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New GSK Consumer Healthcare Communications Pack: Monday 2nd March

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New GSK Consumer

Monday 2nd March
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

Following completion of the three part deal with Novartis, this pack has been designed to support you
with communications activities on Day One of our new GSK Consumer Healthcare company.

Please note: all major Communications activity will take place on 3 March 2015 – our
‘Communications Day One’. This Communications pack details our internal and external
communications strategy for this Communications Day One.

On Communications Day One all comms activity will be led from the centre with most internal
messaging coming from Emma Walmsley and her SLT. Internal and External comms guidance is
contained in the pack.

1.1 Key GSK Consumer Healthcare Messages:

 Today we completed a groundbreaking deal with Novartis which fundamentally reshapes


 In Consumer Healthcare, we have created one of the world’s largest consumer healthcare
companies with clear opportunities to accelerate revenue growth.

 We have combined our consumer healthcare business with Novartis’ over-the-counter (OTC)
business to form a new company – GSK Consumer Healthcare. GSK will hold a controlling
equity interest of 63.5%. Emma Walmsley is CEO and Andrew Witty is Chairman.

 Together, we are one of the world’s largest consumer healthcare businesses, dedicated to
everyday healthcare.

 Combining our OTC and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) capabilities and expertise,
the joint venture brings significant scale and opportunities for accelerated growth – growing
brands our consumers love and innovating in ways that really improve lives.

 We will be the number one OTC company in the world, a leader in 36 markets, as well as
holding a strong position in specialist oral health, skin health and family nutrition.

 Our portfolio includes 19 major brands such as Sensodyne, Voltaren, Theraflu, Panadol,
Polident, Paradontax, Otrivin, Horlicks and Physiogel.

 With a heritage of more than 160 years, our brands are successful in over 100 countries,
showing our passion for quality, guaranteed by trusted science.

 The joint venture will benefit from an increased capacity and flexibility in our manufacturing

See all Key Messages in Section 3.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 2
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

1.2 Headline Timetable:

Date Time Activity Coms pack

Monday 06.00 Stock Exchange Announcement (which triggers start
2 Mar GMT of external and internal Comms)

A welcome email sent from Emma Walmsley to all (See Appendix

employees 1.1.1)

Reactive media management / Proactive external (See Appendix 2)

customer/stakeholder Comms begin
Monday From My Journey engagement and Onboarding portal goes (See Appendix
2 Mar 21.00 live 1.1.5)
Tuesday From Mandatory GSK Consumer Healthcare SLT led (See Appendix
3 Mar 06.30 Townhall broadcasts: 1.2)
GMT Singapore – 14.30pm local (06.30am GMT)
Nyon – 09.30 am local (08.30am GMT)
London – 10.30 am local
Parsippany – 11.00 am local (16.00pm GMT)

Follow up informal Q&A sessions (See Appendix


1.3 Your Communications Role:

This is a summary of your communications role, as covered in the leadership call with Emma
Walmsley and Leslie McGibbon on 25 February.

1. Give No 1 – The Leaders Communications Pack: Once you receive your copy of this pack
please take the time to familiarise yourself with the content. There will be a lot of detailed
information to take in and only a limited time to absorb this ahead of the Townhalls.

Please take the time to read the information as you will be the main go-to person. You will
need to own the message as the leader in your particular area of the business and our
communications strategy will be based on a Leader led communications plan. The Comms
and HR teams will play a crucial role in ensuring you have the right content, but the request is
Leaders own the conversation and cascade with their teams.

2. Give No 2 – The Global Townhalls: Please attend your local event and ensure your teams
(where possible) join in person or via the broadcast links. If you are based near Nyon, London,
Singapore or Parsippany, your attendance at the globally organised events is mandatory for
you and your teams. Support your teams after the events by being visible and open to
questions. Acknowledge where you can give answers and be clear where you do not have

3. Give No 3 – The Onboarding Champions: Please get to know who these people are and be
clear on your process for addressing issues at a local level and what needs to be escalated.
Details of these champions will be communicated publicly to your teams on Day One.

4. Give No 4 – The My Journey Digital Portal: This will go live once we’ve officially completed
the deal. Once you receive the details and register, encourage your teams to do the same.
Familiarise yourself with My Journey, promote it to your teams and use it (on your phone or
ipad) on a daily basis to keep up to speed with what is going on across the business.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 3
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

There is a huge amount of work to do in the coming weeks and months. We should:
 Lead with our values top of mind and support our teams through this time of change and
 Be proactive and work with your local HRBLs and Comms partners to provide your teams with
information when it is available
 Own the story
 Continue to inspire your teams to focus on, and deliver, 2015 priorities.

Full Change Communications principles for leaders are shared in Appendix 1.5.5.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 4
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

1 Executive Summary

1.1 Key GSK Consumer Healthcare Messages

1.2 Headline Timetable
1.3 Your Communications Role

2 Timetable for Key Communication Activities

3 Key Messages

3.1 Internal Key Messages

3.2 External Media Key Messages
3.3 Supply Chain

4 Hot Topic Talking Points

4.1 Sites and Locations

4.2 Winning Formula, Metrics and Performance Management
4.3 Organisational Design
4.4 Employee Engagement and Consultation
4.5 Assessment & Selection
4.6 Delayed Transfer Markets
4.7 Confidentiality Agreement Signing


5.1 Internal Question and Answers

5.2 External Questions and Answers


A1 Key Materials and Day One Activities

A1.1 Internal Materials

A1.1.1 Andrew Witty (GSK CEO) Day One video transcript
A1.1.2 Emma Walmsley Day One video transcript
A1.1.3 Corporate GSK Deal Close Internal Communications
A1.1.4 My Journey online engagement portal
A1.1.5 Intranet Access and Strategy

A1.2 Consumer Healthcare SLT-Led Townhall Meetings (3 March)

A1.2.1 Global Townhall locations, hosts and timings
A1.2.2 Townhall Running Order
A1.2.3 Host Briefing for Townhall Web Broadcast & Internal Q&A session
A1.2.4 Post event Video on Demand and follow up

A1.3 Post Townhall follow-up Q&A Sessions

A1.4 Supply Chain Day One Internal Comms Approach

A1.4.1 Communications for Production line employees on manufacturing sites
A1.4.2 Other Supply chain employees

A1.5 Post Close Comms related processes

A1.5.1 Post Close: Rules of Engagement
A1.5.2 Crisis Management and Adverse Event Reporting Process

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 5
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.5.3 Escalation of Supply Chain issues

A1.5.4 Onboarding Support and Hypercare
A1.5.5 Change Communication Do’s and Don’ts


A2.1 External Stakeholder Grid

A2.2 External comms guidance and messaging
A2.3 Delayed Transfer Markets
A2.4 Media Relations
A2.5 Consumer Relations Messaging
A2.6 External Communications: Template letters
A2.7 Supply Chain External Day One to Week Two Comms Process


A3.1 Key Day One Comms Contacts

A3.2 Crisis and Continuity Management
A3.3 Adverse Event and Safety Processes

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 6
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


Date Time Activity Who Materials

2 Mar 06.00 Stock Exchange Announcement GSK Corporate SE statement
GMT (Trigger)
2 Mar 06.00 GSK Consumer Healthcare Global Internal Email with
GMT leaders Comms Pack Engagement attachment
Team Also posted online
2 Mar 06:15 Brief welcome email to all Global GSK/ Email
GMT employees from Emma Global Internal
Walmsley which promotes Day Engagement
One (3 Mar) comms Team
2 Mar 06:15 Global Consumer Healthcare Global Internal News article
GMT intranet announcement Engagement
2 Mar 06.15 NVS only closing message from NVS Corporate Email/blog
GMT Joe Jimenez Communications
2 Mar 06:33 takeover GSK Corporate Internet and
GMT Social media activity Comms intranet online
Corporate connectGSK intranet content
global news story, incl links to
refreshed Q&A tool
2 Mar From Reactive external stakeholder GSK Corporate Letter templates
06.00 Comms begin. Regional and LOC Comms and talking points
GMT stakeholder letters, emails and Regional and LOC (shared via earlier
calls begin leaders TPUs & full
CH Comms Comms Pack, as
above) N.B.
Reactive comms
only for
Delayed Markets
2 Mar From Reactive Consumers Relations Consumer Reactive
06.30 messaging available Relations statement and
2 Mar 21.00 My Journey portal goes live Global Internal
GMT and Engagement online portal
Email to all employees Team
containing hyperlink and
joining instructions
(timed with
go live)
3 Mar Target by GSK CH branded posters and Local Comms co- Posters banners,
08.00 banners in situ ordinator leaflets
local Welcome leaflet distributed
3 Mar GSK Consumer Healthcare SLT-led Townhall broadcasts incl. Q&A:
06.30 – Singapore SLT led Townhall Zubair Ahmed Video/Presentation
3 Mar 07.45 14.30 – 15.45pm (SGT) Diana Conrad

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 7
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

08.30 - Nyon SLT lead Townhall Andrew Witty, Video/Presentation

3 Mar 09.45 09.30am – 10.45am (CET) Roger Scarlett-
GMT Smith,
Didier Colombeen
Richard Slater
10.30 – UK SLT led Townhall Brian McNamara Video/Presentation
3 Mar 11.45 Jonathan Box,
(GMT) Leslie McGibbon
16.00 – Parsippany SLT led Townhall Emma Walmsley Video/Presentation
3 Mar 17.15 11.00am – 12.15pm (EST) Ken James, Teri
GMT Hall
Sean Roberts
3 Mar Various Post Townhall informal follow Local site leaders No slides
up Q&As sessions hosted by with local HR and
local onsite leaders Comms support
3 Mar Various Supply Chain team briefs Manufacturing site Supply Chain Slide
leaders pack
3 Mar Proactive external Comms As above As above
continue (as above)
3 Mar Hypercare go live Core Business Support available
Services (CBS) to triage
onboarding and
Onboarding co-ordinators Go Live GSK Consumer integration
Healthcare questions
4 Mar Townhall materials posted on My Global Internal Video on Demand,
Journey Engagement transcripts, etc

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 8
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


Your Action: Due to the complex nature of this transaction there are a number of critical areas you need
to know.

3.1 Internal Key Messages

GSK Corporate Key Messages*

 Today we completed a groundbreaking deal with Novartis which fundamentally reshapes


 We acquired Novartis’ vaccines business and combined our Consumer Healthcare

businesses to create a new company. By substantially strengthening Vaccines and Consumer
Healthcare, we can deliver far-reaching benefits to patients and consumers, and further value
to shareholders. In addition, Novartis acquired our marketed Oncology portfolio and the R&D
activities related to it.

 This is the most significant transaction for the company since the creation of GSK in 2000. It
is a major step towards fulfilling our strategy of creating a simpler, stronger and more
balanced platform for long-term growth across three core businesses: Pharmaceuticals,
Consumer Healthcare and Vaccines.

 In Consumer Healthcare, we have created one of the world’s largest consumer healthcare
companies with clear opportunities to accelerate revenue growth.

 In Vaccines, we have significantly enhanced the breadth of our vaccines portfolio and
pipeline, notably in meningitis. We have also strengthened our manufacturing network and
increased overall capacity, while expanding our R&D capabilities by bringing together
respective expertise in virology and bacterial infection.

 Our support functions align with our three core businesses. They contribute to the
simplification and efficiency of the company, and help reduce and manage risk via excellent
functional services, and standard business processes and platforms.

 We are led by our values – acting transparently and with integrity, showing respect for people,
and putting the interests of patients and consumers first. A commitment to quality underpins
everything we do.

What Next

 There is still much change ahead as we work towards fully integrating the Consumer
Healthcare and Vaccines businesses. Now that the deal has closed, we will begin to develop
more detailed integration proposals. Proposals which may impact terms, conditions and
employment will be subject to local consultation where appropriate.

 The changes we are making across GSK will create a company that can secure long-term
financial success and transform people’s lives. This is a worthy cause to which we will each

 In the meantime, we must all focus on the delivery of our priorities for 2015.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 9
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

New GSK Consumer Healthcare Key Messages

 We have combined our consumer healthcare business with Novartis’ over-the-counter (OTC)
business to form a new company – GSK Consumer Healthcare. GSK will hold a controlling
equity interest of 63.5%. Emma Walmsley is CEO and Andrew Witty is Chairman.

 Together, we are one of the world’s largest consumer healthcare businesses, dedicated to
everyday healthcare.

 Combining our OTC and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) capabilities and expertise,
the joint venture brings significant scale and opportunities for accelerated growth – growing
brands our consumers love and innovating in ways that really improve lives.

 We will be the number one OTC company in the world, a leader in 36 markets, as well as
holding a strong position in specialist oral health, skin health and family nutrition.

 Our portfolio includes 19 major brands such as Sensodyne, Voltaren, Theraflu, Panadol,
Polident, Paradontax, Otrivin, Horlicks and Physiogel.

 With a heritage of more than 160 years, our brands are successful in over 100 countries,
showing our passion for quality, guaranteed by trusted science.

 The joint venture will benefit from an increased capacity and flexibility in our manufacturing

Supply Chain Key Messages

 Our Supply Chain brings together 30 manufacturing sites and over 8,000 people, supplying
great consumer healthcare products and innovation to consumers around the world.

 It works to globally consistent, high standards of safety, quality and compliance and offers
exciting opportunities for learning and development across its three supply chains and expert
central functions.

 Our fundamentals are safety and quality. Getting them right is the basis for great customer
service and competitive costs. This is how we will help GSK to succeed.

 Continuity is key from Day One of our new company: delivering our existing plans and service
commitments to customers and consumers.

 For the vast majority of people, there is no change to their day job on Day One. We will run
the legacy GSK and Novartis supply chains side by side. So stay focused on your existing
priorities, including important remediation work.

 A dedicated Supply Chain Integration and Transformation Team is developing plans to bring
the two organisations together, building on the best of both. You will be fully informed in
advance if any changes affect you. All proposals will be subject to appropriate consultation,
where applicable, with employees and employee representative bodies in line with local
practices and legal requirements.

* GSK Key Messages

GSK Corporate Key

You can read the full GSK Key Messages in this embedded document.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 10
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

3.2 External and Media Key Messages (for verbal, reactive use only)

External supplier talking points for verbal, reactive use by GSK Consumer Healthcare approved

 GSK and Novartis have today completed a transaction to establish GSK Consumer
Healthcare, a joint venture between the two companies.

 With nineteen of our brands worth over £100 million, we are now the second largest
consumer healthcare business in the world.

 With a heritage that spans more than 160 years, a passion for quality, and a focus on trusted
science, our combined products include some of the best loved brands sold in over 100
countries. The new business will create the opportunity to benefit from an increased capacity
and flexibility in our manufacturing network.

 There will be no immediate changes in our processes and ways of working. Until further
notice you should work in a business as usual manner with us.

 For now you will receive purchase orders and send invoices for payment request in the same
way you did before.

 We will continue to comply with all contracts in accordance with agreed terms and all contacts
remain the same.

 Any changes in our processes will be communicated in advance in due course.

3.3 Reactive Supply Chain External Messages (for verbal, reactive use only)

 GSK and Novartis have today completed a transaction to establish GSK Consumer
Healthcare, a joint venture between the two companies

 With a heritage that spans more than 160 years, a passion for quality, and a focus on trusted
science, our combined products include some of the best loved brands sold in over 100
countries, the new business will benefit from an increased capacity and flexibility in our
manufacturing network

 There will be no immediate changes in our processes and ways of working. Until further
notice you should work in a business as usual manner with us.

 For now you will receive purchase orders and send invoices for payment request in the same
way you did before

 We will continue to comply with all contracts in accordance with agreed terms and all contacts
remain the same

 Any changes in our processes will be communicated well in advance

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 11
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


Your Actions: Use the Key Talking Points below and the Q&As in Section 5 to give your team the
appropriate direction and help answer their questions

4.1 Delayed Transfer Markets

 Although the vast majority of markets will be joining the new Consumer Healthcare business,
some markets/geographies - and manufacturing sites - will not legally transfer at the global
deal close. These will fall into three categories and how we treat these markets is explained

 Markets delayed for operational reasons (eg. Time needed to set up new legal entities):

Employees in these markets are being welcomed into the new GSK Consumer Healthcare
business at deal close and will have the same access to GSK IT systems, data and
information as those employees transferring into the new GSK Consumer Healthcare
business on Day One.

They will however remain employees of their legacy company (GSK or NVS) until the
transaction is able to be completed in their market, but will be under the operational control of
the new GSK Consumer Healthcare joint venture.

 GSK Listed entity or regulatory delay markets:

In markets where GSK has an entity listed on a local stock exchange, or where regulatory
clearance is needed in order to transfer the existing GSK business into the joint venture -
while these companies will not be part of the joint venture, they will still be part of GSK
Consumer Healthcare as they were previously. As such, they will receive CH
communications and be invited to the Day One Town Halls to hear about the new GSK
Consumer Healthcare business unless otherwise instructed.

 Novartis OTC Listed Entities or regulatory delayed markets:

The Novartis OTC listed entities, and the Novartis OTC business in markets where regulatory
clearance is needed to transfer the business into the joint venture, will continue to operate
separately and independently as competitors of the GSK Consumer Healthcare business until
the deal can be completed in the local market. Therefore, no communications from GSK
Consumer Healthcare will be allowed and they will not be invited to, or allowed to
attend, the Day One global Town Halls.

Full details about these Delayed markets have been shared directly with the impacted local

4.2 Confidentiality Agreement Signing

 As part of our transition to the new company, everyone from both legacy companies needs to
complete an online eLearning module by Friday 13 March on protection of GSK information.

 It is important that all employees transferring into the new GSK Consumer Healthcare
business (Novartis and GSK) who will have access to GSK Proprietary Information are aware
of the restrictions in information sharing and ensure their compliance with anti-trust rules. It is
essential that GSK confidential and/or proprietary information continues to be protected.

 Around Day One instructions will be sent to your GSK email address on how to complete the
module on the GSK eLearning tool (called MyLearning). It should take you about 10 minutes
to complete.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 12
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

 Important note: Because of its essential nature, there are consequences if you do not
complete the certification by Friday 13 March. After this date your access to GSK
systems will be disabled. A manual authorisation will be required before your access
will be returned, and this will take some time.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 13
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


Your Actions: Familiarise yourself with these Q&As so you can respond comfortably before you hold your
post Townhall follow up Q&A sessions. Please also use the Key Messages as reference.

Important note: You must not deviate from these approved messages, or give any false reassurances, as
to do so could risk/trigger a consultation process.

5.1 Internal Questions and Answers

The following internal Q&As cover general areas where we expect questions. This pack does not
give answers to specific market, location, function, or individual questions. These must be responded
to at a local level in line with Legal and HR guidance. For external Q&As see the external stakeholder
guidance in Section 5.3. You and your teams can also access a full library of online Q&As.

1. Why have we brought these two companies together?

There are numerous reasons for bringing our two businesses together. Strategically, combining our
Over the Counter (OTC) and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) capabilities and expertise, the
new GSK Consumer Healthcare brings significant scale and opportunities for accelerated growth –
growing brands our consumers love and innovating in ways that really improve lives.

We will be the number one OTC company in the world, a leader in 36 markets, as well as holding a
strong position in specialist oral health, skin health and family nutrition. Our portfolio includes 19 major
brands such as Sensodyne, Voltaren, Theraflu, Panadol, Polident, Paradontax, Otrivin, Horlicks and
Physiogel. With a heritage of more than 160 years, our brands are successful in over 100 countries,
showing our passion for quality, guaranteed by trusted science.

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare will also benefit from an increased capacity and flexibility in our
manufacturing network.

2. I have heard that Day One is business as usual – what does this mean?

Business needs to continue as usual which means working towards our current 2015 growth targets
and priorities.

Clearly for many there will be a period of uncertainty over the coming months. We will work very hard
on transparency of communication and we will answer questions as soon as we can. In the
meantime, the majority of us will be doing the same role in the same place with the same team, we
should act with integrity at all times and respect and support each other.

3. How separate will the new Consumer Healthcare business be from the Pharma and
Vaccines businesses (location, financially, operations)?

As a joint venture, the GSK Consumer Healthcare organisation is a separate business from the
Pharma business, and will therefore report business and financial performance separately. The two
businesses will continue to share locations and other operational aspects (including some shared
services) as appropriate.

4. The previously appointed Strategic Leadership Team is now officially in role, when will we
know what their organisational structure will be and who will be in their leadership teams?

We will move quickly to give you clarity, without compromising the quality of the process. As Leaders
are appointed to the new organisation, their top priority will be to work on the details of their
organisational design options and they will be expected to brief employees on timelines and next
steps – wherever possible - within a week or two of their appointment. Timescales will be different
depending on your function, market or country and you can expect to hear more within the next 1-6

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 14
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

weeks as more Leaders are appointed and integration plans developed and shared in employee

5. When will we know where locations will be?

GSK and Novartis employees will remain in their current offices/sites on Day One.

There is a lot of work to be done in the coming months reviewing, in detail, any implications for
employees and facilities. Any proposals will be subject to the appropriate consultations, where
applicable, with Works Councils, employees and employee representative bodies, at a local/market
level. It’s unlikely there will be news about this on or after Day One, so please try to focus on the
existing business priorities. You will be kept informed of progress at the earliest opportunity.

6. Will there be job losses as a result of the integration? If so, on what scale?

Overall, the new GSK Group will be bigger. However, as we have previously announced, we are
targeting total annual savings from the transaction of £1 billion by the fifth year from closing, with
approximately 50% delivered by year three. 20% of these cost savings will be reinvested to support
innovation and launches. The detail of these potential savings are being worked through but could
come through multiple sources such as reductions in selling and administrative costs, removal of
infrastructure overlaps, reduced third-party contracting and through improvements in manufacturing

This will likely mean some job losses, however it is still too early to know who might be affected
where, the scale, or the timeframe for this. As is our normal process, any proposals developed during
the integration process that have the potential to affect jobs will be the subject of consultation, where

7. What is being done to onboard Novartis teams to the new GSK Consumer Healthcare

There are a number of elements to onboarding both Novartis OTC and existing GSK CH employees
to the new joint venture:

 Novartis OTC employees have also received a series of “get ready” emails outlining specific
information around reward, compensation and benefits, IT systems access, including the plan
to keep or transfer laptops and mobile phones, GSK policies and access to GSK specific
applications like Live Meeting and the GSK global training schedule.

 Onboarding Co-ordinators – GSK Consumer Healthcare employees on the ground who will
support the transition on site. Working closely with the local GM and HR lead, they will triage
local questions and direct employees to existing information, eg credit cards, expenses, etc.

 Hypercare – giving increased level of support and faster turnaround of questions and issues
for the first 30 days by IT, Finance, Employee Services, WREF (Worldwide Real Estate and
Facilities) and Procurement (all part of GSK’s Core Business Services) to ensure response
times and problem resolution is as efficient and helpful as possible.

 My Journey is a one stop digital shop for all employee onboarding needs. It’s the one place
you can go to help you get the basics in place, so you can do your job efficiently, as well as
explore the new company, read the latest news, hear from our leaders and meet your
colleagues. You’ll find everything you need to know about GSK, our Consumer Healthcare
Winning Formula, our brands, values and Expectations.

8. How do I ask a question specific to onboarding activities? How do I ask a more general
question? Are answers to FAQs posted somewhere?

We know that everyone joining our new company is likely to have lots of questions, and the coming
months will be full of learning for all of us. That’s why we have created My Journey - an interactive
onboarding platform, dedicated to keeping you informed and up-to-date with our joint progress.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 15
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

When you visit My Journey you will find numerous different ways of asking questions. For instance,
you can post them as a comment at the end of key articles, or take advantage of our social media
network, Yammer. We also have an online Q&A tool.

However, it is also likely that My Journey will answer to your question without you needing to ask, as
we have already created a lot useful information readily available to make onboarding easy.

9. What is the role and make up of GSK’s Global Support Functions (GSF)?

The Global Support Functions (GSF) will be core to the success of the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare business. These functions will align to support the business objectives of the Commercial,
Category, and R&D organisations - through a combination of embedded support, Centre of
Excellence support and Shared Services support.

GSF is made up of:

 Communications and Government Affairs (CGA)
 Core Business Services (CBS):
o Information Technology
o Finance Services
o Indirect Procurement, i.e. procurement for non-manufacturing spend
o Worldwide Real Estate and Facilities (WREF)
 Corporate Strategy and Development
 Global Ethics and Compliance (GEC)
 Global Finance – including partnership with shared Finance Services, and responsibility for
Audit and Assurance. CBS reports to the Chief Financial Officer.
 Human Resources
 Legal

The CBS teams in particular are integral to the onboarding and smooth integration of the new GSK
Consumer Healthcare business.

10. Who do I report to from Day One?

Day One and soon after Day One

On Day One, where confirmed, Novartis OTC employees will transfer to the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare business.

Any person in an Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) designate role will now be confirmed and the role
will become operational. The same will happen for any other designate roles that were announced
prior to close. Individuals in the legacy GSK Consumer Healthcare and Novartis OTC organisations
will therefore report through to the relevant Strategic Leadership Team member.

The majority of employees will still occupy the same job role and will report to their current line
manager (and be based in the same location).

Soon after Day 1, limited roles below the SLT level will start to be announced and most individuals
confirmed in these roles will assume operational responsibility immediately. Any transitional
leadership roles for those not placed in these positions will be agreed on an individual basis.

Beyond Day One

Over time, as leaders build their organisations, roles and reporting lines will gradually start to change
from the top down. The pace at which this happens might vary across the organisation – for example,
in different functions/locations

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 16
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

11. The support functions in GSK are much more centralised than in Novartis. What change
can we expect to see to operating models and reporting lines going forward?

In GSK, support functions report centrally through their functions and there are no plans to change the
operating model. However, our global support function business partners are fully embedded in the
GSK Consumer Healthcare business to drive strong partnership and alignment with the business

12. Can I now approach and talk openly with colleagues who were previously in Novartis/the
old GSK Consumer Healthcare business? When will ex-Novartis and GSK teams meet and
begin working together?

In most instances, yes, but be aware there are some restrictions. This is because not all legacy
Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare data will be owned by the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare business.

As a general rule, after Day One you should not discuss any products or shared brands that are out of
scope of the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business, with your former colleagues who remain at
GSK or Novartis. Nor should you access any legacy information that has not transferred.

From Day One, the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business will be a completely separate business
to Novartis, competing independently in the market. Any exchange of commercially sensitive
information with Novartis is strictly prohibited (unless approved by GSK Legal). Please consult these
information sharing principles to understand what you can and cannot share.

There is more information and guidance on the My Journey site under the Q&A section.

13. What do we tell our customers, experts and other third parties?

Conversations with above-country customers/suppliers/partners will be managed centrally; guidance

for local market communication with customers and other external stakeholders has been already
shared with GMs and other senior leaders. It includes template letters for customers, distributors and
other external stakeholders. See Appendix 2.

14. How do I access the key compliance policies for GSK Consumer Healthcare?

Code of Conduct
Corporate Policies
Risk Management and Internal Controls
GSK Consumer Healthcare Risk Management Framework

Process for reporting unethical or illegal conduct

Guidelines for reporting unethical or illegal conduct – Speak Up!
Local reporting of Speak Up! issues

Contact names for further questions

GSK CH Compliance (

NVS OTC Compliance (
NVS OTC Compliance (
GSK Compliance Operations (

Strategy and Priorities

15. What are the plans for integration going forward? E.g. what are the top priorities for Day
One and beyond?

As we look to begin our integration we will stay focused on people and performance - bringing the
best talent in from both companies and building leaner and more efficient organisational structures.
We can now share information more freely and are starting to look at our existing organisational
structures and develop our integrated organisation design proposals. We will share details with you

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 17
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

as soon as possible, so you can start to understand the shape of our business and where you might
fit in.

This will mean a period of uncertainty over the coming months for many. We will ensure the process
is robust and allows time for appropriate and sensitive consideration. We will work very hard on
transparency of communication and we will answer questions as soon as we can.

In the meantime, as the majority of us will be doing the same role in the same place with the same
team, we should act with integrity at all times and respect and support each other. This will help us to
continue to be professional and stay focused on delivering our existing priorities.

16. What is the Winning Formula? Is this strategy just the same as things have always been
done in GSK Consumer Healthcare?

The Winning Formula is GSK Consumer Healthcare’s clear strategy to beat the competition and
become the first and best Fast Moving Consumer Healthcare company driven by science and values,
and GSK employees joining our new company will recognise this strategy. For Novartis employees it
will be completely new.

The Winning Formula for the new GSK Consumer Healthcare company has been updated to reflect
the ambitions of our new company and how we’ll get there. This is our long term strategy. It dictates
our priorities and defines our values. It sets us apart from the competition and unites us in our mission
– everyday healthcare which helps more people to do more, feel better and live longer.

Our refreshed Winning Formula strategy will be different for everyone. It has an even greater focus
on Quality (in the red box) as we seek to embed and improve product quality across the organisation.
It also contains 15 specific metrics against which we’ll be measuring our progress against on a regular

As individuals are appointed to confirmed roles in the new organisation they will need to align their
personal objectives and Personal Development Plans (PDPs) to the Winning Formula within 30 days.

17. Will category / LOC budgets already set for 2015 be re-aligned to support the brands in
the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business? If so when will this be done?

You should continue working to the existing budgets at this time. We expect an overlay budget
process will be undertaken and completed during March 2015. We will communicate timings and the
budget process for a midyear review at a later stage.

18. Which brands are we divesting and why? Will we be selling any other brands?

We have agreed as part of the anti-trust reviews with regulators to divest certain brands. We have
committed to the sale of:
 NiQuitin smoking cessation products globally
 Nicotinell smoking cessation products in Australia
 Panodil in Sweden
 Nezeril/Nasin in Sweden
 Coldrex in the EEA
 Novartis’ topical cold sore brands in the EEA and Turkey.

It is difficult to predict with any certainty when the Divested Brands will be sold (and they may be sold
at different times). However, the likelihood is these brands will continue to belong to us for an
extended period during 2015 until suitable buyers are found. Additionally, GSK is likely to continue to
supply all of the internally manufactured brands for an extended period.

Future divestments: There are no plans to sell further brands as part of regulatory and anti-trust
review outcomes. We will continually seek opportunities to optimise the portfolio which may or may
not mean proposed changes in the future. Any proposed changes would be subject to the appropriate
consultations, where applicable, with Works Councils, employees and employee representative

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 18
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

People, HR and Organisation

19. Will former Novartis OTC associates keep the same benefits if they move to the GSK joint
venture and / or any other GSK legal entity? What is the impact on current GSK
employees’ contracts and salary/benefits packages?

The aim will be for employees to remain on broadly the same terms and conditions of employment as
they have currently, with overall salary/benefits packages comparable to employees’ current package.
Continuity of service would be maintained, such as for holiday pay and service awards. Those on a
Transitional Service Agreement will retain their current benefits, until they move across to GSK plans.
Your local HR contact will be able to give more detail.

20. What about the practical things? My expenses, cost codes, payroll?

The complexity of the deal and differences within the local market will determine exactly what
happens with the practical things which support you in your role. To find out more, please contact
your local onboarding co-ordinator who will be able answer your question or direct you to someone
else who can.

21. How do I report an adverse event or quality issue? What is the current media crisis
management process?

Adverse Events: Former Novartis and GSK employees will maintain their existing, separated
Adverse Event (AE) systems, safety database and processes for relevant products owned pre deal
close, until they can be fully aligned and integrated.

 If you are a former GSK employee and wish to report an AE or quality complaint for a GSK or a
Novartis Over the Counter (OTC) product, click here.
 Until further notice, if you are a former Novartis employee, and wish to report an AE or quality
complaint for a GSK Consumer Healthcare product or a Novartis product, please use the current
Novartis process.

Generally, from Day One existing Novartis and GSK Crisis Management and Business Continuity
Teams will manage a local response until our crisis team structures and plans can be fully aligned
and integrated.

 Local media related issues - should also be notified to the relevant GSK Regional/ functional
Communications Director
 Global related issues – corporate should be notified to Sarah Spencer, brands issues to Sarah

22. What is the crisis and continuity management procedure during the transition period?

GSK leadership is responsible for preparing and responding to business disruptions regardless of
cause as defined in Corporate Crisis and Continuity Management (CCM) policy and procedures.
During the transition period of the first 30 days, existing Novartis Crisis Management and Business
Continuity teams and procedures will be used to manage a local response until crisis team structures
and plans can be aligned. Local leaders will need to notify the appropriate above site GSK leadership
for any local incidents and to request any resources for local support as needed.

23. How will this impact my relationship with customers, suppliers or other external contacts?

As it will take some time to integrate the two companies there will be no immediate changes in our
processes and ways of working; it is business as usual.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 19
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

24. What should I do if I’m contacted by the Media?

Conversations with the Media should only take place directly with members of GSK’s
Communications team unless otherwise approved. If you are contacted by the Media, please direct
them to your local or regional communications team, who will be able to respond appropriately.

25. How long is the integration likely to take?

We know it’s uncomfortable and we will move quickly to give you clarity, without compromising the
quality of the process. As Leaders are appointed to the new organisation, their top priority will be to
work on the details of their organisational design options and they will be expected to brief employees
on timelines and next steps – wherever possible - within a week or two of their appointment.
Timescales will be different depending on your function, market or country and you can expect to hear
more within the next 1-6 weeks as more Leaders are appointed and integration plans developed and
shared in employee briefings. The integration of IT systems and some local marketing authorisations
could take a few years.

26. How will we be updated on integration progress?

Your leader locally will keep you updated of progress. You will also hear more about our integration
via regular leader comms and blogs, business briefings and SLT led global Townhalls. Our
comprehensive engagement channel, My Journey, will also keep you updated with our progress,
including the latest news and leader communications.

27. How are you going to keep employees motivated during this time?

We are all motivated by being part of a winning business; we should keep focused on delivering our
business as usual priorities and maintain momentum through this year.

We appreciate this is an uncertain period and are committed to encouraging respectful and
transparent communication throughout our new business. We should all support each other.

Delayed Transfer Markets

28. What is a delayed transfer country?

For the majority of GSK and Novartis employees who are in scope to transfer to the proposed JV their
transfer of employment will occur on the date on which the three-part transaction between Novartis
and GSK closes (the “Global Closing Date”). However, the transfer of the Consumer Healthcare
business in certain countries and, therefore, the transfer of assets and the transfer of employment of
employees in those countries may be delayed for several months or more after the Global Closing

29. Why is there a delay and how long will it last?

The reasons and timing for the delays differ from country to country. In most instances, the delay in
closing is because the process of creating a legal entity into which the assets and employees of the
Consumer Healthcare business will transfer has not yet been completed. In these countries, although
the legal transfer will not occur on the Global Closing Date, Novartis and GSK have agreed that the
JV will be able to control the business as if legal transfer had occurred. In this Q&A we refer to these
countries as “operational delayed transfer countries”.

In a very small number of countries, the delay in closing is for legal or regulatory reasons. In these
markets, there will be no transfer of assets or employees on the Global Closing Date, it will not be
possible for the JV to take over management and control of the relevant businesses, and the
businesses must continue to be run independently of each other until legal and regulatory
requirements have been satisfied and local closing occurs

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 20
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

Supply Chain
30. What is the relationship between Global Manufacturing Supply and the new GSK
Consumer Healthcare Supply Chain?

Global Manufacturing and Supply (GMS) is responsible for the manufacture and supply of GSK’s
pharmaceutical medicines and consumer healthcare products. To manage this, GMS has three
distinct supply chains, two of which support the pharmaceutical business and one which supports
GSK Consumer Healthcare. GMS is led by Roger Connor, President, GMS. Didier Colombeen, who
heads the Consumer Healthcare Supply Chain, reports to Roger Connor in GMS and is a member of
the GMS Executive team. He is also a member of the GSK Consumer Healthcare Strategic
Leadership Team (SLT), led by Emma Walmsley, CEO GSK Consumer Healthcare.

31. What is the role of Quality in GSK Consumer Healthcare and what is the relationship
between Quality and the GMS?

In the new GSK Consumer Healthcare, the Leader of Consumer Healthcare Quality, Teri Hall, will be
a member of the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) of GSK Consumer Healthcare bringing a holistic
agenda for quality to the business. The SLT will be engaged in the quality benefits and risks inherent
in strategic and portfolio decisions. The responsibilities of the Quality team for GSK Consumer
Healthcare will include oversight of activities from R&D to Manufacture and Distribution, to in-country
local operating company (LOC) quality and Good Practice oversight responsibilities.

The GSK Consumer Healthcare Quality team is part of the GMS Quality function, led by Franco
Pieropan, to whom Teri has a direct functional reporting line. The new GSK Consumer Healthcare
Quality team will have access to globally consistent GMS Quality processes and systems (e.g.
supplier management, audits) and will follow the GSK Quality Management System (QMS) once
integration is complete.

Quality in GSK Consumer Healthcare is committed to meeting all compliance, safety and Good
Practice expectations and to being the champions for our long-term reputation; at the same time they
have a purpose to assure supply of high quality products and information at the right time and cost to
our consumers and customers.

32. Are there any plans to close manufacturing sites?

It is too early to say. Our new GSK Consumer Healthcare organisation is now a considerably bigger
business, so there is a lot of work to be done in the coming months in assessing the implications of
this. Any matters with the potential to impact jobs will be subject to the appropriate consultations,
where applicable, with Works Councils and staff.

It’s unlikely that there will be news about this in the near future, so please try to focus on the existing
business priorities. We are committed to keeping you informed of progress at the earliest opportunity.

33. Will we transfer Novartis products into GSK manufacturing sites in due course and vice

It is too early to say. Over the coming months, we will undertake a more detailed network review to
properly understand the opportunities the deal presents. This could include offering us increased
capacity and flexibility, new job opportunities, as well as potential synergies and efficiencies to
increase our competitiveness, deliver more innovation and drive growth.

34. How many manufacturing sites are included in the GSK Consumer Healthcare Supply

There will be 32 sites within the GSK Consumer Healthcare supply chain reporting up to Didier
Colombeen. This includes four former Novartis sites.

35. How do we escalate any problems or issues in the supply chain from now on?

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 21
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

For most, escalation and governance processes should be managed the same after Day One as they
were prior to Day One, except at Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) level and, in some cases, at the
regional level. Interim escalation and governance processes will be in place at SLT level and regional
level (where applicable) during a transition period of approximately 100 days. After this short
transitional period, a permanent governance process will be put in place.

36. What is changing in the supply chain on Day One and what is staying the same?

The key priority for the Supply Chain Integration Planning Team (IPT) has been to ensure continuity
of supply and minimise disruption to the business. This means that for most people there is little, if
any, actual change to their day job on Day One and in the immediate aftermath. Unless you are
informed otherwise, you should assume what you were doing in the immediate days before Day One,
is what you should continue to be doing now after Day One.

37. Why is quality now a part of the new GSK Consumer Healthcare Strategic Leadership

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare business aims to embed and improve quality across the whole
organisation. Having Teri Hall leading on these areas from a quality perspective on the SLT will
ensure it remains top of our agenda to consistently exceed our customers’ expectations with the best
quality products, innovation and service.

38. How are issues around compliance and the need for remediation tackled in supply chain

In GSK, remediation is a process whereby the company brings together specialists and other
resources to analyse systems and processes in all areas of the site. As a team, they identify gaps and
plan how to address them, so that the site can make sustainable changes over time that drive
improvements in compliance and consistent global standards and improve ways of working on the

In GSK, we consider remediation efforts as positive opportunities to pause, review, and fix any issues.
Remediation may take from 12-18 months, depending on the amount of activities the site has to

39. How will the announcement of the transaction impact our ongoing remediation work to
resolve supply issues?

There will be no impact on ongoing remediation activities as a result of the announcement of the
transaction. For sites that are under remediation, work will continue as planned.

40. What Supply Chain processes change on Day One?

There will be no change to GSK Consumer Healthcare Supply Chain or Novartis’ Tech Ops
processes on Day One. To ensure continuity of supply, we are supporting parallel processes on sites
and in the regions with governance and reporting brought together at the centre.

41. When will I know more about the roadmap of changes relevant to me/ my team?

At deal close, teams will begin working together to identify any specific changes. We expect the initial
review and early planning to take some time. In the meantime, your line manager will keep you
briefed on progress.

42. How are we communicating with external stakeholders?

Conversations with above-country customers/suppliers/partners will be managed centrally; guidance

for local market communication with customers and other external stakeholders will be provided,
including a standard, approved letter to be cascaded locally, as required. Please refrain from using
any material other than the official approved communication. See template letter in Appendix 2.5.5.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 22
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

5.2 External Q&As

General External Stakeholders

Please also use the Key Messages in Section 3.2 as reference.

1. How will the new GSK Consumer Healthcare joint venture impact my relationship with your

There will be no immediate changes in our processes and ways of working; it’s “business as usual.”
Your Novartis OTC and GSK contacts will keep you updated on any subsequent changes as needed.

2. Will my point of contact change? Who should I contact if I have contacts at both Novartis
and GSK?

There is no immediate change to your Novartis OTC and GSK contacts. You should continue to be in
touch with your usual contact at each company until you receive further guidance.


3. Will my point of contact change?

At this time, there are no changes to your company contact. Please continue to contact your Novartis
representative for Novartis products and your GSK representative for GSK products.

4. If I have contact names at both GSK and Novartis OTC, who should I contact?

At this time, we have not combined our sales and customer service organisations. Please continue to
contact your Novartis representative for Novartis products and your GSK representative for GSK

5. Are there changes to where I send invoices or product returns?

No. While we plan to integrate our operations over time, at this time there are no immediate changes
to legacy customer service processes. Continue to use the GSK process and contacts for legacy
GSK products and the Novartis process and contacts for legacy Novartis products. We will inform you
when there are any changes to this approach, and we will work with you to ensure continuity of
service through the transition at that point.

6. Will our current contract company be voided? Can it be renegotiated?

Your current contract remains in effect in accordance with the current terms. We will contact you
regarding your contracts as we move through the integration.

7. I have contracts with both Novartis OTC and GSK. Can I merge the terms?

No. Your current contract remains in effect in accordance with the current terms. We will contact you
regarding your contracts as we move through the integration.

8. Can I request new pricing?

No. The business terms & conditions of both legacy GSK and Novartis, including pricing, are not
immediately impacted by the transaction. Your current contract remains in effect in accordance with
the current terms. We will contact you regarding your contracts as we move through the integration.

9. Will any of the products I currently order be divested?

We have agreed as part of the anti-trust reviews with regulators to divest certain brands. We have
committed to the sale of:
 NiQuitin smoking cessation products globally

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 23
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

 Nicotinell smoking cessation products in Australia

 Panodil in Sweden
 Nezeril/Nasin in Sweden
 Coldrex in the EEA
 Novartis’ topical cold sore brands in the EEA and Turkey.

It is difficult to predict with any certainty when the Divested Brands will be sold (and they may be sold
at different times). However, the likelihood is these brands will continue to belong to us for an
extended period during 2015 until suitable buyers are found. Additionally, GSK is likely to continue to
supply all of the internally manufactured brands for an extended period.


10. GSK/Novartis uses different distributors, so are we going to lose the business?

Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have only recently closed the deal. This means we are
only just beginning to form joint commercial plans. Development of our longer-term business plans
will be part of our integration discussions. We will inform you as we learn of any upcoming changes.

11. Will there be a chance to win the business once you integrate?

While we appreciate your interest our future plans, we will need to defer any discussions relating to
this until the appropriate time. We hope you will appreciate it will take time for us to integrate the two

12. Who is making the decision on distributors - Is there anyone at GSK now I can contact on

While we understand your interest in our future plans, we will need to defer any discussions relating to
this until the appropriate time. We hope you will appreciate it will take time for us to integrate the two

13. Will you contact me when you know more – how will I be notified of any decision?

It’s important to understand that it is early days, and it will take time for us to integrate our commercial
plans. We will discuss next steps with you at the appropriate time.


14. How will this impact my relationship with your company?

What this means for you is Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have come together as one
company. In practical terms, it will take some time to integrate the two companies so we can ensure a
smooth transition. There will be no immediate changes in our processes and ways of working; it’s
“business as usual.” Your Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare contacts will keep you
updated on any changes as needed.

15. When will integration be complete and terms settled?

For now, it is “business as usual.” We will keep you updated as the integration process moves

Government Stakeholders

16. Will there be an impact on local employment? Are you consolidating offices or
manufacturing facilities?

Integrating these two companies will take some time – for now, it is business as usual. As the
process of bringing these two companies together moves forward, we will certainly be keeping you
informed of our local plans.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 24
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

17. Will my point of contact change?

For now, your GSK/Novartis point of contact remains the same.

Local Industry/Trade Associations

18. Will you remain in the association?

Integrating these two companies will take some time – for now, it is business as usual. As these two
companies become one, there could be changes in our relationship with the association. We will
certainly be keeping you informed of our plans as the integration process moves forward.

19. That would have an impact on your dues – correct?

It is too early to say. As these two companies become one, there could be changes in our relationship
with the association. We will certainly be keeping you informed of our plans as the integration process
moves forward.

Community/Civic Organisations

20. Will there be an impact on your local involvement or support of our organisation?

We value our relationship with your organisation. Integrating these two companies will take some
time – for now, it is business as usual. As the process of bringing these two companies together
moves forward, we will certainly be keeping you informed of our local plans.

Supply Chain External audiences

21. Will my point of contact change?

No, your point of contact will not change. We will inform you should there be changes at any point.

22. How will the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business affect our current contract?

At the moment, it is too early to say, but we will continue to comply with contracts in accordance with
agreed terms. In some cases, it may be necessary to assign or novate (replace with something new)
agreements, subject to their terms. In these cases you will be contacted in due course as

23. If I have contact names at both GSK and Novartis OTC legacy companies, who should I
contact going forward?

You should continue to work with both contacts, as usual, until you receive further guidance.

24. Will our current contract end or be voided? Can it be renegotiated?

Your current contract remains in effect in accordance with its current terms. We will contact you
regarding your contract as we move through the integration.

25. I have contracts with both Novartis OTC and GSK. Can I merge the terms?

No. Your current contract remains in effect in accordance with its current terms. Development of our
longer term business plans will advance now that GSK Consumer Healthcare has been formed. We
will contact you regarding contracts as transition progresses.

26. We are currently in contract negotiations with GSK or NVS – should we stop or pause the

No, any such negotiations should continue on a business as usual basis.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 25
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

27. Does the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business mean that you will request changes to

We will continue to comply with contracts in accordance with their terms.

28. Is there anything we can do at this point in time?

We appreciate your pro-active approach. Our key objectives at this point in time are to continue
business as usual, so that we can work through the wider transitional and operational details, while at
the same time ensure we continue to achieve full compliance, high quality customer service and
assurance of supply together with our suppliers.

29. Will the ways of working (i.e., demand & supply, etc.) change?

No, we will continue to work in the same “business as usual” manner. We will inform you should there
be changes at any point.

30. What happens to planned Good Practices (GXP) audits – will they take place as

GXP audits will continue to be scheduled and arranged in the usual course of business.

31. Will the compliance standards change?

No. There are no changes planned at this time. We will continue to comply with all legal and
regulatory standards as we have in the past. Should there be any changes in our processes, they will
be communicated in due course.

32. Could the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business present opportunities for my
business? Could it mean that I lose your business?

At the moment, it is too early to say. Development of our longer-term business plans will be part of our
integration discussions. We will engage with you as appropriate, in due course, on any changes.

33. Will the new company continue to sell the same products after the transaction?

We have agreed as part of the anti-trust reviews with regulators to divest certain brands. We have
committed to the sale of:
 NiQuitin smoking cessation products globally
 Nicotinell smoking cessation products in Australia
 Panodil in Sweden
 Nezeril/Nasin in Sweden
 Coldrex in the EEA
 Novartis’ topical cold sore brands in the EEA and Turkey.

It is difficult to predict with any certainty when the Divested Brands will be sold (and they may be sold
at different times). However, the likelihood is these brands will continue to belong to us for an
extended period during 2015 until suitable buyers are found. Additionally, GSK is likely to continue to
supply all of the internally manufactured brands for an extended period.

Future divestments: There are no plans to sell further brands as part of regulatory and anti-trust
review outcomes. We will continually seek opportunities to optimise the portfolio which may or may
not mean proposed changes in the future. Any proposed changes would be subject to the appropriate
consultations with Works Councils, employees and employee representative bodies.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 26
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All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

34. What will the new company Contract Manufacturing Organisation (CMO) or Third Party
Organisation (TPO) organization look like?

The evaluation process is ongoing. Should there be changes, we will contact you with further

Media (for reactive use by Communications)

35. Now that the transaction is closed, what will the initial focus for the Company be?
Today’s announcement means that all of the conditions needed to complete the 3-part transaction
have now been fulfilled from a regulatory and legal perspective. There is a significant amount of work
that now needs to be done to integrate the GSK Consumer Healthcare businesses which will be our
focus for the immediate future.

We will work to complete the integration as quickly and as smoothly as possible and to maintain
‘business as usual’ wherever we can.

36. What is the new size and shape of GSK? And what does GSK now own in terms of NVS
products, pipeline and sites? What have you sold to NVS in Oncology?

Overall, the new Group will be bigger. The transaction will increase GSK’s annual revenues by £1.3
billion to £26.9 billion (on a 2013 pro forma basis) and fundamentally re-shape GSK’s revenue base.
These revenues would be split across Pharmaceuticals 62%, Consumer Healthcare 24% and
Vaccines 14%. We are bringing 12,000 people with talent and expertise from Novartis into our
Vaccines business, new Consumer Healthcare company, supply chains and support functions. At the
same time, Novartis are gaining 2,000 GSK Oncology colleagues.

Consumer Healthcare
We have combined our consumer healthcare business with Novartis’ over-the-counter (OTC)
business to form a new company, with GSK holding a controlling equity interest of 63.5%. The new
GSK Consumer Healthcare business will operate under the GSK Consumer Healthcare name in all
territories where GSK and Novartis have a presence, with the exception of India and Nigeria.
Novartis’ OTC manufacturing sites will now be integrated into the GSK Consumer Healthcare
manufacturing network. Our portfolio now includes 19 major brands generating more than $100
million in annual sales, including Sensodyne, Voltaren, Excedrin, Theraflu, Panadol, Polident,
Paradontax, Otrivin, Horlicks and Physiogel.

We have acquired Novartis’ global Vaccines business (excluding influenza vaccines) strengthening
the breadth of our portfolio, notably in meningitis, including the addition of Menveo, Bexsero (a new
vaccine for prevention of meningitis B), and a further candidate vaccine in late-stage development,
MenABCWY as well as several travel vaccines. GSK and Novartis’ vaccines R&D organisations are
highly complementary, bringing together respective expertise in virology, bacterial infection and
different adjuvant platforms. We now have 20 vaccines in development. The acquisition will
strengthen GSK’s manufacturing network and increase overall capacity, notably with the addition of
Novartis’s facilities in Rosia, Italy and Marburg, Germany. GSK has also acquired new Vaccines
manufacturing sites in India and China.

Novartis has acquired our Oncology business comprising the rights to marketed oncology assets. We
retain our manufacturing capability for the divested Oncology products and have entered into a
manufacturing and supply agreement with Novartis, under which GSK will manufacture and supply
oncology products to Novartis for an initial period of five years. We retain the early-stage R&D
pipeline and discovery capability and will be granted exclusive rights to continue to develop
ofatumumab (the active ingredient of Arzerra, one of the products in the marketed oncology portfolio)
in the autoimmune field.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 27
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

37. Will there be site closures (manufacturing, R&D or LOC commercial/marketing/HQ


There may be, however no decisions have been made at this time and it is too early to know when
this might happen. Where any proposals are developed which would involve site closures, these
would be the subject of employee consultation where applicable, in line with our normal processes
and applicable legal requirements.

38. What are the synergy/cost savings targets you need to meet? How long will they take and
where will they come from?

As we have previously announced, we are targeting total annual savings from the transaction of £1
billion by the fifth year from closing, with approximately 50% delivered by year three. Contributions to
the total cost savings are estimated to be approximately 40% from Consumer Healthcare, 40% from
Vaccines and 20% from savings associated with the divestment of GSK’s Oncology portfolio.

Cost savings will be generated from reductions in selling and administrative costs, removal of
infrastructure overlaps and reduced third-party contracting, as well as through improvements in
manufacturing costs. The two businesses will also benefit from new economies of scale and earn
greater returns from leveraging sales, distribution and purchasing opportunities across a broader
global platform.

GSK intends to reinvest approximately 20% of cost savings to support innovation and expected new
product launches across the Group, wherever returns are most attractive.

39. Is it possible you would spin off the Consumer Healthcare or Vaccines business in the

Around 70% of GSK’s revenues are now focussed around four key franchises: Respiratory, HIV (ViiV
Healthcare), Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. All these businesses operate in growing markets,
with increased global scale, new market-leading brands and products manufactured in protected
technologies. We believe that the way we have described our vision for these businesses is in our
best interests for the foreseeable future.

40. What is the timescale of the divestment of products (Vaccines & Consumer Healthcare)
you agreed with various regulatory agencies to meet anti-trust requirements? Have you
identified potential buyers?

We are committed to completing these divestments as soon as possible and within the timeframes
required by the regulators, however, while the process of divestment remains ongoing it would be
premature to discuss any potential purchasers.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 28
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

New GSK Consumer Healthcare

Day One Communications Pack


GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 29
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


A1.1 Internal Materials

For Information: This section shares the key Day One internal communications and materials, for your

A1.1.1 Andrew Witty (GSK Chief Executive Officer) Day One Video Transcript

This video will be played at the Day One SLT led Townhalls. Translated subtitled versions will be
available via the My Journey portal on Day Two.

“As you all know, today is the first day for the new GSK. We’ve successfully completed the year’s
negotiations and preparations to bring together our Consumer and Vaccine businesses with the
Novartis business, and to transfer our Oncology business to Novartis.

It has been a difficult, complex deal to pull off. It is unprecedented in the history of mergers and
acquisitions to do a transaction like this but we have successfully done it but, make no mistake, the
absolute centrepiece of this transaction is the creation of the Consumer Healthcare joint venture – the
massive expansion that this achieves for GSK Consumer. It propels us from being part of the pack to
being one of the leaders in the world’s Consumer Healthcare marketplace. It makes us absolutely the
No.1 Consumer OTC company in the world, and it gives us global reach and scale that we’ve only
aspired to in the past.

It’s taken a long while coming to find this opportunity but we’ve pulled it off. We are bringing into this
organisation an extraordinary new talent base from Novartis. We have the opportunity to create a
new culture, built on performance, ethics and commitment to science, blending the absolute best of
what’s allowed GSK and Novartis independently to grow strong companies.

Your chance now is to create an even greater business with a long-term future that our competitors, I
hope, will look at with great envy, and I hope some trepidation.

This is an exciting day as you contemplate the idea of becoming market leader in more than 30
countries in the world. It’s an exciting day to think about having control of 19 products with sales over
$100 million a year, but it’s really an exciting day to think how you can use this transaction to
transform and improve the way that you, your team and your entire business units can improve their
competitiveness, and can make themselves every day more relevant to consumers across the world,
whether they are in Japan, the Emerging Markets, Europe or America. We want to be a truly relevant
supplier of great interventions for consumers across the world.

I wish you well. You are about to hear from Emma Walmsley, our new CEO of the Consumer
Healthcare joint venture. I know that she is extraordinarily focused on working with each of you to
build something truly special. Good luck!” [Ends]

A1.1.2 Emma Walmsley Day One Townhall Video Transcript

This video will be played at the Day One SLT led Townhalls: Translated versions of the transcript
will be available on the My Journey portal.

“Welcome to the NEW GSK Consumer Healthcare.

Let me start by saying a huge thank you to the many integration teams in Novartis and GSK who have
worked so incredibly hard to get us here - to this historic day and exciting new beginning for our

I’d also like to add a particularly warm welcome to all the ex-Novartis colleagues who are joining us
today, welcome to GSK; I look forward to meeting you in real life in the near future.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 30
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

With two great companies coming together we all have an opportunity, and that’s what I want to talk
about now.

This is not just about getting bigger. It’s about getting better. We will take the best of both worlds to
achieve things that neither company could have imagined on our own. It will be different for all of us.
We will have new colleagues, new leaders and new brands to get to know and, in the years ahead,
together we will create a renewed, great, people driven company that delivers sustainable market
beating performance.

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare exists for just one purpose: To help more people around the
world to do more, feel better and live longer with everyday healthcare products. That’s the reason we
come to work every day.

We have a heritage that goes back over 160 years. We own some of the world’s best loved
healthcare brands including Sensodyne, Voltaren, Theraflu, Panadol, Polident, Paradontax, Otrivin,
Horlicks and Physiogel.

Consumers have a lot of choice. It’s a competitive marketplace and we want to be the best. We want
to build a high performing global business we call a Fast Moving Consumer Healthcare company.

Being the world’s leading FMCH Company means building truly world class healthcare and FMCG
capabilities and being a fantastic place to work with exciting career opportunities for the best talent in
the industry.

Winning means growing ahead of the competition and our Winning Formula is our strategy to make it
happen. We will only win with brilliant brands, innovation and commercial execution, with a quality
supply chain and most of all with our people. Every single person in the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare business, every single person who is aligned to supporting the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare will contribute to this strategy and measure their performance against it. Every individual
makes a difference.

Of course we care about driving performance but only if it’s done the right way. Our values drive our
decisions and behaviours and we must all hold each other accountable for that. Putting the consumer
first, doing the right thing with integrity, respecting each other, being transparent, open and straight

Today is Day One, really just the beginning, and as we start to combine these two great companies
we know it will not be easy. We understand for many it creates uncertainty. We will work very hard
on transparency of communication in the months ahead and we will answer questions as soon as we

Thank you for your commitment, resilience, patience and hard work, as we move through this period
of change and create something very special together. We do have a lot of work ahead, but I hope
like me, you believe it’s worth it to be part of a winning growing business that is changing everyday
healthcare for the better, for more people than ever before, all over the world.

We have the chance to do something extraordinary.

Together. Better. Welcome to New GSK Consumer Healthcare.” [Ends]

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 31
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.1.3 Corporate GSK Deal Close Internal Communications

GSK’s Corporate Communications team will be activating the following group communications,
triggered by GSK’s Stock Exchange Announcement (SEA).

 Internal ConnectGSK news announcement (2 March) – A short internal corporate news

item based on the SEA will posted on this ConnectGSK home page . ConnectGSK is the
name of the GSK intranet.
 GSK Senior Corporate Leaders’ email (2 March) – Following GSK’s Stock Exchange
Announcement, an email will be sent to senior GSK leaders, including to the Top 200 in CH
and the GLT-1 equivalent list.
Note: This email includes cascade briefing slides which are for use in GSK Pharma only.

A1.1.4 My Journey Online Engagement Portal

To give you everything you need to know about our new GSK Consumer Healthcare company - all in
one place - we are launching an exciting new My Journey portal, which will be continuously updated
and will include:

 Appointment announcements
 Updates on our progress
 Learning about our brands, strategy and values
 New career tools
 Ways to meet our leaders
 Help section, FAQs and key escalation points through transition

Everything on My Journey is organised around the Winning Formula, it is the starting point for
everything we do. It’s available outside of the GSK network which means it’s mobile friendly and
available from mobile devices and tablets on the go.

Access: You can access My Journey via this url:

My Journey Welcome Email: To be sent on 3 March 9pm

Hello everyone,
Welcome to our new company!
Today marks the start of a new and exciting beginning for all of us. This year we will welcome new
colleagues, new leaders and new brands to our already vibrant business. I am very much looking
forward to our future.

We know that change comes hand in hand with lots of learning and of course we will all have
questions. Plus, we all have to deliver our day jobs.

That’s why we’ve created a place where you can go to find everything you need to know about the
New GSK Consumer Healthcare business. It’s called My Journey: A one-stop-shop dedicated to
keeping you informed and updated with our progress.

It’s the place to go to:

 Find out about key appointments
 See integration updates
 Learn about our brands, strategy and values
 Discover new career tools
 Meet our leaders
 Virtually network with your colleagues
 Ask questions and get answers

Everything on My Journey has been specifically grouped according to the growth levers of our
strategy, the Winning Formula, which should be the starting point for everything we do. Don’t worry if

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 32
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

this all sounds new, we will be talking much more about the Winning Formula in the coming weeks,
and My Journey has been designed to make learning easy.

My Journey will be a vital resource for all of us over the coming months. It’s been carefully designed
not to bombard you with information, and so will be continually updated. Therefore it’s important that
you register today and don’t forget to check in often.


Complementary Worker Information – My Journey is a portal which will assist you in providing services to the
Consumer Healthcare business. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with its content, although not all the
content will be relevant to you. Welcome to New GSK Consumer Healthcare and thank you for your support.


A1.1.5 Intranet access and strategy

General Principles for GSK Intranet Content Policy:

The GSK Consumer Healthcare Intranet will continue to exist post day one and be accessible by GSK
and Novartis employees with the following guidelines:
 Intranet will be used for all long term information, content related to ways of working to ensure
sustainability of content
 Content will not be duplicated on intranet and My Journey
 Intranet is an externally hosted site available on mobile
 Seamless user experience between Intranet and My Journey

OTC Intranet & Novartis access:

The OTC intranet will still be available to all Novartis employees from Day One.

Access to the My Journey and the GSK Intranet will be through CITRIX/RAA - which is software
designed to access our GSK environment from Novartis machines. This ensures that all links with our
intranet work for former Novartis employees when accessing from a laptop.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 33
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.2 Consumer Healthcare SLT- Led Townhalls (3 March)

Your Actions: Host the web broadcast, providing an introduction and welcome at the start and explaining
the process for questions to be asked in the Townhall meetings.

Read the guidance around messaging for the Townhall and process for managing Q&A during the Townhall

To mark the launch of our new GSK Consumer Healthcare business, on Day One we are holding four
global, SLT led Townhall broadcasts across different time zones. These Townhalls will share
identical content and give everyone a clear sense of the vision of the new company, its opportunities
and next steps.

Communicator and local site contacts have already been working with local leadership to put local
attendance and viewing arrangements in place (hosting, venues, technical requirements, logistics,
invitations, etc). They will also be sent a separate link to include in invitations, so sites with less than
20 employees or in field sales can watch the broadcast from their desktop /laptops.

A1.2.1 Global Townhall locations, hosts and timings

Who Where When

Zubair Ahmed
Park Royal Hotel, Singapore March 3
Diana Conrad 14.30pm – 15.45pm (SGT)
06.30am – 07.45am (GMT)

Roger Scarlett-Smith

Didier Colombeen Novartis Office, Nyon, Switzerland March 3

09.30am – 10.45am (CET)
Richard Slater 08.30am – 09.45am (GMT)

Brian McNamara

Leslie McGibbon Heston Hyde Hotel, London, UK March 3

10.30am – 11.45am (GMT)
Jonathan Box

Emma Walmsley

Teri Hall Hanover Marriott Hotel, Parsippany, USA March 3

11.00am – 12.15am (EST)
Ken James 16.00pm – 17.45pm (GMT)
Sean Roberts

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 34
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.2.2 Townhall Running Order

Time Content Speaker Action

Pre Local leader host introduction and welcome Local site Local leader: Welcome your teams to the
Broad- host Townhall session and explain the process
cast for asking questions (see below)
50 min Townhall Broadcast content including: SLT
 Andrew Witty and GSK manifesto video
 Messaging from Emma Walmsley SLT present
 New GSK Consumer Healthcare launch video
 SLT presentations
25min SLT led Q&A SLT Open up for present & remote questions
5min Local host takes urgent questions and closes Local site Local leader: to confirm arrangements and
meeting host timing for local follow up informal Q&A
sessions on site.

A1.2.3 Host Briefing for Townhall Web Broadcast and Informal Q&A Session

Your Townhall Live Web broadcast responsibilities will include:

 Prior to the start of the live broadcast, to welcome audiences in the room and thank them for
attending the broadcast
 Review housekeeping items with the audience, including process for asking SLT questions
 Facilitate residual Q&A in the room following the live web broadcast
 Close the Townhall

Townhall Speaker points:

 Welcome to the first Townhall of our new company

 This is an exciting day, Townhalls are taking place all around the world today. We have
had/are having events in Singapore, Switzerland, UK and US.
 We will be joining the web broadcast from (location) with presentations from (SLT names and
 Following the formal presentations the SLT will receive and share questions from our sites
watching the broadcast. Please hold your questions until the end – thank you
 The process for asking questions of the SLT is as follows:
 Question cards have been made available for Q&A to be asked to the SLT
 Questions should be written on the cards and held in the air to be collected by designated
colleagues in the room
 Q&A will be sent electronically to the Live Townhall meeting and asked live in the room to the
 Any questions that aren’t answered, due to time constraints, can be asked after the official
broadcast and submitted to the Q&A online portal for answering.

[At meeting close]

 Thank you for attending the Townhall.
 There will be opportunities for asking questions in the coming days and weeks.

A1.2.4 Post Event Video on Demand and follow up

Anyone unable to join a live SLT led Townhall will be able to access complete Video on Demand
(VOD) material on Day Two, via the My Journey onboarding portal. Details for accessing the VOD will
be sent to communications and site leads - the day after the live Townhalls.

A transcript of the meeting will be prepared in English, which will then be available for local

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 35
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.3 Post Townhall follow-up Q&A Sessions

Your Action: To hold an informal Q&A session a few hours post the Townhall to address unanswered
questions. If they cannot be answered by the local leader these questions should be passed to local HR
business leads and communications.

IMPORTANT NOTE: HR must attend these sessions, to support leaders and respond to questions.

A few hours after your live SLT led Townhall leaders should host a local informal Q&A meeting at their
sites - to give everyone the opportunity to mingle, discuss what they heard in the Townhall and raise
further questions.

You can decide the best approach to show your visible leadership support and to check in with your
local teams.
 Ensure individuals on site are invited and, working with your local HR, comms and/or site
o Organise who is invited to your session – timings and locations (eg communal office
area, canteen, etc).
 Encourage people to reflect on what they have heard and to raise questions – even if
you cannot yet answer them
 Use the Talking Points and Q&As in this Comms Pack (below) to make sure your
answers are consistent and on message.
 Record questions raised, especially those that cannot be answered. HR/Comms should
then escalate these questions to the Q&A online portal for answering.

You should NOT prepare slides or present additional information at these Day One Q&A sessions.

Q&A Open House Talking Points:

 Thank for all for joining us again today.
 You heard a lot this morning and while it’s exciting, it can also feel a bit unsettling.
 We wanted to give everyone a chance to really digest what they heard this morning and ask
any questions that may have come up.
 We’ll take questions from the group for the first 30mins, then enjoy some refreshments and
continue to chat. If you have questions me and [HRBL and any other senior leads] will be
 We know you are likely to have a lot of questions, but we may not be able to answer many of
them at this stage

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 36
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.4 Supply Chain Day One Internal Comms Approach

Your Action: For scheduled team briefings, site leaders and managers to use the global and CH key
messages available in this pack, and supplement them with the Supply Chain-specific messages listed
below for communications with GMS employees.

A1.4.1 Communications for Production Line employees on manufacturing sites:

The Consumer Supply Chain working principle for Day One is to ensure continuity of supply for our
consumers. Therefore:
 Face-to-face communications at site level will take place in existing, scheduled team
 Supplementary branded visuals and printed notices will be available for people to read in
communal areas,

Note: Production line staff are not expected to attend the live SLT led Townhalls.

A1.4.2 Other Supply Chain employees:

Supply Chain employees based in offices should have the same Day One experience as other CH
employees as described earlier in this section. This includes attendance of the SLT led Townhall
meetings - live or on demand.

Note: In addition to the core global and Consumer Healthcare presentation packs, Supply Chain
leaders and communicators will be provided with supplementary slides including key GMS/Supply
Chain messages and a GMS-specific Q&A document.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 37
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.5 Post Close Comms Related Processes

A1.5.1 Post Close: Rules of Engagement

In most instances, post deal close employees can talk openly and share information with new
colleagues across the whole new GSK Consumer Healthcare business. However, everyone should
be aware there are some restrictions.

This is because not all legacy Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare data will be owned by
the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business.

As a general rule, after Day One you should not discuss any products or shared brands that are out of
scope of the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business, with your former colleagues who remain at
GSK or Novartis. Nor should you access any legacy information that has not transferred.
There’s more information and guidance on this on the My Journey site under the Q&A section.

A1.5.2 Media Crisis Management and Adverse Event Reporting Process

Media Crisis and Continuity Management (CCM)

Generally, from Day One, existing, pre-deal close Novartis and GSK Crisis Management and
Business Continuity team processes will apply until our crisis team structures and plans can be fully
aligned and integrated.

 Local Media issues - should also be notified to the relevant GSK Regional/ functional
Communications Director
 Global Media issues – corporate should be notified to Sarah Spencer, brand issues to Sarah

For further Business Continuity and Crisis Management guidance please see Appendix 3.2.

Adverse Event Reporting

From Day One existing Novartis and GSK will maintain their existing, separate Adverse Event (AE)
reporting tools for relevant products owned pre deal close, until they can be fully aligned and

For further Adverse Event and Pharmacovigilance guidance please see Appendix 3.3.

A1.5.3 Escalation of Supply Chain Issues

For most, escalation and governance processes should be managed the same after Day One as they
were prior to Day One, except at SLT level and, in some cases, at the regional level. Interim
escalation and governance processes will be in place at SLT level and regional level (where
applicable) during a transition period of approximately 100 days. After this short transitional period, a
permanent governance process will be put in place.

Supply Chain will be communicating directly about this.

A1.5.4 Onboarding Support and Hypercare

The first 30 days of the new GSK Consumer Healthcare business will be critical from a business
continuity as well as an employee engagement standpoint. The launch of the new GSK Consumer
Healthcare will mean uncertainty for employees and we want make sure they have the simple and
easy way to ask questions and have them resolved as soon as possible.

Many tactical and practical Q&As should be managed at a local market level. Local posters and
messaging on My Journey will ensure employees know their local onboarding co-ordinator.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 38
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

Two direct types of onboarding support will be available:

Onboarding Co-ordinators – the GSK Consumer Healthcare employees on the ground who will
support the transition on site. Working closely with the local GM and HR lead, their role is to:
 Be a visible presence to reassure colleagues.
 Triage local questions and direct employees to existing information, eg credit cards,
expenses, etc. Key guideline is that all questions should be answered locally if possible and
then escalated.
 Promote the existing channels for employees to access the Hypercare service, eg. IT
helpdesk, HR helpdesk.

Hypercare – the increased level of support and turnaround of questions and issues for the first 30
days by IT, Finance, Employee Services, WREF and Procurement (all part of GSK’s Core Business
Services to ensure response times and problem resolution is as efficient and helpful as possible.

Below are some examples of Hypercare type queries and the channels employees should access.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 39
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A1.5.5 Change Communications Do’s and Don’ts

Challenge Do Don’t

• Talk to your employees daily, even when

there is nothing new to report • Don't forget people on sick or maternity leave
• Call or email regularly those employees • Don't assume employees already have information –
who are not on site keep checking
• Share as much information as possible • Don't forget employees may assume “no information
even if it is repetitive means something is going on”
• Conduct face-to-face briefings with • Don't talk about rumours but emphasize facts

• Walk around and talk with employees

Be Visible • Don't keep office doors closed unless necessary
• Be supportive by being accessible
• Don't lose touch through not being around
• Spend as much time as possible on site

• Share positive and negative information • Don't just tell employees what you think they want to
Openly and
honestly hear
• Don't forget the grapevine carries bad news quickly

• Ask employees about their concerns and

feelings – take special note of anyone
who appears particularly anxious • Don't ignore employees’ concerns, they will not go
Employees to Talk
• Emphasize that concerns are natural, that away
About Issues
you too have worries
• Encourage employees to support each

• Don’t continue with activities that have ceased to be

Keep Employees • Ensure that it is business as usual in your
Occupied own and your employees’ activities
• Don’t allow employees to lower performance or activity
• Involve employees in any extra activities

• Encourage employees to see the positive

aspects of this period • Don't just tell employees what you think they want to
Act Positively
• Act positively, but realistically hear
• Remember that people will pick up • Don't forget the grapevine carries bad news quickly
signals from your behaviour

• Plan how to involve employees and share

Act as a Leader these plans • Don't act only in your own interest
• Show that you are acting for all your

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 40
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


A number of above-market stakeholders, (e.g. vendors and supra-national organisations) will be

contacted at the Regional/ Global (GSK) or Global (Novartis OTC) level. Local markets are
responsible for communicating with some, but not all external stakeholders, using the letter templates
and Q&A guidance provided in this Comms pack.

Once the Stock Exchange Announcement has been made, LOCs are free to execute their external
stakeholder comms plans. You will need to prioritise external audiences for contact on Day One; we
suggest you focus on the top 5-10 most important local stakeholders. Novartis/GSK will be
communicating separately to their respective external stakeholders on Day One - using aligned
messages and legacy company letterhead.

Make sure for each local stakeholder there is no more than one person with accountability for that
contact within your market. You should also coordinate with other colleagues in your country if you
share stakeholders with the pharmaceutical business, vaccines, Supply Chain, etc.

If you are in a delayed transfer market, you should not send any communications proactively to
external stakeholders regarding the closing of the transaction in your market.

A2.1 External Stakeholder Grid:

As shown below, local markets are responsible for communicating with some, but not all external
stakeholders, using letter templates and Q&A guidance provided.

External Lead Function Responsible for

Responsible for delivery
Stakeholders messaging template

Global Media Global Comms Global Media Team

Investors Global IR Investor Relations Team

Local Media
Regional Comms Local – reactive only
(GSK only)

Customers & Regional Sales Leads w/ Comms

Distributors oversight Regional and Local Teams
Customers, distributors and HCPs identified
by Regional Commercial Leads and Expert
Global Expert Sales, Global Medical and
HCPs other relevant company contacts
R&D manages clinical contacts
w/Comms oversight

GSK: Global Consumer Relations team

Consumers Global Comms
NVS: Global Comms w/CRS Lead

Business Global Procurement w/ Comms

Above-country stakeholders handled by lead
Partners (incl oversight (Note: Categories will lead
function; local action as appropriate
Media Agencies) with GSK media agencies)

Regulators Regulatory Affairs

Above-country stakeholders handled by lead
function; local action as appropriate
Government Government Affairs

Above-country stakeholders handled by lead
Associations, Government Affairs and others
function; local action as appropriate
Civic Orgs, etc.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 41
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


 For GSK Consumer Healthcare: Please liaise with your regional GSK Consumer Healthcare
Communications partners once this list is assembled. Contact your Regional IPT lead if you have
any questions or input on missing stakeholders

 For Novartis: You have a checklist to help you prepare for post-close contact with external
stakeholders and a Stakeholder Map indicating which ones are currently identified as requiring
proactive local action. For questions about a stakeholder, please contact the OTC Global lead
identified on the Stakeholder Map. If no lead is listed or a stakeholder is missing, please contact
Jill Pozarek in Global Communications.

A2.2 External Comms Guidance

Below we have external stakeholder letter templates and Q&As for use with external customers,
distributors and for “General Use”. Please note:
 For NVS: under separate cover, you will already have received two additional letter templates
for use with local trade associations and local government officials.
 Where appropriate, please supplement the Day One letter with a proactive phone call (using
approved messaging) to your key customers, distributors, buyers and senior customer
 Emphasise the message that for now it is business as usual, with no change to contracts in
the short term to ensure continuity of business.

A2.3 Delayed Transfer Markets

If you are in a delayed transfer market, you should not send any communications proactively to
external stakeholders regarding the closing of the transaction in your market.

Note: We will separately provide you with a reactive statement you can use if asked about the status
of the transaction.

A2.4 Media Relations

Guidance for Communicators:

 The Q&A in Section 5.2 may be used to answer questions from the media on Day One
 You may also provide journalists with the centrally issued Stock Exchange Announcement
once it has been issued
 Additionally, the global key messages document may be used for reactive responses
 We are planning very little external media interaction centrally, beyond the Stock Exchange
 However, we are expecting to host an Investor Day in Early May, at which time we will be
giving further financial guidance for 2015 and profiling our key businesses: Pharmaceuticals,
Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. At this time, there will be additional external activity and
we will give guidance on how you can use this as an opportunity for further external
communications locally.

If there are any questions you are unable to answer, please escalate to your existing regional
communications lead.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 42
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A2.5 Consumer Relations Messaging

 Our Consumer Relations contact centres have been prepared with answers to likely questions
they could be asked, should anyone get in contact as a result of the launch of our new
 There are also procedures in place if someone contacts a GSK Consumer Healthcare contact
centre about a Novartis product query or adverse event, and vice versa.
 If you have an enquiry from a consumer please forward it to your relevant consumer relations
contact as you would have done so before.
 If you have any questions or need to speak to someone about Consumer Relations for the
new company, email

Contact Name Role Email Address

Consumer Relations Director, Consumer
Harpreet Ghai
Healthcare APL, India and China
Consumer Relations Director ,
Sohail Nawaz Consumer Healthcare Europe, Middle
East and Africa
Consumer Relations Director ,
Barbara Singer
Consumer Healthcare North America
Global Head of Consumer Relations,
Parul Kumar
GSK Consumer Healthcare

A2.6 External Communications: Stakeholder Letter Templates

 The following letter templates have been approved by Legal
 Any letters translated from the original English should be reviewed by your local legal team
before they are sent externally
 Fields you may customise are in grey highlight. Please do not change any other content
 No letters may be sent externally until Day One.

Customer/distributor communications.
The framework below is a recommended process for relevant channels and customers. Where
appropriate, supplement the Day One letter with a proactive phone call (using only approved
messaging) to your key customers, distributors, buyers and senior customer leaders.

Please emphasise that for now, it is business as usual - with no change to contracts in the short term,
to ensure continuity of business.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 43
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

Note: Please ensure you use the correct names and ensure the details are captured correctly.

If you have any questions, please contact Domenico Vellucci or Bill Ross.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 44
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A2.6.1 General Customer: Template Letter

[Grey Highlight text] indicates fields to be customised

Date, 2015

Dear [xxx Name xxx],

We are pleased to announce Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have come together as one
company: GSK Consumer Healthcare. This joint venture is a key element of a three-part transaction between
Novartis and GSK.

GSK Consumer Healthcare is the world’s leading over-the-counter (OTC) manufacturer, a leader in oral health,
skin health and family nutrition. Together, we have a heritage of over 160 years and our footprint spans more
than 100 countries.

The joint venture brings together a unique portfolio of brands including Excedrin, Horlicks, Otrivin, Panadol,
Paradontax, Polident, Physiogel, Sensodyne, Theraflu, and Voltaren.

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare exists for one purpose: to help more people around the world do more, feel
better and live longer with everyday healthcare products. Our new company combines the best of both
businesses, and we are committed to ensuring these strengths provide even greater benefit to consumers,
customers and our community.

What does this mean for you? For the time being, it’s business as usual with no change in who you work with at
the former Novartis or GSK. Customer service, logistics and commercial terms will also stay as is while we take
the time to integrate. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition.

As the integration process moves forward, your [key account manager/sales representative] will keep you
informed of our progress. You may also receive a separate communication from your [GSK/Novartis] key
contact. If you have any questions, please speak with [your account lead] or call me at the telephone number

Thank you very much for your loyalty and your business. We look forward to working together with you as the
new GSK Consumer Healthcare.

With very best regards,

[xxx Name xxx]

[Contact Details: Telephone, Email]
[NVS: new GSK email address]


A2.6.2 Health Care Providers Customer: Template Letter

[Grey Highlight text] indicates fields to be customised

Date, 2015

Dear [xxx Name xxx],

We are pleased to announce Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have come together as one
company: GSK Consumer Healthcare. This joint venture is a key element of a three-part transaction between
Novartis and GSK.

GSK Consumer Healthcare is the world’s leading over-the-counter (OTC) manufacturer, a leader in oral health,
skin health and family nutrition. Together, we have a heritage of over 160 years and our footprint spans more
than 100 countries.

The joint venture brings together a unique portfolio of brands including Excedrin, Horlicks, Otrivin, Panadol,
Paradontax, Polident, Physiogel, Sensodyne, Theraflu, and Voltaren.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 45
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare exists for one purpose: to help more people around the world do more, feel
better and live longer with everyday healthcare products. Our new company combines the best of both
businesses, and we are committed to ensuring these strengths provide even greater benefit to consumers,
customers and our community.

What does this mean for you? For the time being, there will be no change in your Novartis or GSK
representatives. It will take some time to integrate the two companies, and we will keep you informed as the
process moves forward.

Meanwhile, it’s business as usual. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service line at [xxx-
xxx-xx-xx] or call me at the number below.

Thank you very much for your loyalty and your commitment to improving the lives of patients. We look forward to
working together with you as the new GSK Consumer Healthcare.

With very best regards,

[xxx Name xxx]

[Contact Details: Telephone, Email]
[NVS: new GSK email address]


A2.6.3 Distributors and Chains; Template Letter

[Grey Highlight text] indicates fields to be customised

Date, 2015

Dear [xxx Name xxx],

We are pleased to announce Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have come together as one
company: GSK Consumer Healthcare. This joint venture is a key element of a three-part transaction between
Novartis and GSK.

GSK Consumer Healthcare is the world’s leading over-the-counter (OTC) manufacturer, a leader in oral health,
skin health and family nutrition. Together, we have a heritage of over 160 years and our footprint spans more
than 100 countries.

The joint venture brings together a unique portfolio of brands including Excedrin, Horlicks, Otrivin, Panadol,
Paradontax, Polident, Physiogel, Sensodyne, Theraflu, and Voltaren.

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare exists for one purpose: to help more people around the world do more, feel
better and live longer with everyday healthcare products. Our new company combines the best of both
businesses, and we are committed to ensuring these strengths provide even greater benefit to consumers,
customers and our community.

What does this mean for you? For the time being, it’s business as usual with no change in who you work with at
the former Novartis or GSK. Customer service, logistics and commercial terms will also stay as is while we take
the time to integrate. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition.

As the integration process moves forward, your Novartis/GSK] contact will keep you informed of our progress.

With very best regards,

[xxx Name xxx]

[Contact Details: Telephone, Email]
[NVS: new GSK email address]


GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 46
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A2.6.4 General Audience: Template Letter (eg Civic Organisations, etc)

[Grey Highlight text] indicates fields to be customised

Date, 2015

Dear [xxx Name xxx],

We are pleased to announce Novartis OTC and GSK Consumer Healthcare have come together as one
company: GSK Consumer Healthcare. This joint venture is a key element of a three-part transaction between
Novartis and GSK.

GSK Consumer Healthcare is the world’s leading over-the-counter (OTC) manufacturer, a leader in oral health,
skin health and family nutrition. Together, we have a heritage of over 160 years and our footprint spans more
than 100 countries.

The joint venture brings together a unique portfolio of brands including Excedrin, Horlicks, Otrivin, Panadol,
Paradontax, Polident, Physiogel, Sensodyne, Theraflu, and Voltaren.

The new GSK Consumer Healthcare exists for one purpose: to help more people around the world do more, feel
better and live longer with everyday healthcare products. Our new company combines the best of both
businesses, and we are committed to ensuring these strengths provide even greater benefit to consumers,
customers and our community.

What does this mean for you? For the time being, it’s business as usual with no change in who you work with at
the former Novartis or GSK. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me at the number below.

We look forward to working together with you as the new GSK Consumer Healthcare.

With very best regards,

[xxx Name xxx]

[Contact Details: Telephone, Email]
[NVS: new GSK email address]


A2.6.5 Supply Chain External Stakeholder Comms

The template below can be used to communicate with Supply Chain contract manufacturing
organisations (CMOs), suppliers and customer service and logistics providers. GSK Supply Chain and
Novartis Tech Ops teams will send separate letters to their own contacts. However, teams in both
organisations will be provided with consistent, reactive messaging and Q&A to help respond to
queries from CMOs, Supply Chain suppliers, artwork providers and quality-specific stakeholders.

Please note: Quality and Artwork teams should not communicate proactively about close on Day

This letter has been approved by Supply Chain and GSK corporate legal teams. Letters translated
from the original English template should be reviewed by local legal teams before use.

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 47
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A2.6.6 Supply Chain Letter Template for suppliers (including logistics, procurement
and CMO)

DATE – not before 3 March 2015

Dear XX
We are pleased to announce GSK Consumer Healthcare and Novartis OTC have come together as one
company: GSK Consumer Healthcare. GSK Consumer Healthcare is the world’s leading over-the-counter (OTC)
company, with leading brands in oral health, skin health and family nutrition. Together, we have a heritage of
over 160 years and operate in more than 100 countries.
This joint venture is an element of a three-part transaction between Novartis and GSK:
 GSK has acquired Novartis’ global Vaccines business, excluding influenza vaccines (except in China,
where GSK has acquired Novartis’ flu business)
 Novartis has acquired GSK’s marketed Oncology portfolio and associated R&D activities.

While we celebrate a new beginning this week, we want to reassure you that for now, we will continue to work
with you as we did before the transaction closed. As a result, there are no immediate changes to your GSK or
Novartis key contacts, customer service, logistics or commercial terms. So it is “business as usual”. We will keep
you informed of our plans and, should we anticipate any changes, we will notify you in advance.

With kind regards,

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 48
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A2.7 SUPPLY CHAIN External Day One to Week Two Comms Process

GMS Cx IPT – External Communications

Day 1 – Week 2
Global announcement
developed and distributed to
global audiences (incl.
Regulatory) shared with
supporting IPTs
Customise: taking global
Prepare letter from Novartis Owner: JV Commercial IPT message adding relevant
Pre for suppliers &TPO’s info for GMS External
Day 1 Suppliers
Owner: Patti Councill, Tech Owner: Sophie Hensley GMS
Ops Comms IPT Comms

Distribute day 1 message via Distribute day 1 message via

e-mail to relevant External e-mail to relevant External
Day 1 Suppliers Suppliers
+ joint reactive lines, Q&A + joint reactive lines , Q&A
Owners: Production
Owners: Functional Leads
Procurement, CS&L, CMO

Collaboratively manage
Manage calls/questions from Manage calls/questions from
calls/questions from shared
External Suppliers External Suppliers
Day 1 External Suppliers
Follow agreed joint reactive Follow agreed joint reactive
to Follow agreed Q&A and
Q&A and lines to take Q&A and lines to take
Week 2 lines to take
Owners: Contract owners Owners: Procurement, CS&L,
Owners: Functional Leads
(GSK or NVS counterparts) CMO, Quality and Artwork

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 49
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements


A3.1 Key Day One Comms Contacts

Day One Element Communications Lead

Day One Comms Pack Alison Prentice
Day One SLT led Townhalls Four global events:
Anna Gibbins (UK)
Pamela McKinlay (Nyon)
Helen Wailes (Singapore)
Malesia Dunn/Kerry Atlas (Parsippany)
Local informal follow up Q&A sessions Anna Gibbins
Kim Willard
Sarah Hodson (Categories)
Helen Wailes
Malesia Dunn
Marta Karesek-Pisarska
Onsite branding and collateral (posters, banners, leaflets) Isabella Szredzki
Alison Prentice
My Journey online portal Judith Parker
Scott Murray
GSK Consumer Healthcare intranet Scott Murray
Q&As Zoe Chambers
Andrew Greenwood
Kim Willard
External Stakeholder Comms Michael Fleming
Sarah Spencer
Kerry Atlas
Kim Willard

GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 50
For internal use only. Private and Confidential – Not for distribution
All proposals will be subject to consultation, where applicable, with employees
and employee representative bodies in line with local practices and legal requirements

A3.2 Crisis and Continuity Management (CCM) Process

DRAFT - Crisis and Continuity Management (CCM)

General Principles - what will happen during the transition period?
▪ Leadership framework for management of crisis incidents and business disruptions.
▪ Crisis Management and Business Continuity preparedness and response.

Guiding principles Key messages

From day 1: ▪ GSK leadership are responsible for preparing and responding
▪ Existing Novartis Crisis Management and Business Continuity to business disruptions regardless of cause as defined in
teams and procedures will be used to manage a local response Corporate CCM policy and procedures (POL-GSK-504, SOP-
until crisis team structures and plans can be aligned. GSK-504).
▪ Please notify the appropriate above site GSK leadership for any ▪ An enterprise CCM Center of Excellence (CCM CoE) team
local incidents and to request any resources for local support as within Corporate Security provides global training,
needed. preparedness, monitoring and supports crisis response needs
▪ In the event you are unable to connect with the appropriate GSK for all business areas.
resources for a crisis incident you can request to be put in contact ▪ The CCM CoE maintain a copy of each crisis and continuity
with a GSK Corporate Security team member using the contact plan along with key plan information in a central repository to
number noted below for assistance.. link plans and monitor GSK’s global state of readiness.
▪ Within the first 30 days please provide an electronic copy of your ▪ Click here (connectGSK access required) for more information
crisis management and business continuity plans to the Crisis & and to request support from the CCM CoE.
Continuity Management Centre of Excellence (CCM CoE) team as
noted below.
Next steps
▪ The CCM CoE will work with new leadership to harmonize and align CCM plans within 90 days of transition closure.

▪ Corporate Security contact numbers (available 24 hours)

Contact – ​UK : +44 208 047 5555
Points – US :+1 919 483 2700
▪ Crisis & Continuity Management CoE Director, Jack Holt ( )

Day 1 PV Considerations – CHC Joint Venture

CONFIDENTIAL - for internal GSK use only 1

‘Business as Usual’
A3.3 Adverse Event and Safety Processes

▪ On day 1 it is business as usual and Novartis will maintain their current PV

systems, safety database, and processes
▪ From Day 1 there will be two PV systems in place. GSK will continue to support
PV for products formerly owned by GSK. Novartis staff will continue to support PV
PV systems and for products formerly owned by Novartis. This includes local PV handling
▪ Any case reports received directly by GSK affiliates on Novartis products or by
Novartis affiliates on GSK products will be forwarded to the respective affiliate of
the other company Novartis and GSK PV systems will be combined probably 2H
2015, at this time safety databases will be merged, and PV processes will be

▪ Due to local regulations and timing of MAH/CTA transfer there may be exceptions
in how regulatory reporting in certain countries is handled.
Exceptions ▪ These exceptions are currently being defined and will be the subject of further
communications prior to day 1

For internal use only. All proposals will be subject to appropriate consultation, where applicable, with employees and employee representative bodies. 0
GSK Consumer Healthcare Day One communications pack 2nd March 2015 51

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