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SED 3202 Lesson 1

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SED 3202 Lesson 1 | Enrichment Tasks

Topic: Computer – Components

All types of computers follow the
same basic logical structure and perform the
CPU (Central Processing Unit): CPU is
following five basic operations for converting
considered as the brain of the computer. CPU
raw input data into information useful to
performs all types of data processing
their users.
operations. It stores data, intermediate
Take Input: The process of entering data and results, and instructions (program). It
instructions into the computer system. controls the operation of all parts of the
computer. CPU itself has the following three
Store Data: Saving data and instructions so
components − ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit),
that they are available for processing as and
Memory Unit, and Control Unit.
when required.
Output Unit: The output unit consists of
Processing Data: Performing arithmetic, and
devices with the help of which we get the
logical operations on data in order to convert
information from the computer. This unit is a
them into useful information.
link between the computer and the users.
Output Information: The process of Output devices translate the computer's
producing useful information or results for output into a form understandable by the
the user, such as a printed report or visual users.
Control the workflow: Directs the manner
and sequence in which all of the above
operations are performed.

Input Unit: This unit contains devices with

the help of which we enter data into the
computer. This unit creates a link between the
user and the computer. The input devices
translate the information into a form
understandable by the computer.
Topic: Inside a Computer
Have you ever looked inside a or start an application, you're sending
computer case, or seen pictures of the inside instructions to the CPU.
of one? The small parts may look
The CPU is usually a two-inch ceramic
complicated, but the inside of a computer
square with a silicon chip located inside.
case isn't really all that mysterious. This
The chip is usually about the size of a
lesson will help you master some of the basic
thumbnail. The CPU fits into the
terminology and understand a bit more about
motherboard's CPU socket, which is covered
what goes on inside a computer
by the heat sink, an object that absorbs heat
Motherboard: from the CPU.
A processor's speed is measured in
megahertz (MHz), or millions of
instructions per second; and gigahertz
(GHz), or billions of instructions per second.
A faster processor can execute instructions
more quickly. However, the actual speed of
the computer depends on the speed of many
different components—not just the
The motherboard is the computer's main processor.
circuit board. It's a thin plate that holds the
CPU, memory, connectors for the hard drive RAM (random access memory):
and optical drives, expansion cards to control
the video and audio, and connections to your
computer's ports (such as USB ports). The
motherboard connects directly or indirectly
to every part of the computer.
RAM is your system's short-term memory.
Whenever your computer performs
calculations, it temporarily stores the data in
the RAM until it is needed.
This short-term memory disappears when
the computer is turned off. If you're working
on a document, spreadsheet, or other type of
file, you'll need to save it to avoid losing it.
The central processing unit (CPU), also When you save a file, the data is written to
called a processor, is located inside the the hard drive, which acts as long-term
computer case on the motherboard. It is storage.
sometimes called the brain of the computer,
and its job is to carry out commands. RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or
Whenever you press a key, click the mouse, gigabytes (GB). The more RAM you have,
the more things your computer can do at the The power supply unit in a computer
same time. If you don't have enough RAM, converts the power from the wall outlet to
you may notice that your computer is the type of power needed by the computer. It
sluggish when you have several programs sends power through cables to the
open. Because of this, many people add motherboard and other components.
extra RAM to their computers to improve
If you decide to open the computer case and
take a look, make sure to unplug the
Hard drive: computer first. Before touching the inside of
the computer, you should touch a grounded
metal object—or a metal part of the computer
casing—to discharge any static buildup.
Static electricity can be transmitted through
the computer circuits, which can seriously
damage your machine.
Expansion Cards
Most computers have expansion slots on the
motherboard that allow you to add various
types of expansion cards. These are
The hard drive is where your software, sometimes called PCI (peripheral
documents, and other files are stored. The component interconnect) cards. You may
hard drive is long-term storage, which never need to add any PCI cards because
means the data is still saved even if you turn most motherboards have built-in video,
the computer off or unplug it. sound, network, and other capabilities.

When you run a program or open a file, the However, if you want to boost the
computer copies some of the data from the performance of your computer or update the
hard drive onto the RAM. When you save a capabilities of an older computer, you can
file, the data is copied back to the hard drive. always add one or more cards. Below are
The faster the hard drive, the faster your some of the most common types of expansion
computer can start up and load programs. cards.

Power Supply Unit: Video Card:

The video card is responsible for what you Bluetooth is a technology for wireless
see on the monitor. Most computers have a communication over short distances. It's
GPU (graphics processing unit) built into often used in computers to communicate with
the motherboard instead of having a separate wireless keyboards, mice, and printers. It's
video card. If you like playing graphics- commonly built into the motherboard or
intensive games, you can add a faster video included in a wireless network card. For
card to one of the expansion slots to get computers that don't have Bluetooth, you can
better performance. purchase a USB adapter, often called a
Sound card: The sound card—also called an
audio card—is responsible for what you
hear in the speakers or headphones. Most
motherboards have integrated sound, but you
can upgrade to a dedicated sound card for
higher-quality sound.
Network Card:

The network card allows your computer to

communicate over a network and access the
Internet. It can either connect with an
Ethernet cable or through a wireless
connection (often called Wi-Fi). Many
motherboards have built-in network
connections, and a network card can also be
added to an expansion slot.
Bluetooth card (or adapter):

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