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Why Women Will Never Be Safe

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Why women will never be safe

By Raphael Samuel

Saw the title? Shocked? Great! Happy to help. I’m happy to take you out of your
little liberal bubble and splash you into the throes of reality. It’s literally what I do
for a living. But that aside, breathe, take deep breaths and listen to what I have to
say before you dump your phone/laptop in anger.
Okay, brass tacks, women aren’t safe. By that I don’t mean they aren’t safe
anywhere or all the time. There are places, times, areas, states and entire
countries where they are safe; But when you take an overall look at the world,
crime statistics, anecdotes and the lives of women you realise one thing: No
matter how developed the country, there is a massive inequality that women feel
when it comes to safety.
Whether it is thinking hard before going out on the street, or wondering whether
the skirt in the school uniform is maybe too short. Whether it is freezing in fear
when a group of men walk by, or suspecting if your uncle lingered too long when
you were 12 and he hugged you. Most women always thinking about their safety
in three time zones: the past, present and the future.
What is interesting is most men do not realise this. Most decent men I mean. A
man who is interested in harassing someone will always know that a woman will
be on her guard. I, personally, realised this at the age of 28. For years, I assumed
that the average woman was just whining when it came to complaining about men.
I would often say “you’re privileged, you’re rich and you live in a safe city, can
you stop being a toxic feminist?” Arrogant and ignorant as hell, I continued my
tirade against what I considered toxic feminism. “How bad can a man be?” I’d
ask. Of course, I believed women should be safe and rapists should be hanged;
but were other, more normal men that bad?
I’d grown up with strong women. My mother, a high energy dynamo, ended up
breaking several male bones in college and landing up in police lock-up (which
she vehemently denies). My grandmother carried an umbrella to protect herself
against the sun and men. My great-grandmother threatened to burn down the
whole village if they chopped her hair, after her husband died (that’s a tradition in
India). Not only did these women not have problems, they enjoyed a little punch-
up occasionally, then why the hell are others so scared?
On the other hand, as a man, I knew that if my sexual drive wasn’t cultured, I too
could have been a creep. I don’t deny lying or manipulating women for sex, most
men have done it. Locker room talk is common and we do tend to talk about
women as objects. But how much of that is really our fault? Is it nature or nurture
at play here?
Men gaslighting, catcalling, molesting or degrading women is more common than
we think. Do men do it exclusively for sex? Can some fault be attributed to the
woman? Can women ever really be safe? What role do testosterone and
oestrogen play in this whole game? What role are feminism and sexism playing?
These are a few of the questions I’ve endeavoured to answer in this book.
By trying to answer these very basic (or complex, depends on how you view it)
questions, I’ve tried to cover as many aspects as possible, from multiple timelines
to social fractures that lead to this problem. I’ve taken inspiration and stolen
research from legendary books like ‘Sapiens’ and ‘Why men can’t hear and
women can’t parallel park’. But most of it is my experience, observations and in-
depth interviews with various women over the years. And all of it in the crudest,
most shocking words possible to wake the genders up from their slumbers.
As men, we tend to be less connected to nature as we do not have very obvious
body cycles. Men who are reading this should put down their egos and try and
understand how and why they function; and how they can control it. Women,
who I believe are slightly more connected with their own nature, should try and
understand how and why the opposite sex functions the way it does; and how they
can react to it.
Certain incidents led me to this realisation, that women can never be really safe
unless there are certain serious changes. Not only will they be unsafe on the road,
they’ll be unsafe in their homes, societies, communities and their own minds. I’ve
tried to cover every trick in the book that comes within the purview of this
dominance-submission game played between the genders and within the genders
Unless we realise certain things about ourselves as human beings, as a society and
as animals- we will never change this situation. Most of these facts are in the
public domain, but we refuse to accept them, as much as we refuse to accept
death as a part of life.
Chapter 1

Why we misunderstand everything.

We as people misunderstand most things. We misunderstand men, women,

society, existence in general and most importantly, ourselves. That is why we
need spiritual gurus, marketing gurus, business teachers and self-help experts. We
have zero self-examination. We need Facebook surveys to tell us who we are. We
need relatable memes to realize things about ourselves.
More than this, it is sweeping statements that permeate society, that make it
worse. You have statements like:
1. Man is more evolved than an animal.
2. Nature is beautiful.
3. The relationship between parent and child is sacred.
Let us examine these statements one-by-one.
1. How exactly is man more evolved? The world is still ruled by sex, money
and the destruction of nature. Meanwhile, dolphins are frolicking in the
mud without a care, and we think we are evolved because we invented
permanent stress and wifi? What exactly is your version of evolved?

2. How long have you spent with nature? Have you seen hippos eat their own
children? Sharks gangrape their females? Trees poison their
neighborhood? There are hundreds of examples I could give you, if you
chose not to view nature from the lens of your morality.

3. Is this relationship SO sacred that it can never be messed up? Can parents
simply not know how to raise their children? Can parents and children
NEVER look at each other sexually? What defines sacred?

These statements go far and wide and help in shutting up any child who asks
questions. Statements like these lead to not only people sweeping things under
the carpet, but also massive societal friction.
When you don’t accept that humans are just animals, you don’t get the chance to
try and evolve. Then, you have to pretend to be a gentleman all day, while
missing the opportunity to befriend the animal within you. But the animal isn’t
something you can cage and forget, because it will come out in ugly ways. This
prevents people from understanding themselves and parents from understanding
how to raise their offspring.
When you say nature is beautiful, you look at it through a moral lens. You
assume that it is like human society where most animals co-operate to survive.
You assume that when they do kill each other, it’s because they’re hungry and
that’s fair game. Whereas the opposite is true, they do kill for fun, sport, sexual
pleasure and dominance. Most people do not even know how much rape there is
in the animal world. By casually saying this ignorant statement, you ignore how
nature really is; and how humans are because of it.
When you say a parent-child relationship is sacred, you don’t look at it factually.
Which is why everyone is shocked at what Freud has to say about it. He may not
be factually correct, but most commoners refrain from even examining his
statements. No matter the amount of incest, people keep sweeping obvious facts
under the carpet in the name of propriety. This leads to skewed development of
the child, because not everything the child goes through is talked about. Forget
the child, the parents cannot speak about all that goes on in their mind for fear of
being called bad parents.
There are hundreds of such moronic statements like “always have children” that
are thrown around. But for the purpose of this book, we only need to look at
these three. They are the fundamental ones that cause most social problems.
For the rest of this book, let’s just look at things as they are. Let’s not call them
beautiful or ugly. Kill all assumptions and look at the facts. Doable? Okay let’s

Chapter 2
The nature of nature.

Man comes from nature. For some, this is a difficult statement to digest, but it’s
true. We exited nature around 5000 years ago, and most of us completely exited
only 200 years ago. We are still very animalistic. Any examination of man, would
be incomplete without the examination of where he comes from. Only when we
realize where he comes from, then we can understand why he does what he does.
‘Nature is cruel’ is another major sweeping statement that we often hear with
people. I would argue that this is truer than ‘nature is beautiful.’ In this context,
let’s talk about the word that makes tempers rise in most human beings- Rape.
Rape is the act of forced sex. Normally a strong and lustful man forcing himself
on a weaker woman. Most women are angered by it because of a strong sense of
empathy for the victim. Most men are angered by it because of a tribal sense of
patriarchy, i.e.- no one should mess with a woman from my tribe. One observes
this in various tribes in parts of the world, across history. With men, it’s a simple
thought, if you cannot protect your women, you cannot protect the future of the
tribe. This is true if viewed from the historical sense. Why would anyone trust a
king who cannot protect his queen?
From an animal point of view, we can look at the bloodline as a major concern.
The male would rather have his own blood than risk the blood of another male
take over the gang/herd/pride and challenge his supremacy.
We observe similar behavior with orangutans and dolphins, who actually gang
around their women to prevent them from being raped by other males of the
same species. And these are just two of the many species that rape. When a new
male zebra takes over the harem of females, he rapes the pregnant ones, kills
their male children, just so he can exclusively have his progeny and so that no one
will challenge him.
It takes multiple sharks to pin the female to the floor before one can get to
impregnate her, while she continuously resists. Multiple cockerels enjoy piling up
on a helpless hen, generally putting her in a previously-dug hole so she can’t
resist. The mechanism of a duck’s vagina (corkscrew-like) had evolved to prevent
Shall we go on? Or have you got the picture? Now you wouldn’t blame the males
of these species, would you? There is something called testosterone that makes
them do what they do. Humans are built in a similar fashion; the only difference
being a mild consciousness of our actions. But consciousness is relatively new, as
against instinct which is billions of years old. Consciousness is also different in
different people and because it is so novel, it’s unnurtured in most. Ironically,
many people are suffering their own intelligence to such an extent, that
intelligence is a slave to their animalistic desires. Like a serial rapist who is an
expert in evidence removal.
That is exactly why intelligence has to be honed and developed. It cannot be left
to people to raise themselves. This doesn’t mean parents should control their
children, this means they should talk about everything their children feel. They
should analyze every animalistic desire to its death. Basically, motivating the brain
to take precedence. We’ll talk about this in further chapters.
Another major hindrance to a safer society is our insistence that everybody must
survive. Rich or poor, smart or dumb, able or handicapped. Drugged out
teenagers fornicating behind a dumpster are allowed to have children. If and
when they’re found to not be taking care of the child, the child is put into a
system so cruel and exploitative, that it contradicts its own objectives. The child is
raised bent; his animalistic nature not completely understood by his street-smart
brain. Beyond that, everything is a gamble. How the child chooses to use his
energies, what kind of care and guidance he has received, and what he needs for
survival- all left to dumb luck. Millions of well raised human beings are now at the
mercy of a social experiment.
Think of nature as a science lab. Constant experimentation kept happening since
the beginning of time. The failed experiments were thrown out of the lab. Some
excesses, like dinosaurs, got killed off naturally. Suddenly, humans appear and
take control of the lab. Now they make laws, that no matter how bad the
experiment, it HAS to be kept in the lab. Now the bad experiments hamper the
good ones too! Edison didn’t hold on to ALL his light bulbs, did he? He threw
the failed ones and started working on the next.
To summarize, society has low consciousness, high animalism and universal
compulsory survival. Every failure is forced to survive. Every molester given a
second chance. Every rapist a chance to rehabilitate. How exactly, in this
scenario, do you expect women to be safe?
Now I’m not justifying rape or molestation, I want you to understand this with an
open mind. Society was built with morality. Morality doesn’t exist in nature; it
comes through culture. This means that morality needs to be taught. Even then,
nature often takes charge. No matter how much teenagers are taught about
morality, they will find ways to go on a little frolic, and that’s not wrong, it just
needs to have enough limitations to keep away the animal nature.
It’s simple, energy has to be given direction. If it isn’t, it will go in any direction
possible. Worse, it will take directions from powerful bodily compulsions.
Ensuring that everyone survives, rich or poor, will also ensure there are millions
of uncultured minds and starving bodies. It’s like giving a license to start a nuclear
factory to every toddler who applies- you’re heading for disaster.
In a nutshell- an uncultured mind remains animalistic. It wants what it wants. It
has no idea of morality. We’re still very much animals. A brain is a new creation
and testosterone is an ancient chemical that has stood the test of time and
intellect. Very few intelligent men have resisted the call of a woman entirely.
Forget men, even when women are aroused, they have a surge in testosterone. It
goes to the extent where we can call it the irresponsible hormone.
Balls are millions of years older than brains. Their experience and ability to
manipulate always takes precedence.
On the other hand, estrogen is the hormone of responsibility. Both of these
hormones shall be looked at in the next chapter. For now, you need to
understand the nature of nature. It’s cruel, unforgiving and only wants what it
Unless you get over nature through intellect and reason, you are simply nature’s
play thing. You are at her beck and call, until she no longer needs you and
simply throws you to the dogs. “Go forth and multiply” she says “and then, you
can lose your teeth, figure, beauty and everything you considered important”.
God may love you, nature not so much.

Chapter 3
The nature of testosterone and oestrogen.

To further understand the previous chapter, we need to understand two very

important characters that play the most important role in our lives: the caveman
and the cavewoman. Man or woman doesn’t really matter, what really controls
most people are these two characters within their brains. What controls both
these characters are testosterone and oestrogen. These two hormones basically
make up most human characteristics, habits, compulsions and survival responses.
The animals that we once were and the answer to our deeper selves and gender
identities lie in the fluctuations of these hormones.

Testosterone controls Caveman controls Man

Oestrogen controls Cavewoman controls Woman

Let us clearly understand what these two characters want. Imagine you’re a
cavewoman in 15,000 BC. This means you’re biologically similar to a woman
today: you get periods roughly every month and the constant danger of pregnancy
lingers over your free soul. You live in a tribe with a few men, women and
children. What would you want most? Security and safety. Security from wild
animals, insects, reptiles and unfriendly tribes. Your pronounced weakness
during pregnancy means you need help from the rest of the tribe. You want to
ensure a stray scorpion doesn’t bite your baby’s butt. You want safety from the
smoke of the fire that the tribe forgot to extinguish last night. You pay attention to
minor details because the wrong colour of berry from your gathering expedition
could kill the entire tribe. You want to co-operate with the other women in the
tribe to ensure better security. Simple living.
What qualities would you need for these varied talents?
1. Peripheral vision- to control the hyper baby and lingering scorpion
2. Attention to details- colour of berries, recent changes in the cave and bush
flatness for predators
3. A sense of responsibility- an imperative need to ensure all dependants
4. Caregiving- When tragedy strikes- healing, support and healthcare.
5. Cooperation- with the rest of the tribe because omnipresence is not

Any lack of these will kill your progeny and possibly your entire tribe.

Imagine what the caveman wants now. He needs food for his people. A
continuous planning for food with the rest of the tribe rules his day. Ensuring
security for his gang is an important preoccupation; maybe not so much the
scorpion biting the baby as much as stray tribes eyeing his hunting grounds and
women. He needs to make quick survival decisions in case of sudden attack. He
wants safety; although he’s not worried about the forgotten fire as much as the
lion that he saw prowling earlier. He needs to be crazy enough to charge at a
mammoth. Meanwhile, his biology keeps asking for sex, quick sex, so that
predators don’t eat him up during the act. Quick sex with multiple females, so
that the tribe has a better chance of survival. Simple living.
What qualities would he need for these varied talents?
1. Assertiveness- because those quick survival decisions need to be
communicated to the entire tribe.
2. Fearlessness- Carelessness about his own life, because otherwise why will
he charge at the mammoth?
3. Hierarchy/leadership- One person with the most experience to give orders
in survival situations.
4. Tunnel vision- Because it’s best to not see the myriad dangers on the way
to food. Keep your eyes on the mammoth!
Any lack of this will potentially endanger your entire tribe.
Both the male and the female ways of survival are different approaches to life. To
put it simply, the woman is designed to be responsible and the man is designed to
be irresponsible. Both of these approaches are needed to live life, even if it’s a
modern one. But it is the lack of understanding of the mechanics of this, that
leads to massive problems between the genders.

Why so irresponsible/responsible?
You must understand that a man’s mind is greatly controlled by his desire to have
sex. He may not even want to. He may want to do better things in life. But it
keeps bugging him hard. It fills his brain till it explodes. The mind, at least from
the age of 15 to 25 is constantly saying “sex, sex, sex, sex, SEX!”.
This desire can take many forms. When a man wants to do something stupid like
conquer a country, it is said to be a desire for power. But one can directly trace it
back to the need for sex. More money means more power means more access to
women. I think most men would agree, that if they were Julius Caesar, just the
concept of Cleopatra would motivate them to take over a country. And why the
hell not? It could be fun and one could meet many more women! Why would
someone bother to reach the pinnacle of power when one can get 8 hours of
sleep and food easily? There are many reasons, but the main motivating factor is
Conversely, a woman would think of the lives she would ruin and the widows she
would create. She would think of the children that would suffer, because that’s
how she’s wired. She would only go to war if attacked, and definitely not for a
male version of cleopatra.
Although at the surface the man may be all about sex, underneath that desire lies
a simple need: survival. The caveman inside a man is basically trying to protect
his kin. The more territory you conquer, the safer you are. The more women you
have, the more children. Children grow up and protect the tribe. They hunt,
forage and produce more children, which makes the tribe safer. Today there are
few such opportunities to think of such things, but testosterone has not changed
much. Today, that basic desire for safety translates into ambitions, speeding,
sports-watching and skirt-chasing.
On the other hand, oestrogen was designed to nurture. If a cavewoman did not
have peripheral vision, her child would be bitten by a snake and die. Thereby,
ending her irresponsible line. She not only had to handle that, but other
predators, all while protecting herself from men of other tribes, and ensuring the
fire smoke doesn’t choke the cave. In addition to that, she had to co-operate with
other females efficiently (gossip being a large part of that) to ensure coordination
and collective survival.
More importantly, if she chose fight over flight and she actually died, the entire
generation could die with her. With various species, it has been documented that
the females prefer to withdraw with their children whenever there is danger,
whereas the males will fight the predator.
She also has to be the responsible one when it comes to choosing men. She is
hard-wired to choose the man that is best for her babies. Men are less worried
about quality, because they don’t have to deal with the consequences of it.
Women have another generation to take care of, this involves carefully selecting
your man (as there are many choices) for the best level of survival.

The chemical game

You must realise that no matter what the gender, both these chemicals increase
and decrease depending on the situation. Both genders have both hormones in
them, it’s just that Testosterone is dominant in males and Oestrogen is dominant
in females. A woman’s testosterone will increase if she is put in a situation that is
stressful. A man’s oestrogen will increase if he is put in a cooperative or a more
home-like situation, where he may need to take care of kids. Research reveals
that a woman in a position of power could have 14-16% more testosterone than
the average female.
Society has created a certain morality. Morality basically says “you may swing your
hand, but don’t hit someone else”. From the lens of that morality, if you look at
how men behave, it seems irresponsible. Take a look at things that men have
done/allegedly done throughout history; it seems like they do things that are
reckless. Drive fast cars, catcall women, spend on unnecessary things, take
massive risks, blow up money in a single investment, leave home for adventure,
leave the country to wage wars, bankrupt entire nations, conquer Russia in winter,
gamble, lie, cheat, drink, kill, rape and have massive unsustainable egos. But if
you sit with a man, ask him to set aside his ego and talk to you, you will realise,
that he can’t help but swing his hand hard. The force within is so powerful, that it
even conquers culture. A large number of the above misdemeanours/crimes can
be attributed to the irresponsible chemical testosterone.
What worsens the unchecked march of the male chemical is men’s inability talk
about it. Having testosterone is like being in the CIA. You can’t talk about it. You
do a shit load of illegal (read: immoral) things. You think about even more
immoral things. But you can neither confirm nor deny it to anybody. You have to
talk about what a feminized society forces you to talk about: peace, love, honour
etc… But a complete and honest confession of a rape impulse will land you in the
looney bin and destroy your career.
If you’re appalled at this juncture, just look at your own life and the men in it. Is a
daughter willing to even entertain the idea that her father could be attracted to
her? Can the father talk about it to anybody? Just talk not act. Is any woman
willing to accept that the men in her life that she loves and respects, have certain
perverted thoughts? They may not act on it, but they certainly do. And it’s
perfectly normal to do so.
Women on the other hand can talk about whatever they want and are insulated
from its consequences. This creates a massive frustration among men. When an
all-powerful chemical cannot even be talked about, it leads to men dealing with
life-situations criminally.
Don’t take me at my word, observe the statistics, 95% of all violent crimes are
committed by men. Would you say that women do not go through similar
situations? I’m sure they do, and more often, but they choose to de-escalate the
situation through cooperation and conversation. Many, including me, believe
women should fight for themselves instead, but that is how the instinct of
oestrogen works. At a deeper level, she knows she’s biologically indispensable
and doesn’t want to risk confrontation.
Why is this necessary in the scheme of things? Do we need both chemicals, or
can we just be nice and responsible and let women rule the world? Well, the
answer is complicated.

The soldier and the doctor.

Both a soldier and a doctor save lives. But both have different aspects of saving
lives. One is more violent and strategic while the other is more care-based and
scientific. Both are vital to the existence of society. But if the army takes over the
country and starts ruling it, there would be a clear imbalance in the way the
country works. Similarly, if doctors start dictating policy, other aspects of running
a country might be ignored and the country might fail. Same with the feminine
and masculine aspects of an organisation, society or even a person.
Nature has designed testosterone to conquer so that the species doesn’t get
eliminated by external forces. Meanwhile, oestrogen has been designed to ensure
society doesn’t harm itself. Balance.
Even in your own body, some of your cells are selfless and go into war with an
invading virus. Others strategize a long-term response to it. And yet others are
only there for healing the damage done by the virus. Each have their job, without
which you would fall dead.
Same with your existence in society. Most people have to be different when they
are dealing with society. Somebody is always competing with you for your place,
so even if you are a truly nice person, you have to be more assertive when it
comes to ensuring your own place. Meanwhile you have to ensure that your
ambition doesn’t destroy your mental peace. So, you have to perform the duties
of both these hormones, even within yourself! Doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a
woman. Remember, any massive imbalance will always make you unhappy,
unhealthy and unsuccessful.
So, what went wrong? Why is society so messed up? And is it really ruled by
men, or do women sway their decisions?

Chapter 4
The nature of society.

Society is an umbrella term for any form of human organization. It contains the
relationships, tribes, marriages, families, companies, countries and world
organizations. When civilization was formed, the basic idea was “we will not kill
each other because we live in the same land, and if others attack it, we shall fight
back”. This formed the large unit of society.
This idea was basically based on preservation. It was a feminine trait-
cooperation. When in the caves, someone thought it didn’t make sense to
continuously fear snakes biting their children, so they made huts. When in huts,
there were other problems, so a more solid solution was sought. Like this, a
continuous progression in the quality of life was looked forward to. Social units
became more feminine in their outlooks. Traits like cooperation, compassion,
peace, empathy, caring, understanding and collaboration became increasingly
respectable as time moved forward. Not just respectable, but they tended to work
when it came to economics and politics.
Meanwhile, someone thought of making weapons from metal instead of stone.
Then making them more and more efficient, until projectiles and explosives were
developed. Masculine traits were still needed on hunts and then eventually the
borders and the police force. Independence, assertiveness, organized violence,
leadership, aggression and courage were taught in camps separate from normal
Meanwhile, those who could handle both the masculine and the feminine
became the new age politicians or kings! These were people who could go to war,
take care of the country, handle the delicacy of diplomacy and the dirty tricks of
the intelligence forces. Even better, they could hire the right people to do that.
That was literally the only way to maintain any kind of power. You call politicians
dirty? That’s only because they do not adhere to your idea of morality; but have
you ever considered that they cannot?
Any functional social system needs both the feminine and the masculine.
Treachery, bribery, corruption and violence occur when this gets disrupted. Then
a shrewd politician comes and tries to make it functional and you call him corrupt
for his effort?
The sad irony of society became this: to preserve feminine ideals, masculine traits
were required. Laws and complicated moral statutes made sure that the
masculine dimension was completely outsourced. Women became less and less
familiar with their masculine side; while men- fueled by testosterone-
rediscovered it in sports, bullying and the armed forces.
At the same time, an increasingly alienated army and police force, was taught that
feminine traits were a weakness. To some extent, they were: compassion of even
a second could actually get them killed. But eliminating the feminine entirely can
only lead to danger. Fitting in normal society gets increasingly difficult for these
men, which is why they tended to be so attached to their ‘brotherhood’.
The segregation of society, created segregation within people themselves. Now
you have multiple forces acting upon you, no matter your gender:
1. A woman is shamed for showing male traits (aggression, assertiveness,
2. A man is shamed for showing female traits (compassion, empathy,
3. Both are shamed for not following the rules of (an increasingly feminine)
society where male traits were required to achieve any level of progress!
Both the feminine and masculine should be applicable, in different proportions,
to every decision and every society. Each situation should be dealt with as
required, but in reality, you have to apply masculine traits (assertiveness) and at
the same time consider the feminine morality of society so as not to be an
ostracized loser. Exhausting!
Consider the dangers of a society either too masculine or too feminine. It has
happened before. Both will collapse, the former due to too much violence and
competition, and the latter due to too much welfare and unguarded borders. I
would consider the political right-wing to be masculine (standing by what it says
and willing to conquer others) and the political left-wing to be feminine (believing
all society should be equal). That is debatable obviously, but most stable societies
are capitalist, pro-welfare and democratic in nature. Capitalist societies literally
mimic nature, by letting the best survive. The pro-welfare policies take care of the
lesser fortunate. Combining the best of both natures.
We all know that people at the top have got others killed. Most of us do not
really care about the poor, yet make a noise when they die. We totally condone a
president killing people for a greater cause, but at the same time refrain from
talking about it. We know for a fact, that the only way to get anywhere is to
displace others, yet we call it ruthless and immoral. Why this hypocrisy?
When the commandments say “do not kill” they mean ‘do not kill each other’.
It’s generally a bad idea for people to kill their neighbor. But war is war, if
someone attacks, you defend. Even if someone doesn’t attack, proving a point is
important sometimes, for future security. All the wars that the US has got into
have been necessary at some level for the American people to maintain their
lifestyles. The same wars that Americans protest against. Feminine inside,
masculine outside. And that’s fine, a president will take that upon his conscience
and soldier on.

Chapter 5
Why the genders don’t understand each other.

Men and women haven’t really hung out until recently. Think about it, the cave
times had 16 hours a day of heavy work: hunting, logging, gathering, baby-rearing,
eating etc…
In the medieval times, the marriages happened for money and alliances. The
kings partied, administered and fought wars. The queens shouted at servants,
fought off concubines and ate cake. Meanwhile, the farmers toiled on the field for
16 hours a day.
In the industrial times, men went off to the factory and women handled the kids.
Oftentimes, both had factory jobs. In fact, scientists recently found out that up to
a 100 years ago, people used to wake up once a night for an hour, just to have
sex, gossip and hang out. Only work was life for most of history. Most of life was
toil and suffering, where was the time to hone relationships?
Until the 20th and 21st century, men and women either toiled in different milieus
or worked together on a simple project called survival. There was no time.
Suddenly, one cannot expect these two creatures that have evolved differently to
interact? What even is interaction? Is there any survival point to an interaction? I
mean, they both perceive life in different ways, right?
Deciding where to eat being the obvious one; observe that a large part of
relationships are basically negotiations. What the genders don’t understand is
they’re straddling thousands of years of biological compulsions. Multiply that with
thousands of years of society pumping steroids to those compulsions. And there’s
your failed relationship. Your simple need for sex and security has led to this
disastrous but very important relationship.
The solution is to be aware of this, and that is a need (I hope) this book shall

How they play with your base state.

Thanks to biology, society assumes cooperation from women and assertiveness
from men. But it’s not that simple. Society, for its very existence, depends on the
unhappiness of humanity. A truly happy populace doesn’t make for an obedient
society. So, what do they do to assume power? Drive a wedge between the most
obvious and stark difference in society: those with breasts and those with none.
A base state is simply the state of mind you would be happy and comfortable in.
The word lazy comes to mind in this case. Because most people don’t choose
their base states, they let nature, time and society choose it. Society loves lazy
people, because it loves to choose for them. And the best choice is unhappiness.
So, they play with your base state.
Young children have no agency, but the chances are, that a young girl will
cooperate more than a young boy. So, society drills cooperation into her. Young
boys will be more assertive, so they drill ambition into them. The easiest
examples of these are:
“When you become a mother”
“When you enter the real world/business/job”
Extremely specific goals to dull the young mind of other existential opportunities.
Worst part, it continues into adulthood. In fact, it intensifies with age. As you
grow older, society fears your agency and drills harder, putting pressure and
The male and female base states are designed to be so far from each other, that
the genders have no option but to battle it out.

Why men lie.

It’s often said as a blanket statement that “men lie.” Yes, they do, and they
particularly lie to women. Because a woman is unable to understand a man’s
impulses. Society itself doesn’t get men because it is designed in a feminine
manner. So, it’s okay for a woman to explain what she feels because there will be
enough people to listen to her and solve her problems. Many of those problems
are within the purview of logic and morality. But how can a man explain a sudden
surge of testosterone leading him to invest a large amount of money in the wrong
place? How can he explain the will to drive fast for no reason? Or the surge of
anger that leads up to beating up Timmy in the bar? He can’t explain it because
he himself doesn’t get it. So, he lies, he tells stories that are most plausible to the
woman. Even if they aren’t plausible, they make a little more sense than pure
impulse. That’s precisely why men have their own little clubs where they get each
other. Same as women get each other inside their little clubs.
Empowered women often say “all I need is respect” but we all know the truth; it
is much more complex than that. Respect is an umbrella term; the nuances of
which men have never understood. Respect, as far as women are concerned, isn’t
a singular block. It’s a fluid concept depending on moods, situations, reactions,
timing and conditions. Men understand hierarchy, pure and simple. Respect is a
block as far as they’re concerned. i.e.- If I treat you in such a manner, that is
respect. If I amp up that particular mannerism, it’s even more respect.
There is a point in every man’s life where his whole life is a lie. When he is
courting his woman, the caveman within him knows how she wants to be treated.
That block of respect suddenly becomes fluid and flexible to her needs. That’s
not him, that’s instinct at its finest. That’s nature at her ugly best. That is why men
cheer the person who gets the hottest woman, they bow to the power of his
He makes her feel so good, that her spidey sense is inundated with hormones.
This too is nature at her best. She knows something is wrong, but the body is so
powerful that the mind is neutralised.
Both these situations cannot last forever. The power of nature wears off. To
make it worse, monogamy was invented. Live long enough with anybody and the
hormones will fade off. When the mask starts slipping, major problems begin to
arise. For the man, respect starts hardening back into that block. The woman too
realises what has happened. But it’s too late, there’s a legal contract now. That’s
where your lying begins.
The reason that men lie more is that they have misrepresented themselves. The
man was lying to her and the woman was lying to herself. Initially, these lies are a
part of the personality. When the personality cannot be maintained, it is replaced
by words and the same nonsense continues. He keeps promising to improve and
she believes him.

Male insensitivity.
Men aren’t insensitive, they just don’t see how life works for women. A certain
turn of words in the wrong tone could mean the world to his girl; but he didn’t
mean anything by it. The chances are, he didn’t even realise why he was saying it.
That level of awareness is not to be expected from men, in general. This is why
men and women have such massive problems. Both don’t understand each
other’s worlds. The woman being more understanding compromises, but still
doesn’t understand. From a man’s point of view, the woman is insensitive, but he
ignores it and continues to do what he wants anyway. The average female doesn’t
look at the world in that manner; the people she cares about matter to her and
she may impede her own progress for it.
Another reason why male insensitivity hits the woman so hard is its suddenness.
After the initial wave of testosterone (the courting period) has worn away, the man
suddenly withdraws the complexities of his personality. The moment he starts
taking his girl for granted, the need for effort diminishes. To him, she becomes
furniture. Everything she had loved him for is no more. The caveman in him
knows how she functions: That once her decision about a partner is made, she
won’t change it. So, he takes advantage of that.
There is a phase in every man’s life where he is hankering for guaranteed sex.
Guaranteed sex for life, if possible. Never trust a man in that phase. The man
himself doesn’t understand the lengths he will go to for it. Nowadays, people have
more sense and are wary about marriage. The threat of a woman leaving is more
real; which is major reason for a more equal society. But yet I see the same
frustrations repeating over and over. This is because both the sexes don’t want to
understand each other. Worse, they’re too lazy to.
There is no real need for the sexes to understand each other. Society’s relentless
insistence that they pair up and create a ‘family’ impairs the free will of many
perfectly independent individuals. Even in a free society like the USA, where
promiscuity is accepted, people still get married for no clear reason. Maybe
people enjoy sex and companionship with one person, but do most people really
need it? Society’s continuous insistence that they do, leads very few people to
question the basis of marriage and companionship.
As a boy, I was surrounded by very manly women. They went about their days
without anybody interfering with them. They would fight on the streets if they
believed they were right. They would take what they wanted; no explanations
given. I thought that this is the way everybody is. As I came into the world, I saw
women busy ‘fighting’ for their rights. This shocked me. And led me on a ten-
year quest into the minds of women, the result of which is this book. It took me
10 years to understand a woman completely, and I’m sure I still don’t get aspects
of it. How many men would invest that kind of time into understanding the
opposite gender? It’s time to understand and accept one major fact: we don’t get
each other. That itself will solve so many problems. And it’s a great place to start
doing so.

Women see the pixels. Men see a blur. Both don’t see the picture.
The effect of age on the genders.
Post a certain age, generally about 45-50, certain changes take place in a woman.
I’m not talking about menopause and hot flashes, it’s about what happens in the
brain. Women are born complex. Oestrogen, in its very nature, is the chemical of
complexity and seriousness. It needs to multitask to survive. Other than that, the
havoc that nature plays on the woman’s body further complicates her mental
structure. But as age catches up and nature slams the break on her cruel game,
the mental structure takes on a simpler form. Oestrogen recedes and testosterone
gets more active. Suddenly, all the concepts that she had in her head start
unspooling. Civility becomes straight-up honesty. The way she looks at life
becomes more straightforward. She gets tired of the responsibility on her
shoulders and learns to dump it into the damn ocean. She turns into, well, a man.
The extent to which this happens may not be the same for every woman. Some
still hold on to their perceived idea of femininity and absolutely insist on
remaining on the surface of life. But even those women get tired. You see them
unwinding a little bit as they age.
On the other hand, a man is born simple. He looks at life simply. Even as he
wades the complexities of life and learns to lie for sex, his methods are
rudimentary. It’s just that the average woman doesn’t have the vision to look at it
for what it is. That’s why it’s often said that men know other men. The subtlest lie
and we can catch it. But when we are not caught often enough, we develop a
certain kind of hubris.
As the man ages, he becomes more and more complex. More and more ideas of
his perceived invincibility surround him. Push him hard enough and he breaks.
He doesn’t, as much as his illusion does. At the golden age, when testosterone
starts decreasing, he loses orientation. His self-made image as a MAN starts
falling apart around him.
Society is a reactionary organism. This means it will keep pushing until pushed
back. When pushed back it will retreat. It pushes women because it can. Men
don’t get pushed around, so it pumps them up.
What you have to learn yourself and teach your kids, is to view reality as it is.
You’re neither up nor down. My mother ensured I had some level of shame. She
made sure my relatives and friends did not pump me up too much. I was a
supremely confident kid already and any more pumping would have led to my
downfall. She ensured I viewed reality as it is.
The only way to solve this problem of masculine/feminine image is to let children
grow. Should you make the mistake of having them, the only thing you have to do
is nurture them and ensure no harm comes their way. Let the village take care of
the child. Let the child grow up in the world, not in your arms.

Why men love sports

Sports is a major point of contention between the sexes. Few women understand
the need for a man to go a stadium or stare at a television; watching anything from
2 to 50 people on a field run after some form of a ball. As I’ve mentioned earlier,
society is more frustrating for men than it is for women. The cavewoman’s needs
are looked after by a feminine society. She still gets to socialize, cooperate with
other women and exchange unnecessary niceties on made up occasions. But the
caveman needs his violence. By violence I mean running, jumping, competing
and killing; a rather rare occurrence in civilization. And since adult men play
fewer sports than they did as kids, what other outlet is there but watching other
men get some action for them in proxy?
Sports are just an extension of a man’s testosterone. The reason football is the
most popular sport is that it’s the right amount of speed to thrill a man and great
action without excessive violence. It’s the right amount of violence that a woman
will allow to play in her living room and let her son watch. The men who
designed modern football caught onto all this. Meanwhile the creation of teams
satisfies the man’s need for groupism, planning and bonding. The sickly
obsession with one’s team winning has a deep evolutionary reason.
If society didn’t have such a feminine mannerism, men would still have been
happy with gladiator sport.

Why men tend to be bad fathers

What is parenthood? It depends on your objective really. Do you want a:
1. bright, honest, opinionated child?
2. dull, obedient robot?
If you want the former, you have to let the child’s energy flow. Conversations over
instructions, love over anger… Add debates peppered with the right kind of
discipline, and you’ll be fine. Hard, I know.
Producing the latter is kind of easy. Straight up instructions, shouting, threats and
you may add some “god will send you to hell” too. Sorted. But it’s never that
easy. No matter what, parenthood to a great extent is a cooperative situation.
Deals need to be made so your child doesn’t absolutely hate you.
Remember how men suck at cooperation? They prefer instructions and a
hierarchy. That’s where the problems begin. They try and assert themselves in a
situation where cooperation is needed.
Men who are unprepared for a home situation, tend be unable to deal with
something they may have never dealt with before (in all of history probably.) It
often happens that their own fathers ran their households in an assertive manner.
So now they assume this is how it works. One can also blame it on the lack of
‘cultural fathers.’ When only tribes roamed the earth, men got to raise their sons
in a very different environment away from the mother. This could be anything
from male rights of passage to sending the teen away for months in the
wilderness. The absence of the rituals leading to being a full-grown MAN
contribute to the confusion.
It is partially the woman’s fault here. She too cooperates in a situation where she
should be assertive. Often, her soft power over the household reigns supreme,
but she refuses to showcase it. She refuses to be counter-assertive about marking
her territory. Counterintuitively, if she does happen to mark her territory, fathers
tend to retreat into absence, because they don’t understand this non-
confrontational, soft-power situation.
This is a lose-lose situation for most children. The solution is awareness.
Realising your biological history and social tendencies and amending them
according to the situation. More importantly, really knowing your partner, should
you make the mistake of having children with them. Having children on a whim,
in one melty passion-filled moment makes the worst possible parent. Children
are the saddest casualty of the gender misunderstanding.

Why women tend to be obsessed with perfection

Most social rituals are designed to waste a woman’s time. For social rituals, men
have a simple question “why is this necessary?”. Women rarely have the answer.
Yes, there are socially accepted answers like ‘it makes the kids happy’ and ‘for the
family’. But the reality is just that society has observed the biological need for
women to cross the T’s and dot the I’s; and taken it to monstrous proportions.
Just like a man cannot explain his need to ride fast cars, a woman cannot explain
her need for perfection.
The cavewoman is hankering for her kind of action. But there’s not enough in a
civilised society. One cannot compare the dangers of a cave with the trappings of
a civilized life. So, she settles for buying the right gifts, socialising, organising,
helping out and giving her husband grief about unclean socks. Feverishly finding
something to fix has deep biological roots in oestrogen. Since there is no female
equivalent of football, her colleagues, husband, children, parents and friends
seem like fair game.
Chapter 6
The power of shame

One major result of society is shame. Especially a society that is created on the
masculine feminine divide gives opportunities to shame people left, right and
centre. But why are women greater target of shame than men tend to be? For that
we’ll have to understand the nature of shaming.
We only shame when we see something unusual. Otherwise, why shame? We
shame a nerd in school because not everyone is a nerd. We shame a manly
woman because most women are feminine. We shame a feminine man because
we do not see that many.
Similarly, we shame traits. An assertive woman would be called a bully. Whereas,
an assertive man is simply decisive. A woman in leadership is revolutionary,
whereas a man would be ordinary. When women talk about breaking the glass
ceiling, it is often said that they are not assertive enough. This means they prefer
to be agreeable and cooperate with people around them. The problem is, the
reason it is called leadership, is your very ability to bend people around you. A
glass ceiling needs to be smashed with a hammer or at least a hand! You cannot
coax it to fall one fine day.
You have to smash a glass ceiling, not coax it to fall

Be shameless.
But the real effect of shaming begins when women actually get shamed. Man or
woman, you are going to get shamed at some point in your life. The thing with
men is they are shameless. Most of the time, they can’t even hear the criticism
being propounded against them. This is why they get ahead. Not only that, men
are much better at forgiving themselves. They just move on after a mistake.
Maybe women aren’t wired or conditioned that way, but that’s the thing about
being human: you’re given the option to get over your wiring and conditioning.
There are people who’ve come out of the worst conditions possible and done
amazing things. Why? Because they were shameless. They demanded what they
thought they deserved. There are examples of women having gone against
organised crime, brothels, patriarchy, terror organizations and rape rings. Things
that could get them killed. If you have the education and privilege to read this
book, how many things are stopping you, that will actually kill you? And if they
will, so what? We’re all just pieces of flesh anyway. Death is on its way, might as
well die with some dignity.
You shit every day, you eat every day, you breathe every day. Why aren’t you
fighting for what you deserve every day? Don’t ask for it, because if you ask, you
will be fed some nonsense. Lip service. If it was legal, we’d have a book called
‘bunch of sentences to shut women up.’ We’d have various scenarios where
women would be asking for their rights and we’d string together a few words to
postpone answering it. It’s THAT easy for someone who has studied women
properly. Go and bloody act. Or don’t act, go on strike.
In 2017, Irish women went on strike bringing Ireland to a literal halt. This led to
them repealing a near-ban on abortion. Women refused to do anything. Not even
domestic work. This scared an entire country into acting.
Not only that, doing something that breaks the rules can even be fun! The two
women who walked the streets in shorts, in the New York of the 1930s caused
accidents! Forget the fear of shaming, they probably had fun! Why can’t you?
Remember: The initial shaming is not your fault. It’s because society sees
something different in you. But if they continue shaming, it IS your fault. Because
people only shame those who can get shamed. If they can exploit you, they will
exploit you. And why shouldn’t they? If they don’t, someone else will! That is just
human nature.
I’m not asking women to change themselves here. If you’re agreeable, stay
agreeable, but face the consequences. Women who made it could have easily
listened to their detractors and taken the path of least resistance; but it was simply
her assertiveness that won people over. People only resist because they aren’t
used to you. Beyond a point, they will have no option but to. And then: BOOM,
suddenly you’re a trendsetter, a pathbreaker or whatever Vogue magazine
chooses to call you when you’re on their front page.
I truly believe, that if women were deaf, they would be much more successful. So
here are your two options:
1. Turn selectively deaf and hear suggestions and eliminate pointless
2. Get assertive until people listen to you.
What society is saying to women is simply this: we will continue suppressing you,
what are you going to do about it? Don’t ask for rights, just take them until it
becomes normal!
What should be shameful.
Ladies, y’all often care about what others think, but not about what is. This is
what is truly shameful:
a. The customers of the make-up industry are 90% women
b. 70% of all spending decisions are made by women
c. But almost everything from CEOs to business to politics is run by men.
d. The majority of the wealth is owned by men.
e. Most social/religious rituals are designed to waste a woman’s time

1. How make-up is used to shame women.

I’ve never understood the actual use of a chemical that basically destroys your
face. A chemical that has no hygiene use, no practical use, no pain relief is
applied generously in the name of ‘expression’. Seriously, after how much
women endure, make-up is the cherry on top of the painful cake. After all the
things that are basically out to destroy a woman’s body: Birth control, period
medicine, hormonal control medicine, pregnancy, post-menopause pills among
others; how do women have the patience to add make-up to the list?
The saddest excuses I’ve heard for make-up come from women themselves:
1. It’s a form of expression! (oh so you can’t express yourself otherwise?)
2. It helps me be who I want to be! (WHAT? Ever seen men needing that
3. Men use it too! (What percentage? Are you talking about Koreans and
4. It’s an art form! (at your workplace?)
5. But men shave! (They cut an extension of their bodies; they don’t add
chemicals to it!)
Women actually use these phrases on each other when they don’t wear make-up:
1. You don’t look well, are you alright?
2. Why do you look so different today?
3. You should smile more!
4. Why is your skin looking blotchy?
5. Are you alright? You look like you cried all night
If women wear too much make-up:
1. What’s the occasion?
2. Who are you out to impress?
3. Looks like someone got laid last night!
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

This is an actual conversation I’ve had with multiple females:

Me- By always applying make-up, what are you trying to prove? That you’re the
best piece of pussy around?
She- But I do it for myself! To feel good about myself!
Me- Even if that’s true, why the HELL do you need make-up to feel good about
yourself? You’re actually adding something to “yourself” to feel good, right?
It’s actually a very simple question here. When tribal people went to war, they
actually needed war paint to feel good about themselves. The chances are, they
would have never come back. Death needed a little encouragement. What the
hell do you women need war paint for? To fight for the best man?
Feeling good about yourself is a ridiculous notion. I understand looking good in
certain clothes and just going all gaga about yourself. But that should be
incidental, not the base line requirement. Make-up has become a base line
requirement for women today. If nothing else they’ll “at least wear eye liner, or
else people will think they’re sick”. And you wonder why everyone takes
advantage of this gullible gender?
Out of a hundred things that the average woman does 80 are unnecessary. Those
80 things are just to:
1. Please people
2. Not be shamed
3. Because everyone does it
Lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, heels, skirts, blouses, dresses, bras, sitting cross-
legged, being nice to everybody, unconditional love, implicit trust and people
pleasing. Tell me which of the above are necessary for survival in this world?
These are all genius control tools by society to make you more pleasing to the
eyes (more fuckable).
Not just men, everyone is eye-fucking a woman. A good-looking man is noticed
by many. An above-average girl is noticed by everybody, indiscriminate of gender.
See, if you as a woman, are actually fine with everything I’ve said above, I respect
that. You’ve consciously chosen your life. But most of you aren’t! Y’all aren’t
even aware of this, forget choosing it!

2. How shaming women is a business philosophy

Most businesses have one simple question to answer “How do we get women to
buy our products?”
The answer is simple “Shame them”
The entire business model of fast fashion is basically that. They make women
think that the stocks will end soon. They make them worry that they’ll be out of
trend with the latest fashions. The consistent threat of social disapproval moves
the ladies into fast action and leads the companies into fast profits.
Then come the make-up companies. With the latest lip colours and everlasting
eyeliners, they ensure that she has make up that lasts forever but will still be out
of fashion within a week.
Shops and websites are designed with women in mind. Children’s products are
thought about with the mother’s social and price approval in mind (mothers
bragging about what they gift their children certainly helps).
What worsens this whole trend is the female insistence that they aren’t as gullible
as that. That they can hold their own and that make-up and clothes are just
something they really want to wear. The best part? Most of the boards of these
companies comprise of men. Men who understand women exceedingly well.
As a woman it should infuriate you that society and companies can so easily take
you for a ride. But somehow, it’s just ignored, boasted about on Instagram or
defended as a choice.

3. How they shame women into wasting time

All social rituals are designed to waste a woman’s time. Right from child rearing
and black Friday sales to religious rituals and festivals. I’m sure they tried with
men too, but men don’t really care about much until it’s a direct threat. So, the
elaborate rituals, created by men and made intricate by women, continue their
silent march.
Religion understood the need to keep women busy, lest they use their brains.
Companies have taken that tradition forward. Companies mixed with religion can
turn into unstoppable monsters (coca cola, Santa Claus and Christmas). Children
need to be kept busy, and it’s easy to distract them. It’s a little harder to keep men
busy, but football clubs and UFC have perfected that over the years.
But when it comes to women, the companies know that all you have to give them
is a thread and they will happily distract themselves. Make them feel bad about
what they don’t have, tap into their survival instinct and BOOM, sales. If you tell
a man ‘Your child has less than this other child’ he’ll say ‘Yes but I feed him,
that’s enough’ but if you tell a woman that, the cavewoman responds
disproportionately. She goes into a frenzy of ‘if the other child has more, then his
chances of survival are higher than my child, so maybe I should buy more to
ensure my child lasts’. The product could be barbie doll, but the cave woman
doesn’t understand how unnecessary that is, she simply understands that it’s
something MORE.
Buying then becomes a ritual, a compulsion and then a necessity. Religion has the
same theory, pray MORE, stay in churches/temples/mosques MORE, donate
MORE, take MORE blessings. More than others = better than others = better
survival than others. The woman is greedy in a very different way. She is greedy
for the survival of her kin. This is what companies/religion/men/societies take full
advantage of. Be aware of this.

There are three kinds of men who understand women

1. one who gives up on women
2. the second profits off of them
3. idiots like me who risk their lives in the hope of making them aware.
Chapter 7
Relationships, gaslighting and humour.

Most women tend to love the way society has formed. They may not love all of it.
They hate creeps. They hate the glass ceiling and patriarchy. But its stated ideals
of peace, love, cooperation and the eternal striving for it, are greatly appreciated
by this gender. This lulls them into a false sense of security. They assume that
everyone is striving for it, because it comes easily to them. Everyone who wants to
have sex with them is lying about this too. They’re lying about their honourable
intentions with them.
To add to this, if a woman has a father who is decent, she falls into an even
deeper sense of security. When she does not see the sexual side of their father,
she naively assumes that most men do not have a roaring sexual side. Many girls
see the father as a friend. So, they tend to see most men as friends. In such a
case, the woman, combined with her genetic need to cooperate, loves and trusts
people completely. A boyfriend then becomes just another friend, who you
incidentally and sometimes have sex with.
Conversely, for most men the genitals still play a large part in decision making. As
a guy who was raised by women, I can vouch for this. No matter the culture,
genitals play a massive role. In other words, men want sex. A man may not be
lying when he says he loves the woman. He may actually believe it. But he may
not realize that a large part of that love is pure lust.
Another factor is that he has seen the emotional side of his mother. He has seen
how his mother could be manipulated by his father and the larger world. He
learns tips and tricks, knowingly or unknowingly.
So horny man meets trusting female. He adapts feminine traits and makes the
woman trust him. If she doesn’t just want sex, he makes her believe that he will
give her everything she wants, and sleeps with her. If he really likes sleeping with
her, he’ll do anything to continue. He may even marry her without considering
the consequences.
When a man marries a woman, it is largely for sex. When a woman marries a
man, it is largely for security.
The type of woman may differ with age. But sex is always the central factor. At
25, he may want to fuck the body or face, post 30, he may want to fuck the
personality. Which is why it is a bad idea to marry young, as preferences could
change drastically.
It’s difficult to enunciate enough how hollow the average testosterone-fuelled man
is when it comes to emotions. Not ALL men, but definitely most men. We feel
almost nothing, most of the time. Many men who say they feel, may actually feel,
but even those are mind-body manipulations to get sex. Most of us can
manipulate women to do anything for us. And I mean ANYTHING. This isn’t
bragging, this is an expression of frustration at the sad state of manipulated
women all around the world.
This doesn’t mean that men don’t provide what they promise. They may be
experts at manipulation but also provide what they have promised their better
half. This also doesn’t mean that all men are gods at manipulation, there are
many losers who wait for a diffident woman to show up and make her feel worse
about herself; until she attaches herself to him.
Conversely, there are master manipulators who will pair up with the woman just
to slowly break her. Having a perfectly confident woman under their thumb, and
slowly getting her to adjust in the name of love is a sport to them. Delays in
promises and prolonging her wait is a massive weapon in their game.
To be fair, many women know that they are they are being manipulated but will
let it go as long as what is promised is being provided- which for most women is
stability and predictability. Many women are clear in their philosophy- Known
evil is better than unknown evil.
Women too know how to manipulate the man. But that is rarer than we think it
is. Since it is an unusual occurrence, it is given more publicity. Men feel
manipulated when a woman takes advantage of their roaring testosterone. She
could push the right buttons and get exactly what she wants. But that’s a different
kind of manipulation. The woman often takes advantage of the man’s hubris, the
man takes advantage of the woman’s naivete. Both are wrong, but that’s just how
the game works.

To manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity
When the man’s mind is bored and the woman is entirely in love. And I mean
slavish love. The man will be tempted to gaslight the woman, for no particular
reason. When a man is really pleasant, it may be his lips moving, but it’s his body
talking. When a man is unpleasant, it’s his brain talking. The main reason for this
is the testosterone within him is bored of the consistency. It wants some
adventure. If the man doesn’t find his job and sports to be a good enough release,
he’ll just play with the woman’s brain.
Because he can. Because she will succumb. If she doesn’t, just making her
succumb will be another adventure. Best part is he may not even realise why he’s
doing it. It’s just this desire which leads him into doing it continuously. The
greatest thing for him is, the woman settles for scraps, which is enough to keep
her from breaking point. A little bit of love here, a little care there, will lead to her
saying “aww he still loves me”. No sweety, he never did, he was just horny and
now he’s bored.
The only way to keep a testosterone-fuelled man, if you really want one in your
life, is to keep him on the edge. He hates a perfect housewife. His testosterone
won’t allow that. Your roaring personality would suffice, for starters.
The most important thing is to understand the man for who he is. Stop taking
what he says at face value and understand the depth of where he’s coming from.
If he’s mature enough to understand himself and you have a certain
understanding of him, you’re good to go.

Why women are a joke to men

What is humour? It’s when something unexpected happens to anyone. Whether
in a story or your own life, something abrupt and unusual is funny. The reason
males find females funny is their inability to learn that men are basically playing
games with them. For centuries, many a man has waited for the moment when a
woman would become wise and retaliate against him. But it happens so rarely,
that it tickles our funny bone. When her unconditional love turns into
subservience and then slavery, we’re tickled at how much nonsense she is willing
to take from us. The emotion we most often experience is shock, like: “how the
hell did I get away with that?” which then bursts into humour.
Another source of humour is husband-wife jokes. In such jokes, the wife often
bullies the man into doing things. She is in control. But men know that’s just not
true. That the henpecked husband is an aberration who doesn’t know how to
push his wife’s buttons. So, we find it funny.
Yes, men often obey their wives, but that’s because they’re too lazy to do
otherwise. If something is flowing why stop it? She does all the work anyway, I
don’t want to do it, so might as well listen. If men really want to get her to do
something, testosterone will take over and manipulate the woman into thinking
the decision was hers in the first place. This too, makes us laugh. Not evilly, we
aren’t evil, we’re like little children troubling a monkey and it responds suddenly
and disproportionately from its cage. It makes us burst into giggles like a child.
The worst thing that a woman can do is serve her man unconditionally. Her need
to cooperate ends up in slavery. The moment you are subservient, he will take
advantage. A really good man may try and empower you, but if you continue, he
won’t be able to resist the temptation. This is true not just with men, but with any
Most men (and people) thrive on a woman’s need for cooperation. Your need to
take life so seriously is a joke to him. You must understand that life isn’t all that
serious for the average man. Left to him, civilization would not even have been
built. He would have been happy discovering beer in a cave. Because in the back
of his mind, he knows he is biologically disposable, so taking life seriously is not
an option. A serious woman is an amazing opportunity to not only be taken care
of, but to play out every sexual and gaslighting fantasy.
Yes, men seem more serious than they actually are. And definitely there are men
who take their lives, careers and egos very seriously. But other than these men, all
others putting up an act in front of their woman. Something they learn to do with
their own mothers if she is a serious and emotional person. They learn the
statements that put the mother’s brains on fire. The ones that get her into a frenzy
of action. Forget that, they even understand non-verbal cues and how to convince
her that they’re not in the right state of mind.

Testosterone has the power to convince oestrogen to build its own cage

Chapter 8
Why it’s difficult to take women seriously

The looks factor

Looks wise, there are three types of women: decent-looking, beautiful and ugly.
A decent-looking woman in general is a very comforting presence. Both genders
will let down their guard when a well-spoken, decent-looking woman comes by.
Whether it’s an irate customer or an intelligence agent, just the presence of
feminine energy in the room, calms most people. People hear what she has to
say, to some extent.
But when a beautiful woman enters the room, the entire energy of the room
changes. Both genders are bewitched by her beauty. Both for different reasons.
But something changes for sure. Both often cannot hear what she has to say,
they’re too busy looking.
Why does this happen? Well, for men, looking and talking at the same time is a
little difficult. The caveman needed to focus on his prey, eliminating all other
sources of distraction. He couldn’t care about any other dangers when he was
hunting a mammoth. This is often why men can barely hear, when focussed
elsewhere. Men are visual creatures too. So, the visual information trumps any
auditory information.
For women, looking everywhere and hearing everything was important, because
the cave had a thousand dangers all at once. But even women have a hard time
taking women seriously. Why is this?
Think of it like this: when you see something that is visually enrapturing, don’t
you want silence? A beautiful car, a sunset, snow-laden mountains and an endless
sea, are all better enjoyed in silence. This is why a woman has to work extra hard
to be heard. Her words have to outweigh her beauty. Terribly unfair, but terribly
What’s worse is women take the beauty proposition seriously. When they seem
to get things by their sheer appearance, it is but natural that they will enhance only
that. Most men aren’t as visually appealing as a woman. So, people look for other
things. His success, his abilities, his bank balance etc…
But what worsens this is the fact that the woman does it for the same gender. The
wife dresses up for a dinner because she’s scared of other wives’ reaction to her.
Even on a girl’s night out, all the girls dress up well and the least dressed is often
judged. Wearing kohl-lines is basic to not look ‘sick’. Female bosses often ask
women to be ‘presentable’ at work (literally: wear make-up.) Literally the same
gender enslaving each other for another gender. When the natural face you have
is considered to be incomplete without paint, is it surprising you have diffident
This is why an older actress loses her sheen as she ages, but a man can stay a star.
The audience is not overwhelmed by the man (no one is, by any man), especially
as he ages. They say “he is good, let him say his dialogues etc…” But when the
woman appears on screen, the mood changes. Some people are aroused, others
comforted, yet others get involved with the woman’s story.
The girl in many scripts is used as a pivot to further the storyline. Because people
get more attached to her. They consider her to be attached to the man’s honour.
A man seeking revenge for his woman is a much more engaging storyline.
Similarly, someone beating a man is just funny, someone beating a woman
(especially a pretty one) is sacrilege. It arouses tribal instincts in both genders.
Notice how as actresses age, they take on better and more meaningful scripts to
stay relevant. Their words and acting are given more importance than their
appearance. Because the woman is the comfort factor in all the uncomfortable
stuff happening in the film (any film is normally based on a problem). You can’t
possibly have an aging comfort factor. You have to find a woman who looks old
enough for the old ones, young enough for the young ones, and acceptable to
their wives and girlfriends (WAGs). The WAGs have to feel like it is somebody
they would befriend. They shouldn’t be so hot as to make the kids
uncomfortable. Basically, comforting everyone watching.
An action film will have hotter women who rarely end up as big-ticket film stars,
because women aren’t watching it anyway. But a rom-com will have more
comforting women. A children’s film will have ‘mom-hot’ people. You’ll rarely
find super-hot female film stars. Models are often super-hot, because aren’t saying
anything anyway. But a bankable and mainstream film star is always a comforting
Filmmakers and pretty much anybody with business sense knows the looks to
distraction ratio. Advertisers, social media experts, businessmen and PR
managers know this science by heart.
By contrast, an ugly or fat woman- both in real life and movies- are relegated to
side roles. Normally, they’re the comic relief. When you’re used to an entire
sub-species being touted basically for their beauty, it’s difficult to take someone
with another proposition seriously. The same is the case with dumb and
unsuccessful men. Male beauty doesn’t matter to most people, but the male sub-
species has been marketed for their propensity to succeed and be smart.
I blame women for this too. Even the prettiest woman who is least interested in
make-up will often say ‘let me at least wear lipstick’ as if it’s something women
have always done. She looks in the mirror and keeps adjusting and adjusting. A
flick of hair there and a bra line here. Even if she is doing it for men, the men
only see:
1) cute dress
2) great face
3) amazing body
We do not have faculties beyond that. We literally do not see the carefully tied
bow and the well-chosen pumps. But no, our lady here has to take every line and
every stroke of make-up seriously. Even an ugly girl, takes her face and body
seriously. It’s always on her mind, and people see that; and when they see it, they
see a victim.
Basically, the ugliest possible truth is this: even if women have something else to
offer, it is difficult for both genders to look beyond the body. This is reinforced
by a woman’s own obsession to look prim and proper (gain social recognition).
Her propensity to take herself seriously is ruining it for all other women. It may
be raining men, but why the hell are women running around for them?

Women choose assholes

Asshole (n)
A man with a massive amount of testosterone who treats his girl like a toy because
he enjoys it.
Choosing an asshole is a major reason why women cannot be taken seriously. It’s
difficult to take someone who constantly makes wrong choices seriously. By
wrong, I do not mean morally wrong. By wrong I mean unwanted. A nerd in love
with the prom queen can clearly see she’s making the wrong choice. He knows
her guy is full of testosterone and will be reckless about life. But prom queen
believes she can “change” the college stud.
I was an asshole. I was the biggest one around. I probably still am. There’s a large
amount of testosterone in me that motivates me to do ridiculous things like write
this book. The difference is that I’m now in control and can choose what to do.
Earlier, when the hormones were rushing, I couldn’t even control what I said.
Every lie, every manipulation, every utterance that came out of my mouth when it
came to women was dictated by testosterone. But the irony is that there was much
more female interest then, than now.
Men know this secret, that women are attracted to assholes. The ones who are
lesser assholes get ‘friendzoned’. It’s quite a common thing for women to leave
one asshole and find themselves a bigger one. Why is this? Well, basically
because oestrogen gets attracted to testosterone, but the answer is much more
complicated than that.
There is the whole question of entertainment. A nice guy is predictable.
Hormones don’t rule him, so he does things that are mandated by society. If the
girl wanted another friend, she would have befriended another girl. Why does
she need him? A guy ruled by his hormones is much more exciting. He will come
up with many more ideas to keep her on her toes. He may even cheat on her,
which could give her something to obsess about. She feels she has to work to
keep him in the relationship. This also leads to her releasing her own
testosterone, an excitement and horniness that may be temporary, but makes for
great memories.
There is also the question of protection. Biologically, her body understands that if
the man is nice to her, he may be nice to her predators too. A man with a weak
presence is a victim, and people are always looking for a victim. She wants a man
who will ward off trouble and make her feel safe, not attract extra trouble. Not
just that, her biology is looking for a father to her babies and when your babies
are vulnerable, you don’t want the father looking after his own emotions. He
must be basically sorted and ready to protect.
And finally, men are creatures of sight. They simply look at a woman and that’s
enough to want her. A woman is a creature of feel, she has to feel right in a
myriad of ways to accept the man. A man who can keep her excited, make her
feel protected, bed her right and always be on the verge of leaving- is a much
more exciting proposition, especially when her hormones are raging. She knows
she can make anyone her slave. There are 20 men waiting outside her door right
now, ready to give their right hand just to look at her. Not fun when you have that
much choice. But a man who doesn’t give a shit about her? Aaaah, now that’s a
fun challenge.

From another person’s point of view, we’re all objects. But women tend to
consider themselves objects. They’re constantly evaluating how they look, what
they’re saying and the people they are pleasing. When this happens, they rarely
work on who they are. This creates a clear diffidence that people can see. It’s
difficult to take a person who has no internal confidence seriously.
Secondly, a woman often takes her time in choosing a man, which is a good thing.
But when she does, she literally becomes an object. Always there, no matter what.
Very few women review their relationships in an objective matter. Any
relationship is like an investment, one should keep reviewing it. Every few
months, a check should be done on how much has changed. Not just that, the
review of your own changing needs and personality is needed. Doesn’t matter if
the person is your blood relative, wife, husband or your parent, the assessment
should be made.
But women think that standing by her commitment like a rock is the highest
good. If you behave like a rock, people will treat you like a rock. Not only is a
relationship review required, but a self-review is needed. Many women violently
dismiss the possibility that they can break their current relationship for another
one. The chance that she has started to fall for someone else while in a
relationship is normally ignored and supressed by her. Suppressing any kind of
thought will lead to disaster in two ways:
1) people will naturally start taking the person for granted.
2) The thought will manifest in the ugliest possible manner.

Unnecessary empathy
Some women are empathetic. Most are plain bloody idiotic. Feeling somebody’s
pain is a good thing to do. Going out of the way to alleviate it is plain stupid.
There are entire relationships based on pity. Mostly initiated by the woman. Why
do you think so many women don’t back out of bad marriages? He may have
literally thrown her on the floor and battered her, but she believes he will change.
She may have the resources and the support to back out, but still, she believes she
can do something about him.
Men tend to love idiots. To remove their frustration on, to insult, to bully and
punch around. But alas, high school gets over pretty fast, and some of those
impulses stay on. But why choose a woman to take it out on? Why not a dog or
an animal? Well animals actually retaliate. They tend to have more self-respect
than most homo sapiens females. Dogs may not actually bite, but they bark loud
enough. They show teeth. That’s enough for any bully of a man to retreat.
In nature, some the most beautiful creatures are the most poisonous. The
females of a species tend to be more aggressive than the males, what happened to
our species? Unreasonable empathy became cool. Unreasonable empathy
amounts to idiocy. “Think about what he’s going through” became the scourge of
the feminine.
Stop trying to “understand” a fully-grown male adult. If he hasn’t sorted his shit,
help him. If you can’t help him, change him. Change the man, not the existing
man’s personality.

If you can’t change the man, change the man

Taking things seriously

I repeat my earlier point about bullying: Only those who take themselves
seriously can be bullied. I’ve observed women above 50 to be much freer than
most. There is an air about them that very few below that age have. Why is that?
Because they’ve stopped taking themselves seriously. After 50 years of trying to
look good, impress others, help out and co-operate, they just give up caring. It
feels like they’re unstoppable now.
If you’re confused as to why serious people never succeed, here’s an example. If
there is a dust particle close enough to your eye, it’s enough to block out the
entire sun. Why? Because it’s too close. When you take things seriously, you
want to control them, when you try and control them, you keep them close.
When you keep too many things close, you lose perspective of the larger picture.
If someone is extremely good at what they do; but they don’t know how to handle
the politics of the organizations they work in, they will never ‘succeed’ in the
normal sense.
Women aren’t unsuccessful in the jobs they do. I’ve observed that they can do
things even more efficiently than a man, but only if the rest of the environment is
ignored. Her tendency to take everything seriously, blocks out her career path
from the view. Bosses often complain that they bring their home issues to work.
Good husbands submit to ‘listening duty’ after the wife comes back from work. Is
it not possible for a woman to be born 50? Just looking at life for the nonsense
that it is?
Everybody wants to play games with a serious person! If I know life is nonsense, I
want to play around with those who take it seriously. And who will give me better
content than a person who takes herself seriously? Women are pretty good
entertainment that way, throw anything at her and she will multiply it manifold,
much to the glee of bored men.

Taking men too seriously.

Modern women would be aghast at the above statements, rejecting each one with
a million anecdotes they know about empowered women. Remember, when you
do that, there’s always a man who’s laughing at those anecdotes. Because most of
those anecdotes involve success in relation to men:
1. About how she shut a man up
2. how she delivered a project in time shocking the men around her
3. how as a woman she achieved so much etc...

That itself shows subservience. Yes, I understand that y’all are faced with sexist
language every day. That your ‘others’ inbox is full of messages that would make a
decent man faint. That you need some affirmations in your daily life. But if you
simply went on with your lives, doing things that are required, women would be
taken much more seriously.
When men achieve, they don’t even think about the women around them. They
simply go ahead and do what is required. Friends don’t meet and say “you go
boy…” to each other. On the other hand, we deprecate each other and constantly
destroy the other’s ego. This is where we learn to not take life seriously. If my
best friends consistently deprecate me, would I really care about the world?
Forget taking women seriously, we generally don’t talk about women unless
absolutely necessary. A lot of it is sexual. Some of it need-based. Sometimes
ridiculing them. But overall, the gender is not talked about so much. So why the
hell are women talking about men?
When we first learn to drive, everything is an impediment. We’re wondering what
do with the gears and why the clutch even exists. We take some time getting the
accelerator and brake right. But when we learn to drive, we don’t continue talking
about how well we drove, right? It becomes a functional and natural thing. If we
talk about how well we shifted the gears today, people will laugh at us. It means
we’re still enslaved by what is stopping us. More than that, we’re giving
importance to an impediment after overcoming it. It is laughable.
Same thing with success. If you’re good at something, stop looking at yourself in
relation to what’s stopping you (men, in this case), remove the impediments with
elan, stop looking for appreciation from others and block out bad criticism. Get
on with life.

Women should stop taking all life (especially men)


Women lie to each other (and themselves)

Male and female friendships are vastly different, but they’re based on the same
ideas. Loyalty, companionship, love, calling in a favour, sharing ideas etc… The
problem lies in the difference of the execution of these friendships. A woman
may love her friend, but often lies to her on the face. A man knows this, and
takes full advantage. Let’s look at the top 6 things that are undermining her

1. Herself
“Am I looking fat in this dress?” is a sentence most men have heard from the
women in their life. It’s interesting to see how not only society primed women,
but women prime society to feel horrible about them. Most men haven’t even
thought about how fat she looks. But what’s worse is she’s not thinking about
what the men will say, she’s thinking about what the other women will say. The
man soon realises that she is her own worst enemy. The constant fear that a
woman puts herself through for something as mundane as looking good is
ridiculous. But then again, she convinces herself that that’s all she has to offer!
If you’re an educated, intelligent female, isn’t it time you understood this was
society’s game? That you not wearing make-up won’t end the world? It may end
your world, but it isn’t going to make anyone a bit of a difference.

2. But you’re so pretty!

Let us assume two friends, a hot girl and a fat girl are at a party, and some guy
throws off the fat girls advances by insulting her. Fat girl runs to the bathroom and
starts crying. Hot girl runs behind her to console her. Other friends of the fat girl
also run behind her:
Fat girl *crying*- He called me fat!
Hot girl- But you’re soooo pretty babe! Forget him, you’ll get any man you want!
Fat girls’ friends- True babe, you’re such a nice person, he doesn’t deserve you!
Fat girl then believes them and then struts out confidently only to have her heart
broken again. The conversation repeats endlessly over decades with no one
willing to acknowledge that a fat woman is unattractive (to most people)! This is
simply the reality of biology! But no woman wants to acknowledge it openly.
Behind the scenes, hot girl will be talking about how fat girl will never really get
any decent man. And she’ll be doing that with fat girls’ own friends!
Male friendships execute things differently. They will demean the fat guy to such
a level before developing a strategy for him to get laid tonight. They will be his
wingmen, but only after reminding fat guy that that he’s a bloody whale. This is
why women consider men mean. But men are just saying the truth, women hide
the truth from everybody including themselves.
The moment you convince anyone that they aren’t what they are, you’re only
contributing to their illusion! Yes, the male gender gets a certain pleasure from
brutally blurting out the truth. The female gender gets a certain pleasure in
making someone feel better about themselves. Both are wrong and need a middle
path. But on a long enough timeline, we need to realise the ugly truth is better
than a beautiful lie.
This is another reason why men rule the roost. If a woman who is unhappy with
her marriage goes to her friends and they falsely encourage her. They say “leave
him babe, you’re so much better than him! You’ll get someone better!” OR
“Make him realise your real worth” Then she goes home feeling better about
herself; but no real intention to leave him.
Now, the man has a monster called testosterone, he knows how to give her scraps
of compliments so she can continue being with him. He knows exactly how to
play with this illusion. It’s like playing a game of Jenga. You pull everything out
and the tower is hollow from the inside, but it’s still standing. His need to control
the woman is such, that he’s learnt to play this game through trial and error. The
woman and her friends ensure that this tower stands tall. They keep her happy
with compliments while he is busy hollowing her out. Meanwhile, he too puts in
the right pieces to ensure the tower doesn’t fall. Rarely does the woman think:
“Why is this guy complimenting me? He hated me yesterday and the day before!
This is not making sense!”
Instead, she thinks:
“Yes, I’m worth it and he is finally realising my worth (that my friends said exists)!
NOW he’ll change! Should I make him a cup of coffee or f*ck his brains out?”
Yes, this sounds like bad logic, but it’s female logic! The hundreds of women that
I interviewed across cultures had very similar thought processes! It’s safe to say
that women who falsely encourage their friends are actually causing more damage
than good! If she is fat, SAY it! It’s not a bad thing to be fat, being fat is a factual
reality! At least she can decide what to do with the fact! It may take time to sink
in, but when it does, she may just decide to work out! If working out isn’t an
option, at least there will be a confidence about the extra weight. Everyone likes
real confidence, no matter how distorted the package; But sending her out with
the idea “that she’ll get any man” no matter what, is ridiculous!

3. Things will get better

No, they won’t, unless you make them better. Vague statements like these are
what make a woman more hopeful. Hope is another vice (yes, vice!) which makes
women more subservient. Men have achieved mastery in the art of keeping a
woman hopeful. He will change, he will do, his dick will stand, he will love me.
Hope may be necessary to a certain extent, but beyond that, it’s an illusion. If a
woman is clear about what she wants, and she is happy with hope, good for her.
But I’ve seen too many women hollowed out like a Jenga tower to say this is a
good thing!
Husbands often promise their wives that things will get better. If a husband was
told the same thing by his wife, he would ask ‘how exactly are they going to get
better? Tell me the process!” but women believe it, because they really want to
believe it. They don’t want to get into the process because they know it’s not true.
When that belief breaks down over time, more reinforcement keeps coming
from her friends and husband and then it’s just this hollow woman walking the
streets. Pure hope, no reality. Hopeful people are beggars. You have to do
something about it, but who will get up from the cosy bed?

4. My money is our money

Every man’s favourite lie. He wants a servant. Period. When the chips are down,
when the love is over, the unconditional blowjobs have stopped, when sex is
negligible, when he wants the children’s custody, when he wants his secretary and
not you: his money is his money. Make your own bloody money!
In this case the lie is told by the man and reinforced by her friends. Of course,
there are women who encourage each other to work, but the overall atmosphere
in female friendships is that of “it’s okay to not work.”
What is interesting here is if the woman is earning, she’ll want the man to earn at
least as much as she does, if not more. When it comes to the man, her money is
rarely their money. There she’ll want a partnership in expenses. It’s incredibly
rare to meet a woman who is okay with her man earning less than her.

5. He will change
Women in general want some sense of stability. There are obviously different
definitions of stability. Some want a simple life. Others diamond earrings. A
cavewoman would have been happy with a snake-free cave. So, when a woman
says “He will change” I do not understand where the need for stability goes. Is the
MAN the only definition of stability and not the situations? Let’s get one thing
Even if he does, it’s a massive gamble, the chances of which are miniscule. You
may love him, and if you do, accept him for who he is (an asshole, mostly). In
respect of the hope that a woman carries, I concede that a man can change a few
habits about himself in the pursuit of guaranteed sex (and very rarely true love).
But overall, the promise to change is another red herring that a man will show his
woman to keep her long enough for maximum sexual encounters. Keeping his
woman on the edge of hope and entrenched in illusion is another great form of
gaslighting. Not only that, it’s a great sex game. There are women who think if
they fuck him better, he’ll be more inclined to change. There are yet others who
think a child will change him.
But this time the she has gaslit herself, in the hope of a better future. Remember,
he doesn’t feel the same things as she does. He can’t. The release of oxytocin (the
love hormone) in a man is negligible and opportunistic. It will release enough to
bond him to his family, but not necessarily change him. Even among the best of
men, their genes teach them to protect their family, more than love them. In fact,
it would be detrimental for a caveman to love his family. If he doesn’t look at
things with clarity and logic, his family would be dead.

6. A child will make the relationship better

Children are the ultimate form of gaslighting. In this case, unfairly used by the
fairer sex. When “he will change” fails, the next step is to have a child. The
female assumes that she can somehow bind the male down by raising his sperm.
Strange, as it’s a child, not a leash.
When the late life affair is discovered, the woman suddenly develops a desire for
another child. Clearly, the existing children weren’t enough to bind him down.
How pathetic is it when a woman begs him to “at least come home to his
This only leads to the children, both the existing ones and the future ones, ending
up more and more messed up. For all their supposed love and care, women tend
to become heartless when it comes to having another child. All for what? The
same man?
The biggest joke lies in this: a woman may do it to bind the man, but it’s the
woman who eventually gets bound. An uncaring man, isn’t going to care about a
repeat of the same responsibilities, if he didn’t care the first time around!
Similarly, why will he find you any better with a wailing baby? Or bigger and
better stretch marks?
A few men come back home with their tails tucked in. But most don’t really care.
But still, women continue trying. Frankly, I don’t find this to be anything but
laziness. We don’t live in caves or farms; physical capability isn’t required
anymore. Science clearly proves that women are as smart as men. Why would
you ruin another innocent life to get the same man? Are you really so lazy that
you cannot at least find another one?
Here again, you have to understand not only his emotionlessness, but your
cruelty. Stop using children as relationship-binders! Stop being lazy and get a
bloody job!

A major question that arises here is how do we supress this so-called sexism? Is
feminism a solution? We shall look at that in the next two chapters.

Chapter 9
Why feminism can never work.

Feminism is the idea that all genders should have equal rights and opportunities.
Now please tell me, what exactly should we as society, do with this idea? It’s a
nice idea and you asked for it, nay demanded it. Now we’re not giving it to you
women. What exactly are you going to do about it?
The central problem with most women is this: they think everybody is like them.
They think people will simply accede to requests. But the truth is nobody, man or
woman, cares about requests. We care about action. If you simply ask for your
rights, I won’t be very inclined to give them to you. But if you take them, not only
will I end up giving them, but I’ll respect them in the future too.
No revolution happened on the request of the proletariat. If the rulers gave up
power on request, they’d be ridiculed. And probably dead. Power has to be
taken, not given. Countries may be officially democracies, but a lot happens
behind the scenes to wrest power from the incumbent.
As men, we want to test limits. If I stamp on your toes once and you don’t
demand an apology, I will try again. Just for kicks, no particular reason. I just
want to see where your limit lies. But if you stop me the first time, I’ll be a little
wary the next time. On the road, if a gang of men actually think a woman is going
to fight, they’ll be a little more careful before catcalling her.
But a woman will simply demand rights. No action taken, no threats backing it.
Why should anybody take that seriously? Worst of all, women aren’t united.
They’re cooperative, but not united against something. For centuries, the “I need
to take care of my child/husband” has been the central excuse that has stopped
women from fighting for what they deserve.

The entire dynamics of the world is simply based on one question “what are you
going to do about it?”

Why so subservient?
Most female subservience is simply laziness. Conditioning helps, obviously.
Constantly being told that your entire existence is all about being a mother is
tiring. It’s demeaning and very tempting to surrender to. But when educated
women in first-world countries succumb to this nonsense, it IS laziness! Yes, you
gave up that job offer 20 years ago, but nobody really gives a shit. Yes, it will be
difficult getting a job again, so bloody WHAT? How lazy can you be when you
say you’ll take a man’s shit, just so you don’t have to deal with other shit?
It’s important to realise one thing- most things are only difficult at the beginning.
It’s developing the intent to do them that is difficult. Once there is a flow, it will
happen naturally. I’m not saying it will be easy, but people will notice it, they will
throw bouquets and brickbats at you. Take it all, until it becomes habit. And until
you become a system that people look up to.
When I started writing this book, I had been frustrated at the state of women for
years, but I had no intent. I live in India and I thought the mass scale exploitation
only happens in my country. Then for a certain reason, I went viral on the
internet. This got me talking to thousands of women across the world. I found the
same story. Pressure to have a child, gaslighting, uncaring men and subtle abuse.
At that point, intent exploded. The need to at least inform people about the
internal world of men took precedence. Intent took over laziness and I got to
hammering down this book chapter by chapter. Similarly, there are various
incidences in a woman’s life where intent skyrockets. Moments of anger,
frustration and extreme sadness plague you. Do not settle. Do not let the cycles of
your body take away your mindful intent. Get over the laziness and do something.

Q: What is the useless piece of skin at the end of the penis?

A: The man
And I’ve seen wonderful women wilfully wasting their potential, for the sake of that
piece of skin and many of them don’t even get the dick!

They happen to attach a lot of emotion to that piece of skin for reasons they
know best. Women are like tamed elephants. Conditioned by carrot and stick to
stay with one master. At a young age, the chain that binds them seems
unbreakable. As they grow, the chain becomes easier to break, but the elephant
has lost intent by then. It doesn’t even try. It’s too attached to its mahout. Food
comes easy, so why try? Until the abuse becomes too much and it suddenly
becomes the mad elephant which is shot down in the middle of the market. This
is not a parable, this actually happened somewhere in the US! Nothing illustrates
the state of women better.
Do not allow yourself to get to the mad elephant state. Successful women who’ve
had enough, rampage through the marketplace, achieving whatever the hell they
want, often being called crazy. Kudos to them, but they’re broken inside. Realise
your strength and more importantly, realise how to use it. Understand the depths
of life and dismiss the face value. Befriend everybody, but let them also know that
you can destroy them.

Fighting and all is fine but what about the children?

More useful than women, are children. And by useful, I mean the propensity to
be used by society. Everybody, at some level, uses children; To guilt trip both
women and men, to bind people in relationships, to enslave women, to threaten
men, to remove frustrations on, to feel good about themselves: children are
multipurpose tools. Children are made to be everything except what they want to
The handiest tool is to keep women on a knifes edge is a child. When there is
nothing else left to demean women with, it’s the fact the fact that they have no/too
few children. And if they have enough, it’s used to keep them away from a career.
Women aren’t blameless here, there are enough women who use children as a
factor to keep the man in the marriage and get a leave from work. But we’re
discussing the aspect where children are used to bind women here. If you’re a
woman, you must be familiar with the constant coaxing to “start a family” and
“what about children” arguments. This is another factor which subtly contributes
to your slavery. Right from making you play with dolls, to talking with you about
the “miracle of birth”, all these are simply games. You’re perfectly complete
should you choose not to use your womb.
Your children aren’t tools. If you can take them away and keep them happy,
they’ll be better off than in a bad marriage. If you leave them, they may probably
be happier without you. Take precautions, obviously, but don’t let children stop
your march out of slavery.
If the only way a female can be goaded into action is shame, then shame her for
not using her brain. Not, not using her womb.
When women flip

It rarely happens, but it happens. And when it does, the whole town knows about
it. A woman suddenly decides to leave the laundry and kids and go head on into
some action that she is (very often) forced to do. Her suppressed energy is
suddenly unleashed into the public sphere. This too is sad to some extent. It is
often found that such women are ruthless and end up in a burn out. Let’s
examine some real-life examples.

Margaret Thatcher was always an ambitious woman, but she had to take on prime
ministership for certain reasons. When she did it, she hit it out of the park. But
she did have a burn-out in the end. Her own party, appalled by her hubris, asked
her to step down.

Indira Gandhi had a similar trajectory, except at the end she was assassinated. If
we examine women in power throughout history, right from Elizabeth to
Boudica, it often starts with no choice and ends up in a burn out or assassination.
They were all tired of ruling imbeciles, ended up with frustrating personal lives
and very rarely liked what they did. Female rulers are also portrayed as angry and
vengeful. Whether this is true or just a figment of male imagination, we cannot
say for sure. But there are records of them trying to make more of a point than
their male counterparts.

This is sad because women are forced to conquer when they want to settle. It’s
like people keep encroaching your land, and when you have nothing left, you kill
them all in anger. But why did you let them take even the first inch? If there was
a balance in the beginning, there would have been less of a problem. And that’s
what people take advantage of. Why does it have to come to a point where there
is slaughter? Can a woman not set rules in the first place? Why can’t she fight the
little battles every day, instead of deciding to fight a big war until burnout?

This female flip affects generations. Ask most people, they tend to love their
mothers and dislike their fathers. Many hate their fathers for reasons mentioned
earlier. But when people dislike the mother, they often have a strong hate towards
her. I’ve met people who hate their mothers with a passion. Why is this? The
female flip. Because when she flips there is no balance. If she has no access to
power, she drinks, works or fucks like nobody before. And when children, who
are used to their fathers being general assholes, see their mothers flip like this,
they end up with massive hatred.

Now you may say, feminism is changing that situation. If it is doing anything, it’s
doing it very slowly. Society is finding more and more surreptitious ways to
undermine the existence of women. On the surface, rights are great, but a strong
woman admitting she was beaten is still a shame. A rape victim is still treated with
anything from pity to humiliation.

Feminism happens when the first transgression is stopped. Leave him if he slaps
you once. ONCE. Raise your voice too if you aren’t wrong. Fight back in the
beginning. Fight back now.

If you allow a person to enter a place every day, but stop him one fine day, he will
be pissed. Stop people on the first day, the first time, when it comes to something
you aren’t comfortable with.

Chapter 10
Should sexism be suppressed?

All of us are sexist at some level. Both men and women have skewed ideas of
both genders. Sexism doesn’t mean it’s necessarily against women. The general
idea that ‘men must work and earn’ itself is sexist against men. So, both genders
have skewed ideas of the opposite gender and themselves. The problem is that
society learns to balance things out. The institutionalized sexism in society (which
is mostly against women) stops just where women will start rebelling. There is a
very careful balance of oppression that each society has created to test the fairer
sex. Sometimes society pushes the envelope and sometimes women do. The
problem is that women were rarely active in this process until recently. Why
should any society stop oppression if there is no resistance coming from the
Forget society, why should I as an individual not be sexist when it gives me an
advantage? I will only stop when it becomes a disadvantage. No sane army will
surrender if they’re winning. They will surrender only if they’re spread too thin,
are losing badly or are demoralized. Think of gender issues as a war, not a social
and moral issue. Trying to “make a fairer society” only does disservice to those
fighting this war. Trying to remove the sexism within you will make the opposite
side think they’re winning the war, whereas they’ll just be bewildered when sexism
rears its ugly head in different forms. Worse, if you have a sexist impulse and you
supress it, it will come back in ugly forms.
Let me give you an example. If I ask my live-in girlfriend to make me a sandwich
in the rudest of manners and she doesn’t rebel, my mind won’t even register this
as an injustice. If she tells me to fuck off, there are two things that can happen:
1. My mind registers this as something wrong and we have a discussion/fight
about it. We eventually come to an understanding about the rules on how
to treat her. These rules have to be improved and fine-tuned over the
course of the relationship.

2. I don’t register it as something wrong and dislike how she treated me.
Then I decide to leave and find another relationship more conducive to
my sexism.

There’s a third option where we both don’t talk about it and continue in a broken
relationship. But let’s only explore the first two. The first one is where she set
new limits and we both discussed the new rules, that should be the ideal in any
relationship in your life.
The second one is where I start to pack my bags and say my goodbyes. If she too
does the same, no problem. The problem begins when she doesn’t. This often
happens with women. The cavewoman comes from the side and says “He’s
leaving and that’s bad for your security, don’t let that happen, what
happensifyougetpregnantandblahblahblahblah”. She relents and agrees to my
terms. “Don’t leave me, we’ll talk this out” she says. Now my inner caveman has
raised an eyebrow, he says “Sure we’ll talk later at some unspecified date, until
which I would have made her even more insecure and dependent. Let’s throw
her some lip service by getting her water from the kitchen or something”
This is where womanity loses the battle. The willingness to adjust kills all will.
The moment cavewomen creeps in, sexism begins. In fact, the caveman is
learning sexism from the cavewoman. “Is this how I can treat you?” He wonders
“Maybe I can do something worse? How does poking, slapping and beating
sound?” Many men are raised like this, or worse, aren’t raised at all, this makes
their caveman run amok. A child is born blank. No bias. It’s the world that
teaches it what to do.
Everyone should set limits with their own caveperson. I have nothing against that.
But sometimes, it goes a little wild and that’s when outer intervention is needed.
Life is all about setting limits. The issue with women is their insistence on limiting
risk. “If a limit is set, I will be at risk” cavewoman whispers. Maybe on the street
this could be a real concern. A rejected glance or proposal could lead to physical
retaliation by a man. There are different ways to deal with that. But drawing lines
in social settings and relationships is imperative to curb sexism.
My sexism was beaten out of me by my mother, but I still am sexist with a woman
who will allow me to be one. When she doesn’t allow it, when she commands
and not demands respect, genuine respect will arise. And not just in me, in most
people. As animals, we disrespect anyone who has no interest in fighting for
themselves. To us, her fight for herself shows an interest in her own wellbeing.
There few things as beautiful as that. It shows us where she stands and teaches us
how to treat her.
Meanwhile, I shall not limit my impulses for something that isn’t illegal, because
that is just cheating myself. If I want to say something insensitive, I will say it, to
just about anybody. It’s for them to defend themselves, reply sassily or walk away.
Me holding back my words is a disservice to myself, just like she holding back her
words is a disservice to herself. If you don’t draw battle lines and dig in, you will
start a war within yourself.
This is not an invitation to make every relationship a battle field. Every
relationship is already a battlefield. The question is do you want to be awkward,
unhappy neighbours or do you want to clear things out and make real peace?
Don’t demand respect, command it. Don’t call out sexism, destroy it.

Why men are naturally treated better.

Women often have this complaint that men are treated better than women. It’s
simple: once bitten twice shy. When a person sees a man, he’s sees all the men
who have retaliated in the past against any bad behaviour. So, he naturally treats a
man with more respect. A higher percentage of men are aggressive and will assert
themselves. So, you keep your distance.
When a large enough number of women act like that, society will adjust to that
too. It starts with small steps, like a women’s volleyball team deciding to wear
shorts instead of bikini bottoms. When enough women tell people to FO, the
people shall keep their distance too. Talking about how you should get those
rights will get you none.
Women who assert themselves are as troubled by society, just as effeminate men
are. Because any anomalies will always be picked on, in any society. If you make
anomalies normal, people will adjust.

The will to keep false peace.

This obsession that women have with keeping the peace extends to other women
too. Sexism magnifies even more when the oppressed stop communicating. It’s
like the old slaves are promoted to slave managers but they are still slaves.
Women have this constant awkwardness between each other that is very obvious
to sexist people. As women grow up and their lives get more and more complex,
the will to keep that complexity becomes stronger. Keeping up a false image
becomes important. Because now the cavewoman is still after security, but her
definition of security has been expanded. Kids, the husband, the husbands’
friends, her friends and their kids, her kids’ friends and their parents. Her own
parents and her in-laws. The (self-created) complexity is endless. The woman
then becomes better at bullshitting herself and everyone around her.
As the lie grows bigger, the woman’s capacity to compromise grows exponentially.
If she were alone, she would leave the husband much more easily. But the
complications that are created with a carefully-crafted illusion are too ghastly to
manage. So, it will take much more sexism and abuse for her to actually set limits
with the man.
Other women don’t exactly help out. She can go to them if she “needs to talk”
but she mostly gets lip service and a confirmation of her earlier assumptions.
“Talk to him” or “Sort things out” will be the normal advice to her. People rarely
believe the woman’s version of how bad things are. A perfectly normal encounter
with her man may be horrible to her because of the subtle abuse in the past, but
others tend not to believe her. It often happens that women who may have
experienced this kind of subtle abuse themselves, understand but rarely believe
her (lest they realise how badly they are treated.)
Even in modern times where female friends support break-ups and encourage the
girl to have wild sex and get drunk, the root of the problem is being forgotten
here. Wild sex is great, getting drunk is fun but the root of abuse is not looked at.
When she gets into another relationship, the same patterns will be repeated. A
meek cavewoman will be overpowered by a drunk-on-power caveman. The cycle
of abuse will repeat. A prey always finds a predator. Observe enough people
around you and you’ll see enough predatorial men who always end up attracting
meek women. And the cycle of abuse repeats endlessly.

Another major question that arises here is the physicality of feminism. Women
on average are weaker than men, what does a woman actually do if she is
physically attacked or oppressed by the stronger gender? We’ll address than in
the next chapter
Chapter 11

The safety question.

Will women ever be safe? No. Not until there’s a palpable threat from law
enforcement. Or from women themselves. Why should someone whose father
basically never existed; mother was a crack hooker and is drugged out of his mind
feel threatened by a woman? She is sport to him.
It’s not about size or strength. A lion has no problem in attacking a deer, but it is
scared of a honey badger, which is way tinier than a deer. Why is that? Because
the honey badger will fight back to death. The deer doesn’t even resist. It runs for
its life, but that’s what’s thrilling to the starving lion. A starving lion is not going to
risk getting scratched and damaged by a honey beaver, no matter the size. It’s all
about the fight that the victim has. Similarly, most women don’t take safety
seriously. Law enforcement, which generally has better PR than its actual results,
has pampered women. It’s always assumed that a ‘safe road’ and ‘safe time’
should be the basic precautions that a woman should take. Leave the rest to law
enforcement. This is a ridiculous assumption.
Not just women, everyone should learn to fight- if you have an oxford degree, but
cannot lift a finger to defend yourself and your family, what’s the bloody point? I
can take all you own and everything you’ve worked for with a basic chokehold.
Just look at human nature, if anyone cannot defend themselves, verbally or
physically, they’re taken advantage of by everybody. These people are sport for
A woman’s inherent need to survive is overwhelming. To the extent where
women often have a freeze response to an attack. It probably comes from the
‘playing dead’ response observed in many animals. It may be natural, but this
response has to be worked against; by training oneself. Even the obsession for
survival can be diminished through training. If you observe carefully, the only real
difference between the oppressor and the oppressed is the need to survive. The
oppressor often reaches a point where he has nothing to lose and loses the
survival response. Now he has no fear, but the oppressed still has a fear and wants
to live. This is exactly what the oppressor takes advantage of. To someone who
has no fear of death, life is a game, and gaming people with massive fears is great
When there are enough stories of women fighting back, men will start thinking
about casually attacking just any woman on the road. Right now, for a great
number of men, any woman walking on the road is game. Why? Because 99 out
of 100 women would do absolutely nothing about it. As humans, we like to
project our insecurities on those who won’t hit back. It’s not just insecurity here
though, men have very few natural opportunities to exhaust their testosterone.
The feminine manner in which society is designed often frustrates them. To add
to it, monotonous and laborious jobs often done by men make them even more
in need of an outlet. What’s a safe and entertaining outlet for an uneducated
mind? A female who doesn’t retaliate.
Both genders are extremely lazy in this regard. Women are lazy to discover their
real strength and men prefer to hit targets who will not fight back. That is why I
say, should women choose to get over their laziness, men will start retreating.
Because there is one thing I can guarantee, men will not work harder to find
tougher targets. Some may, most will retreat and find other ways to expend their
frustration. Most catcalling/molestation is only a result of easy targeting. Men have
no previous experience of women retaliating; and if they do, they don’t find it
dangerous because there is no real damage.
As a martial arts trainer, I’ve seen how unserious girls and women are about their
safety. Out of the ones who do train for a long time, most consider it to be a
fitness exercise. A good martial art has many dimensions above and beyond
fitness. Awareness, situational analysis, confidence, survival, logic, physics,
ballistics, chemistry, biology and law can all be included in what one calls ‘martial
arts training.’ I understand the female aversion to fighting, but do we really have
an option when it comes to saving our lives? Assuming we want it saved of
More than anything, I’ve observed the level of illusion that women tend to be in,
they actively ignore the reality in the form of “ah, that will never happen to me.”
The worst argument is “but that’s illegal” yes, Karen, it is, but it happens. Your
assumption that the police will handle it or your instinct to call out for help is
exactly what a predator plans for. There aren’t people and police everywhere; if
there are, they’re not necessarily helpful. What is wrong in training yourself with
the assumption that you’re on your own? There is going to be sometime and
somewhere where there is no help. Even one incident is enough to change your
life forever!
Just remember that most men are looking for an easy target. 95% of them are just
looking for a good time, the rest who are super criminals will still look for a viable
target. As far as possible, they too want to be safe. Minimize risk. The right
amount of bounce in your step will make them hesitate. Add that to the
willingness to fight back and they will think about it, no matter how drunk. That
hesitancy is the only chance you need to either fight back, talk it out or run away.
Situational awareness
Most films that involve a woman in serious danger basically show how stupid she
is. They show us that when she freaks out, there is no limit to the mistakes she
can make. When I was young, I never believed these movies. But as I grew up, I
heard women narrating stories about the dangerous situations they’d been in.
Most other people would be busy sympathizing with the woman, I was more
interested in how she got into that particular situation. She would often narrate it
defensively in a “how does it matter” manner. But I didn’t really care, I wanted to
know every detail. As she would narrate, she would often realize that she herself
was at fault. Stuff that I wouldn’t do, as a man, if I was high on cocaine and two
bottles down, she did just because she ‘happened to trust a guy she knew for two
I’m not blaming the woman here, but can you safely say that an adult woman with
her faculties intact CANNOT be blamed if she goes to a remote resort with a
man, she met a while ago? Or a long drive in the middle of nowhere? When I’m
in a taxi in the middle of the city, I’m aware of every turn being taken. Even if
Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee were my two best friends and were sitting in that taxi
with me, I’d still be cautious. The number of stories I’ve heard of how reckless
women have been in various situations are innumerable. Getting drunk with
unknown people, alighting unknown cars, meeting up with a “friends’ friend” in a
random location are things even most men I know would not do.
Although sexual assault by known family members is a whole different story and
the statistics say that it is the most common form of sexual assault; assaults by
unknown people are very commonly experienced by many women. Most of these
assaults are a direct result of lack of awareness. I’m not saying women should be
paranoid, but alertness is a basic human faculty. It may come more naturally to
men because of our hunter past but women need to hone it.

The future
I genuinely feel the future is going to be even more unsafe for women (sorry,
ladies). As society collapses and becomes more physical. As men become more
fearless and have less to lose. As birthrates collapse and men decide they should
have more control on women’s bodies. And as life becomes more unviable, safety
will be rare. Physicality will rule the roost and that will be a time where women
will have to learn some level of retaliation. I definitely believe learning a martial
art is a great place to start!
Chapter 12

How can a woman really succeed?

Question 1: What even IS success?

Answer: Anything that can be defined as a ‘good job’ or something that is ‘well
done’ is a form of success. Right from cleaning a house well and raising children
to running a business well. But all these can be put into two basic categories:
pathbreaker and caretaker.
A pathbreaker forms something new. They bend (or break) rules to form a new
set of them. They create, innovate and ideate to form a new version of life. It
could be anything from business to art to medicine.
A caretaker is someone who takes care of the previously set rules. They stick to
routines and ensure the system (that the pathbreaker has created) works to a T.
Both these roles are important in their own right. For a pathbreaker to reach
massive success, he needs caretakers to ensure the more menial routines are
taken care of. But the truth is that a pathbreaker doesn’t need a caretaker to
survive. A caretaker needs someone to set a previous system to take care of.
Historical and biological gender roles tend to force men to become pathbreakers
and women to become caretakers. The assumption that the woman is the primary
caretaker just extends into other sections of society. The same injustice happens
with men. Although not entirely ready to take up a leadership role, the male heir
apparent of the owner is forced to lead something he may not be ready for. If
society had simply let people discover themselves, the world would be a much
more efficient place.
For the next question, I’m assuming success to be the pathbreaking type. The one
that everyone reveres. The Bezos and Gates kind of success.
Because most women are already champions of the caretaking kind of success.

Question 2: How should a woman succeed?

Short answer:
Irresponsible responsibility. Careful recklessness. Absolute shamelessness in
demanding what you need.
Long answer:
If a woman does one thing: not reproduce, then she can be as irresponsible as
she wants. Other than the child department, which can have massive
repercussions for irresponsibility, every other endeavour in life requires a certain
amount of abandon. Being irresponsibly responsible will make you Steve jobs,
being responsible will make you, his secretary.
Innovation only comes from a certain bending of the rules. You may say ‘but my
nature is not like that,’ Fine, stay where you are then. Don’t ask for success.
Trying to preserve social systems, as women often do, will only lead you being the
factory worker, not the CEO. This is exactly why women find it difficult to
succeed. Even if they have a massive breakthrough, they’ll think about how to get
to that point, how to get that idea to fruition, what limitations are there to it,
whether their friends/husband/children will approve etc… What nonsense is this?
Just do what you have to do. These too are important things to think about, but
don’t let it darken your brilliance. Do not make these the ifs and buts the
guidelines to your breakthrough. Your breakthrough should be the guideline to
the rest of your life.
Most women are just guarding against entropy. They are ensuring that society
doesn’t fall apart. Believe me when I say, society can take care of itself. When it
starts falling apart, everyone will start doing what they need to do to ensure
stability. Cooking and cleaning are things everyone (except toddlers) can do for
themselves. There is a large cabal of women who love to feel needed and love the
idea that men cannot do without them. Ladies, we have a word for that in English:
slavery. He may not be able to do it without a servant, but you are just what he
happens to have. He will replace you with a younger one when he feels like it. Be
a personality, not his secretary.
Forget conventional success, let’s talk about the things that most women want.
Love, respect, orgasms, freedom.

Not just success, but everything needs assertiveness. Sorry but that’s just how it is.
You want respect? I will give it to you. But when I disrespect you, I NEED YOU
TO LET ME KNOW. So that I can back off and think about what I did wrong.
This applies to every relationship one has. Remember, if someone can take
advantage of you, they will take advantage of you. Shamelessly let people know
where your limits are.
If you let the person know but there is no respect from his side, then be ready to
withdraw from the relationship. Assertiveness is all fine, but it has to be backed
with real action. The threat of leaving must materialise if the request is not
complied with.

Want love? It is not humanly possible to love a lesser personality than you. You
may call it love, but it’s slavery. By less, I do not mean submissive. Some people
actually like being submissive and that’s fine. But even submissive people have
their limits. When those limits are crossed, a line must be drawn, because
submissive will soon become unhappy.
Even when you’re submissive, be shamelessly so. Literally fight for your right to
be submissive. Similarly, let the dominants know where your limits are. Limits
will always be crossed in all relationships, but a failure to remind the other of your
limits is where women often lose.

Sadly, even these have to be demanded. Although these should be a basic right
for every human, women still do not demand it from their partners. The attitude
“no it’s okay, I’m done” when you aren’t, is a crime against yourself. Make them
work, or rather, work with the partner as an equal and make sure it happens.
Shamelessly demand sex from your partner, and if you’re single whoever you
want. Coz you will get it. If not from him, then from someone else.

Open any history book and see, freedom doesn’t come if you simply ask for it.
You have to fight for it. First ask for it, then demand it, then fight for it. Again,

Do not clean the path, just walk it.

Why men are more powerful.

One thing about history is clear, the strongest person is rarely the most powerful.
Power comes through connections, strategy, battle prowess, politics and the ability
to unite people. When the question of why men are more powerful arises, people
often attribute it to a man’s physical strength. But this doesn’t make sense when
you study the history of power. Women have been in powerful positions and
have organized empires immaculately. Rarely was a man with massive physical
strength in power. He wasn’t necessarily more intelligent than the rest because he
often had a bunch of smarter people working for him. So, what defines a man in
power, and why does it have to be a man?
The ability to organize people is a major factor, but if you look at society, women
tend to be better connected. They have more friends, a larger network and are
more social. So why, throughout history, have anthropologists never found an
absolute matriarchy? The answer is simple: intention.
Women prefer cooperation. Men prefer hierarchy. Most country-running
situations can only be a cooperative act to a certain extent. After a point, it has to
be one person who takes decisions. Saying power is cooperative act is like saying
there are two brains in the body and both have absolute decision-making powers.
That’s at least unreliable and at most dangerous.

Taking things literally

Another thing that works against women is the propensity to take things literally.
It’s pretty much wired into the nature of oestrogen. The cavewoman had to listen
to every sound carefully. From the smallest whiff of gossip that affects her clan to
the loudest noise made by a predator; she had to listen to it all. Seeing details was
important too. A tree that looked slightly different than yesterday could have a
predator in it. She had to give importance to literally everything all at once.
This heightened sense of survival has been left redundant in a world of excess,
but it comes out in unwanted places. A woman can go into a flying rage over a few
words casually said by a random person. The difficulty in prioritizing who said
what and in which context is detrimental to a woman’s success. This is what men
take advantage of, the inability to prioritize. The cavewoman’s survival depended
on her having a 360-degree vision; the caveman’s depended on tunnel vision. It’s
difficult to distract him when the mammoth is in sight, but all she sees are the
myriad of dangers on the way to the mammoth.
If more women came to power, nations would be less reckless, the problem is
one needs recklessness to get to power. The inability to get distracted by the
messy house, the soft taunts and the sexism is paramount here.
Conversely, her skill of attentiveness can be used in a brilliant manner for politics
should she choose. But the intent has to be solid. Her peripheral vision should
eventually lead to a singular goal, only then will it present itself as an advantage.

Women have to be able to control and change their nature.

For women to achieve any level of equality, their basic nature has to be changed.
Think of any revolution. The nature of the proletariat had to change. First came
the anger, then came the boil over, then the planning, the violence and finally the
overthrow. The problem with women is that they’re way too scattered across the
globe and there is no kind of ghetto where they’re ushered into. They’re kept
comfortable enough to try any kind of rebellion. Over the years, men have
perfected the art of turning them against each other and boy does it work! A word
here and a look there would lead the woman on an overthinking drive. The
domino effect of her overthinking multiplied by others doing their own
overthinking would lead to an all-out war between womankind.
Another sad trait is that women tend to get satisfied about their place when
warned about the bad luck of others. The sentence “At least your state is not as
bad as women in X country…” has pacified millions across the globe. Men would
never be satisfied with such nonsense, they would want more, no matter what
they’re told.
Women may not be confined in a ghetto, but now we have institutions, books
and the internet. If the 7000 women who marched to the Versailles could
coordinate and start the French revolution, you’ll be fine. It’s only a matter of
changing how women behave. Training girls to ask for what they consider basic, is
imperative at this juncture in history. More than anything women should
empower one another, and not just in the ‘you go girl’ fashion. Manipulating the
world, succeeding in life, martial art tips and life lessons should be the new topics
on sleepovers. Fashion and boys are way too passe a topic.
I’m not asking women to give up their real nature in any form. But refusal to
change in any situation is just a precursor to death; or at least extreme
Chapter 13
Conclusion: All (14,897) genders want the same thing.

It’s been observed that even the most independent women just latch on to (what
they consider) the right man. There are obviously many exceptions to this, but
they are too few and far between. So, what does a woman really want? Most
women, wouldn’t really be interested in a career. Because the very idea of a
career goes against the traits of oestrogen. It involves conquering, achieving,
commanding and expanding. Climbing a ladder is not really oestrogens idea of
success. Given a clear and fair option, most women would like something stable
and predictable. So, why would they choose a man? It’s not really about the man
here. The man is just a SYMBOL of stability and survival.
Society has put in the heads of most people that a happy family is “stable”.
Thousands of years of civilization came to the conclusion that humans are
imperative to maintain society. The main producers of humans are the
quintessential families. It’s perfect, the woman gives birth and the man is there to
protect the mother and child. Stability. This became sexualized and eulogized
during the American post-world war era. Along with many blanket assumptions
like patriarchy and sexism, these portrayals of family became the norm. There are
many ways to achieve stability, but this was the easiest and most socially accepted.
But that doesn’t mean that men don’t want the same thing. They too look for
stability and survival, but their way of achieving it is different. A woman may be
happy at a nice spot below the mountain, but the man wants to climb the
mountain and get an eagle’s eye view. His biology is telling him “The spot below
the mountain is a bad vantage point, if the enemy comes from above, you’re
finished.” He may not realise why he wants to climb the mountain, but he does.
He too is looking for safety.
The woman follows him, even though she may think it’s a bad idea. She knows
the spot was fabulous to raise kids and live a stable life. But where will she find
another man in this wilderness to ensure her protection when she’s pregnant? So,
she follows.
Even while searching for sex, the man is trying to ensure stability. The more
offspring, the larger his tribe and the more his safety. Conversely, if the woman
knew (at the biological level) that every man she had sex with would ensure her
protection, she too would be as sexually promiscuous.
1. men tend to want a career because it symbolises expansion and therefore
2. Women want men because a family symbolises stability.

If these symbols are thrown into the dustbin and people become conscious
of their biological insecurities, most people will want very different things.
If the survival instinct is eliminated through conscious habit, people may
not even want anything.
This symbolism harms both genders. Because another major aspect of this
biological and hence social compulsion is laziness. Because programming of the
human mind makes these gender roles easy to fit into, a certain laziness is
developed by both sexes. Women find it easy to latch onto a nice enough man
and men find it easy to settle in and rise up a career. Very few people are
motivated to break these roles and try something new. So, if a woman wants
ambition and a man doesn’t, both are shamed equally.
What starts off as biology turns into sociology and ends up as lethargy. Most
people, even the ones who aren’t accepted by society, end up in the roles given to
them by society. Society itself derives these roles from our biological realities and
then creates, nay forces, us on a particular path. Most don’t rebel. Because,
All idiosyncrasies of the male and female existence can pretty much be traced
back to the simple need for survival. Be idiosyncratic according to the situation.
Become masculine and feminine depending on the environment.
Your gender compulsions? Break them. Get over them. That’s the essence of
being human.

Biology---Sociology--- Lethargy
Be conscious of this.
That’s it. Fin. Hope you liked it 😊

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