Excel 2007
Excel 2007
Excel 2007
1.4 Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet is a grid made up of Columns and Rows.
Column - In a spreadsheet, a COLUMN is
defined as the vertical space that is going up
and down the window.
Letters are used to designate each column's
In the diagram on the right, the COLUMN
labeled C is highlighted.
1.5 Worksheet
A worksheet is a single spreadsheet page.
1.6 Workbook
A workbook is a collection of all the worksheets in a single file. A workbook contains
worksheets, in the same way that a book contains pages. A workbook consists of one or more
1.7 Cells
A cell can be defined as the space where a specified row and column intersect. OR a cell is
the intersection of a column and row and identified by a cell Reference.
1.8 Range
A group of cells. Ranges are often referenced for formulas, printing, and designating
information to be copied or cut. Ranges can be selected by clicking and dragging over the
1.9 Formula
A set of instructions which perform a calculation based on numbers entered in the cell or
numbers entered in other cells (referred to by cell references). All formulas begin with the
equal sign (=).
1.10 Function
A pre-programmed formula. The function performs the calculation based on the cells
referenced in the function. All functions begin with the equal sign (=).
Click the Office
button or File Menu
Under Recent documents box
Click the file from
recent documents
3.1 Navigating Through a Worksheet
Excel provides several ways to navigate through a worksheet.
3.3 Renaming a Worksheet
Right Click on sheet name (Tab)
Select Rename
Type the new name
Press the Enter key on your keyboard
b. Double click
On the Ribbon, select the Home tab > in the Cells group >
click Format > AutoFit Column Width
Alternatively, right click on the selected column(s) or selected row(s) and select delete.
4.7 Formatting Cells
Usually formatting cells involves two parts
(i) Formatting the appearance of a Cell(s) and
(ii) Formatting the appearance of the cell contents (eg
However, if the cell is not wide enough to show the entire number, the General format rounds
numbers with decimals and uses scientific notation for large numbers.
4.8 Text Alignment and Orientation in a Cell
4.8.1 Text Alignment within a Cell
There are 2 types of alignment within a cell
(i) Horizontal Alignment (ii) Vertical Alignment
Select the Cell(s)
Click on Format command → Select Format Cells
Under format cells dialog box
Click on Alignment Tab
Specify Horizontal Alignment
Specify Vertical Alignment
Click OK
On the Format command, See the Results
Select Format Cells, below
Under format cells dialog box
Click the Alignment tab.
In the Orientation box
To display text vertically from top to bottom, click the vertical Text box under Orientation.
A bar at the top of the Excel window below the ribbon that you use to enter or edit values or
formulas in cells or charts, it also enables to execute applied formula.
spaces. When a formula is entered in a cell, the content of the cell is the formula. The value
seen (the results of the formula) is displayed, but is not the content of the cell.
5.3 Operators
Operators specify the type of calculation that you want to perform on the elements of a
formula. Microsoft Excel includes four different types of calculation operators these are:-
i. Arithmetic Operators iii. Text Operator
ii. Comparison Operators iv. Reference Operator
ii. Comparison
Arithmetic operators
operator You can
Meaning (Example)
compare two values Addition
+ (Plus sign) with the(3+3)following
operators. When using Subtractionoperators(3–1)
– (Minus sign)
compares two values, the result (–1)
is a logical
value either TRUE or FALSE.
* (Asterisk) Multiplication (3*3)
/ (Front slash) Division (3/3)
% (Percent sign) Percent (20%)
Exponentiation (3^2) =
^ (Caret)
iii. Text concatenation 32 operator Use the ampersand (&) to join, or concatenate, one or
() text strings to produce
(Parentheses) a single piece of text.
Text operator Meaning (Example)
Connects, or concatenates, two values to produce one continuous text
& (Ampersand)
value ("North" & "wind")
Comparison operator Meaning (Example)
= (Equal sign) Equal to (A1=B1) iv. Reference operators
> (Greater than sign) Greater than (A1>B1) Combine ranges of cells for
< (Less than sign) Less than (A1<B1) calculations with the following
>= (Greater than or equal Greater than or equal to operators.
to sign) operator Meaning (A1>=B1)(Example)
<= (Less than or equalRange
: (Colon) to Lessoperator,
than which produces
or equal to one reference to all the cells between
sign) two (A1<=B1)
references, including the two references (B5:B15)
<> (Not equal to sign) Union
, (Comma) Not operator, which combines multiple references into one
equal to (A1<>B1)
reference (SUM (B5:B15, D5:D15))
Intersection operator, which produces on reference to cells common
to the two references (B7:D7 C6:C8)
=MAX (A1:A10) Returns the largest value in the Range
=MIN (A1:A10) Returns the smallest value in the Range
=COUNT (A1:A20) Counts number of cells that contain numbers within the Range
The Result
Cell (G2)
List of
Click on a Cell for results to appear
Click on the Insert Function button of the formula bar or Click the Formulas tab on
the ribbon and select Insert Function command
Under Insert Function dialog box
Select IF function name
Click OK
use data contained in different parts of a worksheet in one formula or use the value from one
cell in several formulas.
To refer to Use
The cell in column A and row 10 A10
The range of cells in column A and rows 10 through 20 A10:A20
The range of cells in row 15 and columns B through E B15:E15
All cells in row 5 5:5
All cells in rows 5 through 10 5:10
All cells in column H H:H
All cells in columns H through J H:J
The range of cells in columns A through E and rows 10 through 20 A10:E20
7.2 Other types of references
(i) Relative reference
(ii) Absolute reference
(iii) Mixed reference
absolute references. An absolute referred cell is introduced with dollar sign ($) before its
column letter and row number, for example $B$2
Enables the arrangement of data in a list range in either ascending or descending orders with
reference to Column (field) of data.
Ascend Descend
Sort the worksheet according to Geography marks in ascending order
1. Activate the data to be sorted
2. Click on Data menu
3. Select Sort
Under Sort box
1. Specify the Sorting by Column
2. Specify the Sorting order
3. Click OK
Is the extraction of data from the main database by using specified Criteria. Filtering is a
quick and easy way to find and work with a subset of data in a range. A filtered range
displays only the rows that meet the criteria
Criteria are Conditions you specify to limit which records are included in the result set of a
query or filter, you specify for a column.
Unlike sorting, filtering does not rearrange a range. Filtering temporarily hides rows you do
not want displayed.
9.1.1 AutoFilter
In this type of Filter the condition (criteria) used refers to only one column (field) of Data
When you use the AutoFilter command, AutoFilter arrows appear to the right of the column
labels in the filtered range.
Activate data
Click on Data menu
Select Filter → Auto filter
Drop down button will appear on column header row of the list
Click on the drop down button on field where by the condition refers
Select Custom
Under Custom Auto filter box
In Advanced Filter there are three main parts to work on, and these are:-
1 List range (Data)
2 Criteria range
3 Filtering and Locating Data
Example: In a worksheet below, extract students who got more than 60 in Math AND
Language more than 40 AND History greater or equal to 50.
There are three Columns (fields) being referred in this Criterion (Condition) and these are
Math, Language and History.
3. Filtering and Locating Data
Activate data (List range)
Click on Data menu
Select Filter → Advance Filter
Under Advance filter box
Specify the List range
(In the List range box)
Specify the Criteria range
(In the Criteria range box)
Click OK
In the list below, are records (rows), which fulfill the criteria (condition) stated above.
If you want to filter the range by copying rows that match your criteria to another area of the
worksheet, click “Copy to another location”, click in the “Copy to” box, and then click the
upper-left corner of the area where you want to paste the rows.
Copy to another
location Button
RESULTS: Filtered list is located below separated with List range and Criteria range
Copy to box
Display copy to range
Filtered List located
on another area
Charts are Graphical representation of data, they visually appealing and make it easy for
users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in data.
To create the column chart shown above, start by creating the worksheet exactly as shown
Keyboard shortcut - You can also press CTRL+F2.
To preview the next and previous pages, on the Print Preview tab, in the Preview group,
click Next Page and Previous Page.
Note: Next Page and Previous Page are available only when you select more than one
worksheet, or when a worksheet contains more than one page of data.
On the worksheet, select the cells that you want to define as the print area.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Print Area, and then click
Set Print Area.
The cells of the Print Area will be surrounded by a dotted line.
11.4 Add
Alternatively, select Page Layout view from the view tab and click on “Click to add
header” OR “Click to add footer” to add header and footer respectively.
Open a worksheet containing data that exceeds one page in length.
Click on the Page Layout tab of the ribbon.
Click on the Print Titles icon to open the Page Setup dialog box.
Click on the Sheet tab at the top of the dialog box if necessary to select it.
Click in the Rows to repeat at top OR Columns to repeat at left line in the dialog
In the worksheet, drag select the rows you want to have printed at the top of each
OR drag select the columns you want to have printed on the left of each page - they
will be surrounded by a dotted line.
Click OK.
Open Print Preview to view the results. The selected rows should be repeated at the
top of each page being previewed and the selected columns should be repeated on the
left of each page being previewed.
11.8 Printing
11.8.1 Printing the Active Worksheet(s)
Excel lets you print the active sheet(s) in your workbook without having to print the rest of
the workbook. Unless you select multiple worksheets, the active worksheet is the visible
worksheet (i.e., the top worksheet; the worksheet whose tab is selected).
In the top left corner of the Excel window, click the OFFICE BUTTON »
select Print
Press [Ctrl] + [P]
Under the Print dialog box
Specify the Printer to be used
Specify Printing Page range
Specify number of copies
In the Print what section, select Active sheet(s)
Click OK.
In the top left corner of the Excel window, click the OFFICE BUTTON »
select Print
Press [Ctrl] + [P]
Under the Print dialog box
Specify the Printer to be used
Specify Printing Page range
Specify number of copies
In the Print what section, select Entire workbook
Click OK.
The entire workbook is printed
You can manually select ranges of cells for printing. You also have the option of selecting
multiple non-contiguous ranges for printing.
NOTE: Unless you provide a print range, Excel will print everything on the current
worksheet, resulting in a printout of all cells from A1 to the last column and row containing
In the top left corner of the Excel window, click the OFFICE BUTTON »
select Print
Press [Ctrl] + [P]