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1. Title of the Lesson Plan Prepositions in, on, and above used in a Coronel: The topic is commonly used and it is
Sentence also sight words.
Esteban: The topic is user-friendly and specific.
Flordeliza: The topic is always specific.
Formilles: .The topic was appropriate for a
grade 4 learner.
Gocotano: The topic is specific.
Guerzon: The topic was specified clearly and
2. Intended Learning  Demonstrates understanding of Coronel: We can see the teacher exerts effort
Outcomes/Objective English grammar and usage in for his/her pupils.
speaking or writing. Esteban: The objectives are clear and stated
 Uses the classes of words aptly the purpose well.
in various oral and written Flordeliza: The objectives are always the main
discourse. target,
 Use prepositions in, on, under, Formilles: The objectives are definite, brief, and
and above in sentences (EN4G- understanble. It clearly shows the teacher’s goal
IVd-4) for what the learners are intended to learn.
Gocotano: You can see in the objectives that
the teacher really wants to learn her pupils.
Guerzon: We can see the objectives is suitable
to the point of view of the learners.
3. Content/Subject Matter Prepositions (in, on, above) Coronel: The prepositions that are most pupils
are familiar with.
A. References: Esteban: The topic is relevant to the learners
1. Curriculum Guide  and the teacher uses instructional materials,
2. Teaching Guide K to 12 Curriculum p. resources to make the learners can understand
383-386 Learners’ Material p.  easily.
3.Materials: PowerPoint, charts, pictures Flordeliza: This is the highlights of what is the
4.Values:  Being patient, industrious, content of the lesson.
sportsmanship Formilles:The teacher involves appropriate
5.Integration: ESP, MAPEH references,  resources, and instructional
materials for her/his teachings to be effective
and delivered well so the learners will gain the
learners intended for this lesson. It even
included appropriate attitude and behavior of a
teacher in order to cater and handle her
learner's attitude and behavior well.
Gocotano: The topic is short; I am sure it will be
discussed by the teacher effectively and
Guerzon: The topic is appropriate to the level of
development of the learners.
4. Methods/Strategies A. Review of Previous/Presenting New Coronel: The teacher is resourceful for his/her
Lessons pupils to understand.
B. Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson Esteban: The teacher is creative to come up
C. Presenting New Examples/Instances new ideas in order to give new approach on
D. Discussing New Concepts and
his/her student.
Presenting New Skills S#1
E. Making Generalizations
Flordeliza: Must be comfortable or enjoyable
F. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and attractive for the learners as of today.
 (Abstraction of the Lesson) Formilles:The lesson is sorted and arrange in a
manner that the learners will learn accordingly
and surely in which the teacher assures that the
target learning objects will be achieved.
Gocotano: The teacher can use simple words
so that it will be understood easily.
Guerzon: The teacher chooses words that are
easy for learners to use in achieving the goals.
5. Evaluation/Assessment A. Directions: Read and complete Coronel: This topic is easy to analyze and
the sentences below by using in, comprehend.
on, under, and above. Esteban: The assessment give relevance to the
1. We came to a narrow Flordeliza: It measures the learners how they
stream and jumped ------ it. derived.
2. Her mother told her to put Formilles:The assessment is relevant to the
her things _______ the content of the lesson, and her/his target learning
cabinet.  objectives.
3. I am sorry, my pet left Gocotano: The assessment is relevant; it suits
some paw prints _______ very well to the topic and her objectives.
your new carpet.  Guerzon: The assessment is really connected
4. My teacher advised me to to the goals of what the teacher has planned to
stay _______ my chair the learners. It is clearly applied the content of
when an earthquake the topic.
5. My little brother hangs his
picture _______ the
television set.

6. Assignment Pretend that you are going to promote Coronel: The topic is broad and does not fit for
our country’s beauty spots to motivate the level of understanding for a pupil.
tourists from different countries to visit Esteban: I suggest that the teacher use a
our country. Remember to use the simple question in doing the assignment,
prepositions in, on, under and above. because for me that question is not really suit to
Do this in a short bond paper. To be grade 4 year level.
passed during our Araling Panlipunan Flordeliza:
subject. Formilles: I don’t think the assignment is
appropriate yet for the grade 4 learners.
Gocotano: The assignment is unique, but it
does not fit to the learners.
Guerzon: I noticed that the question did not fit
for the learners’ level of mastery.

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