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Unit 4 Components of Computer System

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Unit Key Components of a

Computer System
Lesson 1. Computer Hardware


At the end of the unit, the students must have:

1. Understood how computer works
2. Identified the external parts of a computer and its function
3. Identified the internal parts of a computer and its function

What is Computer Hardware?

A computer system has three main components: hardware, software, and people. The
equipment associated with a computer system is called hardware. Software is a set of
instructions that tells the hardware what to do. People, however, are the most important
component of a computer system - people use the power of the computer for some purpose.
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices.
The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as components, while external
hardware devices are usually called peripherals. Together, they all fall under the category of
computer hardware.


Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

 Brain of the computer housed on the motherboard
 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
• Performs calculations
 Control Unit: Manages data movement through the CPU
• Executes instructions
• Makes decisions

Lecture Notes in CC 201 – Introduction to Computing
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The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It is housed inside the
system unit on the motherboard and is made up of two parts: the Arithmetic Logic Unit and
the control unit. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs all the mathematical and logical
operations. The control unit manages the movement of data through the CPU. Together, these
two units execute instructions, perform calculations, and make decisions.

Instruction Cycle

The instruction cycle, sometimes called the fetch-and-execute or machine cycle,

consists of four steps: fetch, decode, execute, and store. During the fetch step, an instruction
from memory is retrieved. This instruction is then decoded—translated into a computer
command—in the second step. The ALU processes this command in the execute step, and the
last step stores the results back to memory. This cycle is continuously repeated by the CPU.

CPU Performance

• CPU performance is measured in:

 Clock speed
• Speed at which the processor executes the machine cycles
• Overclock
 Gigahertz (GHz)
• Billions of cycles per second

The CPU works so fast it is difficult for us to comprehend. The speed at which the processor
executes the machine cycle is called clock speed. The clock speed is measured in gigahertz.
If a CPU runs at 3 GHz, it means that the processor executes 3 billion data cycles per second.

• Multi-core processor
 Two or more processors integrated on a single chip
• Increases processing speed
• Reduces energy consumption
 GPU (graphics processing unit)
• A video card that has its own processor

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CPU performance can be enhanced in many ways.

Multi-core processing, which increases processing speed and reduces energy consumption,
occurs when two or more processors are integrated on a single chip.

• Parallel processing
 Uses multiple processors, or multicore processors, to divide up processing
 Each processor can use pipelining to further boost processing efficiency

Parallel Processing

CPU performance can be enhanced in many ways.

Parallel processing uses multiple processors or multi-core processors, which divide the work
among them and use pipelining.

• Pipelining
 Used by a single processor
 When the first instruction moves from stage 1 to stage 2 of the machine
cycle, the next instruction moves into stage 1 – like an assembly line


CPU performance can be enhanced in many ways.

Pipelining, which works like an assembly line, is used by a single processor. As one instruction
moves from fetch to decode, the processor fetches the next instruction.
Lecture Notes in CC 201 – Introduction to Computing
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Computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system requires to

function. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a PC or laptop;
including the motherboard, graphics card, CPU (Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans,
webcam, power supply, and so on.

Although the design of hardware differs between desktop PCs and laptops due to their
differences in size, the same core components will be found in both. Without hardware, there
would be no way of running the essential software that makes computers so useful. Software
is defined as the virtual programs that run on your computer; that is, operating system,
internet browser, word-processing documents, etc.

Although a computer can function only when both hardware and software are working
together, the speed of a system will largely rely on the hardware used.

When building up a new computer, or simply replacing old parts, you may need to
know the specific hardware in your computer. The purpose of this guide is therefore to help
you understand the inner-workings of your computer.
What are the External Parts of a Computer?

 System Unit - This is the case that contains the computer’s CPU, memory, the power
supply, disk drives, and all other hardware such as modem-that are in the internal format.
The case keeps them neatly and safely together.
 Monitor or Screen – An output device that lets you see your work as you go. This is
the TV-type screen on which you see the work you’re doing on your computer.
 Speakers – Used to produce audio output.
 CD/DVD Drive-reads CD/DVD discs.
 Printer – Produces printed copies of computer output.
 Microphone – Used to get spoken input. A microphone can provide a way to talk through
or to the computer.
 Flash Memory card Reader- used to read flash memory cards.
 Hard Drive – Located Inside the system unit and used to store programs and most data.
 Keyboard – The principal input device; used to type instructions into the computer. The
keyboard is used to type in information and operate the computer.
 CD/DVD Discs –Commonly used to deliver programs and store large multimedia files.
 Mouse - A pointing device used to make on-screen selections. The mouse allows you to
move, select and click on objects.

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External Parts of Computer Hardware

Here is some common hardware that you might find connected to the outside of a
computer, although many tablets, laptops, and netbooks integrate some of these items into
their housings:

 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - also known as a battery backup, provides

backup power when your regular power source fails or voltage drops to an
unacceptable level. A UPS allows for the safe, orderly shutdown of a computer and
connected equipment

 USB Flash Drive- often used for storage, data back-up and transferring of computer
files. Compared with floppy disks or CDs, they are smaller, faster, have significantly
more capacity, and are more durable due to a lack of moving parts

 External Hard Drive- a device which is plugged into your machine to give almost-
immediate storage space, without the need to open your computer’s internal storage
and make upgrades. External drives are portable storage devices typically used to store
data such as photos, videos, and documents

 Graphics tablet -a flat surfaces on which you draw with a stylus or a pen-like device.
The tablet is attached to the computer and the stylus to the tablet.

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Internal Parts of a Computer

Internal Parts of a Computer

Internal Components
Power Supply Hard Drive
A Power supply changes A hard Drive is the primary
normal household electricity device that a computer uses
into electricity that a to store information.
computer can use

Expansion Card Expansion slot

An expansion card lets you An expansion Slot is a
add new features to a socket on the motherboard
computer that expansion cards plugs

Motherboard Central Processing Unit

The motherboard is the (CPU)
main circuit board of a The CPU processes
computer. All computer instructions, performs
components are attached to calculations and manages
the motherboard. the flow of information
through a computer
Random Access Memory CD-ROM
(RAM) RAM temporarily A CD-ROM drive reads
stores information inside a information stored in
computer. The information compact discs (CDs).
is lost when computer is
turned off

Lecture Notes in CC 201 – Introduction to Computing
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1. CPU: The CPU is the brains of the computer. All information goes through the CPU to be
processed. The latest CPUs execute many mil lions of instruct ions per second.
2. MEMORY: Memory is where the information is stored.
a. RAM: Random Access Memory stores programs and data as it is used. The
information in RAM is lost when the power is turned off .
b. ROM: Read Only Memory stores start up and basic operating information.

3. DISKS: Disks are where large amounts of information are stored, even when the power is
a. Hard disks - Hard disks are not removable like disks, but hold more information.
b. CD ROMs - Compact Disk Read Only Memory. They are useful for storing large
amounts of data. A CD ROM holds about 650 MB of data and is removable.
c. DVD ROMs - Digital versatile disc-read only memory (DVD-ROM) is a read-only digital
versatile disc (DVD) commonly used for storing large software applications. It is similar
to a compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM) but has a larger capacity. A DVD-
ROM stores around 4.38 GB of data.
4. Input/Output Components: Allow a computer to communicate with the outside world.

Following are some examples of Input/Output devices.

a. Keyboard is used to enter information from the user to the computer.

b. Moni tors are used to display information.
c. Video controller is a board in the computer that controls the monitor. It translates
the data in the video memory into symbols on the monitor .
d. Parallel/Serial/USB/HDMI ports allow the computer to send data to and
receive data from printers, modems, etc.
e. Mouse and Joystick are used to input positional information to the computer.
f. Network Interface Card – A NIC connects the computer to a network. Networks
are a high-speed method of transferring data from one computer to another.

The following hardware is referred to as network hardware, and various pieces are often part
of a home or business network:

 Digital Modem (e.g., Cable Modem, DSL Modem, etc.)

 Router
 Network Switch
 Access Point
 Repeater
 Bridge
 Print Server
 Firewall

Lecture Notes in CC 201 – Introduction to Computing
Property of WVSU
CPU Performance and Cooling


• Processing generates heat

 To prevent overheating, the CPU uses:
• Heat sink – draws heat away from the processor
• Cooling fan – positioned above the processor
 System units have at least one system fan

Working quickly and using multicore processors generates a lot of heat. Excessive heat
can damage a processor or cause it to fail. To prevent overheating, a heat sink and a cooling
fan are installed to cool the CPU. The heat sink draws heat away from the processor using a
material such as metal or ceramic. The cooling fan, positioned above the CPU, uses moving air
to dispense excess heat.


The Motherboard – The Main Circuit Board of the Computer

• This system unit contains:

 The CPU or processor (under
the cooling fan)
 The power supply
 Motherboard (mostly obscured
by other components)
 Memory


The system unit is the physical case that protects the power supply, motherboard, CPU,
and memory. The motherboard houses the CPU, drive controllers and interfaces, expansion slots,
data buses, ports and connectors, BIOS, and memory. An expansion board plugs into an
expansion slot and lets you connect devices such as video and sound cards. Drive controllers
and interfaces connect disk drives to the processor. Data buses provide connections for
information to flow over wires.

What are Ports and Connectors?

• Ports connect peripherals to the

 FireWire
 Ethernet
 Bluetooth


Ports are used to connect peripherals to the motherboard. The most common types today are
USB and FireWire. Audio ports connect audio peripheral devices, and the Ethernet port connects
a system to a network. USB ports are used to connect a mouse or keyboard. Bluetooth
technology is used to connect peripherals wirelessly.

Ports & Connectors – Connect Peripherals to the Motherboard

• Most common ports

 FireWire (IEEE 1394)
 Thunderbolt

USB Ports HDMI Ports

Ports and connectors connect peripherals to the motherboard. The USB port is a standard
port type used to connect many kinds of devices. An advantage of USB devices is that they are
hot-swappable—they can be plugged in and unplugged without turning off the computer. A USB
hub is a device that connects multiple USB devices to a single USB port. FireWire is a hot-
swappable port that can connect up to 63 devices per port. FireWire has largely been replaced
by USB and the newer Thunderbolt technology, which was developed by IBM and Apple.


• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -1990

 Requires employers with 15 or more employees to make reasonable
accommodations for disabled employees
• Assistive technology
 Used by individuals with disabilities to interact with technology
 Includes both hardware and software

 Modern operating systems include accessibility settings
• Braille-writing devices
• Eye-driven keyboards
• Keyboards with locator dots
or large-print key labels
• On-screen keyboards
• Voice-recognition software

Assistive Technology

Because of the ADA, many hardware and software vendors have developed adaptive
technology. Adaptive input devices include Braille-writing devices, eye-driven keyboards,
keyboards with locator dots, keyboards with large-print key labels, on-screen keyboards, and
voice-recognition software.

• Standard monitors can be adapted by magnifying the screen

• Speech synthesis screen-reader software and audio alerts
• Closed captions and visual notifications
• Braille embossers translate text to Braille

Communication Devices – Network Adapters, Modems, and Fax Devices

• Function as both input and output devices

• Allow you to connect to other devices on a network or the Internet
• Examples
 Network adapters
 Modems
 Fax machines

Communication devices function as both input and output devices and allow you to connect
to other devices on a network or the Internet. Devices in this category include network adapters,
modems, and fax devices.

• Network adapters
 Onboard expansion card or USB device
 Wired or wireless
• Modems
 Connect a computer to a telephone line
 Used for dial-up Internet access

Communication devices include network adapters and modems. Network adapters are used
to establish connections to networks. They are also called network interface cards (NICs), may
be an onboard expansion card or USB device, and may be wired or wireless. Modems are used
to connect a computer to a telephone line and most often used for dial-up Internet access.

• Fax devices
 Stand-alone or part of a multifunction device
 Scan a document and convert it into digital format that can be transmitted over
telephone lines

Name: _____________________Course,Year, & Section:________Date Accomplished: ____

Activity 1. Viewing the Video

Please watch the video from your OTG flash drive about “How to assemble and disassemble a
computer unit”. After watching the video clip, answer the following questions. Submit your
output in our Google Classroom

1. What have you learned about the video? Write your reflection.




Activity 2. Answer/Expound the following questions/statements. Each item is
worth five (5) points. Limit your answer in 3-5 sentences only.

1. List down at least five (5) external parts of a computer and write down its function.

2. List down at least five (5) the internal parts of a computer and write down its function.


Unit Key Components of a
Computer System
Lesson 2. Input, Process, Output, Storage Devices

At the end of the unit, the students must have:
1. Explained the different computer system key component
2. Listed and described common input devices;
3. Listed and described essential video and audio output devices;
4. Compared storage services

A peripheral is a “device that is used to put information into or get information out of the

There are three different types of peripherals:

 Input, used to interact with, or send data to the computer (mouse, keyboards, etc.)
 Output, which provides output to the user from the computer (monitors, printers, etc.)
 Storage, which stores data processed by the computer (hard drives, flash drives, etc.)
In this module we will dig deeper on the different kinds of peripherals and its function.

What does a computer do?

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful
information (output), and store it away (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or later
reuse. The processing of input to output is directed by the software but performed by the

To function, a computer system requires four main aspects of data handling: input, processing,
output, and storage. The hardware responsible for these four areas operates as follows:

 Input devices accept data in a form that the computer can use; they then send the
data to the processing unit.
 The processor, more formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has the
electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want. The
central processing unit executes computer instructions that are specified in the
 Output devices show people the processed data-information in a form that they can
 Storage usually means secondary storage. Secondary storage consists of devices, such
as diskettes, which can store data and programs outside the computer itself. These
devices supplement the computer's memory, which, as we will see, can hold data and
programs only temporarily.

Now let us consider the equipment related to these four aspects of data handling in terms of
what you would find on a personal computer.

Your Personal Computer Hardware

Let us look at the hardware in terms of a personal computer. Suppose you want to do word
processing on a personal computer, using the hardware shown in Figure 1.
Word processing software allows you to input data such as
an essay, save it, revise and re-save it, and print it whenever
you wish. The input device, in this case, is a keyboard, which
you use to type in the original essay and any changes you
want to make to it. All computers, large and small, must have
a central processing unit within the personal computer
housing. The central processing unit under the direction of
the word processing software accepts the data you input
through the keyboard. Processed data from your personal
Personal Computer computer is usually output in two forms: on a screen and
eventually by a printer. As you key in the essay on the
keyboard, it appears on the screen in front of you. After you examine the essay on the screen,
make changes, and determine that it is acceptable, you can print the essay on the printer.

Now we will take a general tour of the hardware needed for input, processing, output, and
storage. These same components make up all computer systems, whether small, medium, or
large. In this discussion we will try to emphasize the types of hardware you are likely to have
seen in your own environment. These topics will be covered in detail in later chapters.


Input is the data that you put into the computer system for processing. An input device is a
device used to enter data into a computer system. The type of input device you use depends
on the data to input, the type of computer the input device is connected to, and the
application being used. The keyboard and mouse are the most common input devices. Other

input devices include the keypad, touchpad, and stylus. Here are some common ways of
feeding input data into the system:

 Typing on a keyboard. Computer keyboards operate in much the same way as

electric typewriter keyboards. The computer responds to what you enter; that is, it
"echoes" what you type by displaying it on the screen in front of you.
 Pointing with a mouse. A mouse is a device that is moved by hand over a flat
surface. As the ball on its underside rotates, the mouse movement causes
corresponding movement of a pointer on the computer screen. Pressing buttons on the
mouse lets you invoke commands.
 Scanning with a flatbed scanner, wand reader or bar code reader (Figure 3).

Flatbed Scanner

Flatbed scanners act like a copying machine by using light beams to scan a document or
picture that is laid upon its glass face. A great way to send pictures through email! Bar
scanners, which you have seen in retail stores, use laser beams to read special letters,
numbers, or symbols such as the zebra-striped bar codes on many products.

You can input data to a computer in many other interesting ways, including writing, speaking,
pointing, or even by just looking at the data.

Other Common Input Devices

• Keypad
• Touchpad
• Stylus
• Digital cameras and webcams
• Optical scanners
• QR code readers
• Near field communication (NFC)
• Magnetic strip readers
• Biometric scanners
• Joysticks

Digital cameras and webcams are among the ways to input data into computers. Optical
scanners convert photos or documents into digital files. QR code readers and bar code
readers provide information about products. Radio frequency identification (RFID) scanners
read information from RFID tags. Magnetic strip readers read the information encoded in
such strips. Biometric scanners measure human characteristics. Microphones convert sound
into digital signals. Game controllers and joysticks let users interact with video games.


In a computer the processor is the center of activity. The processor, as we noted, is also
called the central processing unit (CPU). The central processing unit consists of
electronic circuits that interpret and execute program instructions, as well as communicate
with the input, output, and storage devices.

It is the central processing unit that actually transforms data into information. Data is the
raw material to be processed by a computer. Such material can be letters, numbers, or facts
like grades in a class, baseball batting averages, or light and dark areas in a photograph.
Processed data becomes information, data that is organized, meaningful, and useful. In
school, for instance, an instructor could enter various student grades (data), which can be
processed to produce final grades and perhaps a class average (information). Data that is
perhaps uninteresting on its own may become very interesting once it is converted to
information. The raw facts (data) about your finances, such as a paycheck or a donation to
charity or a medical bill may not be captivating individually, but together, these and other
acts can be processed to produce the refund or amount you owe on your income tax return

Computer memory, also known as primary storage, is closely associated with the central
processing unit but separate from it. Memory holds the data after it is input to the system
and before it is processed; also, memory holds the data after it has been processed but
before it has been released to the output device. In addition, memory holds the programs
(computer instructions) needed by the central processing unit.


Output, the result produced by the

central processing unit, is a computer's
whole reason for being. Output is
usable information; that is, raw input
data that has been processed by the
computer into information. The most
common forms of output are words,
numbers, and graphics. Word output,
for example, may be the letters and
Monitor Printer memos prepared by office people using
word processing software. Other
workers may be more interested in numbers, such as those found in formulas, schedules,

and budgets. In many cases numbers can be understood more easily when output in the
form of charts and graphics.

The most common output devices are computer screens and printers. Screens can vary in
their forms of display, producing text, numbers, symbols, art, photographs, and even video-
in full color.

You can produce output from a computer in other ways, including film and voice output.

Essential Video and Audio Output Devices

Work by lighting pixels (picture elements) on the

 CRT - Cathode ray tube; considered legacy
 LCD - Liquid crystal display; popular in
desktops and
 Plasma - Larger in size; mostly used with
media center systems or in conference rooms

LCD and CRT Monitors

CRT, liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma, and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) are video
output device options. CRT monitors, which use cathode ray tubes, are big, use lots of
energy, and are considered legacy technology. Most desktop and notebook computers have
LCDs, liquid crystal displays. Plasma monitors, available in larger screen sizes, are typically
used in media centers and conference rooms.

LED Monitor

Work by lighting pixels (picture elements) on the screen

 Organic light-emitting diode; considered next technology of monitors. OLED
(organic light-emitting diode) monitors are 10 times more efficient than

 Active matrix OLED screens; found in some mobile devices

 Sharper and have a wider viewing angle

Video Output Devices

Projectors produce larger images and are more practical when making a presentation or
sharing media with a group in such places as a classroom. A DLP (digital light processing)
projector uses hundreds of thousands of tiny swiveling mirrors to create an image. A LCD
projector passes light through a prism. The DLP image has higher contrast and deeper

DLP (digital light processing) projectors

• Hundreds of thousands of tiny swiveling
mirrors that create an image
• Higher contrast and deeper blacks
LCD projectors
• Pass light through a prism
• Poorer contrast and washed-out blacks

Video Cards and Audio Output Devices – Video Cards

A video card, an expansion card that provides the data signal and connector for a monitor or
projector, can be integrated on the motherboard or connected through expansion cards,
external USB, or FireWire.

Converts digital signals into sound

• Provided by:
• Provides audio connections for both:
Input devices
Output devices

Audio output comes through speakers and headphones, which convert digital signals into
sound. Speakers can be integrated or connected to the speaker port on a sound card.
Headphones can also be plugged directly into a computer’s headphone or speaker port.


Printers produce printed reports as instructed by a computer program, often in full color.

Types of Printers

There are many options for printers, and your choice should be based on your needs.

Inkjet printers work by spraying droplets of ink onto paper.

Photo printers are designed to print high-quality photos.

Dye-sublimation printer-Uses heat to turn solid dye into a gas that is then
transferred to special paper

Thermal- create an image by heating specially coated heat-sensitive paper, which

changes color when heat is applied.

Laser - Uses a laser beam to draw an image on a drum

Plotter - Uses pens to draw an image on a roll of paper

- Used to produce very large printouts
Multifunction - Has built-in scanner, fax, copy, and print capabilities

Three-dimensional (3D) - Creates objects such as prototypes and models by

scanning an object or design using computer software
- Creates the model by building layers of material
- Used in:
• Dental and medical imaging
• Architecture


Temporary Storage Holds Instructions & Data

• Types of memory used by computers

 Random access memory (RAM)
• Volatile memory that holds the OS, programs, and data the computer
is currently using

 Cache memory: very fast memory used to store frequently accessed
information; located close to the processor
• Level 1 (L1) —built into the processor
• Level 2 (L2) —built into the processor on new systems or on the
motherboard near the processor on older ones
• Level 3 (L3) —separate chip on the motherboard near the processor

Memory, also known as primary storage, is temporary storage used to hold instructions
and data. There are two types of computer memory: RAM (random access memory) and
cache. RAM is volatile memory and holds the OS, programs, and data that is in use.
Information held in RAM memory is lost when the power is turned off. Cache memory is very
fast memory in close proximity to the processor used to store frequently accessed information.

Compare Storage Devices

• Optical discs
 CDs
 DVDs
 Blu-ray
• Solid-state storage
 Flash drives
 Memory cards
 Mobile devices

Sample of Strorages (Optical Disc Storage, Hardisk, USB Flash Drives)

Categories of storage devices are:

• Optical disc storage pertains to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs; data is stored using a
laser and read with optical disc drives.
• Solid-state storage is non-mechanical. The data is stored using flash memory on a
chip. There are no moving parts; therefore, these devices, which include flash drives,
are quiet and durable.

• Magnetic storage
 Hard drive
 Primary mass-storage device in most computers

• Hard drives store data magnetically on metal or specially coated materials.

Name: _____________________Course,Year, & Section:_________Date Accomplished: ___

Activity 1. Answer/Expound the following questions/statements. Each item is worth five

(5) points. Limit your answer in 3-5 sentences only. Submit your output in our Google

1. List down three (3) examples of input devices and its function.

1. List down three (3) examples of output devices and discuss how it works.


2. Compare storage devices. Write down its advantages and disadvantages.


Unit Key Components of a
Computer System
Lesson 3. Operating Systems as Part of Software

At the end of the unit, the students must have:
1. Identified the major types of software.
2. Differentiated the major types of software, their uses, and applications.
3. Evaluated the different operating systems

Every day we interact with software created by expert software
development companies that helps us perform tasks and increase our efficiency. From
the Microsoft Windows that greet us when we turn on the computer to the browser we
use to surf the web, and the application on our smartphone that guides us on how
many calories did we burn today! Each one of these different types of software helps
us perform our day to day tasks either directly or indirectly.

Today there are numerous cutting-edge technologies and software available to us that
define the way we lead our lives and accommodate our changing needs. The myriad of
software and their distinctions can be overwhelming for anyone. Especially if you do
not understand the different types of software available and their users well enough.

In this unit, you will understand software, what are its major types, their uses, and
applications. Let’s continue reading for a discussion on the function of types of software
applications and examples of trendy software types that you must be familiar with.


Software is actually a computer program. To be more specific, a program is a set of step-
by-step instructions that directs the computer to do the tasks you want it to do and to produce
the results you want. A computer programmer is a person who writes programs. Most of us
do not write programs, we use programs written by someone else. This means we are users -
people who purchase and use computer software.

What is Software – Definition and Examples of Software

By definition, software is a computer program that provides instructions and data to

execute a user’s commands. It is an indispensable part of the machine you cannot see,
but it allows you to use the computer … just like how a mouse, monitor, hard drive
and keyboard help you use the computer.

Some common examples of software include Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Reader, Google Chrome, Gmail, Powerpoint, VLC, and many other similar computer
programs that we often use in our daily life. If we sat down to list all the examples of
software, the list would never end, but what’s more important than that is to
understand how they differ from each other.

Types of software can be broadly classified into two categories.

What are the two major software types?

The two major types of computer software are:

1. Application Software
2. System Software

Whereas, two other types of computer software are:

1. Programming Software
2. Driver Software

Major Types of Software

Often programming and driver software are considered as types of system software.
But in this article, each software will be explained to you separately. So continue
reading for a detailed discussion on the software types, their uses, and examples.


All computers need some sort of Operating System (OS) to function. The majority of modern
home computers use some form of Microsoft’s operating systems (Apple computers made up
only 13.5% of new home computer sales in 2012).

The original Microsoft operating system was called DOS (Disk Operating System) and was
replaced by a pretty, mouse controlled Graphical User Interface (GUI) that Microsoft
called Windows. Windows comes in various versions beginning with version 3.x then 95, 98,
ME, XP, Vista, 7 and 8. Apple’s Mac computers use their own operating system beginning
with Apple OS 1 though to OS X 10.8 and are commonly referred to by cat names including
Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion. Linux is a free operating system that
has many of the functions of Windows or Apple OS.

The operating system controls the flow of information to and from the CPU. Basically the
computer starts from scratch every time you turn the power on and it first needs to load the
operating system (booting up). It automatically checks all its components and then loads
into the operating system. Once the operating system is loaded the user can start an
application or program. Application software is created to work on specific operating systems

System software helps the user, hardware, and application software to interact and
function together. These types of computer software allow an environment or platform
for other software and applications to work in. This is why system software is essential
in managing the whole computer system.

System Software
When you first power up your computer, it is the system software that is initially
loaded into memory. Unlike application software, the System software is not used by
end-users like you. It only runs in the background of your device, at the most basic
level while you use other application software. This is why system software is also
called “low-level software”.

Example of System Software

Operating systems are an example of system software. All of your computer -like
devices run on an operating system, including your desktop, laptop, smartphone, and
tablet, etc. Here is a list of examples of an operating system. Let’s take a look and
you might spot some familiar names of system software:

For desktop computers, laptops and tablets:

 Microsoft Windows
 Mac (for Apple devices)
 Linux

For smartphones:
 Apple’s iOS
 Google’s Android

 Windows Phone OS

Other than operating systems, some people also classify programming software and
driver software as types of system software. However, we will discuss them
individually in the next two sections.

Functions of an System Software/Operating System

Functions of an Operating System

In an operating system software performs each of the function:

1. Process management:- Process management helps OS to create and delete

processes. It also provides mechanisms for synchronization and communication
among processes.

2. Memory management:- Memory management module performs the task of

allocation and de-allocation of memory space to programs in need of this resources.

3. File management:- It manages all the file-related activities such as organization

storage, retrieval, naming, sharing, and protection of files.

4. Device Management: Device management keeps tracks of all devices. This module
also responsible for this task is known as the I/O controller. It also performs the task
of allocation and de-allocation of the devices.

5. I/O System Management: One of the main objects of any OS is to hide the
peculiarities of that hardware devices from the user.

6. Secondary-Storage Management: Systems have several levels of storage which

includes primary storage, secondary storage, and cache storage. Instructions and
data must be stored in primary storage or cache so that a running program can
reference it.

7. Security:- Security module protects the data and information of a computer system
against malware threat and authorized access.

8. Command interpretation: This module is interpreting commands given by the and

acting system resources to process that commands.

9. Networking: A distributed system is a group of processors which do not share

memory, hardware devices, or a clock. The processors communicate with one
another through the network.

10. Job accounting: Keeping track of time & resource used by various job and users.

11. Communication management: Coordination and assignment of compilers,

interpreters, and another software resource of the various users of the computer

Types of Operating system

 Batch Operating System

 Multitasking/Time Sharing OS
 Multiprocessing OS
 Real Time OS
 Distributed OS
 Network OS
 Mobile OS

Batch Operating System

Some computer processes are very lengthy and time-consuming. To speed the same
process, a job with a similar type of needs are batched together and run as a group.

The user of a batch operating system never directly interacts with the computer. In this type
of OS, every user prepares his or her job on an offline device like a punch card and submit it
to the computer operator.

Multi-Tasking/Time-sharing Operating systems

Time-sharing operating system enables people located at a different terminal(shell) to use a

single computer system at the same time. The processor time (CPU) which is shared among
multiple users is termed as time sharing.

Real time OS

A real time operating system time interval to process and respond to inputs is very small.
Examples: Military Software Systems, Space Software Systems.

Distributed Operating System

Distributed systems use many processors located in different machines to provide very fast
computation to its users.

Network Operating System

Network Operating System runs on a server. It provides the capability to serve to manage
data, user, groups, security, application, and other networking functions.

Mobile OS

Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that are designed to power
smartphones, tablets, and wearables devices.

As a user of technology, application software or ‘apps’ are what you engage with the
most. It is all the software that uses the computer system to perform useful work beyond
the operation of the computer itself. These types of computer software are productive
end-user programs that help you perform tasks. Following are some examples of
application software that allow you to do specific work:
 MS Excel: It is spreadsheet software that you can use for presenting and analyzing
 Photoshop: It is a photo editing application software by Adobe. You can use it to
visually enhance, catalogue and share your pictures.
 Skype: It is an online communication app that you can use for video chat, voice
calling and instant messaging.

Application Software
Software applications are also referred to as non-essential software. They are
installed and operated on a computer-based on the user’s requirement. There is
plenty of application software that you can use to perform different tasks. The
number of such apps keeps increasing with technological advances and the evolving
needs of the users. You can categorize thes e software types into different groups, as
shown in the following table:

Application Software Type Examples

Word processing software: Tools that are used to Microsoft Word, WordPad,
create word sheets and type documents etc. AppleWorks and Notepad

Spreadsheet software: Software used to compute Apple Numbers, Microsoft

quantitative data. Excel and Quattro Pro

Database software: Used to store data and sort Oracle, MS Access and
information. FileMaker Pro

Application Suites: A collection of related programs

sold as a package. OpenOffice, Microsoft Office

Multimedia software: Tools used for a mixture of

audio, video, image and text content. Real Player, Media Player

Communication Software: Tools that connect

systems and allow text, audio, and video-based
communication. MS NetMeeting, IRC, ICQ

Netscape Navigator, MS
Internet Browsers: Used to access and view Internet Explorer, and
websites. Google Chrome

Microsoft Outlook, Gmail,

Email Programs: Software used for emailing. Apple Mail

Application Software Categories

Common Application File Types and Extensions

Common file extensions that are good to know, organized by file format.

Text Files

 .doc Microsoft Word Document

 .docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document
 .msg Outlook Mail Message
 .rtf Rich Text Format File
 .txt Plain Text File
 .wpd WordPerfect Document
 .wps Microsoft Works Document

Data Files

 .csv Comma Separated Values File

 .dat Data File
 .pps PowerPoint Slide Show
 .ppt PowerPoint Presentation
 .pptx PowerPoint Open XML Presentation

Audio Files

 .m3u Media Playlist File

 .m4a MPEG-4 Audio File
 .mid MIDI File
 .mp3 MP3 Audio File
 .wav WAVE Audio File
 .wma Windows Media Audio File

Video Files

 .avi Audio Video Interleave File

 .flv Flash Video File
 .mov Apple QuickTime Movie
 .mp4 MPEG-4 Video File
 .mpg MPEG Video File
 .rm Real Media File
 .vob DVD Video Object File
 .wmv Windows Media Video File

Image Files

 .bmp Bitmap Image File

 .gif Graphical Interchange Format File
 .jpg JPEG Image
 .png Portable Network Graphic
 .psd Adobe Photoshop Document
 .thm Thumbnail Image File
 .tif Tagged Image File
 .pdf Portable Document Format File

Database and Spreadsheet Files

 .db Database File

 .xlr Works Spreadsheet
 .xls Excel Spreadsheet
 .xlsx Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet

Executable Files

 .app Mac OS X Application

 .bat DOS Batch File
 .com DOS Command File

 .exe Windows Executable File

Miscellaneous Files

 .bak Backup File

 .bin Binary Disc Image
 .cfg Configuration File
 .cue Cue Sheet File
 .dmg Mac OS X Disk Image
 .html Hypertext Markup Language File
 .ini Windows Initialization File
 .ico Icon File
 .iso Disc Image File
 .java Java Source Code File
 .lnk Windows File Shortcut
 .pkg Mac OS X Installer Package
 .rar WinRAR Compressed Archive
 .sys Windows System File
 .tmp Temporary File
 .torrent BitTorrent File
 .7z 7-Zip Compressed File
 .zip Zipped File


Programming software is the type of software that is not used by end -users. It is not
for you unless, of course, you are a programmer who writes code. Programming
software are programs that are used to write, develop, test, and debug other software,
including apps and system software. For someone who works at a bespoke software
development company, for example, this type of software would make their life easier
and efficient.

Programming Software

Programming software is used by software programmers as translator programs. They
are facilitator software used to translate programming languages (i.e., Java, C++,
Python, PHP, BASIC, etc) into machine language code. Translators can be compilers,
interpreters and assemblers. You can understand compilers as programs that translate
the whole source code into machine code and execute it. Interpreters run the source
code as the program is run line by line. And assemblers translate the basic computer
instructions – assembly code – into machine code.

Different programming language editors, debuggers, compilers and IDEs are examples
of programming software. For example:

 Eclipse – a Java language editor

 Coda – programming language editor for Mac
 Notepad++ – an open-source editor for windows
 Sublime Text – a cross-platform code editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux


Driver software is often classified as one of the types of system software. They operate
and control devices and peripherals plugged into a computer. Drivers are important
because they enable the devices to perform their designated tasks. They do this by
translating commands of an Operating System for the Hardware or devices, assigning
duties. Therefore, each device connected with your computer requires at least one
device driver to function.

Driver Software
Since there are thousands of types of devices, drivers make the job of your system
software easier by allowing it to communicate through a standardized language. Some
examples of driver software that you may be familiar with are:

 Printer Driver
 Mouse Driver
 Network Card

Usually, the operating system comes built-in with drivers for mouse, keyboard, and
printers by default. They often do not require third-party installations. But for some
advanced devices, you may need to install the driver externally. Moreover, if you use
multiple operating systems like Linux, Windows, and Mac, then each of these supports
different variants of drivers. For them, separate drivers need to be maintained for each.

Five Additional Different Types of Software That You Might Be Familiar With

Now that we have discussed the major types of software and now you must be
wondering about the software you use most frequently. For example, trendy social
media software applications like Snapchat and Instagram or photo editing apps like
PhotoShop and Snapseed. You must be thinking about what category they fall under.
Can they only be classified as a broad category of Application software or are there
better ways to describe them? The answer – yes, other than the major types of
computer software there are various subcategories of software. Let’s discuss five
additional subcategories of software and understand them using examples of trendy

These are:
 Freeware
 Shareware
 Open Source Software
 Closed Source Software
 Utility Software

Five Additional Different Types of Software


Freeware software is any software that is available to use for free. They can be
downloaded and installed over the internet without any cost. Some well -known
examples of freeware are:

 Google Chrome

 Skype
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Adobe reader

Although they all fall under the category of Application or end -user software, they
can further be categorized as freeware because they are free for you to use.


Shareware, on the other hand, are software applications that are paid programs,
but are made available for free for a limited period of time known as ‘trial period’. You
can use the software without any charges for the trial period but you will be asked to
purchase it for use after the trial ends. Shareware allows you t o test drive the software
before you actually invest in purchasing it. Some examples of Shareware that you must
be familiar with are:

 Adobe PhotoShop
 Adobe Illustrator
 Netflix App
 Matlab
 McAfee Antivirus

Open Source Software

This is a type of software that has an open-source code that is available to use for
all users. It can be modified and shared with anyone for any purpose. Common
examples of open source software used by programmers are:

 LibreOffice
 GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)

Closed Source Software

These are the types of software that are non-free for the programmers. For this
software, the source code is the intellectual property of software publishers. It is also
called ‘proprietary software’ since only the original authors can copy, modi fy and share
the software. Following are some of the most common examples of closed-source

 .NET
 Java
 Android
 Microsoft Office
 Adobe PhotoShop

Utility Software

Utility software is considered a subgroup of system software. They manage the

performance of your hardware and application software installed on your computer, to
ensure they work optimally. Some features of utility software include:

 Antivirus and security software

 File compressor
 Disk cleaner
 Disk defragmentation software
 Data backup software

Let’s Recap!

In conclusion, there can be multiple ways to classify different types of computer

software. The software can be categorized based on the function they perform such as
Application software, System software, Programming Software, and Driver software.
They can also be classified based on different features such as the nature of source
code, accessibility, and cost of usage.

After reading this lesson, I am hopeful you will now be able to clearly identify
the types of software around you. A clear understanding of them will help you choose
and use the software efficiently.

Name: _____________________Course,Year, & Section:_________Date Accomplished: ___

Activity 1. Viewing the Video

Please watch the video from your OTG flash drive about the “What is an operating
systems?” After watching the video clip, answer the following questions. Please submit your
output in our Google Classroom.

1. What have you learned about the video on operating systems? Write your reflection.



Activity 2. Answer/Expound the following questions/statements. Each item is worth five (5)
points. Limit your answer in 3-5 sentences only. Please submit your output in our Google

1. In your own understanding, differentiate the major types of software, their uses,
and applications.


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