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Ranko Magami

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Track 1
Gentlemen and womanizers from around the world, my name is Ranko Magami, and thi
s is Attract and Date, where we will teach you how to get the most beautiful gir
ls with ease, and live life to its fullest, fully confident without any fear. Yo
u will learn our philosophy of enjoying hot woman, which has nothing to do with
being good-looking, well-built or rich. After going through this course you will
finally be able to find a beautiful girlfriend, and lots of them if you choose.
The power of choice with woman will be in your hands, so you can choose life fu
ll of beauties like I did. At we have taught many men with un
precedented great success in the art of attracting and dating hot woman, and we
are the first of our kind. We also help our students achieve success and respect
in all aspects of life. For the next few hours I will be your coach leading you
to your success with woman, and because of that, to success in general. A life
in which he can choose gorgeous woman is every man s biggest fantasy, and once tha
t is taken care of, all things begin to fit into place easily. To begin with fir
st, I will tell you a bit about my views of the world and how we are by situatio
n forced to mate with unattractive woman, and later I will teach you the actual
techniques that you ll be using. To understand the techniques it is crucial to get
my point of view, cause a good mindset and techniques combined make a guy who wi
ll get laid. They both must be present. My point of view is totally different fr
om Average Joe s point of view, and that is why I get all the hotties and stunning
woman, and they get just a night with their hand. On our workshops students hav
e witnessed us attract and seduce beauties at will, and later they ve managed to d
o the same, and so will you, if we ever meet. But now, let s explore why things ar
e the way they are and how you will change them.
Track 2
We all live in this huge society. Society is getting more and more the same wher
ever you go, whatever country you visit. We are born, go to school, learn all ki
nds of skills, get Ph.D.s, become chief executive officers, and champion athlete
s. We spend most of our lives working and trying to get more value for ourselves
, and in the process of doing that we benefit the whole society and nation, but
more often than not neglect our own needs and desires. Let me ask you something:
on the day you die, will you ask yourself Why didn t I work more? or will you ask y
ourself Why didn t I enjoy more? But then it will be too late, so you better start m
aking some changes right now. What makes us work so hard and spend all our energ
y on things we don t genuinely enjoy? Why do we do that? Cause society is structure
d in a way that work equals sex. Remember when you have nice clothes, how sudden
ly you give yourself approval to meet woman, but when you look bad you feel shit
ty and can t meet no-one. That s the sorry truth for men. The only way for them to g
et what they naturally desire is to work like madmen. By doing that they move th
e whole society in which they live, yes the whole society, forward. So only afte
r big accomplishments they will reward themselves with confidence and inner stre
ngth to actually get what they desire deep inside: a beautiful woman. A good exa
mple of that is countless young people fighting for success everywhere you look,
searching for their dream. Only a few will ever make it to the top, and the res
t will be happy if they still have a job. And people cannot be controlled from t
he outside, they must be controlled from the inside, and suddenly a shy guy whos
e mind sabotaged himself for years, when he becomes rich, or successful, or famo
us, like for example a rockstar, he will give himself permission to go around an
d be confident. To stand proud and be respected by everybody, so it leads us to
a conclusion: by giving to society and benefiting the whole, your mind allows yo
u to mix your genes with the genes of a gorgeous girl. After going through Attra
ct and Date, you will break that rule with ease. Let s now fly above the race, and
leave the competition breathing each others dust.

Track 3
When a beauty s eyes shine for you, you ll happily look back to his moment when you
discovered Attract and Date. The most important source of all problems with woma
n is guess what? The childhood. I will now describe a typical moment from my chil
dhood, which each of us has experienced many times. Events like that and similar
have happened to everyone of us countless times, and they can turn people into
wimps, but I was lucky to always have guidance of my older wise buddies, and def
eat any fear. So I ll start with one funny occasion that probably happened to all
of you. Maybe not the same, but similar. It is very important to go back in time
with me now, cause negative behavior patterns grip us hard from early age, and t
ry to turn us into working machines, and to cut us pleasure. I can t remember how
old I was. I was in kindergarten and about 6 years old. We were all running arou
nd breaking things, competing who will make a bigger robot or a bigger castle. W
e have formed gangs and were shooting plastic pistols and were playing total war
. And then I saw this beautiful girl. I can still remember her like it was yeste
rday: she had blue round eyes and long, straight shiny black hair. She walked pr
oud, sensing that she s having all the attention. Hot girls start getting attentio
n from everyone when they are just little kids. Each day after I got back home m
y mom asked me: Did you get to know some sweet girl? You know the tone of voice th
at is meant to make fun of you just a little bit? Did you get to know some sweet
girl? I always said no,
cause all the other girls were ugly, one word ugly. Little b
oys are not stupid, so that day I said sincerely, like every little boy is since
re, There is this new girl, the most beautiful in kindergarten, with gorgeous bla
ck hair, and big shiny eyes. Tall and slim. Her name is Ivana G. And my friend, gu
ess what happened? Parents are supposed to support their boy to become a real ma
n and spread their genetic material, but you know what happened to me? They laug
hed at me, whole day. Not only did they laughed at me once, but each time a gues
t came to our house, they told that super-normal story like it was the funniest
thing in the world, and guests laughed at me and teased me all evening. But that
was nothing. The worst came on those boring family reunions on holidays where t
hey talked about that event for years, yes years. Fortunately for me, and for al
l the beauties that I will please when I get older, they didn t manage to depress
me at all. They seemed like freaks to me, so when my tennis coach of that time a
sked me, Is there some hot chick in kindergarten? I told him the same: Yes, there i
s one. She is beautiful girl with nice long hair and big eyes. I like her.
Track 4
Her name is Ivana G. My tennis coach and I talked, and he got to know how freaks ar
e surrounding me everywhere. The coach knew my family and supposed they were a l
ittle screwed up, and their friends were screwed up. One of those guests I can c
learly remember today. He was a man in his forties, drinking excessive amounts o
f alcohol, and always talking the loudest and making jokes. He proclaimed himsel
f expert on getting laid, only to reveal after a few drinks that his wife nickname
is the Jaws. They were frequent visitors in our house, and I leave to your imagin
ation to guess how the Jaws looked like. One word: he was frustrated cause then, an
d even today, he didn t get any from his wife, the Jaws. But interesting phenomenon
is that frustrated people will try to put everyone else down, especially ones th
at can not defend themselves: kids. So that frustrated guy used every occasion t
o ridicule me until I was older, and he saw me coming home with magnificent girl
s. Take a look around you, and if you see a group of friends, there will always
be one guy who likes to attract attention to himself excessively. He is overcomp
ensating for a failed sexual life, or his wife s fat ass. Now let s get back to my c
oach. He was just an old guy, but he gave me advice that was very good to hear b
ack then, and maybe helped me become what I am now. Coach told me something like
Never care what those losers who laugh at you are thinking. If they knew anythin
g, they would be with hot girls, and wouldn t have time to laugh at you.
Track 5

It only shows their frustration. Then he proceeded: Go to the girl and give her a
compliment that she has a nice interesting dress, and ask her to play cards wit
h you. I did just that the following day, and when I told my family about it they
all laughed like mad, but then I knew that frustrated people, which have no bet
ter business, will laugh at any sign of achieving something good. Pathetic, don t
they have a life of their own? But luckily, coach was a great guy, and instead o
f playing tennis he advised me once again. I m absolutely sure it was something gr
eat, but I can t remember now of course. Anyway, when I came back to kindergarten,
to defeat society customs, the girl had just moved to Canada, so I ll never know
could I have had her. Just joking you. Maybe we meet one day. Those people close
st to you , that will influence you most, and that will make you a person that u
nconsciously try to diminish your chances of having woman: your parents, brother
s, sisters, your best friend, I will call society zombies. Sad, but true. Consci
ously, they wish you best in life, and give you love, and will try to make thing
s, or will try to influence you to make a decision what they assume best for you
, but what they don t understand, is that they have been programmed by society to
make themselves and you servants of the society. They are under influence of wha
t I call: society program, and if they cannot help themselves, how will they gui
de you? So instead of satisfying their natural desire, like having sex with hot
woman, they will only work like mad, accomplish great stuff, scale new peaks, an
d only if they are successful, they will give themselves permission to go out an
d get a girlfriend. Each man must move the society forward with his accomplishme
nts, and influence all others to do so. The whole is more important than the one
. For a better understanding on why things are the way they are, here is an expl
anation: long before in the Stone Age, all societies were consisting of cavemen,
savage people. Physical power was the only way to mate with a woman, and the st
ronger you were, the more woman you could have, and the more competitors you cou
ld defeat. Humans were like animals, never thinking what will happen tomorrow, a
nd only looking to get fed and mate with an attractive member of the opposite se
x. There were countless tribes like that, and neither one prevailed. Every tribe
was just too weak to conquer its neighbor, and that situation lasted for hundre
ds of thousands of years. One member of the society didn t have a woman, so he tur
ned his whole male brain on. His thinking was like this: I have to get a woman, d
amn it! But I m worthless, so I have to do something that will make me the best me
mber in the cave. Oh, look at that hot cavewoman in the leather mini! I must hav
e something, or do something spectacular so she would jump me. So after many nig
hts spent thinking and analyzing our caveman invented bow and arrow. He devoted
his whole life to it, but made a great contribution to the tribe. Evolutionaril
y, the tribe with such members advanced, so that is why his mind suddenly gave h
im permission to go to that cavewoman with leather mini. So instead of mating wi
th cavewomans, they started telling themselves: First I must invent bow and arrow
, and master the skill of pottery, and then I will have enough value in my own e
yes so I can have a woman.
------Track 6
When they saw one member shooting arrows, the buddies from his tribe had to mast
er it to, to keep the pace of advancement, and before you know it they invented
fire, and who knows what. Our tribe became totally superior to all others, and w
hen they launched an attack they won with ease, and took all the woman. When oth
er tribes witnessed what happened, they realized that in order not to get extinc
t they must now learn all the technological achievements of the first tribe. The
re was alert in on the tribes. And how will you make your boys stay at home and
invent new weapons, when cavewoman are parading in leather minis? Well, what s the
most efficient way? By teaching them, from father to son, that the only way to
get sex is by moving the society forward. Yes, move it forward. And that is why
little caveman felt bad if they didn t contribute and felt confident and powerful
when they contribute. Let s fast forward a bit to 15th century Medieval Europe. Af
ter a million years every man on Earth was more or less conditioned that if they

contribute enough to society they will be able to spread their genes. So in 15t
h century Europe they already had iron cannons, big complicated ships, and one m
an, Columbus, decided that he will move the society forward, and benefiting his
nation Spain the most, by proving that the world is round, finding new ship-rout
es. So he managed to find best sailors, and best ships, and to go into courageou
s expedition. He and his crew endured huge suffering, and were happy to end up a
live. But tell me something: would Columbus discover America if he had only one
beautiful woman willing to please him? ~I don't agree with this part~
Track 7
Would he bother to risk his own life to go where no man has been before, if he c
ould have a super lovelife? In one popular show they make zombies out of TV-view
ers when they repeat: Go where no man has gone before. How come you never hear on
TV: Go get the girl. I guess that wouldn t produce a society of working men. And the
n the Europeans conquered the New World. By taking a look at history, it can be
seen that society where work equals sex equation prevails most is the society wh
ich prevails. The Europeans had metal weapons, almost imperioble[???] armor, and
huge cannons, so they were unstoppable to the Natives, even though the Natives
outnumbered them a thousand to one. Every culture has the work equals sex equati
on of course, so when two societies clash, the only way for the less advanced to
survive is to make the work equals sex stronger, and more present. The more mal
e members with analytical skills sit at their desk, the greater the power of soc
iety. So as the whole world became connected everyone had the dilemma: either ad
apt or be in a big disadvantage. In those Renaissance, the advantage of men work
ing in order to get sex are clear. The advantages for the society, but not for t
he man himelf. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy, and as the humankind evolv
es, the society program is stronger and stronger. I think that is the main reaso
n for making men depressed and unhappy. Let me tell you one more event from my c
hildhood. Everyone has had countless events like that. But we usually take them
for granted. We seldom stop to think about them, and assume it s just the way thin
gs are. After we analyze some of them and see the presence of society program we l
l be able to identify the real cause of problems with woman. Then we can proceed
to fixing the problem. One thing I remember from grade school is us boys playin
g with action figures of space robots, or even better, do you remember that fict
ion war veteran that can defeat whole army himself? What are those? What is thei
r purpose? Why do we have toys, cartoons, computer games that all feature unreal
heroes? Those are the role-models that are fed into a little boy s head each day,
every day, and after some time, boys can feel good only if they can be just a l
ittle bit like their role-model.
Track 8
They start dreaming of becoming a superhero. They want to be like their role-mod
el, and guess what happens? It s a perfect example of society program. After years
of brainwashing it s no wonder a lot of guys consider running head-on into a hund
red ton communist tank more natural than stopping and seducing hotties on the st
reet. Guess which one I prefer? In grade school, boys play war-games and sports
so they get accustomed to all the pain and suffering so one day, they will be ab
le to take care of society, and protect it if a danger would arise. They also do
crazy stunts in order to hopefully somehow attract attention to themselves, so
a hottie would give them a glance, or a smile. At the same time, girls are near
playing feminine games that will prepare them for their role in the society. Eve
n though boys are secretly admiring the little cuties, there is no way somebody
would ever go to them. Boys would rather spend their time, performing like clown
s, hoping to impress the girls. Society program makes them work in order to get
the girl. In the next example I will describe how it actually was when I was you
ng, but it s the same everywhere. When I was a kid there was one TV-series starrin
g about 12 actors.

Track 9
They were convicted prisoners chosen to fight in World War II for the Allies, an
d if they survive their freedom will be granted. The only thing they had to do o
f course, is accomplish impossible tasks. Me and my boys from class copy that al
l the time and whatever was on TV in that episode we would act it out again and
again, and we always competed who will be our leader of the Heroic Team. Only late
r will I realize that boys play such games in order to attract beautiful girls t
hat are near watching and in order to make themselves ready for the protector ro
le they will have when they get older. Today protector means provider who pays t
he bills. They will be needed for policemen, firemen, soldiers, doctors, manager
s, programmers that will sacrifice themselves, their time and energy, for progre
ss of the whole. Society will often fool you into thinking that you actually wor
k for yourself. Yeah right. If a guy works for himself then he s getting sex for h
imself. I ll repeat that: if a guy works for himself then he s getting sex for himse
lf. Only later did I realize, boys play such games for the reason of attracting
girls that were near watching. The game must prepare future men to exhaust thems
elves and suffer if they want to give themselves permission to have an attractiv
e woman. Luckily for me, I ve managed to escape the grip of society, and so will y
ou. One day I killed hundreds of enemy soldiers, and have been shot a dozen time
s, I found out I can not relax for special operations, and go enjoy girl s company
. So we were in a middle of conquering enemy s greatest bunker when I saw this you
ng blond hottie. So I abandoned my buddies in the battle and went to her. I real
ized that if I want to make contact with a hottie I could as well change my phys
ical position, and instead of being in the heat of battle, go to her. Now, that
seems pretty obvious and natural to me, but when I was a kid, abandoning the boy
s during a war-game, in order to go talk with a girl, was literally total betray
al. Army court would sentence you to death, and it was a betrayal, a betrayal of
society zombies. My buddies were insulted of course, but later I will learn eve
n more that usually in order to do the right thing for yourself, you will have t
o make some people unhappy and ruin their expectations.
Track 10
You cannot please all. First be good to yourself, and that means, getting a woma
n for yourself. It is a huge difference being a mama s boy, like one of those weir
dos who play girl-games with girls and being a normal boy who leaves his duties
and suddenly approaches the most beautiful girl in sight. It was very pleasurabl
e time talking with her. I can still remember. Just like we judge from early age
a woman s beauty, they can judge who is Mr. Right. When I started flirting and ki
ssing with girls, interesting things happened. I was showing disrespect for all
society values, like Wait until the school is over. Play soccer instead of being
with girls that are near anyway, or suffer pain and strain to make yourself feel g
ood about yourself. The teacher thought there must be something wrong with me. Pe
ople under heavy influence under society program, whose job is preaching it to o
thers, I will call society agents. The teacher is a classic example of society ag
ent. What is her mission? Besides giving you knowledge, she must turn you into a
good member of society. That makes her an agent. She must turn you into the one
who will not be able to have woman unless he s successful in life. She will toler
ate what society wants. What does it want? She will tolerate those feminist guys
, who actually want to play with cute dolls. She will also tolerate normal boys
who are playing girl-games just to be near girls. That is better than doing noth
ing, and much better than sincerely wanting to play with dolls. But pretending t
o have interest in [BAD SOUND: jump-rope] just to be with woman is still excusin
g yourself for your desires. Both of them don t have bad intentions, and they will
serve the society well, but she must destroy guys like me. It is her job to do
that. That s what she s paid to do. So at the first signs that one day I may not dri
ve myself to become famous, to have money, or big muscles in order to get the wo
man, at the first sign of that, what will she do? Guess what happened. The teach
er called my parents on the phone to come over. Instead of telling them how grea

t I am
at least I thought so
she called them over to discuss me not fitting in.
Their conclusion was and of course they are all society zombies that I should pl
ay more sports, in order to become a better man. A classic conclusion. You are a
better man, the more you work hard. Something like no pain, no gain. And that I s
hould go camping with boy scouts in the swamp. Hah.
Track 11
Me camping in the swamp? I ll only go if I need to teach them a lesson. That s what
I told them. When I was young I played more than enough sports. I played great t
ennis. I was already competing in skiing, and spear-feart [???]. I caught octopu
s and little fish. What was I supposed to learn in boy scouts? To be modest and
give respect? To tidy up my bed, to clean my uniform, and to prepare our unit fo
r an outside attack!? Today I translate that into become a good worker and provid
er. Let me tell you just two events that happened to me last year on the ski slop
e, and then I will continue with my childhood and in 10 minutes give you your fi
rst exercise. I competed in skiing for fun, but never had any significant result
s, and now as a tourist, usually I m the fastest on the slope. So one day, as I wa
s enjoying the new snow, I meet the guys from the national team. I know some of
the guys, or I ve seen them before somewhere. They were all pumped up and ready to
rice down on the icy, terrifying slope. They stop me and say, Hello Ranko. I bet
we can race down a minute faster than you can any time. And I say, Really? In all
these years, I ve never met a beauty that could escape me. Have a nice day excuser
s! Or another time, we were going off-pist on 3,000 meters. It was the beautiful
day, but a storm was approaching, and I meet a guy I ve seen before climbing uphil
l, exhausted. Ranko Hey, come down with us! We are about to get frozen! Do you wan
t your remains to be studied by future generations? Excuser!
Oh, it s you Ranko, you d
on t understand this, I m training for Everest. I must not stop to talk with you! It
would ruin my whole training plan. The spring glacier storm is high winds with 30 degrees Celsius and zero visibility. He survived, cause those guys are dressed
like astronauts, but did he get laid? I doubt so. Let s leave the beautiful powde
r snow and get back to my teacher calling my parents because of me expressing co
ncrete interest in girls. Now I see they wanted to make me run into a tank, and
not after woman. I don t blame them. The society program is stronger than their co
nscious mind. When those society agents couldn t figure out the problem, teacher c
ombined powers with school psychologist and they called my tennis coach for a di
scussion. The psychologist was one mean, smart-ass chick. She was young and ambi
tious, and had the hot body and a bitchy, tanning-salon, mean face.
Track 12
She was an artificial blonde. She often visit our class and gave us boring speec
hes of how we should be humble and polite and serve others, and how we are suppo
sed to fit in, and know our place, and work hard all day. Translated: You can get
a girl that matches your income, and if you are not satisfied, work more. But th
e more time you waste on serving often ridiculous wishes of others, the less you
will get laid. It was her first working year in school. Once I saw her husband.
He was a total wimp, satisfying her every wish. He probably got beaten up by he
r every day. So I concluded, that an excuser husband must be the reason for her
frustration. The two society agents called my tennis coach, who showed up in dir
ty sneakers and old outfit with holes. Not to mention that he was unshaved and u
nshowered. They took my coach inside the cabinet. It was him against two society
agents and feminists. It was long ago and I was young, so I have no clue what h
appened behind closed doors, but I remember my coach saying that he ll kick their
ass. A year later at the tennis court we say there is some action in the trailer
, and then he came out with a woman, and it was guess who? The young psychologis
t. She smiled happily, and there were no traces of frustration on her face any m
ore. She looked at least five years younger. I guess coach pumbed [???] the soci
ety crap out of her. He has success with woman. It took me some time until I bea
t him, however, he can still beat me in tennis, I guess. You see, society influe

nce is so powerful and overwhelming that it s impossible to defeat it yourself alo

ne. The teacher never never interrupted me. She was neutralized.
Track 13
Most of the time you can neutralize a society agent by just ignoring him, or lau
ghing at him if you want. Cause when you grow up they cannot physically control y
ou, they can just influence your mind. But she s just one society agent eliminated
, and there are countless others lurking in the shadows to destroy you. I prefer
to begin with the childhood, cause that is when the program starts. That is when
society program inputs its tentacles to control you for the rest of your life.
Behavior patterns that are bad for us are installed in our minds. They can mask
themselves inside the mind, so deep and stealthy that people usually don t recogni
ze it s there. And it s not their fault. Nobody can stand up for himself and resist
when he s a child. The stronger the program is that makes men work in order to get
sex, the stronger the nation will become, and prevail in a battle with any othe
r nation. Acknowledging and recognizing it s existence is the first step on your j
ourney. I ve designed exercises for you that you will follow. Let s see one example
of society program masking itself in mind and controlling a man s behavior. Later
in life, when a boy becomes teenager, extreme fear will be a way of blocking him
to get girls, and the fear gets bigger and bigger as the man ages, until they a
re totally without woman in their lives. If you manage to achieve something soci
ety approves, like get stylish sunglasses, new suit, and a trendy watch, suddenl
y, you will block yourself less. How can that be? It s so illogical. Of course it s
illogical, cause society program has nothing to do with logic, cause then it will
be easy to figure it out. It controls a man emotionally. Or imagine you are walk
ing in the middle of city, in sneakers and cheap old clothes, and you meet a gir
l you know, beautiful and in brand new clothes.
Track 14
It takes a good amount of freedom, from those negative patterns installed in our
mind during childhood, to not to feel like a failure, and even going to seducin
g her, there and then. If a shy, timid guy achieves something, like becoming a c
elebrity, his mind will stop blocking him, and he will be free to choose a girl.
Illogical, but good for the society and the nation. Think about it. A guy can t
rain some sport a few hours a day and become a champion. Why do they do that? Wo
uld all sportsmen be training so hard if they could have woman? In the extreme c
ase, somebody becomes chief executive officer, or invents a revolutionary comput
er program, and changes the world, but still works like mad each day, unable to
have a girlfriend or a wife. He still feels inadequate about himself, which is g
reat for the benefit of the whole. If you want to get yourself a fabulous woman,
work on improving your life in all aspects, but only until the law of diminishi
ng returns hits you, and that always happens. Then it s time to take off with Attr
act and Date, and fly above the race. We all had to go through the education sys
tem. Even if it was long ago, it doesn t matter. It is never too late for improvem
ent. Better to win now, than never! The education system is probably the biggest
single society zombie producer. You come in normal, but it s extremely hard to le
ave normal. The knowledge that you receive in school is good for you, but that i
s not the only thing they feed into our heads. The other thing they teach you is
how to be a good, humble society member, who will not respect himself, and who
will not think he is good-looking or just not good enough for attractive woman.
They will try to break your spirit at all costs. Let s explore how they force you
to be with woman you don t really like. Very rarely, somebody escapes that grip. D
o you remember when you started going to parties, and girls and boys danced with
each other for the first time? I already ignored all social courtesy, and talke
d only with the girl I fancied, and ate the best food, and did what I wanted to
do. However, that year I ended up in class full of ugly and conceited girls. The
y are the worst. Me and my buddies never went to parties without hot girls.

Track 15
So I just ignored the girls from my class, cause I had better business to do. Lif
e is short, my friend, and you know what? Cause they were ugly, that s why. I was p
erfectly aware of the fact that there were only dozen attractive girls in school
, and not all of them I fancied as a person, so that narrowed my options. I knew
, as I know today, that most of men will end up with average woman, but I m not mo
st of men! I didn t care for the statistics. Why would I have to fit in? I was not
born for that! I could never settle for an average, dull girl. I believe that t
he same desire is in every man, but the most of them spend their lives persuadin
g themselves that they actually are happy with an average, dull girlfriend. Our
new teacher
she was fat like barrel, and proud of it
called us all boys for a b
ig talk. She explained how the girls are nice, and how we should devote our time
and energy to them. She said we should hang out with them, and start to make pa
rties together, and all kinds of other social events. There wasn t any purpose exp
laining the truth to her. After teacher said her emotional speech, about respect
or whatever, I was shocked to find my buddies agreeing. To my surprise, one by
one, my buddies started admitting how they had mistaken, and how they had been r
ude and impolite, and how they will change, and you know what? They sincerely me
ant it. They started organizing parties, and class trips as away to get to know
each other and hang out, and invited those very unattractive, lazy girls that ne
ver left the couch, and that was a total disaster. The society assimilated my bu
ddies, but that was just the beginning. They started thinking, how lazy fatties,
can actually be a good company, and interesting as person, and the unconscious
message they have sent to themselves is that they are not worth of attractive gi
rls. They started thinking they are worthless, and could get a good girl, only i
f they had something to offer. Before that, we had the company of really good gi
rls hanging out with us. They were frustrated to find my buddies investing a lot
of efforts elsewhere, and very quick found new guys that considered themselves
worthy enough. Why woman get a fat ass? I will now solve the biggest riddle of t
he Western world. Why woman get a fat ass? Nobel Prize, here I come!
Track 16
It s cause men are excusers. A man must have a successful career to be somebody. A
woman is not under pressure, cause the system cares for her, and most important,
the excusers settle with a woman that does not care for herself. So a woman sta
rts reasoning, This excuser will be my slave, no matter my ass-size. I can freely
eat all the donuts. I m fat, and I m proud of it! So many fat woman and men are that
way, cause of their laziness. Well, there can be no excuse for your woman or for
you, to work on yourself and be the best you can be. Maybe you ll never look like
Tarzan, or Jane, whatever you do, but even one pound lost is a huge victory, an
d the soul of a person, either man or woman, should never be judged by what he i
s, cause we are all born with certain advantages and disadvantages, but what he a
chieves with what was given to him. And my friends started considering dull woma
n that didn t care for themselves a good choice. Cause of them I visit a few of tho
se parties. Imagine this: sitting the whole evening at a party, hoping that no g
irl will come to talk to you. You really have to bite the bullet for even coming
here. Of course, with time, my buddies found out that some alcoholic encouragem
ent is enough to start seeing cute girls everywhere. It is amazing to be at a pa
rty and you cannot see any girl that you would even want to talk to.
Track 17
Soon I realized, that there is no hope for salvation, of my friends, cause back t
hen I still didn t have enough power to fight for myself and for a dozen buddies.
Later I will know that they have fallen victims of society program, and now retu
rn to pursuit of joy in life. Now they are married. I will talk about their horr
or stories later on. Later a few of them wanted to listen and I managed to save
them. You, with your new skills, should consider helping your friends. They are

not to be blamed that they do not have the philosophy you do, cause negative beha
vior patterns are so powerful it is even a blessing to be aware of their existen
ce. Take care of your friends. There are too few of them. So back then I remaine
d alone in my pursuit, which is a good and motivating thing, cause then you do mu
ch more. Me against the wrong stuff they tried to install in your mind. And when
you do what you want, and don t let nobody, even your mind sabotage you, that s lif
e, my friend. The moment has come for me to give you your very first mission. Th
is mission is for you to feel the presence of a blocker. To feel its power, whic
h will later grow exponentially. Please do all the missions, cause that is the on
ly way to success. The is the Attract & Date eye-contact mission. Find a narrow
path, or a hall, where a lot of people will pass you by, but not too much. A nic
e way in a park will also do, if people pass now and then. When you meet a perso
n, there should be no-one in the line of sight. Now notice this weird influence.
Let s suppose that first person and second person are in a hall. They are strange
rs, and their sex doesn t matter. They are walking toward each other, and will pas
s each other. We can list the actions that happen like this: action number one i
s that one of them suddenly looks at the eyes of the other person. Let s suppose f
irst person looks at the eyes of the second person. It doesn t matter who is the f
irst person or second person, male female, young or old. After the brief look of
the first person, immediately follows second action, and that is second person
looking at the eyes of the first person. Now in a fraction of a second the first
person does, action number three. First person looks away. And now come action
number four: second person looks away. And finally action number five: they pass
each other and continue. If they see another person, the cycle continues. And s
o it goes forever. Strange, isn t it? Well, it s not tragedy, or a big waste of time
, but it s our first example for the later, much more destructive, self-destruct s
ociety-influence behavior patterns. That exchange of looks is society s way of giv
ing respect and acknowledging totally unimportant people.
Track 18
It occupies your brain when you could be thinking about something useful for you
rself, and if you pass by hundreds of persons a day like that, you are expected
to do the same and waste a lot of effort on nothing, to give them all respect, e
ven though you have other things to do. And maybe, you don t have other things to
do, but are interested only in hot woman. Why is this exercise so important? Whe
n approaching, talking and socializing with a woman, many men tend to be pressur
ed with what will the other people around think about that? What will they think
if you get rejected? Has it ever happened to you, that you wanted to make a mov
e on a girl, but didn t do anything cause other people were near watching, and now
you are mad about it? Well, this exercise will guide you through solving that pr
oblem, since the problem What will others think? blocks guys and is so common we t
each how to neglect people that don t matter in the situation. Do you know when te
enagers call girls, how they usually feel pressure, What will parent think? You kn
ow what I did? I called from the living room, and my parents turned red each tim
e I phoned a girl. Just imagine how society program was affecting them. They tur
ned red, but I m the one who s doing the calling. So that s why this is an important m
ission. Let s assume the person is about to pass you by on your left side. You wil
l look straight ahead in the distance, and walk relaxed. Later, I ll talk about bo
dylanguage. Now it s not so important. The society program in your head will try t
o turn your head, or your eyes, but resist it, even if it means deliberately sta
rting at a distance object. After you passed twenty people like that, switch to
walking around and looking at only things that interest you.
Track 19
If you see a dazzling woman, feel free to check her out. If you see nothing but
unimportant people, don t waste energy on looking at them. Do you feel the pressur
e which is trying to force you to be an always losing nice guy, and give respect
to a person you never met? Can you feel the pressure in your head trying to tur

n your eyes? Can you feel becoming uneasy? Can you feel the pressure trying to m
ake you an excuser? Practice this exercise wherever you can. When you get a hand
le of it, you will start to ignore all those people that mean nothing to you, an
d are probably society zombies anyway. You can start to ignore them all, and it
will automatically save you time, and precious brainpower. This mission becomes
your main, no-excuse asset. Later, when you need to focus on a woman, and not bo
ther what your friend s friend, who is there also, is thinking.
Track 20
It will feel great you mastered, Attract and Date eye contact mission. Feel free
to ignore them all and free your mind of thinking, Will I be decent to people I
don t even know? Will I give respect to anyone that passes me by? After it, you wil
l be able to give attention only to people you are interested in, and whose acti
ons matter to you, and you will free your mind and focus it on her. And free you
r mind of thinking, What does this passerby in an elevator think of me? This missi
on is easy. Go out and do it to twenty people. You should be paying attention to
the ones that matter to you, like a beautiful woman passing by. You will look a
t her. Or a guy running fast on his bike towards you. Him you must look, but ign
ore all the others, whose actions and existence mean nothing to you. It s simple.
Now go out and do it, go! The feeling of not being good enough is a usual blocke
r for men. It will prevent a man to meet a woman. Later it will make it hard for
him to call her, ask on a date, or do any kind of sexual advance. So let me tel
l you more about it. Why is it there? What s it s purpose? It is there to make a man
work hard, to earn a better salary, to have bigger muscles, so in the end he co
uld afford the symbols of wealth, like sports car, or a yacht. That way only a g
uy who has managed to achieve a lot in his life, will mate with the most attract
ive girl, so genes of a guy who benefits his society or nation will then be mixe
d with the genes of a beautiful, and genetically that means healthy, woman. Cause
beauty is a reflection of health, and that way the tribe, society, and today th
e nation, where work equals sex equation is most dominant, will become the most
dominant. And this is exactly what he have today. In those parts of the world wh
ere work equals sex isn t strong, people don t even bother to learn how to read, and
that group of people is in a big disadvantage, compared to the technological ad
vanced one. But of course, we don t want to work too hard, so I advise you to work
until the law of diminishing returns hits you. What is the law of diminishing r
eturns? If your salary is X dollars and you work 8 hours a day, you can afford t
o decent lifestyle, but nothing spectacular, and you still have time to socializ
e with woman. If you choose to buy yourself a sports car, let s suppose you must w
ork 12 hours a day, for a whole year. It is nice to have a red sports car, but y
ou ll be so exhausted, that you will not have time to spend with woman. That is wh
at I call the law of diminishing returns. Or a man can choose to work more for n
ice clothes.
Track 21
Girls find well-dressed guys more interesting, and well means different, not nec
essary expensive. Later I will tell you how to dress to be attractive. Look arou
nd. These days, everybody goes out in shades of gray, green and brown. When you
go out, you will see a sea of guys dressed the same. All of them want to fit in, a
nd be similar. The fashion will change, but men will always desperately want to
fit in and stay in their box. Now the time has come to stop being an excuser, an
d dress different. Why is that so important? Why is it important to stand out? S
oon I will explain how being similar to everyone else, triggers a that could be m
y brother genetical response in woman. So by blending in, and having zero noticab
ility, that is exactly how much attraction you get
zero. You have to stand out.
In the beginning it will not be easy, cause your mind will generate all kinds of
excuses why it is good to fit in. When that happens, remember that it is just th
e society program trying to sabotage you in very sneaky ways, and your coach Mag
ami will help you. When I was in eight grade, a big victory happened for me. My

family didn t have much money, to buy me trendy clothes. Those days sneakers with
air pumps were a blast, and I could never have them. Imagine that society nonsen
se sneakers, with air pumps. And there was one redhead girl I really wanted. My
main competition in school
he always lost
was a big boy, who had stinking rich p
arents, and of course, had the stupid sneakers. And parent even bought him a Fer
rari Oldtimer, even though he was too young to drive. It just stood in his garag
e. On top of that, he was the best-looking guy in school, and much stronger than
me. But of course, he lost, every time! I was a bit lazy, and didn t approach tha
t girl, so even though I had chances to meet the beautiful redhead, I still coul
dn t make myself to do that effort. One day, the last day before winter holidays,
the rich guy comes in with a new designer shirt, and his sneakers, and starts bo
asting around
Track 22
that she will be his girlfriend, that it has all been settled through other frien
ds. That time I realized the following rule of the philosophy: the most beautifu
l, smart and charming girl will end up with a moron if you don t even try to get h
er. Let me repeat that: the most beautiful, smart and charming girl will end up
with a moron, if you don t even try to get her. But I had just enough time left fo
r a splendid comeback. You just made a big mistake, my rich boy. Then he went on
talking how his dad just bought a Mercedes, and a ski-boat. I can t remember what
else, but he went on blabbering about some trip to the Tropics. For him it woul
d be better, if he only didn t annoy me. Maybe he would have had a chance. But at
the age of fourteen, I was starting to slowly see the unlogic and injustice arou
nd us. Suddenly the professor walks in with some surprise, surprise test. I just t
ell him with a super serious face:
Ranko: Professor, I just found out that there is a lady waiting for me, and it s ur
gent, about my future.
Professor: Oh, it s for scholarship for great students. Go right now. That s why you
are here, to get ready for tomorrow.
I knew he was a society zombie. Hmm, I never applied for scholarship. Maybe I de
serve one. I just managed to send an evil grin to my competition. Then I went to
her class, and principal was inside, doing a speech about, you know, all princi
pals blabber the same all the time. Remember, we never talked before. Oh, this i
s one of the moment I live for. I burst into her class and say:
Ranko: Excuse me to distract you, but one serious gentleman wants to see Marina,
and says it s urgent.
They let her go, of course, and when we were walking down the hall she asks me:
Marina: Who is that gentleman, and what does he want?
Ranko: He s right here standing in front of you, and would be flattered to get to k
now such a lady.
So after fifteen minute talk, I ended up arranging a date, and another one, and
another one right to my bed, and we were a couple.
CD 2
Track 1
You guessed it right. I laughed at the rich sucker, but not immediately. First I
congratulated him how he s such a ladies man, and complimented his sneakers. His
smile was full of fear, like he was expecting something bad for me. Enjoy the vi
ctory over excusers. Only after did I laugh, at his face, when he asked me, how

can I be with a girl that was arranged for him? So much for his sneakers with pu
mps. Men are brought up to feel bad about themselves, if their clothes is cheap.
If you are wearing old clothes with holes, and walk near a woman you like, your
mind will sabotage you with feelings of insecurity. Or if your car starts break
ing down, and everyone sees black smoke coming out of engine, you will feel emba
rrassed, but if you are driving a brand new shiny car, and come out in fashionab
le Italian clothes, you are the one whose genes need to be spread, cause it will
benefit the human race. But we don t want to benefit the human race. We want to be
nefit ourselves. That s what we want! So when a man comes out of a shiny car, his
fear will be lowered. Woman will sense insecurity, and will not want to mate wit
h an insecure man, but insecurity will usually be so big, that many don t even man
age to talk to a girl they fancy. To find out how to fell totally confident, wha
t no money can buy, listen on and follow my advice. It s time for your second miss
ion. In it will be incorporated bodylanguage. If you are in a room at your workp
lace or a club, and a girl walks in, she will get a lot of info about you, just
looking at the way you sit. When men look at a woman, they instantly judge her q
ualities. Will she give birth to a healthy child, by her bodylook? When woman lo
ok at man, they instantly judge our qualities. So if she walks in a room and see
s a guy who is sitting like he s full of phobias, she won t feel much attraction, an
d has already dismissed him as a potential boyfriend. For example, if she walks
in a room, and on a big comfortable sofa, sees a man who is crouching like he ha
s osteoporosis
Track 2
who is barely able to breathe cause his mother tied his tie like that, and who loo
ks at her with fear, she will not get aroused. Combine that with high-tech wirel
ess gadget on his ear, and super-computer in his palm, sweating and typing like
a madman, it will be obvious to her that this man has likely not seen a naked wo
man in real life. And she does not want to mix her genes with his. Have you ever
noticed the following pattern: if there are ten seats in a row, and they are em
pty, the first person to come will usually sit in the end. Also, if there is a p
ark bench, the first person who comes, will sit on the end. Notice the following
rule: when second person comes, he must balance between not intruding the perso
nal space of the first person, and not being to rude to sit as far away as possi
ble from the first person. Personal space is like a bubble around us, a two feet
distance, in which, we let only friends and family people. Sometimes it must be
obstructed, like in a subway jam. And if two unknown people are touching, their
bodies will be tense. With a lover or a close friend, in our personal space, bo
dies are relaxed.
Track 3
So when two unknown people are forced to touch with their bodies, they hold stif
f, and that means: I m sorry to intrude your personal space, but there is nothing I
can do about it. They hold stiff to demonstrate, they really don t want to be with
that person. Remember that. If you hold stiff near a girl, she will have the sa
me attraction for you as for the people in the subway: zero. Did you get it? If
you hold stiff near a girl she will have the same attraction for you as for the
people in the subway: zero. That is easily visible if you happen to be in any wa
iting room. You are a member of Attract and Date customer support forum. Go see
videos of good and bad excuse bodylanguage. Send us your own and we ll comment, an
d tell you what to change. The mind-body link goes two ways, and fixing your bod
y will help your mind. Bodylanguage is a key point on a workshop. I want you to
find a nice park bench, or a bench at a restaurant, at your work, or a sofa in a
crowded cocktail bar. If you choose a park bench, find a nice park, cause later
you ll be taking your dates there for a walk. The second person must not insult th
e first person by sitting as far away as possible from the first person, cause if
the second person sits on opposite end of the seats, or diametrically opposite
across the room, the first person will feel insulted by that decision. So the se

cond person must always choose to balance between two behavioral patterns, and w
ill choose the middle between first person and end of seats. That will mean the
second persons respects the first person personal space, but also doesn t dislike
Track 4
Now, notice this phenomenon: as other people come in, they will do the same auto
matical calculation, but with more variables, taking into account all the others
in the room, and finding an optimal space for themselves. That pattern is very
important, cause many guys are afraid to enter a girl s personal space, and miss to
choose the right moment to do so. A girl will not jump into your personal space
. If you are afraid to come into hers, you are not a man worthy of her anyway. L
et s burn that into your mind: A girl will not jump into your personal space. If y
ou are afraid to come into hers, you are not a man worthy of her anyway. peanut. should have a lot of people, but not crowded, so you still manage to find
an empty bench, or a sofa. It must be in a place where people are likely to come
, and will need to sit down. I instruct you to sit exactly in the middle. Rememb
er a guy who is afraid of many phobias. He will always sit on the end, to leave
place for others, cause other people will feel uneasy, and embarrassed, asking hi
m to move, and he will feel uneasy, cause of them feeling uneasy. As you advance,
these basic exercises will not be necessary any more. As a rule of thumb, if yo
u feel discomfort while doing en exercise, then, keep on doing it. HAHA! First,
use the look you already know, to totally ignore the people around you. Don t pay
attention to the ones that don t matter. Hopefully, there will be some attractive
woman. Look at them, and check them out. That isn t so hard, is it? Now you must p
osition yourself comfortably. You must not be ashamed to sit comfortable. Spread
your legs, and extend them. Put your arms, at the back of the sofa. Behave like
you own Lose any tension in your body. If you are a younger guy,
so your back won t hurt, put one leg on the table in front of you. Show you are co
mfortable in your own skin. Now take a moment and look at all those tense people
around you. Fools, aren t they? If you are in a nightclub, you may take a look at
all those guys wearing excuser-colors, being shy and afraid of their own shadow
, embarrassed that they exist.
Track 5
By sitting like an alpha, girls will start to feel unseen attraction, no matter
your income, and that is not good for the whole, it s only good for you, not the s
ociety and nation. To not be such a powerful feeling for now, cause you are still
not talking to her, so it hits you with weak power, but the closer a man is, to
having a gorgeous girl without having society value, the blocker in his head wi
ll be more and more powerful. Your important goal is to defeat the negative beha
vioral patterns in your mind, and install a new philosophy. Make no mistake, you
cannot just sit at home, and do nothing, then go out, and expect girls to run a
fter you. Getting rid of society program means that you go after woman whenever
you please, and that you say and do, just the right things in order to make her
want you. Understanding society program is just the first step, but defeating it
is harder, cause it is wired in a man s unconscious. That is why I give you missio
ns that have proved to be the best thing there is for a man who wants to attract
and date beautiful woman. Let me tell you why girls are very attracted to a man
that can erase the society program from his head. Why the girl lusts to have se
x with a man who is free to think outside the box? Why do they feel huge unstopp
able urge for a man who sets free from the average, and understands the Attract
and Date philosophy? On the logical level, I will explain, what you must change
in your mindset if you want to be the one who chooses woman, and not the other w
ay around. In order to do that, you must understand her. Many men fail to unders
tand woman, even though they invest a lot of energy and time in it. Usually, men
just can t get it. What the Hell do woman want, and why are they the way they are
? Woman seem like a black box, and you can never be sure what the box will do. L

ook around, and you will see many marriages where woman shouts: You just don t unde
rstand me! and the husband is totally frustrated, with her and with himself. Get
out from your referential system, and put yourself in her place. Start looking a
t the world and relationships from her perspective, not yours. You are a man, an
d your way of looking at things is totally different from hers.
Track 6
[Duplicate of track 5]
Track 7
So if the male has good eyesight, and the female has good abstract thinking, the
ir child will be able to see very well, and to think abstractly. But if both par
tners have bad eyesight, the child will definitely have it bad also, and will be
in a huge disadvantage. This is the simplest example, but it goes the same for
all characteristics of parents, like health of every organ in the body. So the c
hild of relatives may end up very unhealthy, and since a woman can have only one
child at a time, she will discard every man that could be a relative. Even a sm
all chance of being a relative, and she doesn t want him. Only a woman that had se
x with non-relatives gives birth to a healthy child, cause their different genepo
ols combine, to give a child the best of both. If a woman gives birth to a daugh
ter, the daughter will inherit man-choosing criteria from her mother, and she wi
ll also want different man than the ones that surround her each day. The woman t
hat had sex with a relative had the baby that died. So after many generations, w
oman became attracted to different, and at the same moment, repelled from simila
r. How could the woman judge, is the future father of a child relative or not? R
emember, it s only up to a woman to judge that, the man just wants to have sex wit
h whatever hot girl he sees, and has so much trouble with it that he doesn t take
into account the subtle details. Of course, today men care about all the health
aspects, but who knew of genetic theory long ago? What was the only way for a wo
man to know, that his genes are not from a distant family, and that the two of t
hem are not related? How could she make a decision that it s ok for her to have a
baby with him? Most of those decisions are powered by genes. She needed a criter
ia that takes only a second and let s her choose the best man fast. In this highly
competitive environment, his looks and behavior.
Track 8
All of the related people in the tribe were very similar. They had similar featu
res, similar hair, similar bodybuild, similar skin color and similar manners and
similar behavior. Cause of the scientifically discovered laws of genetic selecti
on, woman have become attracted to a man, that doesn t look similar, and more impo
rtant, that doesn t behave like the men she knows. The children of a woman that wa
nted something different, woman, that wanted a man that was unlike any other in
his behavior, thinking and appearance, survived best. Cause of natural selection,
woman became programmed not to like what they see every day, and to seek differ
ent, and outstanding males. Today, the whole Western world is practically the sa
me, and all men are the same, they literally look, dress, talk, behave and smell
the same. Even though today those men are totally not related, they all trigger
the same, unconscious response: He could be my brother. Since people everywhere w
atch the same movies, read the same books, drive the same cars, and live the sam
e lives, a woman s unconscious genetic response tells her, that all of them are no
t really attractive, and they aren t. A woman will travel across the Atlantic Ocea
n, and discover, that she feels repelled to all the men, even though there is ze
ro chance that they are actually her relatives. So that is why woman who can cho
ose, the beautiful woman, will always choose different man, that stick out from
her daily routine. An attractive woman is approached constantly, she s bombarded f
rom grade school, high school, university to the workplace. She got approached t
housands of times in her life. Who were those guys? They were all excusers. They

would lurk somewhere in the shadow for days, month, or even years, and then the
y would take all their courage, run to her and blurt out, Would you like a drink?
Look around you and you will see many hot woman looking mean and frustrated. Of
course they are! Imagine yourself after ten boring fatties have approached you t
hat night. Genetically, a boring and dull fattie is not good for your offspring.
The same way, an excuser is not good for a woman s child, but they don t teach you
that in school.
Track 9
When you start behaving differently, she will start to get attracted, like you g
ive yourself permission to actually approach those three woman standing near
! you are different, and she s attracted. Or you give yourself permission to talk
what she wants to hear, and not about your boring job
you are different. Th
at is also the reason why you should dress different, to visually be different f
rom all the others. Since today the whole Western world is the same, with a mixt
ure of people of all races and clothing styles, being visually different is good
, but not your most powerful, invincible weapon. But being different in your min
dset, and in your behavior, is your greatest advantage, and that means not being
an excuser. It may make her want you. She may get aroused, just by you being in
her presence. She ll dream about you, just like you dream about the hot naked wom
an. It is by far the simplest way of getting irresistible attraction. There are
other society-favorable ways, like working whole life and buying huge yacht, but
tell me, what do you consider easier? There is one big problem men have with wo
man, which you should be aware of. It starts when they re young, and becomes a hab
it of behavior, and that way gets masked so it is not perceived as a problem. It
is hard to figure it out, and most men are never aware of it. When a boy first
starts talking with girls in an attempt to seduce her, there is a slim chance of
success. Chances are very slim, cause of all the bad excuser thoughts that have
been forced into his head, and cause it is a very first seduction attempt in his
life, he won t have success, and he won t have success a few times more he tries to
get a girl to like him. He has been fed by ideas, that any attempt of getting a
girl better than he deserves is a futile attempt, as I already explained, and hi
s mind will sabotage him, and he will fail.
Track 10
He is doomed to fail after years of brainwashing by his parents, teachers and fr
iends. Only thing they will teach him is how to work hard. They will not teach h
im how to get a woman, which is more important. They force a boy to work hard, a
nd when a man is old, he will look back and see all the chances he wasted to be
with beautiful woman, so he could get himself a good pension fund, and expensive
pills to take care of depression. If however he enjoyed a life full of beauties
, he would be very healthy now, and could just flush the pills down the toilet.
It s amazing how they force you to be unhappy in mind, and then offer a solution b
y giving you pills for anxiety. But now I must continue where we were. So after
a few failed attempt at socializing with girls at early age, and total lack of e
ncouragement at home, or it could be that the boy gets blown off from a group of
friends, either boys or girls, a boy will not find any encouragement among the
society zombies that are all around him, and so what can a little boy that is to
o weak to fight for himself do? He can just explain to him that getting rejected
is normal, and that s the way life should be. There is no other way in life, but
a life full of rejection from woman, he may think. Getting rejected becomes fami
liar reality. One day, however, a man may be going really well with a woman, but
then he sabotages himself. Did it happen to you? Now listen carefully: it s extre
mely important. All people may fail at their first childhood attempt to socializ
e with other people, since everyone around is just ignorant society zombies. Nob
ody to show you the way. The process of failing to socialize, or get a woman to
like you, becomes a familiar reality, and since it is deep in human nature to st
ick with the familiar, the man will start to sabotage himself, and keep things t

he way they are. Familiar is then a bad choice, but cause of human nature to avoi
d the unknown and stick with familiar, he may be reluctant to change anything. T
he unknown is more frightening than the bad reality.
Track 11
Even though a victory is in sight, many men will start blocking themselves. Have
you ever sabotaged yourself without apparent reason? Has your mind ever generat
ed an excuse, which seemed very valid back then, but now sounds funny? After tha
t, self-pity becomes a way of life. Yes, self-pity. The human instinct to go wit
h familiar is a double-edged sword. In most cases, it helps us, like if we fall
when we run across the stairs as children, next time we ll walk slower. But with w
oman, and any kind of socializing with people, and even business, it may make a
life difficult, and can make a man block himself, all his life. Usually, people
can t see that themselves, and if you mention it to them they will say: Well, but w
hat if a woman I approach will be mean, or everyone laughs? Now that excuse sound
s so laughable, but it may block you also next time you are with your friends an
d you see an attractive woman. If it happens to you, don t worry, it s a usual manif
estation of society program and control, and we ll erase it, never to appear again
. From society s point of view, it s a good outcome, since a guy who is not successf
ul, and who didn t work enough, must not spread his genes anymore. He must never b
e allowed, to mix his genes with the best female genes a beautiful woman s genes
o matter the expense, no matter the cost for his mind. When we were doing semina
rs, we had many men coming to us with a problem of sabotaging themselves in the
middle of a successful seduction. Once you know what stands behind it, full reco
very may start to take place. It will take some time, but you will make it. Year
s of bad influences cannot be reprogrammed in a second. So a guy who is not succ
essful must not spread his genes with high-quality woman, and what is the best w
ay to do that? What is the best and most efficient way to enforce that necessary
rule for the survival of society, or the nation? Make a man, block himself. Yes
, that s right, make a man, block himself. A common problem that blocks men all th
e time is, that even though they are in their twenties, thirties or even older,
they still are under influence of their parents. Remember, parents are often, wh
en it comes to woman, or living a happy life, just society zombies. They will te
ll you: Study, study! You must finish grade school, high school, university with
good marks, and then you can do whatever you want! But my friend, that often is n
ot possible. If a man neglects his desire to be with woman until the age of twen
tyfive, when he has all the education his parent want him to have, a big damage
has been done. He comes out of college with diploma in his hand, but has no clue
how to talk with woman. Clueless and lost, he can only be a slave in the system
, hoping that one day he may earn for a Ferrari, and find a girl. When you start
investing your time into meeting woman, you may feel guilty, cause you will dest
roy your parents expectations of a good boy, so now you have two options: you can
stop doing what makes you feel guilty and be a mama s boy, or do like me: give up
the guilt! Guilt is one way we make ourselves problems. Guilt comes when people
close to us put us in an emotional blackmail.
Track 12
Emotional blackmail is stronger the closer the people are to us. Feeling guilty
can destroy a man totally, so when next time your parents try to force you to be
an excuser, or feel guilty, you will know what is your only option. Give up the
guilt and go, attract and date. I bet you have all noticed the following situat
ion back in school. It is interesting to analyze, cause the same pattern of behav
ior continues later in life, and is considered normal. Boys in class will compet
e who will attract the most attention, who wills ay the best jokes, or pull off
a daring and crazy stunt that proves he is fearless. They jump through window, h
ave gang fights, class against class, or try to hit the busdriver with snowball,
or ring all doorbells on the way home. All these activities are fun to do, but
all of those boys would rather hang out with the class hottie, but of course, th

ey are totally blocked by fear, when she is near, and can only blurt something o
ut, or try to show off like monkeys in a jungle. The same behavior will continue
later in life. We of course will not behave like that, and next time the guys s
tart fighting in a bar, you will be happy cause you can run, and take their woman
. Boys in grade school, often fight each other, and most times the cause is that
they want to be admired by girls, but none of them admits that, even to themsel
ves, and the most interesting thing is, that even after years of fighting, screa
ming, throwing flying objects, and showing their middle finger, even after many
years it happens, that nobody makes a move for the girl. Nobody ever came to her
without excusing himself. Then the girl gets frustrated, and unhappy with life,
cause she s naturally programmed to be happy only if she finds her prince, and pri
nce must not be afraid of a woman. But unhappiness of a woman is good for the so
ciety, and for the economy, cause the unhappy woman, when they see that they live
in a big, black sea of excusers, know that they can only go out an spend, spend
, spend to at least have some happiness in their life. They will pay for a nice
house with view, for a brand new SUV, new shoes, Italian bags and accessories, j
ust so they can forget for a moment, the emotional misery in which they live. Wo
man are the biggest consumers, and if you want a woman to buy, the more unhappy
she is the better. On the other hand, you must convince the man, that if they do
n t work and spend money, they are nobodies. You must give men fear of even fantas
izing about the woman, unless he s successful in life, and in spending. You see, t
hat way corporations will make even more and more money, and in the end sell eve
rybody pills, so they can forget their misery. Let s get back to our boys competin
g for attention. All of them are attracted to girls, so boys get conditioned tha
t they must pull outrageous stunts, so when they are playing soccer, everybody w
ill give his best is a hottie is near watching. Each one of them secretly dreams
of scoring a goal, so the girls would like him, but nobody dreams to stop being
an excuser, and going to talk to the girls, cause society functions in that way.
Track 13
From early age, boys are conditioned to suffer pain if they want girls. Has it e
ver happened to you that you wasted your time, showing off at a match, until the
girl you fancied just went away, and all you got was bruises? Well now we ll put
an end on that. Come and fly above the race. You ll never waste your precious time
again, doing nonsense, instead of taking what you want. You were not born to be
have like everybody else, and have unattractive and dull woman, like everybody e
lse. So even though all the boys have been seeing the hottie countless times, ev
ery day, five days week, even though they sit with her at school, and then come
home and fantasize about her all day, but in school, they don t do anything. They
still hope desperately that she will show up when they perform some crazy stunt,
or achieve a victory, or buy new clothes, and all childhood passes like that. A
boy goes through the same class with a girl he admires, and fantasize about her
, and does nothing. Now, you are not in school, but woman are still around you.
They are everywhere. But don t let your internal program stop you. The same as you
were surrounded by girls in school, and did nothing, then you thought it was im
possible to do anything. The same your society-imposed program is trying to bloc
k you now, by telling you that now it is not possible. The program must hold you
in control, unless you achieve something, then it will lower your fear. If you
are not super-successful guy you must never make a hot woman pregnant. That woul
d ruin humankind. But who cares for humankind? When you look at all the chances
you had, but done nothing, doesn t it seem unexplainable? When you remember your p
ast, you may wonder, what was stopping me from approaching and getting to know a
girl I liked all those years? And now, she s not younger, or prettier. You may st
art to ask yourself, What made me wait for such a long time? Was I blind? No. Did t
hey put steel bars between us? No. Would she bite me if I expressed interest? No. Wo
uld I be on candid camera if she blows me off? Well, who knows, but who cares? I
will tell you what: the society program in your head generates blockers for you,
and the most common blocker is: I will not do it now, I will do it later, when
I have a better chance. I am sure that blocker has given you more nights with yo

ur hand than anything else. But the problem in that statement is that later you
usually don t have a better chance. Usually later you don t have a chance at all, an
d if you wait too long, the object of your desire will get wrinkles, and get old
. If you have just fallen in a garbage dump, and you see a beautiful fancy woman
walking around, then it s ok to approach later, but you may also approach now. Bu
t if everything is as it has always been, and suddenly, you come up with a seemi
ngly logical explanation to postpone your desire, then you re under control, and h
ave to get rid of it. You have to get rid of it if you ever want to get the girl
you want, and in order to destroy the society crap inside your head, you must f
irst be able to detect it. I have just described something, that you have to bur
y inside your mind so deep, and if somebody wakes you up in the middle of the ni
ght, you must be able to repeat this: Attract and Date society program detector:
Whenever your mind tells you, that later you will have greater chance with a wo
man, you may be under control. Let me repeat this, if someone has just see hotti
e walk by, and did not pay attention. If you have seen a hottie walk by, and are
now talking to her, I forgive you. Attract and Date society program detector: W
henever your mind tells you, that later you will have a greater chance with a wo
man, you may be under control.
Track 14
Why does our mind tell us stuff which are not good for us? Shouldn t the mind serv
e us best? You see, very often our own mind sabotages us in many areas of life,
not only woman. The actions of the mind will benefit those that programmed it: t
he society as whole. Recall an event, when you wanted to get to know a cute girl
, but your mind was telling you something like this: Wait. Don t go know. She will
see you perform on the football match, and then you can get to know her, or I can
meet girls only during my lunch break, even though they are very unattractive at
my work-place, cause later I don t have time, I have to work for my pension fund.
My mother told me, that I should get a low-risk pension fund. So instead of havin
g sex with woman, a man ends up practicing football, but that is not so bad. The
worst is living by your parents expectations all your life. If you feel you may
have trouble with the second one, listen to me: Are you afraid that your parents
will know that you have a woman and sleep with her? Listen to me again: Are you
afraid that your parents will know that you have a woman and sleep with her? Do
n t be an excuser. So our football player originally wanted to have a girlfriend,
but he was blocked, and he started playing football. Every sport is good, if it
is not overdone, but if you want to be the champion, you better be prepared to b
reak some bones, literally. After all the injuries, possibly brain-damage, and a
rtificial joints, it was a better idea to approach that girl. Every training ses
sion is full of pain, and often broken bones. The more pain you can handle, the
better player you become. All time is devoted to master the sport, and everythin
g including health is sacrificed for the result on the scoreboard. Since I ve been
training with elite sportsmen for years, but not with the same intensity, I kno
w that each one of them knows deep inside, that he s doing it to get the girls. No
ne of them will admit it, but when you leave the practice to hang out with a dat
e, you can see it in their eyes how sorrow they are, and how they consider thems
elves uncapable of doing the same. Instead of handling their fear they went on t
he society way to solve their problems, and of course, didn t succeed. From early
age, they will install a feeling of inadequacy if you don t have what society want
s from you. Has it ever happened, when you were a child, that your mother tells
you: You can not go out like that! Your shirt is dirty, or Dress nice. You look lik
e a beggar, or maybe Oh my God, trim those nails! They are so dirty! And after a mi
llion such remarks, you start thinking that you really are inadequate, and not g
ood enough, and each time you take a walk, in old clothes, you are hoping not to
meet someone, cause they could look at you in funny way. Or when you are a child
they may force you to have good manners, and pay attention to everybody, and to
be good and nice to everybody. When I walk around my city, I pay attention only
to attractive woman, but I am frequently stopped by some excusers I know. You k
now those kind of people that dress best all day, and then go out just to be see

n, and then they look around if there is somebody they know. And when they ask y
ou, Where are you going? and if you answer I m meeting a wonderful girl, they will get
red and embarrassed. Unimaginable! They are ashamed cause you are about to get l
Track 15
Now that s what I call a society program in their head. When a boy is small, they
force all kinds of crap inside his head, so when he grows up, only thing he will
do is think, Are my nails trimmed? Is my hair decent? Do I have a breath freshen
er? In high school, all the boys from school had pockets full of mints, to make t
heir breath nice. But they either had no girls, or they were in an endless proce
ss of excusing to get the girl. Many of them never kissed a girl, but they had a
bunch of mints, just in case. So after years of brainwashing, the parents have
done their role. They made a helpless son a good member of society, which will h
ave pockets full of breath fresheners, even though he has never kissed a woman a
nd doesn t plan to soon. What parents are blind to see, is that the boy will have
big trouble to get a girlfriend, and if they brainwash him harder, a boy will ha
ve trouble socializing with people in general. First he will think, Oh, my shirt
is messy, and my nails aren t trimmed, and later Oh, my head is bald, and I don t have
the new super-duper-blaster audio system! or maybe I must finish my Ph.D. first.
That means, no sex for three more years. Do you know which excuse I like most? Oh,
now I must work. But in the summer, I will be the sex machine! Then I think, What
kind of machine is that, if it rusts for eleven month? Parents, family and frien
ds don t do what is best for you. They wish you best, they will do what s best for y
ou, from their perspective. But they are all society zombies, so what they think
is best for you is you actually being a servant of society, instead of serving
yourself. You start to serve the society, and feel bad about yourself. For examp
le, I know a guy who is thirty, and he is half bald, and is losing hair quickly.
He is good-looking, and an elite sportsman, and an Olympic medal winner. He has
a wonderful, exotic-looking twenty year old girl. He s totally depressed now, and
every few days his mother visits them, to give him a new hair remedy, made of h
erbs, but nothing helps. He s in so much stress that him and the exotic girlfriend
, don t have sex often anymore. But guess what? His girl actually has a secret fan
tasy about being with a bald, strong man, and when they are not together, she me
ets them out all the time, and sometimes, they drive her to her home after leavi
ng the club. You will find out that driving a woman home does not necessary mean
that something will happen, so I estimate that she still didn t cheat on him, but
she will soon.
Track 16
You see how that guy sabotages himself, but out of no reason. I m sure that if his
hair suddenly grew he would find some other reason to shoot himself in leg. Can
you imagine what disgust the exotic girl feels? When every three days mother co
mes with remedy for hair, for the little son, and puts in on his head. She must
be thinking, Why am I living with such an excuser? She loses all sexual attraction
for him. You see, an attractive man does not mean good-looking. For a girl it i
s important to be good-looking, to be attractive for us, cause the baby is in her
body. For a man to be attractive you must stop being an excuser. Once he asked
me, what to do:
Excuser: Hey Ranko! I ve been losing my hair, and I ve tried all the remedies, but th
ey didn t work. Gee, what should I do now?
And I see his hot, stunning girl being bored to death with him.

Put on some cow dung. I hear it helps.

By the way, this is not a joke. They say it really helps. You see, when he was a

successful sportsman, and good-looking, with hair, he had exactly what society
wanted him to have. Since he is now losing hair, his confidence will drop, and h
e will make himself lose a girlfriend. Even if his girl admired only long-haired
men, it would still not make a difference. You must always remember that girls
don t judge us as we judge them. If his girlfriend wanted a man with a ponytail an
d my friend behaved like I m bald, and I m proud to live in my own skin, the girl woul
d think, Oh my God, what a man! I want his baby! The act of being comfortable in y
our own skin will make you superior to all the people around you, and girls will
catch the vibe. Has it happened to you that instead of serving yourself, you st
art to serve the society? It is hard to break that habit by our self, because ev
erywhere you look, you will see society zombies, and everything functions to jus
t reinforce that situation, forever. When you turn around, and see people behavi
ng like that, don t become discouraged. To the horizon, and everywhere the eye can
see, you will see men moving the society forward, in order to get sex, when the
y could just get sex, and then, if they want, benefit the society. Living in suc
h a world is actually a huge advantage for me, and it will be a huge advantage f
or you, after you study the Attract and Date. The most girls you can meet on a p
arty, or a social gathering, or a club. Let me tell you what mistakes to avoid.
If you recall your first party as a child, you will see a pattern that stays for
the whole life. For example, boys and girls start dancing with each other. I wa
s not too eager to dance, since dancing and performing never takes you anywhere.
Talking is the most important, and dancing you do just for fun. You can not rel
y on the dance too much. But I recall it was fun to watch that first dance-proce
ss taking place. Only later did I realize, how I was lucky, not to be with the c
rowd. Boys are in a pack on one side of the room, trembling. Those same boys fin
d it very easy to steal cigarettes from shops, or to throw water balloons into p
assersby on the street, so they are not cowards. Some of them, a few days before
, had caused a city traffic breakdown by throwing a newspaper stand onto tram-tr
ack, where it was hit by a tram. So they are not cowards for sure. One of them h
as managed to get a dance, and he is now a hero. He encourages the others, even
though he is still afraid himself, and girls are in a pack on the other side of
the room. The good-looking ones are beginning to enjoy the attention boys are gi
ving them. They begin to realize how they have control over men, and are enjoyin
g it more and more. Watch an attractive woman in a club, how she feels confident
and powerful, cause she knows how all men are literally afraid of her. It is pla
ying something like, I will always love you
The guys want to score the most dances
with the hottest girl. The more dances they have, the more they can try to make
her laugh, and hope that by some miracle, she ll fall in love with them. One by on
e, they go on girl s side of the room, and ask for a dance. The lucky ones get the
dance, and the unlucky ones get rejected in front of everybody to see. But all
of them are excusers. Girls are genetically programmed for a man who will not ca
re, has the music just started, or is it the end of a song. Girls are geneticall
y programmed to find a man who will at least have enough courage to not lurk in
the shadows until she is alone, and then jump her and ask for a dance. During mi
llions years of evolution, women wanted men who were not afraid of a lion, and n
ow they are on their first dance, and guys can barely talk cause of fear. What is
a girl thinking unconsciously? Well, look at the guy who s afraid of me! If he s afr
aid of me, how the Hell will he defeat a lion!? or Look at the guy who is afraid o
f my friends, and has bee standing around like a tulip, waiting for spring, in o
rder to catch me alone. She doesn t want that guy to be a father of her child. If s
he doesn t find anything else, cause all of men are like that, he must at least spe
nd a lot of money on her, but she will still be on the lookout if suddenly, the
prince appears.
Track 17
If the boy doesn t get rejected, they start to dance. What does the boy talk about
when dancing with a girl? Usually he makes the mistake of telling her that his
friends are funny, crazy, or something similar, and then he boasts that he is th
e man. They can also put each other down by shouting lame jokes. If you happen t

o hang out with a group of losers, and are talking with a girl, don t make the sel
f-destruct action that is implemented into childhood. Don t tell her that they are
funny and ridiculous, cause you re hanging out with them, and if you make fun of t
hem, you are also a loser. From childhood, boys practice who will be a better en
tertainer for a girl. That is what I call supplication. Supplication starts earl
y. Actually, all negative behavior starts early. And that is why at Attract and
Date, we begin by analyzing the childhood, cause later the society program is so
strong that it is difficult to notice it. So bravest guy came across the room an
d asks the girl for a dance. Then his friends follow. Now they are all dancing.
Guys are blurting out something in a girl s ear, and girls are forcefully laughing
. Those girls have been dreaming for a prince to come, but all they ever get is
excusers. Later that will be great for big companies, that can sell many stupid
items to an unhappy woman. They will even choose to buy a see-through iron. Who
the Hell is happy buying a see-through iron!? Only an unhappy woman, frustrated
with life. Excusers are men under influence of society program. Girls must get u
sed to excusers from the moment of their first dance, to the end of their life.
Consumer-society is made in a way that turns men into excusers, so they would wo
rk more. Cause of men being excusers, woman are unhappy, and also work more, so t
hey could spend more money on things that make them happy. But luckily, those ru
les do not apply to you at all.
Track 18
Then the music ends, and in order to dance again with the girl he likes, a boy m
ust ask several he doesn t like for a dance, so his intentions are not obvious. Bu
t you know what s obvious to me? That he ll never get laid. The first dance-process
really sounds ridiculous, and you may wonder, Why was Ranko describing something
that happened long ago? I need help now! But now, seeing society program take ove
r on the first dance, it will be much easier to understand the situation in a cl
ub today. Soon I will give you your first mission in a club, so listen carefully
. You know what s funny? When boys get old, the same stupid pattern just carries o
n. Look at your competition in club today. Has anything changed? Not much. Inste
ad of asking for a dance, like back in grade school, now they ask for drink. The
only thing your competition knows, is how to run to a girl and ask for a drink,
and hope that by some miracle, she will accept it. Since all guys, are the same
excusers, she has nothing to differentiate them except the status symbols they
are wearing. So choosing between an excuser with a Citizen, and an excuser with
a Rolex, she will choose the one with the Rolex, and from there comes the miscon
ception that you need to spend huge to get a woman. If you are playing by societ
y rules, then of course you need money, and lady luck to help you, and then you
may get a woman. It s funny to me, when I come to a club, and see my competition f
or tonight excusing themselves for their existence, and there I come with a tota
lly different philosophy, and just charge for the one I want. That is life.
CD 3
Track 1
Each male, as he gets older, gets a set of rules. For example, if he wants to me
et a woman anywhere outside of the society permitted meeting place, like a club,
his confidence will disappear, or if a girl sees him in cheap clothes, a man wi
ll rush to take out his new expensive mobile device, to show that he has some mo
ney. You see, those are all rules. In a club, if you want to approach a group of
girls, fear will hit you. A man who confidently approaches a group of girls wil
l get the woman, even though he is not successful enough in life, and that must
be stopped. Soon I realized that talking to an unknown group of hot woman will i
ncrease my chances of being happy. Instead of following the program, which will
trigger feeling of uneasiness and discomfort, I went to the girls. Of course, as
you get older, it is harder and harder to resist those rules, cause the more tim

es you apply them, the more they reinforce in your mind. On any single gathering
, a party, in a nightclub, on a meeting, people will try to fit in. To fit in wi
th their behavior, attitude and clothes. Usually they are so visually similar th
at they seem all the same. To our male eyes, it is really not important, how muc
h are all the men the same or not, but to a woman s eye, it s the only thing that s im
portant. Fitting in, means following the statement, The male that stands out gets
hammered. With woman, that doesn t work so. If you were a woman, would you rather
be average dull woman, or a charming beauty? Which one has better genetic materi
al? If you were a man, would you rather be a modest shy guy, who is afraid of wo
man, or a man who is very different, and approaches and talks to woman with ease
? To do that, you have to stand out. It s your choice. You cannot be an excuser an
d have a wonderful woman at the same time. Boys and then men are conditioned to
fit in all the time. That means, for example, laugh, when everyone s laughing. Let
me tell you something about telling jokes, which is extremely important. We mus
t use jokes from time to time, when talking with woman or men. When you say a jo
ke, the more you wait to laugh at your own joke, the funnier it will seem to oth
er people. Now I give you your next mission, which you must do.
Track 2
When you talk to the next five people to whom you would say a joke anyway, try s
aying your usual joke and then immediately, start laughing. You will notice that
they are not laughing too much. Then, when you say your next joke a few minutes
after that, or when you talk to somebody else, say the usual joke you would tel
l to that person but wait a few moments before starting to laugh at your own jok
e, or wait until that person starts laughing. If you have a good joke, you will
notice, that in the first case the listener will not consider it funny, but in t
he second case it will be hilarious. That is an important skill to have, because
laughter in a woman automatically destroys a lot of resistance to being more in
timate, and also, you become a leader of a group, if everybody laughs at your jo
kes. So your mission, to do that to five people. You have three days to accompli
sh this mission. It can be done over phone too. So just talk the same like you d
id before, but give attention to the moment when you start laughing. If you don t
complete Attract and Date joke mission, I will consider you, an excuser. No joki
ng. Also, when trying to fit in, guys will go to the clubs where everyone else i
s going, have hobbies that everyone else is having, and so on. So whenever you s
ee yourself fitting in, think about it. If you conclude that it is society progr
am s way of keeping woman far from you, change that at one and stand out. What sex
means to a man, relationship means to a woman. You will get sex if you give her
relationship. Relationship does not mean getting married to a woman that will b
ulldoze all over you, and being the bill-payer. When I say relationship, I mean
the exact behavior that the woman wants from her man. Of course, society will tr
y to fool you into thinking that relationship with woman means you being her sla
ve, and working while she spend all the money. I will now tell you, what woman f
antasizes about, when thinking about the relationship. We all know, what men fan
tasize about, and we don t call it relationship. A horny, beautiful woman, jumping
them. Why do men fantasize that? Cause it is best thing that can happen to the g
enes. What does a woman fantasize about? She fantasizes about an alpha guy who g
enuinely cares for her, cause that is the best thing that happen to her genes. Ho
rny beautiful woman are nowhere to be found, and men would do anything to have a
woman like that.
Track 3
An alpha guy who cares for her is nowhere to be found, and woman would do anythi
ng to get him. I will coach you to become her prince, and then she will be anyth
ing you desire, like a horny, beautiful woman. First, you must be able to approa
ch a lone woman in a society-approved meeting place, like a club. Then, you must
be able to approach a bunch of woman, standing together, in a society-approved
meeting place. When you are able to do that, you will start to get phone numbers

of those lone woman you approached. When you are able to approach anyone in a c
lub, or a bar, you will get dates from time to time. After you can defeat societ
y enough to approach beautiful woman outside clubs, you ll be good enough to get d
ates all the time when going out to a social event or a club. That is approximat
ely how your evolution will be. After you master that, you will learn how to get
one night stands with hottest woman around, but you cannot jump 10 steps at a t
ime. You must do it step-by-step, cause society influence is so strong, that it c
annot be defeated all at once. If you haven t done the first three missions, now i
t s time to do them. Before I teach you how to approach a solo girl in a club, or
any place you wish, I will give you a long speech about woman and how they see t
he world around us. Some of you have trouble even approaching a woman, so you ma
y think, Let s handle that first. But if you don t know the basics about how woman thi
nk, you will get shut down soon after approaching, so it will be a waste of time
to approach for the sake of approaching. This is our plan: first, I will explai
n you the Attract and Date philosophy about woman, and how they think. Then I wi
ll guide you through destroying fear of approaching, and then I will teach you h
ow to say the right stuff to woman, after you have successfully approached, and
I ll guide you through destroying society blockers in your head, that scream to yo
u: Saying the right stuff is not for men! So remember this, it s very important: fir
st society will try to block you on the approach itself. If you succeed, society
program in your head will make you say stuff to her, that will make her go away
. You may not realize it at the moment you are talking to her, but if you manage
to approach nicely, many times, and it leads to nothing, it is cause the program
in your mind makes you say the wrong sentences, cause the program must make you
self-destruct. So first we will handle fears of approaching, and techniques of a
pproaching. Then we ll handle fear of talking, what she wants to hear, and talking
exactly what she wants to hear. But before we do all that, I will now explain h
ow woman really are. Don t worry if you can t understand immediately. Later, when yo
u start socializing with woman more, you may come back to this section and see h
ow your understanding of what a woman really wants is uncomparable to how you we
re ignorant before. I will repeat that: Many facts I tell you now, about woman,
will seem alien to you, but when you get to know woman better, and start talking
to them, you must be prepared, and instead of learning from your own mistakes,
try memorizing this philosophy, and your progress will be ten times faster! Sit
back and relax. Knowing this info will give you a huge edge when you start appro
aching and talking to woman. You can go out today and apply to take over her sou
l, and her body, literally.
Track 4
Men try to study woman through the man s referential system, and sooner or later g
et frustrated, cause whatever they do, no matter how much time they invest, they
still don t understand. A woman cannot be explained, they all conclude, and give u
p and only thing they have is lady luck. Only luck can help them get he woman th
ey desire. We will not do it that way. For us, luck is of secondary importance.
In order to understand woman, you must look at the world through their perspecti
ve. You must look at things from her angle. It is way easier doing nothing, and
giving up, but if you want to get what you want, you must get into her mind. Ima
gine how it feels, to be a woman. From early age, everyone judges you based on y
our looks. If you are not attractive, kindergarten nannies will neglect you, tea
chers and everybody. That s a scientifically proven fact. If you are an attractive
girl, everyone will do as you please, and after some time, start annoying you, c
ause if all men are afraid of you, you will never find a man that has a stronger
frame of mind than you, and that is what she genetically desires. If you are un
attractive girl, you will have to hang out with a hottie, cause she will attract
lots of men, so someone, maybe, notice you. Beautiful woman have huge power, but
as they age, all power disappears. That I why, not only beautiful, but all woma
n, are hysterically afraid of aging, and will do anything to stop it! Being a wo
man brings also frustrations as being a man. Has it ever happened to you that yo
u think a girl is behaving funny, and you have no clue what to do? The same is w

ith woman. They are confused as much as men are, and cannot understand men, the
same as men cannot understand woman. Remember this rule: Attract and Date rule:
Talk to her what she wants to hear. If you don t tell her what she wants, it s over.
If you tell her what she wants, you may be her prince.
Track 5
Of course, society program will always make you lose your gift of speech, and yo
u will have no clue what to say. That way, you will not get laid, and society pr
ogram wins, you lose. So once again: Attract and Date rule: Talk to her what she
wants to hear. If you don t tell her what she wants, it s over. If you tell her wha
t she wants, you may be her prince. Once you get understanding of what a woman t
hinks, don t do beginner s mistake and try to show off by saying that you understand
what she s telling you. Once you understand woman, it s time to show them that with
your actions. Also, if there is a girl that already considers you a loser, don t
come to her and boast that now you have a perfect understanding of woman. Just c
ome to her, and be her prince. Let the girl think that you were born as an ideal
man. If a hot super girl told you, that she was a fattie with phobias, and weir
d habits before meeting you, you wouldn t like her more, for sure. First thing you
must know is that woman don t have the logical problem-solving mind of a man. Cul
ture teaches us that men and woman are equal in everything, but that is wrong. F
or millions of years, men were running around and hunting. Their brain had to ca
lculate how to throw a rock that will hit a running lion, or how to make traps a
nd bring food home. That is why men have superior analytical skills. Woman were
in the cave, watching the baby. In order to understand their baby s needs, woman a
re far better taking care of children, expressing emotions, and understanding th
em. That is how things are. Nobody is better or worse. Men and woman are just di
fferent. Woman don t understand that they have less analytical, or problem-solving
skills, so when she gives you advise that sounds hilarious, don t laugh. She s doin
g her best, and even though it is wrong, appreciate her cause of it. Imagine that
somebody gave you a baby to care for. You would be very confused, and the last
thing you need is people laughing at you. If a woman advises you on which stocks
to buy, don t listen. But if she tells you, that your friend is a liar, it is pro
bably true, cause they can read people s intentions a lot better than a man can. Th
ey can see beyond the logical and into person s emotions to figure out hidden inte
ntions. Did it ever happen to you that a girl talks and talks all over you, and
you just stand there as a clueless chump? You would fall into depression if she
laughed at you and said Haha, you chump! Did you bit off your tongue? Woman have s
uperior talking skills, and that s how things are, and we have superior analytical
skills, and that s how things are. So next time when trying to solve a complex pr
oblem, or plan events in the future, remember that she s feeling inadequate, the s
ame way as you feel when woman talk all over you, and be gentle to her. Whatever
job a man does during the day, or whatever assignment he is doing, his consciou
sness is usually thinking about sex, or about doing another achievement, another
small victory. When a man sees some woman passing him on the street, he never t
hinks What would relationship with her be like? A man always thinks about, What wou
ld sex with her be like? When he s not thinking about sex, a man thinks about assig
nments and projects that he will do. Many men make a huge mistake by assuming th
at woman s mind is the same. But a woman s mind is totally different. Woman think ab
out love. A woman considers alien and weird to think about sex and victory all t
he time, and needs effort to do that, the same way a man needs to invest mental
energy to think about love and relating. When a couple has children, the father
will teach them sports, and mother will concentrate her love on them, taking car
e of them more than the father. Father will fight for family income outside the
home. So the same as men seek new goals, woman seek new opportunities to share t
heir love. A male mind will effortlessly think about achievements and sex, and t
he female mind will effortlessly, by itself, think about love and relating. If y
ou are watching TV with a girl, she will look at soap operas like hypnotized, or
know everything about stars of the reality show, or she will rent a movie about
three woman who talk about their relationships. Sounds boring. It is, cause you re

a man. The same way you consider her soap opera boring, she looks at the movie
you rented starring two intellectually challenged losers that want to get laid.
You will die laughing at the movie like that, and she will fall asleep. You prob
ably enjoy watching a top-league basketball match, or any other sports, or you e
njoy watching movies where a lone hero brings justice. Of course you know that s
uch a hero could never exist, but you enjoy it anyway, cause it corresponds to yo
ur instincts as a man. The same as a woman who watches a soap opera. She s not ret
arded. She s perfectly aware that stuff like that could never happen, but it hits
her instincts, and she likes to watch it. The next time a woman you are dating s
tarts focusing so much on talking with you, or relating with you, and wants atte
ntion, she didn t go wacko.
Track 6
Don t get mad then. She admires you, but wants to make an even better relationship
, and that is why she cares about every little detail. Has it ever happened to y
ou that you are with a woman, enjoying a moment of silence, and that you are tot
ally satisfied, and want to do nothing, just enjoy the present moment, and she a
sks you: Honey, what s the problem? You haven t spoken whole evening. I know, I know,
you will feel the pressure to just tell her: What s wrong with you? But instead of d
oing that, and getting no more sex, just say: It is nice to see that you care. I m
a little bit tired this evening, but everything is perfectly ok. The society prog
ram in your head will try to force you to give her a logical answer, but don t do
it. It will destroy you. From time to time your woman will give you suggestions
and opinions on stuff she knows nothing about. For example, if you just had an a
rgument with your parents, and even though she never met them, she will offer al
l kinds of advice. Let s say you go out on a date, and she asks you, How was you da
y? and then you say, Blab la bla, and then they started to treat me like a moron,
and I got mad cause of that. So you actually express logically to your woman that
you don t like when somebody treats you like a moron, but then she will say, Really
? Please tell me the whole interaction! I will help you out! And you wanted to en
joy the evening with her and now she asks you to repeat the whole, dreadful, use
less convo. And funny thing is, realistically, she can t help you at all. But she
thinks she can, and has an instinct to always approve everything and everybody a
round her, so after some time, you may get frustrated, and tell her to stop tort
uring you, and you ruin the pleasant date. So remember, if you decide to mention
some problem to a woman, be prepared to listen to useless advise, or even bette
r, don t mention the problem to her, and save your sanity! There is no use rationa
lizing and explaining that she can t help you with your parents or with your work.
She will just feel hurt, and incompetent, and when she feels like that, she wil
l leave you. When you start dating more with a woman, don t make a newbie mistake
to show false confidence with always choosing where the two of you will go. Men
often make that mistake, and try to choose peanut.dl.ams themselves. That you mu
st do in the beginning, to show that you are not an excuser. For example, when y
ou ll be calling a woman out on a date, make it later, like at 7 o clock in the even
ing, so she knows, what your intentions are. Don t excuse yourself, and feel free
to take her to the most romantic place.
Track 7
[Repeat of Track 6]
Track 8
But when you start seeing her regularly, you have already passed the first test,
and now don t blow it. Show her how confident and relaxed you are, by asking her,
where does she want to go, or to think about, where you will take her, and that
you will call her tomorrow. Don t think that you are letting her control you. Sin
cerely, do you really care, where the two of you go? All places are the same any

way, but she will get a chance to channel all her creative energy, and will feel
more like a woman, and if she feels more like a woman, she will like you more.
So next time a woman suggests the two of you go see a romantic comedy, or a long
theater show, don t resist it. All of the guys she met before you laughed at it,
and got blown off, and are now lonely and sad. That is not more fun. Now listen
to this: when you come to the movies, you will basically have two options. You t
wo can choose between watching a normal movie, or something romantic and feminin
e. If you two have an argument, and you win, and you watch a normal movie, you m
ay find, that deep inside you there is a master jedi, and the Force is with you,
but in the night, only your hand will be with you. However, if you say that you
want to see, the romantic and feminine movie cause she wants it, you may get re
ward very soon, maybe during the movie itself. Remember your mission now is just
to sit back and relax, and listen to get to know basics, of the Attract and Dat
e philosophy about woman, so you don t get blown off when she says something, that
doesn t make sense, and you laugh at it, or show you don t understand. After you me
morize these basic facts, we ll go to approaching, and talking to woman. Once when
you start dating a woman, after the first kiss, things will change, and here is
the way how to be ahead of your competition. Each night, send her a romantic-so
unding text message like, Good night. I will meet you in my dreams.
I am sending yo
u a kiss and a hug for the end of the day. God night.
Sleep well, I can t wait to se
e you soon. In the beginning you can send one message after the first kiss. She ll
be very surprised, because woman usually need to pressure even long-term boyfrie
nds to do that. You may feel uneasy, or you may not feel like a man if you send
a message like that. Why is that so? The society program in your mind knows, tha
t you will get her soon if you continue like that, so it must make some excuse t
o stop you. A good excuse is that your mind tells you, Well, real men don t send st
uff like this, or Oh my God, it s too exhausting to send a pre-memorized, generic me
ssage in the evening. You see society program will find sneaky ways to block you,
and one of the best ways to do so is telling you that real men don t talk such st
uff or write such stuff. Defeat the program in your head, and send a good night
Track 9
When the relationship gets serious, you can send it every night. It is unlogical
, you may think. What does she get if I send her a message? But you are a man. I
f you receive a message, or a nice card with something written on it, it doesn t m
ean much to you, but it means the world to her. Once in a while, send a good mor
ning message, Good morning! Let my kisses take you through this beautiful day! Mos
t men are excusers, and get phobias just thinking that they have to write or say
something like that, but you will fly above the race and let them make problems
for themselves. I know that at this moment you may have huge fear of even phoni
ng the girl to say hi, but I am describing what is your goal that you must try t
o achieve. Understanding the philosophy comes first, and then you must move off
the couch and take what has become yours. As you start getting to know more and
more woman, you will see how they all want to feel protected. In the past a woma
n was helpless. She could be attacked by an animal, or be raped by an intruder.
She was particularly helpless when pregnant, so woman learned to choose men who
could protect them, and even more important, woman learned to choose men who wan
ted to protect them. Today, there are no lions walking on the street, so you don t
have to be Conan the Warrior Prince, but it is still important to her, that she
feels that you want to protect her. You may think, that is nonsense. It is for
you, cause you re a man. But listen to this: in caveman times, a woman had to have
big breasts to feed the baby. Today, that isn t necessary, but you still want a wo
man with big breasts, and not the one with small breasts. The same way, a woman
is expecting her man, to make her feel he wants her to be protected, even though
in modern world, that isn t so important. You are a man, nobody can throw you out
of the cave, but if a woman in ancient times failed to meet her man s expectation
s, she could have been literally thrown out of the cave, so that is why every wo
man has a powerful detector, that is always on the look-out. The moment she sens

es, that her man, is not into her, BAM! She goes to another cave, and
ft alone in your cave, and only thing you can do is hit yourself in a
your bat. You see, a woman will leave you on the first signs that you
. Right, and the more beautiful a woman is, the more options she has,
ve less margin for error.

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Track 10
A woman must do that. It is in her genes. She is programmed to discard, all male
s until she finds the one who makes her feel protected. Don t blame woman cause of
that. We are programmed to mate with every woman possible, but we prefer hot one
s. Maybe that isn t so noble either, but that is how things are, and since you did
n t become a priest, you must accept that. Sooner or later, even if you two just m
et, a woman will ask you this:
Question: Why are you so silent? What are you thinking about?
Has it ever happened to you? That she starts annoying you like that? Now, you mu
st go against all your instincts, and not look at her like an alien. I know, it
is hard, but stay calm and remember, that she s genetically programmed to do so. S
he s not asking you to report your thoughts in attempt to destroy a perfect, peace
ful evening. She considers your thoughts very important, cause she s a woman. Inste
ad of telling her, About nothing, or even worse, Why the Hell are you torturing me!
? If you say something like that, you have just sabotaged yourself. Her alarm wil
l turn on, like she s a cavewoman about to be thrown out from the cave, and she wi
ll soon find another caveman, and leave you. So just say: I m very pleased with you
. I just like to be silent and enjoy the moment. Sometimes a woman can imagine th
ings, and she will imagine that there is something bothering you. That you are u
nhappy. When she asks you: Darling, you don t seem happy. Is everything ok? Don t say:
No. I want more sex, but do say I m happy, when I see you.
Track 11
That will make her shine, and result in you getting more sex. Do you get it? Jus
t to let you know, today the feminist movement overcompensated for the injustice
done to woman in the past, and it is way easier to throw a man out of his house
, than to throw out a woman, and take his income. But that s another story. When y
ou ll be expressing that you are dissatisfied with your woman, be very careful wha
t you say. If she has a great figure, but has out of laziness, gained a little f
at, be sure to tell her that. I would. But if you are not satisfied with somethi
ng that she cannot change, keep your mouth shut, cause she will not feel protecte
d, if you say it, and will start looking for another man, the one who likes her.
A basic difference between a man and a woman is that her mission is to make her
self pretty, and then she waits and waits until a good enough man comes. Woman a
re very passive. They put on their best clothes and makeup, go out, and stand in
one place. Most of them will pretend that they came to have a good time, and to
dance, but the real reason for coming is to attract men so they could see thems
elves as being successful females. If they fail to do so, they will just say aft
er a night with girls, We went out, and didn t meet anyone interesting. It means the
y were unsuccessful in attracting attention of a man they admire. It is not easy
being a woman. When you are young and attractive, you get annoyed by all the at
tention they give you, and when you get old, nobody gives you a second glance. O
n the other hand, a man must fight for himself. If you go out and stand in one p
lace all evening, what are chances of a hot woman approaching you? They are almo
st zero. No woman will approach you. If you happen to be good-looking, maybe som
e drunk, desperate girl will approach you, but not the kind you desire. That is
how girls filter out excusers. If you can t approach her, she has more power than
you, and she doesn t want you. Period. A man comes to a social gathering, a reunio
n or a nightclub, and he must take the initiative. He must take the leap, and ri
sk getting rejected. You may think that getting rejected is embarrassing. You ma

y think how hard it is to be a man. You can change yourself and stop being an ex
cuser, but an unattractive girl, what can she do? Nothing. So be happy that you
were born as a man!
Track 12
When a woman asks you, What are you thinking about? if you say Nothing, she will oft
en assume the worst, like Oh my God! He has found another woman! If a man asks you
What are you thinking about? and you say Nothing, it would be perfectly ok, and nob
ody would get hurt, but a woman become very unhappy. To fully understand what I
am saying, you must socialize with woman, like I ll describe later. If you have a
hard time relating, and cannot understand, it is cause you did not spend enough t
ime in woman s company. If that is so, memorize all this, and the more you get to
know woman, the more you will get to understand what I m talking about. Let s imagin
e your woman starts feeling unprotected, out of some reason. Not a real reason,
but a fictional one, for us men, and only way to make her feel protected, is by
you being with her. She will call you in the middle of something, and ask you to
come. I know you will think she s a controlling lunatic, but don t tell her that! I
f you tell her, Stop controlling me, bla bla bla! she will then start to feel very
unprotected, and not loved, and will start seeing other men instantly. However,
if you don t have time now, then just say, My dear girlfriend, I would like to be
with you so much, but I can t come now. I ll be there in the evening. You have wasted
the same amount of words, but she s happy, and will wait for you with your favori
te dinner. Don t let your internal, self-destruct mechanism force you to say the f
irst sentence. Whenever the woman gets this absolute text [???] of feeling unpro
tected, just hug her and talk sweet things in her ear. You must reassure her of
her love very often. It is not a hard task. Just a few sentences here and there,
but society program in your head will try hard to sabotage you. So remember, if
they feel unprotected, cause living in a rough neighborhood, that s another story,
and only way is to move out, but for you it s important what she feels she s gettin
g from you. If you offer her symbols of protection, like kisses, hugs, holding h
ands, deep eye-gazing, if you make her feel special, like, when you meet your wo
man you stare into here eyes a little bit longer, and smile and say, You just mad
e my day, and if you whisper sweet things in her ear, you offer her symbols of pr
otection, and she will be happy. Not logical, but true. However, if you don t offe
r any symbols of protection, cause those symbols don t matter to you, if you don t gi
ve any of them to her, she will quickly find a man who will. It is just symbolic
and emotional, so it has no logical meaning, but men are logical and woman are
emotional. If a man is upset or unhappy, it is cause of real logical reasons, so
only a real, logical solution to the problem will satisfy a man, but a woman get
s upset and changes her feelings, cause of details totally unimportant to us men.
So a sentence that is totally unimportant to a man, can have a huge impact on a
woman. That is the stuff that is called sweet nothingness.
Track 13
Remember, it is nothing to us men, cause we just have to say it convincingly, but
it means everything to a woman. The need to feel protected is very strong in al
l woman, but remember, they want to feel protected. They are governed by emotion
s. Men do not need to be protected, and no man thinks it is important for him to
feel protected. It is cause we are men, but to have success with woman you must
understand them. The other important thing besides feeling protected is that a w
oman feels you two understand each other. If you haven t been out dating much, you
will have no clue what does it mean. When you see a woman, you will analyze her
body first, and if she s hot enough, you will not care do you two understand each
other, or not. Well, with woman, it just doesn t work that way. Don t get scared. W
hat is important is that you make her feel that the two of you understand each o
ther. Genuine understanding of woman is not crucial, but for starters, it is a m
ust that you make her feel that she understands you, and to make her feel that y
ou understand her. When she starts feeling this new connection between the two o

f you, she ll be more and more ready to get intimate with you. So you need only to
look at a woman to get aroused. Well, woman need more than that. They want to f
eel the connection taking place between the two of you. Why is that so? A simple
explanation is, cause if she gets pregnant with a man that has no connection wit
h her other than plain sex, he will leave her at first chance, and she and baby
will starve. That s genetically wired in her brain. We ll talk more about that later
, so even if you have no clue about what the Hell she s saying, and even if the ph
rase to understand each other, is a mystery to you, you must still pretend that yo
u really understand her. Of course, the society blocker will try to stop you her
e. Voices in your head will tell you: Oh my God, that is so crap! Battle the excus
es in your mind, by thinking this: Whole my life I went the society way, and how
many woman did I get? Not enough, that s for sure! So now it s time to erase that ba
d programming from my head, and start behaving in a way that she has always been
dreaming of. A woman will behave unlogical and not understandable to men all the
time. That is because woman have this huge need that she and her partner unders
tand each other. That she and her partner share intimate thoughts and emotions.
So, when you are talking with a woman, she may ask you: Honey, do you like my new
dres, and shoes? See how they match. Cause you are a healthy male, you will have
no clue about matching dress and shoes, but important thing for you to remember
is, do not respond to a seemingly stupid question of a woman, with laughter. The
question is stupid in your male world, but in her woman s world, it is a complete
ly normal thing to ask, and talk about all day. So you have to defeat the progra
m and say: Oh, that is nice. I think a shorter dress would be even better.
Track 14
Don t misinterpret a woman s questions as stupidity. Imagine when you comment a foot
ball match. That is just the same. When you go out on a date, a woman may tell y
ou about a conversation she had with somebody, let s say her best friend. Then she
will talk for an hour about her conversation with the best friend, and tell you
what she felt, what her friend felt. I know it is boring as Hell, but she is do
ing it cause she actually likes you, and cause she likes you, she wants to share t
houghts and experiences with you. Don t mistake a woman s blabber about a convo she
had as ignoring you. She likes you, and is trying to give you a view of her inne
r world, of her thoughts and feelings, and only if you appear interested in her
inner world, and her thoughts and feelings, she will consider having sex with yo
u. Cause your male mind is programmed for problem-solving, a woman s blabber may be
irritating, but remember that your logical problem-solving is annoying to her t
he same as her talking about what happened that day. That is why all men are tot
ally horrified of a girl telling them: You just don t understand me! I will translat
e it to you: According to little signs of touch, eye-gazing and according to what
you have said to me, the chance of your mating with me and running away are so
big that I am now searching for another man. So when you get that line, it is tim
e for alert. If you don t do something good quick, you will lose her. You must com
municate to her that you are interested in her as a person. Of course, if you sa
y: I m not only interested in sex. I admire you as a person, she will see right thro
ugh your plans, and dump you. But if you say: I m trying to understand you so much.
Something just tells me, that you are the special one. If you say that, she will
get momentarily better, and move towards making you her lover. It is the same a
s if a girl had her breasts get bigger in a second. You would instantly feel att
racted to her more. So when you say the right thing, she will instantly like you
more. Of course, you must not be blocked by our enemy, society program, in orde
r to say what is right. And you ll be free of it when you go through Attract and D
Track 15
Every man is like a self-sufficient fighter. I m exaggerating a bit, of course. An
d every woman needs to talk and exchange emotions. She is not self-sufficient. B
ack in the past, the males were out in the forest hunting, or fighting each othe

r. Woman were together in a village, and in order to survive, they had to commun
icate and socialize with other woman. They exchanged stories and emotions freely
. On the other hand, men were out there fighting a bear. Men had no time or ener
gy to exchange feelings. They had to communicate logical information to one anot
her, so they could eventually succeed and all family could have something to eat
. That is a huge difference between men and woman. In order to survive, men had
to handle as much logical information as possible, to waste as little energy, to
gain as much food as possible. But woman were in the village or a cave all day.
They had to read emotions and real intentions of other woman very accurately. I
f a woman were to go away for a moment, she left the baby to somebody else to ta
ke care of. A woman had to choose, very wisely, to whom she will leave the baby.
If it was a wrong baby-sitter, the baby will die. That is why woman are able to
read emotions fantastically, and use that skill to judge us men. A man out in t
he field had no such problems. When a wild bear was charging towards him, he nee
ded to calculate how to throw the spear to hit him in heart, and he had only one
chance. And that is the reason why emotions of a woman make men frustrated, and
logical thinking of a man, makes a woman frustrated. Woman want to make bonds a
ll the time. They are doing it cause of their genes, not to annoy you. While the
men were out in the field hunting, woman were back at home, and the best way to
ensure their and their children s well-being, was to make strong bonds with other
females. And so today, because of the laws of natural selection, woman want to c
onnect and bond all the time. For example, two woman strangers that go into a wo
man s toilet, will chat and may come out as good friends. Also, woman call their g
irlfriends to go with them to the toilet all the time. A woman toilet in trendy
clubs is like a little sanctuary, with nice big mirrors, and with best marble st
one. The woman socialize inside, and use it as a retreat from deadly boring logi
cal world of men. However, men that come into a toilet and don t know each other,
will never come out as friends. Check it out next time you are in a social event
. Check out the basic difference between the sexes. A woman must have good relat
ions with many other woman. If she doesn t have them, she will feel inadequate, an
d she will feel that she s a failure.
Track 16
She must experience intimate conversations with other females to feel fulfilled.
That is her instinct driving her, and you must never make the mistake of not le
tting a woman do that, cause she will stop any relationship with you. Unlike a ma
n who is self-sufficient and needs only a beautiful woman, a woman needs also gi
rlfriends to support her, and to talk to her. You need your male friends to acco
mplish new tasks with you, to make a barbecue, to play pool, or to do business.
A woman needs her female friends to talk to her, and to give her support. When t
alking to a woman you want to attract and seduce, you must understand that the o
nly way to do it is that she senses there is a special bond between the two of y
ou. Why is that so? If a woman is hot, countless men will approach her, hoping t
o get lucky, and she must choose only one. Who will she choose? A man would choo
se the best-looking woman, cause it gives his genes the best chance. Now, you mus
t mirror that into a woman s world. Who will give a woman s genes best chance of sur
vival? It will be a guy who is interested enough in her to notice both her exter
nal beauty, and how she feels on the inside, and that is you. But such men are s
o rare, that even if you don t care, or don t know what is happening inside her mind
, just by making an educated guess and saying it to her, you will leave all your
competition in your dust. Let your competition strive to drive Ferraris, and to
dream about huge yachts, but the moment a woman senses that you see into her in
ner world, she s yours, cause during evolution, a guy like that was much more valua
ble than any other guy, and their children had the best possible chance to live.
You goal is to make a woman feel that the two of you understand each other, tha
t you see into each other s inner world. Sharing feelings with a woman is often ri
diculed by the society, cause a man who will know how to share his feelings, or k
nows how to pretend that he has feelings, and shares them a man who knows that wi
ll get a woman, even though he is not admired by society, and he must be stopped

. That is why, if you had to open up to a woman, and share your hidden desires a
nd emotions, you would start feeling discomfort. That is society program, trying
to block you in your victory.
Track 17
A man has been taught all his life by role-models, like movie hero Superman, tha
t he must handle all pain, and that a woman will be heavily attracted to him, if
he shows emotions as a piece of rock, and if he does huge tasks. In Superman ex
ample it s saving the world. That will make great workers when they grow up, and s
ociety or nation will benefit heavily, and have new technology that will make it
possible to defeat other nations. And so, all men are culturally programmed, to
block any emotions, when they watch examples that show it will make a girl attr
acted to them. And they are programmed to strive to achieve financial success, o
r be a hero, and only if they do that the blocker in their mind will let go, and
they may now have a woman. Just look around you. Once when you get into relatio
nship it will happen that a woman expresses you her need to engage yourself more
in the relationship. It may happen that she complains that she is not your prio
rity, or she will ask to spend more time with you. If a woman ever complains tha
t you don t spend enough time with her, don t immediately presume that she wants to
lock your freedom away, and don t immediately presume that you are such a cool guy
that she can t get enough of you. She s actually secretly hoping that by spending m
ore time with you there is a bigger probability that you will show her that she
is valued and significant to you. I emphasize here that you need to give her a f
eeling that she is valued and significant . An ordinary guy usually gets strangl
ed in a relationship. Don t let it happen to you. Why is that so? Let s imagine an e
xcuser in a relationship. He is usually full of phobias, and under influence of
all those role-models from action films of his youth. What phobias did society i
nstall into his mind?
Track 18
Now listen carefully: this one is very common. Every time an excuser starts talk
ing emotional stuff with a woman, his throat will start jamming his air-supply,
and he will have a funny voice. If it happen to you, that every time you try tal
king about emotions to a woman, that your voice sounds funny, it is society prog
ram trying to sabotage you. Have no fear, you will defeat it: just listen on. So
a woman will unconsciously recognize, that the guy is an excuser, and be unhapp
y with him. But several times he expresses that she is valuable to him, is like
one expression without excusing in a normal, or even romantic voice. So woman wi
ll want to spend more time with him, to squeeze something out of her excuser, ju
st like squeezing water out of the stone, and the only way to do that is to forc
e him to commit, like they say. However, if you express that she s valuable to you
in a way that s free from any excuses, she will adore you, but now the power is i
n your hands. The excuser has no options. He will either devote all his time to
his woman, or he will get dumped. But you ll have the option of seeing her as much
and as often as you wish. The excuser is behaving just as society role-models b
ehave in every film. There is some hero who pulls off daring and outrageous stun
ts. He is stronger than anything and has no fear. He also shows no emotion at al
Track 19
He sincerely thinks that by behaving like that, woman will like him. That is the
problem. An average man s mind is so much society-conditioned, that he sincerely
thinks that showing emotions is not for a man. Well of course it s not for a man, c
ause not everybody can get a beautiful woman. Only the ones that accomplish some
thing. So whole society is built up in a way that makes men conditioned not to e
xpress emotions, and so our excuser is stuck with a fat wife, if he is lucky, an
d they really did have sex, but only once, on their wedding night. That is often

a cause of huge relationship problems, and biggest cause of divorces. The woman
complains all the time, and the husband thinks she must have gone mad, and that
she wants to suck his blood. But the truth is that the husband is an excuser, a
nd is ashamed to show a woman that he values her. The truth is that 99% of men a
re such excusers, that they are all ashamed when walking with a bunch of flowers
. You can see them carrying some excuser s silly little flowers under their coat,
and being full of fear, will somebody from the gray mass recognize them. When I
buy a girl roses, I choose the most beautiful, and I carry them around without p
aper. Then when I see an attractive women passing by, I may stop her, and start
seducing her, even though I have roses in my hand. You see, I just don t have time
to think about, what will somebody think about me. I know a guy who is real exc
user, and somehow, by help from above, he managed to get a beautiful woman on a
date. He blew it of course, but he persisted calling her, and he arranged anothe
r date. I guess she was very lonely. So my excuser friend came to the date with
a bunch of red, shiny roses, and she was dazzled. But in few sentences, he destr
oyed himself.
Excuser: I brought you these roses. You know, I was going to meet you and remembe
red it was Christmas this week, and accidentally I saw these roses, so this is m
y present. Don t worry, it s without any obligation.
CD 4
Track 1
He just blew himself up so fast that in a minute she went to a toilet, never to
return. You see, an average man, that not mix genes with a beautiful woman, and
he ll keep on pushing the society forward. First, you will have to free yourself f
rom blockers that prevent you from expressing that a woman is valuable to you, a
nd then you ll have to say it in a convincing manner. A girl may not be valuable t
o you, then you will have to get rid of yet another blocker, that prevents you f
rom telling her what you don t sincerely mean. On a date with a woman, you will ha
ve to tell her stuff, that she wants to hear. I know, I know, it may be a pain t
o you to talk about something else other than what interests you, and you may fe
el that is such a huge effort. Believe me, it s not. Your mind just makes it a hug
e effort so you wouldn t get a woman. Experienced instructors you may find at attr to teach you more details and secrets of the woman s mind. And now,
it s action time for us. We are going to meet woman now. Be sure to know everythi
ng I told you like a song in order to optimally move on. In your desire to chang
e your life dramatically, and be able to attract and date beautiful woman, you w
ill find yourself alone. Everybody around you take their life for granted, and a
re satisfied with dull, unattractive woman. You may feel like a black sheep when
you see your friends drinking and singing, and waiting until summer to meet a w
oman. All of them rely on lady luck and their success in the eyes of society to
attract a woman. From time to time, somebody will pull off something good, somet
hing outside of the society box, but soon all his friends will pull him inside b
ack to average. When they try to put you down, or when they start talking to you
under the influence of society program, you must have understanding: they are n
ot aware of it. Don t get mad at them, since they are not trying to stop you on pu
rpose. It is just their role as typical citizens. Try to explain, one by one, ho
w things really are. It won t be easy. Sometimes they will be so blocked that they
will be ashamed to just look at you when you approach a woman. Imagine that. Sp
eaking of which, the time has come now, that you start approaching woman, that y
ou finally start getting what you desire. If you are twenty or seventy, attracti
ng and dating is the same. The same as men of all ages like universal qualities
of a woman, the woman like universal qualities of man. It is most convenient to
meet woman from your social circle, but feel free to go anywhere you please, and
remember, whenever your mind starts generating excuses, that you are too old, o
r too young, or too poor or too rich, to get the kind of woman you lust for, jus

t think how beautiful woman is desirable everywhere you go. The same way the stu
dent of Attract and Date is flocked by woman no matter where is, an
d so you will be. First thing you must know in order to meet woman you like is t
heir physical position. You must know where they hang out. Even if you already k
now exactly where you can find loads of woman you like, you will do the followin
g mission. Your next mission will be to find out where the woman you like actual
ly hang out. Now, it s easy to go like an excuser to the first attractive shopping
assistant in a fancy shoe store, but that is not our mission. [SCmission1] Our
mission is to approach a woman confidently, without excuses in your voice, bodyl
anguage, gestures and talk. Our mission is to get a positive response from a wom
an, that you sensed she liked you, and cause of that she will sincerely tell you
where the best place to go out is. If you approach some hottie like an excuser,
and ask her where does she hang out, she will be frightened that you are some ki
nd of stalker, and believe me, my girls told me that excusers often try to appro
ach them with that line, hoping that somehow, they ll get lucky. Your missions is
to make her feel happy that she s talking to you. To literally make her day. Remem
ber, their lives are pretty dull. They just stand there as stones. If you can, f
eel free to take it further, but it s not necessary at this moment. So when you se
e a girl that matches age, looks or whatever other preferences you may have, you
will have to approach her and find out, where do girls like that hang out. If y
ou immediately ask her where does she go out, you may be classified as an excuse
r or a stalker, so ask her where the good places are. If she sends you to an isl
and of beautiful woman, you did a splendid approach
congratulations! If she send
s you to a gay bar, then you blew your approach, and run for your life! (chuckli
ng) Remember, if you like her, you may go into seducing her right then and there
, but it is not your primary objective for now. Now you will work on your bodyla
nguage and erasing excuses in your mind. So, one step at a time. So you have no
idea where to find good woman? Go to a shopping mall. The woman from shopping ma
ll will tell you in what clubs, bars or wherever, it is good to go. Later, when
you learn the basics of attracting and dating woman in an easy environment, like
a party, you may return to the shopping mall, and get woman there also. So you
are now alone by yourself in a big shopping mall. Everywhere you turn you will s
ee loads of woman buying clothes and other accessories. The same way men are con
ditioned to gain material wealth and status symbols, woman are also condition to
spend, spend, spend, in order to look more beautiful. Woman are conditioned to
buy tons of make-up, which will ruin their sometimes beautiful, natural skin. So
after they do that irreparable damage, they must buy new, even better make-up t
o cover that up. And so the vicious circle begins. It is only important that the
y spend, spend, spend. If you take just any cream, or make-up, you will see hund
reds of chemically synthesized ingredients. Just imagine what they can do to a y
oung skin. Of course the industry claims it is safe to use. If that is so, why d
o woman who wear complete make-up when it s washed down have skin like a moonscape
? I wouldn t put any of that on my face, that s for sure. Once, you may run into a b
eauty that wears no make-up. Never. And her beauty is stunning, unreal. Treasure
that woman like the biggest jewel, cause she is not only breathtaking when you s
ee her, but she is smart and doesn t care what society thinks about her. Do everyt
hing that you can to have her, but she is free of society program, and you will
have to be also. Don t waste such a chance, cause you may never find another one li
ke her. In many ways, such a woman are similar to us, cause she has managed to ge
t rid of customs, they try to force into us. In the shopping mall, you will also
see woman try out clothes in all colors and style. Notice that the shopping ass
istant will always be a nice-looking girl dressed good, that is there to make fe
male customers unhappy about themselves.
Track 2
So they would compensate with spending. Everything is there for a reason. So lat
er I will tell you how to approach moving woman, so for now just concentrate on
stationary ones that are looking at clothes, or talking to their girlfriends. Bu
t before you do that, look at yourself. How are you dressed? Do you look like yo

ur mother just bought all your clothes? If you look like that, all woman will kn
ow that you are definitely, not their prince. So your chances are slim. Do you h
ave some geek communication device that looks like it just came out of another d
imension? Hopefully not, but if you do, please put it away. Great, that was easy
. Now comes the hard part. You walk around for half an hour, and then suddenly y
ou see her. That s her! She s wearing high heels, tight jeans that show her hard but
t, and other body parts are defying the laws of gravity. As she turns her head,
long, shiny hair just flies through the air in a dazzling motion. Look at her wa
lk, like on a cushion of air, a real Goddess. Hahaha! I bet you just froze, didn t
you? At this moment, the society program, put in your mind by social conditioni
ng, deep in your mind, must do everything to stop you. Since you are just an ord
inary citizen, and you are not very successful, rich or handsome, you must be st
opped. Strange pain will begin in your stomach, going all the way to your throat
, making you lose your state of speech. You are close to her, and there is nobod
y between you and her. She s picking through clothes, and doesn t even notice you. B
ut your body is overtaken by society, and there is nothing you can do. You see,
in this most important moments in life, definitely the most important, you may f
ind, that you are just a slave to the system a good citizen. Retreat for a while
, but don t lose her. Beautiful woman are too few to be wasted, so keep an eye on
her, but don t go far away. Stay close, but not close enough that she notices you.
You must not be noticed, cause then, you are a stalker, and you lose. So now, wh
at will you do, what will you do? You ve been stuck in a parking jam. You came to
the shopping mall, or any other place with woman. You walked around, lost time,
saw nothing, and now finally, when you saw her, society program has taken over,
and you are stuck. Believe me, at this moment, you are far better than almost al
l men. You are trying to do the best and smartest thing there is
meet a woman yo
u like, while they are wasting their time on things that are of zero importance
compared to her. Just the act of going out to do it makes you special, so, congr
atulations! But now, let s get back to battle. So, she is now in shoes district. S
he s making herself pretty for her prince, and even though you don t really care abo
ut her shoes, she wants to be beautiful for the man of her dreams, that she woul
d think about all the details there are. You try to go for it now, but as you co
me to ten feet distance, you feel you are about to lose your gift of speech. If
you are able to go without sweating, and to speak normal, and she sees you, then
go. It s now or never! But if you feel you are under total society control, and t
hat you just can t kill that excuser guy inside yourself, it s time for Attract and
Date fear destroyer. This fear destroyer is so powerful, that if you use it, in
the peace of your own home before seeing a woman, your life will never be the sa
me, and soon you will end up surrounded and flocked by stunning woman. So move a
way a bit so she doesn t notice that you are having a battle inside your mind. She
must not see that, cause she will not be attracted. Let her think you are a genu
ine prince of hers. Now, think about events when you were blocked in the same wa
y that you are now. Try to remember as many of them you can, and where has it ta
ken you? Remember all the occasions when you were blocked, and how life would be
different if only once you managed to break that pattern inside your mind.
Track 3
Do it until you start to feel rage building up inside you. Rage against bad thou
ght patterns inside your own mind. It will take some time, but you must do it. W
hen you start feeling the rage build up inside you, look at her. Enjoy checking
her body from tip to toe, and repeat after me: I will not be blocked by my mind.
Now, it s time for victory! Once more: I will not be blocked by my mind. Now, it s tim
e for victory! Then proceed to approach her. From the moment you start approachin
g a woman, she starts taking in all the info about you that she can get. Excuser
s will always approach from her side, or her back. If you ask them why, they wil
l not know. It is cause their bad programming inside their minds makes them do ex
actly the wrong moves, that will make the woman blow them off, and the program i
n their minds is so strong, that they aren t even aware of it. So, you will not ap
proach from the back, or from the side. See where the woman is facing. Draw an i

maginary line on the floor in the direction that she is facing. Now your job is
to position yourself about ten yards away from her on that line, and that moment
must be the first moment she notices you. If there is no way you can come to th
at spot without her seeing you, don t go. It is better to approach at a harder ang
le, than for her to see you running to the spot, and then approaching her. But u
sually, you will be able to walk to a spot at least ten yards away from her in t
he direction she is facing. For your first approaches, be sure to do that. So th
is if the first time she is seeing you in her life. You are in front of her, and
she is looking at your direction. Repeat once more in your head: I will not be b
locked by my mind. Now it s time for victory! Your clothes don t have to be spectacul
ar, just don t look like a mama s boy, or a beggar. Look at her, but don t stare at he
r eyes like a psycho. In a relaxed way, start walking towards her. What does tha
t mean? You stand tall, you expose your chest, you don t have fast unconscious mov
ements that would communicate to her that you are insecure. Practice that at hom
e in front of mirror until you make it. Your posture, and how you handle yoursel
f, are the key here, cause woman can see a lot about a man in the way he walks. W
alk in front of mirror until you see that in the mirror, there is a confident ma
n, relaxed. One more thing: it will happen that your mind will start screaming: O
h! What will other people think? If they see me, I will feel ashamed! Don t look ar
ound with your eyes, checking out other people. If you are her prince, the other
people don t matter at all to you. You are not there to seek others people approv
al. When you start feeling that everybody is spying on you, watching your every
move, listen to this: I give you order to go. Now go! Who will you listen to? Thos
e other peoples, hopeless excuser looks, or me. Start walking towards her, and k
eep your eyes only on her. After a few steps, she will realize that you are comi
ng to her. Can you feel the tension in the air? Can you feel her heart beat fast
? If you can, then you are doing it right. When you ll be on half of your way, cyc
le once more through the following in your mind: do I look relaxed? Do I look co
nfident? Do I have stiffness in any parts of my body? If so, relax that body par
t. Am I thinking that somebody is watching me? If so, that s society program. Bloc
k that thought!
Track 4
Is my throat relaxed and not jammed? So, when I start to talk, my voice will not
be high-pitched. When you come at about six feet distance from her, start to sm
ile. The smile should be genuine. If the woman is hot, you will smile, and be ha
ppy that you are talking to her. When you are about four feet away from her, ges
ture with one arm, that you would like to talk to her. So both arms are relaxed
at the sides, but at about four feet one arm goes from the side to the front, an
d palm upwards, slightly towards her. You are doing all that while continuously
walking to her. By opening your palm towards her, in a circular gesture of the h
and, and at the same time bending your spine just a bit forward, you will hit he
r most desired wish to meet Prince Charming. In order to be Prince Charming, you
r whole body must be relaxed, and not stiff. When you open up one palm that now
faces upwards, you signal subconsciously to her that you don t carry a bat. It s all
a caveman instinct. Don t do it stiff, this is not karate. Remember, first handle
your fear inside your mind, and then the movement will come to you very easy. I
f you leave your fear, no matter how methodically talented you are, you will not
move right. So, that was all one fluid movement, and you stop a bit more than a
t arm s length from her. Spread your feet at least half a foot, to stand stable. B
y spreading your feet, and exposing your throat, you stand as if you have nothin
g to fear. Since mind and body are linked, you will start to feel confident also
. If you go in an unconfident bodylanguage pose, your state of mind will also be
full of fear, and the woman will sense it, and she will not like you. You are s
tanding a bit more than an arm s length from her. Smile like to a little child. No
w you may think, why should I smile? You must smile to make her fear go away. Yo
u re a stranger, imagine if a stranger approached you. You would not feel so comfo
rtable if he looked deadly serious. It is good to get a friend to watch you cause
you cannot think about all this info in the beginning. Now, start your talk. Re

member, you are not an excuser, or supplicator. You are her prince. Excuse me for
interrupting you like this. I ve been traveling lately a lot, and have not been a
round. Could you please tell me what are the best clubs to go this Saturday? Whil
e saying Excuse me for interrupting you like this, let her see in your eyes that y
ou admire her. Don t hide that. You are not talking to a tree. You must say that y
ou have been away, because if you admit in the first sentence that you are antisocial, and have no clue where to go out, she will not like you at all. While in
terrupting woman in places they don t expect go get approached, you ll often say Excu
se me, in the beginning. Notice that you say that to satisfy her social programmi
ng, and it in no way makes you an excuser. You say Excuse me, but never wait for a
pproval, and you don t stare at her waiting for approval, cause that would make you
an excuser. You just continue what you wanted to tell her. That way, she will n
ot feel like a slut, and will be free to enjoy the time with this new, interesti
ng stranger. Let her finish her talk. A girl will always hang out in a place whe
re there are similar girls, so choose your type of girl. Ask her questions, but
don t disqualify yourself with questions like: Can you get there without a car? How
much is the entrance fee? If you have no money, or a shitty car, once you re in a
club only your mind matters. Woman choose who she will leave with then and there
, and when she sees your ride, it s too late my miss.
Track 5
When you get everything you want to know out of her you can now go away, or stay
. It depends on you. If you executed everything as I told you, you just had a br
illiant start, and it is a waste if you just go away. But if you choose to go ap
proach someone else, just say: Thank you miss. Now I must go, in a polite way, alm
ost romantic. Never just leave without saying that. You may meet her one day. Ev
en if she s not a woman you like, she may have nice friends. Approach five woman t
hat you find attractive. Remember, if some excuses start flocking your mind, kee
p an eye on the woman, and handle them like I told you. Do not approach from the
sides, or from the back, cause a typical excuser is standing still, and when an
attractive woman passes him by he blurts something out from her side, like: Nice
legs, sugarpants! To differentiate yourself as much as you can from those excuser
s, you must approach from her front. Draw an imaginary line in the direction she s
facing. Approach on that line. You must get on that line far away from the woma
n. Any approach that comes from the direction other than her front is from an ex
cuser angle. If you are in an excuser angle, and then jump her at three feet, an
d step on the line, it will be even worse than approaching from the excuser angl
e. Any awkward moves will be classified as insecurity, cause that s what they reall
y are: insecurity. Attractive woman get hit on whole day, but nobody dares to ap
proach her from the front, and I emphasize, once more, that you must literally g
o and stand on the line, and then slowly and confidently walk towards her. Your
mind will try to force you to look around, and study the wall, but you must not
do that. Stay focused on her. It has never happened to her. When you are asking
her what are the best places to go out, your primary mission is to find out best
places to go out, and not to seduce her. That is the first step. Approaching an
unknown woman with a question. When you do that several times, you will be read
y to express some interest in your approaching her. But if you ve never approached
woman in your life, you must handle this first. There are many places you can g
o. A lunch-break at your work will do, providing there are woman over there, or
a fitness club is a great place. Their fitness instructors can be good-looking.
If you are in a shopping mall, in some sections there will be hot shopping assis
tants being bored to death cause there aren t any customers. If you see an empty sh
op, and a nice shopping assistant inside, doing nothing, you must not come in, p
retend that you are looking at the merchandise, and then approach her. Don t be an
Track 6
Walk in and say what you have to say. Only after you do that, you may proceed to

check the merchandise, in case it really interests you. You may start feeling t
hat you are the only man inside the department store, and that you are an intrud
er. That all eyes are resting upon you. That is just your mind trying to sabotag
e you. Woman are so obsessed with shopping that they wouldn t care even if you rod
e a horse in the shopping mall. Nobody cares what you do. Shopping is their most
desired activity, after being in love, and since they ve met only excusers, they
feel no love, and only thing they can do is shop, shop, shop. If a girl asks you
any questions about yourself, or what are you shopping for, that means that you
are doing great, and that she is starting to like you. It means you approached
her good. If she just shuts up, it is cause she s shocked, and after meeting loads
of excusers, finally someone who may be her prince appears! The opening line you
are using now is one more step on your journey. Don t be impatient and rush to se
ducing woman immediately. Take care of your body language, voice and gestures wh
ile you are still just asking a question. All at once would be too much, and you
would blow it, but couldn t pinpoint the cause, since there is too much new info
involved. Just one more thing you should know: if you find a good-looking shoe s
aleswoman, approach her, and stay to chat with her and get to know her. Avoid as
king her what s her favorite pastime, cause they will usually say buying shoes. Then,
it may happen, that you burst into laugher, and self-destruct yourself. But if
you prefer sophisticated crowd, join me in trendy clubs, full of light, where be
autiful woman can show themselves for others to admire. I will now take you to t
he clubs. Clubs are a good place to learn how to attract and date good-looking w
oman, cause there are so many of them. Most of our students choose not to go to c
lubs at all. Now, they have the power to seduce woman in everyday occasions. Onc
e you get good enough, seeing and approaching just one woman you like will be en
ough. But you will need to approach many woman in order to get good, so that is
why you should go to any place where there are many woman. Since clubs are the e
asiest, I will take you there now. So, you found out in which club there are goo
d woman. If you are young, it can be a party place. If you are older, it can be
an after-work party. Anyway, it is most important to know where woman are, cause,
if there are no woman you want, you waste a night for nothing. Now is time to g
et off the couch, and visit them. If you have a friend who decided, just like yo
u, that he will change his life for better, take him with you. However, if you h
ave a friend who is obviously under influence of society, and doesn t want to chan
ge himself, maybe it is not a good idea to go with him. Maybe, if you don t have a
ny friends that sincerely want to be better at attracting and dating woman, you
should go alone. Yes, alone. Can you feel the society pressure giving you fear?
Track 7
Imagine that you are a beginner in swimming, and have trouble keeping yourself a
float. What is the purpose of dragging a rock with you? You will both sink to th
e bottom. Once you become a good swimmer, you may take weight with you. It s up to
you to decide when the time has come to do that. Let s suppose that all your frie
nds are excusers, and that there is nobody who wants to go out and meet charming
, dressed-up ladies that have put on make-up all day, just to be beautiful for y
ou. Let s suppose they are all excusers waiting for summer, or for the exams to pa
ss, or to finish a project at work in three months, and then they can get a girl
friend. Now you re on your own. Being outside alone realistically maximizes your c
hances of getting woman, cause you have nothing else to do than to meet woman. Bu
t, if you are with a buddy, your minds will generate excuses that the two of you
start talking about something, even though woman in miniskirts are everywhere a
round you. It is interesting that even though you had all day to talk with your
buddy, now when you re finally surrounded by woman, you two start talking the most
and theorizing about nonsense. Why does that happen? The unconscious programs d
eep inside both of your minds know that if you two get into a conversation, all
those woman will end up going home alone, and since you two are not rich or famo
us, that s the best outcome for the society and nation to function perfectly. Imag
ine if the most beautiful woman had children of average man. That would be a was
te of their great genes, and it would hurt the humankind as a whole. That is why

they install a program in our mind, that gives us confidence only after we achi
eve something, or have something of value. But of course, we are not here to car
e about the future of the human race. We are here to care about ourselves. So, l
et s get back to action. If you decide to go out alone, excuses in your mind will
try to sabotage you any way they can. Your mind will tell you: What if other peop
le find out, that I go out alone? What if I meet my friends, and they find out I m
out alone? What if somebody sees me hanging out in club, all by myself? I will
look like a loser! You see, your mind will try to generate excuses to stop you fr
om taking what you want, and getting girl. There are many men who would like to
meet woman, but they can t talk their friends to go out with them. They waste days
, or even years, trying to talk their friends into going out with them. That way
, the society wins. It I true that if you are out alone, and if you meet a bunch
of excusers, and they see you alone, that they will be shocked. But remember, w
hen waves are big, it is much better to swim by yourself than with an anchor tie
d to your neck. Also, if you still have second thought about going out alone, li
sten to this: Are you afraid that other people will know that you will soon have
sex? Listen to me again: Are you afraid that other people will know you will so
on have sex? Or we can change that a bit for the younger crowd, but you may be o
lder and it could still apply to you. Think about it.
Track 8
Are you afraid that your parents will know that you will soon have sex? What kin
d of fear is that? Total society blocker, especially the last one. Listen to it
again: Are you afraid that your parents will know that you will soon have sex? Y
our parents may be thousands of miles away from you at the moment, but they are
agent of society, and they had to control you when you were still living with th
em. Many guys are still under that influence, and it ruins their sex-life totall
y. If you suppose that you may be one of them, just follow your coach, and all t
he missions I give you, to destroy that negative influence in your mind. Great,
so now you are going out. Please, don t make me check on you. If I see you at home
on Saturday night, I will kick you out of your couch. It s Saturday evening. Take
a look at your wardrobe. Oh no! It s only shades of gray, brown or dark green. Al
l excuser-fitting colors. But, don t worry. You can still go out now like that and
succeed, but be sure to buy some different than usual shirt next week. And reme
mber, different, no necessary expensive. When I was young, I had no money, zero
money. So I took my father s shitty old car, and environmental hazard. It was 7 me
ters long. I bet you don t have a car like that. It s 4 meters of car, and 3 meters
of smoke. Since I had no money, I always had a bottle of water in my car. I woul
d park the car in front of club, and take a big sip of water. Inside club I woul
d make girls buy me drinks all the time. If I m with my friend, he was also withou
t any cash, so then I carried two bottles in my car. But I always had the best w
oman out there. Now, I have money, and guess what? I still have the best woman o
ut there. So, if you are still excusing that you are poor, and don t have money to
go out, please stop excusing to me, cause I m not listening. In the car you must h
ave the following things: condoms. Buy the best ones. Don t be a cheap bastard and
save money on condoms. Come on! A blanket. It depends on type of car. Hopefully
, you won t be needing one. A bottle of water. I know, you have cash to buy drinks
in the club, but after doing nasty things in the car, you will need a drink, an
d girl will need a sip also. That s about it. Of course, it is much more convenien
t to take the girl to your place, but it is easier to make her horny in the car
than to make her come to your place. If you are going out with a buddy, each one
should come in his car. Countless times it has happened to me, that I had to le
ave my friends in the club while taking the girl I met with me, but as a real sp
ortsman I would encourage them in that situation by saying:
Track 9
Walking is healthy. If you don t want to do that, come separately. By now you know
where the woman are. Let me give you a short, objective analysis of clubs and t

ype of woman you will meet there. First, an after-work party. Those are the easi
est. Plenty of woman in their thirties and forties. The woman have a lot of mone
y, and buy themselves enough alcohol to get heavily drunk. Woman are desperately
hoping for their prince to come, but he is nowhere to be seen, and fit the same
age-group, this is for you to start. Remember, you don t need to hav
e anything with any of those woman, but they will be good for breaking the fear
of approaching and talking with woman, or groups of woman. They are tired of a d
ay at work, aware that they are getting old, and as they say, When breasts go dow
n, wisdom goes up. A typical male-to-male joke. If woman hears that, she will hat
e you. So, if you are looking for woman that will make it easy for you to get wh
at you want, go there. What else do we have? We have bars. Atmosphere is relaxed
in the bars. Woman are not so bad, although many can drink a lot more beers tha
n you can. Friends, both male and female, come together to a bar, and there may
be lot of them in one group, and believe me, you ll always want one beautiful woma
n from one group, and everybody else will act as her guardian, and try to block
you. Now, you must get comfortable with approaching and talking one or two woman
. Music in bars is not too loud, so you can speak to her, and it s not too silent,
and that s good, cause in beginning you will run out of things to say, and the pro
gram in your mind will make you feel embarrassed, but since there is music it is
socially acceptable not to talk, so your program will not fire. A good place to
meet woman are parties. To get to a party, you must first know somebody who is
throwing a party. If you don t know anybody who s throwing a party, who cares? City
is full of woman. Remember one thing: all blockers are in your mind. When you ar
e on a party, and both you and the woman you fancy are friends of the host, it i
s not easier to approach her, but the program in your mind makes it easier for y
ou, cause it is socially acceptable to talk to a friend of a friend. So if you ca
n t get into a party, it really doesn t matter. Trust me. Sooner or later, you will
charm a woman, only to find out, you don t really like her. Instead of blowing her
off immediately, stay in touch with her, and meet her girlfriends. If you are a
n excuser she will introduce you only to the less attractive ones, but if you ar
e really good, she will set you up with her gorgeous friend. Then you are a sure
winner. Enjoy your prize!
Track 10
I wouldn t suggest throwing a party, if you want to find a girlfriend, cause it is
just too much work. Since you are the host, you will have to talk to everyone, a
nd help everyone out, and in the meantime somebody else may get her. And remembe
r, I will not repeat it more, but any place you go, woman are desperately hoping
for their prince to come, but he is nowhere to be seen.
Track 11
Then, especially if you are a fan of na?ve, young girls, that usually believe in
the superior force, or a New Age supernatural, you can go to techno party, or r
ave party, or house party. I consider all of those woman intellectually challeng
ed, and don t bother to waste time on them. But there may be some extremely hot on
es in places like that, if you choose to go there. Actually, I m amazed how people
go there and fall into trance, and they consider that fun. I don t have time for
that. On weekends I go to ski to a beautiful mountain, and relax in female compa
ny after that. I believe that those people in trance have such huge sexual and l
ife frustration, that only thing they can do is connect and unite in the spirit
of music. Also, if you choose to go there, you will have to compete on the dance
-floor, by dancing like a monkey, and who wants to compete? Your competition doe
s not know how to talk, they can only dance.
Track 12
I don t know about you, but I lose my temper pretty quick, and don t listen to a wom
an who talks about going to a rave, not to mention, that some of them take drugs.

I advise you to discard all those party chicks. You don t need a frustrated woman
in your life, do you? Have you ever been to a rave? You know how does it feel to
me? Like a group of trolls, celebrating their misery underground. Also, many wo
man like to wear sunglasses down there. It is cause of two reasons. First reason
is that the pupils are dilated from the pills they took, and second reason is th
at they are not good-looking, and beware, sunglasses may make you think she is b
reathtaking, but when she takes them off you are disappointed. Those party girls
are annoying to talk to, even if you meet them during the day. They usually hav
e some weird fantasies, like peace on Earth, or age of Aquarius has come, or the
y will tell you they love all people, that we are all children of a sun. I advis
e you to waste time on a girl like that only if there are no normal woman to be
found. Then we have nightclubs. Now we are talking. Nightclubs are
to go to learn to attract and date woman. You will find dazzling and beautiful a
nd very interesting woman in there. Don t be intimidated when you get there. It is
dark. The lights are flashing. Attractive woman have a mean look. It seems that
they are pissed, ready to bite you! But nothing could be further from the truth
. After meeting hundreds of excusers, only thing she can do to protect herself i
s pull a nasty face. It s not her fault. It will scare excusers and they will call
her a bitch, and under that shield there may be a beautiful personality, waitin
g just for you. Why do you think she is there, all dressed up? Why do you think
she s standing there all evening? Did she come to dance? I don t think so. Dancing i
n high heels is not enjoyable. Did she come to talk with her girlfriends? They c
an also talk in every coffee shop. She came there to meet you, to see are you an
excuser or a prince, to see what are you made of, and your mission is to prove
that not all men are the same, that not all men are excusers, and to make her ey
es shine bright. And last, but definitely the best, are trendy cocktail bars, wi
th fancy and tastefully arranged outdoor drinking areas. The superb woman hang o
ut there, and that s where I like to go. Later, we will talk about all these place
s, but now I ll describe how to approach a woman when you re out. Let s suppose you fi
nd yourself in a nightclub. You managed to defeat all the excuses. You didn t find
anyone who wants to attract and date beautiful woman, and are now on the nightc
lub entrance all alone. Don t be afraid now. If you choose a place with good woman
, it will not be a dangerous place. Some of the guys I know, always go out in bi
g groups, and end up in a fight each weekend. You did not come there to fight. O
nly fools fight. You came there to get yourself a woman you like. I never ended
up in a fight. I don t go out to stir trouble. Going out with many friends in orde
r to be stronger in a fight is wrong way of looking at the situation. If a fight
breaks off, don t run towards it. All men will do that, but see which woman are l
eft alone and run to get them. Fool those society excusers that are trying to gi
ve themselves value by fighting each other. Give yourself value by the act of be
ing above all of that, and approach a girl you desire.
Track 13
Don t go to dangerous places, but if you choose to go, always make friends with th
e bouncers. Leave them a tip, or buy them a drink when they are not working. But
making friends with bouncers will just move you away from your primary objectiv
e, and that is woman. So stay away from suspicious places. Woman inside there ar
e not worth it anyway. When you find yourself in a club, don t go approaching imme
diately. Take a walk around, and see where are the girls you like. Remember that
. If you are still a beginner in Attract and Date, and never did approaches in a
club, it s best that you find a woman you like, or two woman you like, standing a
lone, and approach them in order to break your fear. Is your fear too strong eve
n on not the best woman? If it is, so remember the Attract and Date fear destroy
er, and do it. For your first-ever approach in a club, after you stop being an e
xcuser, and you did, didn t you? Choose a good-looking girl, standing alone. If yo
u can t find her, just choose a girl that may be in a big company, but is standing
on the side of the group, looking away from them, and probably, gently moving t
o the music. You will find a lot of woman like that. Now stand far away from her
, so she can t notice you, then tell to yourself: This is it! The beginning of the

end of my excusing! Tell to yourself one more time: This is it! The beginning of t
he end of my excusing! From the time she notices you, it is important what you do
. Until that moment, you can use your time to kick any excuses you may have out
of your mind.
Track 14
Observe her, and her relation to the group. You see, she is with boyfriend. Now,
that is too big challenge for your first approach. Move on to the next girl. Ob
serve her from a distance. Until you get some experience, don t run in assuming yo
u know the situation. Ok, she s with a group of male and female friends, but is no
t engaged in the convo too much. It is recommended that you find a girl that is
just looking around, not talking, cause you may still have excuses in your head t
hat will make you ashamed if everyone from the group looks at you. So you found
an ideal woman for your first approach. Try to maneuver yourself any way you can
, so when she first sees you you will be in front of her. Then, walk slowly to h
er, but don t pretend you are looking around, and that you happen to run into her,
cause she will see right through your excuses. Check her out in a nice way and s
mile. You don t have to smile like you did at the shopping mall, cause in a club, w
oman are accustomed to men approaching them, so they will not be afraid of your
approach. So just smile slightly. Don t overdo it. Now comes the moment when every
guy makes a huge mistake. Excuses in his head tell him that her friends will be
offended. That he has to pay respect, and get approval from them. So beginner i
n Attract and Date will always look at her friends with fast eye movement, searc
hing for approval to talk with her. But deep inside her the woman knows that her
man does not seek approval from anyone, and she wants to be the only one you ar
e interested in. She doesn t want a man who seeks approval. Don t get mad if those e
xcuser eye-movements happen to you, cause it is your unconscious reaction, but sh
e will like you a lot less if you seek approval from her group, cause then you ar
e a weak man, an excuser.
Track 15
It happens to you now, it doesn t matter. You will fix that later. But once you ap
proached, and showed, who is in charge, feel free to look at her company. Even f
eel free to check out her girlfriends, if they are attractive. As you approach h
er, slightly smile, and if the music is loud, even come to hear ear, but with ge
ntle, delicate movements and gestures, so she is not afraid, and then tell her: D
o you know what was written in my horoscope today? That I will meet new people. R
emember the joke mission. Use it now, by having a slight pause, and she will lau
gh. Then extend your hand and say: I m Ranko. If you followed through all the missio
ns and instructions, she ll extend her hand and say: I m Adrienne. Nice to meet you. N
ow stay concentrated on her. Look at her friends only if it is absolutely necess
ary. If you look at them cause you seek their approval, you just shot yourself in
leg. Congratulations! You just made your first approach in club. Do it several
times. After you did it several times, stop and think, did I show the girl I m int
erested in her, or did I leave an impression of a devoted horoscope-fanatic? Hor
oscope is really not important. What is important is that she automatically know
s that you are interested in her, and that is the reason why you approached her.
From your eyes, from your smile, and from your gestures, there can be no mistak
e. You like her, and you want her, and I gave you the horoscope joke to make it
easier for you, cause she will laugh at it, and laughing breaks down all kinds of
resistance. So after you did a few approaches, and amused woman with the horosc
ope joke, you must go and do it a few more times, but pay attention that with yo
ur eyes you communicate to a woman that you find her attractive, and that is the
actual reason for coming, not horoscope.
Track 16
Don t excuse yourself under some silly horoscope story. The purpose of your talk m

ust be clearly visible to woman. Of course, it is much more easier to go around

and pretend that you are actually horoscope fan, but there is no way you will wi
n her over with such excuses. It is not easy to go to her, and express interest
in your looks and gestures, cause then you would be the alpha man that cares for
her, and that is what every woman wants, so the program in your mind will try to
stop you doing that. Now, approach several woman with the same line, but take c
are to express that you are there cause of her. Don t excuse yourself. When you acc
omplish that, listen on. First you ve approached woman asking for a club. I hope y
our mind didn t force you to be a lost tourist, cause you know what? Lost tourists
don t get laid. Now, you used the horoscope joke to approach woman. Remember the l
ine is just a joke to make her laugh. It must be obvious that you are not a weir
do who believes in the supernatural, cause if you pretend that, once you try to s
educe her, she will know that you faked everything, and you ll be just an excuser,
and get one more night with your hand. If we are moving at too fast pace, it is
ok to stop listening now. Go out and do everything I told you now once more. At
this moment you are doing huge steps in the right direction, so don t skip any mi
ssions. Student from many nations have been trained by us in the clubs, and in a
ny other place. Us, students and woman, and it is necessary to do the missions t
o advance step by step. I can not check on you now, but will be mad if I find ou
t you did not get out of the couch. You will advance by just listening to Attrac
t and Date, but doing all the missions it the only way if you want to be the bes
t. Now, I have two excuse-busters for you: you can do them today when you go int
o town. First is the condom excuse-buster. I want you to go to the nearest big c
rowded store, with a bunch of woman choosing make-up and glittering nail polish,
and buy a pack of condoms. Don t spare money on condoms. Take a basket or a troll
ey and put only a pack of condoms inside it. Now, walk around with the condoms i
n the basket. Don t choose a far-away store. Choose a store somewhere, where your
neighbors can see you. Somewhere where you go all the time. Can you feel the pre
ssure in your head? Can you feel all the unnecessary excusing multiplying? What
if this person sees me? What if that person sees me? Go to the store when it is
crowded. Usually only woman hang out in stores like that, where they choose make
-up and other accessories. Take a walk around so each and everyone of them sees
what you bought. If she s attractive, don t hesitate to approach her, cause you alrea
dy know two ways how. Can you sense how program in your mind is trying to destro
y you? Resist it. You have been its slave for too long. You will not die as its
servant. Listen to me: Are you afraid that everybody will know that you have sex
? Are you afraid that everybody will know that you have sex? Take a few walks th
rough the store, so everybody sees you are not an excuser. Check out beautiful w
oman, and talk to them. And then go stand in a line, and watch the horrified loo
ks of all male excusers standing around. This mission is a must if you want to i
mprove. I repeat: a must. All these missions are meant to take you in the same d
irection. You must not de-personalize from them, or do it as a chore. You must
genuinely want to improve, and do it from your heart, as they say. So you must g
enuinely want to improve and do it from your heart. Your next mission is: pornog
raphic magazine excuse-buster. Somewhere, you must have a porn magazine. If you
don t have it, a book about sex will be good also. Dress your best and most expens
ive clothes, so you look like a respected member of society, and successful one.
Go to a nice place with a bench that you used to accomplish one of your first m
issions. Sit on the bench and do everything as you did back then.
Track 17
Now, take out the magazine or the book, and read whatever interests you. Can you
feel all the excusers looking at you, horrified? Good. Read some more. After ab
out ten minutes, you have completed your mission. It is very simple, yet extreme
ly powerful. This mission you may do only once, but the condom mission you can d
o each time you go to buy yourself condoms. Now, let s get back to meeting woman.
You already know where to go to find the woman you want. I suppose it s a club, bu
t you can do the same everywhere else, even the break at your work-place. There
it should be even easier than in the clubs. One important detail to remember is,

that you can t just appear out of nowhere and jump the girl with your line. You m
ust give her a few seconds to get accustomed to meeting a new man. You must let
her know what you are about to do. You do that by walking in her line of sight,
and in the end, gently smiling to her. Never forget, that it makes it very natur
al for her to continue talking to you that way. If you really surprise her, you
will have to tell her something before the horoscope line, for example: Let me e
xplain how to stop a walking woman in a club. Woman have this custom to walk aro
und all night, to show themselves and to check who else is there. If you wait fo
r her to stop, you can lose all night, or she will be approached by someone else
, or even worse, she will notice you following her, and you become a lurker, and
she hates lurkers. So imagine you see a stunning, dazzling woman walking. Beaut
iful woman are never alone, cause their girlfriends want to hang out with them, s
ince their beauty will attract a parade of men, and cause of that maybe she can m
eet a man also, and men always try to impress or talk to a beauty, so she has mo
re attention than she can handle, and approaching her when she s walking alone is
much easier than approaching her when she s surrounded by girlfriends and a few ma
le admirers that are buying them drinks.
CD 5
Track 1
The same as we can judge a woman s qualities in a second, she has to judge us in a
second, so it is very important how you are going to stop her. The first moment
s of approaching a woman, and a few seconds before that, are always the most imp
ortant. So suppose she s walking, and you can almost sense an aura around her. She
knows she has all the attention, and enjoys it. She has total power, and everyb
ody, both her girlfriends and her male friends, and her boyfriend, supplicates t
o her, cause they are all afraid of losing her, so they will do anything to pleas
e her. But, since she is a woman, she is genetically programmed to seek a male t
hat is at least stronger than herself, and a boyfriend who turns into a puppy is
not what she is lusting for. If all men turn into puppies when she sees them, t
hen of course she will choose the richest one, or the best-looking one, but she
remains unhappy all her life. Now, you come to change that! She s walking on a lin
e. Find the shortest path to the line, and position yourself on the line. Start
walking directly towards her. Don t be an excuser! Don t be an excuser! When you loo
k at her, smile like Prince Charming coming to take what belongs to him. Make it
obvious that she s about to be stopped. Only thing important is that you must not
seem desperate. You must seem like a man that takes what he wants and desires,
even if you are desperate at the moment. It doesn t really matter. As long as you
fake it for a few minutes, she will begin to like you. Then she will start smili
ng at you, and touching you. She will start to play with hair, and flirt with yo
u, and then, even if you are desperate to start with, she will pull you out of y
our depression. So, how is your walk?
Track 2
It should be slow, confident. Relax your arms on your side. Don t put them in your
pockets like some lame drug-dealer. You must not wait for the last moment, cause
you will seem like a drug-dealer or a beggar to her, hiding something. At about
a meter distance, gently raise your hand and stop her. The bad society program
in your mind will try to keep your hand low. It will pull it down. If you are do
ing it with a friend, watch him. He will not let himself to raise his hand. The
hand must sometimes come to the level of her shoulder, and if she doesn t stop, ge
ntly touch her shoulder. It must be a slow, obvious gesture. Do not wait for the
last moment, and then do something in panic. Also smile to break her fears. Mem
orize all this and do it with your friend watching. You must be the one who stop
s her. Don t raise your arm like a traffic cop and blurt something out and expect
that she will stop and listen. Your duty is to stop her. If it s needed, touch her
. We stop roller-girls all the time. Imagine how you need to apply force then. S

topping her will be a surprise, so instead of going into the horoscope line imme
diately, say Excuse me for stopping you like this. Say it from a position of power
at the same time you are saying it, and stopping her. Do not say it and wait fo
r her approval. She doesn t want a man who seeks approval in the first second of i
nteraction. What kind of a man is that? An excuser. Say gently, almost romantic,
and after a slight pause, continue to Do you know what was written in my horosco
pe today? That I ll meet new people. If you did everything as I told you, she will
be dazzled. Yes, dazzled, and you just had wonderful start.
Track 3
Sometimes her friends are waiting for her, and she must go to them in order not
to appear as a slut, even though she likes you a lot. Don t let your excuses stop
you now. If she seems happy and surprised, but says that she has to go to her fr
iends, just say: Ok. I will go with you. A girl just likes it more when her friend
s are nearby, and she s talking to you. Even though she s feeling attracted to you,
she s still a girl, and is afraid of unknown men. You don t mind are your friends wa
tching you, but girls do mind are her friends close. If you did everything well,
you will have a chat, and when she mentions her friends, don t run away. Feel fre
e to join them. Once you are with them, don t excuse saying You know, I met her caus
e I read the horoscope, bla bla bla
As far as they are concerned, you two know eac
h other from before. Remember that is one of your strongest weapons. Excusers th
inking that since she s so happy talking to you, it must be that you two know each
other from before. Don t waste your time on getting to know her friends. Just giv
e them a polite hello and continue talking to her. Stopping is an essential skil
l to master, which you must know. It is totally against the social programming, c
ause it will get you a lot of woman, which otherwise you could never meet. Woman
have the tendency to continue walking where they were heading, after she had a
chit-chat with you. It is not that she doesn t like you. She likes you, and you ar
e totally different than all the men she met, but her social programming tells h
er, that she must not appear as a slut. What does that mean? She must not show o
bvious signs of liking an unknown man in front of other people. I will repeat it
again: She must not show obvious signs of liking an unknown man in front of oth
er people. Remember that.
Track 4
She s very limited in showing her affection for you after a stop. Even though thos
e people around are complete strangers to both of you, a woman has big pressure
inside her mind cause of them. It is inevitable to cause that on stopping, but as
soon as possible, move closer to her, even tell her something in her ear, like
a little secret of yours. She will know that now other people around you think y
ou two are friends from before, and will not think of her as a slut. Also, if yo
u are still under influence of bad social programming it will be way easier for
you, if you know that others think the two of you are friends from before. The p
ressure in your mind may break you. The pressure that somebody is watching you,
and judging you, but as you listen to this, you will defeat it, never to appear
again. If a friend of yours is tagging along, he must never be near at the momen
t that you stop a walking woman. It will make her feel fear. It is felt by her l
ike wolf-pack attack. Also, when you see a good-looking woman walking, you can t g
o to your friend and say Now lose yourself, cause she will see that he just ran awa
y and will be suspicious. If you take some guy with you, and didn t let him listen
to this, it will be a disaster for sure. You will easily defeat all excuses and
stop a woman and approach her. He will stare from point-blank distance, or even
worse, he will apologize for your behavior and tell her: I m sorry for his behavio
r. He s not usually like this. Usually, he s an excuser. That will destroy you both,
and you can go home, sleep alone. So beware if you are out with an old friend, t
o whom you did not explain, what you are up to do. If you are both just starting
, and both of you are listening to Attract and Date, I suggest you take turns in
who will approach the hottie. Before going in club, just make a deal, who goes

first to approach a woman. After the approach, if it is a lone woman, the other
guy has no reason to be there, but can go approach alone, or offer feedback to t
he first guy. Just Don t stand somewhere near, so it s not obvious you are watching, c
ause if a woman is being watched, all kinds of alarms turn on inside her.
Track 5
We ll master all kinds of approaches first, and I mean first, then we ll handle what
should I talk about problem. It is no use knowing how to succeed in talking, if
you freeze when woman you want is surrounded by her friends. You may never get
the chance to talk to her that way. Approaching a solo girl in a club is easy, a
nd that s why you must do it first. It is easy, cause it is acceptable action for t
he manners they install into a man s head, but just approaching a group of girls w
ill be a lot harder. Many men can easily approach a lone girl, and will spend th
e whole evening searching for an attractive woman that is alone. They will walk
and walk for hours. Most of them will not realize that if there is no hot woman
that are alone, they should approach hot woman that are not alone. The excuses h
ave taken over. Most of men will not realize that, cause their program inside the
mind does not let them realize that. Others will realize that it would be logic
al to approach a group of girls, if the girl they want is there, but will still
be blocked by conscious, or unconscious, excuses. I will now kick those excuses
out of your mind. So even thinking about going into a group of unknown woman may
give you goosebumps. Why is that so? Why men s minds wired in a way that totally
ruin their lovelife? A man who as able to approach with ease, and start talking
to a group of five attractive woman, even though his co-workers are nearby lurki
ng and spying on him, has a huge chance of getting laid. But if he is not a succ
essful society member, he must be stopped. It must never happen that an average
guy does that. An average guy with average income, success and status, deserves
an average woman, and that has been keeping society advancing. And the best bloc
ker is the one installed in your mind.
Track 6
It is your personal blocker that goes with you everywhere, and you cannot see it
, cause it is in your head, hidden from the conscious mind. But, Attract and Date
is here for the rescue! So your mind will try to stop you when you try to appro
ach several woman standing in a group. Your mind will try to sabotage you, and m
any men go out hundreds of times, never to manage being sober and approach a bun
ch of good-looking woman. They spend their time searching for a woman that is al
one, and that precise moment, since that is extremely time-consuming, they are b
locked, and society order is preserved. Work equals sex. Let s suppose that now yo
u are aiming for more sophisticated woman. You can use the horoscope line also,
but now I will teach you Cocktail Tropico line. Learn and try both. They are excel
lent for practice. They are missions for you to accomplish, and every mission ha
s a specific purpose for you to master. Every mission is a step to free your min
d. When you decide to approach woman for the very first time, you may find yours
elf totally blocked, and having no experience in talking to woman, and having yo
ur mind full of society junk, you may find yourself stuck and unable to do anyth
ing. Then it is good to have a pre-memorized line, and an idea where the convers
ation will go. One of the biggest blockers you will encounter is the fear of not
knowing what to say. In order to defeat that fear, you must somehow talk to a w
oman to replace the false imagined image of a woman that you have in your consci
ousness, with a real one. But how will you talk to them, if you have a big fear
of not knowing what to say in the first place? You will use a memorized line. Th
e huge blocker of I don t know what to talk about happens out of two reasons. The fi
rst is society program in the mind, which triggers the feeling of not being good
enough. Soon, you have no idea what to say, and at the same time, it makes you
speechless, cause of fear.
Track 7

Do you have a problem of talking to your best friend? No, you have no trouble ta
lking to him. How come you have trouble in talking to a woman then? You may say,
It is true that I can talk with my best friend. That s easy. But woman, nobody und
erstands them. Your mind is generating pressure that you are not good enough to t
alk to a woman, and then you get blocked. Could you talk to a man if he had a gu
n pointed in your head? I don t think so. That is the same kind of blocker in your
mind, that makes a gorgeous woman the same as a gun being pointed in your head,
so you lose your gift of speech in both occasions. The other reason guys don t kn
ow what to say is sheer inexperience. They don t know anything about woman, so the
y seem alien to him, and the guy just has no idea what to say. He may be going w
ell, but he will have no clue what to say, and leave a pleasant conversation. So
I will now give you directions for you to follow. The Cocktail Tropico line is
best used on a group of woman. Take a walk around the club. Now you ll approach tw
o woman standing together by the bar. It s a classic situation. What can your comp
etition, the excusers, do? They will approach the better-looking one from the si
de, and in their first sentence offer them to buy them drinks. Those woman have
heard it a thousand times in their life, and about ten times already that night.
If the woman get desperate enough, and realize that good men just don t exist, th
ey will let someone buy them drinks, and maybe even proceed to having some kind
of frustrated relationship with him, which may one day result in marriage. Basic
ally, she ll be unhappy all her life, cause she didn t succeed in her role as a woman
. If you look at them, you may see frustration in their eyes. After a few years
of meeting only excusers, they will start drinking, cause when they are drunk, ev
en excusers seem like good men to them. It s the same with men. If they can t find a
woman they want, they will get drunk, and suddenly, all woman will seem beautif
ul as a spring-red rose. So two woman are standing by the bar, having a drink, a
nd an army of excusers is approaching from their sides, begging them: Could I buy
you a drink? The excusers don t have much of a chance, cause the society program ru
ns their minds. Even if they get lucky, and the woman they approach, cause of sta
tistical probability, decides that she wants to get to know him, sooner or later
her friend will drag her away to the toilet, and then, an excuser stays alone,
and pays off all the drinks, and that is how it goes forever. But not for you.
Track 8
For your first approach at two woman standing at the bar, this is how you ll do it
. This is the best way for you to start crashing your old programs. Imagine ther
e is a line going at right angle from the bar, and finishing between the two wom
an. You will position yourself on that line, the farther the better, and ideally
, that should be the first time woman notice you. They can notice you before, bu
t it is best that they see you for the first time once you are standing on that
imaginary line, facing them. Stand with your legs and hips wide. Don t be ashamed
that everybody is watching you. Kick out any excuse from your head, and don t pret
end that you are looking at the floor. Look at your woman! Start walking towards
them and check them both out, in a nice way. Don t stare like a madman, cause she
will see that you have a bad case of sexual neurosis. A sexual neurosis is a lac
k of sex, caused by excuses, and the only way to cure it is to kick out those ex
cuses holding you down. Walk relaxed in a stable position. If you run into peopl
e, don t go running around them and excuse for your existence. If there are some m
en around, don t look at them. They are only a bunch of excusers. You don t need the
ir approval. Take the hands out of your pockets. Now, men make a fatal mistake.
They start talking, and expect, that the woman will turn around by themselves, a
nd face him. But woman will not turn around to face an unknown guy, cause they mu
st not appear as sluts. So even if they like you, they will not turn around by t
hemselves. A woman doesn t like to take the initiative. That is how she filters ou
t stronger than herself men. If you are afraid to touch her, and turn her a bit,
then what kind of a man are you? Not the one she wants to mate with. When you c
ome to them, you must gently but firmly tug their shoulders, and if they were fa
cing the bar, turn their shoulders about forty-five degrees, in your direction,

so they can start talking to you. You must give them that slight push, they re exp
ecting it. You must take the lead all the time. You either take the lead, or spe
nd a night with your hand. There is no third option. Don t turn them totally towar
ds you. That would be too much for starting of a conversation. Just turn them en
ough that they cannot ignore your talk. Of course, you must smile, almost romant
ically, and seem like you are delighted to talk to them. I hope you are delighte
d. I hope you didn t choose ugly ones. When you come, you will say, Excuse me for d
isturbing you, in an alpha way. Do not wait for any approval, cause the one, who d
oesn t wait for an approval, sometimes gets the approval cause of that. Remember th
at: the one, who doesn t wait for an approval, sometimes gets the approval cause of
that. You just asked for approval by saying Excuse me, to disable their society p
rogramming, which is on and running. That is the trick: just ask for approval. B
ut physically, you do just as you would without asking for approval. Continue to
talk. Don t be an excuser. The sole act of waiting for their approval will make y
ou an excuser. If they notice you as you walk to them, and they ve seen you checki
ng them out, they are already ready for your approach, especially if you establi
shed eye contact while walking to them. That is the best, cause you give them tim
e to get ready for an approach. Don t make a mistake of addressing your line only
to the better-looking girl. Talk with them both. Later I will teach you how to g
o directly to the beautiful woman, neglecting everybody else. So talk to both of
them. If the music is too loud, which will often happen, repeat it in their ear
. You will say: Hello girls. I was wondering, did you try these cocktails that th
ey make here? That s a great line to start out, but don t be surprised if you get a f
lat out No, and they start to ignore you after that.
Track 9
Now it is probably too late to do anything with those woman, but you must get ba
ck to what I told you, and find out what was your mistake. You will fix it for t
he next woman you approach. If you get a flat out No, and they turn away, it means
that you blew it heavily somewhere. Was it your excuser-looking clothes? Did yo
u approach in an arc? Did you wait for them to finish their convo? Did you look
fast left and right, asking for approval? Or, did you maybe laugh at yourself wh
en approaching, and so they laughed at you too? One of the most common mistakes
is the excuser fake smile? What is a fake smile men have when approaching or tal
king with woman? If you are walking and hit something with your foot, you will m
ake a forced smile that shows others it s hurting you a bit, but that everything
is ok. When you play sports and something starts to hurt you, you will make that
forced smile, that will signal just the right message to your team: it is hurti
ng me, but I can carry on. Or it may mean: Yes, I was stupid to hit my leg, but n
ow I m ok. Men will have the excuser fake smile all the time when they approach wom
an. Look around. It is a reflection of their internal insecurity, and if a woman
sees you with a fake smile, she will get rid of you immediately. So when things
go wrong, analyze what went wrong, and do another approach. It is best to fix i
t for the second approach, cause if you blew it on the first line, chances are sl
im that you will manage anything. Remember this Attract and Date rule: When a wo
man blows you off, don t think What I can do to recover now? but think What I have to
change in order to succeed with the next woman? and very fast you will forget ho
w it feels to be blown away. I will repeat that important rule: When a woman blo
ws you off, don t think What I can do to recover now? but think What I have to change
in order to succeed with the next woman? Do that, and soon, you ll be flocked with
woman. If she said a normal no, just continue. It means that they really didn t try
any cocktails. Ask them about what they think would be a good cocktail at this
lounge, and after that, even if they said yes, at the beginning, or no, it doesn t mat
ter. Continue with the following story. Don t memorize it word-for-word. Say almos
t anything you want. The mission is to exercise your spontaneity, which has been
destroyed by society. Say that you just met the champion cocktail man of your s
tate, who was leaving for cocktail world championship. Make up everything, each
time, saying more and more details, and say that his favorite of all cocktails i
s Cocktail Tropico. Then proceed to describe the excellent Tropico. Make up its co

lors based on the colors woman are wearing. For example, It has sky-blue color, an
d make up all juicy pieces of fruit that you put in the cocktail. Sooner or late
r, you will have to talk to a woman about something, that means nothing to you,
but means the world to her, and refrain from laughing. Practice your spontaneity
by Cocktail Tropico story. You ll need it. And then say that you re tried to find Cock
tail Tropico everywhere in this city, but they have them only in the trendiest of
all places, so you didn t find it. After that speech, ask the woman, did they eve
r try Cocktail Tropico?
Track 10
Of course, Cocktail Tropico doesn t exist. It is made up. But very often, you will h
ear woman say, that they drank the Tropico. Interesting phenomenon, I might say.
When two woman are standing at the bar, after you start talking to them, stand
in the way that you make a same-side triangle with them. After you talk more you
can position yourself between them, and order yourself a drink. Don t be a cheap
bastard when it comes to buying a woman a drink. If they have been talking to yo
u for some time, offer to buy them drinks. Not only cause of courtesy, but it s eas
ier to talk if you drink in a hot, crowded club. Sometimes a drink is all you wi
ll buy her before you take her home. Remember, it s more comfortable to have sex i
f you re not thirsty. Don t make the mistake of trying to bribe her with your drink.
Many excusers do exactly that. She must like you cause of who you are, and you a
re the man, not cause of drinks you bought her. If you sense you are going nowher
e with the woman, don t buy them anything. They can t deserve a favor from you just
by existing. Almost all woman like to sucker men for drinks. They go out to get
an ego boost, cause the more guys offer to buy her drinks, the more valuable she
is. If it happens to you, that you buy her a drink, but she just goes away, don t
do it again. Better buy me a drink. Just follow my advice and missions, and befo
re you know it, beautiful woman will jump you. To achieve supremacy over your co
mpetition, and get the beautiful girl you want, you must first win the battle in
your mind. If we are under society influence, our minds tend to go into negativ
e, instead into positive. That must be fixed. First, you win the battle in your
mind, and then all things come easy, effortlessly. If you approach without resol
ving the fear first, chances are slim, cause the girl will sense that you have so
me problems, or issues, and will not be attracted to you. That is the reason why
woman hate excusers. Excusers make problems for themselves. They create phobias
out of nothing, and find many ways how to fail. Excusers spend all their day th
inking about what somebody else is thinking. So, let me ask you: are those genes
attractive? Are those the genes of the father of a woman s child? When a woman me
ets an excuser, she unconsciously knows, that if he s messed up, the children will
be also, so she loses any kind of sexual attraction to him. It is not easy for
men to realize that, since we judge woman in a totally different way. When a man
sees a woman, he s interested only in her looks, cause that is the most important
thing she will give to the baby: health. A beautiful young woman is attractive t
o us, cause her child will be the healthiest, and be fed with the best milk. When
a woman looks at a man, she will be interested in what good characteristics can
the baby get from the man. If a man is still thinking how to be a good boy and
please his parents, and everybody else, if he s still thinking, about what everybo
dy else is thinking, and wastes his time on excusing, he has only the worst poss
ible characteristics for the baby to inherit, and woman will feel repelled by hi
m. So, more phobias or insecurities you kick out of your head, the more you will
Track 11
Here is a mission for you, that will strengthen your willpower, the Attract and
Date music mission: the majority of people let bad events during the day ruin th
eir mood. They surrender, and give up, and let negativity flood their minds. The
y let inevitable events, which can not sometimes be stopped or predicted, ruin t
heir most precious belonging: their good state of mind, their spirit. This is an

exercise which will teach you how to stay focused, and how to repel away all ne
gativities, no matter what they may throw into you. You will practice it at home
, and when you go out, and see a woman, the nothing will stand in your way. Take
some music CDs. The more famous songs, the better. Whole humankind lets ordinar
y, daily events depress them. For example, seemingly innocent things as music is
like a drug. Music has this powerful influence on the conscious mind, and when
you go out clubbing, and just about everywhere else, you ll be hit by loads of son
gs. You must not let those songs influence your state of mind. I guess you are s
tronger than some silly song. Don t be an excuser. Find greatest hits or any other
song filled with emotional crap. Have at least ten songs. Let them play, and no
w the battle begins. Those songs were made especially to target your emotional c
enter in your mind, to give you all kinds of feelings you have missed, to make o
ut of you a silly excuser, that uses his music player to escape the misery of hi
s life. Don t let them do that. Stay calm. Sit down, and using all the knowledge y
ou have about society control, and all the power you ve found out inside you, that
you never knew you had, stay at the present moment, and don t let the song drag y
ou into its emotional space. So listen to ten top hits, and be proud how that so
ciety emotions-making machine can not influence you any more. Why is that so imp
ortant? After all, they are just songs, you may say. When you are out meeting wo
man, loud music will be playing, and when you concentrate on the woman, the musi
c may make you move out of the present moment, and you will not do best to attra
ct her. When you will be able to stop any emotion that is being pumped into your
mind, you will think with unprecedented clarity, and that will be your advantag
e over all those excusers blurting something out to woman. When you ll be doing th
at mission, think about your future, when you ll be getting all the music you want
from the sounds of a woman s satisfaction. And now, let s charm more stunning woman
Track 12
When you see a beautiful woman standing near, the excuser generator in your mind
will turn on, cause you are not rich or successful enough, so you must be stoppe
d. I have nothing to say, is one of the most common excuses it will use to fool yo
u and trick you, and BAM, you spend a night with your hand. You ve come to the mom
ent to permanently delete all blockers, and then you will talk to woman as easil
y as effortlessly you talk to your best buddy. You must target the blockers in y
our mind, and destroy them. That way, you will be set free, to finally start mee
ting and talking to any woman you like, and when the time comes, kiss her and ta
ke her home. So whatever story I tell you to talk about, or the lines itself, us
e it as a way to finally talk and interact with woman. After seeing how woman ar
e indeed wonderful and friendly
that is, if you are not an excuser your consciou
s mind will have enough power to get you rid of I have nothing to say -blocker, and
in the process, you will find out the real nature. Then, you will talk to her,
like you talk to your best friend. Most guys are blocked by the I have nothing to
say excuse, and are stuck cause the only way to get rid of the excuse is to socia
lize with woman, but they can t do that, cause they have nothing to say. It s like a
vicious cycle, that we are about to stop forever. So, for your approaches, I wil
l give you a few stories that are great, especially because they teach you to im
provise. Your mind will one day be empty of excuses, but if you can do what you
wish, and if you can say what you wish, that still doesn t mean you will say the r
ight thing. That s why you will learn to improvise, and make conversation out of n
othing, so you don t shut up when your woman wants you most. Many times it will ha
ppen that the woman you want will be sitting down and having a drink. Woman like
to hang out in pairs and chit-chat. That situation happens very often, and I be
t that you found yourself stuck many times and didn t know what to do, when you sa
w two beauties talking in the caf?. What will you do? What will you do? One solu
tion is to do nothing, and wait until you meet a similar woman alone. That is no
t our solution. Or suppose you see two woman having a drink in a coffee shop in
the city, in the middle of the day. What will you do? One solution is to do noth
ing, and wait until you meet woman like that in a club. That is not our solution

. You must do something then and there. Life does not give you many chances. Whe
n a chance is presented to you, you must use it well. That is why you should app
roach a lot, and master all the exercises, cause once you will meet a woman you r
eally desire, and then you must make no mistake. Men often go out, and all the t
ime they find a situation like this, and they think: They are few dazzling beauti
es, but they are talking to their friends, so I will not interrupt. Then, there
are some nice woman, but they are not beautiful, so I will not approach them. So
they excuse themselves and accomplish nothing whole evening. If you can t remember
when was the last time you had sex, don t hesitate to approach nice woman that ma
y not be beautiful, cause if you have zero contact with woman, big frustration wi
ll radiate from you, and cause beautiful woman get hit on all the time, they will
know to judge exactly which man is frustrated, and which man is not.
Track 13
Men rely on their eyes to estimate the quality of a woman. Woman don t rely on the
ir eyes like men do. They need to know what a man is like, and how does he behav
e, and what other girls think of him. Since woman are looking for different char
acteristics than men are, they will use different ways to get to know them. One
of the most common ways is to rely on judgment of other woman. Men don t care for
judgment of other men, but since woman can not get all the info they want by jus
t one glance, they rely on the behavior of other female which know that man. So
if you tell her that you haven t been in a relationship for two years, the woman w
ill automatically think that you should be discarded. Or if you come to a club a
nd hang out with men all night, and suppose you have a twin brother, who is ther
e hanging out with three woman. Even though the two of you are totally the same,
all woman will automatically desire your brother more. That is why it is good t
o hang out with attractive woman somewhere where other woman can see you. It is
even better to be romantically involved with attractive woman, but if it s your fi
rst date, and the inevitable has not just happened, feel free to take her out wh
ere other woman you are interested in are. You may not be together, but when a w
oman gives you her time, it will raise your value in other woman s eyes enormously
. Trust me. A man judges in a millisecond, does he want a woman or not, and his
decision is final. But a woman takes much more to figure out, does she want a ma
n or not, and that is why woman are so reluctant to have sex. She will test you,
and get to know you, before she sleeps with you, and you were ready for sex the
moment you saw her, almost then and there. Woman know that all other woman thin
k like she does, so when she sees you in the company of another attractive woman
, the first woman will like you much much more. The first woman knows that the s
econd woman is, guess what? A woman. So the first woman knows, that the second w
oman will only hang out with a man that meets her tough female criteria, and the
more beautiful the woman you are with, the more your value will grow in the eye
s of all other woman. Cause every woman knows, consciously and unconsciously, tha
t the more attractive she is, the better man she will have. So when you start, e
ven if you don t manage to seduce the woman you like instantly, stay talking with
them, and make sure another girl you want notices you. When you leave the first
group of girls, and approach the second one, your value will be extraordinary. O
ften, men have a blocker in their head that tells them: Oh, I m talking here with t
hese girls, and those girls over there are super, but I can t approach them, cause
they ve seen me talk with these girls. That is a total society blocker.
Track 14
The society program in your unconscious mind knows, that if a girl sees you soci
alizing with other girls, she will automatically find you more attractive, and t
he society program in your mind knows, that it will be easier for you to have se
x with woman that know other woman want you, so it blocks you by telling you: You
can not go to that girl. She was you talk with the girl before. That way, you ar
e stuck, and spend the night alone, and society wins. So listen to me. Listen to
me carefully. Attract and Date rule: If the woman you want sees you talking with

other attractive woman, she will want you a lot more, not less. So don t let excus
es take over. Most men come to a club, or any social event, have some alcoholic
encouragement, make a prayer and a sacrifice for Lady Luck, approach a woman wit
h: Hey sugarpants! Would you like a beer? get blown off, of course, and then spend
the all night feeling embarrassed, and turn red like tulips, ashamed of their o
wn existence. After they got blown off, they instantly threw on a fake smile, an
d looked at everybody else around them, and they tried to express their excuse f
or doing what they desire. Don t be one of them, cause after a night of excusing, a
nd feeling pain in stomach and throat, and after thinking about what some observ
ers are thinking, after a night like that, you will spend a night with your hand
Track 15
When approaching, you will have a feeling that all eyes are on you. That you are
being watched by excusers, lurking in the shadows around you. Everywhere you go
, you will have a feeling that you are being watched. That is partially true. Fi
rst, overwhelming majority of people go out. Why the Hell they go out? To excuse
themselves. They don t go out to get woman, that s for sure. They go out and do not
hing except stare in their glass, so when somebody, who is not an excuser, shows
up, and approaches the woman everybody is staring at, they will all be shocked.
Remember, they will even assume that you know her from before, cause their excus
er brains could not handle the truth. And the other reason you will feel that yo
u are being watched, is cause the blocker part of your brain is trying to stop yo
u any way it can by telling you funny excuses that you are being watched. You mu
st be stopped, cause you are not a successful enough citizen. It is funny how mos
t people go through life thinking about what others are thinking if I do this, a
nd what others are thinking if I do that. They never stop to listen to their own
needs and desires. The society forces people to obey. If you don t do that, you g
et punished. It forces you to think that displaying your natural desire is embar
rassing. Then, when teenage boys start phoning girls to go on dates, they will h
ide deep in basement, so nobody hears them, and as time goes by, excuses just mu
ltiply and multiply. The society and nation is happy: it gets good workers who w
ill think more and produce more, than if they spend their time with woman. Your
life is about to change dramatically. You will make a huge positive shift in you
r life, and you may find yourself amazed at all the power you have gained, and y
ou may find yourself amazed at all the power you had, but you never used it. Man
y negative thoughts and ideas have been put in your mind by your closest friends
and family, when they raised you. They did the best they could, but you cannot
expect help and good advice from somebody who doesn t know how to help himself. Us
ing everything you learn in Attract and Date, and having a desire to live the be
st possible life, you will get all the beautiful woman you need, and achieve oth
er things also. Often, you will find yourself alone in attracting and dating bea
utiful woman. Overwhelming majority of men are excusers, especially when it come
s to woman, and that is good for you, cause you will take the girl you want, and
they will just continue excusing, to the end of time.
Track 16
When you go out to the clubs, it is best to start with friends who also want to
change. We are not there with you, and can not see your mistakes, so take someon
e with you who is equally devoted as you are, and go to a club, a shopping mall
or any other place there is where the woman you want may hang out. Out there you
may see men which are far more relaxed than you, and are having fun and success
with girls. Don t get bothered cause of that. They are satisfying the society prog
ram, and they aren t getting blocked much, so they let themselves have confidence,
for socializing. You are taking off to fly above the race, and your power will
be on a bigger order of magnitude. Leave them all breathing each others dust, and
take what is yours. Attract and Date gives you the power. The time for change i
s now. Take their woman! What s your excuse? Crush your competition.

Track 17
While doing the exercises and missions, you will overtake all competition, since
now you know what to do. It is only a question of your devotion to the goal, so
I ask you: What s your excuse? You and your friend take turns with approaching, s
o he can observe you, cause it may happen that you forget to think about everythi
ng in the beginning. Later you ll be able to walk around alone, having absolutely
no fear, and approach and seduce any woman you want. But for your first approach
es, when excuses are still blocking you, do it like this. If it s your turn to app
roach, let your friend walk a few meters in front of you, and you will follow hi
m. Your friend is searching for hot woman, so it better be someone who has taste
. While he s searching, you are following him, but not close. Then a friend may no
tice a hot woman, and can stand there and observe the situation. After that he c
omes to you, and he can even show you from the distance, where they are. And now
, the program in your head, installed by your parents, friends and education sys
tem, will start to destroy you. You will fight it like I told you, and sometimes
it will take ten minutes or more, but in the end you will be free of all the cr
ap that was put in your mind, and you will go to her to successfully charm her.
The advantage of this approach is that from her point of view, you are a very po
werful man, definitely not an excuser. You walk around the club, and when you se
e her, the girl you desire, you approach her and her friends. From her point of
view, it will seem that you are indeed a special man, her prince. All woman, esp
ecially the beautiful ones, have a built-in system for detecting excuses and lur
kers, so don t make the mistake of passing her by and then approaching her. It is
ok to chase other woman, and then come to her. You don t need to seduce other woma
n. You just need to successfully approach them, so their eyes are shiny and they
are laughing, and all woman in the room will notice that. That is ok. You have
a valid reason for not approaching her immediately, and that is: other woman. Bu
t lurking around, and walking by her, and looking at her, and then looking away,
will let her know that you are an excuser, trying to find courage to approach h
er, and the more you wait, check her out, walk by, or try to attract attention b
y laughing with your friends, the more you do that, the bigger excuser you will
be. So, handle all your excuses somewhere where she can t see you.
Track 18
Now your mind will try to stop you. Don t be upset about it, cause it was programme
d by other people to do that. There was nothing you could have done about that.
But now you can take control of your own mind now, and your destiny. What s your e
xcuse? Don t tell me, I m not listening. One of the most common excuses, that is sto
pping men from having sex, is I have to see somebody like me succeed with a woman
to know that it is possible. This is a perfect excuse, guaranteed to make one of
your arms a lot stronger than the other one. Why is it such a marvelous excuse,
among all the excuses a man can have? It is impossible to see it, cause everywhe
re you go, everywhere you turn, you will see only excusers, and how are they sup
posed to be your role-model, when they are not even aware that they are excusing
themselves? But in February, they will boast, how they will get chicks in summe
r. It s obvious how whole life may pass, and you will never see one of your friend
s have the love-life which you want, and you may assume that it just isn t possibl
e. The program in your mind has done its role, and stopped you from even trying,
and you cannot be stopped better than that. Time passes quick, days and years f
ly by, there is no time to lose. If you are still sitting in a couch, watching T
V, I may get mad. I will come there and kick you I the ass. Don t make me do that.
I don t listen to any excuses. What s your excuse, huh!? What s your excuse? Simultan
eously by starting to approach woman, you must start to work on your health, and
good shape, muscles, cause what will you do with a beautiful woman, if you don t h
ave the stamina? Now, that will be a waste, wouldn t it? So, soon the day will com
e when you will need stamina to enjoy all the woman. Now, don t excuse yourself. T
he day will come. Don t laugh at yourself for starting to behave normal. In order

to have good stamina, you must first eat good and exercise good. Let me tell you
something about exercise: first, don t make an excuse and tell yourself: Well, I d
on t need to exercise, cause getting woman is all in the mind anyway. That is true,
but the mind must care for the body, and it does that through exercise.
Track 19
The role of the mind is to protect its physical counterpart, and it does that by
making it exercise in a good way. First, you must find a sport for yourself. Ch
oose anything you like to do. Each one of us has a favorite sport, and you must
make up your mind yourself. Everywhere you look it will be written: When you star
t training, seek the advice of educated, certified personnel. What the Hell does
that mean? Does it mean that the guy that runs the local gym has sucked up all t
he wisdom on Earth? People like to give away responsibility for their own well-b
eing into the hands of so-called experts. When you run into an expert, first thi
nk: If he s such an expert, why is he training couch potatoes? Why isn t he training
elite sportsman? That will show you who is an expert. If you don t do any sport, an
d have moderate ambitions, you don t need an elite trainer. Training with bad trai
ner is better than nothing. But what many people mistake is that they look at th
ose coaches in their local gym as all-knowing saints. You must think for yoursel
f. My swimming coach is one of the most talented. I am a lousy swimmer compared
to all the competitive swimmers, and how I managed to stay in club is a story in
its own, but my coach always tries to push me to the limit, and I don t go for th
e limits, and he gets mad, but I don t care. And so it goes for years. You have th
ink for yourself. My goal is to be in great shape, but not competitive shape, cau
se that would require work each day, and I train two or three times each week. S
o I stick to my goal, no matter what. You should also make a goal, and stick to
it. Don t let the others influence you. My swimming buddies, some of them champion
s, asked me a hundred times, why don t I swim more.
Track 20
My other buddies asks me why I don t swim less. But I don t have the time to argue w
ith them. I don t have the time to think: What will they think? When you start train
ing, don t make a newbie mistake of training too much, and then quitting after a m
onth with pain in your joints. That is the usual mistake people make, and then t
hey get injured and quit. In the gym, there are some really idiotic exercise dev
ices, which force you to make unnatural body movements, like elliptical bicycle
riding. Don t do that just cause everybody is doing it. Also, if you are not a prof
essional sportsman, you don t need any of the steroids shots that enhances muscle
growth. Leave that for excusers. I hear it can make you impotent. What sportsmen
do wrong, is that they spend all youth competing and training every day, and th
en they stop and get fat like pigs. And they can only watch dust fall on their t
rophies. That is not your goal. Your goal is to be in good shape, now and many y
ears later, without any chronic injury. That is your goal. Let s continue with our
missions. It is essential to follow the missions, cause the purpose of each miss
ions will become clear only after you have done it. So you found out peanut.dl.a
m where woman you want will be. Is it a club, a coffee shop or a fitness club? W
hatever place you choose you will all the time run into two or three woman sitti
ng at a table and drinking. For an average man, this is en extremely difficult s
ituation. It is difficult in the club already, and it is socially acceptable to
meet woman in clubs. But approaching woman sitting down, and drinking coffee in
the middle of the day, confidently, is not for everyone. It s not for excusers, bu
t it is, for you! Attractive woman know that they have all the attention whereve
r they go. That all men will want to supplicate to them, and that all men want t
o take them to bed. So attractive woman get fed up, with all the excusers hittin
g on them, and instead of standing and smiling in the middle of club, and cause o
f that, having dozens of admirers boost her ego, they choose to put on a serious
face, and sit down to talk with their girlfriends.

CD 6
Track 1
Remember, even though she s all dressed-up, and looks like a queen, she s just a wom
an. Woman don t want much. They want only a prince to come for them, and that s it.
But he never comes, that s the problem. Especially if a woman is stunningly beauti
ful. All men will compete to be her slaves, but to fulfill her role as a woman,
she must find a man that is not below her. He must not be an excuser. If she get
s on the dance-floor, everyone and his father will approach her, but if they are
sitting down, a lot of excusers will be filtered out. That is why the most attr
active woman like to take up places in club which are a problem for men to appro
ach. She is just making it harder for excusers. Let s suppose you see two woman dr
inking coffee and talking. Usually, one will be hot, and the other average or ug
ly. The hot one s blabbering nonsense, and the other one has to agree all the time
. It s so good to be a man. Imagine if you were born as an ugly girl. The only way
for you to meet men would be to hang around attractive girlfriends, since they
will attract hordes of men, that come with other men, you may end up meeting som
ebody also. That s a depressive life. Men don t have that problem. It s so good to be
a man. The ugly girl will listen to any crap the hottie is talking about. It s int
eresting that beauties will always dress nice, in most expensive clothes, to sho
w off their beauty, and the ugly ones will claim clothing is not important, and
seek intellectual challenges instead. Now, you will have to approach them. Don t g
o near them to sit down, order a drink, and then approach them. Only excusers do
that. They will see right through your excuse. Stand somewhere far away, and ha
ndle all fears and chaos inside your head, that may arise, when you are about to
break old bad habits. Once when you get power you will go for the most beautifu
l one, neglecting all her friends. That is not easy to accomplish. First you mus
t master the whole Attract and Date. You may choose to go that way, and you can
learn about it in Advanced Series, or ask your instructor. You will approach the
m both at the same time. They must not see you lurking and watching them, cause t
hen you will be a stalker. If you go directly to the hottie, the ugly one will p
ull her to the toilet, or you will get shut down any other way. It happens to al
l the men, all the time. You will learn to do it in Attract and Date Advanced. I
f you go and approach the ugly one, you will accomplish nothing, cause you are no
t interested in the ugly one, I guess. So you must approach them both, at the sa
me time, and engage them both in the conversation. To them, it must seem that yo
u just walked in the room, saw them, and chose to approach. Any hesitation you m
ay have will destroy you, so handle all fears somewhere, where they cannot see y
ou. You must not run in like you are about to dismantle a bomb, cause they will s
ense the insecurity, and you lose. How are you dressed? I hope you are not weari
ng blend-in-with-everybody-else-colors, cause they have already met everybody els
e, and will automatically presume you are an excuser if you dress in blend-in-wi
th-everybody-else-colors. You could defeat all the excuses in your head, and era
se all the limiting beliefs that were installed in your head by society or by yo
u, but, if you are still wearing the same clothes your mother likes you to wear,
you will automatically trigger in her, auto-pilot response for an excuser. Or,
you may even charm her, but her friends will think that an excuser is annoying h
er, and they will come to save her. When you finally dress different in eye-catc
hing colors, feel the power. Feel everybody look at you amazed, terrified that y
ou decided to stand out. Like in every approach, your body language is crucial.
Here, it is even more important than before, cause once you start going towards t
hem, they will know you are about to approach them for sure. If woman are blowin
g you off out of no reason, it is probably cause of your body language, and tonal
ity. You must be relaxed, comfortable in your own skin.
Track 2
Body language is the most important things you have to fix after excuses in your
mind. You may defeat the excuses in your mind, but your body can still carry it

self in an old way, cause it has been doing so for so many years. So, have a budd
y watch you, if you can. Your hands must be out of your pockets. It is not freez
ing in there, so take them out of your pockets. Have a stable posture, with legs
apart at about hips-wide, or even more, to demonstrate your feeling of confiden
ce. You must take up space. So, don t have your legs together. When you start walk
ing, don t wiggle your arms around unarticulated, and don t stare at the floor, cause
there is nothing interesting at the floor. Stare at the woman, or slightly abov
e them, to demonstrate extra confidence. You must show your lungs, and not cover
your throat with chin. The instinct to conceal your throat is from ancient time
s, when wild animals attacked a man s throat first, so humans still have an instin
ct to shield their throat in frightening situations. If a girl sees you shieldin
g your throat by looking down, she will unconsciously assume that you must be af
raid of something, or afraid of her, and she will not like you. Show your lungs,
and when you are walking, do it in big, secure steps. When you ll be talking to a
woman, sitting at the table, don t make an excuser mistake and remain in an uncom
fortable excuser position of standing by the table, and flexing your whole upper
body inward. It is an uncomfortable position to assume, and woman will instantl
y feel that you are not the woman of her dreams, if you remain in a position tha
t is uncomfortable for you. A prince is not afraid to be comfortable. I will rep
eat that: A prince is not afraid to be comfortable. We are taught manners that w
e should not get into a personal space of other people, but let me ask you somet
hing: Would you be offended if a stunning woman came into your personal space? I
think not. So a woman will not be bothered if a man, who is not an excuser, com
es into her personal space. And also, coming into her personal space demonstrate
s that you are not an excuser. It goes both ways. So personal space was invented
by excusers. If you don t care, it doesn t exist.
Track 3
Now you are ready to start the approach. Pull a line on the floor that is at rig
ht angle to the line connecting the two woman. Try to get on the first line firs
t, as far as you can from the woman. Walking on it, you will end up between them
. That is not crucial. Do it only if they will not think you are making some wei
rd moves. If you estimate, they will see you do that, go directly to them. It s a
lot better to approach from a slightly harder angle, than to risk girls seeing y
ou doing weird movements around them. If they see you, you will instantly be cla
ssified as an excuser. Now you will walk in a slow, confident way. When you come
to them, you must not start talking fast, like you are reciting a script. In or
der to appear like a desirable man, both your speech and your body language must
be at the same tempo.
Track 4
If you walk slowly and confident, but speak fast, you will not be congruent, and
they will sense there is something wrong with you. Men who are into field of co
mputers speak fast to transfer as much facts as possible in a unit of time, as t
hey say. But information for woman is not the same as information for men. Men l
ook at the mere facts, but woman look much deeper than that. So, speaking slowly
confident and with many pauses will communicate a lot more than you could think of
to her. When you ll be talking to her, use this: before saying the words that are
most important ones, make a big pause. That way, you will stress what s important i
n the convo, and even add some mystique and intrigue to the discussion. So, try
to position yourself as best you can. Everything begins before you make the actu
al approach. Everything begins when they first notice you. Then you will walk to
wards them. Many men could be around them, but at the moment you approach, she w
ill call back all memories she has of you from the moment she has seen you, and
she ll remember them clearly. If you walk towards them, and then evaded, and chose
not to approach, she will forget that, and recall it only if you approach her l
ater. Since woman don t care for looks like men do, but have other criteria, they
must be much more aware of what you did before approaching them. If you did some

thing wrong, they will brush you off immediately after you say your opening line
. If that happens, think about it. Maybe you lurked around like a stalker. Maybe
you looked nervous, or talked too fast, and they could sense the insecurity. Wh
en you come to the table, the action starts. If there is a chair that is in your
way, don t be afraid to move it to the side. What kind of man are you if you are
afraid of a chair? Move it! Come to the table. Smile. Have a genuine smile that
you get by observing attractive woman. Don t smile like you do on those boring fam
ily reunions. Lean in over the table so the can both hear you. And now, the most
important things is, to put the palms of your hands on the table. Spread your h
ands and put them on the table. You must take up space, and be comfortable. Lean
ing in, standing only on your legs, is very uncomfortable, but gripping the tabl
e it gets comfortable. Be sure to spread your arms. Grip the table. The table is
jut a table. It won t bite you. As you are walking towards them, start talking ab
out a meter away from the table, and don t, don t wait for any approval. Go to the t
able, and put your palms on it. Do it with a smile on your face. The woman must
know that you are attracted to them. They must sense that you are there cause of
them, not really cause of what you will say. They must know that they are being h
it on. It gives them pleas[cut off]
Track 5
Now you will talk about another topic, and it will be great to improve your conv
ersational and improvisation skills. You will be using the G-string line to brea
k through the fear, and to make you improvise. If they saw you approach, and are
ready to start talking to you, go into the line immediately. However, if they w
ere in the middle of the conversation, say: Excuse me. Not in a supplicating way.
You must say it from a position of power. Like, Excuse me for disturbing you. I s
ee you are in the middle of convo, but I would like to ask you something. If you
go into the line without that, you will seem like you are saying a script, and i
t will not sound natural. You must always give woman a few seconds to mentally g
et ready for your approach. The less perfect you execute the approach, the more
time you need to give her. If your approach is flawless, and perfect, it will wo
rk, even though, you took them by surprise. So continue saying after your intro:
I really need you to give me one advice. Make it seem like it s important to you. T
hat will be a good exercise for future conversation with woman. So learn to say
something convincingly now. Continue saying: I have a friend who totally blew up
his relationship with his girlfriend. If you are there with your buddy, make a hi
nt that it is him, but don t make it too obvious. They are still together, and love
each other very much, but it s all going the wrong way. Now make a slight pause. Y
ou will see mystery being built in their eyes. Now talk. Every time you do it, i
mprovise, and exercise your spontaneity. Last month, he cheated his long-term gi
rlfriend. They ve been together for over three years. He cheated her with a woman
from work. She came to his place to finish a project, and then got drunk and it
happened. It was destiny. What can you do? By the way, woman love destiny. He wa
nted to keep that secret, and when his girlfriend arrived, he decided never to t
alk about that. But his girl went in the toilet, and found a pink G-string in th
ere. Then she exploded, and started beating him with a pan, and while being beat
en, he invented a great explanation. This is what he told her: You know, I though
t I would never tell you this, but from when I was a child, I had a fetish to dr
ess into a woman s underwear, and it s getting worse and worse. Girlfriend suddenly s
topped beating him, and admitted, that it was her fantasy, and a total turn-on t
o see a naked man in girl s underwear, and she was so happy cause of it, full of bl
iss, and now she requests of him, every night, to dress in her underwear. To put
her panties and bra, and to parade around the house. She forces him, to eat din
ner like that, and watch TV with her. My friend if your friend is there, make a
wink feels really stupid walking in his girl s underwear for the last nine weeks.
He thinks he will shoot himself in head. Girls, tell me, what do you think he sh
ould do now? They are engaged and to marry next spring. If he doesn t talk, he wil
l have to do it his whole life, but if he tells her, she may leave him. Now list
en to each woman s opinion. If one starts to turn away, engage her in the conversa

tion. If she s looking away, don t be afraid to gently touch her to signal, that you
are still there. She s expecting you to touch her, and turn her towards you. It i
s like a test. If you are afraid of it, you are not her future man. Stay in the
conversation, talking with each girl. After a minute of talk, it is time for you
to sit down. If there is a chair nearby, grab the chair and sit in a relaxed, c
onfident way. That was one of your first missions. Notice the magic when you lea
n back, and sit comfortable. The woman will lean into you. Now, that is alpha bo
dy language. All men, try to lean into them all the time, and woman lean back. B
ut you lean back, and they lean into you. Subconsciously, they will assume that
they like you a lot, cause they are leaning into you, and will like you more cons
ciously. If you are in a loud place, don t overdo it, cause they will not hear you
speak. If there is no chair, just sit on the table.
Track 6
Wherever you choose to sit, you must be comfortable, cause only an insecure guy w
ill sit in a way that does not make him comfortable. There is a powerful mind-bo
dy link, and if you are still having trouble with excuses, standing or sitting i
n a confident, relaxed alpha man position that takes up a lot of space will not
only make you look secure, but automatically destroy the excuses in your head. S
o, if you are still having trouble with excuses, exaggerate a bit, and go into e
xtremes, and relax like you are at home. That will help to push excuses out of y
our system. If you are there, sitting comfortable and relaxed, the woman will al
so feel like that, cause the presence of a man that is not afraid makes them comf
ortable. The same way you are comfortable if a beauty is near you, giving you at
tention, and talking to you. After some time, hint, that you are actually talkin
g about yourself, that you may be the G-string man. Pretend that you are not com
fortable talking about that, or even shy. They will be dazzled. How macho guy li
ke you could be such a metrosexual, and excuser. Make fun of them. The mission w
ill teach you to express emotions. Do that, if your friend is not there. However
, if he is there, call him in. You take the beauty, cause you made the approach,
and let him take the average one. If you are there alone, wait for them to ask y
ou, or make them guess, and ask you: You re actually asking for yourself, aren t you?
and then you say: Yes, you know, I m too shy to say it. What kind of panties are yo
u wearing? How do they look? I love pink ones so much. Now, make some other story
. They must always know, that you like them, and that you admire them. Otherwise
, you will not succeed, and for this story, like it is other with woman, they mu
st not guess, are you serious, or are you joking. If you leave them guessing, yo
u will be their topic of conversation for the whole day. The most interesting th
ing that happened to them in a long time. When you are talking to them, try to f
ind something you could compliment the ugly one for. There must be something, li
ke her earrings. Just tell her: Wow, these earrings look nice. It has never happen
ed to an ugly woman that she gets a compliment, and she will like you now, and w
ill not try to drag the hottie away. If you are alone, after some talk, it will
be hard for you to get the hottie s phone number, or to isolate her. If it is one
of your first approaches, follow these guidelines, and it will be easy. Just say
how it was talking to them, and that you would like to meet them again, and tha
t you would like to take their number. That is an outline you should remember, b
ut don t just say, It was nice talking to you. Excusers say that. Say: I ve enjoyed thi
s talk so much. You are very interesting girls. I would like to take your number
, and meet you again. Say, I would like to take your number, and don t specify which
number you are aiming for.
Track 7
Now look down, and go for your mobile phone, and pretend you are opening the pho
nebook. Now interesting things will start to happen. As you will be looking down
, the girls will quickly exchange glances to decide, which one will give you her
number. If they are both hot, it is better for you to get the number of the one
that is desperately searching for boyfriend, than the one who is married with c

hildren. So let them choose by themselves. If you get the number of the ugly one
, especially if the hot one orders the ugly one to give you her number, you are
still ok. The hottie gets calls whole day, probably, from many excusers, and doe
sn t want some other guy calling her and bothering her. But you are not some other
guy. You will insist on saying that it was great talking with both of them, and
when you call, you will arrange the date with both of them together. I will tal
k about the date later, but the hottie will take the initiative, and talk talk t
alk with you, while the ugly, shuts up, cause she low self-esteem, and then you w
ill make up that it was so wonderful talking with the hottie, and that you would
like her number. Then, when you ll be calling the hottie, pretend that you are su
rprised that the ugly one didn t like you, and talk to you, when in fact she did n
ot talk, cause she was intimidated by her hot friend. But let s leave that for now.
I will talk about it later. So if you get a number of an ugly one, just say it
was a pleasant and great experience to chit-chat with both of them, and that the
y are such cute girls, and that the three of you must meet again. You see, we ju
st jumped over one step. I told you how to handle two woman, but I didn t tell you
how to take the number of a solo girl. Who cares? The more the merrier, as they
say. But don t worry. I will tell you how to take the number of a solo girl also.
It is a question of how long you should stay with the girls. In the beginning,
and I emphasize in the beginning, don t stay for more than half an hour, cause the
excuses will get you, and you will shoot yourself in the leg with some stupid se
ntence. Later, as you get more experience, it will not matter how long you stay
and talk with them, but that requires a lot of approaches. After you sit down, a
nd they accept you it can be in ten seconds, or in five minutes you can buy them
a drink. Don t make a mistake to buy them a drink before they accepted you. Don t b
uy your way with drink. But when you have sit down with them, and the waiter com
es, buy a drink for all three of you. Don t be a cheap bastard.
Track 8
Sometimes one drink is all what you ll be buying her before you go to bed with her
. You will see, when you approach following our instructions, the woman will oft
en tell you, Wow, you are the first confident and normal guy in a long time. Don t m
ake a mistake and say Really? What do the other guys say on approach? I bet it s so
mething lame! If you say that she will know that you are still an excuser, and he
r attraction towards you will drop rapidly. Just behave you heard it a million t
imes, and that is nothing new to you. Or, if you decided to get free of excuses,
reply with I know. And now I ll seduce you both. Say it as a joke, but make them gu
ess. The more you do the missions and the more you learn, it will get more for r
eal. Trust me! Once you get a phone number, it is proof that you have destroyed
many excuses in your head. When you have the number, don t run away like a chicken
, and then proceed to talk about that number for a week. The woman leaves you he
r number cause she likes you. If you run away the moment she gives you the number
, she will see that you are in fact an excuser. Stay talking with her, and finis
h your drink. If everything is going well, don t leave, cause she will assume that
you don t want her. Go away immediately only if you have something important to do
, and I mean important, like meeting another woman, not watch Aliens attack Plane
t Earth. Do the last mission at least five times. Please don t tell me that you can t
, cause I don t listen to excuses. Don t be an excuser. By now, after all the mission
s you accomplished, you should be well away from all the excuses, and starting t
o become every woman s fantasy. If you can t complete a mission flawlessly, listen t
o it again, or ask a buddy to watch you, cause your brain may be too involved in
the conversation to notice what you are doing, and how are the woman reacting. Y
ou have to lead all the time. When the time comes to ask for a phone number, don t
analyze her and wait, if she s ready, cause excuser analyzing and testing ruin the
subject being tested. Ask for it like I told you, and the mere act of doing it
confidently, will get you the number. It is similar later with kissing and takin
g her home, but let s now talk about the society, and the way all Western world na
tions are run. Somewhere in the middle of 20th century it was all a man s world. W
oman stayed at home to cook, and men went to work. Then the feminist movement ha

ppened, and turned men into even bigger excusers. Before, men were more or less
masters in their own home. Then came the feminist movement, which gave woman rig
hts, so woman started working also, and since they had their own money, they got
their freedom to choose also. But unfortunately, the feminist movement overcomp
ensated, and instead of creating things equal, like it was made to do, it totall
y took over men s freedom, and even made today s society a man-hating one. It is so
omni-present, that it may be difficult to notice. When you turn on the TV, and l
ook at all media, what do you see? You see only men. Men are Presidents. Men are
Chief Executive Officers. Men run the country. It s only men. Successful men. So
somebody may be fooled to think, it is really men who have it all, and that woma
n are neglected. But you know what I think when I look at the world? Men s success
is defined by how much his wife can spend. Just look at your own dad, and every
thing will become clear. Is your dad the one who so much enjoys the male dominan
t position in society? I doubt so. My dad has always been working a lot more tha
n my mom, and so are most of dads. When they come home late they are criticized
for not caring, even though dad must bring home the money. That is his duty. The
woman must care for children, so dad sees a lot less of his children, but he se
es his boss instead, and works more, and in the end, dies much sooner than the w
oman. That is the paradox in society.
Track 9
Everywhere you look, they fight for woman s rights, but woman work less, spend mor
e quality time with the children, usually get more enjoying jobs, and even thoug
h they earn less, it doesn t matter, when they spend their husband s money. Being a
hard-working man, today, actually makes you depressed one, while everybody else
tries to jump on you for a free ride. For example, when you look at the newspape
rs, you will find headlines, that expose only injustice towards woman, but never
injustice towards men. Since everywhere you look, you will see only injustice t
owards woman, you may start thinking that men have everything made just for them
, and that woman suffer cause of it. You may start to think that men never get be
aten, stabbed, or terrorized by a woman, and even men start to think of themselv
es as enemies of woman. Society will convince you that men are born evil, and th
at it s a shame to be a man. Since being a man is a shame, let s make men more simil
ar to woman. Let s turn them into metrosexuals, that will spend on their image and
looks as much as or even more than the woman. Men start buying fancy accessorie
s with designer signature, but of course, society must give them huge fear of wo
man, so the only way they will ever get a girl is by spending money. If an alien
from outer space was simultaneously watching all media, he may get the impressi
on, that men are oppressors, and that woman are victims all the time, but how co
me then, when I was a child I noticed that my dad absolutely never complained, a
nd mother always complained? How come that my dad was finally able to enjoy peac
eful evening, and that my mother didn t have anything else to do, but complain abo
ut something? If a family goes on a trip, it is dad s job to organize the trip, ta
ke into account everybody s schedule, to drive the car, day and night, to listen t
o a woman s blabber if he gets lost, and in the end, to pay for it, while the woma
n complains. Has it ever happened to you that you are taking a woman out on a da
te, and you wanted to drive somewhere special, but you got lost, cause of bad tra
ffic signs. She will start complaining and complaining, but you are driving your
own car. You pay the gas. You are under stress, while she s listening to her favo
rite songs that you bought for her, and you ll be paying for a special dinner, and
you are doing it all cause of her. But she s still not happy. From the news, you m
ay get an image, that woman are victims in the household. Everybody thinks that
men hit woman and try to physically hurt them. There are some sick-minded men, w
ho hit their woman, but everybody s forgetting that men get beaten up, stabbed or
shot by their wives six times more often. But those scientific facts are blocked
in the media, and police, and by men themselves. So when you see your mother to
rturing your day with orders like Drive me there, drive me here, buy me this, buy
me that, you may think it is an exception, but in fact, it is a rule. Media will
tell you, countless times, that woman do all the house work. So, they wash clot

hes, sweep the dust, and cook. Those are all boring, time-consuming jobs. But le
t s assume a roof is leaking, and somebody has to climb up there and fix it. Who w
ill do that? Or even better, let s assume a new expensive lamp has to be put on th
e ceiling in the living room. I think it is obvious which sex wants the new lamp
, even though, old one gives the same light, and I think it s obvious, which sex i
s paying for the lamp. But even more important, is the dilemma: who will climb u
p the ladder, and screw the damn lamp to the ceiling. You guessed right
it s husba
nd, of course. Even though, it may be an old ladder, and he may not be skillful,
he ll have to climb up, and fix it to the ceiling. To make things worse, he didn t
even want the new lamp, but he had to pay for it, and it may happen that he fall
s down, and breaks his back for the stupid lamp. Things like that happen all the
time, but we are teached to take them for granted. If there is a power-loss, wh
o will go to the switchboard and risk being electrocuted?
Track 10
Father, of course! And statistics shows, that men are not doing any housework. W
hy? Cause they re made by man-haters, that s why. Can you get killed by waiting in th
e house, or by cooking? Not really, unless you re a horrible cook. So men are rais
ed to neglect, what they do, and woman are raised to emphasize, what they do, cau
se they are victims of a man s world. Tell me, how many times do you pick up a gir
l with a car, and how many times did some girl pick you up? Wouldn t it be nicer,
that you could enjoy the comfort and better safety of a passenger seat, and talk
when somebody else has to drive, and get stressed? Most men never think about t
hat, but if you want to be appreciated by others, you must first appreciate your
self. So be aware of how much you are doing for other people. If you want your r
elationship with a woman to go well, both of you will sometimes have to do what
the other one wants or likes, and not as you please. If you want to enjoy being
with your woman, both of you have to make compromises from time to time. It is n
o use trying to figure out the problems of your woman, and then encouraging her
by saying that you understand all her problems. No woman will want to be yours, c
ause of her problems, but cause of her. Never make a mistake of telling her that
you precisely know and understand the reasons for her silly behavior. That will
make her feel very stupid, and she won t enjoy it. So in order for a relationship
to function, you must understand her, and she must understand you. If you still
can t understand her, just pretend you do, until you get it. If you study Attract
and Date, and invest effort, you will understand woman superbly, but in order fo
r her to understand you, you must communicate what you think and want to her. If
society program in your head is stopping you from expressing your feelings, and
what you want or need, and what you think, from expressing it to a woman or any
body else, don t blame that person for consequences. It s not his fault. Destroy the
society program in your head with the exercises we give you, and communicate wh
at you think. Only after you do that, you will give your girl a chance to do as
you wish. If you don t even tell her, or express what you think, she cannot possib
ly guess what you are thinking. But society has put powerful blockers in men s min
d, and so it is hard for a man to express what he feels to a woman. That way, th
e woman will never know what her man really wants, and since she s a woman, she ca
n t know, he doesn t tell her. So they live all their life together, never quite und
erstanding each other. That happens to majority of couples, and instead of solvi
ng their primary problem, men just try to get more material wealth, to compensat
e somehow, for the missing part in their relationship.
Track 11
When dating a girl, and when you get serious, woman will always be on a lookout
for your emotions. They will always concentrate to guess, what you are feeling.
If you have some problem in your life, like a problem at work, or any other diff
icult situation, it will subtly reflect on you, and the woman you are with will
see it, even though she may still not know you yet. Men are doers. If they are h
aving a difficult situation, or if they need to do something exhausting and chal

lenging, they will do it, and try to isolate their woman from knowing about it.
But if you are under stress, and cannot get rid of it at the moment, don t be afra
id to mention that to your woman, cause they will always assume the worst. It is
much better for a woman to know that your day at work has exhausted you, than to
think she is the reason for your change of behavior. Men don t consider such thin
gs important, so at first, it will be hard for you to talk about how you re feelin
g to a woman, but a woman always needs reassurance that you are happy with her,
and if you are not showing it at the moment, cause of some difficulties that have
nothing to do with her, if you fail to communicate that, she will not want to g
et involved with you, for sure. You, cause you re a man, will always be alert to ch
eck: did your woman gain some fat? Or, is she still slender and beautiful? The s
ame way as you check her body all the time, cause her body is important for your
gene s survival, the same way she will check your emotional state all the time. So
I m sure it s a pain for you to check your woman s emotional state all the time, cause
instinctively you check off her looks all the time. But don t be mistaken. The sa
me way you scan her butt every few seconds, she scans how you are feeling, cause
that is what is genetically important for her gene s survival. That s the reason, wh
y you must take care, to leave an impression of good feeling inside you. Even if
you are feeling miserable, you must appear to feel great while being with her.
And cause of her happiness, you will soon feel great. Think about it. When you me
et a new woman, sooner or later, she will say something you really disagree with
, or she will do something you really disagree with. Here, overwhelming majority
of men blows it up, losing the woman. It can be ten minutes after meeting her,
or ten years after marrying her, but it happens all the time to men. When you ar
gue or disagree with your male buddies, you do it like men do: you look at only
the logical facts, and not much else, and neither of you cares about each others
feelings. If you buddy told you, that you don t understand something, you couldn t b
e hurt at all. If your buddy starts to criticize you to something he knows nothi
ng about, you still wouldn t mind, and after years of talking with men, and outsma
rting each other in a way that woman can never understand, and after years of te
lling your friends silly jokes and putting them down, a man will instinctively t
alk like that to a woman, and she will hate when you treat her like a man.
Track 12
Has it ever happened to you that you were doing very well with a woman, and ever
ything seemed fine, and suddenly, you say a joke, or just a fact, that would mak
e each and every one of your friends burst into laughter, but it totally ruins t
he mood of the evening for the two of you? Do as I say, and it will never happen
to you again. You will know, what none of your competition knows, and you will
get the best woman effortlessly. First, I want you to remember, your mom and dad
in an argument. Now tell me, who was the one who initiated the argument? It was
much more often the mom. But let me ask you something: did she really initiate
the argument, or did she just say a sentence, or a question, that your dad answe
red like it was a male buddy asking him something obvious, almost stupid? So mom
did not really initiate the argument, but men not being able to talk to a woman
in a way woman has to be talked to, leads to an argument, which may cool down t
he hottest possible relationship. When getting to know a woman, sooner or later,
you will have to disagree with something she s doing, and judge her with disappro
val. That is inevitable, if you don t want to be her puppydog that runs at her eve
ry command, and she can not like a puppydog, cause he s weaker than she. You cannot
disagree with a woman as you would with a man, by just spitting the facts in hi
s face, and calling him stupid. That is also, not the best way to disagree with
a man, but who cares what other men think of us? We are already concerned enough
about woman. Woman will only have logically unexplainable, and they will have i
deas funny to us men, but remember, the same way we find their thinking funny, t
hey find our reasoning unexplainable and funny. Woman and men are not better or
worse, just different. At one point you will have to tell her a negative judgmen
t that you made of her. Don t follow your instincts, and talk like you would talk
to a man. You can try it and it will lead you nowhere, cause even if you win logi

cally in your argument, you still lose, cause now her feelings for you are not th
at good, and are not so strong, and isn t it better to have a woman that is into y
ou, than to have a woman that is fed up with you, but you managed to outsmart he
r? Sometimes it will be hard to bite the bullet and stay out of an argument that
you would win logically. You must be strong enough to not care, will you prove
smarter to your woman. Will you prove her, that you were right. Anyway, what is
the purpose of being right, if you spent a night with your hand? No purpose. Whe
n a woman disapproves of something you do, or complains about something you are,
never strike back immediately with counter-complaint. Every gut instinct in you
r body, will make you do that. Just wait for her to finish, and appear to be lis
tening, whatever she has to say, and then acknowledge you have listened and unde
rstand her point. The act of doing so, and not shooting back immediately, will d
issipate many arguments. So she has to feel that you listened her to the end of
her statement, and she will be pleasantly surprised at your reaction. When you w
ant to point out her wrong behavior that is making you feel bad, be sure to take
care about the actual way you say it. Being a man, you may not notice the tone
of voice as crucial to communication, but woman have this sometimes weird need t
o insist on the tone of voice, and they like to interpret the wrong tone of voic
e as a disaster. The most disagreements and quarrels in your relationship come f
rom the woman hearing something else than a man meant. It is cause woman, when th
ey talk between themselves, are more concerned with the way they say, and get mo
re info about the person and his emotions, listening to how fact was communicate
d, and men when talking between themselves don t really care about the tone of voi
ce, and if your friend complained about your tone of voice, you would consider h
im weird gay-man.
Track 13
Has it ever happened to you that you get stuck in an argument with a woman, and
both of you just keep on repeating yourself, but it leads to nowhere, and as tim
e goes by, it destroys everything? If you want to avoid that, you must stop bein
g an excuser, and go against your society-imposed limitations. Let s assume you an
d your woman strongly disagree over some important topic. It could be anything,
anything at all, even some detail that is not important by itself, but will wrea
k havoc and the first thing that happens when you go into an argument is that yo
u get no more, or less, sex. So it will happen sooner or later. Let s suppose that
your woman decides something that you consider hilariously stupid, and can not
believe your ears. So what will you do? You would like to scream out loud, This i
s so stupid! But you try not to smile, and you hold your posture, and you calm do
wn, and logically try to explain your, and I mean your, perspective. Does it wor
k? No! Well, how come it doesn t work? First, you must make your woman feel that y
ou have listened to all, and I mean all, she has to say about a certain topic. S
o don t be an excuser, and listen a few minutes to whatever silly things she tells
you, cause if you start immediately with a counter-argument, she will think you
are not taking into account her reason and conclusions, that mean a lot to her,
and if you are not taking into account her reasons and conclusions, she will not
want you, and she will feel bad. When a woman feels that you don t take into acco
unt her opinion, she will explode with all kinds of complaints, cause you are no
longer a guy who cares. So a woman must feel heard. It s up to you will you really
adjust your opinion cause of what she said, but if she s not feeling heard, you ar
e toast for sure. Don t be an excuser. A minute of listening would bring you a lot
of joy. Just wait for her to finish, and show that you are listening. Don t get i
nto a trap, of discussing her imagined problems with her. Leave that for excuser
s. Just stand there and listen. Discussing her imaginary problems will not help.
You know why? Because they re imagined. No amount of logical reasoning can solve
that. By listening through whatever she wants to say, and not making the huge mi
stake of listening only to get some kind of ammunition for your next complaint,
you will make your life a lot easier. So make a first step, and hear what she s ta
lking about. Don t laugh. After you do that, she will sincerely listen to you, caus
e people can only sincerely take into account conflicting opinions, when they fe

el that their opinion has been heard first. Remember your parents. I m sure they r
epeated the same sentences over and over to each other, with no results, and jus
t kept arguing more and more cause of it. If you want to be seeing many woman, im
agine what the strain it would be to argue with every one of them like your pare
nts did. So don t make that mistake, and following this philosophy, you ll be able t
o handle as many as you want. Notice the paradox: the more something is importan
t to you, the more you will argue, and there is a less chance you will get it. I
magine you just me a fabulous girl, and have been on a few dates, and now you wa
nt to take her home. A classic situation. We all know that taking her home is wh
at you want, and when you suggest it, and she starts her bla bla bla of reasons
why she can t come home with you, don t immediately start with counter-reasons, cause
she will not feel heard, and your counter-reasons sincere or lie, doesn t matter
will never be taken into account, and everything will be postponed for a month.
Make her feel valued and appreciated, and do as you have planned. Until she feel
s you have heard her perspective, there is no way she will listen to whatever th
ing you decided to pull off this time. She can trust only somebody who hears, an
d then says her strongest arguments back to her. It has never happened to her, a
nd just the act of doing that may make her feel that she has finally found a sou
Track 14
Say it like this: I know what you just meant. It s obvious that we are moving too f
ast, and that we still don t know each other very well, and continue kissing her an
d touching her. You just made it clear that you understand her deepest insecurit
y. When you say it, focus on her real words. Never say: I know you re a shy person, c
ause if you make the mistake of moving away from the actual cause, she will get
even more uncomfortable, and suppose that you take her for granted. Having this
philosophy, it will be very easy for you to fly over arguments with a woman you
just met, or have seen only a few times, but the longer you are with a woman, th
e more skill it takes to go without a fight that could leave you alone. So let s s
uppose you find yourself in a more complicated situation. Let s suppose, that you ve
been dating her for a while, like three months, and you are now an established
couple, and see each other three times a week, so sooner or later, it will happe
n, that you fall into a misunderstanding, cause men as well as woman are programm
ed by the society to sabotage themselves while they re happy, cause if they re happy
and don t need anything, the less money they will spend in shopping malls, so they
are programmed to sabotage themselves, and will use many chances to shoot thems
elves, or their relationship, in the leg. If you stop being an excuser, there is
no reason for the girl not to like you, so if it occurs to you that she s doing s
omething you don t like, don t yell at her immediately. First think, could it be you
r internal self-destruct program making a plot against your best interest? Remem
ber, when you are not an excuser you seem rare to her like a beautiful woman see
ms rare to you, but the bad programming in your mind never sleeps, and is always
on the lookout to use your any weakness, to turn you back into an unhappy guy.
So when you cannot be sure is there a real problem, with a girlfriend, or the im
aginary problem now in your mind, just try searching for the good intention insi
de her decisions. What does that mean? Imagine you have been with a girl for alm
ost half a year, and that you see her all the time, and imagine that she s throwin
g a birthday party, and invites only girls and says: Men are not invited. Now it c
ould be that she has invited some mysterious lover from her past to her birthday
, and doesn t want you around, or that they are having male strippers coming to pa
rty. That could happen, but it could also happen that she doesn t want you to get
bored with her ten frustrated loser girlfriends who will always be unhappy and w
ill never find a man, or she s ashamed how her friends are a pathetic display of d
runk excusers, and unhappy solo woman, so she doesn t want you there.
Track 15
Whenever you are in doubt that your mind wants to destroy you, think if she may

be doing for the two of you to be happy. Now let s continue with missions. When yo
u start having more and more success with woman, you may find yourself totally s
atisfied with the woman you have. Then enjoy your woman, and repeat the things y
ou ve learned in order not to get rusty, and to prevent bad society influence suck
ing you back. If you want to attract and date even more woman, you have to do th
e exercises until you are comfortable doing them, and they become natural to you
. All these exercises have been specifically designed to bring out the best in y
ou, and to make you a winner.
Track 16
Now I have an exercise, which is especially suitable if you are a guy who enjoys
to joke a lot. Clubs tend to be very noisy and exhausting, but outside the club
s you will often find hot woman hanging around, and doing nothing, or just havin
g a chit-chat, or in the lobby of a sport club, you may find many of them. Now y
ou can approach as you already know, but if you like to joke a lot, here is what
you do: find a lobby, or any space which has a phone-booth, or just a simple de
sk phone, and some woman standing around. A barbecue with your friends is great,
actually any place. If you go anywhere, where there may be woman, you will find
a phone there, and if a beautiful girl is nearby, here is the chance for an exc
ellent joke. I like to do that sometimes. Stand near, like you re waiting for some
one, but take a glance to the phone, and on it you will find its number. You can
not miss. It is always on a big bright plate in front of it. If it s your friend y
ou already know the number, then leave your cell in your pocket, and dial the nu
mber of that phone. It will start ringing. Pretend that you are amazed that the
phone is ringing. Notice that any other people standing around will look at each
other when the phone start ringing. They will almost turn red, cause the phone o
n the wall is ringing. They will all feel the society pressure, and waste energy
on nothing. If somebody goes to pick up, stop the call. Make sure the girl you
want is somewhere near. Now it s up to you. You can either approach her, and start
talking about the weird ringing phone, or wait, then ring the phone again, and
go pick it up. I suggest you don t talk to the girl before pick up the phone, if y
ou want to have a blast. So when you pick up the phone, say loud, so she can hea
r you: Who do you want? Then stop to create mystery, and intrigue. Aha. You are cal
ling from Weightwatch Anonymous, cause of a shy nice girl that missed her meeting
. Then describe her, so she can hear it. Or make up some angry feminist organizat
ion that is calling. Turn to her and gesture to come to the phone. If she picks
up the joke, she will know you re making a fool of her, and if she s really shy, she
will laugh, but want to leave. Then leave the phone, and go to her, and you alr
eady know how to follow up. If she actually take the phone, she will know it s a j
oke, but if you re really witty, your buddy that is nearby can do the calling, and
he may continue with some funny lines. Anyway, whatever happens, she will know
that you just pulled a joke on her, but she will like it, and here you go, ice i
s broken. Of course, when she asks you, pretend that you made it up on the spot,
just for the goal of meeting her. Don t admit, that she s the fifth girl you met at
that exact phone. Do it to as many girls as you want, and each time, make it se
em that you have done it the first time in your life, just for her. You will fly
above all the excusers who know nothing better than saying: Would you like a dri
nk, sugarpants? Usually it will happen that some other people are standing around
the phone. Now, don t excuse yourself, cause if you excuse, you may as well turn i
nto an eunuch no joking. If you start feeling some excuses building up when that
phone starts ringing, listen to me: Are you afraid that all these excusers will
know that you will soon have sex with that beauty? Let me say that again: Are y
ou afraid that all these excusers will know that you will soon have sex with tha
t beauty? You can t be afraid of that. She s yours, and if they don t like it, they ca
n just make themselves into eunuchs. Choose the missions you like most, and keep
on doing them, but you may find that you are getting more woman than your stami
na allows much before completing all the missions. It is normal, cause we, the in
structors at , have visited dozens of countries, and all sort
s of places, virtually any place you can imagine. We demonstrated how to seduce

beautiful woman, and our students followed. That makes us, one of a kind. And yo
u can join events with our instructors, or he may come to your city, to coach yo
u to solve problems you may have.
Track 17
[mission]When you go on a business trip to a foreign country, or you go travelin
g, the local woman will like you much more than those at home, cause of their gen
etic programming to seek out different genes. At this point, talking to unknown
woman is easy for you, so you will just find one, and ask her to do you a favor.
Take out your cell-phone, and ask her, to type in a message like this: Hi Ranko.
I ve had a beautiful evening yesterday with you. First time in my life I had an o
rgasm, and I m still trembling. It was an earthquake. Sweet kisses for you. I thin
k I m in love. Armed with that message in your phone, you will go out to meet new w
oman. Remember, the message is written in the native language in the country you
are in, and of course, you don t know the language, so when you approach to meet
a woman, using anything you already know, during the convo you can ask that you
got this message, and are curious what does it mean, or even better, you can app
roach a woman or a group of woman, and say that you just got this text, but you
can t understand what it is, and that you would like them to translate it to you.
Do it in a fun way, but leave just small doubt that you actually did get that me
ssage. They will never know for sure, and not only you will be a foreigner, but
the most interesting one they ve ever met, and with a sense of humor. A woman that
reads the message will consider you special for two reasons.
Track 18
The first reason is that only a confident guy, comfortable in his own skin, woul
d write something like that and show it around to unknown woman. Also, a man who
does that, is fun to be with. The other reason she will want to get to know you
is that there is a small chance that it is for real, and if you can give an out
-of-this-world orgasm to some woman, and if you can make some woman desperately
adore you, maybe then you are the right man for her. It will bug her: Is it true
? Since you are a man, you can easily judge do you want a woman with one fast gl
ance. A woman is looking for qualities that can not be judged as fast as looks,
so in order to find the right guy, woman will always rely on the decisions of ot
her woman. Actually, the statements of other woman are equally important as her
own decisions, so if you make an illusion, in this case only with a small text,
that other woman adore you, your desirability will grow enormously.
Track 19
Have you ever wondered, why when rock bands film a music clip, they only show wo
man in the audience, shouting and adoring them, even though there are many more
fanatical male fans? They do it, cause the presence of male fan would not make th
e woman like the rock band, and buy tickets for the concert. Also, the presence
of a male fan would definitely not make the man do anything. But when they show
hot, dazzling woman shouting madly at a rock band, or romantic Latin singer, who
would be a real wimp otherwise, all woman who watch the clip will want to liste
n to that singer. Many will even fall in love with him. That is the power of ove
r woman a beautiful woman can give, and if it works over the TV, imagine how it
works in real life.
Track 20
Teenage girls all fantasize about actors, that get attractive woman on film, or
about singers, that feature stunning woman in their clips. Even though, they all
know consciously that you can get any woman to be in a music clip if you pay, t
he unconscious effect of just seeing James Bond surrounded by hot woman on the s
creen makes real life woman adore the actor in real life, then the actor gets a

hot girlfriend for real, and shows off with her in the press, and millions of wo
man will see that, automatically adore him, and will fantasize of seducing him.
That is how a woman s genetic programming functions, and I will tell you now how t
o use it in your advantage.
Track 21
If you go anywhere the woman you want will be, come either alone, with male budd
ies, or in the company of attractive woman. If you come alone that gives you mos
t freedom of movement and action, and there is nobody to block you with excuses.
If you come with male buddies you can meet woman together all evening.
CD 7
Track 1
If he is too big excuser to do that, and did not start the Attract and Date, jus
t leave him in the company of his peer, and go with a beautiful girl. Have you e
ver felt bad cause of leaving your buddy? You can hang out with your male friends
all week, but if you get just one chance to meet the woman of your dreams, leav
e them and go for her. What s the point of spending the moment with them, and then
going home, all of you frustrated that you didn t accomplish anything at all. The
re is no point in that. If your buddies have no clue about Attract and Date, the
y will be stunned by blockers, so you better inform them, cause otherwise, they w
ill not only block themselves, but you also. Self-destruct patterns in the mind
are often so destructive that after you approach and start talking, your buddy m
ay come to the two of you and say: My apologies. He never behaves like that. I do
n t know what has gotten into him. Now, he has just shot you out of the sky, and yo
u have no chance with that girl. Sometimes, guys are so full of society crap, th
at they are ashamed of watching you meet new woman. Let s repeat that: young, heal
thy males are ashamed that their friend is meeting a new woman, and they will be
ashamed and turn red cause of it. Turn red! When that happens, don t get upset. Ju
st take care that your excuser buddy doesn t come near and stare like a psycho. Ne
xt time teach him some basics. Maybe you have a woman friend that is attractive.
Taking woman friends out with you is a double-edged sword. I prefer not to have
any woman friends around me when I go out with a goal to seduce a beautiful wom
an, cause I know that just a few minutes after enter the club, I ll be talking with
a hottie, and that I will not see my woman friend that night any more, so what s
the point of going out with her, or many of them, when I will ditch them the mom
ent I see what I came for.
Track 2
All woman, your friends or the most beautiful in club, are woman, and they all li
ve to get attention from a guy they like. You must understand that all woman tha
t will want to be your friends are not doing it cause they want your friendship s
o much. They want you to take care of them and to pamper them. They secretly hop
e about becoming your princess. Imagine that the computer breaks down to an ugly
woman from office. You wouldn t be too eager to run and fix it as soon as possibl
e, of course. Imagine that the computer breaks down to a stunning example of you
th and beauty. What will you do? A typical excuser would rush to fix it, and to
clean up all the viruses, and to install new wireless gadgets. Now, you know bet
ter. You would rush off, to meet her, and to take off her panties that night, at
the same time the excuser kills the very last virus. But let s look at what the t
ypical man would do, an excuser. He would rush to help her, and he would try to
somehow, artificially, create some bond of friendship between them. Cause an excu
ser thinks, that is his way to a lay. By being a boring friend and a shoulder fo
r her to cry on. So when a woman wants to be your friend, just think of how an e
xcuser would want to seduce a beauty. He would carry her books in school. He wou

ld explain her math. He would listen to her boring blabber. He would listen to h
er problems and offer solutions. He would spend his time listening about how she
ended up in bed with you, Prince Charming, that swept her away, and how she is
now in love with him. You see, an excuser knows nothing else, so he s trying to be
friends with her, hoping that he will score somehow. As you practice, girls wil
l like you more and more. Now, you are free to let yourself be a little mean. Af
ter all, woman have been mean to you all the time. They used you to buy them dri
nks, to drive them around, to spend money on them, and if you are married, to sp
end all money you ever had on them. They rejected you and gave fake numbers on t
he phone. So now it s time for payback. Enjoy yourself. When you start behaving li
ke an alpha, and start dressing different, and standing out, you will attract a
lot of woman. Some of them, you will not like, and you will not want them, but d
id you ever want somebody who will patiently listen to some idea of yours, that
even your best friend laughs at? Now is your chance!
Track 3
Those woman will behave just like as the excusers behave towards hot woman. You
can use your admirers now to help you at work, to do stuff for you, to choose yo
u clothes so you don t have to, and to listen to some nonsense nobody else wants t
o listen to. Now, things are changing. You have the potential to enjoy totally d
ifferent lifestyle, and instead of you pampering woman, and getting nothing in r
eturn, but a ray of hope, woman will start pampering you, and get nothing in ret
urn. The rules have changed. Well, you may give them something, after all. I lea
ve that up to listener s imagination. If you happen to have attractive girls for f
riends, and you are not really interested in them, you can use them to help you
get some other woman. First way of using them is to say: You see that friends of
yours standing over there? Could you please find out if she s single and if she s in
terested in hooking up with me? Do NOT do it like that! First, you will publicly
admit that you are a loser, and must ask your friends around to get you dates. T
he friend of your friend would think you are a real wimp, and an excuser, cause y
ou did not have at least minimum courage to express your interest and admiration
to her, but you have to ask somebody else to do it for you. If you are asking y
our friends to make a date for you with whoever is available, to make a date for
you with any woman they know is free, that s even worse, cause the woman you may,
by some help of a blessing, get on a date, will know that you have such low crit
eria, to accept meeting of woman out of the blue. So don t force your friend to in
troduce you to new woman. Also, every, and I mean every woman , is jealous about
you admiring and wanting to meet other woman. So, she may be your best friend,
but if you constantly fancy other girls in front of her, one day you will lose y
our friendship. You should never ask directly your friend to introduce you some
other woman. It is of course better than nothing, but the better way to do it is
to make your friend help you without even knowing it. Let her and your future g
irlfriend think it was destiny for you two to meet. Woman of all ages are totall
y into believing in destiny, and some force from above that governs everything.
They are so much interested in horoscopes, and believe, some things are just mean
t to be. Why woman like to be swept off their feet? Cause genetically, they are p
rogrammed to find a strong male, and a strong male is the one who sweeps them of
f their feet, and carries her away on his white horse into the moonlit castle. A
nd I mean it. For a million years, woman were menstruating, bleeding, for unknow
n reasons, and they could get pregnant, or they could get not pregnant, after ha
ving sex. Cause it was such a huge responsibility to get pregnant, and cause it wa
s totally random, will they get pregnant or not, after all the evolution, woman
started to believe into destiny, and that all things are just meant to be. That
way, it was a lot easier for woman to cope with life. Since the most important e
vent in their life was random, and there was no way of guessing the outcome, the
only way to live with it was to start believing in the supernatural. Of course,
we men, don t buy the idea of supernatural, invisible force. I hope you don t buy i
t. But woman have a tendency to believe in it, so much, that she may hate you ju
st for questioning the existence of destiny. So when a woman you are about to un

dress tells you, it was meant to be, that the two of you meet, she is doing it, c
ause having sex with a man is both consciously and unconsciously huge responsibi
lity for her, and to dissipate that responsibility, she must think, that it was
Track 4
When you ll be undressing her, she may say: No no! all the time, but be totally turn
ed on, and push her breasts into your face, and it could be dripping from her pa
nties, but she will still yell: No no! It is cause she must filter a strong enough
man, and for a man to be strong, he must overpower her gently. In today s society,
run by troubled mutation of originally good feminist movement, the fact that wo
man dream of being swept away is a big no-no. So today woman are encouraged to g
et more income if they are divorced than if they stay married. Government become
s new husband. And in the same way they are encouraged to report sexual assaults
that were not always sexual assaults, cause of that, a Western man should get a
written statement in front of public notary, that a woman is letting him have se
x with her, if he does not want to get sued. Notice the problem. The only way to
make a woman happy is to proceed even though he did not yell a flat-out: Yes yes
, take me, take me now! That s the only way to make her happy, and fulfilled, for h
er to live up to her role of a woman. But if you do that, you may get in jail. W
hy are jails overcrowded? And you may lose all your money, so you must wait, and
be an excuser. If you are an excuser, you can only get a woman, you don t really
like, cause a hot woman will at least choose a rich, famous excuser, and not a po
or excuser. And every
ugly or beautiful
woman will be very unhappy living with a
n excuser, and since nobody is happy, unhappy people make the best consumers, an
d the economy grows. You see, society makes you become an excuser, so the corpor
ations would make profit. As simple as that. Let s get back to woman helping you o
ut. Since asking for help is self-destruction, use your friend without her knowi
ng it. Find out if she s going to a party, then pretend that you have nothing to d
o and so on, and try to go with her. If your life is boring and dull, don t mentio
n that to woman, even your friends. Much better say: I traveled so much lately, a
nd met exotic people and extreme sports fanatics. I ve had enough of that, and wou
ld like to hang out with normal people these days. She will buy it. If she s smart,
play it down a bit, and change it, but you get the purpose. That way she will a
ssume, that you will not be a social retard, and embarrass her. Hopefully, her a
ssumptions were right. If not, who cares? So you came to a party with your frien
ds, and now it s a double-edged sword. You got invited cause of them, and other wom
an assume you are a good catch cause of them, but you must spend the most time wi
th them, and make sure they have a nice time. Consider them being your first-sta
ge rockets. They pushed you up, but only first part of way, and now it s time to t
hrow them back into the sea, and the time for you to fly away. Remember your fem
ale friends are just members of the society, and don t shock them too much, cause y
ou need them. If you didn t need them, then you wouldn t be out with them in the fir
st place. So don t just ditch them and approach some other woman and stay with her
Track 5
Your best bet is to find some losers who will make them company. Hopefully, when
you move away, some lurkers will crawl from the shadow and engage your friends.
If they do it, that s great. Don t come near, cause they may run away, and resist th
e temptation to blow them out of the sky with competition destroyers that I will
teach you later. Just approach the woman you want, and now you will have an add
ed advantage, that they have seen you coming in in the company of a nice woman,
so it will be much easier for you to seduce her. After you finish your talk, and
take a number, or arrange a date, get back to your friends, and destroy the men
gathered around them. Even if they seem to like the men, destroy them anyway, ca
use if they get boyfriends, who will take you out to parties? Just joking you. I
f things are going well, and you will spend the rest of the night with the woman

you just met, you must check out on your friends if they are ok. If no man want
s to engage your friends, which will happen more and more, cause everybody will s
ee, that you are the chief, then just spend some time with them. Talk with them,
and so on, and then say that you see a girl you would like to meet, and that yo
u will catch them later. Remember not to excuse yourself, cause if you can t even s
ay it, how in the world will you pull it off? No chance. If you are with a male
guy, who has listened Attract and Date, you can have a signal of going through y
our hair gently. That s the signal of Come in, and take the ugly ones. But you can n
ever do that with your woman friends, cause they fanatically resist anything that
is not destiny. So take into account that they are just passive, like stones, the
same as the new woman you are meeting. If you go out to a club, or a nightclub,
with your woman friends, let them be your statement of how super you are to the
other woman. Dance with your friend for a while, and then tell her that you jus
t saw a girl you want, and that you will go meet her.
Track 6
You see, don t tell her that you are going to the club to meet new woman. She will
never go, cause of her ego, and cause she thinks that it is very bad to meet peop
le on purpose. She thinks that one day you will meet girl cause of destiny. Yeah
right. Pretend that you are taking her, or a group of her woman friends, just to
have a good time. Excusers do that all the time, and stay with them all night,
hoping for a miracle. You just approach the woman you like, and that s it. Destiny
. When you go out with a buddy of yours, you can say: Let s get some chicks! But do
not say that to your woman friends at the beginning, cause when you get strong en
ough you won t be needing them anyway, so dance with her, and talk with her or you
r group, and then go to meet the group you want. But remember, this is just a cr
utch for beginning. Later you will easily handle everything on your own, and the
woman friends will just be in the way. It s better that your woman friends genuin
ely think that you are not a needy guy, and that you have loads of woman flockin
g you all the time. If you didn t get laid in ages, don t tell them that. Listen to
your coach Ranko: Never tell a woman something, you don t want the whole world to
know about. If you tell her, sooner or later everybody will know. Woman just can t
resist talking gossip, and if the girls you re out with, think that you re a great
guy, just one glance of approval from them, may make the woman you just met may
make the woman you just met, fall for you instantly. Once again: don t tell a woma
n that you are going out to meet woman. All woman will permit meeting other woma
n in society-approved ways, and if you tell her that rules have not been made fo
r you, it will be such a huge shock for her society destiny-loving brain, that s
he will have no other option, than to consider you a wacko, and she will not tak
e you anywhere.
Track 7
Remember, once you get good enough to meet woman anywhere, anytime, and to insta
ntly take them for a drink, you will have your hands full, literally, and you wi
ll have no time to boast about that to your female friends. So if you re going out
with female friends, just say that you are going out to have a good time, even
though I and you know, very well, why are you going out. Tell them that you go o
ut to dance, and to have fun, but if it was meant to be to meet someone, it was
meant to be. You see, woman tend to explain everything that happens to them as a
n act of fate. You will notice that all the time, from meet, to sex, and woman l
ike and want to be swept off their feet. They don t want to assume responsibility
for anything. They will stare at you, and never approach. They will like you, bu
t will not give you her number. They will want to have sex with you, but will no
t want to take off her jeans. You must do it all to give her a feeling, or at le
ast an illusion, that you are such a powerful man, and you ll be one, so every tim
e you make a physical advancement, and she s into you, with all her body language,
but she says: No no no! remember your coach, Ranko Magami s rule: If you try to do
something, but she says No, or any other walk sentence, but she is still there, an

d all her body is totally into you, just proceed. It s so important I will repeat
it: If you try to do something, but she says No, or any other walk sentence, but s
he is still there, and all her body is totally into you, just proceed. After acc
omplishing most missions, you will get good enough that the girls that are there
with their boyfriend, or girls that like you, but still not enough to get serio
us with you, those girls will start introducing their friends to you, without yo
u asking. Now, that is a whole different story, and you may meet some really, re
ally hot ones in the process, even better than the first girl, but we ll talk more
about that later. Excusers often have no other way than to ask their friends to
introduce them to someone, and all the time they get introduced to girls, not a
s good-looking as the girl they asked to do them a favor. Now, that is not much
fun. Think about it. Why it happens? Before we advance, to more difficult situat
ions, let s make sure you already internalized everything we talked about. To make
your approaches even better, here is an exercise we have for you. I m sure it has
happened to you many times that you see a beautiful woman, and want to approach
her, cause that is the only way to her panties, as we all know. But suddenly, so
me mysterious force starts itching you in your stomach, and your throat flexes,
and you can barely breathe. That is the society program, doing everything it can
to make you, not get laid.
Track 8
Follow us, and kick all that crap from your head. Make your mind free. Let s suppo
se that you want to go to the woman, but you sense that you are under control, a
nd can not do a thing, or you can go in, but they will sense your insecurity, an
d you will accomplish nothing. Now, to the simple exercise. Leave the girls for
a moment. Do not worry. Other guys are such excusers that they will not come to
them, but even if they do, your power is huge once you replace the negative phil
osophy in your mind with positive one. At Attract and Date, we know the best pos
sible exercises, cause all of them are from our experience as coaches and seducer
s of stunning beauties. We are able to give you the best for any situation, and
people get laid with it, all the time. Setting your mind free, is the most impor
tant lesson in this course, and it can be the most important thing in life. Now,
go find a mirror. In trendy clubs, you have a mirror everywhere you go, but if
you can t find any, just go to the toilet. When you start feeling fear, your body
will go into closed posture, and your face-muscles and jaws will be tense, and ca
use of the tension and uncomfortable and not confident body posture, you will st
art to feel even more fear, and then your body language will be even worse. You
must stop this vicious cycle, the vicious cycle that has stopped you from gettin
g laid more times than you can imagine. The vicious cycle is called anxiety-reinf
orcement, and you will use the mirror as your bio-feedback device and stop the cy
cle. Notice your jaw, all your face-muscles that you never pay attention, but ar
e tense, and your neck. Notice the position of your shoulders, breath in, count
of four, and in, count of six. The exhaustion should be longer than inhalation.
When you are exhaling, that will be a signal to relax, the many muscles of face,
neck and jaws, so take care to notice the muscles and to relax them. People usu
ally don t notice those muscles, and they remain unnecessarily tense. Tension in m
uscles wastes your energy. Then proceed to shoulders. If you hadn t assumed it bef
ore, go to an upright body posture with your legs stable spread out at the floor
, and most important, move your chin, just slightly upwards, slightly. If you we
re really crunched, in an excuser s position, staring at the floor, you may need t
o move your chin maybe an inch upwards, but if you were not so crunched, just mo
ve it very little.
Track 9
Imagine you are looking at the horizon, and now, just move your chin a third of
an inch, to the most comfortable position. Humans have an instinct to protect th
eir throat when they feel danger. Before it protected them from wild beasts that
always jumped to the throat, so if your head is crunched down, the girl will un

consciously feel, that you are afraid of her, as a lion, and that will not give
you any points, I m sure. Then again, breathe in, breathe out longer, and relax th
e face-muscles. Face-muscles can be tense all day, so it will be a new feeling.
When your head is relaxed, do the same to the arms, torso and so on. Remember th
is: You cannot have anxiety if your muscles are relaxed. In the beginning, you w
ill use the mirror, and later you will be able to do it alone. Great. So now you
know how to kick out anxiety from your head. Do it any time you feel anxious. N
ow, we do the more advanced approaches, then I will teach you how to talk fluent
ly, and how to be very interesting when talking to a girl. After that I will sho
w you, how to arrange date, and what a woman secretly expects on a date, and how
you will give her the time of her life on a date. And then we shall discuss how
to make making love to a woman as unforgettable as it sounds, so she keeps comi
ng back and back for more. [Mission] Now you are ready for taking the hottest wo
man out of a male-female group, and taking her home. The beautiful woman is neve
r alone. She s either in a company of other woman, who know she will attract loads
of men, so they hope to meet somebody that way too, or she s in a company of men,
or possibly both, she s in the company of woman, and some men who are desperately
trying to pull something off. When you first start approaching male-female grou
ps, this is how you ll do it. Later, as you advance, you will do it like me, and g
o straight to her and take her. But for now, you must master this approach. So l
et s assume the classic situation: a guy with three woman. The guy is one of the l
ucky excusers who managed to take the woman out, as they say. He s dragged them ar
ound, buying them drinks, talking with each one of them, and listening to their
stupid girl-talk and to their problems.
Track 10
The woman don t like a man who discusses with them, in-depth, their problems, cause
a woman s problem, is not of logical nature, so discussing it is the same as if y
our house is on fire, and you call woman to help you, and she said: How do you f
eel about the fire? Do you get it? So the guy is being nice to all of them, but w
e of course know that he wants to lay the hottie, but will settle for one of the
two average woman also. He s not going to get any this night, that s for sure, espe
cially now when Attract and Date student has them in sight. What will you do? Wh
at will you do? Approaching three woman is not permitted by society rules, but a
pproach three woman and a man, oh, that s totally out of this world! But since you
practiced at home the Attract and Date excuse destroyer, you will be perfectly
aware, that society limitations are only for chronic masturbators. Remember, bot
h the guy, and the three woman, are typical excuses, and will not be aware of wh
at you are doing. If you go to approach the woman first, the guy will want to st
op you, and the woman will feel like sluts for talking with you, even if they li
ke you, so for that your approach must be perfect. You will do it the easier way
, and the first thing you will do is, approach the guy. You heard me right: appr
oach the guy. If you are there with your buddy, leave him waiting until you send
him a signal, and go in alone. Your goal is to make the guy think, that you are
his friend. Nothing could be further away from the truth. And at the same time,
make him look lame in front of the woman, so he doesn t stand a chance any more,
and they are yours for the taking.
Track 11
You will approach a guy with stupid logical question. Hey, could you please tell
me where Club Inferno is? Bla bla bla Then do a short conversation with him. Ask h
im about the Club Inferno, and what people go there. Be sure not to talk for too
long, cause the girls may start to think that you are his excuser buddy, and the
guy is definitely an excuser, cause otherwise he would be doing pleasurable thin
gs with a woman, and not stand around like a coat-hanger. Now comes the critical
part. Ask him: How come you get to go out with so many girls? Make it seem sincer
e. The excuser must think that you genuinely admire him. Those guys are so excit
ed about taking out three girls, that they will believe that you are sincerely a

dmiring him. He will answer all kinds of hilarious stuff, ranging from: I drive a
new SUV, to I have a big penis. Now you got everything what you need. In a friendl
y way, put an arm on his shoulder, like football players from the same team do w
hen they score. You must be standing at his side, looking at the same direction.
Do it very friendly. Smile, and talk to the girls. Girls, do you know what he ju
st told me? That all of you like him, cause of his big penis. Is that for real? H
a ha ha, he he he! At this moment the guy is totally destroyed. Now he is not a b
locker any more, cause he considers you his friend, and the process of you turnin
g to the woman, and starting a convo with them, looks very natural, and unplanne
d. On the woman you can use the horoscope, Cocktail Tropico, or G-string. You alre
ady know how to do them. Now he s destroyed, and you transition to the girls like
we practiced. He will not block, and girls will feel like talking to you. Later
while talking to the girls, just casually, in an innocent voice, mention What do
you like about him? Or even better, move closer to the hottie, and say it in a wa
y that others can t really hear anything. How come he s with all of you? Does any of
you have a crush on him or [sound cut off]
Track 12
Say it with a straight face, like you are genuinely concerned about that, but of
course you couldn t care less. Now the hottie must say no, she must say that she s
not the one who has a crush on him, cause she s the hottie and she s proud. She will
likely say: No, are you kidding? He s our friend. We could never be with him. Come
on! When she says that, he s destroyed. Or even better, she says No, I would never w
ant him, but my friend (who is ugly by the way), wants him. That way you can just
take your hottie for a drink, in order to leave them alone. Warning: this tacti
c will totally destroy the guy. Remember your primary goal is to get the woman,
not to destroy the men, but it is fun, that s for sure. It will be easy to do that
, cause he, the proud driver, is already depressed, cause he can not interrupt you
r convo, cause it was such destiny. He is so under influences of excuses, that he
doesn t even understand your intentions. If a buddy is nearby, now it s time for hi
m to come to you, like it was unplanned, and he will say: Hey man! Are these your
friends? You will say: Oh yes, I just met them. Not introduce your buddy to the gr
oup, and you can introduce yourself, if you didn t. It will be very natural to do
it now. The buddy will then take the excuser and an ugly girl, or anyone who see
ms like he could block you, and you can continue talking to the hottie. If you d
on t have a buddy, don t bother. Just have a convo with the ugly ones first, like yo
u already did before. Then just ask the hottie: Why are you so silent? Tell me, w
hat you think about the G-string? You see, all of them cannot imagine in their mi
nds that it is all set up, that you are in full control, so they will all think
it was some kind of destiny. After talking with the hottie for a while, use a se
ntence that your coach, Ranko uses. You seem like a very interesting girl. Join m
e for a drink. At the same time, gently, with a slight touch, push her towards th
e bar, or take her hand, if there are too many people. Give a reassuring smile t
o her group, that the two of you will be back in a minute, and let her say whate
ver she has to say to her friends. And now you have it. The stunning woman is ha
ving a drink with you, and it all seemed as destiny, and it was.
Track 13
The key is to lose any fear, and to do it confidently, like her prince, cause she
wants to be swept away, and the hotter the woman, the less responsibility she w
ants to have. That is why only ugly woman approach men, cause they may settle eve
n for a man that is not so strong. That they have to get themselves. Don t worry a
bout the guy sabotaging you. He would do it if he was not an excuser, but if he
was not an excuser, he would be in bed with female company, and not stand around
like a puppy dog. When you approach a guy with your question, the woman will he
ar also, and even if the guy suspects you are about to do something, he must tol
erate you in order not to appear rude to the woman. Social pressure blocking him
. When you ask him: How come you get to go out with so many nice woman? ask him in

a friendly, man-to-man way, and move a bit closer, so the woman don t really hear
it all. If he says something, you can t use, like We are friends from work, you kno
w that he is an excuser, who even doesn t think high of his achievement, so it wil
l be even easier. Then just transition to the girls with any line. The girls are
always so bored with admirers that buy them drinks, and take them around, that
they will accept you with joy. Also, they didn t meet anyone that night, cause all
of the men have no clue how to approach and handle that situation. You will get
fast success doing it, but never mention to the girl that it was all planned. Ke
ep your weapons and skills a secret, my friend. It is very important that you de
stroy the guy if he has enough value to compete with you for the girls. He may b
e a confident guy, but nobody can survive a destroyer, if done well, cause he sin
cerely thinks that you admire him, but only the girls sense that you are above h
im. If you judge that he may be a candidate to get the girls, just talk with him
until you get some info that you will use for destruction. Then just say to the
girls with a smile, but a slightly weird look in your face, which only they wil
l notice, then transition to talk with the girls. Soon we ll do the spontaneity ex
ercises, which will make talking to anybody, male or female, a piece of cake, cau
se that is the usual problem for most guys. Approaching a group with a man insid
e is a big, big victory over those negative pattern in your mind that have been
stopping you for so long. [sound fades out too quickly]
Track 14
Since it is such a huge victory, the society program in your mind will shoot eve
rything it has to stop you, to stop your genes from replicating, cause you are no
t super successful. Cause you are not a star. But you don t have to be a star, what
you have to do is to defeat the bad wiring in your own mind and give yourself p
ermission to succeed. If you can, take a buddy with you who is also a student of
Attract and Date, cause society program may block you so much, that you don t even
notice it by yourself. Yes, it can get so strong. So when you see several woman
that you would like to meet standing there with a guy, the excuse generator wil
l tell you: Do not go. He may get mad, and beat you up. The truth is, that he may
beat you up, if he senses you are weak, and you blatantly hit on the woman. Any
other reason is just an excuse in your mind. Now you must defeat the excuse by r
ationalizing. Always calm rationalizing. He can t beat me up, cause he wants to mak
e good impression on the woman, so chances of him beating him up are far less th
an if I ask a solo man for the directions to the Club Inferno, and I have no tro
uble asking a man for directions. So, it must be an excuse. You of course can ch
ange the name of the club to some that really exists in your city, and do that o
n your first approaches. But later, as you get better, you will see that you can
pull it off with Club Inferno also, even though it doesn t exist. After a dozen a
pproaches, and have a laugh how people never get it, that you are there for the
girls. All people are programmed to always respond the same way, so that you wil
l use all the time. I know it may sound mean and unfair that you take woman from
the guy who genuinely tries to help you find the club, but it is only you and h
im, and only one of you can have the hottie, and you are the one. Yes, you! So i
t s time to stop excusing and to finally take what you lust for, and leave all you
r competitors breathing your dust.
Track 15
You see, by doing this specifically made exercises, and using what we teach you,
you are getting better and better, and you know how they say sky is the limit.
You will soon discover that actually, your stamina is the limit. Now you know ho
w to handle a group with a guy inside. Go out and practice it, and if you can, h
ave a buddy watch you. Let me now instruct you, how to be a winner in the most a
nnoying situation of all. [Mission] Have you ever experienced that you talk with
woman, you are doing good, and who knows where it would have taken you, but sud
denly, some guy appears out of nowhere, starts talking to them, and you feel lef
t out. You have no clue what to do. You have no clue what to say. You may even s

tart to feel embarrassed and turn red in the face. Oh, that s not good. They guy s j
ust an excuser, but he is now leading the talk, and you don t know what to do, and
you just go away, and you can feel the girls really don t care, will you stay or
not. Now it s time to forget about that. After you study what we have to tell you,
you will actually start looking forward to other men trying to block you, so yo
u can bury them deep in the mud. It starts being joyful, that s for sure. I will g
ive you two destroyers to make your competition regret they ever wanted to mess
with an Attract and Date student. They will not know what got them. Let s suppose
you are talking to a dazzling woman, or to a group of them, and then some bozo e
xcuser comes along. cause he knows them from before, he will let himself do the a
pproach. The excuser can be a guy they know from work, a cousin of one of the gi
rls, a friend who actually wants to lay the hottie. All friends are like that, b
y the way. Or anyone else who knows them from before, and cause of that, will giv
e himself permission to go talk to them. Attractive woman get to know a lot of m
en, so if you spend enough time talking to one of them, chances are somebody wil
l come to block you. What a girl feels about you, or about him, is note really r
elevant in this case. As I said, woman are like stones, how you put them, they w
ill stand. So she could like you a lot more, but you still have to do all the jo
b of blowing him off. Don t expect the woman to do it for you. Society program in
your head may try to sabotage you by telling you: You must behave, and be decent.
Let the woman choose who she wants. That way, it s hundred percent chance her attr
action towards you will drop dramatically. She may still stay with you that time
, but after a couple times she will both consciously and unconsciously realize t
hat you are a wimp, and eventually, she will get rid of you.
Track 16
If you see that your woman is showing signs that she may be into some other guy,
don t make a classic mistake of feeling too proud to do anything about it. Destro
y the negative pattern in your head, and blow him out of the sky. Society wants
you to do nothing smart. Society wants you too to compete like horny roosters in
front of a chicken, cause that way the whole human race will benefit the most, ca
use if both men don t even try to take the woman, but only show off, and if they l
et the woman choose, she will choose the better-looking one, the rich one, or th
e more successful one, and the human race will benefit, cause good genes of that
man, good for the whole, will mix with good genes of woman, of a beauty. But you
are not some rooster. You have evolved much above that. You are a student of At
tract and Date, that s what you are. You have two huge weapons at your disposal. T
he first one, is no society program in your mind. Society program in your mind i
s like toxic waste infecting you from the inside. And your second equally powerf
ul weapon is a society program fully functioning in your competitor s mind. Combin
ing the two, the battle has already been won, before it started. Let s suppose tha
t you re talking with a woman. She may be a wife, or, you may have met her five mi
nutes ago. Everything is going smooth, and then some guy appears, that knows you
r woman, and starts talking to the two of you. He could be her cousin. He could
be her co-worker. But, he could also be her ex-boyfriend, and she could forget a
ll bad stuff about him, and remember only the good. He could be a guy that appro
ached her somewhere a year ago, but they still have each other s phone, and he cou
ld give her a call tomorrow. They could meet for an innocent cup of tea, but the
y may drink wine, and things start happening, and he ends up in bed with your wo
man. Your job is to stop all those scenarios from happening. Your job is to take
what is yours, and if you don t do anything about it, your coach, Ranko Magami, o
r another instructor
we do the same , will come and personally kick you in the as
s. Just joking you or maybe not. So, what happens first when he comes? If she int
roduces the two of you, he will extend his hand, like it is done in society. You
are standing there, fully confident. You already mastered body language of an a
lpha. Legs spread, upright posture, exposed chin and chest, totally different cl
othing. For instructions on how to intimidate with your looks alone, without act
ually doing anything, check the forum on Attract and Date. You will wait a secon
d, just to make him feel insecure, and then you will extend your hand slowly, an

d use the alpha handshake.

Track 17
You will catch him by surprise, and take his hand from upwards, so your hand is
not vertical, but your thumb is at about ten o clock. It s totally unnoticeable to a
nyone consciously. But a woman will unconsciously register you as being much mor
e dominant, no matter what your actually physical strength. You can also use the
enhanced alpha handshake, when you take his whole arm in your hand, from elbow
to fist, is at almost horizontal position, and you gently touch him with an elbo
w to his chest. See the forum for an explanation. Now, that he didn t expect. Sinc
e you ve destroyed excuse in your head, you can start talking whatever you want. J
ust don t let him take the lead. That is the most important. The woman is always a
ttracted to the leader, and you are the leader. At this moment, you will start t
o feel him getting feelings of inadequacy, and less worth, so just touch the wom
an to demonstrate to both of them that she s yours, and nobody else s, and continue
talking. Don t let him take a lead of the conversation. When you get experience, y
ou let him talk and talk, go in whenever you choose, and destroy him, but until
then, take the lead in the convo as soon as you can. Your parents did not teach
you that. They teach you to always politely listen to whatever the other people
were saying, and to wait, wait, wait wait Now it s time to change that, cause waiting
for the guy to finish may mean many more nights with your hand for you. That gu
y may never get your woman, but she will know that better guys than you exist, a
nd she will not be so horny for you. If the guy needs any further annihilation,
continue with the following. Your goal is to destroy him as much as possible, av
oiding any signs of aggression, cause it could not only get you in trouble, but i
t will be a sign of weakness for the girl. You are so confident, that you do not
need to use any aggression. An aggression and making sarcastic comments is the
only way excusers compete between each other. But that way they both lose, cause
they leave for the girl to choose. She will choose one, but will know that both
of them are excusers, and her heart will desire deeply a better man. So, say it
like you really mean it, if you are in a club: Hey man! I think I saw you dancing
! You are such a wonderful dancer! Chances are, that he s a bad dancer, like overwh
elming majority of men, and that the woman will laugh, and he is shot down. You
see, if you have just met a woman, five minutes ago, that guy may be her best fr
iend, or somebody who she values, so you will say such a seemingly innocent line
. The more you know the woman, and the better you get that means, the more excus
es you manage to kick from your head, and the more alpha body language you have
you will be able to stop competition obviously. When I and the other instructors
go out, we intimidate everyone with looks alone, cause we are dressed in an eyecatching way, and sit like we own Every instructor has great exper
ience in training, so going out with him is always a chance for me, to pick up n
ew moves, and learn something from him, he ll learn something from me, and we have
fun. Then when we talk to woman, and some excuser dressed in blend-in colors ju
mps in from the shadows, and says Hi! to her, I just smile at that, and the woman
laughs at him also, and the excuser, has then even more trouble with his feeling
s of low self-esteem, that he usually, turns red. You see, there are just a few
beautiful girls, and if you show respect to your competition, you ve just lost. So
by asking him: Hey man, I think I saw you dancing. You are such a wonderful danc
er, you overtake the convo, and now he has to react to you. His response really d
oesn t matter. What matters is that all attention is now on the interaction betwee
n the two of you, and if you remember yourself, how you felt before, long ago, u
nder the influence of society program, how you felt social anxiety and pressure
what everybody else is thinking, and phobias. So by doing all the exercises we g
ive you, you have defeated that, but your competition still feels it, and this i
s your best weapon. Engage into convo with him with joy, cause you couldn t care le
ss, and he s all self-conscious, blocked by his own fears, and after some time, ju
st turn to the girl, push her gently towards you, and continue. If you have done
all the missions, this one will be easy for you.

Track 18
If you happen to anywhere else, and you re talking with woman, and a guy comes in
with the intent to destroy you, you can ask him in a way, that everyone hears we
ll: Oh, what a great designer shirt! Does it get you a lot of woman? Do they like
it? Now he s six feet underground, cause if he says no, he just admitted of being a l
oser, and if he says yes, you just got even better ammunition to make fun of him,
but it all started as an innocent question, and he got laughed at, by sheer coin
cidence. You see, feel free to use this as a model, and make up your own destruc
tion lines in the situation. Like everything else in this course, this lines are
not designed to be memorized, but to make you go against the negative patterns
in your mind, to strengthen your philosophy, cause by doing all the missions, you
must go against them, and once your mind is free from the grip the society, you
r parents, teachers put in you, it will be very easy to talk as the situation ev
olves. One thing you must let yourself do is let yourself think good about yours
elf, and let yourself laugh at the system. Remember those guys that go to clubs
hundreds of times and then stand in big groups, dressed in the same clothes, whi
le on the other end of the club, hot woman are desperately waiting. Those guys a
re excusers. They don t deserve your respect. One misconception of any civilizatio
n, is to respect everything and everybody, and to always say: Oh, I admire your o
pinion, but what I say next, is my opinion only, bla bla bla
Well you see, the tea
m of Attract and Date does not give respect to excusers, and their endless excus
ing, and that is why, we have the best woman, and live free of self-imposed limi
tations. If you choose to be like us, it is not an easy way, and going against t
he flow is hard. The choice is only up to you. Now you mastered the approach pha
se. If you still have some difficulties, just listen once more, and you will see
much more clearly. You ve killed the excuses in your head, and managed to approac
h, and to start the conversation, but battle is not over, cause this society, tha
t we all live in, has set traps for you everywhere, and the unconscious program
in a man s head will act like this. Since a man managed to shut down the negative
program in his head, and approach, he is now very close to getting laid, and sin
ce he s not what society wants for a hot woman to mate with, since he s not good-loo
king, successful or famous enough, he must be stopped. He must be stopped at all
costs, and now the program in your head hits you much stronger, and what happen
s? You lose your gift of speech. That s right. Parts of your brain that tell you w
hat to say, are just literally shut down, and you stand there, with the woman of
your dreams, speechless and unable to say something reasonable. Not to mention,
that you lose your sense of humor. You just stand there, and the conversation d
Track 19
Do you have trouble talking to your best friend? Do you have trouble talking to
males in general? Not really. With a man, you can talk, and in a male company yo
u can be the most amusing and cool guy. Why then do you often stand there speech
less after you met a girl? Where is your humor then? Every man has to be under c
ontrol. One of the main means of society control is stress, cause when under stre
ss, you can not think by your own mind, but you wander around blind, and do what
everybody else is doing. We ll talk about how to eliminate stress later on, but n
ow let s study the process that happens in the mind. You managed to suppress the s
ociety program when you say the line on approach, but if you still didn t cleanse
your mind fully of it, it will lurk, and get stronger, and stronger, and after s
ome initial talk it will hit you back so hard that you just lose your gift of th
inking and speech. The program put there by everyone that surrounds you, knows t
hat you must be stopped at all costs, so do you know what it does? It just shuts
down the blood-supply to as many parts of the brain as it can. That is why mean
, who are otherwise very fluent in speech, have a hard time talking with woman,
and they can think of only the most primitive things to say, like: What do you do
? How do you like the music? Do you come here very often? Those sentences are ok
in the beginning, but if your convo starts getting more and more simple, and it

should be more complicated and complicated, then it is an obvious signal, that p

arts of your brain are being shut down, so you lose. That is why talking to an a
ttractive woman, for many men, is like talking to a man that has a gun pointed i
nto them. In both scenarios, fear is so high, that there is no blood-supply for
advanced thoughts, cause all of it is in the fight-or-flight organs.
Track 20

Imagine how hard it would be to figure out a smart and witty thing to say if som
ebody had a gun pointed into your head. You wouldn t sound very original, would yo
u? By approaching many woman, you will, bit by bit, regain control over your own
mind, and after you approach and talk to a lot of woman, you will have no troub
le talking effortlessly, interesting stuff to her. So you must first identify th
e cause of your problem. Don t make a mistake that you don t know what to say, and d
on t think that you can not talk very interesting to a woman. Actually you can, bu
t your mind is blocked. You must first release the blockers. That is now your ma
in objective. After you release the blocker, then and only then you should conce
rn yourself with the topics of the conversation, which although important, mean
nothing if your brain gets shut down. The process of releasing the blocker from
your mind, by just talking and talking to woman, takes a lot of time, and that i
s why Attract and Date has exercises that will shrink months of approaching and
talking to woman into hours, or even minutes. Those exercises will make you as s
pontaneous as you ever wanted to be, and they will solve the frightening problem
for a lot of men, and that is, talking to woman. The exercises are done extensi
vely in workshops, and here I bring you a brief overview of a few of them. You w
ill be needing a few friends to help you out, cause they are done in a group. Why
are they done in a group of guys? Verbal skills are actually very easy acquired
, but since that is not society acceptable, nobody practices them this way. They
are so easily learned, that if you get a group of your buddies to help you out,
you will all soon be overwhelmed with stunning girls, so take the same buddies
that meet woman with you
the ones that have chosen not to be excusers, just like
you have and take an afternoon off. Then you can go out and see who will charm
the most woman. So let s suppose that five of you are sitting in a circle, and you
start. The purpose of the exercise is to make a story. You start with a word, t
hen the guy next to you starts with another word, then the guy next to him says
another. It can go like this: you say Once, then the guy next to you says upon, then
it goes, a,
to, get,
horny, and so it goes This w
first exercise, the important thing is to move as fast as possible. Talk like t
hat for a few minutes. By doing this exercise, you will get spontaneity, and not
just spontaneity, but super spontaneity. In the second exercise, you will learn
how to express emotions. Be sure that everybody is watching you, so you break t
he excuses in your head that are stopping you to say to woman. In the beginning,
you will laugh at yourself. Why comes the laughing? Society program in your tho
ughts makes any expression of emotion, very funny to you, cause society program k
nows, that it attracts woman so much, that you must be stopped, and the best way
to stop you is for you to laugh at yourself.
Track 21
You must break that blocker, so be sure that all your buddies are watching you.
Can you feel the program making you feel stupid now, HAHA! I guess you can. And
just proceed with the exercise. One of your friends must say a statement, and th
e other one must say an emotion. Your job is to say the sentence in the tone of
that emotion. For example, if a sentence is Today I m broke, and the emotion is happ
iness, you must say Today I m broke! Today, I m broke! So you come in the center and o
ne guy says a simple statement, and another one says an emotion. You must as qui
ckly as possible say that sentence in the tone of your emotion. In the color of
your emotion. After twenty combinations, of statements and emotions, they judge,
was it convincing enough. If it was not, you are the talker again. If it was, s
omebody else does it.

Track 22
You will have no trouble saying logical statements, but I m sure that you can t name
a lot of emotions. Why is that so? In order to stop the average man from having
good woman, they have been taught to be a man, and not care about emotions, and
if you display an emotion, then you are not a good enough man, and you are ridi
culed. How will a man concerned about emotions be a powerful provider or warrior
? But while other men are still busy serving the society, Attract and Date stude
nts are living their life. Here is a list of these extra-terrestrial stuff calle
d emotions: happy and sad. No no, I m just joking you. There are more: happy, exci
ted, serene, enthusiastic, sad, pessimistic, hopeless, depressed, heartbroken, h
urt, annoyed, frustrated, provoked, offended, cautious, concerned, alarmed, anxi
ous, passionate, loving, tender, intrigued, excited, secure, calm, respected, co
nfident, hesitant, skeptical, ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, shocked, cruel.
Believe it or not, there are more. But this will be enough to complete the secon
d exercise. It will kill the geek inside you, and bring out a romantic hero. Aft
er this second exercise, you are ready for the more advanced third exercise. Rem
ember, they may be funny, but the most things we consider important are funny to
woman. Those exercises can not go without huge laughter, but be aware, it s bette
r to laugh now, then when a woman asks you: What do you feel for me? If you laugh
then, you ve just sent your career as a ladies-man through the window. So, you are
holding an imaginary bag, and out of the bag you pull out imaginary objects. Wh
at isn t imaginary is this exercise will make you a seducer. You choose a guy, who
must act out a story about that imaginary object. For example, a friend pulls o
ut something out from the bag, and he says it s a newspaper. Then you start: Today
I was reading the newspaper full of very interesting articles. A man was hit by
lightning in Spain. Then there was an article about diabetes. Anyone can have th
at disease. Go check out yourself immediately. Certified medical personnel is gu
aranteed to find at least one disease you may have, and you ll be ok only when the
y say so. Blessing for the medical system. I will now run, and buy more pills. Co
ntinue through the story. The listeners are not forced to pay attention. If you
make your story interesting enough, they will listen. If not, you will quickly s
ee it in their faces. That way you can fail a lot of times. You can fail under t
he influence of society program, and look very stupid to yourself. Everything ca
n happen, but eventually, you ll be able to say a nice story, and in the evening,
when you meet a woman of your dreams, you will not blow it. Imagine how many wom
an you will have wasted, and how many months you would have lost, if you practic
ed only among the woman you want and desire.
Track 23
In the fourth exercise, you do the same as in the first exercise, but instead of
saying one word at a time, you say a few words, or a whole sentence. Then the g
uy next to you continues with his sentence, and so you go in circle. Do it for f
ive minutes, and try to keep it as fast as possible, and then you will do the fi
fth exercise, in which one guy is not participating, but he gives a sign when th
e story is passed to the next guy in circle. So you start talking, and when the
friend standing in the circle raises his arm, then the guy next to you continues
. Of course, you can say whatever you want. By doing these exercises, it is amaz
ing how spontaneous a man can become in just one afternoon, cause when you go thr
ough a fear of talking about anything in front of a group of men many times, you
will be able to effortlessly do it with a woman. For some of you, it will be ha
rd to relax, and do these exercises, but remember, it s just society program makin
g you feel stupid so you wouldn t get the girl. Master all these five exercises fi
rst, before you move on. Take the time you need. After all of you have mastered
it, let s do the free-association exercise. Remember the first exercise. In it the
words were logically connected. In this exercise, you must say the first thing
that comes to your mind when you hear a particular word. For example, you say cha
ir. The first thing that comes up to a guy to your right is sit, then the first thi

ng that comes up to a guy on his right is down, so it will go like this fast. Chair
, sit, down,
ceiling, and so on. By letting yourself say the first thing that
o your mind, you will sound very interesting, and never be boring to girls. And
now we ve come to our final exercise. All of you are standing in one big circle. I
n the middle of the room. First guy comes into the circle, and describes an envi
ronment. It must be the weirdest environment possible. The less logical, the bet
ter. The first guy can say It is a treehouse located on the moon. Then guys come i
n, one by one, and every one of them has to put an object inside, that fills the
space. The object has to be as much weird as possible. For example: It is a tree
house located on the moon. Then the other guy comes into the circle and says: A fl
ying shark passes by in his quest to have only the most beautiful woman. So it mu
st make as less sense as possible. The next guy can say: A medieval sheep is flyi
ng above the house.
CD 8
Track 1
So when all these unusual objects have been put inside that space, the last guy
will come. He does not put any object. And he must explain the situation, and wh
o he is, and why he s in the space, and what all those objects are doing there. Th
e last guy can start to talk: I m a real estate agent, and user car salesman. I bou
ght this nice house on the moon, cause it has a nice view of the planet Earth. I
locked myself in the house, cause I m an excuser, and Shark does not like excusers,
bla bla bla You see, the last guy has to adapt, and improvise, and tell a story a
nd have a straight face in the process. These exercises are easy, yet extremely
powerful way to be able to handle a conversation with a woman. While your compet
ition gets to talk to woman on Saturday night, that is, if they even dare to app
roach and come to the talking phase. You will train as much as you want, so when
the crucial moment comes, talking to a woman will be a piece of cake. You will
behave like you ve met hundreds of them. These exercises will make it easy for you
to talk yourself out of any situation, and to touch the woman in their soul wit
h your words. Print out this Attract and Date rule into your mind: Woman are aro
used a lot more by what you tell her than what you show her, while men are total
ly opposite. At this point you are flying well above the race, and have knowledg
e about woman unimaginable to ordinary guys. Are you feeling that you are ready
for real-life action with an expert, and considering taking an Attract and Date
individualized workshop, where one of us can come to visit you in your city, or
you may be thinking of joining a group workshop, and meeting like-minded guys. A
ll of us instructors often practice together, and we ve all had great success with
clients. Book soon, cause there are not many of us. Becoming an instructor is on
ly for the best, and in the process of learning how to seduce beautiful woman, y
ou will also meet many men just like you, who want to take control over their de
stiny, and create friendships that last a lifetime. At this moment it is time to
go meet some woman. What did I hear? You are tired? Did I hear that it is raini
ng? Did I hear that you ll go next week? Listen, kick those excuses out of your mi
nd immediately! Stop excusing for your desires as a man, and go find yourself a
girl. If you excuse today, you will excuse tomorrow, and please don t tell me your
exc[sound cut off early]
Track 2
Great. I hope you went out and gotten a woman. If you did just that, you are on
your way to becoming a success! If not, what are you planning? To become a symbi
osis with your chair, a new life-form? Let me tell you more about woman and how
they think. In order to understand that, you should have done all the missions I
gave you. It will be way easier that way. First, you must often look the world
from her perspective. You must see with her eyes, and get into her shoes, if you
want to always say the right thing, and do the right stuff. Exactly when should
you look the world from her perspective? Trying to figure out the world from he

r perspective all the time is a bit time-consuming, and unnecessary, and you hav
e much better stuff to do, like admire her dazzling beauty. But in some critical
moments, you must see with her eyes, and that is when a woman asks you a questi
on. When she asks you a question you must first think of what she wants to hear,
and then tell it to her in a convincing way. If you do that right, she will tra
nslate that into This man understands me, and so he s Mr. Right. I know that you are
very happy by being Mr. Right-Now also, but woman s first priority is finding Mr.
Right. You on the other hand want Miss Right Now-Now-Now. When a woman thinks s
he s being understood, she s much more likely to get horny for you. So try it out th
e next time she asks you a question. Don t say something that only you will laugh
at, but say something she wants. The whole purpose of your communication with he
r is not to find someone to listen to your views of the world, but to find a wom
an that wants to go to bed with you, and the rest of things usually cancel each
other out. The society is always lurking in the shadows around you, to try to ta
ke you back, to assimilate you back. Did you turn the volume low, so other peopl
e in the house wouldn t hear? Did you put the CDs deep inside your drawer, so nobo
dy from the society can see? Are you, day by day, concerned that somebody will c
heck on you and how you are spending your time, so you plan your day activities
in a way other people would approve of that? Well, the time has come for you to
stop being a slave, and to admit what you are: a man that likes and admires woma
n, and wants freedom in his life. If you can t even say it out loud, how will you
do it? The society teaches you, that it is bad to be rejected, and that it is ba
d to try hard to get any girl, that you will lose face if you do it, but think a
bout it. Do you really have to try hard, or is all the weight just in your head?
Of course, the only way for an excuser is to get a woman is to try hard, and ha
rd, but he s just make it hard for himself in his mind.
Track 3
Talking for an hour with your friend is not hard at all, so how can then talking
with an attractive woman, and getting to a position to talk to her, how can tha
t be such a huge burden? Cause men make it a huge burden. Have you ever felt pres
sure, when in high school the hottest girl ask you something? Did you feel your
heart beat? Well, that pressure gets stronger and stronger as you grow older, an
d even if there is an excuser who is the best among excusers, and he tries get t
he hottie, even under that huge pressure, the society will ridicule him. We teac
h you to fly literally above the race. When me and my friend and family were ski
ing this winter, I saw a beautiful girl, expertly handling the icy slope. I don t
mind to spend my time with my family, and ski slowly with them, but immediately
I left them, intercepted the girl, skid with her, went out with her, and seduced
her. When I came back next day in the morning, they all turned red. Imagine tha
t. It seems they will never learn. Ah, what excusers. You see, they turn red, cau
se of me doing what I m supposed to do. Do not ever ever let those society zombies
pull you down. You just don t live in their reality. You live in your own reality
, and you live by your own rules. If they don t like it, they can do you know what
? Turn red, that s what they can do! Anyone can get into a particularly dangerous
self-destruct pattern that you must learn to identify, and stop at all costs. Wh
en a man is young and starts trying to get girls for the first time, all odds ar
e against him. Everyone will try to sabotage you, but even if there wasn t any neg
ative society influence, cause a boy is still inexperienced, he will fail at firs
t attempts of getting girl. So first attempts would be futile, even if somehow w
e managed to erase the bad society program that is put into a boy s mind, and the
boy will try to get the girl, and he will fail, cause he has no guidance from any
body. Very often, the only way to make a situation is bearable to himself, a boy
will imagine that the girl is now feeling bad cause she rejected him, to make th
ings easier for himself, and to not feel like a failure, a boy will fantasize, t
hat secretly, she feels regret, and that deep inside she will be sorry for rejec
ting him.
Track 4

That is a protective mechanism for a boy not to feel like a born loser. So it to
ok him a lot of courage to approach her. She sensed he was an excuser and she du
mped him. It is very hard to admit your own mistakes, but that is the first step
to perfection, so instead of making themselves better, many men choose to fanta
size that actually, she s now sorry. Soon they don t do it consciously, but almost u
nconsciously. They don t tell it to their friends, but it can become an automatic
response to getting rejected by the girl. If a guy has been on a date with a gir
l, and everything seemed ok, everything seemed going well, and suddenly, she s not
answering his phone calls, its rejection. Logically of course, the guy will not
think that somewhere deep inside, she will feel sorry, but almost unconsciously
, after the initial frustration, he will think that she must regret it deep insi
de, or at least later, she ll be sorry, cause the guy is very sad now, and frustrat
ed, and he would look stupid to himself if he admitted that the girl couldn t care
less for him, so instead of doing something to fix his behavior, that led to re
jection, so next time he would do better, it is much easier for majority of men
to imagine that she s also feeling bad and sorrow. And so he lives and gets reject
ed by woman. Some reject him on the first line, and others find nothing else, ma
rry, and then divorce him. But the older he gets, the more he gets into a danger
ous, self-destruct pattern. He starts thinking that every relationship, date, or
even every interaction with woman, must end like an unhappy romantic story, tha
t it will definitely end like that. So, he meets a woman, and arranges a date. B
efore the date, he will start telling himself, that it will end up like a sorrow
romantic novel. Sometimes, guys are so determined, in their decision to make a
woman feel sad, that they are actually looking forward to it as a proof of their
being macho men. But they just postpone getting laid, and postpone and postpone
And they really like, that the girl feels sorry, almost as if she has to pay for
all the rejection they had to go through life. So when men stop being excusers,
and woman wants them, and there is nothing stopping them to have a love-life th
ey always dreamed of, they will start doing things that will initiate their own
destruction, so the new experience can blend into old, negative experiences. The
y will start seeing non-existing signs that they have no chance, that it s all abo
ut to end, and they will secretly fantasize about breaking up with the woman, an
d her feeling sorry. It is cause, their frustration is so big, that what they wan
t even more than to get laid, is for the woman to feel the pain they felt countl
ess times.
Track 5
That is a classic example of society program taking control over your own mind.
If it starts happening to you, take measures immediately, and do the exercises f
or society program destruction. Beware! The ways of society control, in stopping
any guy to get the good woman, are very sneaky, but you are about to win. Your
journey has started, and there is no turning back. Let me tell you what things t
o avoid. Once you get your first initial boost of confidence, and start feeling
the power is with you, and not the woman, to celebrate their newfound little bit
of confidence, many men like to pull off stupid jokes on woman, that are meant
not to be funny, but to put woman down. They think that by ball-busting woman, t
hey will show their higher value. They think that even though they are still exc
users, they will pull themselves out of misery by busting on her. Well, it just
doesn t go that way. If you find huge satisfaction in making fun of a woman, it wo
n t take you to the bed. After some initial laugh, cause it is a big surprise comin
g from an otherwise excuser-person, she will conclude, that the man must be sexu
ally frustrated, and that he s not for her. It will work better than being only an
excuser, cause at least there is some conversation, not silence. So treat woman
nicely. If you are above her, if your frame of mind is stronger, and you are con
fident in yourself, that makes you an alpha man, and every woman dreams of being
taken away and swept off her feet by an alpha man. Initially, when men get thei
r first dose of confidence, some of them want to take revenge on woman. They wan
t to show them. But they forget, it was not a woman s fault for their misery. It w

as their own fault. So they go around, with an intention of approaching and ridi
culing woman that never did them any harm, and their focus turns away from meeti
ng a girl, to making fun of her. Of course, if men is still an excuser, full of
phobias, pulling a nasty joke on a woman will raise his value. But if he is not,
excessive ball-busting of woman will expose to shining light that in fact, he d
idn t get laid in ages. Unfortunately, in the whole Western world, you can be sued
for almost anything. You can be sued for coming to a woman closer than half a m
eter. You can be sued for looking at a woman, even though it is a statement abou
t her beauty. I guess some fat-ass woman that you offended by running away, will
be able to sue you for psychological damage. Those fat feminists, they are ever
ywhere. They jump out of my TV-set! First it was gays ok, now it is fatties ok.
Tomorrow it will be, it is ok to cut off your balls. <laughter> My friends, bein
g a man has become an endangered species. Do you know one of the reasons why I d
on t watch much TV? You pay for cable TV, and what you get? You get woman, ugly or
beautiful, talking about their rights, and about their new self-discovery.
Track 6
They can discover themselves as much as they want. Just don t terrorize me with yo
ur problems. I have better stuff to do, than to watch a woman celebrate her woma
nhood. Media is full of them. They re victims. They are celebrated as saints. Now
listen to this society rule: When a hard-working leader of a nation, a great lea
der, one of the best in many years, has a young mistress they terrorize both of
them: Did you have sex? Did you have sex? Was it oral sex? Was it real sex? Ahhh
en a princess, whose only job is raising charity, and smiling to the cameras has
a lover, they idolize her. But then, why the Hell are they eating so many donut
s? Get out of my sight, you loud feminists! I have no time to waste looking at y
ou. And I discovered why a woman s ass gets fatter and fatter. As I already told y
ou, as men become bigger and bigger excusers, the woman can get away with more a
nd more. If men weren t excusers, a woman would reason like this: Ok, if I eat this
bag full of donuts and muffins, I will get dumped. So I must eat a healthy diet
, not junk. But since all men are excusers, a woman knows that she will get cared
for, and pampered, even if she turn huge, and those donut are looking so good a
nd tasty, yum-yum. And so the bigger excusers men become, the bigger the woman w
ill be. The men are to blame. It must be like that, cause it makes everyone unhap
py, and unhappy people spend money on things they don t need. Remember, feminist m
ovement was with good intentions originally, but cause of men never speaking up,
and cause of large companies interest in selling stuff to unhappy people, it mutat
ed into what it is today. It s main purpose today is to blame men for being men, a
nd to make both man and woman miserable, so people will spend more, pills includ
ed. Girls are brainwashed even more than boys. Every woman is genetically search
ing for a man more powerful than herself. So, especially in a relationship, a wo
man will often pull out silly tricks, just to get some kind of reaction from her
man. Just to get proof that he s not an excuser.
Track 7
If you are on a date, the woman may start looking around, and openly admire some
other men. It will go something like this:
Woman: Oh, look at that tall football player. He has a fabulous chest!
What will happen then? Feelings of inadequacy will flock our excuser, and he wil
l feel bad about himself. He may say:

Honey, where are we planning a vacation this year?

This is a usual response of a married man. If they are just dating, and are stil
l getting to know each other, he may just turn red. His throat may stiffen, and
he will say:


Yes, sure. So tell me more about your day at work, and all your problems

The woman just wanted to get a response from her man. She knows that men assume
she s attracted to looks alone, like men are, and she s hoping for a reaction, to ha
ve proof that blood is running in his veins, to have proof that his heart is mad
e of flesh, not silicone. But she got nothing, cause his mind is poisoned by soci
ety, which makes him feel miserable, and only thing he can do about it is to go
to the gym, and one day have a great chest. Our excuser may think that we will s
how her, and start a counter-attack. That is, he thinks he must go into counterattack.
Excuser: What, are you attracted to some bozo playing football? What s your problem
, are you frustrated?
Do you know what happens now? Maybe she was not sexually frustrated before. Mayb
e, if they are together, the two of them had a good sex life, but she just found
out, that she has been sleeping with an excuser, and she feels bad, very bad. N
ow she knows, that her looking at other males, has created such big feelings of
inadequacy, that the only thing her date can do, is start busting on her. In bot
h cases, her sexual desire towards her date will drop dramatically. Society is h
ere to blame, cause it has trained our excuser. If situation like that happens to
you, you don t need to react every time. You don t need to show you re an alpha on ev
ery occasion. Once is sometimes enough. But do it from time to time. Show your w
oman that you are not an excuser, and that she s yours, only yours. Are you afraid
to show the woman that she s your? Are you afraid to do what you must do? Well, y
ou can either do it, or have your balls cut off. I hope you choose what I want y
ou to choose.
Woman: Oh, look at that football player. He has a fabulous chest!
Come to her, and gently but firmly take her in your hands, and turn her towards
you. Do it smooth, but firm. Have a slight smile. What you say, she may take it
as a joke, but leave a seed of doubt that you meant it, and the more she thinks
and replays the event in her head, the more she will be sure that you meant it,
and the more she will be happy that she has you.
Track 8
Ranko: Look at me, miss. The only chest you will be seeing is my own, unless of c
ourse, you like to, turn off the lights. Is tonight ok?
She will be stunned and dazzled. You must do it in an alpha confident way, but v
ery gentle and caring. Her eyes will start shining, and if she told you, what sh
e s thinking, she would say: Oh my God! This guy is my prince! Gentle but persisten
t, and has no fear. I want his genes. Oh please, take me! Take me soon! You see,
you must combine your words, with your touch. All woman, not only want to be tou
ched, but it is a must. If you fail to touch her, you are an excuser, and she do
esn t want to, but society teaches woman: If you are touched, that is red meat, and
you can sue sue sue, and get thousands of dollars! You see, in order to have its
members unhappy, the society will try to remove something as natural as touchin
g. A man will not be able to behave strong and confident. A woman will not be ab
le to behave like a woman, and be swept off her feet, and corporations will sell
luxury gadgets, that are the only way a man can have his woman happy. Isn t it a
paradox that a woman will earn more if she gets divorced? Isn t it a paradox that
a woman can kick a man out of the house, and even get government help for doing
that? The government becomes the substitute father, and little boys, having no f
ather, and going to usually female-dominated educational system, have no male ro
le-model to identify with, and it can only do harm to a young mind. The main rea

son for joining a gang, is just to get a male identity. Maybe that is the reason
for overcrowded prisons. You will be approaching and talking to a lot of woman.
Your fear of meeting them will get smaller and smaller, until it diminishes tot
ally. It is absolutely necessary, that you do meet new woman, and talk to them,
in order to understand the philosophy. After some time, you will enjoy your newf
ound freedom, and be talking to any woman anywhere, and for other men, the socie
ty zombies, it is unthinkable to be able to do so. But you will move even furthe
r, until you physically cannot handle so much interested woman. After you master
the approach phase, it is time to go dating. The outcome of asking her on a dat
e is pretty much determined by what you did before you asked her.
Track 9
Do you remember how the outcome of the first line is strongly influenced by what
you did in seconds before you said it? If you sneaked around like an excuser, a
nd came in sweating of fear. If it worked, it worked for the wrong reason, cause
if you really look like a clown, they will keep you in their company, just to st
udy you more. But that is not what you are aiming for. You re aiming for displayin
g that you re alpha, confident and charming, and that is the reason girls want to
keep you. So some men choose to go the excuser way, and make funny clowns out of
themselves, and dress like weirdos. That is just transferring the responsibilit
y of meeting a woman, to a funny act. And transferring your responsibility to so
mething else, is not the way to go. The same as your success on the initial line
is influenced by what you did before, the same way your success when you ask fo
r her number, or for a date, is influenced by what you did before. I want you to
have Attract and Date rule in your mind always: Be sure to free your mind of so
ciety program, before asking a woman her number, or for a date, cause a small soc
iety program influence then could ruin hours of good job you did before. When yo
u are asking for her number, this is the first fact she ll consider: have you show
ed enough value until that moment so she wants to get to know you? There is one
secret, and instead of letting you fail until you realize it, you will learn it
now. But if you still didn t do the exercises, I advise you, to stop the CD and to
them all, cause you ll have a harder time understanding. This exercises are specif
ically designed to be done one after the other, and to lead you to great success
. Ok, I assume that you have done everything I told you. If not, I may get very
mad, my friend. You better not make us mad, cause an instructor will come, and ma
ke you meet woman, no matter your excuses.
Track 10
You may have done a wonderful approach, and you may have had a wonderful convers
ation, and then you will say: It was such a nice time talking to you. You seem li
ke a very interesting girl. Give me your number. I would like to see you again. T
hat is how you should ask for a number. I know I know, you are interested only i
n her body, and can t get your eyes off her breasts, that look like they will wrec
k the bra, with their sheer power, but keep that for yourself, and even if you d
on t care about her personality, you must kill the excuses in your head that will
try to sabotage you. And, you must make it seem like you are genuinely intereste
d in her. However, one in a million, you will meet a beautiful girl, that has a
special mind, and that you actually enjoy her talk. Those girls are so rare, tha
t you should treasure them like a diamond. But now, let s get back to sometimes cr
uel reality. A hot chick wearing designer clothes in a nightclub. Some call her b
ar whore. Of course, she s not a whore, but has a bitchy image. She s the best you co
uld find that night. Let s see: you ve approached a hottie, but she was too stupid f
or you. Then you approached a woman that seemed hot, but actually, she was flat
as a board. And then, after a long search and seeing only ugly woman, you find a
beautiful one and approach her, and start talking to her. You are already very
skilled at the beginning of the convo, but now she has to go. Her friends are dr
iving her, and you have to take the number. Now you are thinking: Well, she s hot,
but very boring. But she s better than spending a night with my hand. So I will ta

ke her number. Remember that normal society zombies, that can only fantasize of a
pproaching her, would die for her number, and she knows it, so when taking her n
umber, don t do it as a routine. Do it like you really mean [sound cut off]
Track 11
How many times has a woman lied to you? Countless, I guess. So don t make her inte
rnal society-induced mechanism block you, and say that you really admire her cha
racter. Say it in a convincing way. She already knows that everyone, and his fat
her, want her cause of her looks. It s obvious you want her also, cause of her looks
, but communicate to her, that she has intrigued you on a deeper level also. Now
, that is going to catch her attention, cause it never happens, that she runs int
o a guy, that may care for her personality. And say it in a way that you really
mean it: It was such a nice time talking to you. You seem like a very interesting
girl. Give me your number. I would like to see you again. Let s suppose you are ta
lking to the hottest and most desirable female you ve seen in month. Those girls h
ave seen it all, heard it all, and out of sheer boredom they like to play with g
uys. Also, they have a hard time finding a man that is their match, and their ma
tch is a man with an even stronger frame of mind than their own. They must find
a man stronger than themselves, otherwise, their role as a woman has not been fu
lfilled, and they will stay unhappy, and frustrated, the same as a man must find
an attractive woman. Maybe the girl is not sure that you are good enough for he
r, so she will just say No no, I have a boyfriend. Now comes the crucial part of p
hilosophy. You will just continue as before. I don t want you to continue as if no
thing happened. That is wrong way of looking at the situation. Don t mask what hap
pened. Excusers do that. They get red in face, their throat stiffens, they start
feeling ashamed and blabber about the weather, like nothing happened. You must
continue like it was just a small rock, on your road, and it ain t stopping you. T
hat is, how you must continue. Now your value in her eyes will rise gigantically
, cause here stands a man that does not excuse for his desires. The girl will use
the boyfriend excuse many time.
Track 12
She may not even have a boyfriend. She s just telling you that to save face, cause
it would be a shame for such a hottie to be alone, or to test your strength, or
to get rid of you, cause you messed it up somewhere. Or, she may like you, but do
esn t want to be called a slut by her friends standing there. Whatever the reason,
you must consider it as just a small rock on your road to her panties. Don t tell
her that! And continue with the conversation. After five or ten minutes, ask ag
ain. When you go for the number, automatically take your cell phone out of your
pocket, and give it to her, to type it in. That is a move, you must internalize.
You must never let her choose, cause if you do that, you are a weak guy, wimp. S
o, when you ask for the number, take out your cell or whatever device you are ca
rrying with you. If you wait for her approval, like you should if you re a decent
society member that listens to mommy and daddy, the mere act of waiting for appr
oval will lower your value in her eyes significantly, and she may refuse to type
it in, just cause of that. You see, woman are mysterious, but that s how it goes.
When you have the number, don t run away and call all your friends immediately. Re
member, she s important, not the number. Stay with her. As much as it is natural t
o stay, don t make her think that you are such an excuser that you ran away at the
moment you got the number. When you ll be calling her, you may find out, that it
is a fake number. Then you blew it seriously somewhere. Go listen to Attract and
Date again carefully. Here you have everything you need to get her. If you are
seriously determined, to be a real romantic hero, here is a way for you to get p
hone numbers. The girls love it. Instead of giving her a cell phone like everyon
e else, carry an invitation made for you for some important occasion. Of course,
you ve printed it out at your home, if you don t have real on, or a ski card, or an
y piece of paper that will demonstrate your lifestyle. Also carry a pen in the p
ocket. But don t have a bunch of those cards in the same place, so she doesn t see y

ou made it all up, and when you ask for a number, take out your piece of paper,
which is not an ordinary piece of paper, but it tells her something about you, a
nd after the first sentence, continue with.: Well, I have only this paper in my p
ocket. I will tear it in half, and we can write each other s phones. Then, she ll hav
e something that is yours, an actually physical representation of you in your ha
Track 13
Imagine her giggling and talking about you to her friends, and then showing the
half of Himalaya Avalanche Rescue paper, with Ranko and his number written beside
it. Imagine that. You are the team of the day, and she can t stop thinking about y
ou. That is always good. She will get warmed up for meeting you by herself. She ll
almost arouse her by herself, and you will see it by her big smile and shiny ey
es, when you meet her. You can always see when she was fantasizing about you all
day. Of course, I ve never been to Himalaya, and would freeze there pretty fat, b
ut, that is not important. What is important is your philosophy of having no exc
use, and that you will take what you desire, and that you will not let your inte
rnal blockers stop you any more. When you meet a woman, the excuses will attack
you on the moment of coming to her, while taking her number, and when going for
a kiss. The excuses will try to sabotage you all the time, but their force is st
rongest at these three moments. You may decide to go for a kiss very fast after
you met her. It can be minutes, or on the first or second date. If you wait for
more than the second date, it s almost hundred percent accurate sign that excuses
have taken over, and the girl knows it. Excuses may block so much, that they str
angle you in the throat, so your talk sounds funny and nervous, before the kiss.
When a girl sees that, she will lose her desire fast. Also, if your mind finds
reasons all the time, to postpone the kiss, if you hear voices in your head, tel
ling you that later is better, that now everybody is watching, and that she s not
ready, if you hear those voices all the time, you must defeat that society-impos
ed limitation. She s standing there, beautiful, and her eyes are shining like two
stars. She s smiling at you, and waiting to see, are you an excuser or not? But yo
u are blocked. If you are actually aware that you are blocked, it is a huge step
away from being a society zombie.
Track 14
There are many exercises that you could have practiced before meeting her, but i
f you were a bit lazy, the battle is not over yet. You can still pull it off. Th
e real solution would be for you to practice all the exercises that you had to p
ractice at home. But, have no fear. In our philosophy, there are ways for lazy m
en to get laid also. So after some talk you will sense that the time has come fo
r a kiss. At this moment, you may be asking: How will I know when to go for a kis
s? By doing the previous missions, and talking to woman, soon you will gain knowl
edge that will make it easy for you to judge, when the exact moment has come. Yo
u will touch her on shoulder, or anywhere else, and turn her towards you. Here i
s what your coach, likes to say to woman after a pleasant talk: Miss I think that w
e ve been talking, for a bit, too long
Wait a second so she gets warmed up for what
is about to come, and then, kiss her. It is absolutely necessary that when you s
ay the sentence, and look at her, you don t hide your desire like an excuser. She
must know exactly what is about to happen. Even if you were under the influences
of excuses before that, and managed to talk only about each other s work, and bro
thers, and sisters, and dogs. Even if you had a dull conversation, this one sent
ence, done without any excuses, can make her fall for you, and into the bed you
go. The excuse machine in our head is our biggest enemy. It has a rebound effect
. What is that? If the society program is currently not active, it will let you
do a smooth good approach, and the first few minutes you will do very well, then
the program in your head installed from early age gets aware, that if you conti
nue you will soon seduce a woman that is out of your league in the eyes of socie
ty that made you the way you are. So it will hit you much harder, and destroy yo

u. When society program realizes that you are already talking to a girl, it know
s that everything must be done in order to stop you from having sex with her. So
it will start shutting down your brain, and give it less blood. In times of cri
sis, the crucial and absolutely necessary parts of your brain get the blood firs
t, so the more advanced functions of your mind will stop, and you ll be able to ta
lk only about the most basic things and lead a boring conversation.
Track 15
So usually, talking with a woman is not a problem of choosing the right topic, o
r choosing the right story, cause you may know a perfect story, but it doesn t matt
er if your brain gets shut down. That is why you must focus the most of your eff
orts, not on learning a sequence of words that you will tell her, but on destroy
ing excuses in your head. The mere act of saying Miss, I think that we ve been talk
ing for a bit too long, and going for the kiss, I repeat, going for the kiss afte
r that is a huge excuse destroyer. Excuses may make you wait endlessly for certa
in signs that a woman is ready to be kissed, but guess what? You didn t kiss her,
and you still stay an excuser, so leave the complicated signs to your excuser co
mpetition, and go for the kiss. Erase the excuses from your mind, and then think
: Would now be the right moment for a kiss? If the answer is maybe, you go for a k
iss. Excusers have obscure list of signals to check, is a woman ready or not for
a kiss. They are just blocking themselves in their search for a perfect signal.
What does that mean? A woman may move away if you still didn t satisfy her geneti
c response of searching for a strong enough man who will like her. She may move
away, that s right, but what really happened when she moved away from the kiss? Yo
u gained value in her eyes, cause you showed that you are a strong who wants to t
ake what he wants, and you showed that you want her. The more you show that you
adore her, the more she will want you. If you have no excuses and phobias in you
r head, she may turn her head from you a few times, but will smile and point to
the cheek. Then, just give her a kiss in the cheek, and continue the conversatio
n. Often a girl will turn her head around when you go for a kiss, and still smil
e to you, an enjoy it.
Track 16
Just stay talking to her. Don t let your internal self-destruct mechanism stop you
now. Don t excuse for your desires. After some time, try to kiss her again. Even
if she still didn t kiss you, can you see her joy cause she thinks Wow! Maybe this i
s my prince! I will see. In the club it will happen, that you ll be talking to a gi
rl, and she ll smile and giggle, and you will know it s time to kiss her, but you wi
ll see a girl you approached before looking at you, with her friends. You will s
ee her friends from work drinking beer, clueless in the dark, and they will also
stare at you. Now your mind will race to find all possible excuses, and if she
is there with her friends, it will be a super excuse to postpone a kiss. To make
the right decision, your mind must be free from excuses as best as possible. If
she is very young, and with a huge company of guardians, her girlfriends waitin
g for you at the exit of the club, just go for a dance-floor kiss. It takes a lo
t of experience to tunnel through those guardians anyway. Then, don t do a mistake
of making out with her like you have been twenty years in prison. It will just
show how desperate you are. Hide your frustration, and make it obvious that you
are very pleased with her, but not overwhelmed with joy that it finally happened
. Then take her for a drink. Have a chit-chat with her friends, and so on. Don t t
ake desperate. If you do, she will assume something is wrong with you, and will
not answer the phone when you call her. Unlike men, a woman is heavily attracted
to a man, that has had a lot of woman, and will want him. If an ugly man, walks
into a bar, with a splendid, dazzling woman, all woman will automatically have
an urge, a genetic urge, to try to take him away from his woman, and make him th
eir man. Men see themselves trying to have sex with as many attractive woman as
possible. Woman see themselves competing with other woman, for the affection of
the best man around. From there comes woman s huge jealousy of each other, which w

e men do not understand.

Track 17
A woman is like a store, she must attract the best man in the room to come to he
r. If another, more beautiful woman manages to do that, all other woman can do o
nly one thing: hate her. If men are in a club, and one of them gets to drive off
with a beautiful girl, other men do not hate him, they just say: One day, I will
get an even better hottie!
Cause men are the active sex. They approach. They go i
nto action, and they know they can outrun other males, if they try hard enough.
But a woman can not do that. In order for her to feel happy, she must be taken.
Or make an illusion for herself that she has been taken. That is why you will se
em only the most desperate, and that means unattractive, woman approach you open
ly. The better you get, the better able you will be to construct a destiny for t
he woman. If you are in a club, try taking the girl outside, and then kissing he
r for the very first time. It will be destiny. It is a bit difficult to do in th
e middle of winter in a cloudy city, but in the summer, when you can see the sta
rs, just say that you ve had enough of music, and want to go out for a walk, which
is true. Then if you can, go somewhere with a beautiful sight, and then kiss he
r. So if you are good enough, just postpone the first kiss, until you get to a p
lace which is more beautiful than a crowded, sweating nightclub. That way, you ve
just done yourself a huge favor. If you two kissed in the club, she will think l
ike this: I just met him, and we kissed on the dance-floor. That is not destiny.
It s what teenagers do. And when it was not destiny, there is a high chance of not
answering the telephone. You don t believe it? Check it out for yourself. But if s
he thinks like this: I met the most interesting guy. We had a drink, danced, and
then he kissed me underneath the stars. It must be meant to be. He s Mr. Right. And
underneath the starts can be an average parking lot. If you move yourself just
a bit from the ordinary, boring life that she s used to, huge awards are awaiting
you. That is why, you should never approach with: Hey honeys. Would you like a dr
ink? They heard it a zillion times, and is it destiny? No way!
Track 18
The big mistake average excusers do in a club is trying to make a girl horny whi
le making out. The girl can be drunk, but, if she s young and beautiful, the ones
we want, making her horny on the dance-floor will not help at all. If an excuser
under alcoholic encouragement, manages to make out with a woman, he will start
groping her while trying to make her horny. But beware: a woman is not a man, an
d the way to make her drag you to her bed is through her mind, and then through
her body, and with men, it s only our bodies. Of course, the less attractive the w
oman, the less she will settle with. A beauty, actually any woman, goes to clubs
in desperate search for her prince, and after a hundred excusers approach her,
she will get drunk, and make out with hundred and first excuser, the lucky one.
The same way, men go out in search for a hottie, but when they don t succeed, they
get drunk, and make out with a fattie. So don t think a guy that is make out with
a hottie has some skill. He hasn t. A hottie is a human being, and likes to be to
uched and kissed also. But if only excusers approach her, what can she do? She m
ust choose one of them. Don t let that happen. If a hottie you know is with the mo
st sleazy, annoying guy, don t be mad at him, be mad at yourself for not doing any
thing. If you don t do anything at all, you deserve to see the woman you want, wit
h a dumb-ass. You deserve that. What s your excuse? Now go change that immediately
. Don t excuse to me. I m not listening to any excuses. When take a woman out on a d
ate, you must stand out of the crowd, and avoid the mistakes of excusers. If an
excuser, proposes a date, he ll block himself from the beginning. They even block
themselves on the sentence of asking a woman out, like this: Would you like to go
out for a drink? You know, just like friends. What the Hell is that? Now the wom
an senses, that the guy must have very low-quality genes, and she won t like it. S
he doesn t want kids that will be afraid as he is. It is a woman s unconscious respo
nse, the same as a man doesn t look at ugly woman. She s waiting for her prince. She s

not waiting for a man who s afraid of expressing his interest. What kind of a man
is that?
Track 19
If she mates with him, the children will be full of phobias also, so in order to
succeed with woman, and to be attractive to them, all negative society-imposed
limitations you must kick out from your mind. Don t be afraid to buy a woman s flowe
rs. Defeat the society. Go to the florist, and ask for the most beautiful roses.
Then immediately throw away the paper, and walk proud with your bunch of roses.
Can you feel the society pressure trying to make you fail? Can you see the look
s of excuser society zombies? When you walk to the date, feel free to check out
beautiful woman, or even approach them. The time is now to throw away all those
blockers in your mind. Don t buy flowers on the first date, or you can if you want
to, but buy them from time to time. Buying the flowers is also an excellent exe
rcise for overcoming the society pressure in your mind, especially if you happen
to meet somebody you know. And don t forget to walk proud with the flowers. Don t w
aste your time on hiding them like an excuser. If she s attractive, she s already be
en on a million coffee dates, and talked about the same stuff over and over agai
n. Since she s coming to a date with you, she obviously isn t satisfied with her lif
e, and is hoping that you will give her what she s lusting for. I will now describ
e you a date I had yesterday. What you must do is understand the philosophy. Onc
e when you start understanding the philosophy, you ll make a date that best suits
you. You don t have to copy exactly what I did on the date, but you must understan
d the philosophy of having no excuses, and taking what you want. So I send the m
essage to the girl I met last weekend in a club: Let s go out tomorrow, 4 PM, bring
sneakers and sport clothes. Is it ok? Now she s shocked, cause it never happens to
her, to get a straightforward when you think of it, normal
invitation, and in th
e middle of the day. Guys spend hours, thinking what will they type in their cel
l phones, and then they beat around the bush, with sentences like: How are you? H
ow was your day? You know, I was today at work, and, uh bla bla bla, bla bla bla
. Remember, coffee shops in the evening are an attractive woman s playground. She k
nows it like her home. She controls the game. Now I m taking her to whatever playg
round I choose.
Track 20
She says Ok. She s puzzled and comes to a date, and here comes your coach, with a re
al Australian boomerang. I come in sneakers and in sport clothes. Imagine the be
st girl in club, on the date. She has a French manicure, and high heels, and sup
er-trendy clothes like she came out from the fashion show on your TV. She s used t
o guys trying to show off with fake designer clothes, and I don t even try to impr
ess her with my wealth. It is a total frame-reversal. Guess what? Your reality i
s the reality where you live. You don t live in her reality, and you do whatever y
ou want to do. So to make a long story short, the important part of the date is
when I told her: You know this boomerang? I just got it today as a present. I hav
e no clue how to throw it, but I will try. You know what? If it comes back, then
we are meant to be together. So when we came to the meadow in the park, near big
forest, I throw it, and it ends up on the ground, at our feet, and she s so dazzl
ed. It s the most interesting date she s ever had. I m giving you just an outline, so
you catch the philosophy, on purpose. I don t want to give details, cause the detai
ls are not so important, but the philosophy is. Did I mention that in reality I m
an expert boomerang thrower? But she doesn t know that! Now, do not rush to buy bo
omerang at this very moment. I did it yesterday, cause I m an expert thrower, and ca
use I wanted to get some fresh air and sun. Tomorrow, I will have some other des
ire, and then I will change my date plan. What is important? That you don t get su
cked into the society dating frame, which limits you heavily. Society dating fra
me is basically about spending money on a woman, and when you spend enough money
, you get what you want. That is ok if you want a girl that likes your money, an
d not you, and if you have money to burn. Also, men are forced to impress the wo

man. They do the impressing, and woman do the choosing.

Track 21
If you impress her enough, you will get her. That is how society functions, and
men do everything they can to excel in sports, business, entertainment industry.
Some of them are getting ready to fly to Mars, I hear. Let me ask you something
: would a man, that has power to choose beautiful woman, fly to Mars, frozen in
a refrigerator? No no. They will not be frozen, but they ll be living in a can, a
nd drink their own urine. Would a man, that can get woman, sacrifice himself lik
e that? That is just an extreme example, but everybody is infected with that soc
iety virus, and we must fight to get it out of our minds, to make ourselves free
from the chains they put on us. The society installs a big feeling of inadequac
y, and worthlessness, and a low self-esteem in people. It does that to everybody
, and children cannot escape. That way it gets obedient workers that will pay th
e mortgage, move the society forward, and make their boss rich. So it will have
an advantage in the clash with some other society. The low self-esteem of its me
mbers is required for the overall supremacy over somebody else. You must fight a
gainst that, and then you will succeed with woman, and with any other issue you
may have in life. On the date, you will have to tell her, what she wants to hear
. You will tell her what she lusts to her. For men, it is extremely difficult to
figure out what woman want to hear, cause men are men, so whole life, they may t
ry to figure it out unsuccessfully. For men, woman are like a black box that the
y know nothing about, and it has an unpredictable reaction. This is how you will
overcome that, and become the man of her dreams. Listen to me now very carefull
y: do you have a typical men s magazine? Any magazine will do. Take a look. What a
re the two main parts of the magazine? Think. Think some more. The two main part
s, what are they? The first part is pictures of hot, horny naked woman. What doe
s it represent? It represents what men want, what men live for. It represents th
e main purpose of everything they do. Now take a look and tell me, what is the s
econd main part of the magazine? So the first part is what men want. The second
part is society instructions to get what you want. Muscles, cars, watches, yacht
, lifestyle. It tells you, what you have to do to get the first part. Sometimes
it literally tells you, but the unconscious message is much more powerful. The m
agazine is just a reflection of society, but it is much easier to notice the pat
tern when seen on paper. So, take a look, notice society program. The magazine i
s just a reflection of the society that reads it, so by reading it you can get a
very accurate picture of how men live.
Track 22
If you have item X, you will have the lady, even though you are still an excuser
in your heart. If an alien suddenly landed from outer space, and you gave him a
men s magazine, he would not understand. Why? Cause the society program is coded.
When they show you a dazzling blonde beauty, they don t say: Here you are, masturba
tor! You will never have a girl like this, so enjoy! They don t say that. They say:
We took a photo of her while she enjoying a nude walk on a beautiful sunset beac
h. But any man has no problem understanding through this code, cause he s a man, but
remember, an alien would have big trouble. Now, take a look at any woman s magazi
ne. You feel like an alien, and you are lost in all that mumbo-jumbo, and you do
n t understand a thing. Now, take a look at your men s magazine. What will you do wi
th it? You will use it as your Attract and Date code breaker. You will reflect t
he knowledge you have about the men s magazine into a woman s magazine, and then you l
l be able to understand the woman s magazine, which is a blueprint of how their mi
nds function, and knowing that, you ll be a very rare man, the most special she ev
er met. Now, don t try to understand a woman s magazine, without having a men s magazi
ne as your code breaker. Remember an alien reading a men s magazine. He would real
ly think that the photographer just likes to take pictures of naked woman on sun
set. He would never guess the real purpose. An alien would never understand that
the naked woman in the magazine is there as a substitute for what is missing in

a man s life. Use your men s magazine as a code breaker, and go check out the woman s
magazine. What two main parts do you see? Think about it. So tell me, what is a
woman s sports car, or muscles? What is a woman s adventurous lifestyle? It s her bea
uty. A woman s beauty is a means for her to get what she desires, so one part of a
woman s magazine gives beauty tips. How to lose weight, which skirt to wear, how
to get longer eyelashes. That was easy to notice. Now comes the hard part. Tell
me, what do woman really want? Where is the part in a woman s magazine, that is a
substitute for not having a man that they desire in their lives?
Track 23
If you look at the men s magazine you will see a hot, horny girl. Now make a refle
ction, and what will you see in a woman s magazine? What is the part all woman wil
l read, no matter what? But remember, it is difficult to see, cause it will never
say: Here you are, loser female. You will never have a man that will tell you th
is! So here s the substitute. Are you thinking? I will help you out. It s the stories
and the horoscopes, that tell a woman about herself. All woman are missing a ma
n, that cares for them so much, that he notices such things. They are all missin
g it, and that is why they read the magazines and their romantic novels. Check i
t out, but be sure to use your men s magazine as a guide, in order not to get lost
in this still alien world. By studying a woman s magazine with this new light tha
t is shining on the otherwise totally dark tunnel, you will know exactly what to
tell her when you want her to feel a special woman. The girls are dying for it,
the same as men are dying for a hottie to come naked to them. Don t try to study
woman s magazine without this code breaker. It is impossible to understand. One th
ing is understanding it, the second thing is telling it to her in a convincing w
ay, and you will have no problem doing it after all those excuse-busting exercis
es. Now you are totally flying above your competition. Enjoy! Thank you for purc
hasing this one-of-a-kind course. More CDs are available to give you the power p
reviously undreamt of, both in relationships and other challenges life may throw
at you. When you finish learning theory of how to ride a bike, you must get on
the bike and ride it. Workshop is the best place to do that. We make sure our in
structors are the best in the world, and can handle anything. Robert Torrey, Cam
eron Teone, Seth Parker and me are founders of a company Fidentia. That is Latin
for boldness, confidence. Each one of us overcame the particular difficulties s
urrounding him, to be able to achieve success with woman. Chief Attract and Date
instructor is Robert Torrey, running workshops across the U.S.A., a superb devo
ted instructor, he has changed many lives for the better. Also, Cameron, Seth an
d others are highly trained instructors. Robert manages to be on the guest list
of some of the most popular nightclubs, even though, he is far from being a cele
brity. He understands the nightclub social dynamics, and how to make friends wit
h club manager and bouncers. If you have trouble getting into nightclubs, check
out Robert s book Nightclub VIP, where he describes how an average man can get int
o all nightclubs, enter the social circles, and get invited to the best parties,
without burning money. Cameron Teone has spent years interacting with thousands
of woman in bars, clubs and different places. He can meet and charm a woman in
just about any place. Furthermore, he has spent time going out to nightspots wit
h other men who were exceptional seducers. Cameron discovered that every man who
is successful with woman has certain, very similar, characteristics. All men, w
ho attract woman, share some of those traits, regardless of where they live, how
old they are, and what their culture background is. He discusses these traits,
in a dating book, The Attributes, with exercises and straight advice about proper
body language, tonality, storytelling, belief system, and conversational skills.
The Attributes is written in a very clear instructional manner, which makes it ea
sy to follow, and even easier to read again to review specific points. Why I rec
ommend The Attributes in a jungle of dating books being out there, is cause Cameron
is a normal guy, just like you and me, and he proves his book charming beauties
just about every weekend on a workshop. Cause of that, his book is crystal clear
, and easy to follow. Now, that is why I recommend The Attributes to each listener
of Attract and Date. Enjoy! We take you out, and show you exactly what you are

doing right, and what you are doing wrong, and if you think you are a hard case,
have no fear, cause we seen it all, and nobody left the workshop totally unchang
ed. Your coach Robert Torrey and me make sure every instructor is trained in det
ail, and is up to any challenge. There are certified instructors across the worl
d, and you are entitled to workshop discount. That is our way of motivating you,
cause you choose to change, and erase the excuses.
Track 24
It has been an honor helping you out on your journey, and now it is time to fly
above the race. The Attract and Date team of Fidentia wishes you a life full of
happiness, with a magnificent woman, the woman you deserve. For the final word o
f Attract and Date, let s look at our ancestor monkeys in the zoo. They are put in
the zoo, and bars are around them. Can they really understand that they have be
en put there in custody? The bars limit their movement. Inside the bars they get
a fixed number of bananas, and if they are lucky, an average female monkey to m
ate with. And so they live until death. People cannot be limited by steel bars.
We would just destroy any physical barrier in our way. Humans cannot be forced b
y physical force without them rebelling, and planning how to destroy their oppre
ssor, and find freedom, real freedom. But only some of us can see, and it takes
huge courage and wisdom to see, that the bars are in our minds.

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