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Health Grade 8 Quarter 1 Module 3 Week 5 7 CORRECTED - V4

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WEEK 5-7

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the

Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

At the end of this module, you must be able to:

● identify the different issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e., identity crisis) and the need
for support and understanding of the family.

You may also answer this “Let’s Try”

Let’s Try
You can also scan this QR Code
Part online by going to this link: through your smart phones or tablet so that you will be directed
Make sure to screenshot your work and to the link.
scores then send it to your teacher as your

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. This refers to the feeling of not being sure about one’s self and what purpose one has
in life.
a. Identity crisis
b. Sexual identity
c. Sexual orientation
d. None of the above
2. It refers to the sexual self-concept adolescents or teenagers develop in themselves.
a. Sexual orientation
b. Identity crisis
c. Sexual identity
d. None of the above
3. Refers to the romantic or sexual attraction one has with other person.
a. Sexual orientation
b. Sexual identity
c. Identity crisis
d. Gender
4. This issue may result to teenage pregnancy of the girl.
a. Premarital sex
b. Sexual orientation
c. Sexual attraction
d. None of the above
5. The following are great help for the teenagers to overcome crisis or issues that affects
them Except for:
a. Understanding from the family
b. Support from friends
c. Self hatred
d. Getting to know yourself better

Let’s Recall

Activity: WHO AM I?
Follow the instructions to complete the poem “ I AM “. Write your output on a whole
sheet of paper to be displayed in your room. Take a picture of your work while being displayed
on your room and submit it to your teacher’s email or messenger.
Line 1: I am (write your name).
Line 2: I am the child of (write the full names of your parents).
Line 3: I am the grandchild of (write the full names of your four grandparents).
Line 4: I am the sibling of (write the first names of your brothers and sisters, if any).
Line 5: I am the friend of (write the names of a few friends).
Line 6: I am (write three descriptive words that describes you).
Line 7: I am a (write something that you do well – for example, I am a volleyball player).
Line 8: I am a resident of (write the name of your barangay and the city in where you live).
Line 9: I am (write your citizenship).

Answer the following questions. Have your answers in MS Word and convert it to PDF
format. Afterwards, submit your work to your teacher through the e- mail or messenger.
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What else did you discover about your family background?
3. How does this activity help you understand your personality and sexuality?

Let’s Explore

Adolescence is a period of stress and strain. Simply put, it is a period of worry and
tension to teenagers. There are some issues or concerns that may seem to bother them at this
point of their lives.
These issues include identity crisis, sexual identity and sexual behavior, premarital sex,
teenage pregnancies, and abortion.

Identity crisis is a feeling of not being sure about one’s self and what purpose one has
in life. This results to confusion and sadness. Many teenagers experience it. This usually
happens when one at time they will treated as young adults. It is a dilemma sometimes on some
teenagers that they do not know what behavior they should conduct. Others call them “tweens”
since they belong to a group in between being a child and an adult.
Sexual identity refers to the sexual-concept adolescents or teenagers develop in
themselves. At the first-time teenagers recognize their feelings of sexual attraction marks the
beginning of their sexual identity and they carry this on throughout their lives. This is the state
when teenagers establish to whom they are romantically or sexually attracted to. Their sexual
identity dictates their sexual behavior or their sexual acts.
Sexual orientation is the romantic or sexual attraction one has with another person. This
stage is very critical for at this point, teenagers identify their sexual identity and there is a need
for the support and guidance of the family, especially the parents. The parents must be aware
of the personal choices that their children will make so that they may have an idea on the sexual
orientation of their children. It was mentioned in the first part of the lesson that many factors
may influence the sexuality of a person. Therefore, whatever may be the sexual identity of
teenagers, the family must understand them. The family must also be aware of the sexual
activities of their teenage family members. They must know their set of friends and peers. In
this manner, they may always remind them of being responsible with their sexuality. The
mother may advise young girls to take care of their bodies and be careful in having relationships
with the opposite sex. Teenage girls who are already having their monthly period or
menstruation are biologically capable of reproduction. The father may also advise the young
boys to be responsible with their sexual activities for they are also capable of reproduction by
the time they reach adolescence.
Teenagers who are entering romantic relationships have the tendency to be involved in
premarital sex, especially those who lack parental guidance.
Premarital sex may eventually result to teenage pregnancy of the girl.
Teenage pregnancy brings about danger both for the teenage mother and the child.
Teenage mothers are not psychologically prepared for pregnancy or motherhood. Teenage
mothers tend to have a prolonged labor that delays the delivery of the baby resulting to
complications affecting the baby mostly.
Teenagers who get pregnant are unprepared for this unexpected situation. If there will
be no support from the parents and even from the partner, the teenage mother may think of
aborting the baby, Self-induced abortion is a very dangerous process. It may cause serious
infection to the mother, sterility, or inability to conceive again, and the worst effect is the death
of the mother.
While teenagers are passing through adolescence, a strong support system must be
given to them. Every member of the family and close friends play vital roles so that teenagers
may successfully pass through this stage of their lives.

Let’s Elaborate


In your activity notebook, trace your left and right hand on each side of the paper. List
your specific behavior in each finger as guided by the questions in each component found
below. Share your answers with your classmates.


List your specific behaviors on each component. List your specific behavior / qualities that you want
to improve.

Thumb: Little Finger:

Self-expression (How do you express your Self-confidence (What else do you want to
sexuality? accomplish to gain self-confidence?)
Index Finger: Ring Finger:
Self-Respect (What do you do to improve your
Self-Love (How do you want to be loved?)
self – respect?)
Middle finger: Middle finger:
Self-knowledge (What are the things that make Self-knowledge (How can you achieve happiness?)
you happy?)
Index Finger:
Ring finger:
Self-love (How do you express your love to Self-Respect (How will you gain self-respect:?)
yourself?) Thumb:
Little finger:
Self-confidence (What do you do best?) Self-expression (How will you develop your


In the Venn Diagram and write in each circle the roles played by male and female. In
the space where the two circles meet, write the common roles played by both. Choose your
answers from the box.


Cook kiss mom kiss dad

Back out of a fight play with doll ride a bike
Baby-sit sing in public play baseball
Dance have long hair wear an earring
Have tattoo wash dishes cry
Wear jewelry take ballet lessons join a rock band
Clean the house invite a person on a date change diaper
Fix a broken faucet

Activity : TRUE LOVE

Read and reflect on the article below.

Do the following in a long bond paper, submit it together with this module, or you could also
have your answers in MS word converted to PDF file then send it to your teacher’s email
or messenger.
A. Answer the questions:
1. Did you like the story?
2. What lesson/s did you learn from it?
3. How do you express affection to your loved ones?
B. Write a short essay on how you show affection to your loved ones.


Think of a commercial and write how men and women are being portrayed. Then,
respond to the following:
1. What is the commercial all about?
2. What messages were presented about being a man or a woman?
3. Is the information real and accurate? Why or why not?
Double standard of morality gives the impression of men being superior to women. In as
much as we would like to practice gender equality, the rules for human conduct and human

appropriateness are not alike for both sexes as practiced in most areas in the Philippines. This
is shown in the examples below.
A. Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later time than girls and
B. A philandering or immoral man is considered as demonstrating his manliness or
pagkalalaki. A philandering or immoral woman is considered as cheap, bad, or
masamang babae.
C. Women are expected to remain virgin until they marry, while it is generally acceptable
for men to have sexual experience before marriage.
D. Women are socially judged and legally penalized for adultery and for having children
out of wedlock.
E. Men who stay at home to do the household chores instead of having jobs to earn money
for the family are considered by some as under ‘d saya.


In your activity notebook, answer the following questions. or you could also have
your answers in MS word converted to PDF file then send it to your teacher’s email or
1. What is your stand on double standard of morality?
2. How can we possibly eliminate the double standard of morality?
According to the Webster dictionary:
Virgin – refers to a person who has not had sexual intercourse
Virginity – is the quality / state of being chaste

Staying a virgin until marriage keeps you:

1. Physically
a. Free from pregnancy and venereal diseases.
b. Free from having to choose a hurry-up wedding and an illegitimate child
2. Emotionally
a. Free from exploitation by others
b. Free from guilt, doubt, disappointment, and loss of reputation
3. Socially
a. Free to develop appropriate relationship with other

In your activity notebook, answer the following questions. or you could also have
your answers in MS word converted to PDF file then send it to your teacher’s email or
1. Do you believe that virginity is important for both boys and girls? Why?
2. What are your attitudes and standards towards virginity? Compare them with the
norms and standards set by society? Are they the same?
3. How do you value virginity?

Let’s Dig In


Values are qualities or conditions that are important to a person. Complete this survey
by determining what you value in yourself. Tick the appropriate box based on the importance
you assign to each attribute.

Not important Important Very Important

1. To be respected by my
2. To be respected by my
3. To have a positive image of
4. To have lots of friends

5. To do well in school

6. To give and receive love

7. To stay virgin until marriage
8. To build healthy relationships
with members of both sexes
9. To appreciate sexuality as a
factor of personality
10. To make intelligent decisions
concerning sexual behavior

After comparing this survey, what observations can you make about your values?

Let’s Remember

Your sex role should not limit your interests. You can be masculine and feminine and
participate in events and professions that are usually chosen by persons of only one sex.
Healthful sexuality is being comfortable and contented with your attitudes about your sex role.
Bear in mind that learning human sexuality is important because of the following:
1. It teaches you that giving and receiving love is a human need.
2. It helps you appreciate your sexual identity.
3. It makes you respect your own and other person’s body.
4. It makes you experience body changes and learn how to properly manage these
5. It helps you appreciate how life began.
6. It provides you with information on how to be disease-free and how to live a healthy

Let’s Apply

Answer the following questions:

1. How does knowing yourself better is important on your sexuality?

2. What are the ways that helps you boost your sexuality as a man/woman?

You may also answer this You can also scan this
“Let’s Evaluate” Part online
Let’s Evaluate
QR Code through your
by going to this link: smart phones or tablet so
that you will be directed to the link.
Make sure to screenshot your
work and scores then send it to
your teacher as your proof.

Direction: Write YES on the blank if the statement describes your attitudes and feelings during
and after doing Health Hub, and select NO if it does
_____ 1. I can identify the basic terms in sexuality (sex, sexuality, gender etc.)

_____ 2. I can discuss sexuality as an important component of one’s personality.

_____ 3. I can explain the dimensions of human sexuality.

_____ 4. I can analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to

sexuality and sexual behaviors.

_____ 5. I can assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior.

_____ 6. I can relate the importance of sexuality to family health.

_____ 7. I can identify the different issues / concerns of teenagers (i.e., identity crisis)

and the need for support and understanding of the family.

_____ 8. I can apply decision making skills in managing sexually-related issues.

_____ 9. I can easily go along with the members of LGBTQ community.

_____ 10. I have strong understanding with the feelings and emotions of the members

of the LGBTQ community.

⮚ Physical Education and Health – Grade 8 Learner’s Material, First Edition,
⮚ Health Education - Grade 8, Learner’s Material
⮚ First Edition, 2013, Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module


Content Evaluator: GLADYS XZIERA D. RAMOS
Language Evaluator: DENNIS C. SANTOS
Reviewer: NORA V. GALURA
Illustrator: AMAPOLA ESPOS
MR. SHOJI G. GERONA, EPS in – charge

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address:


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