mass of a substance undergoes an
(b) [α(T2-T1) + (β/2) (T22 – T12)]/T1
irreversible process from state 1 to state 2
(c) [(α/2)(T22-T12)+(β/3)(T23–T13)]/T12
while gaining heat from the surroundings
(d) αln(T2/T1) + 2β(T2 – T1)
at temperature T in the amount of q. If the
entropy of the substance is s1 at state 1,
23. Heat is lost through a plane wall steadily at a
and s2 at state 2, the entropy change of the
rate of 600W. If the inner and outer surface
substance Δs during this process is
(a) Δs < s2 – s1 (b) Δs > s2 – s1 temperatures of the wall are 20oC and 5oC,

(c) Δs = s2 – s1 (d) Δs = s2 – s1 + q/T respectively, the rate of entropy generation

within the wall is
20. A unit mass of an ideal gas at temperature (a) 0.11W/K (b) 4.21 W/K
T undergoes a reversible isothermal process (c) 2.10 W/K (d) 42.1 W/K
from pressure P1 to pressure P2 while losing
heat to the surroundings at temperature T in 24. Liquid water enters an adiabatic piping
the amount of q. If the gas constant of the system at 15oC at a rate of 8kg/s. If the water
gas is R, the entropy change of the gas Δs temperature rises by 0.2oC during flow due to
during this process is friction, the rate of entropy generation in the
(a) Δs = R In(P2/P1) pipe is
(b) Δs = R In(P2/P1) – q/T (a) 23 W/K (b) 55 W/K
(c) Δs = R In(P1/P2) (c) 68 W/K (d) 220 W/K
(d) Δs = 0
25. Water is heated at a constant pressure of
21. Air is compressed from room conditions to 0.7 MPa. The boiling point is 164.97oC. The
a specified pressure in a reversible manner initial temperature of water is 0oC. The latent

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25 Objective Practice Questions

heat of evaporation is 2066.3 kJ/kg. Find the 29. Calculate the entropy change of the universe
increase of entropy of water, if the final state as a result of the following processes:
is steam. (a) A copper block of 600 g mass and with
Cp of 150 J/K at 100oC is placed in lake at
26. In a Carnot cycle, heat is supplied at 350oC 8oC.
and rejected at 27oC. The working fluid is water (b) The same block at 8oC, is dropped from
which, while receiving heat, evaporates a height of 100m into the lake.
from liquid at 350oC to steam at 350oC. The (c) Two such blocks, at 100oC and 0oC, are
associated entropy change is 1.44 kJ/kg K. jointed together.
(a) If the cycle operates on a stationary
mass of 1 kg of water, how much is the 30.
work done per cycle, and how much is (a) One kg of water at 273 K is brought into
the heat supplied? contact with a heat reservoir at 373 K. When
(b) If the cycle operates in steady flow with a the water has reached 373 K, find the entropy
power output of 20 kW, what is the steam change of the water, of the heat reservoir,
flow rate? and of the universe.
(b) If water is heated from 273K to 373 K by first
27. Ten grams of water at 20oC is converted bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 323K
in to ice at –10oC at constant atmospheric and then with a reservoir at 373K, what will
pressure. Assuming the specific heat of liquid the entropy change of the Universe is?
water to remain constant at 4.2 J/gmK and (c) Explain how water might be heated from
that of ice to be half of this value, and taking 273 K to 373 K with almost no change in the
the latent heat of fusion of ice at 0o to be 335J/ entropy of the universe.
gm, calculate the total entropy changes of
the system. 31. The value of Cp for a certain substance can
be represented by Cp = a + bT.
28. A resister of 30 Ω is maintained at a constant (a) Determine the heat absorbed and
temperature of 27oC while a current of 10 the increase in entropy of a mass m of
A is allowed to flow for 1 sec. Determine the substance when its temperature is
the entropy change of the resistor and the increased at a constant pressure from T1
universe. If the resistor initially at 27oC is now to T2.
insulated and the same current is passed (b) Find the increase in the molar
for the same time, determine the entropy specific entropy of copper, when the
change of the resistor and the universe. The temperature is increased at constant
specific heat of the resistor is 0.9 kJ/kg K and pressure from 500 to 1200 K.
the mass of the resistor is 10 gms. Given for copper:
when T = 500 K, Cp = 25.2x103 and
when T =1200 K, Cp = 30.1x103 J/k.mol.K

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26 Thermal Engineering

32. A system maintained at constant volume 3. Once created, entropy cannot be

is initially at temperature T1, and a heat destroyed.
reservoir at the system is cooled to T0 is Of these statements
available. Show that the maximum work re (a) 1 and 2 are correct
coverable as the system is cooled to T0 is (b) 1 and 3 are correct
W = c V ;^T1 − T0h − T0 ,n T1 E
(c) 2 and 3 are correct
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
33. A Carnot cycle operates between the
temperature limits of 300 and 2000 K, and 37. Which one of the following sets of
produces 600kW of net power. The rate of thermodynamic laws/relations is directly
entropy change of the working fluid during involved in determining the final properties
the heat addition process is during an adiabatic mixing process?
(a) 0 (b) 0.300 kW/K (a) The first and second laws of
(c) 0.353 kW/K (d) 0.261 kW/K thermodynamics
(b) The second law of thermodynamics and
34. An ideal gas undergoes a thermodynamic steady flow relations
cycle which when represented on T-S (c) Perfect gas relationship and steady flow
diagram is a circle with maximum and relations
minimum temperatures of 600 K and 300 K. (d) The first law of thermodynamics and
What is its efficiency ? perfect gas relationship
(a) 61.5 % (b) 41.5 %
(c) 51.5 % (d) 31.5 % 38. Process ‘A’ is irreversible and adiabatic.
Process ‘B’ is reversible and adiabatic. The
35. The thermal efficiency (in %) of the entropy change in process ‘A’ and process
hypothetical heat engine cycle shown in the ‘B’, respectively are
given figure is _______. (a) zero and positive (b) zero and
Temperature negative
(K) B C
800 (c) negative and zero (d) positive and

400 39. Which of the following statements is False?

1 5 Entropy (a) a mixture of ideal gas also behaves as an
(kJ/kg-K) ideal gas
(b) the enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function
36. Consider the following statements. of temperature only
In an irreversible process (c) the entropy of an ideal gas is a function
1. Entropy always increases. of temperature only
2. The sum of the entropy of all the bodies (d) the temperature of an ideal gas always
taking part in a process always increases. decreases during isentropic expansion

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27 Objective Practice Questions

40. Irreversibility in a thermodynamic process is

caused by 3
1. heat transfer across a finite temperature 2 3 2
2. frictional effects 4
3. unrestrained expansion 1 4 1
4. mixing of two dissimilar pure substances
s s
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (a) (b)
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
T 2
41. For any process at all, the second law requires 2 3
that the entropy change of system is
(a) +ve or zero (b) zero 1
(c) –ve or zero
1 4
(d) +ve or zero or –ve , but does not say which 4
s s
(c) (d)
42. A reversible engine (modified cannot engine)
is shown in figure receives 100 kJ of heat at
500 K and another 40 kJ at 400 K. Heat is
rejected at 300 K. The work output is
KEY for Practice Questions
01. (c) 02. (b) 03. (a) 04. (b) 05. (c)
500 K
06. (c) 07. (b) 08. (c) 09. (c) 10. (c)
400 K
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (c)
300 K
16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)

s 21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (a)

25. (6.68) 26. a(464.7 kJ, 27. (-16.01 J/K)
(a) 140 kJ (b) 90 kJ (c) 60 kJ (d) 50 kJ Q = 897.12 kJ)
b (154.8 kg/hr)
43. An ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process as 28. No insulation(ds)uni = 10 J/K
shown in P-v diagram below. with insulation (ds)uni = 6.72 J/K
P 29. a(6.626 J/K), b(2.09 J/K), c (3.64 J/K)
2 3
30. (0.183 kJ/K, 0.097 kJ/K) 31. b(23.897 kJ/K)
32. 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. 0.25 36. (d)
1 4 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (d) 41. (d)
42. (d) 43. (b)
The same cycle, represented in T-s diagram is

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28 Thermal Engineering

t a temperature drop of 50°C is introduced

6. Availability
between the heat source and the heat
engine, on the one hand, and the heat
01. Whenever a certain quantity of heat is engine and the heat sink, on the other, (b)
transferred from a system the source temperature drops by 50°C and
(a) Available energy increases the sink temperature rises by 50°C during the
(b) available energy decreases heat transfer process according to the linear
dQ =
(c) unavailable energy increases law ! constant ?
(d) unavailable energy decreases
06. Suppose one kilomole of an ideal gas
02. Irreversibility is zero in case of is available at 1 MPa and at ambient
(a) adiabatic processes temperature 300K. if a gas is allowed to
(b) isothermal processes expand to 0.1 MPa while in contact with
(c) non-flow processes ambient atmosphere and final temperature is
(d) reversible processes same as the ambient temperature . Calculate
maximum work that can be obtained from
03. Neglecting changes in kinetic energy and the gas.
potential energy, for unit mass the availability
in a non-flow process becomes a = φ – φ0, 07. A pressure vessel has a volume of 1 m3 and
where φ is the availability function of the contains air at 1.4 MPa, 175°C. The air is cooled
(a) Open system to 25°C by heat transfer to the surroundings
(b) Closed system at 25°C. Calculate the availability in the initial
(c) Isolated system and final states and the irreversibility of this
(d) Steady flow process process. Take p0 = 100 kPa

04. 500 kJ of heat is removed from a constant

temperature heat reservoir maintained 08. In a particular industry the products leaving
at 835 K. The heat is received by a system the reactor are at 1000°C while ambient is
at constant temperature of 720 K. The at 25°C. It is desired to convert the energy
temperature of the surroundings, the lowest possessed by vapours in to work However, it
available temperature is 280K. Illustrate the is not possible to use the products directly in a
problem by T-s diagram and calculate the heat engine. Therefore, the hot products are
net loss of available energy as a result of this cooled in heat exchanger using air. Air enters
irreversible heat transfer. heat exchanger at 25°C, 0.1 MPa and leaves
at 300°C; 0.1 MPa. If the reactor produces
05. What is the maximum useful work which can 5000 kg products in hour, calculate:
be obtained when 100 kJ are abstracted from (a) Maximum work that can be obtained if
a heat reservoir at 675 K in an environment reactor products could be directly used
at 288 K? What is the loss of useful work if (a) in heat engine.

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29 Objective Practice Questions

(b) Maximum work that can be obtained 1. It is generally conserved

from hot air. 2. It can be neither negative or positive
(c) Loss in available energy due to heat 3. It is the maximum theoretical work
transfer process (cpair = cpgas = 1kJ/kg K). obtainable
4. It can be destroyed in irreversibility
09. An ideal gas is flowing through an insulated Which of the above statements are correct?
pipe at the rate of 3 kg/s. There is a 10% (a) 3 and 4 (b) 1 and 2
pressure drop from inlet to exit of the pipe. (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
What is the rate of energy loss because of the
pressure drop due to friction? 14. The effects of heat transfer from a high
Take R = 0.287 kJ/ kg K and T0 = 300 K. temperature body to a low temperature
body are:
10. A house that is losing heat at a rate of 54000 1. The energy is conserved
kJ/h when the outside temperature drops to 2. The entropy is not conserved
4°C. It is to be heated by electric resistance 3. The availability is not conserved
heaters. If the house is to be maintained at Which of the above statement are correct?
25°C at all times, the second law efficiency of (ESE – 16)
the heating process is ______ %. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
11. A Carnot cycle engine receives and rejects
heat with a 20°C temperature differential
between itself and the thermal energy
reservoirs. The expansion and compression
KEY for Practice Questions
processes have a pressure ratio of 50. For 1
01. (b) 02. (d) 03. (b) 04. (26.77 kJ)
kg of air as the working substance, cycle
temperature limits of 1000 K and 300 K and 05.(11.2 kJ, 5.25 kJ)
T0 = 280 K, determine the second law 06. (5743 kJ) 07. (222.7 kJ)
efficiency. 08. a(753.18 kW), b(394.7 kW), c(358.48 kW)
09.(25.83 kJ) 10.(7.04 %) 11. (0.965)
12. Availability function for a closed system is 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (d)
expressed as: (ESE –
(a) φ = u + p o v − To S
(b) φ = du + p o dv + To dS
(c) φ = du + p o dv − To dS
(d) φ = u + p o v + To S

13. Consider the following statements regarding

availability: (ESE – 15)

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30 Thermal Engineering

7. Properties of Pure substances

01. In which one of the following working

substances, does the relation
[(T2/T1) = (P2/P1)0.286] hold good if the process
takes place with zero heat transfer?
(a) Wet steam
(b) Superheated steam 04. Steam at 1.5 MPa with a dryness fraction of
(c) Petrol vapour and air mixture 0.9 and having a volume of 0.03 m3 under
(d) Air goes a non flow constant volume process to
a pressure of 500 kPa. Determine
02. Consider the following statement: (i) Mass of steam
When dry saturated steam is throttled from a (ii) Final condition of steam
higher pressure to a lower pressure, the (iii) Change in enthalpy and Internal
1. pressure decreases and the volume energy
increases (iv) Heat Transferred
2. temperature decreases and the steam At p = 1.5 MPa, vg = 0.132 m3/kg
becomes superheated hf = 845 kJ/kg
3. temperature and the dryness fraction hfg = 1947 kJ/kg
4. entropy increases without any change At p = 500 kPa, vg = 0.375 m3/kg
in enthalpy hf = 640 kJ/kg
Which of these statements are correct? hfg = 2109 kJ/kg
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 05. Water is boiled at 1 atm pressure in a coffee
maker equipped with an immersion-type
03. A cylinder fitted with a piston constitutes a electric heating element. The coffee maker
non flow constant pressure adiabatic system initially contains 1 kg of water. Once boiling
containsing 1 kg of steam at 700 kPa and started, it is observed that half of the water in
300°C. The system receives Wp kJ of paddle the coffee maker evaporated in 18 minutes.
work and temperature becomes 400°C. If the heat loss from the coffee maker is
Determine paddle work, work transfer from negligible, the power rating of the heating
system, change in enthalpy and internal element is
energy. (a) 0.90 kW (b) 1.52 kW
P = 700 kPa ; v = 0.371 m /kg 3
(c) 2.09 kW (d) 1.05 kW
T = 300°C ; h = 3059 kJ/kg (e) 1.24 kW
P = 700 kPa ; v = 0.44 m /kg

T = 400°C ; h = 3269 kJ/kg

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31 Objective Practice Questions

06. Steam expands in an adiabatic turbine from Mass of water drained from the separator
8 MPa and 500°C to 0.1 MPa at a rate of 3 kg/ ....... 0.55 kg
sec. If steam leaves the turbine as saturated Mass of steam condensed after passing
vapor, the power output of the turbine is through the throttle valve ...…. 4.20 kg
(a) 2174 kW (b) 698 kW Pressure and temperature after throttling
(c) 288 kW (d) 1674 kW ...…... 1 bar, 120°C
(e) 3240 kW Evaluate the dryness fraction of the steam in
the main, and state with reasons, whether the
07. A 300 m rigid tank is filled with saturated
throttling calorimeter alone could have been
liquid vapor mixture of water at 200 kPa. If 25 used for this test.
percent of the mass is liquid and 75 percent
of the mass is vapor, the total mass in the tank 12. Steam from an engine exhaust at 1.25 bar
is flows steadily through an electric calorimeter
(a) 451 kg (b) 556 kg and comes out at 1 bar, 130°C. The
(c) 300 kg (d) 331 kg (e) 195 kg calorimeter has two 1 kW heaters and the
flow is measured to be 3.4 kg in 5 min. Find the
08. 3 m rigid vessel contains steam at 10 MPa
quality of steam in the engine exhaust. For
and 500 C. The mass of the steam is
the same mass flow and pressure, what is the
(a) 3.0 kg (b) 19 kg maximum moisture that can be determined if
(c) 84 kg (d) 91 kg (e) 130 Kg the outlet temperature is at least 105°C?

09. Steam expands in a turbine from 4 MPa and 13. Water has a critical specific volume of
500°C to 0.5 MPa and 250°C at a rate of 1350 0.003155 m3/kg. A closed and rigid steel tank
kg/h. Heat is lost from the turbine at a rate of of volume 0.025 m3 contains a mixture of
25 kJ/s during the process. The power output water and steam at 0.1 MPa. The mass of the
of the turbine is mixture is 10 kg. The tank is now slowly heated.
(a) 157 kW (b) 207 kW The liquid level inside the tank
(c) 182 kW (d) 287 kW (e) 246 kW (a) will rise
(b) will fall
10. A sample of steam from a boiler drum at 3 (c) will remain same.
MPa is put through a throttling calorimeter (d) may rise or fall depending on the amount
in which the pressure and temperature are of heat transferred
found to be 0.1 MPa, 120°C. Find the quality
of the sample taken from the boiler. 14. Statement (I): At a given temperature, the
enthalpy of super-heated steam is the same
11. The following observations were recorded in as that of saturated steam.
an experiment with a combined separating Statement (II): The enthalpy of vapour at
and throttling calorimeter: lower pressures dependent on temperature
Pressure in the steam main ...….15 bar alone. (ESE– 98)

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32 Thermal Engineering

15. Statement (I): For a mixture of solid, liquid 20. Which one of the following statements is
and vapour phases of a pure substance correct? (ESE – 94)
in equilibrium, the number of independent (a) Pressure and temperature are
intrinsic properties needed is equal to one. independent during phase change
Statement (II): The three phases can coexist (b) An isothermal line is also a constant
only at one particular pressure. (ESE – 05) pressure
(c) Entropy decreases during evaporation
16. State to a wet vapor cannot be specified by (d) The term dryness fraction is used to
only (ESE – 11) specify the fraction by mass of liquid in
(a) Pressure and temperature mixture of liquid and vapor
(b) Pressure and dryness fraction
(c) Temperature and dryness fraction
(d) Pressure and volume 21. If a pure substance is below the triple point
temperature, the solid on being heated will
17. Statement (I): One the enthalpy – entropy only (ESE – 13)
diagram of a pure substance the constant (a) solidify or freeze
dryness fraction lines start from the critical (b) liquefy
point. (c) vaporize or sublimate
Statement (II): All the three phases co-exist at (d) have its temperature increased
the critical point.

18. Statement (I): A mixture of gaseous air in

KEY for Practice Questions
equilibrium with liquid air is a pure substance.
01. (d) 02. (b) 03. (-210 kJ/kg)
Statement (II): A pure substance has a
homogeneous and invariable chemical 04. i(0.253 kg), ii(0.317), iii(-326.054 & -295.99 kJ),
iv(-295.997 kJ)
05. (d) 06. (a) 07. (a) 08. (d)

19. A substance expands on freezing only if 09. (a) 10. (0.95) 11. (0.8488)
12. (0.94, 0.92) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (d)
(a) the slope of the sublimation line on P-T
16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c)
chart is –ve.
20. (b) 21. (c)
(b) the slope of the sublimation line of P-T
chart is +ve
(c) the slope of the fusion line on P-T chart is
(d) the slope of the fusion line on P-T chart is

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33 Objective Practice Questions

03. Match List-I (details of process of the cycle)

8. Air Cycles
with List-II (name of the cycle) and select
correct answer using the codes given below
01. An ideal air standard cycle is shown in the the Lists:
given temperature-entropy diagram. List - I
A. Two isothermal and two adiabatic
T processes
B. Two isothermal and two constant volume
2 1 C. Two adiabatic and two constant volume
S processes
D. Two adiabatic and two constant pressure
The same cycle, when represented on the processes
pressure-volume coordinates takes the form, List - II
1. Otto
2. Joule
(a) (b)
P 2 P 2 3 3. Carnot
4. Stirling

1 (a) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 (b) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
(c) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 (d) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
P (d)
2 P 2
3 04. A system comprising of a pure substance
executes reversibly a cycle 1-2-3-4-1 consisting
1 1 of two isentropic and two isochoric processes
V as shown in the fig.

02. For maximum specific output of a constant 1
volume cycle (Otto cycle) 4
(a) The working fluid should be air V
(b) The speed should be high Which one of the following is the correct
(c) Suction temperature should be high representation of this cycle on the
(d) Temperature of the working fluid at the temperature-entropy coordinates?
of compression and expansion should be

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34 Thermal Engineering

(a) (b) 07. Consider air standard Otto and Diesel cycles,
both having the same state of air at the start
T 4 T 1
of compression. If the maximum pressure in
3 1 both the cycles is the same, the compression
4 2
ratio ‘r’ and the efficiency ‘η’ are related by
2 3
(a) r Diesel > r Otto (b) r Diesel < r Otto
(c) η Otto > η Diesel (d) η Otto < η Diesel

(d) 08. An ideal cycle is shown in the figure. Its

thermal efficiency is given by
T 2 1 2
P 2
1 3 PVγ=C
4 3
4 1 3
S v
(a) 1 – [(V3-V1)/V1) / (P2/P1) – 1]
05. A Stirling cycle and a Carnot cycle operate
(b) 1 – (1/γ) [(V3-V1)/V1) / (P2/P1) – 1]
between 50°C and 350°C. Their efficiencies
(c) 1 – γ[(V3-V1) / (P2 – P1)(P1/V1)]
are ηs and ηc respectively. In this case, which
(d) 1 – γ[(P2 – P1)/(V3 –V1)(V1/P1)]
of the following statements is true?
(a) ηs > ηc 09. The minimum pressure and temperature in an
(b) ηs = ηc Otto cycle at 100 kPa and 27°C. The amount
(c) ηs < ηc of heat added to the air per cycle is 1500 kJ/
kg. Determine the pressure and temperature
(d) The sign of (ηs – ηc) depends on the
at all points of the air standard Otto cycle. Also
working fluids used
calculate the specific work and the thermal
efficiency of the cycle of for a compression
06. The order of values of thermal efficiency of
ratio of 8:1.
Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, when they have
(Take: cv(air) 0.72kJ/kg.K and
equal compression ratio and heat rejection,
[cp/cv]air = 1.4)
is given by
(a) ηOtto > ηDiesel > ηDual 10. For an engine working on air standard Otto
(b) ηDiesel > ηDual > ηOtto cycle the clearance volume is 20% of the
(c) ηDual > ηDiesel > ηOtto swept volume. The specific heat ratio of air is
1.4. The air standard cycle efficiency is
(d) ηOtto > ηDual > ηDiesel
(a) 38.3 % (b) 41.16%
(c) 51.16% (d) 61.7%

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35 Objective Practice Questions

11. An engine cylinder of a bore of 15 cm and P

stroke of 45 cm operates on an Otto cycle. If kN/m
the clearance volume is 2000 cm3, compute 500
the air standard efficiency.

12. Helium gas in an ideal Otto cycle is
compressed from 20°C and 2·5 L to 0.25 L, and
its temperature increases by an additional 0.01 0.03 V(m )

700°C during the heat addition process. The 17. A four-stroke Diesel engine has swept volume
temperature of helium before the expansion of 0.03 m3. The engine has an output of 1000
process is kW at 2000 rpm. The mean effective pressure
(a) 1790oC (b) 2060oC (in MPa) is
(c) 1240oC (d) 620oC (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0.2 ( d )
13. The compression ratio used in a Diesel engine
is 15 and cut-off occurs at 6.5% of stroke. 18. In an ideal Otto cycle, air is compressed
Determine the air standard efficiency. from 1.20kg/m3 and 2.2 L to 0.26 L, and the
net work output of the cycle is 440 kJ/kg. The
14. Air in an ideal Diesel cycle is compressed mean effective pressure (MEP) for this cycle is
from 3L to 0.15L, and then it expands during (a) 612 kPa (b) 599 kPa
the constant pressure heat addition process (c) 528 kPa (d) 416 kPa
to 0.30L. Under cold air standard conditions,
the thermal efficiency of this cycle is 19. The efficiency of an Otto cycle is 54%. The

(a) 35 % (b) 44 % (c) 65 % (d) 70 % pressure at the start of compression is 1 bar

and the temperature is 15°C. The maximum
15. In a Diesel engine inlet air pressure is 1 bar pressure is 75 bar. Determine the heat
and pressure at the end of compression is addition, workdone and heat rejection per kg
48.5 bar. The expansion ratio is 10. Assuming of air. Also find the mean effective pressure of
ratio of specific heat (γ) is 1.4, the air standard the cycle.
efficiency (in percent) is ______
20. The stroke and diameter of a four stroke petrol
16. The thermodynamic cycle undergone by engine are 14 cm and 10 cm respectively.
a certain system vs shown in figure. Find the The clearance volume is 157 c.c. If exhaust
mean effective pressure in kN/m2. valves opens after 1400 after crank rotation
from TDC. find the air standard efficiency of
the cycle.

21. The diameter and stroke of four stroke Diesel

engine are 10 cm and 14 cm respectively.
Clearance volume is 40.2 c.c. The exhaust

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36 Thermal Engineering

valve opens after 1600 crank rotation from efficiency.

TDC. The fuel valve opens at TDC and closes Which of the above statements are correct?
after 200 crank rotations from TDC. Find Air (ESE – 15)
standard efficiency of cycle. (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
22. A single-cylinder, single-acting, 4 stroke
engine of 0.15 m bore develops an indicated
26. Consider the following statements :
power of 4 kW when running at 216 rpm.
1. The air standard efficiency of an Otto
Calculate the area of the indicator diagram
cycle is a function of the properties of the
that would be obtained with an indicator
working substance (gas)
having a spring constant of 25×106 N/m3. The
2. For the same compression ratio and same
length of the indicator diagram is 0.1 times
input, the thermal efficiency of an Otto
the length of the stroke of the engine.
cycle is more than that of a Diesel cycle.
3. The thermal efficiency of a Diesel cycle
23. The cycle in which heat is supplied at constant
increases with decrease of cut-off ratio.
volume and rejected at constant pressure is
known as (ESE – 11)
Which of the above statements are correct.
(a) Dual combustion cycle
(ESE – 16)
(b) Diesel cycle
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) Atkinson cycle
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Rankine cycle

24. For a given compression ratio, which of the

KEY for Practice Questions
following ideal cycles have equal thermal
efficiency? (ESE – 13) 01. (a) 02. (d) 03. (c) 04. (c) 05. (c)
(a) Diesel and Stirling 06. (d) 07. (a) 08. (c) 09. (847 kJ/kg,
(b) Stirling and Otto 56 %)

(c) Otto and Joule 10. (c) 11.(47.4) 12. (a) 13. (60.8%)

(d) Joule and Diesel 14. (c) 15. (63.44 %) 16. (235.62 kPa)
17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (1775.93 kJ, 959 kJ,
25. Consider the following statements 816.9, 13.55 bar)
20. (54%) 21. (66.5%) 22. (503 mm2)
1. Carnot, Ercisson and stirling are ideal
power cycles that are completely 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (d)
2. Ercisson cycle is not a practical engine
3. Stirling cycle is the practical power cycle
among the above
4. All these cycles have the same thermal

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37 Objective Practice Questions

(a) dry bulb temperature and wet bulb

9. Psychrometry
(b) dew point temperature and wet bulb
01. During sensible cooling of air, temperature.
(a) Its wet bulb temperature increases and (c) wet bulb temperature and dew point
dew point remains constant. temperature.
(b) Its wet bulb temperature decreases and (d) wet bulb temperature and dry bulb
the dew point remains constant. temperature.
(c) Its wet bulb temperature increases and
the dew point decreases. 05. For cooling and dehumidifying of unsaturated
(d) Its wet bulb temperature decreases and moist air, it must be passed over a coil at a
dew point increases. temperature:
(a) of adiabatic saturation of incoming
02. During adiabatic saturation process of air, stream
wet bulb temperature (b) which is lower than the dew point of
(a) Increases and dry bulb temperature incoming stream
remains constant. (c) which lies between dry bulb and wet
(b) Remains constant and dry bulb bulb temperature
temperature increases. (d) which lies between wet bulb and dew
(c) Remains constant and dry bulb point temperature of incoming stream
temperature decreases.
(d) Decreases and dry bulb temperature 06. The condition of air for a cooling and
remains constant. dehumidification system is given by the point
‘A’ at intake, ‘B’ at discharge as marked on
03. When warm saturated air is cooled a Psychrometric chart. If ‘C’ is the apparatus
(a) excess moisture condenses. dew point, the bypass factor is given by
(b) excess moisture condenses but relative
humidity remains unchanged. A
(c) excess moisture condenses and specific
humidity increases but relative humidity
remains unchanged.
(d) specific humidity increases and relative (a) CA / AB (b) CA / BC
humidity decreases. (c) BC / AB (d) BC / AC

04. In case A, moist air is adiabatically saturated 07. With respect to the following figure which
and in case B, moist air is isobarically saturated. shows four processes on the Psychrometric
The saturation temperatures in cases A and B chart, match List-I with List-II and select the
are respectively correct answer using the codes given below
the lists:

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38 Thermal Engineering

List – I List – II
A. Process RS T 1. Sensible cooling
B. Process RT 2. Cooling and dehumidification
C. Process RU 3. Heating and humidification
D. Process RW 4. Sensible heating

List – II
1. Cooling and humidifying
(a) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
2. Sensible heating
(b) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4
3. Cooling and dehumidifying
(c) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
4. Humidifying
(d) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

10. If air dry-bulb temperature of 350C and dew
(a) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
point temperature of 200C passes through a
(b) A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
cooling coil which is maintained at 250C, then
(c) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
the process would be
(d) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
(a) sensible cooling
(b) cooling and dehumidification
08. During chemical dehumidification
(c) cooling and humidification
(a) wet bulb temperature remains constant
(d) cooling with constant wet bulb
but enthalpy changes.
(b) dry bulb temperature remains constant.
(c) both dew point and wet bulb
11. The process in a hot water spray washer
temperature remain constant .
maintained at a temperature of 40°C,
(d) enthalpy and wet bulb temperature
through which unsaturated air at 10°C dry
remain constant.
bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity
passes, is
09. Match List – I with List – II and select the
(a) sensible heating
correct answer using the codes given below
(b) humidification
the lists:
(c) heating and humidification
List – I
(d) heating and dehumidification
A. Steam spray into air
B. Air passing over a coil carrying steam
12. A sample of moist air is at a temperature
C. Air passing over coil having temperature
‘T’ and relative humidity 50%. A part of the
less than dew point
moisture is removed adiabatically by using
D. Air passing over a coil having temperature
an adsorbent. If the heat of absorption is
above the dew point but below the wet
negligible, the resulting air will have the same

(a) dry bulb temperature but a lower wet
bulb temperature.

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39 Objective Practice Questions

(b) wet bulb temperature but a higher dry 17. A room contains 50 kg of dry air and 0.6 kg of
bulb temperature. water vapor at 25oC and 95 kPa total pressure.
(c) dry bulb temperature but a higher wet The relative humidity of air in the room is
bulb temperature. (a) 1.2% (b) 18.4%
(d) wet bulb temperature but a lower dry (c) 56.7% (d) 65.2%
bulb temperature.
18. A 40-m3 room contains air at 30oC and a total
13. If Pv is the partial pressure of vapour, Ps is the pressure of 90 kPa with a relative Humidity of
partial pressure of vapour for saturated air and 75 percent. The mass of dry air in the room is
Pb is the barometric pressure, the relationship (a) 24.7 kg (b) 29.9 kg
between relative humidity ‘φ’ and degree of (c) 39.9 kg (d) 41.4 kg
saturation ‘µ’ is given by
19. Degree of saturation of air at 30oC, 100 kPa is
(a) µ = φ [ (Pb-Ps) / ( Pb - Pv)]
24%. The saturation pressure of water vapour
(b) µ = φ [ (Pb-Pv) / ( Pb - Ps)] at 30oC is 4 kPa. Find the relative humidity and
(c) µ = φ Pv / Pb specific humidity.

(d) µ = φ (Pv / Ps)

20. Moist air with DBT of 40oC has a relative
humidity of 50%. Atmospheric pressure is
14. Air at 20°C dry bulb temperature and 40%
1.01 bar. Find the specific humidity. Moist air
relative humidity is heated upon 40°C using an
as stated above is compressed to 5.05 bar
electric heater, whose surface temperature
and its corresponding DBT is 150oC. Find the
is maintained uniformly at 45°C. The bypass
relative humidity of compressed air.
factor of the heater is
The saturation pressure of vapour at 40oC is
(a) 0.20 (b) 0.25
7.38 kPa and saturation pressure of vapour at
(c) 0.88 (d) 1
150oC is 4.758 bar.

15. The latent heat load in an auditorium is 25% of

21. Moist air at a pressure of 100 kPa is compressed
the sensible heat load. The value of sensible
to 500 kPa, then cooled at constant pressure
heat factor (SHF) is equal to
to 35oC in a cooler. The air at the entry to
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5
the cooler is unsaturated and becomes just
(c) 0.8 (d) 1.0
saturated at the exit of the cooler. During the
entire process there is no condensation. The
16. A room is filled with saturated moist air at 25oC
saturation pressure of vapour at 35oC is 5.628
and a total pressure of 100 kpa. If the mass of
kPa. Then find the partial pressure of vapour in
dry air in the room is 100 kg, the mass of water
moist air, entering the compressor.
vapor is
(a) 0.52 kg (b) 1.97 kg 22. The air in a house is at 20oC and 50 percent
(c) 2.96 kg (d) 2.04 kg relative humidity. Now the air is cooled at
constant pressure. The temperature at which
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40 Thermal Engineering

the moisture in the air will start condensing is At T2 = 20oC Psat = 2.337 kPa
(a) 8.7 C
(b) 11.3 C o
T2 = 45 C
Psat = 9.557 kPa
(c) 13.8 C o
(d) 9.16 C o

27. A stream of moist air (mass flow rate = 10.1 kg/s)

23. Air is cooled and dehumidified as it flows over
with humidity ratio of 0.01
the coils of a refrigeration system at 85 kPa kg dry air mixes
from 30oC and a humidity ratio of 0.023 kg/kg with a second stream of superheated water
dry air to 15oC and a humidity ratio of 0.015 vapour flowing at 0.1 kg/s. Assuming proper
kg/kg dry air. If the mass flow rate of dry air is and uniform mixing with no condensation,
0.7 kg/s, the rate of heat removal form the air the humidity ratio of the final stream
d in n is ______.
(a) 5 kJ/s (b) 10 kJ/s kg

(c) 15 kJ/s (d) 25 kJ/s
kg dry air

24. Air at a total pressure of 90 kPa, 15oC, and

KEY for Practice Questions
75 percent relative humidity is heated and
humidified to 25oC and 75 percent relative 01. (b) 02. (c) 03. (b) 04. (c) 05. (b)
humidity by introducing water vapor. If the 06. (d) 07. (b) 08. (d) 09. (c) 10. (a)
mass flow rate of dry air is 4kg/s, the rate at 11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c)
which steam is added to the air is 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (24.75%,
(a) 0.032 kg/s (b) 0.013 kg/s 0.00622)
(c) 0.019 kg/s (d) 0.0079 kg/s 20. (0.0235, 3.86 %) 21. (1.125 kPa)
22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (76 gm)
25. Air at sea level has a temperature of 25 C o
26. (26.6 kg/hr) 27. (0.02)
and a relative humidity 74%. Assuming that
the air temperature drops by 6.5 K for each
1000 metres increase in height, estimate
the altitude at which the clouds will start to
appear. At 25oC Psat = 3.166 kPa

26. Air enters a tumbler dryer at 20oC and a

relative humidity of 65%. If the air leaves
the dryer in saturated condition at 45oC,
calculate the mass flow rate of dry air through
the dryer in order to evaporate 1 kg of water
in 40 minutes. Assume the process to take
place at a constant atmospheric pressure of
100 kPa.

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41 Objective Practice Questions

04. The curve labeled 1-2 in the given figure refers

10. Rankine Cycle
to the expansion process of a

01. Assertion (A): For the same limits of boiler T

pressure and temperature, the specific steam
consumption of ideal Carnot cycle is less than
that of ideal Rankine cycle.
Reason (R): For the same limits of boiler 2
pressure and temperature, Carnot cycle is
more efficient than Rankine cycle.
(a) Rankine cycle
02. Consider the following statements regarding (b) modified Rankine cycle
Rankine Cycles: (c) regenerative cycle
1. It reduces the specific steam (d) reheat cycle
2. It increases the dryness fraction of Steam 05. Consider the following statements:
at the exhaust for the same value of The purpose of reheating the steam in a
condenser pressure. steam turbine power plant is to
3. It reduces the cycle efficiency. 1. increase specific output
2. increase turbine efficiency
(a) 1 and 2 are correct 3. reduce the turbine speed
(b) 2 and 3 are correct 4. reduce specific steam consumption
Which of these statements are correct?
(c) 1 and 3 are correct
(a) 2 and 4 (b) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 1,2 and 4 (d) 1,3 and 4

03. A super heat Rankine Cycle is shown in the

06. In a regenerative cycle, steam with enthalpy
given T-S diagram. Starting from the feed
of 3514 kJ/kg is expanded in h.p turbine to a
pump, the fluid flow upto the boiler exit is
state corresponding to saturated enthalpy
represented by state-line
of water equal to 613 kJ/kg. If the pump
work requirements in high pressure and low
pressure zones are respectively 3 and 1 kJ/kg,
T C D E amount of heat transferred in boiler is
(a) 2897 kJ/kg (b) 2898 kJ/kg
(c) 2904 kJ/kg (d) 2905 kJ/kg
S 07. Liquid water is to be compressed by a pump
whose isentropic efficiency is 75 percent from
(a) ABCDE (b) BCDE
0.2 MPa to 5 MPa at a rate of 0.15 m3/min.

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42 Thermal Engineering

The required power input to this pump is 10 MPa, 500°C:

(a) 4.8 kW (b) 6.4 kW v = 0.03279 m3/kg;
(c) 9.0 kW (d) 16.0 kW (e) 12 kW h = 3373.7 kJ/kg;
s = 6.5966 kJ/ kg K
08. In a steam power plant, the enthalpies at
1 MPa, 500°C :
turbine inlet and outlet are 3103 kJ/kg and
2100 kJ/kg respectively. If the specific pump v = 0.3541 m3/ kg;
work is 3 kJ/kg. Find the specific steam h = 3478.5 kJ/ kg;
consumption in kg/kW-hr
s = 7.7622 kJ/kg K

09. Consider a steam power plant which operates 1 MPa, 179.91°C :

on a simple ideal Rankine cycle and has a vf = 1.127 x 10-3 m3/ kg ;
net power output of 30 MW. Steam enters
hf = 762 kJ/ kg ;
the turbine at 7 MPa and 500°C and is cooled
sf = 2.1387 kJ/kg K
in the condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa by
running cooling water from a lake through vf = 0.1944 m3/ kg ;
the tubes of the condenser at a rate of 2000 hg = 2778.1 kJ/ kg
kg/s. Show the cycle on a T - s diagram with
sg = 6.5865 kJ/ kgK
respect to saturation lines and determine
hfg = 2015.3 kJ/ kg
(a) the thermal efficiency of cycle.
(b) the mass flow rate of the steam 10 kPa, T =45.81°C
(c) the temperature rise of the cooling water vf = 1.010 cm3/g

hf = 191.83 kJ/ kg
10. Consider a steam power plant which
sf = 0.6493 kJ/kgK
operates on a reheat Rankine cycle and
has a net power output of 150 MW. Steam vg = 14.67 m3/kg
enters the high-pressure turbine at 10 MPa hf = 2392.8 kJ/ kg
and 500°C and the low – pressure turbine at 1
sg = 8.1502 kJ/ kgK
MPa and 500°C. Steam leaves the condenser
as a saturated liquid at a pressure of 10 kPa. hg = 2584.7 kJ/ kg

Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect

to saturation line and determine 11. A steam power plant operates on an ideal
(a) the quality (or temperature of regenerative Rankine cycle. Steam enters the
superheated) of the steam at the turbine turbine at 6 MPa and 450°C and is condensed
exit. is the condenser at 20 kPa. Steam is extracted
(b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle from the turbine at 0.4 MPa to heat the feed
(c) the mass flow rate of the steam water in an open feed water heater. Water
leaves the feed water heater as a saturated
liquid. Show the cycle on a T – s diagram and

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43 Objective Practice Questions

determine (a) 36.5 kW (b) 74.2 kW

(a) the net work output per kilogram of (c) 186.2 kW (d) 343.5 kW
steam flowing through the boiler (e) 380.0 kW
(b) net thermal efficiency of the cycle

6 MPa, 450°C : 13. In an ideal steam power cycle with the same
inlet pressure, the low fraction of steam in
v = 0.05214 m3/kg;
the last stage of expansion process can be
h = 3301.8 kJ/ kg; avoided by
(a) Providing regeneration
s = 6.7193 kJ / kg K
(b) Providing reheating
20 kPa, T = 60.06°C :
(c) Reducing the superheat
vf = 1.017 cm3/g (d) Lowering the condenser pressure

hf = 251.40 kJ/ kg
14. Statement (I): The Rankine cycle with
sf = 0.8320 kJ/kg K regenerative feed heating always has a
higher cycle efficiency than the Rankine
vg = 7.649 m3/kg
cycle without regenerative feed heating.
hfg = 2358.3 kJ/ kg Statement (II): The higher efficiency of

sg = 7.9085 kJ/kgK regenerative cycle is due to decrease in the

temperature of heat rejection.
hg = 2609.7 kJ/ kg

0.4 MPa, T = 143.63°C : 15. Consider an actual regenerative Rankine

cycle with one open feed water heater. For
vf = 1.084 cm3/g
each kg steam entering the turbine, m kg
hf = 604.74 kJ/ kg steam with a specific enthalpy of h1 is bled
sf = 1.7766 kJ/kg K from the turbine. Specific enthalpy of water
entering the heater is h2. The specific enthalpy
vg = 0.4625 m3/kg
of saturated liquid leaving the heater is equal
hfg = 2133.8 kJ/ kg to
sg = 6.8959kJ/kgK (a) mh1 – (h2 – h1) (b)h1 – m(h2 – h1)
(c) h2 – m(h2 – h1) (d) mh2 – (h2 – h1)
hg = 2738.6 kJ/ kg

16. In a steam power plant, what is the outcome

12. A heat engine cycle is executed with steam of regenerative feed heating?
in the saturation dome between the pressure 1. Increase in specific output
limits of 5 and 2MPa. If heat is supplied to 2. Increase in cycle efficiency
the heat engine at a rate of 380kJ/s, the 3. Improved quality of exhaust steam
maximum power output of this heat engine is 4. Reduced condenser load

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44 Thermal Engineering

Select the correct answer using the code

11. Gas Turbines
given below:
(a) 1 and 3, only (b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1,2 and 3 01. In a Brayton cycle based power plant the air
at the inlet is at 27oC, 0.1 MPa. The pressure
17. Consider the following statements: ratio is 6.25 and the maximum temperature
1. In a steam power plant, the volume flow is 800oC. Find (a) the compressor work per kg
at the low pressure end is considerably of air , (b) the turbine work per kg of air, (c)
reduced by bleeding. the heat supplied per kg of air, (d) the cycle
2. Theoretically, the efficiency of a steam efficiency.
power plant increases with the increasing
of a steam power plant increases with the 02. Find the required air – fuel ratio in a gas turbine
increasing number of feed heaters but whose turbine and compressor efficiencies
the gain is in diminishing return. are 85% and 80% respectively. Maximum
Which of the statements given above is/are cycle temperature is 875oC The working fluid
correct? can be taken as air
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (cp = 1.00 kJ/kg K, γ = 1.4) which enters the
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Neither 1 nor 2 compressor at 1 atm and 27oC. The pressure
ratio is 4. The fuel used has a calorific value of
42000 kJ/kg. There is a loss of 10% of calorific
KEY for Practice Questions value in the combustion chamber

01. (d) 02. (d) 03. (d) 04. (b) 05. (c)
03. In an air – standard Brayton cycle the minimum
06. (b) 07. (d) 08. (3.6)
and maximum temperatures are 300 K and
09. a(38.9%), b(2.88 kg/kWhr), c(5.63°C) 1200 K, respectively. The pressure ratio is that
10. a(0.94), b(41.850, c( ) which maximize the net work developed by
11. a(1021.66 kJ/kg), b(37.9 %) 12. (d) the cycle per unit mass of air flow. Calculate
13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (c) the compressor and turbine work, each in
kJ/kg air, and the thermal efficiency of the

04. Consider the following statements with

reference to Gas turbine cycle:
1. Regeneration increases thermal
2. Reheating decreases thermal efficiency.
3. Cycle efficiency increases when
maximum temperature of the cycle is

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45 Objective Practice Questions

Which of these statements are correct? 08. A gas turbine set takes in air at 27°C and 1
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 atm. The pressure ratio is 4 and the maximum
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1 and 3 temperature is 560°C. The compressor
and turbine efficiencies are 0.83 and 0.85
05. Consider the following statements : respectively. Determine the overall efficiency
(1) Intercooling is effective only at lower if the regenerator effectiveness is 0.75.
pressure ratios and high turbine inlet
temperatures. 09. In an ideal Brayton cycle with regeneration,
(2) There is very little gain in thermal air is compressed from 80kPa and 10oC to
efficiency when intercooling is used 400kPa and 175oC, is heated to 450oC in
without the benefit of regeneration. the regenerator, and then further heated
(3) With higher values of ‘γ’ and cp of the to 1000oC before entering the turbine.
working fluid the net power output of Under cold – air – standard conditions, the
Brayton cycle will increase. effectiveness of the regenerator is
(a) 33 % (b) 44 %
Of these statements (c) 62 % (d) 77 %
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct 10. Consider a gas turbine that has a pressure
(c) 1 and 3 are correct ratio of 6 and operates on the Brayton cycle
(d) 2 and 3 are correct. with regeneration between the temperature
limits of 20 and 900oC. If the specific heat ratio
06. A gas turbine power plant has a specific of the working fluid is 1.3, the highest thermal
output of 350 kJ/kg and an efficiency of 34%. efficiency this gas turbine can have is
A regenerator is installed and the efficiency (a) 38 % (b) 46%
increases to 51%. The specific output will be (c) 62 % (d) 58 %
closest to
(a) 350 kJ/kg (b) 468 kJ/kg 11. An ideal gas turbine cycle with many stages
(c) 525 kJ/kg (d) 700 kJ/kg of compression and expansion and a
regenerator of 100 percent effectiveness has
07. In an ideal Brayton cycle with regeneration, an overall pressure ratio of 10. Air enters every
Argon gas is compressed from 100 kPa and stage of compressor at 290 K, and every stage
25oC to 400 kPa, and then heated to 1200oC of turbine at 1200 K. The thermal efficiency of
before entering the turbine. The highest this gas turbine cycle is
temperature that argon can be heated in (a) 36 % (b) 40 %
the regenerator is (c) 52 % (d) 76 %
(a) 246oC (b) 846oC
(c) 689oC (d) 573oC 12. Statement (I): In gas turbines, regenerative
heating always improves the efficiency unlike
in that case of reheating.

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46 Thermal Engineering

Statement (II): Regenerative heating is

12. Refrigeration
isentropic. (ESE – 98)

13. Statement (I): The air-fuel ratio employed in a 01. A Carnot refrigerator requires 1.5 kW per
gas turbine is around 60:1 tonne of refrigeration to maintain a region at
Statement (II): A lean mixture of 60:1 in a –30oC. Then find the COP of refrigerator .
gas turbine is mainly used for complete
combustion. (ESE – 00) 02. The working temperature in evaporator and
condenser coils of refrigerator are –30oC and
14. Statement (I) : With the heat exchanger gas 32oC. If the actual refrigerator has a COP 0.75
turbine cycle, the cycle efficiency reduces as times maximum COP. Find power input for the
the pressure ratio increases. refrigeration capacity of 5 kW.
Statement (II) : As the pressure ratio increases,
the delivery temperature from the compressor 03. A domestic refrigerator set at 2oC handles a
increases and ultimately will exceed that of refrigeration load of 8000 kJ/day. The ambient
the exhaust gas from the turbine. temperature is 30oC. The COP of refrigerator
(ESE – 15) is 0.15 times of maximum COP. Then find the
daily electricity consumption in kW-hr.
15. For air standard Brayton cycle, increase in the
maximum temperature of the cycle, while 04. Consider a heat pump that operates on the
keeping the pressure ratio the same, would reversed Carnot cycle with R–134a as the
result in working fluid executed under the saturation
(a) Increase in air standard efficiency dome between the pressure limits of 140 and
(b) Decrease in air standard efficiency 800 kPa. R–134a changes from saturated
(c) No change in air standard efficiency vapor to saturated liquid during the heat
(d) Increase in the efficiency but reduction in rejection process. The net work input for this
net work cycle is
(a) 28 kJ/kg (b) 34 kJ/kg
KEY for Practice Questions (c) 49 kJ/kg (d) 144 kJ/kg

01. (WT= 439.89 kJ/kg, Wc = 207.72 kJ/kg,

05. A refrigerator removes heat from a
Qin = 569.14 kJ/kg, hth = 40.8% )
refrigerated space at – 5°C at a rate of 0.35
02. (56.56:1) 03. (Wc= 301.5 kJ/kg, kJ/s and rejects it to an environment at 20°C.
WT = 603 kJ/kg, hth =50% ) The minimum required power input is
04. (a) 05.(d) 06. (a) 07. (d) (a) 30 W (b) 33 W (c) 56 W (d) 124 W

08. (h= 21.28%) 09. (d) 10. (c) 11. (d)

06. A refrigerator storage is supplied with 3600
12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) kg of a substance at a temperature of 27oC.
This substance has to be cooled to –23oC.

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47 Objective Practice Questions

The cooling takes place in 10 hrs. The specific operates between the pressure limits of 120
heat of this substance is 2 kJ/kgK above kPa and 1000 kPa. The mass fraction of the
freezing point and 0.5 kJ/kgK below freezing refrigerant that is in the liquid phase at the
point. The freezing point is –3oC, latent heat of inlet of the evaporator is
freezing is 230 kJ/kg. What is power required (a) 0.65 (b) 0.60 (c) 0.40 (d) 0.55
to drive the plant if the actual COP is half of
ideal COP ? 11. Consider a heat pump that operates on the
ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle
07. A refrigerator operates on the ideal vapor with R – 134a as the working fluid between
compression refrigeration cycle with R–134a the pressure limits of 0.32 and 1.2 MPa. The
as the working fluid between the pressure coefficient of performance of this heat pump
limits of 120 and 800 kPa. If the rate of heat is
removal from the refrigerated space is 32 (a) 0.17 (b) 1.2
kJ/s, the mass flow rate of the refrigerant is (c) 3.1 (d) 5.9
(a) 0.19 kg/s (b) 0.15 kg/s 12. Consider a refrigerator that operates on the
(c) 0.23 kg/s (d) 0.28 kg/s vapor compression refrigeration cycle with
R–134a as the working fluid. The refrigerant
08. A heat pump operates on the ideal vapor enters the compressor as saturated vapor at
compression refrigeration cycle with R–134a 160 kPa, and exits at 800 kPa and 50°C, and
as the working fluid between the pressure leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at
limits of 0.32 and 1.2 MPa. If the mass flow 800 kPa. The coefficient of performance of
rate of the refrigerant is 0.193 kg/s, the rate of this refrigerator is
heat supply by the heat pump to the heated (a) 2.6 (b) 1.0
space is (c) 4.2 (d) 3.2
(a) 3.3 kW (b) 23 kW 13. R–12 vapour compression refrigeration
(c) 26 kW (d) 31 kW system is operating at a condenser pressure
of 9.6 bar and an evaporator pressure of 2.19
09. A 5 kW cooling capacity refrigeration system bar. Its refrigeration capacity is 15 tons. The
operating on simple VCR cycle, refrigerant values of enthalpy at the inlet and outlet of
enters evaporator with an enthalpy of 75 kJ/ the evaporator are 64.6 and 195.7 kJ/kg. The
kg and leaves with an enthalpy of 183 kJ/kg. specific volume at inlet to the reciprocating
The enthalpy of refrigerant after compression compressor is 0.082m3/kg. The index of
is 210 kJ/kg. compression for the compressor is 1.13.
Calculate : (i) COP Determine:
(ii) Power input to the compressor in kW (a) The power input in kW required for the
(iii) Rate of heat transfer at the condenser compressor,
(b) The COP. Take 1 ton of refrigeration as
10. An ideal vapor compression refrigeration equivalent to heat removal @ of 3.517
cycle with R–134a as the working fluid kW.

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48 Thermal Engineering

14. An ideal gas refrigeration cycle using air 19. Statement (I): Power input per TR of a
as the working fluid operates between the refrigeration system increases with decrease
pressure limits of 80 and 280 kPa. Air is cooled in evaporator temperature
to 35˚C before entering the turbine. The Statement (II): C.O.P of refrigeration system
lowest temperature of this cycle is decreases with decreases in evaporator
(a) – 58°C (b) –26°C temperature.
(c) 5°C (d) 11°C
20. A water chiller with a capacity of 30 tons of
15. Consider an ideal gas refrigeration cycle refrigeration cools 20 m3/hr of water entering
using helium as the working fluid. Helium at 12°C. What is the temperature of water
enters the compressor at 100 kPa and –10°C leaving the chiller?
and compressed to 250 kPa. Helium is then (a) 5°C (b) 6°C
cooled to 20°C before it enters the turbine. (c) 7°C (d) 7.5°C
For a mass flow rate of 0.2 kg/s, the net power
input required is 21. Absorbent in a vapour absorption refrigeration
(a) 9.3 kW (b) 27.6 kW system separates from the refrigerant only
(c) 48.8 kW (d) 93.5 kW when it
(a) Is sufficiently heated
16. A vapour absorption refrigeration system (b) Is sprayed on cooling water
works with three reservoirs. A refrigeration (c) Is cooled
effect of 100 W is required at 250 K. Heat (d) Reacts with refrigerant
source is available at 400 K. Heat rejection
occurs at 300 K. Find the minimum value of 22.
heat required in watt.
Sat.vapour line

17. Statement (I): In a vapour compression Liquid line

Pressure 3
refrigeration system, the condenser pressure
should be kept as low as possible
Statement (II): Increase in condenser pressure 4 1

reduces the refrigerating effect and increases

the work of compression. 150 300 330
Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)

18. The function of a compressor in a vapour A vpour compression refrigeration cycle is

absorption system is performed by the as shown in the pressure-enthalpy diagram
(a) absorber above. What will be its COP?
(b) absorber and pump (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) pump and generator (c) 5 (d) 6
(d) absorber, pump & generator

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49 Objective Practice Questions

23. In a Bell coleman cycle refrigeration plant,

compression and expansion of air are KEY for Practice Questions
isentropic. If the temperatures of air entering
01.(2.33) 02. (1.7 kW) 03. (1.5 kW-hr)
and leaving the expander are 300 K and
04. (a) 05. (b) 06. (12 kW) 07. (c)
180 K respectively, what is the coefficient of
performance of the plant? 08. (d) 09. a(4), b(1.28 kW), c (6.25 kW)
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 3.0 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (d)
13. a (11.62 kW), b(4.54) 14. (a)
15. (b) 16. (80 W) 17. (a) 18. (d)
24. Under-cooling of the refrigerant in a system 19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a)
(a) increase the power required
24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b)
(b) decreases the power required
(c) decrease the COP
(d) increase the COP

25. Statement (I): A vapour compression

refrigerating cycle can never be reversible.
Statement (II): The expansion of refrigerant
through a valve causes throttling which is at
constant internal energy.

26. Statement (I): Subcooling of refrigerant liquid

increases the coefficient of performance of a
refrigeration cycle.
Statement (II): Subcooling reduces the work
requirement of a refrigeration cycle.
(ESE – 04)

27. Statement (I): The main difference between

vapour compression refrigeration cycle and
Bell-Coleman gas refrigeration cycle is that in
gas cycle, an expander is used in place of a
throttle valve.
Statement (II): In throttling of a perfect gas,
temperature remains constant. (ESE – 15)

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50 Thermal Engineering

must have a sign that is opposite to that

13. Thermodynamic Relations
of b 2P l
2V T
(d) cp is very nearly equal to cv for liquid
01. For a given volume of saturated steam, water
Clayperon’s equation is given by
04. Gibb’s free energy ‘G’ is defined as
dTs # Ts
(a) (Vg – Vf) = (a) G = H – TS
dP h g − h f
dT hg − h f (b) G = U – TS
(b) (Vg – Vf ) = s # T
dP s (c) G = U + Pv
(c) (Vg – Vf ) = dP # h g − h f (d) G = H + TS
dTs Ts
dP # Ts 05. Match List – I (Terms) with List – II (Relations)
(d) (Vg – Vf ) =
dTs h g − h f and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the Lists:
02. The Joule-Thomson coefficient is the
List – I (Terms)
(a) b 2T l of pressure-temp curve of real A. Specific heat at constant volume cv
2P h
B. Isothermal compressibility κ
gases C. Volume expansivity β

(b) b 2s l of temp-entropy curve of real gases

2T D. Difference between specific heats at
constant pressure and constant volume
(c) b 2s l of enthalpy-entropy curve of real
2h (cp – cv)

List – II (Relations)
(d) b 2T l of pressure-volume curve of real
1. V b 2T l
p 1 2V

gases P

2. − T b 2V l b 2T l
2P 2V 2

03. It can be shown that for simple compressible
3. T b 2T l

substance, the relationship V

4. − V b 2P l
1 2V
cp – cv= − T b 2T l b 2V l exists.
2V 2 2P
p T T

Where Cp and Cv are specific heats at
constant pressure and constant volume
respectively. T is temperature, V is volume (a) 3 4 2 1
and P is pressure. (b) 4 1 3 2
Which one of the following statements is NOT (c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 1 2 3
(a) cp is always greater than cv 06. Which one of the following relationships
(b) The right side of the equation reduces to defines the Helmholtz function F?
R for an ideal gas (a) F = H + TS (b) F = H – TS
(c) Since b 2V l can be either positive or
(c) F = U - TS (d) F = U + TS
negative, and b 2T l must be positive, T
2V 2

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51 Objective Practice Questions

10. Consider the following statements:

07. Joule-Thomson coefficient is the slope of 1. Availability is the maximum theoretical
(a) constant enthalpy lines on T-s diagram work obtainable.
(b) constant enthalpy lines on T-P diagram 2. Clapeyron’s equation for dry saturated
(c) inversion curve on T-s diagram steam is given by
(d) inversion curve on T-P diagram (vg – vf) = (dTg / dQ) ((hg – hf)/Tg)
3. A gas can have any temperature at a
08. Match List-I with List –II and select the correct
given pressure unlike a vapour which has
answer using the codes given below the Lists:
a fixed temperature at a given pressure.
4. Joule Thomson coefficient is expressed
A. Joule Thomson coefficient
as µ = (∂T / ∂p)h
B. cp for monoatomic gas
Of these statements
C. cp – cv for diatomic gas
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
D. (∂U / ∂T)v
(b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct
(d) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
1. 5/2 R
2. cv
3. R 11. The internal energy of a gas obeying Vander
4. (∂T / ∂p)h Waals equation cP + 2 m (v-b) = RT depends
on its
(a) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
(a) temperature
(b) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
(b) temperature and pressure
(c) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
(c) temperature and specific volume
(d) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
(d) pressure and specific volume
09. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists: 12. For an ideal gas, the expression
List - I ;T b 2T l − T b 2T l E
2s 2s
A. Irreversibility
p v

is equal to
B. Joule Thomson experiment
(a) Zero (b) Cp/Cv
C. Joule’s experiment
(c) R (d) RT
D. Reversible engines
List - II
13. Which one of the following is the correct
1. Mechanical equivalent
statement ?
2. Thermodynamic temperature scale
Calpeyron equation is used for
3. Throttling process
(a) Finding specific volume of vapour
4. Loss of availability
(b) Finding specific volume of liquid

(c) Finding latent heat of vaporization
(a) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (b) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
(d) Finding sensible heat
(c) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 (d) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2

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52 Thermal Engineering

14. Constant pressure lines in the super-heated

region of the Mollier diagram have what type
14. Reciprocating Air Compressor
of slope? 01. For a two-stage reciprocating air compressor,
(a) A positive slope the suction pressure is 1.5 bar and the delivery
(b) A negative slope pressure is 54 bar. What is the value of the
(c) Zero slope ideal intercooler pressure?
(d) May have either positive or negative (a) 6 bar (b) 9 bar
slopes (c) 27.75 bar (d) bar

15. According to the Maxwall relation, which of 02. Consider the following statement:
the following is/are correct? 1. Reciprocating compressors are best
(a) b 2T l = − b 2P l (b) b 2V l = − b 2T l
2v 2s 2s 2P suited for high pressure and low volume

(c) b 2T l = − b 2V l (d) None of the above
2P 2s 2. The effect of clearance volume on

power consumption is negligible of the
same volume of discharge.
3. While the compressor is idling, the delivery
KEY for Practice Questions
valve is kept open by the control circuit.
01. (b) 02. (a) 03. (c) 04. (a) 05. (c) 4. Intercooling of air between the stages of
06. (c) 07. (b) 08. (b) 09. (d) 10. (b) compression helps to minimize losses.
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (a) Of these statements

(a) 1 and 2 are correct
(b) 1 and 3 are correct
(c) 2 and 4 are correct
(d) 3 alone is correct

03. A large clearance volume in reciprocating

compressor results in
(a) reduced volume flow rate
(b) increased volume flow rate
(c) lower suction pressure
(d) lower delivery pressure

04. In a reciprocating air compressor the

compression work per kg of air.
(a) increases as clearance volume increases
(b) decreases as clearance volume
(c) is independent of clearance volume
(d) increases with clearance volume only of
multistage compressor.

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53 Objective Practice Questions

05. Consider the following statements: m3/kg respectively. Volumetric efficiency of

The volumetric efficiency of a compressor the compressor is
depends upon (a) 95.0% (b) 47.5%
1. Clearance volume. (c) 38.0% (d) 19.0%
2. Pressure ratio
3. Index of expansion. 09. Which of the following statements are
Of these statements: correct for multi-staging in a reciprocating air
(a) 1 and 2 are correct compressor?
(b) 1 and 3 are correct 1. It decreases the volumetric efficiency.
(c) 2 and 3 are correct 2. The work done can be reduced.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct 3. A small high pressure cylinder is required.
4. The size of flywheel is reduced.
06. Consider the following factors: Select the correct answer using the code
1. Cylinder size. given below:
2. Clearance ratio. (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
3. Delivery pressure. (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
4. Compressor shaft power.
10. Which one of the following statements is
The factors which affect the volumetric
correct for reciprocating air compressor?
efficiency of a single-stage reciprocating air
(a) Its volumetric efficiency increases with
compressor would include
increasing clearance ratio
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4
(b) Its volumetric efficiency increases with
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 4
pressure ratio
(c) Its volumetric efficiency does not vary
07. If n is the polytropic index of compression
with change in clearance ratio and
and is the pressure ratio for a three-stage
pressure ratio
compressor with ideal intercooling, the
(d) Its volumetric efficiency decreases with
expression for total work of three stage is
increasing clearance ratio and pressure
]n - 1g/n ratio, both
P1 v1 (c P2 m − 12
]n − 1g
P1 11. In a single stage reciprocating air compressor,
]n - 1g/3n
the work done on air to compressor it from
P1 v1 (c P2 m − 12
]n − 1g
(b) suction pressure to delivery pressure will be
minimum when the compression is
]n - 1g/n
P1 v1 (c P2 m − 12
n (a) Isothermal process
]n − 1g
P1 (b) Adiabatic process
]n - 1g/3n (c) Polytropic process
P1 v1 (c P2 m − 12
]n − 1g
(d) (d) Constant pressure process

08. The ratio of the clearance volume to the 12. Following points express the effect of keeping
displacement volume of a R12 reciprocating high clearance volume for the cylinders in
compressor is 0.05. Specific volume at inlet reciprocating compressor. Which one of the
and outlet of compressor are 0.04 and 0.02 following points is disagreeable?

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
54 Thermal Engineering

(a) By increasing clearance volume

volumetric efficiency decreases
(b) By increasing clearance volume power
consumption increases KEY for Practice Questions
(c) By increasing clearance volume
01. (b) 02. (a) 03. (a) 04. (c) 05. (d)
chances of piston striking cylinder head
gets reduced 06. (c) 07. (d) 08. (a) 09. (b) 10. (d)
(d) By increasing clearance volume 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (3)
maximum compression pressure value 15. i(3.813 m3/min), ii(13.97 kW), iii(86 %)

13. Cooling of reciprocating compressor cylinder:

1. Increases the volumetric efficiency
2. Increases the work input
3. Decreases the volumetric efficiency
4. Decreases the work input
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4

14. Determine the minimum number of stages

required in an air compressor which takes air
at 1 bar, 27oC and delivers at 180 bar. The
maximum discharge temperature is limited
to 150oC. Consider the index of polytropic
process as 1.25 and consider optimum
intercooling between stages.

15. A single stage reciprocating compressor has

a bore of 200 mm and stroke of 300mm. It
runs at a speed of 500 rpm and clearance
volume is 5% of swept volume. Consider the
index of polytropic process as 1.3. The intake
pressure and temperature are 97 kPa & 20oC
respectively. Delivery pressure is 550 kPa. If the
free air conditions are 101.325 kPa pressure
and 15oC temperature then find
(i) free air delivery in m3/min
(ii) power required
(iii) volumetric efficiency

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad

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