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Nama Otot Origo Insersi Act Pectoralis Major

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Nama Otot Origo Insersi Act

Pectoralis Major Upper fibers: medial ½ Lateral lip of bicipital Adduction & medial rotation of shoulder
clavicle groove of humerus Horizontal adduction of shoulder
Middle fiber: anterior Flexion of shoulder (clavicular portion)
Lower fibers: costal cartilage
Pectoralis Minor Ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of Stabilizes scapula
scapula Depress & downward rotate scapula
Assist in scapular protraction
Rectus Abdominis Public crest & pubic Costal cartilage of ribs 5-7 Flexion of trunk, posterior pelvic tilt
symphisis & xyphoid process Stabilize abdomen
External Abdominal Anterior ½ iliac crest, Inferior border ribs 6-12 Flexion, lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of trunk
Oblique inguinal ligament, oubic Posterior pelvic tilt
tubercle/crest & rectus
Internal Abdominal Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, Ribs 10-12 & rectus Flexion, lateral flexion & ipsilateral rotation of trunk
Oblique thoracolumbar fascia sheath Posterior tilt of pelvis
Transversus Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, Abdominal aponeurosis Stabilize abdomen
Abdominis thoracolumbar fascia, lower
ribs & costal cartilage
Trapezius External occipital Lateral 1/3 clavicle, Elevation & retraction of scapula
protuberance acromion, spine of Unilateral: lateral flexion of head
Medial side of superior scapula Bilateral: extension of head
nuchal line Stabilize scapula
Nuchal ligament & SP of C7-
Latissimus Dorsi SP T7 – L5, thoracolumbar Bicipital groove of Adduction, medial rotation, extension oh shoulder
fascia, iliac crest, posterior humerus (medial lip) Anterior pelvic tilt, elevation of pelvis
sacrum, ribs 9-12 Depression of scapula, downward rotation of scapula
Rhomboid Major & Minor: SP C7 – T1 Minor: medial border Retraction of scapula
Minor Major: SP T2-T5 scapula (medial angle) Elevation & downward rotation of scapula
Major: medial border
scapula (inferior angle)
Serratus Posterior SP C7 – T3 Ribs 2-5 Elevation of ribs
Serratus Posterior SP T11 – L3 Ribs 9 -12 Depression of ribs 9 - 12
Quadratus Lumborum 12th rib * TP L1-L4 Posterior iliac crest & Unilateral: elevation of pelvis, lateral flexion trunk, depression 12 th ribs
iliolumbar ligament Bilateral: extension of lumbosacral spine
Erector Spinae Group Borad tendon from iliac Angle ribs, cercial Bilateral: extension (erection) of vertebral column & head
(Iliocostalis, crest & posterior sacrum, transverse processes, Eccentric stabilization during trunk flexion
Longisimus, Spinalis mastoid process Unilateral: lateral flexion of spine
(from lateral to
Group (Semispinalis,
Multifidi, Rotatores)
Deltoid Lateral 1/3 clavicle Deltoid tuberosity of Abduction of shoulder (middle)
Acromion humerus Flexion, horizontal adduction & medial rotation of shoulder (anterior fibers)
Spine Scapula Extension, Horizontal Abduction, Lateral rotation shoulder (posterior)

Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Greater tubercle of Lateral rotation of shoulder

Inferior portion of spine of humerus Stabilize glenohumeral joint
scapula (middle facet)
Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of Greater tubercle of Abduction of shoulder
scapula humerus (superior facet) Stabilize glenohumeral joint
Teres Minor Superior lateral border of Greater tubercle of Lateral Rotation of shoulder
scapula humerus (inferior facet) Stabilize glenohumeral joint
Subscapularis Subscapular fossa of scapula Lesser tubercle of Medial rotation of shoulder
humerus Stabilize glenohumeral joint
Teres Major Inferior, lateral border of Medial lip of bicipital Medial rotation & adduction of shoulder
scapula groove of humerus Extension of shoulder from flex position
Upward scapular rotation
Serratus Anterior Ribs 1 - 9 Costal surface of medial Protraction (abduction) & upward rotation of scapula
border scapula Stabilize scapula
Pectoralis Major Upper: medial ½ clavicle Lateral lip of bicipital Adduction & medial rotation of shoulder
Middle: anterior sternum groove of humerus Horizontal adduction of shoulder
Lower: Costal cartilage ribs 1 Flexion of shoulder
Coracobrachialis Coracoid of scapula Medial Shaft of humerus Flexion & adduction of shoulder
Horizontal adduction of shoulder
Biceps Brachii Long head: supraglenoid Radial Tuberosity & Flexion of shoulder
tubercle & glenohumeral bicipital aponeurosis Flexion & supination of elbow
labrum Stabilize anterior aspect of shoulder
Short head: coracoid of Abduct shoulder (long head)
scapula Adduct shoulder (short head)
Brachialis Anterior distal ½ humerus Ulnar tuberosity & Flexion of elbow
coronoid process of ulna
Tricpes Brachii Long h: infraglenoid tubercle Olecranon process of ulna Extension of elbow
& neck of scapula Adduction & extension of shoulder
Lateral h: upper half of
posterior surface of
humerus shaft
Deep/medial h: posterior
shaft of humerus
Pronator Teres Humeral h: medial Lateral shaft of middle Pronation of forearm
epicondyle radius Flexion of elbow
Ulnar h: coronoid of ulna
Flexor Carpi Radialis Medial epicondyle Base of 2nd & 3rd Flexion of wrist
metacarpals Radial flexion of wrist
Flexion & pronation of forearm
Palmaris Longus Palmar aponeurosis & Flexion of wrist
flexor retinaculum
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Humeral h: medial Pisiform & hamate bones Flexion of wrist
epicondyle Base of 5th metacarpal Ulnar flexion of wrist
Ulnar h: medial of olecranon Elbow flexion
& proximal 2/3 medial ulna Stabilize wrist to permit powerful thumb motions
Flexor Digitorum Humero-ulnar h: medial Base of middle phalanges Flexion of PIP, MCP fingers 2-5, wrist and hand
Superficialis epidcondyle finger 2-5
Radial h: oblique line of
Flexor Digitorum Anterior & medial surface of Base of distal phalanges Flexion of DIP, PIP, MCP fingers, wrist
Profundus ulna & interosseus finger 2-5
Flexor Pollicis Longus Radius & interosseus Base of distal phalanx of Flexion of thumb (CMC, MCP, IP joint)
membrane thumb Flexion of wrist
Pronator Quadratus Anterior distal ulna Anterior distal radius Pronation of forearm
Brachioradialis Lateral supracondylar ridge Styloid process of radius Flexion of elbow
of humerus Pronation when supinated
Supination when pronated
Extensor Carpi Lower lateral supracondylar Base of 2nd metacarpal Extension of wrist
Radialis Longus ridge Radial flexion of wrist
Flexion & supination of elbow
Extensor Carpi Lateral epicondyle Base of 3rd metacarpal Extension of wrist
Radialis Brevis Radial flexion of wrist
Flexion of elbow join
Extensor Digitorum Phalanges of 2-5 Extension of fingers 2-5 (MC, PIP, DIP)
(dorsum) Extension of wrist
Extension of elbow
Extensor Digiti Minimi Middle & distal phalanges Extension little finger
5th Extension of wrist
Extension of elbow
Anconeus Lateral posterior Extension of elbow
olecranon process Stabilize lateral elbow joint
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Humeral h: lateral Base of 5th metacarpal Ulnar flexion
epicondyle (posterior) Extension of wrist
Ulnar h: posterior shaft ulna Extension of elbow
Supinator Lateral epicondyle, supinator Proximal 1/3 radius Supination of forearm
crest of ulna
Abductor Pollicis Posterior ulna, radius, & Base of 1st metacarpal Abduction of thumb
Longus interosseus membrane (lateral) Radial deviation of wrist
Assist extension & rotation of thumb
Assist flexion & supination of hand at wrist
Extensor Pollicis Posterior distal 1/3 radius & Base of proximal phalanx Extension proximal phalanx & 1st metacarpal of thumb
Brevis interosseus membrane thumb Radial flexion of wrist
Extensor Pollicis Posterior middle 1/3 ulna & Distal phalanx of thumb Extension of thumb
Longus interosseus membrane Assist extension & radial flexion of wrist
Abductor Pollicis Tubercle scaphoid & Base proximal phalanx Abduction thumb
Brevis trapezium thumb (lateral)
Flexor Pollicis Brevis Trapezium & flexor Base proximal phalanx Flexion of thumb
retinaculum thumb (lateral)
Opponens Pollicis Metacarpal of thumb Opposition of thumb
Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform & tendon of flexor Base of proximal phalanx Abduction of little finger
carpi ulnaris of little finger
Flexor Digiti Minimi Flexor retinaculum & hook Base of proximal phalanx Flexion of little finger
of hamate of little finger
Opponens Digiti Flexor retinaculum & hook 5th metacarpal Opposition of little finger
Minimi of hamate
Palmaris Brevis Palmar aponeuorosis Skin on medial side of Tenses skin on medial side
Adductor Pollicis Oblique h: capitate & base Base of proximal phalanx Adduction of thumb
2nd & 3rd metacarpals of thumb
Transverse h: palmar surface
of 3rd metacarpal
Lumbricals Tendons of flexor digitorum Extensor expansion Flexion MCP joint & extension IP joint
Palmar Interossei Metacarpals 2,4,5 Bas proximal phalanx Adduction of finger
2,4,5 Flexion of finger
Dorsal interossei Between each metacarpal Base proximal phalanx 2- Abduction of fingers
4 Flexion of finger
Gluteus Maximus Posterior iliac crest, sacrum, ITB & gluteal tuberosity Extension & lateral rotation of hip
coccyx & sacrotuberous of femur Abduction of hip (1/3 upper)
ligament Adduction of hip (2/3 lower)
Posterior pelvic tilt
Gluteus Medius Outer Ilium Greater trochanter Abduction of hip
Gluteus Minimus Flexion & medial rotation of hip (anterior fibers)
Lateral rotation & extension of hip (posterior fibers)
Stabilize pelvis and prevent free limb from sagging during gait
Piriformis Anterior sacrum Lateral rotation of hip
Superir & inferior Superior: ischial spine Abduction of hip when thigh is flexed
gemellus Inferior: ischial tuberosity
Obturator Internus Obturator foramen &
membrane (posterior)
Obturator externus Obturator foramen & Trochanteric fossa of Lateral rotation of hip
membrane (anterior) femur Adduction of thigh
Quadratus femoris Ischial tuberosity Intertrochanteric crest of
Psoas Major & Minor TP of L1-L5, vertebral bodies Lesser trochanter of Flexion & lateral rotation of hip
of T12-L5 & intervening IV femur Flexion & lateral flexion of spinal joint
Disc Anterior pelvic tilt
Iliacus Inner surface of iliac fossa & Lesser trochanter of Flexion & lateral rotation of hip joint
sacral ala femur Anterior pelvic tilt
Tensor Fascia Latae ASIS & anterior aspect of ITB Flexion, abduction & medial rotation of hip joint
iliac crest Anterior pelvic tilt
Tenses ITB to support femur on tibia during standing
Sartorius ASIS Pes anserine (Proximal Flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of hip joint
anteromedial tibia) Flexion of knee
Anterior pelvic tilt
Gracilis Body & Inferior ramus of Adduction & flexion of hip
pubis Flexion & medial rotation of knee
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Flexion of knee, extension of hip
Semimembranosus Medial tibial condyle Medial rotation of knee when flexed
Biceps Femoris Long h: ischial tuberosity Head of fibula Flexion of knee (both long & short h)
Short h: lateral lip of linea extension of hip (long h only)
aspera Lateral rotation of knee when flexed

Rectus Femoris Anterior h: AIIS (anterior Tibial tuberosity Extension of knee

inferior iliac spine) (common quadriceps Flexion of hip
Posterior h: superior rim tendon)
Vastus Lateralis Lateral lip of linea aspera Extension of knee
Vastus Intermedius Anterior lateral of femur
Vastus Medialis Medial lip of linea aspera
Pectineus Pectineal line of pubis Pectineal line of femur Adduction & flexion of hip
Adductor Longus & Brevis: body & inferior Brevis: proximal medial Adduction & flexion of hip
Brevis ramus of pubis lip linea of aspera Lateral rotation of thigh
Longus: anterior surface of Longus: Middle medial lip
pubis linea of aspera
Adductor magnus Anterior (adductor) h: Anterior h: linea aspera Adduction & extension of hip
inferior pubic ramus & Posterior h: adductor Laterally rotation of thigh
ischial ramus tubercle of femur
Posterior h (hamstring):
ischial tuberosity
Tibialis Anterior Anterior proximal tibia Medial cuneiform & base Dorsiflexion & inversion of ankle
1st metatarsal
Extensor Digitorum Proximal 2/3 fibula, Dorsal surface of digits 2- Extension of digits 2-5 (MTP, IP Joint)
Longus interosseus membrane, 5
lateral condyle tibia
Extensor Hallucis Anterior middle 1/3 fibula, Base of distal big toe Extension of big toe (MTP, IP Joint)
Longus interosseus membrane Dorsiflexion & inversion of foot
Fibularis (Peroneus) Distal 1/3 anterior fibula Base of 5th metatarsal Dorsiflexion & eversion foot
Fibularis (Peroneus) Head & proximal lateral Medial cuneiform & base Eversion & plantar flexion of foot
Longus shaft of fibula of 1st metatarsal
Fibularis (Peroneus) Distal lateral ½ fibula Base of 5th metatarsal
Gastrocnemius Medial h: above medial Calcaneus Plantar flexion of foot
condyle of femur Knee flexion & inversion of foot
Lateral h: above lateral
condyle of femur
Soleus Soleal line of tibia & upper Plantar flexion of foot
fibula inversion of foot
Plantaris Distal posterolateral femur Plantar flexion of foot
Popliteus Lateral femoral condyle Proximal posterior tibia Unlocks knee from extended postion
Lateral rotation of femur on tibia or medial rotation of tibia on femur & flexion of knee
Tibial Posterior Posterior proximal 2.3 of Fans out over plantar Plantar flexion & inversion of foot
tibia, fibula & interosseus surface of foot
Flexor Digitorum Posterior middle 1/3 tibia Base of distal phalanges Flexion toes 2-5
Longus 2-5 Plantar flexion & inversion of foot
Flexor Hallucis Longus Posterior inferior 2/3 of Distal phalanx big toe Flexion of big toe (MTP, IP Joint)
fibula & interosseus Plantar flexion & inversion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Upper anterolateral Distal phalanges toes 2-4 Extension of toes 2-4 (MTP & IP joint)
Brevis calcaneus
Extensor Hallucis Base of proximal phalanx Extension big toe
Brevis big toe
Abductor Hallucis Calcaneal tuberosity & Base of proximal phalanx Abduction of big toe
plantar aponeurosis of big toe
Abductor Digiti Calcaneal tuberosity, flexor Base of proximal phalanx Abduction of little toe
Minimi retinaculum & plantar little toe
Flexor Digitorum Calcaneal tuberosity & Base of middle phalanges Flexion of toes 2-5
Brevis plantar aponeurosis toes 2-5
Quadratus Plantae Medial & lateral calcaneus Flexor digitorum longus Flexion distal phalanges 2-5
Lumbricals 1st: medial aspect of FDL to Base of proximal Extension of toes 2-5 (PIP & DIP)
tendon 2nd toe phalanges of toes 2-5 Flexion of toes 2-5 (MTP)
2-4: two heads between
tendons of FDL
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Cuboid & lateral cuneiform Base proximal phalanx big Flexion of big toe
Flexor Digiti Minimi Base of 5th metatarsal & Base of proximal phalanx Flexion of little toe
distal tendon of peroneus of little toe
Adductor Hallucis Oblique h: base of Base of proximal phalanx Adduction of big toe
metatarsal 2-4 & distal big toe
tendon peroneus longus
Transverse h: deep
transverse metatarsal
ligament & plantar ligament
at MTP
Plantar Interossei Medial metatarsal 3-5 Medial base proximal Adduction toes 3-5
Dorsal Interossei Abduction of toes 2-4

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