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Verb / Action: Mishra English Study Centre

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Verb / Action


Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra
 Verb - A Verb is an Action or Position of a Subject.
Ex.:- Mohan Plays Cricket.
 If Verb is divided on the basis of its formation found into two forms.
(i) Finite Verb
(ii) Non-Finite Verb
 Finite Verb - A Verb that changes its form according to the Number and Tenses of its
Subject is called “Finite Verb”.
Ex.:- I want to play.
He wants to play.
He wanted to play.
 Non - Finite Verb- A Verb that does not changed its form according to the Number and
Tenses of its Subject is called “Non - Finite Verb”.
Ex.:- I want to play.
He wants to play.
He wanted to play.
 If Verb is divided on the basis of its Object presence found into two forms.
(i) Transitive Verb
(ii) Intransitive Verb
 Transitive Verb - A Verb with its Object in Sentence is called “Transitive Verb”.
Ex.:- Ram is writing a letter.
 Intransitive Verb - A Verb without its Object in Sentence is called “Intransitive Verb”.
Ex.:- He laughs loudly.
 If Verb is divided on the basis of its uses found into two forms.
(i) Principal Verb / Main Verb / Action Verb / Doing Verb / Leading Verb.
(ii) Auxiliary Verb / Helping Verb / Assistant Verb / Subordinate Verb.
 Principal Verb - A Verb that shows the real Action in Sentence is called “Principal Verb”.
Ex.:- (a) Ram is dancing. (b) Ram plays cricket.
 Note - 1. यान रहे क इनक सं या असी मत होती ह।
 Note - 2. यान रहे क य द कसी वा य म कसी भी तरह का एक मा Verb हो, तो उसे
Principal Verbके ह ेणी म रखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is a dancer.
 Auxiliary Verb - A Verb that works as the Assistant of Principal Verb in Sentence is called
“Auxiliary Verb”.
Ex.:- Ram is dancing.
 Note - 1. यान रहे क कसी भी वा य म बना P.V के A.V नह ं आता।
 Note - 2.अं ेजी ामर के तहत A.V क सं या मा 24 होती ह।
 Note - 3. According to structure Auxiliary Verb can be divided into four forms.
(i) Be Auxiliary Verb
(ii) Do Auxiliary Verb
(iii) Have Auxiliary Verb
(iv) Modals Auxiliary Verb

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v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
 Be - Am / are / be was / were been being is - 05
 Do - Do did done doing does - 03
 Have - Have had had having has - 03
 Modals - Can, Could, May, Might, shall, should, will, would, ought to,
Need not, Dare not, Must. - 13
Total Auxiliary Verb - 24

 Syntax - (श द वचार / वा य वचार)

 The use of appropriate verb according to appropriate Subject is called “Syntax”.
 Rules & Uses 
 A Singular Subject gets a Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The boy play cricket. – ()
The boy plays cricket. – ()
 A Plural Subject gets a Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The boys plays cricket. – ()
The boys plays cricket. – ()
 Generally two Singular Subjects connected with ‘and’ make a Plural formation and used
Ex.:- The boy and the Girl is very intelligent. – ()
The boy and the Girl are very intelligent. – ()
 Two Singular Subject (Noun) that are used in pair and get connection with ‘and’ make a
Singular formation and used Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Bread and butter are a good breakfast. – ()
Bread and butter is a good breakfast. – ()
 Two Material Noun Subjects that make a solution and get connection with ‘and’ make a
Singular formation and used Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Milk and Sugar are a tasty drink. – ()
Milk and Sugar is a tasty drink. – ()
 If more Posts then one come together and only first-one get Article make Singular
formation and used Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The Manager and Director of this Company are very intelligent. – ()
The Manager and Director of this Company is very intelligent. – ()
 If more Posts than one come together as Subject and more than one gets Article make a
Plural formation and uses Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The Manager and the Director of this Company is very intelligent. – ()
The Manage and the Director of this Company are very intelligent. – ()
 If ‘the + Adj.’ Shows the entire community of the same quality makes a Plural formation
and gets Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The Poor is very laborious. – ()
The Poor are very laborious. – ()

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 The + Adj. + Noun, gets Verb according to the Noun.
Ex.:- The Poor boy is very laborious. – ()
The Poor boys are very laborious. – ()
 Many + P.C.N + P.V
Ex.:- Many Students are intelligent in my class. – ()
 Many + a / an + S.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- Many a Student is laborious in Patna. – ()
 A Number of + P.C.N + P.V
Ex.:- A Number of Students is laborious in Patna. – ()
A Number of Students are laborious in Patna. – ()
 The Number of + P.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- The Number of Students are increasing in my class. – ()
The Number of Students is increasing in my class. – ()
 Parent denotes either of Mother and Father that is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- His Parent are coming today. – ()
His Parent is coming today. – ()
 Parents denotes both of Mother and Father that are Plural and use Plural Verb.
Ex.:- His Parents are coming today.
 Two Subjects connected with “as well as, along with, with, and not, rather than, except
like, in addition to, accompanied by …etc.” get Verb according to the first Subject.
Ex.:- I as well as you are able to solve this Question. – ()
I as well as you am able to solve this Question. – ()
 Two Subjects connected with “or / nor / not only…..but also …etc.” get Verb according to
the second Subject.
Ex.:- Not only the Teacher but also the Students of this class is very lazy. – ()
Not only the Teacher but also the Students of this class are very lazy. – ()
 Two Similar Nouns connected with a Preposition as Subject, make Singular formation and
use Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Door to door were visited during the last Election. – ()
Door to door was visited during the last Election. – ()
 Two different Subjects connected with the Preposition get Verb according to the first Part.
Ex.:- The boy in my class is very laborious. – ()
The boys in my class are very laborious. – ()
 I wish! + Subject + were / v2 …….. (Imagination)
Ex.:- I wish! I were a bird. - (काश! म पंछ होता।)
I wish! Raju went to Delhi. - (काश! राजू द ल जाता।)
 It is high time + S + were / v2 …….. (Imagination)
Ex.:- It is high time I were a School boy.
 If + S + were / v2 …….. (Imagination)
Ex.:- If I were a bird I would fly in the Sky. – (य द म पंछ होता, तो आकाश म उड़ता।)
 As if + S + were / v2 …….. (Imagination)
Ex.:- He is speaking as if he were a great leader. – (वह ऐसा बोल रहा ह, मानो बहु त बड़ा नेता ह।)

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 I wish! / It is high time / if / as if + S + were / v2 ……..
 I wish! / It is high time / if / as if + S + had + v3 / been / had + O / C - (Imaginative
Ex.:- I wish! I had gone to Delhi last month. – (काश! म पछले माह द ल चला गया होता।)
 A Noun / Pronoun in opposition to Noun get Verb according to the first Part.
Ex.:- I Pritam is reading English with M.K Mishra. – ()
I Pritam am reading English with M.K Mishra. – ()
 So + Auxiliary Verb + Subject.
Ex.:- My father is good and so I am. – ()
My father is good and so am I. – ()
 More than one + S.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- More than one Student were present in the class. – ()
More than one Student was present in the class. – ()
 More + P.C.N + than one + P.V
Ex.:- More Students than one was present in the class. – ()
More Students than one were present in the class. – ()
 None + S.V
Ex.:- None were present in the class. – ()
None was present in the class. – ()
 None + of + …. (Digit)…. + P.V
Ex.:- None of the ten Students was present in the class. – ()
None of the ten Students were present in the class. – ()
 It + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- It is raining.
 Introductory there get Verb according to its Object.
Ex.:- There is a Pen in my Pocket. – ()
There are Pens in my Pocket. – ()
 No / Not / Never / Neither / Hardly / Scarcely / No Sooner …etc. get Interrogative
Structure after themselves.
Ex.:- Never I have gone there and never I will go. – ()
Never have I gone there and never will I go. – ()
 First-one / Second-one / Third-one / Fourth-one …etc. + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The third-one were very easy. – ()
The third-one was very easy. – ()
 If an Ordinal Adjective of Number comes with a Subject gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:-The third Umpire was very honest.
 If a Co-ordinal Adjective of Number comes with the Subject of a Sentence gets Verb
Singular with ‘One’ and Plural with ‘Other Number’.
Ex.:- One Student is absent today. – ()
Ten Students are absent today. – ()
 It Ordinal and Co-ordinal both kinds of Adjective of Number come with a Subject get Verb
in Plural form.
Ex.:- The first five Wickets have played well in this Match.

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 If a Distributive Pronoun comes as the Subject of a Sentence get Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Everyone are very intelligent in my class. – ()
Everyone is very intelligent in my class. – ()
 Two Distributives connected with ‘and’ also make a Singular formation and use S.V
Ex.:- Every Teacher and every Student were present in the class. – ()
Every Teacher and every Student was present in the class. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of …….. + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Each of the Students are intelligent in my class. – ()
Each of the Students is intelligent in my class. – ()
 Plural (Noun / Pronoun) + Distribution Pronoun + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- We each is mad. – ()
We each are mad. – ()
 Generally a Study Subject is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Physics is a difficult Subject.
Note – यान रह क य द यह कसी के अ धकार े म आ जाए तो इसका Verb Plural होता ह।
Ex.:- The Physics of S.C Verma are very difficult.
 Generally a Place Name is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- India is Secular Country.
Note – यान रहे क य द Place Name से कसी Team का बोध हो, तो यह Plural हो जाता ह,
और Verb Plural लेता ह।
Ex.:- The India are batting first in this match.
 Half of + Uncountable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Half of the rice are boiled in the kitchen. – ()
Half of the rice is boiled in the kitchen. – ()
 Half of + Singular Countable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Half of the book have been translated into English. – ()
Half of the book has been translated into English. – ()
 Half of + two (P.C.N) + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Half of the two Students are very intelligent. – ()
Half of the two Students is very intelligent. – ()
 Half of + more than two (P.C.N) + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Half of the ten Students is very laborious. – ()
Half of the ten Students are very laborious. – ()
 Both / Many / Several / Few …etc. + Plural Countable Noun + Plural Verb.
Ex.:-Many Students are absent today.
 Much / little / an amount of …etc. + Uncountable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- An amount of rice is remaining in the kitchen.
 All / some / most / a lot of / lots of / a great deal of / a good deal of …etc. + P.C.N + P.V
Ex.:- A lot of students are absent today.
 All / some / most / a lot of / lots of / a great deal of / a good deal of …etc. + U.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- A lot of rice is boiled in the kitchen.

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 A great many / A good many + Plural Countable Noun + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- A great many Students are absent today.
 Only / Any + Singular Countable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- One Student is absent today.
 One / Any + of + Plural Countable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- One of the Students are absent today. – ()
One of the Students is absent today. – ()
 One / any + of + Plural Countable Noun + that / who + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Ram is one of the Students who is sitting in my class. – ()
Ram is one of the Students who are sitting in my class. – ()
 One / any + of + Plural Countable Noun + that / who + P.V ….. + S.V
Ex.:-One of the Students who are sitting in my class are very intelligent. – ()
One of the Students who are sitting in my class is very intelligent. – ()
 Two digits connected with and for addition make a Singular formation and used S. Verb.
Ex.:- Two and two make four. – ()
Two and two makes four. – ()
 If a letter becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- ‘A’ is a vowel and ‘B’ is a Consonant.
 If a word becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Boys is a word that has four letters.
 If a Phrase becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Cats and Dogs are a very famous Phrase. – ()
Cats and Dogs is a very famous Phrase. – ()
 If a Books Name becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The Arabian Knights are a very popular book. – ()
The Arabian Knights is a very popular book. – ()
 If a Clause becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Where to go are not certain. – ()
Where to go is not certain. – ()
 If the Entire Sentence becomes the Subject of a Sentence gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Ram went to Lanka, killed Ravan and enthroned Vibhishan are a true story. – ()
Ram went to Lanka, killed Ravan and enthroned Vibhishan is a true story. – ()
 Causative Verb – ेरणाथक या
 Object + Verb
 Generally Causative is divided into three parts in their sense.
(i) Double Party Causative
(ii) Triple Party Causative
(iii) Multiple Party Causative

 Double Party Causative – Subject + make + Object + v1 ….

Note – यान रहे क वा य संरचना म Causative (Object + Verb) पर Tense Structure का
असर नह ं पड़ता।

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Ex.:- He makes me laugh. – (वह मु झे हंसाता ह।)
He is making laugh. – (वह मु झे हंसा रहा है ।)
He made me laugh. – (उसने मु झे हं सा दया।)
He will make me laugh. – (वह मु झे हंसा दे गा।)
He can make me laugh. – (वह मु झे हंसा सकता ह।)
 Triple Party Causative – Subject + get / have + Object + v3 ….
Ex.:- He gets me beaten in the class. – (वह मु झे वग म पटवाता है ।)
He is getting me beaten in the class. – (वह मु झे वग म पटवा रहा है ।)
He got me beaten in the class. – (वह मु झे वग म पटवा दया।)
He can get me beaten in the class. – (वह मु झे वग म पटवा सकता है ।)
 Multiple Party Causative – Subject + get + Object + Object ……
मानव व तु

Ex.:- He gets me a Job. – (वह मु झे कह-सु नकर नौकर दलवाता है ।)

He is getting me a Job. – (वह सफा रस कर-कर के मु झे नौकर दलवा रहा ह।)

“Structures for Written & Spoken English”

 Block – I 
 Be – होना, बनना, रहना, चलना, ठहरना, कना ... etc.
 Be = 8 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
Am / Are / Be Was / Were Been Being Is
 Be + N / P / Adj. / Adverb – उपि थ त (मानव / व तु / गु ण / दोष)
 Subject + is / am / are / + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- राजू डॉ टर है ।  Raju is a doctor.
मेरा भाई इंजी नयर है ।  My brother is an Engineer.
यह कलम लाल है ।  This Pen is red.
 Subject + was / were + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- राजू डांसर था।  Raju was a dancer.
म मोटा था।  I was fat.
मेरा भाई डॉ टर था।  My brother was a doctor.
 Subject + shall / will + be / + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- मेरा भाई डॉ टर बनेगा।  My brother will be a doctor.
सीता इंजी नयर बनेगी।  Sita will be an Engineer.
म आपके साथ चलू ँ गा।  I shall be with you.

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आज म यह ं ठह ं गा।  I shall be here today.
अगले साल भारत महाशि त बन जाएगा।  Next year India will be the Super Power.
 S + is / am / are + going to be + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- (i) मेरा भाई डॉ टर बनने जा रहा है ।
 My brother is going to be a doctor.
(ii) मेरा भाई इस ामा म जोकर बनने जा रहा है ।
 My brother is going to be a Joker in this Drama.
(iii) यह कलम लाल होने को जा रह है ।
 This Pen is going to be red.
 S + was / were + going to be + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- राजू इस फ म म जोकर बनने जा रहा था।
 Raju was going to be a Joker in this film.
 Subject + is / am / are + to be + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- मेरा भाई डॉ टर बनने वाला है ।  My brother is to be a doctor.
यह कलम लाल होने को है ।  This Pen is to be red.
 Subject + was / were + to be + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- राजू डॉ टर बनने वाला था।  Raju was to be a doctor.
सीता इंजी नयर बनने वाल थी।  Sita was to be an Engineer.
 Subject + has / have + been + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- राम डॉ टर बन चु का है ।  Ram has been a doctor.
म मोटा हो चु का हू ँ।  I have been fat.
 Subject + had + been + N / P / Adj. / Adverb.
Ex.:- मेरा भाई डॉ टर बन गया था।  My brother had been a doctor.
कलम लाल हो गई थी।  The Pen had been red.
 S + has / have + been + N / P / Adj. / Adv. + for / since + time.
Note – यान रहे क “is / am / are + N / P / Adj. / Adv.” से बनने वाला साधारण वा य भी य द
अपने साथ Continuous time ( नरं तर समय) हण कर, तो उसे “Has been / Have been + N / P /
Adj. / Adv.” के सहारे बनाते ह।
Ex.:- (i) म मोटा हू ँ।  I am fat.
(ii) म बचपन से ह मोटा हू ँ।  I have been fat since childhood.
(iii) मोहन सोमवार से ह बीमार है ।  Mohan has been ill since Monday.
(iv) मेरा भाई पाँच साल से डॉ टर है ।
 My brother has been a doctor for five years.

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 S + had been + N / P / Adj. / Adv. + for / since + time.
Ex.:- (i) मोहन बचपन से ह मोटा था।  Mohan had been fat since childhood.
(ii) म बचपन से ह मोटा था।  I had been fat since childhood.

 Block – II 

 Be + Infinitive (To + v1) – योजना

 Subject + is / am / are + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) म द ल जाने को हू ँ। / म द ल जाने वाला हू ँ। / मेरा द ल जाना तय है । / मेरा द ल
जाना सु नि चत है । / मेर द ल जाने क योजना / लान / इरादा है ।
 I am to go to Delhi.
(ii) राजू का नया कार खर दना सु नि चत है ।
 Raju is to buy a new car.
(iii) मोहन का अगले माह पटना आने क योजना है ।
 Mohan is to come to Patna next month.
 Subject + is / am / are + about + Infinitive. – नजद क योजना
Ex.:- (i) राजू अब द ल जाने ह वाला है ।
 Raju is about to go to Delhi.
(ii) सीता टे ज पर नाचने को ह है ।
 Sita is about to dance on the stage.
 Subject + is / am / are + just about + Infinitive. – बेहद नजद क योजना
Ex.:- (i) राजू टे ज पर नाचने - नाचने को है ।
 Raju is just about to dance on the stage.
(ii) मोहन नया कार खर दने चल ह पड़ा है ।
 Mohan is just about to buy a new car.
 Subject + was / were + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) राजू का नया कार खर दना तय था।
 Raju was to buy a new car.
(ii) मोहन क द ल जाने क योजना तय था।
 Mohan was to go to Delhi.
 S + was / were + about + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) मोहन नया कार खर दने वाला ह था।
 Mohan was about to buy a new car.
(ii) सीता द ल जाने को ह थी।
 Sita was about to go to Delhi.
 S + was / were + just + about + Infinitive.

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Ex.:- राम टे ज पर नाचने - नाचने को था।
 Ram was just about to dance on the stage.
 S + is / am / are + going + infinitive.
Ex.:- मोहन टे ज पर नाचने जा रहा है ।
 Mohan is going to dance on the stage.
 S + was / were + going + Infinitive.
Ex.:- मोहन टे ज पर नाचने जा रहा था।
 Mohan was going to dance on the stage.
 S + is / am / are + Scheduled / Slated + Infinitive. – पू व नधा रत समय
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क कोई योजना अपने पू व – नधा रत समय पर होने वाल है ।
Ex.:- (i) सोमवार को मेरा द ल जाना तय है ।
 I am scheduled to go to Delhi on Monday.
(ii) राजू का अगले माह कार खर दना सु नि चत है ।
 Raju is slated to buy a car next month.
 S + was / were + Scheduled / Slated + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) सोमवार को मेरा द ल जाना तय था।
 I was scheduled to go to Delhi on Monday.
(ii) 2005 म राजू का नया कार खर दना ब कु ल तय था।
 Raju was slated to buy a new car in 2005.
 S + was / were + to have + v3.
Note – यह Structure दशाता है क Subject वारा Past Tense म कोई काय होने वाला था, पर
हु आ नह ं, या न वह काय पू रा होते – होते रह गया।
Ex.:- (i) पछले माह म द ल जाते जाते रह गया।
 I was to have gone to Delhi last year.
(ii) 2005 म राजू नया कार खर दने को था, पर नह ं खर द सका।
 Raju was to have bought a new car in 2005.

 Block – III 
 Have + Infinitive – फज / मजबू र
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
Have Had Had Having Has
 S + has / have + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) मु झे द ल जाना है । / मु झे द ल जाना पड़ता है । / मु झे द ल जाना ज र है । / मेरा
द ल जाना फज बनता है । / म द ल जाने को ववश हू ँ। / मुझे द ल जाने को हालत बनी है । /
मेर द ल जाना मजबू र हो गया है ।
 I have to go to Delhi.

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(ii) हम लोग को माँ - बाप का सेवा करना फज बनता है ।
 We have to serve our Parents.
(iii) राजू को नया कार खर दना लाज़मी हो गया है ।
 Raju has to buy a new car.
 S + had + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) उसे पैसे के लए भीख माँगना पड़ा।
 He had to beg for money.
(ii) राजू को द ल जाना ज र था।
 Raju had to go to Delhi.
 S + shall / will + have + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) कल आपको द ल जाना पड़ेगा।
 You will have to go to Delhi tomorrow.
(ii) राजू नया कार खर दने को ववश हो जाएगा।
 Raju will have to buy a new car.
(iii) आपको टे ज पर नाचना ह होगा।
 You will have to dance on the stage.
 S + may + have + Infinitive. – यादा संभावना
Ex.:- (i) हो सकता है क राजू को टे ज पर नाचना पड़े।
 Raju may have to dance on the stage.
(ii) शायद मोहन को नया कार खर दना पड़ जाए।
 Mohan have to buy a new car.
(iii) शायद कल आपको द ल जाना पड़ जाए।
 You may have to go to Delhi tomorrow.
 S + might have + Infinitive. – कम संभावना
Ex.:- (i) शायद ह राजू को टे ज पर नाचना पड़े।
 Raju might have to dance on the stage.
(ii) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती है, क मोहन को द ल जाना पड़ेगा।
 Mohan might have to go to Delhi.
 S + should have + Infinitive. – इ छा / सलाह
Ex.:- (i) आपको दवा ले लेनी चा हए।
 You should have to go to Delhi because his brother is ill.
 S + would have + Infinitive. – वाब
 If + S + were / v2 / had + O / C + S + would have + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) य द म भखार होता, तो मु झे भीख माँगना पड़ जाता।
 If I were a beggar I would have to beg.
(ii) य द राजू द ल जाता, तो उसे 500 क नौकर करनी पड़ जाती।

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 If Raju went to Delhi, he would have to work for Rs. - 500.
(iii) य द मेरे पास पैसा होता, तो मु झे फाईन चु काना पड़ जाता।
 If I had money I would have to pay fine.
 S + is / am / are + having + Infinitive. – काय जार
Ex.:- (i) मु झे पैसे के लए भीख माँगना पड़ रहा है ।  I am having to beg for money.
(ii) राजू को द ल जाना पड़ रहा है।  Raju is having to go to Delhi.
 S + was / were + having + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (i) उसे पैसे के भीख माँगना पड़ रहा था।  He was having to beg for money.
(ii) मोहन को टे ज पर नाचना पड़ रहा था।  Mohan was having to dance on the stage.
 Block – IV 
 Have – के पास होना, को होना, रखना, लेना, हण करना, खाना, पीना, पहनना …etc.
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
Have Had Had Having Has
 Have + N / P – अ धकार
 S + has / have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) मेरे पास एक कार है / मु झको एक कार है / म कार रखता हू ँ।
 I have a car. / I take a car.
(ii) म पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाता हू ँ।
 I have a new policy for exam.
(iii) हम लोग सु बह म दादा जी का आशीवाद हण करते है ।
 We have the blessing of Grandfather in the morning.
(iv) रात म हम लोग रोट – दाल खाते है ।
 We have bread and pulse eat at night.
 S + had + N / P
Ex.:- (i) पछले माह राजू नया कार ले लया।
 Raju had a new car last month.
(ii) मोहन पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाया।
 Mohan had a new policy for exam.
 S + shall / will + have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) अगले साल मेरे पास नई कार हो जाएगी।
 I shall have a new car next year.
(ii) म पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाऊँगा।
 I shall have a new policy for exam.
(iii) राजू दादा जी का आशीवाद हण करे गा।
 Raju will have the blessing of Grandfather.

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 S + may + have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) शायद मोहन नया कार ले ले।
 Mohan may have a new car.
(ii) हो सकता है, क राजू पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनावे।
 Raju may have a new policy for exam.
(iii) इस बात क संभावना यादा बनती है, क मोहन नया कार ले लेगा।
 Mohan may have a new car.
Note – यान रहे क य द ‘May’ से Possibility का भाव य त होता हो, तो उसका Interrogative
Structure बनाने हे तु Affirmative Structure म ‘Do you think’ जोड़ दे ते है ।
Ex.:- या राम के पास नया कार होने का संभावना बनता है ?
 Do you think Ram may have a new car?
 S + might + have + N / P – कम संभावना
Ex.:- (i) शायद ह मोहन नया कार ले ले।
 Mohan might have a new car.
(ii) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती है , क राजू पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनावे।
 Raju might have a new policy for exam.
 S + should + have + N / P – इ छा / सलाह
Ex.:- (i) आपके पास एक नई कार होनी चा हए।
 You should have a new car.
(ii) राजू एक छा है, उसके पास कलम होना बेहतर होगा।
 Raju is a student, he should have a pen.
 S + ought to + have + N / P – नै तक अ धकार
Ex.:- (i) एक ाईवर के पास लाइसस होना नै तक िज़ मेदार है ।
 A Driver ought to have a license.
(ii) आपके पास कलम रहना ह चा हए।  You ought to have a pen.
 S + must have + N / P – बल संभावना
Ex.:- (i) आपके पास नया कार होने का पू रा-पू रा संभावना बंता है ।  You must have a new car.
(ii) राजू के पास कलम रहना लाज़मी है ।  Raju must have a pen.
 S + would have + N / P – वाब
If + S + were / v2 / had + O / C + S + would have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) पछले माह म एक नया कार ले सकता था।  I could have a new car last month.
(ii) म पर ा के लए नई नी त अपना सकता था।  I could have a new policy for exam.
 S + used to + have + N / P – पु रानी आदत
Ex.:- (i) बचपन म मेरे पास पैसा रहा करता था।  I used to have money in childhood.
(ii) मेरे दादा जी हाथी रखा करते थे।  My Grandfather used to have an elephant.

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 S + need not + have + N / P – ज रत नह ं
Ex.:- (i) मु झे मोटरसाइ कल रखने क कोई ज रत नह ं ह।  I need not have a motorcycle.
(ii) राजू को पैसे क या आव यकता।  Raju need not have money.
 S + has / have + to have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) मु झे एक नया कार लेना ज र ह।  I have to have a new car.
(ii) मु झे पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाना है ।
 I have to have a new policy for exam.
(iii) राजू को नई नी त अपनाना फज बनता ह।
 Raju has to have a new policy.
 S + had + to have + N / P
Ex.:- पछले माह मु झे एक नया कार लेना पड़ा।  I had to have a new car last month.
 S + shall / will have + to have + N / P
Ex.:- आपको एक नया कार लेना होगा।  You will have to have a new car.
 S + is / am / are + going to have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) म एक नया कार लेने जा रहा हू ँ।  I am going to have a new car.
(ii) राजू पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाने जा रहा है ।
 Raju is going to have a new policy for exam.
 S + was / were + going to have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) म एक नया कार लेने जा रहा था।  I was going to have a new car.
(ii) राजू एक नया कार लेने जा रहा था।  Raju was going to have a new car.
 S + is / am / are (be) + to have (Infinitive) + N / P
Ex.:- (i) राजू एक नया कार लेने वाला है ।
 Raju is to have a new car.
(ii) मोहन पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाने को है ।
 Mohan is to have a new policy for exam.
 S + was / were + to have + N / P
Ex.:- (i) पछले माह राजू एक नया कार लेने को था।
 Raju was to have a new car last month.
(ii) मोहन पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाने को था।
 Mohan was to have a new policy for exam.
 S + was / were + to have had + N / P
Ex.:- (i) पछले माह राजू नया कार लेते-लेते रह गया।
 Raju was to have had a new car last month.
(ii) मोहन पर ा के लए नई नी त अपनाने वाला था, पर नह ं अपनाया।
 Mohan was to have had a new policy for exam.

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 Block – V 

 Modals Verb – (S + Modal + v1 + O)

 Can – Could
 May – Might
 Shall – Should
 Will – Would
 Used to, Ought to, Need not, Dare not & Must.
 Can – (वतमान मता)
 To show a Present ability or capacity.
 S + Can + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) म यह सवाल बना सकता हू ँ।  I can solve this Question.
(b) राजू यह काम करने म स म है ।  Raju can do this work.
(c) म रात म वहाँ जाने का मता रखता हू ँ।  I can go there at night.
 To get Permission – (In family or circle use)
 Can + S + v1 + O +?
Ex.:- माँ या यह आम खा जाऊँ?  Mother can I eat this mango?
 To give Permission.
 S + Can
Ex.:- May I come in sir? – Yes, you can.
 To prohibit strictly.
 S + can’t + v1 + O
Ex.:- यह तार ब कुल मत छूना।  You can’t touch this wire.
 To show a strong possibility with resources.
 S + can + v1 + O
Ex.:- राम के अनु सार आज पापा के आने क संभावना बनती है ।
 According to Ram Papa can come today.
 To show the target of a present action with so that.
 Present Action + so that + S + can + v1 + O
Ex.:- म द ल जा रहा हू ँ, ता क एक अ छ नौकर पा जाऊँ।
 I am going to Delhi, so that I can get a good job.
 With some Phrasal uses.
(a) S + can’t help + v4 + O
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject अपने कसी आदत अथवा ज बात का ऐसा शकार
हो गया है , क वह कोई काय करने से अपने आप को रोक नह ं सकता, या न वह वतमान या
भ व य म वह काय करे गा ह ।
Ex.:- (i) राजू टे ज पर नाचे बना रह ह नह ं सकता।  Raju can’t help dancing on the stage.
(b) वह सगरे ट पये बना मानेगा ह नह ं।  He can’t help smoking.

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(b) S + can’t have + Object + v4 ….
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject वतमान अथवा भ व य म कसी अ य को कोई काय
करने का इजाजत नह ं दे सकता, या न उसे काय करने से रोक दे गा।
Ex.:- (a) म तु झे यहाँ सगरे ट पीने का अनु म त नह ं दू ंगा।
 I can’t have you smoking here.
(b) वे लोग मु झे टे ज पर नाचने का इजाजत नह ं दे सकते।
 They can’t have me dancing on the stage.

 Could – (भू तका लक मता)

 To show a Past ability or capacity.

 S + could + v1 + Object
Ex.:- म पछले साल नया कार खर दने का मता रखता था।
 I could buy a new car last year.
 To show a less ability or capacity of Present.
 S + could + v1 + Object
Ex.:- जैस-े तैसे म यह सवाल बना भी सकता हू ँ।  I could solve this Question.
 To arise Question for one’s wishes or permission.
 Could + S + v1 + Object +?
Ex.:- या आप यहा बैठना पसंद करगे?  Could you seat here?
 As the Past form of ‘can’
Ex.:- Ram said that he can buy a new car. – ()
Ram said that he could buy a new car. – ()
 S + could have + v3 + Object
Note – यह Structure दशाता है क Subject को ेतकाल म कोई काय करने का मता था, फर
भी पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा है ।
Ex.:- पर ा म म यह सवाल बना ले सकता था।
 I could have solved this Question in Exam.
 To show the target of a Past Action with so that.
 Past Action + so that + S + could + v1 + Object
Ex.:- Raju went to Delhi so that he could get a good job.
 In some Phrasal uses.
(a) S + could not help + v4 + Object
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject ेतकाल म अपने आदत का ऐसा शकार हो गया था,
क वह कोई काय करने से अपने को रोक नह ं सकता था, या न काय कर ह डाला।
Ex.:- (i) राजू सगरे ट पये बना नह ं माना।
 Raju couldn’t help smoking.
(ii) मोहन टे ज पर नाचे बना रह ह नह ं सकता था।
 Mohan couldn’t help dancing on the stage.

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(b) S + couldn’t have + Object + v4 ….
Note – यह Structure दशाता है क Subject ेतकाल म कसी अ य को कोई काय करने का
इजाजत नह ं दया, या न उसे काय करने से रोक दया।
Ex.:- (a) म उसे यहाँ सगरे ट पीने का इजाजत नह ं दया।
 I couldn’t have him smoking here.
(b) राजू ने मु झे द ल जाने नह ं दया।
 Raju couldn’t have me going to Delhi.

 May

 To show a strong Possibility.

 Subject + may + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) शायद आज राजू आ जाए।
 Raju may come today.
(b) हो सकता है क मोहन नया कार ले ले।
 Mohan may buy a new car.
(c) धौनी का इस मैच म खेलने क यादा संभावना बनती है ।
 Dhoni may play in this match.
Note – यान रहे क य द ‘May’ से संभावना का बोध हो, तो उसका Interrogative Structure
बनाने हे तु Affirmative Structure के पहले Do you think जोड़ दया जाता है ।
 Do you think + Subject + may + v1 + Object + ?
Ex.:- या आज राजू के आने क संभवना बनती है ।
 Do you think Raju may come today?
 To get permission. (In formal way)
 May + S + v1 + O + ?
Ex.:- May I come in Sir?
 To give Permission.
 S + may
Ex.:- May I come in sir? Ans. - Yes, you may.
 To show a bless / curse / wish.
 May + S + v1 + O
Ex.:- (a) भगवान करते क आपक नौकर लग जाती।  May you get a good job.
(b) ऊपर वाले मेहरबान हो जाते, क दाऊद मर जाता।  May Daud die.
 To show the target of a Present Action with ‘so that’.
 Present Action + so that + S + may + v1 + O
Ex.:- म द ल जा रहा हू ँ, ता क एक अ छ नौकर पा सकूँ ।
 I am going to Delhi, so that I may get a good job.

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 Might

 To show a weak Possibility

 S + might + v1 + O
Ex.:- (a) शायद ह राजू नया कार खर द पाये।
 Raju might buy a new car.
(b) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती ह क मोहन द ल जाएगा।
 Mohan might go to Delhi.
Note - यान रहे क य द Might के तहत Possibility का Sense दया जाय, तो उसका Interrogative
Structure बनाने हे तु ः Affirmative Struc. से पहले Do you think जोड़ दया जाता है ।
Ex.:- या आज राजू के आने क कु छ भी संभावना बनता है ।
 Do you think Raju might come today?
 As the Past form of “May”
Ex.:- Ram said that he may solve the Question. – ()
Ram said that he might solve the Question. – ()
 To show the target of a Past action with “So that”.
 Past Action + so that + S + Might + v1 + O
Ex.:- मोहन द ल चला गया, ता क वह एक अ छ नौकर पा जाए।
 Mohan went to Delhi so that he might get a good job.
 S + Might have + v3 + O
Note – यह Structure दशाता है , क Subject को ेतकाल म कोई काय करने क संभावना
थी, िजसे पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा ह।
Ex.:- पछले माह म द ल चला गया होता, पर चू क गया।
 I might have gone to Delhi last month.

 Shall / Will

ायः कसी 1 Person Subject ‘I / we’ के साथ Shall आता ह, जब क 2 तथा 3 Person
st nd rd

Subject म Will आता ह, जब क अ य Subject के साथ Shall का योग होता है ।
Ex.:- I shall go there, He will come today.
Note – यान रहे क कसी Emphatic Structure के तहत I / we म will आता है , जब क अ य
Subject के साथ Shall का योग होता ह।
Ex.:- (a) म वहाँ ज र जाऊंगा।  I will go there.
(b) वह आज ज र आएगा।  He shall come today.
 Uses

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 To show a simple futurity.
 S + shall / will + v1 + O
Ex.:- म कल द ल जाऊंगा।  I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.
 The repetition of shall / will is avoided in a conditional sentence, it is replaced by using
Present Indefinite tense with the part that shows condition.
Note – यान रहे क ायः इसके तहत Conditional Part क शु आत If / when / as soon as / as
long as / until / unless … etc. से होता ह।
Ex.:- (a) When he will come you will go. – ()
 When he comes you will go. – ()
(b) I shall give money, if you will dance. – ()
 I shall give money, if you dance. – ()
 Will come to arise Question or one’s wishes.
 Will + S + v1 + O +?
Ex.:- चाय लिजएगा?  Will you take tea?
 To show suggestion + Precaution with else.
 Suggestion + else + S + shall / will / would + v1 + O
Ex.:- ज द चल नह ं तो े न छूट जाएगी।
 Run fast, else you will miss the train.

 Should

 To make a suggestion.
 S + should + v1 + O
Ex.:- (a) आपको दवा ले लेना बेहतर होगा।  You should take medicine.
(b) नया कार खर दना आपके हत म है ।  You should buy a new car.
(c) आपको द ल चले जाना चा हए।  You should go to Delhi.
 To Express wishes.
 S + should + v1 + O
Ex.:- (a) अब म यहाँ से चलू ँ ।  Now I should go from here.
(b) अब मु झे कार खर द लेना ह बेहतर है ।  Now I should buy a car.
 To make a conditional suggestion.
 Should + S + v1 + O + Suggestion
Ex.:- Should you reach Delhi phone me immediately.
 To make suggestion + Precaution with lest.
 Suggestion + lest + S + should + v1 + O
Ex.:- ज द चल नह ं तो े न छूट जाएगी।  Run fast lest you should miss the train.
 S + should have + v + O
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject ेतकाल म कोई काय करने क िज़ मेदार थी, िजसे
पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा है ।

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Ex.:- (a) आपको द ल चले जाना चा हए था।  You should have gone to Delhi.
(b) बेहतर हु आ होता, जब तु म नया कार खर द लया होता।
 You should have bought a new car.

 Ought to

 To show a Modal Action.

 S + ought to + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) हम अपने माँ-बाप क सेवा करनी ह चा हए।
 We ought to serve our parents.
(b) आपको गर ब क मदद करनी नै तक िज़ मेदार ह।
 You ought to help the poor.
 S + ought to have + v3 + O
Note – यह Structure दशाता है , क Subject को ेतकाल म कोई काय करने क नै तक
िज़ मेदार थी, िजसे पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा ह।
Ex.:- आपको माँ – बाप का सेवा करना चा हए।
 You ought to have served your parents.

 Must

 To show the strongest possibility.

 S + must + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (i) आज राजू के आने का पू रा पू रा संभावना बनता ह।
 Raju must come today.
(ii) इस बात क बेहद संभावना ह, क मोहन नया कार ले लेगा।
 Mohan must buy a new car.
Note - यान रहे क जब Must के तहत संभावना का बोध हो, तो इनका Interrogative
Structure बनाने हे तु ः Affirmative Structure से पहले Do you think जोड़ दया जाता ह।
Ex.:- या राजू के आने क पू रा-पू रा संभावना है?
 Do you think Raju must come today?
 To show a compulsion.
 S + must + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) आपको द ल जाना लाज़मी है ।  You must go to Delhi.
(b) राजू को ब कुल नया कार खर द लेनी चा हए।  Raju must buy a new car.
 To show the strongest wishes.
 S + must + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) मेरा यहाँ से चलना अब बेहद अ छा होगा।  I must go from here now.
(b) अब म चलह चलू ।  I must go now.

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 To prohibit strictly.
 S + mustn’t + v1 + Object
Ex.:- तु झे वहाँ ब कुल नह ं जाना होगा।  You mustn’t go there.
 S + must have + v3 + Object
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject को ेतकाल म कोई काय करना अ त आव यक था,
िजसे पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा ह।
Ex.:- आपको वहाँ ज र जाना चा हए था।  You must have gone there.

 Would

 To show a future plan with stress.

 S + would + v1 + Object
Ex.:- कल राजू ब कु ल आएगा।  Raju would come tomorrow.
 As the past form of shall or will.
Ex.:- Ram said that he will buy a new car. – ()
 Ram said that he would buy a new car. – ()
 To arise Question for one’s wishes.
 Would + S + v1 + Object +?
Ex.:- (a) चाय लगे।  Would you take tea?
(b) या आप यहाँ बैठना पसंद करगे।  Would you sit here?
 To express Ideas or wishes.
 S + would + like / dislike + Infinitive.
Ex.:- म एक गीत गाना चाहता हू ँ।  I would like to sing a song.
 To show a Past habitual action.
Ex.:- वह यहाँ रोज आता था, बैठता था और जाता था।
 He would come here daily, he would sit and then he would go.
 To make Imagination.
1. Note – कसी Conditional Sentence के तहत Imagination को दशाने हे तु ः वा य के
Conditional Part म were / v2 / had + Object / Compliment का योग कया जाता ह।
 If + S + were / v2 / had + O / C + S + would + v1 + Object.
Ex.:- (a) य द म पंछ होता, तो आकाश म उड़ता।
 If I would be a bird, I would fly in the sky. – ()
 If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky. – ()
(b) य द म द ल जाता, तो म एक कार खर दता।
 If I go would go to Delhi, I would buy a new car. – ()
 If I went to Delhi, I would buy a new car. – ()

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2. Note – Imagination Remorse दशाने हे तु ः would have + v3 आता ह, और यान रह, क
Conditional Sentence के तहत इसक पु नरावृ त नह ं होती, इससे बचने हे तु ः Conditional दशाने
वाले भाग म had + v3 आता ह।
 If + S + had + v3 / been / had + O / C + S + would have + v3 + O
 Had + S + v3 / been / had + O / C + S + would have + v3 + O
Ex.:- य द म द ल चला गया होता, तो नया कार खर द लया होता।
 If I had gone to Delhi, I would have bought a new car. – ()
 Had I gone to Delhi, I would have bought a new car. – ()
 यान रहे क इस अव था म Would क अनु पि थ त म Could, के अनु पि थ त म Might तथा
Might के अनु पि थ त म Should का योग हो सकता है ।

 Used to

 To show a Past habitual action.

S + used to + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) बचपन म म केट खेला करता था।  I used to play cricket in childhood.
(b) राजू वग म ह सोया करता था।  Raju used to sleep in the class.
 S + used to / uses to + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) राजू सु बह म टहला करता है ।  Raju uses to walk in the morning.
(b) म रात म दे र से सोया करता हू ँ।  I used to sleep late at night.
 S + is / am / are / was / were + used to + v4 + Object – (खराब आदत)
Ex.:- राजू सगरे ट पया करता है ।
 Raju is used to smoking. – ()
 Raju is addicted to smoking. – ()

 Need not

 वा य म Need तथा Dare, Auxiliary verb तथा Modal verb दोन का ह काय करते है, परं तु
य द ये Auxiliary verb के प म आए, तो इसक संरचना Need not अथवा Dare not से होती है,
जब क Main verb के प म इ हे Tense Structure पर दशाया जा सकता है ।
1. S + need not + v1 + Object
2. S + need / needs / deeded + N / P + Infinitive
3. S + do not / does not / did not + need + N / P + Infinitive
4. S + need not have + v3 + Object
 S + need not + v1 + Object
Ex.:- (a) मु झे कार खर दने क आव यकता नह ं है ।  I need not buy a car.
(b) राजू को द ल जाने के या ज रत।  Raju need not go to Delhi.

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 S + need / needs / needed + N / P + Infinitive
Ex.:- (a) मु झे कलम क ज रत है ।  I need a pen.
(b) राजू को नया कर खर दने क आव यकता है ।  Raju needs to buy a new car.
(c) राजू को मोटरसाईकल क ज रत थी।  Raju needed a Motorcycle.
 S + do not / does not / did not + need + N / P + Infinitive
Ex.:- (a) मु झे कार खर दने क आव यकता नह ं है ।  I do not need to buy a car.
(b) मोहन को कलम क आव यकता नह ं है ।  Mohan does not need a pen.
(c) राजू को मोटरसाईकल क ज रत नह ं पड़ी।  Raju didn’t need a motorcycle.
 S + need not have + v3 + Object
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject को Past tense म कोई काय करने क आव यकता तो
नह ं थी, फर भी उसने काय संपा दत कया, िजस पर अफसोस है ।
Ex.:- (a) मोहन को कार खर दने क आव यकता नह ं थी, पर खर दा।
 Mohan need not bought a car.
(b) राजू बेवजह ह द ल चला गया।
 Raju need not have gone to Delhi.

 Dare not

1. S + dare not + v1 + Object

2. S + dare / dares / dared + Infinitive
3. S + do not / does not / did not + dare + Infinitive
4. S + dare not have + v3 + Object

 S + dare not + v1 + Object

Ex.:- (a) मु झे वहाँ रात म जाने का ह मत नह ं है ।
 I dare not go there at night.
(b) राजू को नया कार खर दने का ह मत कहाँ है।
 Raju dare not buy a new car.
 S + dare / dares / dared + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (a) म वहाँ रात म जाने का ह मत रखता हू ँ।
 I dare to go there at night.
(b) राजू नया कार खर दने का ह मत दखाया।
 Raju dared to buy a new car.

 Time & Tense or Modals 

1. Indefinite Tense – v1 – आदत
2. Continuous Tense – be + v4 – काय जार

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3. Perfect Tense – Have + v3 – काय पू रा
4. Perfect Continuous – Have been + v4 – कुछ समय से जार
 Block – VI 
 Continuous form of Modal. – (Modals + be + v4)
1. S + may be + v4 + Object – (May – यादा संभावना, be + v4 – काय जार )
Ex.:- (a) शायद राजू केट खेल रहा हो।
 Raju may be playing cricket.
(b) हो सकता है, क मोहन टे ज पर नाच रहा हो।
 Mohan may be dancing on the stage.
2. S + might be + v4 + Object – (Might – कम संभावना)
Ex.:- (a) शायद ह राजू टे ज पर नाच रहा हो।
 Raju might be dancing on the stage.
(b) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती है, क मोहन केट खेल रहा होगा।
 Mohan might be playing cricket.
3. S + must be + v4 + Object – (Must – बल संभावना / बा यता)
Ex.:- (a) वह ज र टे ज पर नाच रहा होगा।
 He must be dancing on the stage.
(b) आपको ज र वहाँ जाते रहना चा हए।
 You must be going there.
4. S + should be + v4 + Object
Ex.:- आपको सु बह म टहलते रहना चा हए।
 You should be walking in the morning.
 Block – VII 
 Perfect form of Modal. – (Modals + have +v3 + O)
1. S + may have + v3 + Object
Ex.:- (a) शायद राजू द ल चला गया हो।
 Raju may have gone to Delhi.
(b) हो सकता है क मोहन नया कार खर द लया हो।
 Mohan may have bought a new car.
2. S + might have + v3 + Object
Ex.:- (a) शायद ह राजू द ल चला गया हो।
 Raju might have gone to Delhi.
(b) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती है, क मोहन नया कार ले लया होगा।
 Mohan might have taken a new car.
3. S + should have + v3 + Object
Note – यह Structure दशाता है, क Subject को भू तकाल म कोई काय करने क िज़ मेदार थी,

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िजसे पू रा न कर पाने के कारण अफसोस दशाया जा रहा ह।
Ex.:- आपको द ल चले जाना चा हए था।
 You should have gone to Delhi.
4. S + must have + v3 + Object
Ex.:- वह ज र कार खर द लया होगा।
 He must have bought a new car.

 Block – VIII 

 Perfect Continuous form of Modals. – (Modals + have been + v4)

1. S + may have been + v4 + O + for / since + time
(May - यादा संभावना, Have been + V4 - कु छ समय से जार )
Ex.:- (a) शायद राम दो घंटा से केट खेल रहा हो।
 Ram may have been playing cricket for two hours.
(b) हो सकता है क राजू सोमवार से ह टे ज पर नाच रहा हो।
 Raju may have been dancing on the stage since Monday.
2. S + might have been + v4 + O + for / since + time
Ex.:- शायद ह वह दो घंटे से नाच रहा हो।
 He might have been dancing for two hours.
3. S + must have been + v4 + O + for / since + time.
Ex.:- वह ज र दो घंटे से केट खेल रहा होगा।
 He must have been playing cricket for two hours.
4. S + should have been + v4 + O + from + time
Ex.:- आपको सोमवार से वहाँ जाते रहना चा हए।
 You should have been going there from Monday.
 Block – IX 
 There + be + Noun / Pronoun
1. There + is / are + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) मेरे पॉकेट म एक कलम ह।
 There is a pen in my Pocket.
(b) मेरे मोबाईल म बायलस नह ं है ।
 There is no balance in my Mobile.
2. There + was / were + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) इस कुं ए म एक ब ल थी।
 There was a cat in this Well.
(b) भारत और पा क तान के बीच एक जोरदार मैच था।
 There was a tussle match between India and Pakistan.

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3. There + will be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- अगले माह मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो ाम होगा।
 There will be a dance program in my village next month.
4. There + has / have been + N / P + for / since + time
Ex.:- सोमवार से ह मेरे मोबाईल म बायलस नह ं है ।
 There has been no balance in my mobile since Monday.
5. There + had been + N / P + for / since + time.
Ex.:- सोमवार से ह मेरे मोबाईल म बायलस नह ं था।
 There had been no balance in my mobile since Monday.
6. There + is / are + going to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- अगले माह मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो ाम होने जा रहा है ।
 There is going to be a dance program in my village next month.
7. There + was / were + going to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो ाम होने जा रहा था।
 There was going to be a dance program in my village.
8. There + has / have + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो ाम होना ज र ह।
 There has to be a dance program in my village.
9. There + had + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- आपके मोबाईल म बायलस रहना ज र था।
 There had to be balance in your mobile.
10. There + is / are + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- भारत और पा क तान के बीच अगले माह एक जोरदार मु क़ाबला होने को है ।
 There is to be a tussle match between India and Pakistan next month.
11. There + was / were + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- पछले माह मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो ाम होने वाला था।
 There was to be a dance program in my village last month.
12. There + was / were + to have been + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- पछले माह मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ो न होते - होते रह गया।
 There was to have been a dance program in my village last month.
13. There + should be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- आपके मोबाईल म बायलस रहना चा हए।
 There should be balance in your mobile.
14. There + ought to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- आपके मोबाईल म बायलस रहना ह चा हए।
 There ought to be balance in your mobile.
15. There + must be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) आपके मोबाईल म बायलस ज र रहना चा हए।
 There must be balance in your mobile.

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(b) उसके पॉकेट म पैसा होने का पू रा - पू रा संभावना बनता ह।
 There must be money in his Pocket.
16. There + may be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) शायद उसके मोबाईल म बायलस न हो।
 There may be no balance in his mobile.
(b) हो सकता ह क उसके मन म कु छ संदेह हो।
 There may be some doubt in his mind.
17. There + might be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) शायद ह उसके मोबाईल म बायलस न हो।
 There might be no balance in his mobile.
(b) इस बात क कम ह संभावना बनती ह, क उस म म भू त हो।
 There might be a ghost in that room.
18. There + can be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- इस पैसे से एक अ छा पाट हो सकता ह।
 There can be a good Party by this money.
19. There + could be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- इस पैसे से एक अ छा पाट हो सकता था।
 There could be a good Party by this money.
20. There + used to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- बचपन म मेरे पॉकेट म पैसा रहा करता था।
 There used to be money in my Pocket in childhood.
21. There + need not be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- तेरे मोबाईल मे बायलस रहने क या ज रत?
 There need not be balance in your mobile.
22. There + may have been + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- शायद उसके मोबाईल म दस दन से बायलस न हो।
 There may have been no balance in his mobile for ten days.
23. There + might + have been + Noun / Pronoun + for / since + time.
Ex.:- शायद ह उसके मोबाईल मे सोमवार से ह बायलस न हो।
 There might have no balance in his mobile since Monday.
24. There / It + Seem / appear / loom / Happen + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) ऐसा मालू म पड़ता ह, क उसके मोबाईल म बायलस नह ं ह।
 There seems to be no balance in his mobile.
(b) ऐसा नजर आता ह क बहार म गर बी ह।
 There looms to be poverty in Bihar.
25. There / It + is certain / sure / likely / bound + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) आपके मोबाईल म बायलस रहना तय ह।
 There is certain to be balance in your mobile.

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(b) मेरे गाँव म एक डांस ोगाम होना सु नि चत ह।
 There is sure to be a dance program in my village.
26. There / It + Static Verbs / Verbs of Motion + Noun / Pronoun.
Live, remain, follow …etc.
Ex.:- (a) इस म म एक भू त रहता ह।
 There live a ghost in this room.
(b) बाढ़ के बाद कु छ नह ं बचा।
 There remained nothing after flood.
(c) मेरे गाँव म के साधू बाबा रहते थे, जो क बहु त ह ईमानदार थे।
 There lived a saint in my village he was very honest.
27. There / It + is + thought + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Said, felt, reported, presumed …etc.
Ex.:- (a) लोग का ऐसा स च ह क बहार म गर बी ह।
 There is thought to be poverty in Bihar.
(b) लोग क ऐसी धारणा ह क कण-कण म भगवान ह।
 There is presumed to be God in every stone.
(c) ऐसी सू चना मल है क उस म म चोर ह।
 There is reported to be a thief in that room.
28. S + want / wish + there + to be + Noun / Pronoun.
Ex.:- (a) मेरे दादा जी चाहते है, क घर म एक रे डयो रहे ।
 My Grandfather wants there to be a radio in family.
(b) मेरा भाई चाहता था क एक डांस ो ाम हो।
 My brother wished there to be a dance program.
 Block – X 
 Be + able + Infinitive
1. S + is / am / are + able + Infinitive.
S + know / knows + how + Infinitive.
Ex.:- मु झे अँ ेजी बोलने आता ह। / म अँ ेजी बोलने जानता हू ँ।
म अँ ेजी बोलने के यो य हू ँ। / म अँ ेजी बोलने म स म हू ँ।
 I am able to speak English. / I know how to speak English.
2. S + was / were + able + Infinitive.
S + knew + how + Infinitive.
Ex.:- राजू कार चलाने म स म था।
 Raju was able to drive a car. / Raju knew how to drive a car.
3. S + shall / will be + able + Infinitive.
S + shall / will + know + how + Infinitive.
Ex.:- अगले माह मु झे कार चलाने आ जाएगा।
 I shall be able to drive a car next month.
 I shall know how to drive a car next month.

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4. S + has / have / had + been + able + Infinitive + for / since + time.
Ex.:- (a) मु झे बचपन से ह अँ ेजी बोलने आता ह।
 I have been able to speak English since childhood.
(b) राजू को पाँच साल से गाड़ी चलाने आता ह।
 Raju has been able to drive a car for five years.
5. If + S + were / v2 + O / C + S + would be + able + Infinitive.
Ex.:- य द म पंछ होता, तो आकाश म उड़ने को स म होता।
 If I were a bird I would be able to fly in the Sky.
6. S + may be + able + Infinitive.
S + may know + how + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (a) शायद राम को गाड़ी चलाने आता हो।
 Ram may be able to drive a car. / Ram may know how to drive a car.
(b) हो सकता है, क राजू को अँ ेजी बोलने आ जाए।
 Raju may be able to speak English.
7. S + might be + able + Infinitive.
Ex.:- शायद ह राजू को अँ ेजी बोलने आता हो।
 Raju might be able to speak English.
 Block – XI 
1. S + be + Adjective + Infinitive.
Ex.:- (a) राम यह काम करने के लए माट ह।
 Ram is smart to do this work.
(b) राजू इस न को बनाने म व वान ह।
 Raju is Intelligent to solve this Question.
2. It + be + Adj. + for + Object + Infinitive.
Ex.:- आपके लए वहाँ जाना खतरनाक होगा।
 Ii is dangerous for you to go there.

Verb Chapter is the End.

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