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Research MCQ

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It is indicates the nature of the study to prospective reader and should not be more than
15 words in communication research project is called
A. Title
B. Analysis

C. Manipulation
D. Settings
2.It is brief description of the problem, methods, and findings of the study, written so
readers can decide whether to read the entire study.
A. Abstract
B. Key word
C. Bibliography
D. Sampling
3.Computers and internet has changed the face of disseminating in research, called
A. Publication through news papers
B. Publication through books and journals
C. Electronic publication
D. By radio
4.The presenter or researcher permitted around 500 words to 1000 word for complete
study and allotted time 10 to 15 minutes, 5 minutes interaction with audience , is
A. Written presentation
B. Oral presentation
C. Presenting memento
D. Participating the conference
5.The scholarly work for publication in a journal or book by the researcher is called
A. Atonements
B. Announcements
C. Written presentation
D. Written examination
6.Research studies are not complete until the findings are communicated to others.
A. Dissemination
B. Introduction
C. Analysis
D. Methodology
7.IMRAD format is
A. Introduction, Method, Results And discussion
B. Indian, methods, Results and Dissemination
C. International method of result and department
D. Inter median radar and duty
8.Researchers present their findings in present visual displays summarizing the highlights
of the study in poster sessions.
A. Oral presentation
B. Written presentation
C. Poster presentation
D. Concerts
9.APA style or format of bibliography is
A. American Psychological Association
B. African press association
C. All India people association
D. American press association
10.It is a list of works (such as books and articles) written on a subject or by a author.
A. Bibliography
B. Research design
C. Computer analysis
D. Survey
11.It is important words/concepts help your research question or thesis.
A. Key word
B. Title
C. Integrity
D. Manipulation
12.The abstract should be in brief usually have
A. 200 to 300 words
B. More than 1000 words
C. 50 words and below
D. Unlimited words

1.Data collection about everyone or everything in group or population and has the
advantage of accuracy and detail:
A. Census
B. Tax
C. Encounter act
D. managing Data
2.The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is referred to as the:
A. Standard interval
B. Selection of data
C. Data migrant
D. Role analysis
3.Another name for a Histogram is:
A. Frequency distribution
B. Line graph
C. Bar diagram
D. Painting
4.Chi-square test is used to test:
A. Difference in proportions
B. Difference in means of two independent variables
C. Relationship between two bivariate variables
D. Validity
5.Effect size is used to calculate:
A. Data collection
B. Sample size
C. Population value
D. Mean
6.What is meant by range in statistics?
A. Value of middle observation
B. Difference between the highest and lowest value
C. Most commonly occurring value
D. Arithmetic mean
7.Shape of a normal curve is:
A. Symmetrical
B. Linear
C. Parabolic
D. Curvilinear
8.The Spearman's-Brown formula is used to estimate:
A. Internal consistency
B. Validity
C. Testing hypothesis
D. Sample size
9.The trust worthy and lack of valid in research or studies result , barriers in
A. Utilization of research
B. Economic imbalance
C. Lifestyle modification
D. Adaptation
10.The statistical analysis of data, by organize, summarize and describe measure of a
sample is
A. Sampling
B. Hypothesis
C. Power analysis
D. Descriptive statistics

11.It involves the estimation of at least one parameter, the use of interval or ratio level
data and assumptions of normally disputed variables.
A. Parametric test
B. level of significance
C. Null hypothesis
D. Dependent variable

12.. The systematic arrangement of values from lowest to highest is

A. Documenting
B. Labelling
C. Frequency distribution.
D. Coding
13. Data represented in the shape of Bars is called
A. Points
B. Meter
C. Arrows.
D. Histogram.

14. Unimodal distribution has

A. No peak point.
B. One peak or point
C. Two peak.
D. Flat

15. Bell shaped is symmetric , unimodal and not too peaked is

A. Normal distribution
B. data distribution
C. Community distribution
D. Interval confidence

16. The statistical measure that identifies a single score as representatives for entire
distribution or group.
A. Central tendency
B. Algebra
C. Geometry.
D. Scoring

17. The measures of central tendency of data includes

B. Chi square test
C. Mean.
D. Probability

18. The set of data occurs more number of times called

A. Mode.
B. Mean
C. Range
D. Median

19. The set of data which is the middle number from lower to highest value is
A. Median.
B. Mode
C. Standard deviations.
D. Ordinal variable.
20. Nominal Variables represents from
A. Rank.
B. Name.
C. c .Order
D. d .Intervals

21. It is the difference between the lower and highest number in the set
A. Flat.
B. Comparison
C. Range.
D. Level

22. Variance is simply the square root of

A. Standard deviations.
B. Mean
C. Mode.
D. Range

23. Correlation is
A. Measure Central Tendency
B. Dispersion
C. Measure the association between variable
D. Measure of variability.

24. Standard deviation is most common measure of.

A. Variability
B. Multiplication.
C. Probability.
D. Relativity

25. Hypothesis is relationship between.

A. Problem statement.
B. Dependent and independent variable.
C. Data analysis.

26. Type I error is .

A. Rejection of a null hypothesis when it is true
B. Documenting error.
C. Non rejection of a null hypothesis when it is false
D. Sampling error.
27. The statistical procedures enables researchers to make objective decision about the
validity of their hypothesis
A. Testing hypothesis
B. Manipulation
C. Sampling
D. Data collection

28. Adding all the numbers and then divided by the number of observation in the data
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Standard Deviation

29. Hypothesis testing and estimation is components of

A. Inferential statistics
B. Standard deviation
C. Graph.
D. Frequency distribution.

30. Parametric and non-parametric test is in..

A. Descriptive statistic.
B. Hypothesis.
C. Inferential statistics
D. Data collection
1. The main purpose of research in education is to
A.  Help in the personal growth of an individual
B. Help the candidate become an eminent educationist
C.  Increase social status of an individual
D. To increase money

2. Research is
A. Systematic and scientific method of solving problem
B. Simple calculation
C. Finding the issues
D. Social problem

3. Which of the following types of research involve at least control by the researcher to
implement the study treatment?
A. Correlational
B. Descriptive
C. Narrative study
D. Experimental

4. Defining the problem, literature review and formulating hypothesis involves in which
phase of Nursing research
A. Planning phase
B. Conceptual phase
C. Empirical phase
D. End phase

5. It is the specific queries researchers want to answer in addressing the research

problem is
A. Reports
B. Hypothesis
C. Research questions
D. Objectives

6. Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing published in

A. 1900
B. 1923
C. 1859
D. 1997
7. International journals of Nursing studies begin publication in
A. 2002
B. 1963
C. 2000
D. 1990

8. The specific accomplishments the researcher hopes to achieve by conducting study is

A. Demonstration
B. Research aims or objectives
C. Sampling
D. Journals

9. It is an expression of the dilemma or disturbing situation that needs investigation for

the purpose of providing understanding and direction.
A. Problem statement
B. Introduction
C. Review of literature
D. Communication

10. Inductive reasoning is the process developing reasoning from

A. From Specific to general
B. From general to specific
C. Natural reasoning
D. Brain storming

11. Evidence – based practice is adopted in Nursing to incorporates research findings in

care of
A. Consumers
B. Patients
C. Publishers
D. Researchers

12. Annual Review of Nursing Research begins publication

A. 1963
B. 1983
C. 1988
D. 2000

13. A study is undertaken by a research team, the person directing the investigation is
referred as
A. Consultants
B. Co-investigator
C. Informants
D. Project director
14. Systematic, abstract explanation of some aspect of reality is known as
A. Theory
B. Research setting
C. Evidence
D. Field work

15. When categorical variables take on only two values, they are called
A. Discrete variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Attribute variable
D. Dichotomous Variables

16. The presumed cause is

A. Outcome Variable
B. Continuous Variable
C. Active Variable
D. Independent variable

17. It is an influence that produces a distortion in the study results is called

A. Validity
B. Dependability
C. Credibility
D. Bias

18. Research dealing with meanings, patterns and experiences of a defined cultural group
in holistic fashion is
A. Epidemiology
B. Anthology
C. Neurology
D. Ethnography

19. Steps in Qualitative study consist of 5 phases, they are

A. Introduction phase, Implementation, Evaluation phase and Outcome phase
B. Input, throughput, channeling and output phase
C. Conceptual, Planning, Empirical, Analytic and Dissemination phase
D. Communication, Publication, Advertising and Distribution phase

20. It seeks to describe and understand key social psychological and structural processes
that occur in a social setting.
A. Clinical study
B. Experimental research
C. Grounded theory
D. Problem statement.
21. The study mainly concerned with the lived experiences of humans and is an approach
to thinking about what the life experiences of people.
A. Phenomenology
B. Statistical analyses
C. Main component study
D. Clinical framework

22. In Quantitative research steps, empirical phase involves

A. Collecting data and preparing for analysis
B. Sampling methods
C. Formulating problem statement
D. Operational definitions.

23. Refining in sampling and data collection is achieved by

A. Maturation
B. Population
C. Intervention
D. Saturation

24. Communicating the findings through the preparation of research reports are
A. Statistical phase
B. Planning phase
C. Conceptual phase
D. Dissemination phase

25. The researcher actively intervenes or introduce a treatment is called

A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Phenomenology
D. Experimental research

26. Deductive Reasoning is applied in

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Action research
D. Applied research

27.The Florence Nightingale is most noted for which of the following contributions to
nursing research?
A. Case study approach to research
B. Data collection and analysis
C. Framework and model development
D. Quasi-experimental study design

28. It has disciplinary roots in both philosophy and psychology.

A. Quasi experimental design
B. Phenomenology
C. Focus study
D. Electronic study
29. The risk anticipated to be no greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or
during routine physical or psychological tests or procedures is
A. Minimal risk
B. Expected risk
C. Benefit
D. Coercion

30. A design that unfolds in the course of a qualitative study as the researcher makes
ongoing design
A. Emergent design
B. Role play analysis
C. Budgeting
D. Quasi experimental design

31. The term used to indicate the placebo effect in which the knowledge of being included
in a study cause people to change their behaviors, thereby obscuring the variable of
A. Hawthorne effect
B. Internal validity
C. Manipulation
D. Maturation

32. Participants should be assured that their privacy will at all times be protected is known
A. Sponsorship
B. Potential risk
C. Confidentiality pledge
D. Compensation

33. Which of the following would identify the specific aim or goal of the study based on
the identified problem?
A. Purpose
B. Literature review
C. Methodology
D. Assumptions

34. Researcher should ensure participant privacy thorough out their study is
A. Confidentiality
B. Therapeutics
C. Informed consent
D. Deception

35. Researchers have fully described to participants their rights and the full nature of the
study is
A. Right to fair treatment
B. Right to full disclosure
C. Beneficence
D. Right to privacy
36. Participants who are fully informed about the nature of the research and its potential
risks and benefits in participating the study is
A. Prospective participants
B. Introverted participants
C. Observer
D. Mediator

37. Researchers usually documents the informed consent process by having participants
sign in a
A. Health form
B. Researcher form
C. Consent form
D. Cash form

38. Financial assistance is obtained to pay for research costs, the organization providing
the money is
A. Mentors
B. Peer reviewers
C. Viewers
D. Funder or Sponsor.

39. Representation of phenomena graphically, concepts and linkages by use of boxes ,

arrows or symbols is
A. Schematic models
B. Theory
C. Interventions
D. Calculations

40. A system of moral values that is concerned with the degree to which research
procedures adhere to professional, legal and social obligations to the study
A. Ethics
B. Emic perspective
C. Compound committee
D. Delphi methods
Model MCQ 4
1. Nominal Variables represents from
A. Rank.
B. Name.
C. Order
D. Intervals

1. It is the difference between the lower and highest number in the set
A. Flat.
B. Comparison
C. Range.
D. Level

2. Variance is simply the square root of

A. Standard deviations.
B. Mean
C. Mode.
D. Range

3. Correlation is
A. Measure Central Tendency
B. Dispersion
C. Measure the association between variable
D. Measure of variability

4. Standard deviation is most common measure of.

A. Variability
B. Multiplication.
C. Probability.
D. Relativity

5. Hypothesis is relationship between.

A. Problem statement.
B. Dependent and independent variable.
C. Data analysis
D. .D. ROL

6. Type I error is
A. Rejection of a null hypothesis when it is true
B. Documenting error
C. Non rejection of a null hypothesis when it is false
D. Sampling error
7. The statistical procedures enables researchers to make objective decision about
the validity of their hypothesis
A. Testing hypothesis
B. Manipulation
C. Sampling
D. Data collection

8. Adding all the numbers and then divided by the number of observation in the data
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Standard Deviation

9. Hypothesis testing and estimation is components of

A. Inferential statistics
B. Standard deviation
C. Graph.
D. Frequency distribution

10. Parametric and non-parametric test is in..

A. Descriptive statistic.
B. Hypothesis
C. Inferential statistics
D. Data collection

11. When there are two independent groups like control vs experimental.
A. t test
B. Geometric test.
C. Sampling.
D. Review of literature

12. Commonly used parametric procedure for testing difference between means
where there are three or more group
B. Chi square test.
C. Mean.
D. Standard deviation

13. The investigator examine multiple variable by inferential statistical test is.
A. Chi square test
B. Multivariate analysis
C. Sampling error
D. One-way ANOVA
14. Science of making effective use of numerical data which is related to collection
organizes analysis and interprets data.
A. Statistic
B. Geometric
C. Analytical
D. Applied science..

15. Arranging values in columns is called.

A. Tabulation
B. Modulation.
C. Communication.
D. E. Presentation.

16. It is a visual form of presentation of statistical data.

A. Arrangement
B. Probability.
C. Diagrammatic presentation of data..
D. Skewed distribution.

17. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called..

A. Statistic
B. Hypothesis.
C. Level of significance
D. Test – statistic.
19 The type of test is defined by which of following.
E. Null hypothesis
F. Simple hypothesis.
G. Alternative hypothesis.
H. Composite hypothesis

18. Relationship between mean , median and made is determined by the shape of the..
A. Variability.
B. Score
C. Distribution
D. Co- efficient.

19. It is describes the number of event’s or observation that are free to vary.
A. Formula.
B. Tabulation.
C. Degree of freedom.
D. Recording
1. In which of following Year, Bhore Committee submitted report for
recommendation of nursing profession?

2. In 1986 Which of following was established to promote research within and related
to nursing?

3. .In which of following year Nightingale Nursing Times was started by Noida ,Uttar
A. 2002
B. 2004
C. 2006
D. 2008
4. In 2009, which of the following university has started PhD in Nursing?
B. Zamia university

5. In 2013, Ministry of health and family welfare constituted......................committee of

nursing education and research.
A. Expert Advisory
B. Editorial
C. Executive
D. Executional

6. The most objective means of obtaining nursing knowledge is through:

A. Trial & error
B. Tradition
C. Scientific research
D. Authority

7. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set
of premises?
A. Rationalism
B. Deductive reasoning
C. Inductive reasoning
D. Probabilistic
8. Which of the following is inappropriate regarding the limitations of
scientific method?

A. Human Complexity
B. Problems of measurement
C. Problem of arranging research funds
D. Controlling external variables

9. which of the following is not true about the characteristics of good research?
A. Systemic process
B. Many researches require a lot t of funds
C. Continuity of process
D. Clear goal

10. The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge is typically built

from which type of research
A. Basic research
B. Action research
C. Evaluation research
D. Orientation research

11. Which of the following is not a purpose of EBP?

A. To improve patient care outcome
B. To obtain more research fund
C. To eliminate unsound practices
D. To provide high quality care

12. Which of the following is not the element of an informed consent?

A. Purpose of study
B. Subject selection process
C. Offer answer only for selected questions
D. Discloser of alternative procedure

13. Which of the following terms refers to the process of obtaining a 12- year-old
child’s agreement for participation in the study?
A. Informed assent
B. Consent of a minor
C. Collateral Consent
D. Minor
14. which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research?
A. Generalization to population
B. Unique case orientation
C. Random sampling
D. Standardized tests & measures

15. Which of the following is not a step of qualitative research process?

A. Formulation of research problem
B. Review of literature
C. Formulation of hypothesis
D. Meta-analysis of research study

16. Which of the following is inappropriate regarding the limitations of

scientific method?

A. Human Complexity
B. Problems of measurement
C. Problem of arranging research funds
D. Controlling external variables

17. which of the following is not true about the characteristics of good research?
A. Systemic process
B. Many researches require a lot t of funds
C. Continuity of process
D. Clear goal

18. The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge is typically built

from which type of research
A. Basic research
B. Action research
C. Evaluation research
D. Orientation research

19. Which of the following is not a purpose of EBP?

A. To improve patient care outcome
B. To obtain more research fund
C. To eliminate unsound practices
D. To provide high quality care

20. Which of the following is not the element of an informed consent?

A. Purpose of study
B. Subject selection process
C. Offer answer only for selected questions
D. Discloser of alternative procedure
21. Which of the following terms refers to the process of obtaining a 12- year-old
child’s agreement for participation in the study?
A. Informed assent
B. Consent of a minor
C. Collateral Consent
D. Minor
agreement E.

22. which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research?

A. Generalization to population
B. Unique case orientation
C. Random sampling
D. Standardized tests & measures

23. Which of the following is not a step of qualitative research process?

A. Formulation of research problem
B. Review of literature
C. Formulation of hypothesis
D. Research question

24. The statements of belief and ideas which are considered to be true are known as:
A. Hypothesis
B. Assumption
C. Conceptual definition
D. Operational definition

25. Hypothesis is relationship between………………..

A. Problem statement.
B. Dependent and independent variable.
C. Data analysis.
26. systematic scanning and critical search of literature is known as…

A. sampling
B. data collection
C. Review of literature
D. methodology’

27. Which of the following is type of primary source of literature review

A. Electronic sources
C. Online journals
D. Research article
28. Which of the following is first step of literature review
A. Identifying the relevant sources
B. Searching the literature
C. Analysing the literature
D. Understanding the concept of research problem

29. A database that is considered the premier bibliography database for providing
access for the biomedical literature is:
A. Google
C. Yahoo
D. MSN research

30. Why do you need to review the existing literature?

A. You enjoy reading the academic research on your topic.
B. Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count.
C. To find out what is already known about your area of interest.
D. To make sure you have a long list of references.

31. When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?
A. Recording the full URL
B. Noting the access dates
C. Downloading material to be referenced
D. They are all equally important

32. Literature review is not usually concerned with helping in

a. Objective setting.
b. Literary appreciation.
c. Research instrument design.
d. Subsequent data collection
33. The starting point for a literature search is
A. Secondary data
B. Primary data
C. Tertiary data
D. Some other data

34. What are the sources for primary data?

A. Sampling
B. Recorded Massage
C. Drawing
D. published data

35. What are the sources for secondary data?

A. . Cinemas
B. Stories
C. newspaper and books
D. .TV serial

36. The literature review will examine…..

A. Only facts .
B. All aspects of topic
C. Only one side of the main argument
D. .Only opinions

37. Which one of these is not normally used by researchers to store references?
A. Word processing software
B. Hand written index cards
C. Spread sheets
D. Panels

38. A literature review should include material that is……………

A. Directly related to your research question only .
B. Closely related to your research question only
C. From the wider sports literature, but not from non-sports literature
D. From any available discipline if relevant

39. In which phase of nursing research review of literature can be done?

A. Planning
B. Evaluation
C. Applying results
D. .Implementation
40. “It refers to the extent to which the results can be generalized to a large population”
is known as
A. Reliability
B. Internal validity
C. External validity

D.content validity
1. Evidence – based practice is adopted in Nursing to incorporates research
findings in care of
A. Consumers
B. Patients
C. Publishers
D. Researchers

2. Annual Review of Nursing Research begins

publication A. 1963
B. 1983
C. 1988
D. 2000

3. A study is undertaken by a research team, the person directing the investigation

is referred as
A. Consultants
B. Co-investigator
C. Informants
D. Project director

4. Systematic, abstract explanation of some aspect of reality is known as

A. Theory
B. Research setting
C. Evidence
D. Field work

5. When categorical variables take on only two values, they are called
A. Discrete variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Attribute variable
D. Dichotomous Variables

6. The presumed cause is

A. Outcome Variable
B. Continuous Variable
C. Active Variable
D. Independent variable
7. It is an influence that produces a distortion in the study results is called
A. Validity
B. Dependability
C. Credibility
D. Bias

8. Research dealing with meanings, patterns and experiences of a defined

cultural group in holistic fashion is
A. Epidemiology
B. Anthology
C. Neurology
D. Ethnography

9. Steps in Qualitative study consist of 5 phases, they are

A. Introduction phase, Implementation, Evaluation phase and Outcome phase
B. Input, throughput, channeling and output phase
C. Conceptual, Planning, Empirical, Analytic and Dissemination phase
D. Communication, Publication, Advertising and Distribution phase

10. It seeks to describe and understand key social psychological and structural
processes that occur in a social setting
A. Clinical study
B. Experimental research
C. Grounded theory
D. Problem statement.

10. The study mainly concerned with the lived experiences of humans and is an
approach to thinking about what the life experiences of people.
A. Phenomenology
B. Statistical analyses
C. Main component study
D. Clinical framework

11. In Quantitative research steps, empirical phase involves

A. Collecting data and preparing for analysis
B. Sampling methods
C. Formulating problem statement
D. Operational definitions.
12. Refining in sampling and data collection is achieved by
A. Maturation
B. Population
C. Intervention
D. Saturation

13. Communicating the findings through the preparation of research reports are
A. Statistical phase
B. Planning phase
C. Conceptual phase
D. Dissemination phase

14. The researcher actively intervenes or introduce a treatment is called

A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Phenomenology
D. Experimental research

15. Deductive Reasoning is applied in

A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Action research
D. Applied research
27. The Florence Nightingale is most noted for which of the following
contributions to nursing research?
A.Case study approach to research
B.Data collection and analysis
C.Framework and model development
D.Quasi-experimental study design

28. It has disciplinary roots in both philosophy and psychology.

A. Quasi experimental design
B. Phenomenology
C. Focus study
D. Electronic study
UNIT – II Research

29. The risk anticipated to be no greater than those ordinarily encountered in

daily life or during routine physical or psychological tests or procedures is
A. Minimal risk
B. Expected risk
C. Benefit
D. Coercion

30. A design that unfolds in the course of a qualitative study as the researcher makes
ongoing design
A. Emergent design
B. Role play analysis
C. Budgeting
D. Quasi experimental design

31. The term used to indicate the placebo effect in which the knowledge of being
included in a study cause people to change their behaviors, thereby obscuring
the variable of interest:
A. Hawthorne effect
B. Internal validity
C. Manipulation
D. Maturation

32. Participants should be assured that their privacy will at all times be protected is
known as
A. Sponsorship
B. Potential risk
C. Confidentiality pledge
D. Compensation

33. Which of the following would identify the specific aim or goal of the
study based on the identified problem?
B.Literature review
34. Researcher should ensure participant privacy thorough out their study is
A. Confidentiality
B. Therapeutics
C. Informed consent
D. Deception
35. Researchers have fully described to participants their rights and the full nature of
the study is
A. Right to fair treatment
B. Right to full disclosure
C. Beneficence
D. Right to privacy

36. Participants who are fully informed about the nature of the research and its
potential risks and benefits in participating the study is
A. Prospective participants
B. Introverted participants
C. Observer
D. Mediator
38. Researchers usually documents the informed consent process by having
participants sign in a
A. Health form
B. Researcher form
C. Consent form
D. Cash form

39. Financial assistance is obtained to pay for research costs, the organization
providing the money is
A. Mentors
B. Peer reviewers
C. Viewers
D. Funder or Sponsor

40. Representation of phenomena graphically, concepts and linkages by use of

boxes , arrows or symbols is
A. Schematic models
B. Theory
C. Interventions
D. Calculations
41. A system of moral values that is concerned with the degree to which
research procedures adhere to professional, legal and social obligations
to the study participants.
A. Ethics
B. Emic perspective
C. Compound committee
D. Delphi methods
81. The systematic over-representation or under- representation of some segment of the
population is
a. Strata
b. Sampling Bias
c. Sampling methods
d. Representative sampling

82. Using the most conveniently available people as study participants is

a. Chain sampling
b. Network sampling
c. Convenience sampling
d. Theory based sampling

83. Based on the belief that researchers’ knowledge about the population can be used to
hand pick sample is known as
A. Judgmental sampling
B. Snow ball sampling
C. Convenience sampling
D. Accidental sampling

84. In simple random sampling , the researcher list elements from which the sample will
be chosen is
A. Sampling frame
B. Population
C. Control
D. Sampling error

85. It involves the selection of every k-th case from a list or group, in order to maintain
sampling interval is called
A. Cluster sampling
B. Multistage sampling
C. Systematic sampling
D. Disproportionate sampling design
86. It can be used to estimate sample size need for the study
A. Power analysis
B. Homogeneity
C. Estimation
D. Field work

87. The population is first divided into two or more strata , homogeneous subsets are
randomly selected is
A. Simple random sampling
B. Stratified random sampling
C. Accidental sampling
D. Cluster Sampling

88. It refers to the difference between population value and sample value
A. Sampling error
B. Sampling design
C. Sampling interval
D. Random sampling

89. A question used to obtain retrospective information about the chronology of events
and activities in people’s lives
A. Behavioral objectives
B. Basic social process
C. Calendar questions
D. Rating scale

90. In-person interviewing in which the interviewers read questions from and enter
responses onto, a laptop or computer.
A. Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI)
B. Telephonic
C. Focus interviewing
D. Out box interviewing
91. The gathering of information to address a research problem from the samples.
A. Evidence
B. Validity
C. Date representation
D. Data collection

92. A variable having only two values or categories are called

A. Dichotomous variable
B. Univariate variable
C. Discriminant validity
D. Data set

93. The variable that intervene between the independent variable and dependent
variable is known as
A. Complexity
B. Mediating variables
C. Constant variables
D. Infinite variables

94. An interview stimulated and guided by photographical images

A. . A. Personal interview
B. Group interview
C. Photo elicitation
D. Observational method

95. A good information’s can be gathered by questioning people is

A. Itervienwing
B. Objectivity and aims
C. Sampling
D. Set of scores and rating colors

96. Early participant of the study make referrals to other participants is called
A. Snow ball sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Sampling error
D. Cluster sampling
97. The mechanism which used to collect data is
A. Impact analysis
B. Instrument or Tool
C. Consent
D. Replication

98. The most common type of composite scale is

A. Likert scale
B. Visual analog scale
C. Checklists
D. Receipt

99. It consists of two halves that are mirror images of one another.
A. Skewed distribution
B. Range
C. Normal (or) symmetric distribution
D. Median

100. What is the purpose of data collection ?

A. Collecting information
B. Communication
C. To test hypothesis
D. Multiplication

. 101. The data is collected for the first time is called

A. Secondary data
B. Primary data
C. Researcher data
D. Sampling

102. What are the sources for primary data

A. Short films
B. Drawing
C. Analysis
D. Personal data
103. What are the sources for secondary data
A. Ci nemas
B. Stories
C. Public records, newspaper and books
D. TV serials

104. What elements should be check during collection of secondary data

A. Reliability, suitability and adequacy of data
B. Reliability, suitability and time of data
C. Suitability, adequacy and analysis of data
D. Communicability

105. Who is active role in observation method in the field

A. The observer
B. The participant
C. The observer and participant
D. Teacher

106. Personal interview conducted in survey method is

A. Unstructured interview
B. Instrument
C. Participant and non participant interview
D. No method

107. How many interviews are required in group interview method

A. Not required
B. 2 to 3 interviews
C. Continuous
D. 6 to 8 interviews

108. What are the disadvantages in observation method

A. Equipment’s
B. Cheap
C. No resources
D. Time Consuming , Expensive and Limited information
109. In descriptive research which is the best way method to collect the data
A. No Communication
B. No interviews
C. No Direct observation
D. Direct observation ,Communication and Personal interviews

110. Which is the key area for collection of data in observation method
A. Field
B. Availability of data
C. Time
D. Space

111. When the observation is takes place in natural phenomenon is called as

A. Voluntary observation
B. Controlled observation
C. uncontrolled observation
D. No observations

112. When the observation is takes place in pre arranged phenomenon is called as
A. uncontrolled observation
B. non voluntary observation
C. Controlled observation
D. Sampling

113. In which way collect the information from personal interviews

A. Telephonic call
B. Face to face contact
C. Email

114. What are merits in telephonic interview method

A. Vague
B. Slow
C. Poor response
D. Flexible , Faster and high response
115. How the data should be
A. Reliability
B. Analysis and statics
C. Observable and measurable.
D. Validity

116. How many types and sources of data collection

A. Voluntary and involuntary
B. Direct and indirect
C. Primary and secondary
D. Compulsory data

117. What is the characteristics of closed ended question

A. Respondent make a choice between more than two responses
B. Respondent make a choice between two responses
C. Respondent make a choice with single response
D. Respondent make a descriptive statement

118. What is the characteristics of multiple-choice question

A. Respondent need to select from more than two responses.
B. Respondent need to select from two responses.
C. Respondent need to select from single response.
D. No Respondent

119. The respondent provide answer YES or NO with reason is called as

A. Closed ended question
B. Multiple choice question
C. Contingency question
D. Rating scale

120. What is question helps to judge the POOR to GOOD.

A. Check list
B. Rating question
C. Questionnaire
D. D. MC

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