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-Philosophy "Love of Wisdom"

-Wisest of all men by Delphi Oracle

-Socratic philosophy of the self

-Every person is dualistic

-The unexamined life is not worth living

-Know thyself ("The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.")

-A person's acceptance of ignorance is the beginning of acquisition of knowledge

*Socratic/Dialect Method

-an artful questioning to bring the person closer to a final understanding of the object/concept.

-if you could create only three laws for people to live by, what would they be and why?

*Happiness motivates us to act towards or avoid things that could have negative effects in our lives.


-Father of the Academy (a place where learning and sharing happens)

-Platonic Dualism

=The Realm of the Shadows (imperfect and flawed) - not clear, the vision/idea not clear or specific

=The Realm of Forms (permanent and perfect-the source of all reality and true knowledge)

=Allegory of Cave (what they see in the cave are just shadows which are not real)


-ageless therefore are eternal

-unchanging therefore permanent

-unmoving and indivisible


-The Reason - rational and is the motivation for goodness and truth (reasoning) *evaluating the reasons
-The Spirited - non-rational and is the will or influenced/pulled into two directions (emotions)

-The Appetites - irrational and lean towards the desire for the pleasure of the body (pleasure x

-Theory of Being (the more the person knows, the more he is and the better he is)

*Plato believed that it is not only through education that humans would be able to acquire knowledge of
the forms.


-There is a part of self that lives on when we die and returns to God.

-The soul always yearns to be with the Divine.

-Love for the God is the supreme virtue and only through loving God can man find real happiness.

-Christian philosophers' view human nature: Man as a sinner who does-

-Problem arise because of the objects human choose to love:

=Love of physical objects leads to the sin of greed.

=Love for the other people is not lasting and excessive love is the sin of jealousy.

=Love for the self leads to the sin of pride.


-Father of Modern Philosophy

-He is a rationalist (with Socrates and Plato) and regards reasons as the chief source and test of


-Intution - ability to apprehend direction of certain truths

-Deduction - discovering what is not known from progressing in an orderly way from what is already

Sef's distinct identities:

=Cognito ergo sum (mind) - proof of the human existence: "I think, therefore I am."
=Extenza (body) - extension of the mind (the body is like a machine that is controlled and aided by the

-Methodical Doubt (A continuous process of questioning as part of one's existence)


-He is an empiricist (with Hume and Aristotle); believes knowledge comes to us through our experiences
of the world that comes thru:

=Sensation - experienced through senses (nothing exists in the mind that was not first in the senses)

=Reflection - to discover relationships bet experience and objects


*Ideas are not innate; therefore mind at birth is a tabula rasa (blank state)


-Law of Opinion - actions that are "praise worthy" are virtues and those that are not are called vice

-Civil Law - enforced by people in authority

-Divine Law - set by God on the actions of man

*All things that we have experienced are all base in mind*


*His philosophy tells us that self is just a thing to which all perceptions of a man are attributed.

Types of perception (conteent of mind):

-Impression - the immediate sensations of external reality

-Idea - the recollection of impressions

Principle of Association:

-Cause and Effect - when people experience certain relations between objects but can't be a basis for

-Resemble - implying 'common' properties

-Contiguity - idea, memories and experiences are linked when one is frequently experienced with other

-The founder of German Idealism in which his philosophy was awakened and motivatred by David Hume

-Knowledge is the result of human understanding applied to sense experience

-Reason is the final authority of morality

-Transcendental perception (the experience of the self and its unity with the objects)


-The self has an unconscious mind that controls the body

-Topography of the mind (an illustration of an 'iceberg' to show how the mind works based on his theory


-Id - based on the pleasure principle

-Ego - based on the reality principle. it mediates between the impulses of id and the restraints of

-Superego - based on the morality Principle and primarily dependent on learning the difference between
right and wrong

Levels of Consciousness

-Conscious - where minority of our memories are stored and is easiea to be tapped or accessed

-Preconscious - the memories stored in this area can still be accessed but with a little difficulty

-Unconscious - where a 'majority' of our memories since childhood are deeply stored. it is very difficult
to tap the memories and it would need professionals in order to make some meomries resurface

-Hysteria - the manifestations of hidden and unexpressed thoughts and memories that control the
person's consciousness

Kinds of Instinct

-Eros - the life instinct; includes urges necessary for individual and species survival like thirst, hunger and

-Thanatos - the case where man's behavior is directed towards destruction in the form of aggression and

*He stigmatized the mind as the "Ghost in the Machine" (man is a complex machine with the different
functioning parts, and the intelligence, and other characteristics or behavior of man is represented by
the ghost in the machine

*Freewill was invented to answer the question of whether an action deserves 'praise or blame'


*Patricia stated that the brain and its biochemical properties are responsible for man thoughts, feelings
and behaviour

*Applied the Neurophilosophy (the study of the philosophy of the mind, science, neuroscience and
psychology all rolled into one) *ur face sounds familiar*


*A French phenomenological philosopher, strongly influenced by Edmund Husserl and Martin


*His primary philosophy: The human body is the source of knowledge in the world

*Self-regarded that the body and mind are not separate entities but rather those two components are
one and the same.




-Sociology - one of the disciplines in the social sciences which aim to discover ways by which social
environment influences people's thoughts, feelings and behaviour

-Self - a dimension of personlaity that is made-up of the individual's self-awareness and self-image

*The self cannot be separated from the society.*

STAGES x Existence of Self x Characteristics

-Preparatory Stage x None x Imitation (basis of communication: verbal and non-verbal symbols)

-Play Stage x Developing x Role taking (mentally assuming the perspective of anotehr person)

-Game Stage x Present x Generalized Other (the ability of the child to recognize other people in the

*Children see themselves as the center of their universe and is having difficulty understanding others
around them

*Parents/Family - the first environment on the child's development (significant otehrs)

*'I' Self - subjective element of the self and initiates or performs a social action

*'Me' Self - objective element of self and takes the role of the other

*Socialization continues for as long as the person is alive

*The self may change based on life circumstances that have strong impact on it

*Events such as death of a loved one, disease or disability may reshape the self


*Looking glass self (the self is a product of social interactions with other people)

Phases of self-development:

-People imagine how they present themselves to others

-People imagine how others evaluate them

-People develop some sort of feeling about themselves as a result of those impressions

*Wrong perceptions, however, can still change based on positive social experiences


*Stated that social interaction is similar to a drama performance

*Impression management - process of altering how the person presents himself to otehrs

*Dramaturgical Approach - the idea taht we are actors on the stage and the similarity of social
interaction to a theatrical presentation ("We are call fakers or engaged in a con job on ourselves to
affect other people.")

*An individual's self can be changed according to audience

-Face work - another aspect of the selfwehre face-saving measures are resorted to in the maintenance
of a proper image of the self in frustrating or embarrasing situation



"Anthropology rejects arrogant definitions of human"

-Anthropology - a field of social sciences that focuses on the study of man

-Survival - it is the most important aspect of human nature


-Archeology - deals with the study of the human activity through the recovery and analysis of material

-Biological/Physical Anthropology - focus primarily on how the human body adapts to the different earth

-Linguistic Anthropology - human survival is primarily linked to their ability to communicate

*Language - an essential part of human communication; a means to discover a group's manner of social
interaction and his worldview

*Tower of Babel - a biblical literature which explains the origins of the miltiplicity of languages

*LGBT Slang, LGBT Speak, or Gay Slang - a set of slang lexison used predominantly among LGBT people

*Jejemon - a popular culture phenomenon in the Philippines not only in language but also in subculture
and fashion

-Cultural Anthropology - interested in knowing what makes one group's manner of living particular to
that group and forms and essential part of the member's personal and social identity

*Culture - defined as group of people's ways of life

*Cultural Determinism - a theory stating that culture has a strong influence and impact of how
individuals view themselves

-Manifestations of Culture
*Symbols - words, gestures, pictures or objects that have a recognized/accepted meaning in a particular

*Cultural Diversities - these are manifested in different ways and at different levels of depth

-Heroes - persons from the past or present who have characteristics that are important in a culture

- they may be real or fictitious and are models for behavior

-Rituals - are activities (may be religious or social) participated in by a group of people for the fulfillment
of desired objectives and are considered to be socially essential (religious(baptismsm and weddings),
social(birthdays, prom and graduations)

-Value - are considered to be the core of every culture

- it involves human tendencies and preferences towards good or bad, right or wrong (respect.
hospitality, nationalism)

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