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- characterized the way we define our existence and how we organized our experiences that are reflected to our

SELF - refers to the various ideas of a person about oneself

 SELF-CONCEPT - Understanding of who you are as a person
 SELF-UNDERSTANDING - understanding what your motives are when you act

PERSONALITY - refers to the relatively permanent and overall pattern of behavior of the person.
- how they cope and adjust through life
- relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a
person’s behavior
- Greek word “persona” = theatrical masks worn by Romans
- Latin words “per” and “sonare” = “to sound through”.
We cannot identify the personality
THREE DISTINCT PROPERTIES OF PERSONALITY of a person with his appearance or
his intellectual level or his
 Personality reflects individual differences.
character, but all this element put
 Personality is consistent and enduring.
together to function in harmony
 Personality can change.
which makes his personality
Rahendra Rathod (2013)
 Environmental Factors of Personality - the social circle the individual has
 Biological Factors of Personality - hereditary factors or genetic make-up
 Situational Factors of Personality – exhibits different traits and characteristics.
 Cultural Factors - major determinants of an individual’s personality
Nature – environmental factors
Nurture – culture na nakuha mo o kinalakihan mo

 reflect people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
 imply consistency and stability.
 people differ from one


 Openness – appreciate new arts, ideas, value, feelings and behavior
 Conscientiousness – to be careful, on time, follow rules, hard working
 Extraversion - talkative, sociable, enjoy others, dominant
 Agreeableness – agree and go along rather assert your own opinion
 Neuroticism – negative emotion, anger, worry, sadness, sensitive
Philosophy “The Queen of All Sciences”
- finding answers about ourselves
- Questioning existing knowledge or intuition leads closer to the truth
- “philo” (love)
- “sophia” (wisdom)

1. Socrates “an unexamined life is not worth living” “Know Thyself” (constant soul searching)
- Always asking
- Who we are, who we should, who we will become
- Agree that SELF- KNOWLEDGE is a pre-requisite to a happy and meaningful life
- Self is dichotomous or dualistic
o BODY – physical realm imperfect and impermanent
o SOUL - Ideal realm, unchanging, eternal (strives for wisdom and perfection)
2. Plato “soul is immortal”
- Happiness will be achieved if the reason is in control of spirit and appetite
- Process of self-knowledge and purification of the soul dualistic
 SOUL – has 3 parts
o Rational soul – reason and intellect to make wise choice
o Spirited soul – emotion and passion
o Appetitive soul – basic needs hunger thirst lust
3. St. Augustine “knowledge will come if you see the truth within us” “I’m doubting therefore I am”
 Body is different from the immortal soul
 Happiness ay maaachive pag makikilala natin si God
 2 Realms of Human Nature dualistic
o BODY - “snare” or “cage”, “slave” and “spouse” of the soul
o SOUL - makes war with the body
4. Rene Descartes “cogito, ergo sum— “I think, therefore I exist” “I’m doubting therefore I am”
Soul and body - can  Act of thinking about self/ self-conscious – proof that there is SELF”
exist and function  SELF - different from the physical body entity engaged in mental operations
without the other MIND, SOUL (conscious self) – part of the spiritual realm (thinking)
BODY (physical self) – part of nature (non thinking)
5. John Locke “self is consciousness” “self only exists in other time sand place because of the memory”
- “Tabula Rasa”(Blank Slate)
- Nature support
6. David Hume “there’s no self”” fictional self”
- 2 entities nasa utak lang natin ang self ; Impressions and Ideas
7. Sigmund Freud “mind is like an iceberg that floats one sevenths of its bulk above water”
- Dualistic view of self
o Conscious self – rational, practical and appropriate
o Unconscious self – pleasure principle
- 3 Structures of Personality:
o Id- “pleasure-seeking”, immature, impulsive, child-like and cannot delay gratification
o Ego- “I”, works on the reality principle, controls the id and can delay pleasure
o Superego- the “conscience” and “moral judge” of conduct
8. Gilbert Ryle “I act therefore I am” “self is pattern behavior”
- Self is the way people behave
9. Immanuel Kant “we construct the self”
- Self that makes consciousness for the person to make sense of everything
- Self is the product of reason like Rene Descartes
- Kingdom of god Is within man
10. Paul and Patricia Churchland “the self is brain”
- If the brain is gone, there is no self”


Sociology perspective of self – it discovers the ways which social/environment influence people


- self is inseparable from society and bound up with communication. It builds on social
- Dual nature/phases of self
o I – what expected by the society/ generalized other to be you
o Me (social self) – responds to the expectations of society/ generalized other
- Self undergoes DEVELOPMENT


 Preparatory Stage - Self did not exist at birth, develops over time social interaction and experience
 Play Stage – (skills) perspective widens realize that someone is not alone/ role-play
 Game Stage - consider several tasks and various types of relationships/ team play

CHARLES HORTON COOLEY'S “the looking glass self”

- “One sense of self depends on seeing oneself reflected in interactions with others”
- Kung anoo tinging natin sa sarili natin depends on what others tingin sayo

GEORGE SIMMEL “self is a product of modern society”

- there’s human nature that is innate to the individual. (pag kapanganak mo meron na yan)
- Subjective culture – ability to embrace, use, and feel culture
- Objective culture - elements separated from the individual/affect perception abot himself
Anthropology – focus of study of men/ cultural and biological aspects affect to shape human experience
- Self – how we view our self
- 3 subfields
o Archeology - Focus on the study of the past how it contributed to the present
o Biological Anthropology – Focus how the human body adapts to earth environments.
o Linguistic Anthropology – Focused on using language
o Cultural Anthropology - Focused what makes one group’s manner of living forms an
essential part of the member’s personal and societal identity. Ways and Culture
 Symbols – words, gesture, pictures accepted in culture
 Heroes – peoples in the past or present that is important in the culture
 Rituals – activities participated by groups
 Values – core in every culture right or wrong good or bad


Psychology – study mental processes and human behavior reason for their action

Aspects of self-according to psychology

William James – founder of functionalism/father of American psychology
“a man self-sum total of all that he can call his not only his body but also his clothes and his house”

 I self - Refers to the self that knows who you are (alam mo kung sino ka)
 Me self - Empirical self-describe yourself base on yourself experiences
- Sub categories
o Material self – uniquely only for you only your body, family what you can label mine
o Social self – recognition of an individual from other people
o Spiritual self – inner subjective being

Global self-concept
 Social - ability to interact with others
 Competence - ability to meet basic needs
 Affect domain - the awareness of emotional states
 Physical - the feelings about overall appearance
 Academic - the success or failure in school
 Family - how well one functions within the family unit.

DAVID LESTER “MULTIPLE VERSUS UNIFIED SELF” pinakamataas (emeretus) na professor

- Constructions of multiply selves
o Multiple selves – different identities
o Unified self – identify who you really are
DONALD WINNICOTT’S “TRUE VS FALSE SELF” “false self is to hide and protect the true self” and to impress
CARL ROGER’S “SELF THEORY” “Believed in the inherent goodness of people”
- “the curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, I can change”
- Self-concept - image of oneself that’s flexible and changing perception of personal identity
- REAL vs IDEAL Self
o Real Self - identities perceived in awareness (who you really are)
o Ideal Self - one’s view of self as one wishes to be


 Denial – refusal to recognize threatening situations
 Repression – pushing out the threatening situation from memory
 Rationalization – making up excuses for that behavior
 Projection – placing your own unacceptable thoughts onto others
 Reaction formation – condemns something unconscious appeal (anti smoker but you’re a smoker)
 Displacement – transfer of emotion to less threatening (yung galit mo ibabaling sa ibang non threat)
 Regression – falling back into child like
 Identification – trying to become someone else (to fit in)
 Compensation – trying to make up what you lack (mag exel kung saan ka magaling)
 Sublimation – turning unacceptable urges to acceptable


- “self believe not ensure success, but self-disbelief assured failure”
- “Humans are producers of their life circumstances not just products”
- self as proactive and agentic(perspective)(orginators) not only react and react
o intentionally – behave on purpose (why mag aral para makapasa)
o fore thought – allows to anticipate outcome (naaalam moa ng outcome)
o self-reactiveness – can be motivate to regulate our action (dieting exerciese)
o self-reflectiveness – reflecting behaviors (natawa ka tas nahampas mo)
- “Social Learning Theory” – importance of social learning through observation
o Attention
o Retention – store information
o Motor Reproduction – perform what you’ve observed
o Motivation

Self-understanding – simple to perplex changes through time with our concept
Biological factors – heredity namana and no choice

 Geno type – specific info embedded in our gene

 Phenotype – physical expression in a particular trait
Santrock – self-understanding is the individual’s representation of self
Growing up – as we age we will change are rapids

Erick Erickson – importance of the body from early development

Adolescents periods
 Early adolescent 11 – 14
 Middle adolescent 15 – 16
 Late adolescent 18 – 21

Puberty – period of rapid physical changes/ ends prior to end of adolescent

o Menarche – first menstrual flow
o Semen arch – first ejaculation

Hormones – secreted by gonads

o Estrogen – physical changes in girls
o Testorone – for boys


Body image – way one sees himself
Factors affecting perception of physical self
 Personal factors
 Social factors

Self-esteem – person’s evaluation of himself or her worth

Effects of poor body image
 Body dissatisfaction
 Depression
 Lower self esteem
 Anorexia
 Bulimia
 Body modification
 Standards of beauty

- Related with our entimacy relationship
- Sexual self-hood – how one thinks about yourself as a sexual individual
Perspective of human sexuality
Historical – past
o Ancient Greece - male – dominant role, female – child bearer
o 17 18 century – immoral ouside mariege sex
o Victorian era – homosexually and prostitute sobrang open
o 20 century – normal open minded sex

Biological - Body parts/reproductive organ

Sociological/Evolutionary - Natural selection nawawala yung part na hindi ginagamit
Psychological – Sigmund Freud – lumilipat lipat yung libido
 Oral stage – through eating
 Anal stage – defecation tumatae potty trauining
 Phallic stage – sexual attraction children muna jelosy
 Latency stage – nawawala ang erogenous lumalawak ang kagustuhan sa lahat ng things
 Genital stage – attraction to the opposite sex aware na

 Judaism – marital sex dapat
 Islam – prohibited before marriage
 Taoism – natural and healthy
 Hinduism – spiritual force
 Roman catholic – love and creation of baby/sinful ang same sex

Sexual terms
Sex – latin “secare” = to divide
Sexuality – to unite
Sexual orientation – sexual and romantic interest (homo or hetero)
Sexual feelings – your attraction ability to manage sexual feelings and regulate sexual behaviors
Gender – male female girl boy womem men
Gender role – ano iniisip and ginagawa ng lalaki or babae
Gender unicorn

 Gender identity
 Gender expression
 Sex assigned at birth
 Physically attracted to
 Emotionally attracted to

Sexual response
 Excitement – arousal
 Plateau – excitement prior to orgasm
 Orgasm – contraction of the muscles
 Resolution – to normal na

The triaphasic model of sexual response – only sexual ddesire, excitement orgasm
The erotic stimulus pathway theory – psychological aspects (seduction. sensation,surrender,reflection)

John lee love styles

 Eros – love based strong sexual and emotional
 Agape – selfless love true
 Storge – friendship non sexual attraction
 Ludus – love is game
 Pragma – business like love marriage, have a child

Triangular theory of love

 Intimacy – give and receive
 Passion - desire
 Commitment – through good and bad times

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