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Final Project Report

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The terms ground improvement and ground modification refer to the improvement in or
modification to the engineering properties of soil that are carried out at a site where the soil in
its natural state does not possess properties that are adequate for the proposed Civil
Engineering activity.

Ground improvement refers to any procedure undertaken to increase the shear strength,
decrease the permeability and compressibility, or otherwise render the physical properties of
soil more suitable for projected engineering use. A large number of methods have been
developed for ground improvement from ground surface to depths of 20 m or more by in-situ
treatment. The improvement may be accomplished by drainage, compaction, preloading,
reinforcement, and grouting, electrical, chemical or thermal methods. Among the various soil
stabilization procedures, the most suitable one is selected depending upon the type of soil
available, time, cost involved etc.

Excavating the poor soil and replacing it with soil having desired properties is normally
economical only when soil has to be treated down to a depth of 3 m and the water table is
below 3m. If the water table is high, lowering of water table prior to excavation has to be
carried out by dewatering techniques, which are expensive.

Grouting is quite a familiar technique in the field of civil engineering, especially in

foundation engineering. The technology of grouting finds applications in almost all the fields
of foundation engineering such as seepage control in rock and soil under dams, advancing
tunnels, cut off walls etc. The primary purpose of grouting is to fill the voids of the formation
material by replacing the existing fluids with the grout and thereby improving the engineering
properties of the medium especially reducing the permeability.

Grouting is effective in both sand and silt deposits. Grouts are liquid suspensions or solutions
that are injected into the soil mass to improve its behaviour. Such liquids can permeate into
the void space of the soil and bind the soil particles together. For medium sands or coarser
materials the grout used most often is slurry of water and cement. This slurry however,
cannot enter into the void space of fine sand and silts for which chemical grouts are used.

Grouts can be broadly classified as suspension grouts and solution grouts. Suspension grouts
consist of small-size solid particles dispersed in a liquid medium. These include cement
grouts, that is, slurry of cement in water; soil-cement grouts consisting of slurry of soil and
cement in water; and bentonite grouts comprising slurry of bentonite in water. Cement grouts
are the most widely used and usually have water and cement in the ratio ranging from 10:1 to

Properties of a grout are described in terms of five parameters: grout ability, stability, setting
time, permanence and toxicity. Grouting methods for soils are classified as permeation
grouting, compaction grouting, hydro fracture grouting and jet grouting. Cement grout not
only fills the voids and reduces permeability but also sets with time and binds the soil grains
together. As a consequence, the strength of soil mass increases and its compressibility
decreases. Sometimes cement in a grout is replaced by clay to reduce the cost

Chapter 2 presents a detailed review of the literature available on the investigations carried
out by earlier researchers. Some important properties of grouted medium viz, strength,
settlement and permeability are discussed. The behaviour of cement grout used in grouting
are also presented. Previous works on the strength and permeability of grouted soils are
presented and the scope of the present work is also brought out in this chapter.

An account of the materials used and the testing methods adopted in the present investigation
are given in Chapter 3. The selection and preparation of grouting materials and the medium to
be grouted are explained. Detailed accounts of the testing methods are also presented.

Chapter 4 presents the results of the investigations carried out on ungrouted and grouted sand.
The effect of the grain size and improvement in load carrying capacity of sandy soils on
densification is clearly brought out through load tests conducted on these sand beds. The
improvement in the shear strength of the loose sandy soil on cement grouting is discussed in
detail. The influence of the cement content, curing period and initial water content are

Chapter 4 also presents the results of the compressive strength tests conducted on cement
grouted samples with cement content, curing period and initial water content as variables. A
comparison between the results from shear strength tests and compressive strength tests and
correlation between them are given in this chapter.

Chapter 5 discusses the design and fabrication of the grouting set up and results of
investigations carried out on prepared sand beds in steel tanks, using this grouting set up. The
results obtained from the measurement of cross section area of grouted mass and
determination of cement content by chemical analysis at different radial distances and depths
are presented. The results of the load tests conducted on the cement grouted sand beds and
the influence of the admixtures in improving the lateral flow of the grout are also presented in
this chapter.


Soil classification is the arrangement of soils into different groups such that the soils in a
particular group have similar behaviour. It is a sort of labelling of soils with different labels.
As there is a wide variety of soils covering the earth, it is desirable to systematize or classify
the soils into broad groups of similar behaviour.


The size of an individual particle has an important influence on the behaviour of soils. It is
not surprising that the first classification of soils was based on the particle size. It is a general
practise to classify the soils into four broad groups, namely, gravel, sand, silt size, grain size.

Some of the classification system based on particle size alone is discussed below:-

 MIT System – MIT system of classification of soils was developed by Prof. G. Gilboy
at Massachusetts Institute of technology in USA. In this system soil is classified into
four groups:-
 Gravel, particle size greater than 2 mm.
 Sand, particle size between 0.06 mm to 2 mm.
 Silt size, particle size between 0.002 mm to 0.06 mm.
 Clay size, particle size smaller than 0.002 mm.
 International Classification System – The International Classification System was
proposed for general use at the International Soils Congress held as Washington in
1927. In this system, in addition to sand, silt, and clay a term mo has been used for
soil particles in the size range between sand and silt.
 U.S. Bureau of Soils Classification – This is one of the earliest classification systems
developed in 1895 by U.S. Bureau of soils .In this system , the soils below the size
0.005 mm are classified as clay size in contrast to 0.002 mm size in another systems,

The soils between 0.005 mm and 0.05 mm size are classified as silt size. Sandy soils
between the size 0.05 mm and 1 mm are subdivided into four categories as very fine,
fine, medium and coarse sands. Fine gravels are in the size range of 1 mm to 2 mm.


Soil textures are classified by the fractions of each soil separate (sand, silt, and clay) present
in a soil. Classifications are typically named for the primary constituent particle size or a
combination of the most abundant particles sizes, e.g. "sandy clay" or "silty clay". A fourth
term, loam, is used to describe a roughly equal concentration of sand, silt, and clay, and lends
to the naming of even more classifications, e.g. "clay loam" or "silt loam".

In the United States, twelve major soil texture classifications are defined by the USDA.

Determining the soil textures is often aided with the use of a soil texture triangle.

Fig 1.1 Textural Classification system

1.2.3 AAHTO Classification System
The AASHTO Soil Classification System was developed by the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials, and is used as a guide for the classification of
soils and soil-aggregate mixtures for highway construction purposes. The classification
system was first developed by Hogentogler and Terzaghi in 1929,[1] but has been revised
several times since.

Fig 1.1 AASHTO Soil Classification system (from AASHTO M 145 or ASTM D3282)

1.2.4 Unified Soil Classification System

The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is a soil classification system used in
engineering and geology to describe the texture and grain size of a soil. The classification
system can be applied to most unconsolidated materials, and is represented by a two-letter
symbol. Each letter is described below (with the exception of Pt):

If the soil has 5–12% by weight of fines passing a #200 sieve (5% < P#200 < 12%), both
grain size distribution and plasticity have a significant effect on the engineering properties of
the soil, and dual notation may be used for the group symbol. For example, GW-GM
corresponds to "well-graded gravel with silt."

If the soil has more than 15% by weight retained on a #4 sieve (R#4 > 15%), there is a
significant amount of gravel, and the suffix "with gravel" may be added to the group name,
but the group symbol does not change. For example, SP-SM could refer to "poorly graded
SAND with silt" or "poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel."

Table 1.1 Unified Soil Classification system

1.2.5 Indian Standard Classification System

In the Indian Standard Soil Classification System (ISSCS), soils are classified into groups
according to size, and the groups are further divided into coarse, medium and fine sub-

The grain-size range is used as the basis for grouping soil particles into boulder, cobble,
gravel, sand, silt or clay. Gravel, sand, silt, and clay are represented by group symbols G, S,
M, and C respectively.

Table 1.2 Soil Particle Size

Type Size
Very coarse soils Boulder size

Cobble size > 300 mm

Coarse soils 300-80 mm

Gravel type (G) Gravel size

Coarse 80-20 mm
Fine 20-4.75mm

Sand type (S) Sand size

Coarse 4.75-2mm
Medium 2-0.475mm
Fine 0.475-0.075mm
Silt type (M) 0.075-0.002mm

Clay size (C) <0.002mm

Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Grouting, which has several applications in the field of civil engineering, was once
considered as a mysterious operation. The effectiveness of grouting requires a lot of
understanding, skill, meticulous attention and an intuitive perception. Even though grouting
was started 200 years ago; it was treated for a long time, as an art which eluded scientific
investigation and improvement. Its performance was for some time, more or less a privilege
and a well protected secret of a few specialist companies. The curious image of grouting is
changing slowly, as research and development broaden our knowledge in this area.

Grouting is a procedure by means of which grout is injected into voids, fissures, crevices or
cavities in soil or rock formation in order to improve their properties, specifically to reduce
permeability, to improve strength or to reduce the deformability of formations. Grouting has
a wide application in modern civil engineering. It reduce the permeability of formations
under the water retaining structures, control the erosion of soil, increase the strength of
materials below foundation of heavy structures and or reduce the deformability of the
material in the foundation, fill the voids between rock and tunnel linings, form cut off walls,
fill voids for rehabilitation etc.

Grout is injected under pressure into the material to be grouted until it fills the desired
volume of material around the hole or until the maximum specified pressure is attained and a
specific minimum grout flow is reached. From injected watery suspensions, injected water is
squeezed out in the pores and the compacted mass of the injected compound fills the fissures
and voids.

2.2 Strength improvement on densification

Numerous instances arise of soils at a site being of inadequate strength to support a proposed
structure and for which the needed improvement cannot be obtained using such method as
vibration, rolling or preloading, either because of the inapplicability of these methods at such
sites or because of economic considerations.

Soil compaction can offer effective solutions for many foundation problems, and is
especially useful for reducing total settlements in sands. However, efficient use of soil

compaction methods requires that the geotechnical engineer understands all factors that
influence in compaction process carefully. The poor quality soils, especially their low bearing
capacity, make it necessary to improve their properties by stabilization. Soil compaction
requires geotechnical competence and careful planning on the part of the design engineer.
The selection of the most suitable method depends on a variety of factors, such as: soil
conditions, required degree of the compaction, type of structure to be supported, maximum
depth of compaction, as well as site specific considerations such as sensitivity of adjacent
structures or installations, available time for completion of the project, competence of the
contractor, access to equipment and materials etc.

For cohesion less soil with dominant particle-size increase the angle of shearing resistance
increases with increase of particle- size, at both constant density and constant relative density.
However, the increase for constant density is insignificant compared to that in the case of
constant relative density. For increase in relative density for any particle size of cohesion less
soils, there is a definite increase in angle of shearing resistance. But the rate of increase of
angle of shearing resistance with respect to relative density is much higher at bigger size
particles, compared to that of lower sizes.

2.3 Grouting technique

Soil stabilization with cement grouts injected under pressure has come into widespread use in
construction. At present, the method of grouting is highly prevalent in a number of branches
of structural engineering; in hydraulic engineering for the building of anti seepage curtains;
for imparting monolithic and impenetrability to the concrete masonry of structures; in mining
for the opening of shafts, side drifts, and other workings; and in foundation engineering for
the reinforcement of existing foundations beneath buildings and structures as well for
strengthening the soils in their beds. The primary merits of the method of grouting lie in its
technical simplicity, convenience of use, and high reliability of the results achieved.
Moreover, the method is sufficiently economic, and does not require complex equipment, and
is also ecologically safe for the environment.

Permeation grouting is commonly used in geotechnical engineering either to reduce the

permeability or improve the mechanical properties of soil and rock. Success in a given
grouting operation requires that the desired improvements in the properties of the formation
are attained. Grouts are generally categorized as suspension, or particulate grouts, which are
prepared with Ordinary Portland or other cements, clays, or cement- clay mixtures, and fine

sand in some cases, and solution, or chemical grouts which include sodium –silicate
acrylamide, acrylates, lignosulfonates, phenoplast and aminoplast as well as other material
that have no particles in suspension .

Jet grouting done to stabilize underlying marine clay, using double fluid system, a thick layer
of jet grouting pile provided from 5m thick using ultra high pressure cement grout injection
that cuts and mixes with the soil to be treated with cement grout under controlled insertion,
rotation and withdrawal. The formed jet grouting pile, increase in shear strength and acts as a
barrier forming impermeable strata, struts the sheet pile as structural support for excavation.

Compaction grouting could be effectively used to mitigate liquefaction of the susceptible

soils. The greatest improvement from grouting was achieved in sands. Silts were also
improved but the grouting was less effective.

Micro fine cement suspensions with a water: cement ratio of 4 or higher can be successfully
injected into fine sand (D10 as low as 0.15 mm with a hydraulic radius as small as 0.002 mm)
under a pressure of about 10 psi and will have a depth of penetration of at least one-half
meter. Cement particles are captured around the contact points between sand grains and are
deposited on the grain surface to form a thick cake, which, upon hardening, provides the
grouted mass with improved mechanical properties. Micro fine cement grouts are being
proposed increasingly as an alternative to chemical grouts (which often contain one or more
toxic components) for grouting fine sands, but their successful use is influenced strongly by
the relationship between the suspended solids (individual particles or particle aggregations) in
the grout the pores in the porous medium. Although advocated by some practitioners, the use
of concentrated (low water: cement ratio) suspensions and high injection pressures can lead
to non-homogeneity in the grouting of a soil formation due to the development of preferential
paths during injection or hydraulic fracturing of the soil mass.

The concept of a limiting effect or a boundary effect of grouting is of great value in both
theoretical research and the practical application of grouted sand. The selection of grouting
for a specific job is mainly affected by the amount of improvement, in strength and/ or
stiffness, that can be achieved, and the limitations for this improvement with increased depth
or confinement. Particle size distributions are used in characterizing the soil and to determine
the grout ability of soils.

The permeability and strength of grouted sand is strongly influenced by the method of
grouting because different mechanism governs the deposition and packing of cement particles
within the pore structure. During the injection process, preferential flow paths allow the
migration of cement particles into the soil, and micro-structural packing undoubtedly varies
within the pores of the grouted sand, this is in contrast to the more uniform distribution of
cement particles in hand-mixed specimens .

The grout ability ratio is not a universally applicable criterion, and values large or smaller
than the limiting value of 25 do not necessarily indicated success or failure, respectively, of a
specific grouting operation using a particulate grout; experimental evidence suggests that the
grain size distribution and relative density of fine sands may control the grouting operation .

2.4 Grouting materials

The selection of the appropriate grout compound to be injected depends on the effect to be
achieved and on the properties of the injected materials to be permeated. Two classes of
grouting materials are generally recognized; suspension type grouts and solution type grouts.
The suspension type grout include soil, cement, lime, asphalt, emulsion, etc. while the
solution type grouts include a wide variety of chemicals such as sodium silicates acrylamide,
lignosulphonates, aminoplast, phenoplast, etc.

Cement based grout mixtures can be investigated in soil laboratories in order to study their
flow characteristics, bleeding, consistency, and gelatine, time of set, density, compressive
strength and pH. Simple testing procedures such as flow cone, bleeding and compressive
strength tests are usually sufficient for the development of thin grout mixtures which are not
injected under flowing water conditions and, therefore, gelling is not a fundamental

In order to take into account the effect of cement grout in the pores of the granular material,
adhesive forces were added at each contact point to the mechanical forces determined from
the external stresses applied on the granular assembly. The magnitude of those adhesive
forces depends on the nature of the grout and on the concentration of the grout in cement
particles. The expression of this adhesive force as a function of cement content is based on
extensive experimental work performed on grouted sand.

The grout ability of sand with acrylamide grout was influenced by the fines content. The
grout pressure fines content relationship was nonlinear. Unconfined compressive strength of

grouted sand was influenced by the particle size and gradation, density, and fines content of

Suspended particles with an equivalent diameter less than about one third the hydraulic radius
of porous medium will pass through the medium and be present in the effluent.

Improving ground strength, considerations should include the ease with which the cement
may be introduced and the robustness of the strength. Portland cement gives a more ductile
and strain hardening response compared with the other cements studied.

The most relevant factor for assessing grouting effectiveness is the amount of grout retained by the
soil, which depends on grouting procedure (grouting pressure and time), moisture conditions, time
and soil state variables (void ratio and initial water content) .

2.5 Shear strength of grouted soils

Cement grouting can be profitably used for strengthening foundation beds. The shear strength
parameters, c & Ø, shows phenomenal increase when grouted with cement. The cement and
water ratio of the grout acts as a key parameter in the control of strength gain of sandy soils.
The investigation on improvement of bearing capacity of sandy soils by grouting shows that
there is considerable promise and scope for developing cement grouting as technique to
improve foundation beds and their bearing capacity, especially in case of cohesion less soils.

Cement grouting by impregnation in granular media is a widely used technique in civil

engineering, applied in order to improve the mechanical characteristics of soils. The idea
consists in incorporating a pressurized cement grout in the pore space of the soil. The setting
of cement grout in the pore space increases both the strength and stiffness. The resulting
microstructure is a heterogeneous material made up of sand grains, cement and pores. The
injection by impregnation method does not modify the structure of the granular assembly.
Several experimental studies on reference sand have been devoted to the increase of the
strength due to cement grouting. These works show that the grouted material remains a
frictional one, the strength of which is correctly modelled by Mohr –Coulomb criterion.
Grouting is mainly responsible for the grain in cohesion by the material and only marginally
affects the friction angle.

The cohesion linearly varies with cement content, the magnitude of the cohesion gained by
grouting and also the friction angle is a slightly increasing function of cement content. The
increase in angle of friction is negligible with respect to cohesion.
At a medium porosity, the shear box gives angle Ø the same order as that of given by the
triaxial. Denser samples give a higher angle in the shear box, looser samples a lower angle.

Introduction of a cementing agent into sand produces a material with two components of
strength- that due to the cement itself and that due to friction. The friction angle of cemented
sand is similar to that of uncemented sands. Weakly cemented sand shows a brittle failure
mode at low confining pressures with a transition to ductile failure at higher confining
pressures. For brittle type cementing agents, the cementation bonds are broken at very low
strains while the friction component is mobilized at large strains. Density, grain size
distribution, grain shapes and grain arrangements all have a significant effect on the
behaviour of cemented sand.

soils belongs to the soil cemented with Portland cement. Increasing the confining stress, the
shear strength of soil cemented with Portland cement drops lower than the shear strength of
the soil cemented with gypsum. However, it is still higher than the shear strength of soil
cemented with lime. The rate of increase in shear strength of soils cemented with Portland
cement reduces with increase in confining stress when the amount of cementation is low.
When the cement content increases to 4.5% the shear strength of the soil cemented with
Portland cement is always higher than the shear strength of the soil cemented with gypsum
and lime. In low cement contents and low confining pressures the highest shear strength of

The addition of a cementing agent to a wind-blown sand (cohesion less material) with
uniform size distribution produces a material with two strength components- that due to
cementation or true cohesion and that due to friction. The angle of internal friction for the
treated sands is not much different from that of the untreated sand. Peak strength as well as
initial tangent modulus values, increase with an increase in curing period, confining pressure,
cement content and density.

Grouted sand prepared in the laboratory by injection of very fine cement, the friction angle is
almost unchanged by the injection treatment. The Mohr Coulomb cohesion varies between
0.1 and 0.5MPa depending on the cement content of the grout and the relative density of the
soil and increase in proportion with the cement – to – water ratio.

The shear strength of the cemented soil measured in conventional triaxial tests can be
determined as a function of the unconfined compressive strength and the uncemented friction

2.6 Compressive strength
The gradation and type of sand influenced the compressive properties of grouted sand. The
compressive strength increased with the increase of uniformity coefficient of the sand (better
gradation) and with the increase of the particle’s angularity. For curing periods beyond 28
days and up to 2 years the variation in the unconfined compressive strength, modulus, and
strain at peak were very small compared with the properties at 28 days.

The structure of grouting media (porosity, permeability coefficient), grouting pressure,

grouting time, water cement ratio are the four factors controlling the compressive strength of
grouted gravels and diffusing radius of grout in sandy gravel layers. Compressive strength of
grouted gravels increases with the increase of grouting pressure, porosity, grouting time and
decreases with the increase of water cement ratio.

The compressive strength of the grouted soil specimens was decreased and the permeability
of grouted samples was increased due to an increase in water cement ratio. The Dr of the soil
affected the injection and an increase in the Dr decreased the grout ability of the soil. The
compressive strength of grouted samples slightly decreased with an increase in the Dr. an
increase in the finer content in soil increased the grouting pressure while decreasing the grout
ability of soil medium.

Generally, an increase in strength is observed with increasing moisture content until a

maximum value is reached, after which the strength decreases. It appears that this effect of
moisture content varies with the cement content. The reduction in the porosity of the
compacted mixture greatly improves the strength. Hence the unconfined compression
strength increased approximately exponentially with a reduction in the porosity of the
compacted mixture.

Grouting generally is used to fill voids in the ground (fissures and porous structures) with the
aim to increase resistance against deformation, to supply cohesion, shear strength and
uniaxial compressive strength or finally (even more frequently) to reduce conductivity and
interconnected porosity in an aquifer. The strength of grouted sand was influenced by particle
size and distribution and fines content of soil while the permeability of grouted sands did not
vary with soil properties.

2.7 Permeability studies on grouted sandy soils

Hydraulic conductivity defines the capacity of a porous medium to conduct a particular fluid,
and is a function of both the medium and the fluid. The permeability and strength of grouted
sand is strongly influenced by the method of grouting because different mechanisms govern
the deposition and packing of cement particle within the pore structure.

Cement grouting was mostly confined to seepage control but it can be profitably used for
strengthening foundation bed also. The penetrability of soils, which can be characterized by
the permeability and the dispersivity of the cement - water suspension, which can be
characterized by its grain size distribution; serve as criteria for defining the possibility of the
impregnation of a soil by cement grout.

Grouting of granular materials is usually done to arrest or reduce water movement, to

strengthen the material for the purpose of on creasing bearing capacity or reducing settlement
under existing loads, or both of these functions. Grouting is also done to increase shearing
resistance for stability against lateral movement. Grout fills cavities, joints and fractures by a
process of sedimentation. It is forced into the openings and then has excess water squeezed
out by the pressure exerted on the grout and by a combination of these two functions. With
the above in mind it follows that both grout mixes and injection methods should be adjusted
to fit the character of the openings to be filled with grout.

The permeability of stabilized sand may increase remarkably due to flow channels caused by
the shear stress increment and that the relationship between the permeability of stabilized
sand and the shear stress increment depends upon density, grain size and type of chemical
grout. In sands stabilized by silicate grout, the permeability of stabilized sand with large grain
size increases remarkably owing to shear deformation, irrespective of density. On the other
hand, if the grain size of stabilized sand is small, the permeability does not increase
excessively as long as dilatancy does not occur.

The permeability of a cement grout can be improved by increasing the milling fineness of the
cement, or by reducing or completely eliminating the coarse fraction. Certain basic properties
of the cement grout are improved with increasing milling fineness; separation of the grout is
reduced, a more uniform structure is created with respect to density, the rate and volume of
water is lowered, and the strength of the cement stone is enhanced.

An increase in w/c ratio of grout increased the permeability of soils decreased the strength of
grouted samples and, therefore, some of the grouted samples were not taken form moulds due
to insufficient hardening. It also negatively affected the permeability of grouted samples.

For grout injected specimens, decreasing the water to cement ratio of the grout and increasing
the curing time significantly lowered the permeability and increasing the strength, whereas
increasing the distance from the injection point had little effect on the permeability and
produced meaningful reductions in strength. These trends are consistent with the sand acting
as a filter for the grout suspension.

For hand mixed specimens, in which a predetermined percentage of voids in the sand was
filled with grout, the void volume percentage of grout filled voids was, by far, the most
influential factor (as opposed to water to cement ratio and time) in decreasing the
permeability of the sand, whereas the water to cement ratio of the grout and the curing time
most influence the strength. cement content of injected specimens was than that of
corresponding hand mixed specimens, the permeability of injected specimens was greater
than that of hand mixed specimens, thus indicating that the permeability of grouted sand
depends not only on the amount of cementitious particle in the void spaces but on the
distribution of the cement and resulting structure of the grouted sand, which are influenced by
the grouting procedure.

The permeability of granular soils depends mainly on the cross-sectional areas of the pore
channels. Since the average diameter of the pores in a soil at a given porosity increases in
proportion to the average grain size, the permeability of granular soils might be expected to
increase as the square of some characteristics grain size designated as the effective grain size.
The permeability of granular soils may decrease substantially on account of the presence of
even small amounts of fine silt and clay sized particles.

2.8 Scope of the work

The constructional activities in the coastal belt of our country often demand deep foundations
because of the poor engineering properties and the related problems arising from weak soil at
shallow depths. The soil profile in coastal area often consists of very loose fine sandy soil
extending to a depth of 3 to 4 m from ground level underlain by clayey soils of medium
consistency. The very low shearing resistance of the foundation bed causes local as well as
punching shear failure. Hence the structures built on these soils may suffer from excessive

settlements. This type of soil profile is very common in coastal areas of Kerala, especially in
Cochin. Further, the high water table and limited depth of the top sandy layer in these areas
restrict the depth of foundation thereby further reducing the safe bearing capacity.
Strengthening of these loose sandy soils at shallow depths through economical techniques
such as grouting could be a possible solution for these foundation problems.

Even though grouting has found several applications in the practice of civil engineering;
studies on grouts and grouting have been very limited. Grouting often has to serve the
primary purpose of filling the voids or replacing the existing fluids in voids by the grout with
a view to improve the engineering properties of the grouted medium. Cement grouting is the
most important and the most widely used method in the construction industries for reducing
the mass permeability and increasing the strength of formations. They develop the strength
and become impermeable when the cement hydrates and cures into a system of interlocking
crystals. Even today the grouting operations are based on thumb rules and existing practices
rather than design principles and well defined procedures substantiated by research data.
Hence a systematic study on the behaviour of cement grouted loose sandy soils will be of
immense help to the engineering community.

2.9 Objectives of the present study

The objectives of the present investigation are

1. To study the improvement in load carrying capacity of different fractions of loose sandy

2. To investigate the effect of cement grouts on the shear strength of loose sandy soils.

3. To arrive at a useful correlation between the shear strength and compressive strength of
grouted sand.

4. To develop a grouting setup for conducting model studies in the laboratory.

5. To assess the grouting efficiency through various methods such as measurement of cross
section dimensions of the grouted mass, determination of cement contents at different points
and by conducting load tests on the grouted sand beds.

6. To study the effectiveness of grouting in reducing the permeability of granular medium.

Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
The efficiency of grouting is mainly dependent on the properties of the grouting materials and
appropriate grouting technique. The success of the grouting is dependent on selection and
type of grout materials, type of grouted medium, grout mix design and suitable grouting
techniques. The specific mechanical properties that are important in the selection of a grout
for a specific job include penetrability and strength.

The technology of grouting has wide range of applications, varying from filling large fissures
in rock to alluvial grouting. . The aim of the present investigation is to control the properties
of grout materials and thereby to improve the bearing capacity and to reduce the permeability
of loose sand medium. Wide range of grouting materials is available in the field of grouting,
ranging from suspension grouts to solution grouts.

In the present study, suspension grouts have been used. Granular medium was chosen as the
formation to be grouted. The details of the grouting materials, grouting medium, grouting
procedure and testing methods are presented in the following sections.

3.2 Materials
The selection of proper grouting materials depends upon the type of granular medium and the
purpose of grouting. Cement, bentonite, clay and lime are the grouting materials normally
used for grouting a granular medium. In the present study sand was used as the grouting
medium and cement (without admixtures), was used as the grouting materials.

3.2.1 Sand
Sand was used as grouting medium for this study. River sand procured from the river bank of
Ganga near dattiyana road, Bijnor.

River sand of three grades - fine (75 µm-425 µm), medium (425 µm- 2 mm) and coarse
(2mm- 4.75mm) fractions as per ASTM (D2487-10) and BIS (1498 -1970) classifications
were used in the present study. The grain size distribution curves of different fractions of
sand are shown in Fig.3.1.

3.3 Experiments Performed

3.3.1 Sieve Analysis Test

Testing objectives: The Standard grain size analysis test determines the relative proportions
of different grain sizes as they are distributed among certain size ranges.

Need and Scope: The grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data
obtained from grain size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and
to determine suitability of soil for road construction, air field etc. Information obtained from
grain size analysis can be used to predict soil water movement although permeability tests are
more generally used.

Apparatus Required: Stack of Sieves including pan and cover, Balance (with accuracy to
0.01 g), Rubber pestle and Mortar (for crushing the soil if lumped or conglomerated),
Mechanical sieve shaker, Oven

Test Procedure:

 take a representative oven dried sample of soil that weighs about 500 g. ( this is
normally used for soil samples the greatest particle size of which is 4.75 mm)
 If soil particles are lumped or conglomerated crush the lumped and not the particles
using the pestle and mortar.
 Determine the mass of sample accurately. Wt (g)
 Prepare a stack of sieves having larger opening sizes (i.e. lower numbers) are placed
above the ones having smaller opening sizes (i.e. higher numbers). The very last sieve
is #200 and a pan is placed under it to collect the portion of soil passing #200 sieves.
Here is a full set of sieves. (#s 4 and 200 should always be included)
 Make sure sieves are clean if many soil particles are stuck in the openings try to poke
them out using brush.
 Weigh all sieves and the pan separately. (Fill in column 3)
 Pour the soil from step 3 into the stack of sieves from the top and place the cover, put
the stack in the sieve shaker and fix the clamps, adjust the time on 10 to 15 minutes
and get the shaker going.

• Stop the sieve shaker and measure the mass of each sieve + retained soil.

Table 3.1 Grain Size Distribution

IS sieve Mass retained Cumulative % retained % Finer

Retained (%)
(mm) (gm) (%)

4.750 10 10 2.0 98.0

2.000 165 175 35.0 65.0

1.000 100 275 55.0 45.0

0.425 85 360 72.0 28.0

0.212 60 420 84.0 16.0

0.150 20 440 88.0 12.0

0.075 40 480 96.0 4.0



Percentage finer (%)




0.01 0.1 1 10

Particle Size (mm)

Fig 3.1 Grain size distribution curve


 It is the ratio of weight of solid to the wt. of same volume of water or can also be
define as ratio of unit wt. of solid to unit wt. of water at same volume.


G = (M2 –M1)/ (M2-M1)-(M3-M4)

M1= mass of pycnometer = 641gm

M2= mass of pycnometer + dry soil = 841gm

M3= mass of pycnometer + dry soil +water = 1685gm

M4= mass of pycnometer filled with water = 1561.5gm

Specific gravity, G = 2. 61

 It is the ratio of volume of void to volume of solid.

 e= Vv/ Vs


γd = (w1 – w)/V
γd = dry density of soil
w1 = weight of mould with soil
w = weight of empty mould
v = volume of mould

emin= (Gγw/ γdmax) - 1

emax= (Gγw / γdmin) - 1

emax = 0.86

emin = 0.71

For γdmax take the compacted soil sample and for γdmin take the soil sample without

3.4 Cement
43 grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 269 – 1989 was used for the preparation
of cement grouts. The cement bags were kept in air tight bins to avoid any change in the
properties with the time of storage. The experiments were planned in such a manner that
once a bag of cement was opened, the whole cement was utilized within 10 days. The
physical properties of cement are presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Properties of the cement used

SR No. Property Characteristic Value

1 Standard Consistency 28%

2 Initial setting time 131 minutes

3 Final setting time 287 minutes

4 Blaine’s Sp. Surface 298500 mm2/gm

5 Sp. Gravity 3.14

6 Compressive strength 7 days 35.1 N/mm2

28 days 44 N/mm2

3.5 Grouting operations

To place the grout within the pores of the granular medium, two procedures were adopted. In
the first method, the grout material was deposited within the pores by hand mixing. In the
second method, previously prepared sand beds were grouted with different grouting materials
by using a grout pump to simulate the grouting operations in the field. The preparations of
both these types are described in detail below.

3.5.1 Grout impregnation by hand mixing

The grouting materials like cement, lime, etc. with or without admixtures were hand mixed
uniformly with the sand for the preparation of test


(i) Grouting with cement

A unit weight of 14.5kN/m3 for sand was chosen for the preparation of samples, so that the
relative density is 51%. This was selected by considering the fact that it can be achieved
relatively easily with very good reproducibility and by considering the difficulty experienced
in preparing the samples at unit’s weights corresponding to the loosest state. The required
amount of sand size range was taken in a tray. The predetermined quantity of cement (2, 4, 6,
8, 10, 15, 20 & 25% by weight of sand) was then added to the sand and thoroughly mixed

with a trowel. Water was (5, 10, 15, 20 or 25% by weight of sand and cement) sprinkled over
the cement sand mixture and thoroughly mixed with a trowel. This was filled in split moulds
of size 60 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm in two layers to obtain specimens for direct shear tests and
also filled in cube moulds of size 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm, to obtain specimens for
compressive strength tests. These specimens were kept at room temperature for 24 hrs, then
taken out from the moulds and kept for curing for periods of 7 and 28 days. Specimens
prepared for direct shear tests like this are shown in Fig 3.3

(ii) Grouting with cement and admixtures

To the cement-sand mixture prepared as explained earlier, predetermined amount of

admixture (% by weight of cement) dissolved in water (10% by weight of sand and cement
put together) was added. This ensured uniform mixing of all the materials. This was then
filled in split moulds of size 60 x 60 x25 mm, in layers to obtain samples for direct shear tests
and in cube moulds of size 70.6 mm to obtain samples for compressive strength tests. These
specimens were cured before testing, as explained.

Fig 3.2 Samples for direct shear test

3.5.2 Grout impregnation by pumping

Predetermined quantity of cement with or without admixtures was taken and thoroughly
mixed with a definite amount of water. The slurry was thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes at
3000 rpm using a standard stirrer. The grouting setup consists of a grout chamber with
agitator, air compressor, grouting nozzle and regulating valve. The grouting nozzle was kept
in position (at 5 cm above bottom level of tank) and the sand bed was prepared in a tank of
size 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm / 1 m x 1 m x 0.60 m at the loosest state (unit weight of 13.1

KN/m3and an initial void ratio of 0.98). Sand was filled in the tank by pouring through a
funnel from a constant height of 1m from the top of the sand bed. Then the slurry (grout) was
poured into the grout chamber. In order to reduce the possibility of settling of the grout in the
grout chamber, an agitator was provided inside the grout chamber. Grout was pumped under
a constant pressure of 5 Kg/cm2 (500KPa) into the prepared sand bed. The grouting nozzle
was raised during the grouting operation at regular intervals in order to get uniform flow of
grout over the entire thickness of the sand bed. The grouted sample was kept for curing under
moist condition.

3.6 Testing methods

In this investigation shear strength, compressive strength and permeability of cement grouted
sand were studied in detail. The physical properties of grouting materials were also tested.
The various test procedures are discussed in detail as follows.

3.6.1 Shear strength test

The shear strength can be determined in the laboratory by direct shear box test or triaxial test.
In the present study, direct shear tests were conducted for the determination of the shear
strength parameters. Saturated specimens (of size 60 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm) prepared as per
the procedure given in section 3.3.1 were placed in the split mould. Perforated metal plates
were placed above and below the specimen to allow free drainage. A pressure pad was placed
on top and the entire box was placed in the trolley. A vertical load was applied to the
specimen through a static weight hanger and the specimen was sheared by applying a
horizontal force which causes the two halves of the box to move relative to each other. The
shear was applied at a constant rate of strain of 0.25mm/ min. The magnitude of shear load
was measured by means of a proving ring. The shear deformation as well as the vertical
deformation was measured during the test with the help of dial gauges. The procedure was
repeated on four specimens, each subjected to different normal loads. Normal stress and the
shear stress on the failure plane were obtained by dividing the normal force and shear force
by the nominal area of the specimen. Values of shear stress at failure were plotted against the
normal stress for each test. The shear strength parameters c and Ø were obtained from the
best fit straight line through those points.

Fig 3.3Triaxial Loading Machine

3.6.2 Compressive strength test

The compressive strength of grouted specimens was determined by conducting tests on 70.6
mm cube specimens. Hand impregnated specimens were prepared in the mortar cube moulds
and grouted specimens were cut into this size from the grouted mass by a diamond concrete
cutter. The specimens were placed in the loading frame in the proper position and axial load
was applied at a constant strain rate of 0.02mm /min. The magnitude of load and
deformations were measured with the help of a proving ring and dial gauges. The
compressive stress was obtained by dividing axial force by the cross sectional area of
specimen. Three identical specimens were tested and the average value was taken as the
compressive strength.

3.6.4 Load tests

The efficiency of the grouting process was also verified through load tests conducted on
ungroured/grouted sand beds. The initial tests for the assessment of improvement in load
carrying capacity through densification were conducted by filling the sand at the desired
densities in small tanks of size 30cmx30cmx30cm. For estimating the load carrying capacity
of grouted beds, the grouting operations were done in large tanks of size 1mx1mx0.6m.
Uniform sand beds in the loosest state (unit weight 13.1kN/m3 ) were prepared after keeping
the detachable side walls of the tank in position. Grouting was done as per the procedure
given in section 3.3.2. The disturbed portion at the top for a depth of 10cm was removed, and
after curing for a period of 28days, load test was conducted in this grouted bed. The load was

applied through a 20cm square plate with the help of a hydraulic jack. Dial gauges mounted
on the opposite corners of the plate gave the settlement corresponding to the load.

3.6.5 Permeability
Permeability is defined as the property of a porous material which permits the passage or
seepage of water or other fluids through its interconnecting voids. Gravel is highly permeable
while stiff clay or high plastic clay is least permeable. The flow of water through soils may be
laminar or turbulent. In most of the practical flow problems in geotechnical engineering, the
flow is laminar. The flow of water through soil obeys Darcy’s law which states that the rate
of flow is proportional to the hydraulic gradient. The coefficient of permeability can be
determined in the laboratory by constant head test or falling head test. In the present study,
constant head tests were conducted for the determination of the permeability. Rigid wall
permeameters (standard concrete permeability test apparatus) of size 150 mm x150 mm x150
mm were used. The sand was filled in the mould keeping the dry unit weight of sand as 14.5
kN/m³. Water was permitted through the sand medium under a constant head of 2m (20 kPa).
The discharge was measured once a steady state condition is reached. The test setup is shown
in figure 3.4

Fig. 3.4 Permeability test set up for grouted samples.

For preparing the hand impregnated cement grouted samples, medium sand (unit weight 14.5
kN/m3) was mixed with predetermined percentages of cement (2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 % by weight
of sand) in the dry condition. Then 10% of water (by weight of sand + cement mixture) was
added to this, thoroughly mixed and filled in the mould in layers to achieve a uniform mass.
These permeability specimens were allowed to cure under saturated condition by permitting
the flow at a very small head.

Discharge measurements were taken at a constant head of 2m at different curing periods (in
the case of a few specimens) in order to check whether the permeability is affected by the
curing period of the grouted specimens. From a series of experiments, it was found that the
permeability goes on reducing up to a curing period of around 15 days. Hence permeability
tests on subsequent samples were done after the specimen has undergone a curing for 15

Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction

Construction of structures on weak ground often requires the soil to be improved in order to
ensure the safety and the stability of foundations. Ground improvement in granular soils can
be achieved by different methods such as vibro-flotation, compaction piles, compaction with
explosives, excavation and replacement, reinforced earth, grouting etc. Soil compaction
requires intricate geotechnical competence and careful planning on the part of the design
engineer. The selection of the most suitable method depends on a variety of factors, such as:
soil conditions, required degree of compaction, type of structures to be supported, maximum
depth of compaction as well as site specific considerations such as sensitivity of adjacent
structures or installations, available time for completion of the project, competence of the
contractor, availability of equipment and materials etc. The compaction of soils is
intrinsically dependent upon the type and gradation of soil. Broadly, a well-graded soil
compacts better than a uniformly graded soil and moisture content is also a significant
parameter to be considered. Dynamic compaction can only be used to a maximum depth of
10m to 20m and will not yield good results when the water table is at shallow depths.

4.2 Strength improvement on densification

Earlier studies have indicated that the relative density of loose sandy soils can be
substantially improved by different methods. Among the different methods available,
vibration technique is reported to be the most effective one. A question has been raised on
how to increase the relative density of loose sands located within shallow depths. It is an
inevitable problem in dynamic soil improvement methods that vibration induced on the
ground surface tends to loosen the cohesion less soils. Hence alternative methods for
improving the density and strength of loose sand at shallow depths are required. The effect of
grain size of cohesion less soils on its shear strength characteristics was studied. They found
that as the particle size increases, the angle of shearing resistance also increases at both
constant density and constant relative density. However, the increase of angle of shearing
resistance for constant density is insignificant compared to that in the case of constant relative

Experiments were conducted in the laboratory in order to assess the improvement in the load
carrying capacity of sand beds on densification. For this purpose, uniform sand beds with
different densities (achieved through vibration of the predetermined weight of sand) were
prepared in tanks- starting with the loosest state. Load tests were conducted on these beds, the
results of which are discussed here.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Settlement (mm)


15 14.5(KN/m²)


Load Intensity (KN/m²)

Fig.4.1 Load –settlement curves at different unit weights of medium sand

4.3 Strength improvement on grouting

Introduction of a cementing agent into sand produces a material with two components of
strength- that due to the cement itself and that due to friction. The friction angle of cemented
sand is similar to that of uncemented sands. Density, grain size distribution, grain shapes and
grain arrangements all have a significant effect on the behaviour of cemented sand.

The grout ability of soil depends on the effective-size D10 of soil, cement particle-size d90,
water cement ratio of grout (or viscosity), fine content, grouting pressure and relative density
of the soil. Grouting becomes difficult as the grain-size of soil decreases. An increase in
grouting pressure or the water cement ratio of grout can increase the grout ability of a soil.
However, an increase in water cement ratio of grout decreases the strength of grouted

Several experimental studies on reference sand have been devoted to the increase of the
strength due to cement grouting. These works show that the grouted material remains a
frictional one, the strength of which is correctly modeled by Mohr –Coulomb criterion.
Grouting is mainly responsible for the gain in cohesion by the material and only marginally
affects the friction angle.

Direct shear tests were conducted in moulds of size 60 x 60 x 25 mm (the details given in
section 3.4.1) to determine the shear strength of the grouted soil samples.

4.3.1 Grouted with cement alone
To place the grout within the pores of the granular medium, two methods were adopted. In
the first method, the grout was deposited within the pores by mixing the sand with the
required quantity of the grout material (cement/lime) and soil specimens were prepared in the
moulds at desired unit weights and kept for curing under humid conditions as explained in
section 3.3.1. In the second method, previously prepared sand beds were grouted with
different grouting materials using a grout pump similar to the procedure used in the field.

The variation in the shear strength with cement content (varying from 2 to 25 % by weight of
dry sand) at an initial water content of 10 % is shown in figure 4.2. As expected, the value of
shear strength steadily increases with increase in cement content. In the case of 2 % cement
content, the increase in shear strength is only 3 % (after 7days of curing) and 24 % (after
28days of curing) when compared with the shear strength of sand without addition of any
cement. The percentage increase in shear strength at 4, 6 10 & 25 % of cement contents after
the 7 days of curing is 28, 109, 263% and 897% respectively, whereas the percentage
increase is 70 %, 150 %, 322 % & 1300 % in case of specimens cured for a period of 28 days.
The results are as expected –i.e. τ Value increases with increase in the curing period.

Soil: Medium sand

Unit weight content: 14.5 kN/m²
Initial water content: 10 %
Normal stress: 100 kN/m²

Shear strength (KN/m²)

7 days
500 28 days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Cement content (%)

Fig. 4.2 Variation of shear strength with cement content

Fig. 4.3 shows the variation in shear strength with cement content for specimens prepared at
an initial water content of 20 % for a normal stress of 100 KN/m2. It can be seen that the
shear strength keeps on increasing with increase in cement content and curing periods. The
percentage of increase in shear strength is from 3 to 528 % for a corresponding increase in
cement content of 2 to 25 % after 7days curing. For the specimens cured for 28 days, the
increase in shear strength is from 14 to 1046 % for the corresponding cement content of 2 t0
25 %.

Soil: Medium sand

Unit weight content: 14.5 kN/m²
Initial water content: 20 %
Normal stress: 100 kN/m²

Shear strength (KN/m²)

7 days
500 28 days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cement content (%)

Fig. 4.3 Variation of shear strength with cement content

The variation in shear strength with cement content at initial water contents of 10 and 20 %
after 28 days of curing are shown in fig 4.4. At constant cement content, a marginal decrease
in shear strength is seen with increase in initial water content.

Soil: Medium sand
Unit weight content: 14.5 kN/m³
Normal stress: 100 kN/m²
Curing period: 28 days
Shear strength (KN/m²)

600 20%
500 10%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cement content (%)

Fig. 4.4 Variation of shear strength with initial water content

Fig 4.5 shows the variation of shear strength with initial water content at a cement content of
4 % after 7 and 28 days of curing. As expected, the shear strength decreases with increase in
initial water content. It is noted that the shear strength increases upto around 5 % of initial
water content and thereafter a slight decrease in shear strength is seen which constant upto 25
% of initial water content is. Fig 4.6 shows the effect of water content of the grout on shear
strength for a cement content of 10 %. Here also the increase in strength is up to around 5 %
of the initial water content and beyond that a marginal decrease in strength with increase in
initial water content is seen. It is also noted that as expected the shear strength increases with
curing periods, whereas at 25 % of initial water content, the shear strength value after 28 days
of curing is much closer to 7 days curing strength.

Soil: Medium sand
Unit weight content: 14.5 kN/m³
Cement content: 4 %
Normal stress: 100 kN/m²


Shear strength (KN/m²)

7 days
80 Curing period
28 days



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Initial water content (%)

Fig. 4.5 Variation of shear strength with initial water content

Soil: Medium sand

Unit weight content: 14.5 kN/m³
Cement content: 10 %
Normal stress: 100 kN/m²


Shear strength (KN/m²)

7 days
200 28 days
Curing Period



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Initial water content (%)

Fig.4.6 Variation of shear strength with initial water content

4.4 Shear strength parameters

Cement grouting can be profitably used for strengthening foundation beds. The shear strength
parameters, c & Ø, shows phenomenal increase when grouted with cement. The cement-
water ratio of the grout acts as a key parameter in the control of strength gain of sandy soils,
increasing amounts of cementation in granular soil increasing cohesion and tensile strength as
well as increasing friction angle at low confining pressures (Lade and Overton, 1989).

Generally, the strength of the soil is estimated by Mohr- Coulomb’s failure criterion. It is
generally accepted that grouting effectively increases the compressive strength of the sand by
filling the voids and by imparting a cohesion or adhesion factor, yet the grout contribution
cannot simply be added to the sand strength.

4.4.1 Cohesion intercept

The cohesion intercept linearly varies with cement content, the magnitude of the cohesion
gained by grouting and also the friction angle is a slightly increasing function of cement

4.4.2 Angle of repose

4.5 Relation between compressive strength and shear strength

As mentioned earlier, the main purpose of conducting the compressive strength tests was to
search for a correlation with the shear strength/shear strength parameters of the grouted soil
because of the difficulty in conducting the shear tests on these grouted soils having high

The cohesion intercept (apparent cohesion) is a measure of the degree of grain to grain
bonding. Therefore, it might correlate with the uniaxial compressive strength which is also a
measure of grain to grain bonding magnitude.

To obtain a correlation between the shear strength and compressive strength of the grouted
soils, results obtained from the direct shear test and compressive strength tests on soil
specimens having same composition were plotted. Such a plot is given in fig 4.121 in which
the compressive strength results are plotted against the corresponding cohesion intercept

obtained form the results of the direct shear tests. The plot gives an excellent straight line
relationship with a high correlation coefficient of 0.95. The relationship can be expressed as:

c = 0.079p-2.21

Where c = cohesion intercept in kN/m²

p = compressive strength in kN/m²

Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
In particulate grouts, the limit of inject ability is decided from the grout ability ratio (ratio of
D15 of the soil formation to d85 of the grout material), in addition to its initial fluidity, while
in Newtonian fine grouts these limits are mainly a function of their initial viscosity and gel
time. The grout ability ratio reveals that the size of the grout particle and the size of opening
or pore space of the mass to be grouted should be in such a proportion that blockage and
filtering of the grout can be minimized.

In order that grouting results be good, it is evident that the injector has to choose the grout
most suitable to the problem (viscosity, setting time, strength), but it is also necessary to
know how to distribute it in the soil. For this, it is necessary to make a correct choice of: (i)
grout hole equipment (ii) distance between grout holes (iii) length of injection passes
(iv) number of grouting phases and (v) grouting pressure and pumping rate.

5.2 Design and fabrication of the grouting set up
For the purpose of assessing the grout ability and for conducting model studies in the grouted
bed in the laboratory, a grouting set up had to be designed and fabricated. A grouting setup
normally requires a grout chamber with agitator, an air compressor, a regulating valve and a
grouting nozzle. The grout chamber fabricated is a barrel type cylindrical drum of 50 litre
capacity (0.30 m dia& 0.75 m height) placed vertically with an axial shaft fitted with blades
as shown in Figure 5.1(a).The shaft is connected to a motor mounted on a bracket. The
cement water slurry is fed through an opening provided for grout inlet and is thoroughly
mixed by the rotation of the blades. The compressed air is allowed to enter through the
pressure inlet pipe from the air compressor and can be regulated by a pressure regulating
valve. The pressure relief valve controls the injection pressure to the predetermined values
and the measurement of the injection pressure can be made with the help of the pressure
gauge attached to the grout chamber. The graduated perspex tube connected to the grout
chamber gives an idea about the quantity of grout pumped into the medium. A photograph of
the grout chamber is shown in Fig.5.1 (b).

Fig. 5.1 (a) Section of grout chamber

Fig.5.1 (b) Grout chamber

The grouting nozzle consists of an inner pipe passing through an outer pipe as shown in
Figure 5.2 (a). The inner pipe is made of thin stainless steel tube of 10 mm diameter flush
with the outer pipe and open at the bottom. The outer pipe is made of PVC having inner
diameter 20 mm, the lower end is provided with a stainless steel nozzle and the end tapered
for easy penetration of the nozzle. The stainless steel nozzle is provided with 24 numbers of 4
mm diameter holes through which the grout flows to the sand bed. A cross-section of the
nozzle is shown in figure 5.2 (b). Fig.5.2 (c) shows the photograph of the grouting nozzle. A
water jet under pressure through the inner stainless tube facilitates the penetration of the
nozzle into the grouted medium. The grout flows through the annular space between the outer
and inner pipe and discharges through the nozzle holes into the sand medium to be grouted.

Figure 5.3 shows a schematic diagram of the grouting setup. The grout slurry is poured into
the chamber through the inlet and when switched ON the motor agitates the grout, which
rotates the blades attached to the shaft. To get sufficient pumping pressure for the grout

slurry, compressed air was pumped into the chamber by opening the valve V1. Control of the
pumping pressure of grout slurry can be done by regulating the valve V2. Opening the valves
V3, V4, and V5 and simultaneously closing the water inlet valve and water jet valve permits
the flow of the grout into the annular space between the outer and inner pipe and then into the
medium to be grouted through the holes provided in the nozzle. Flow of the grout in the
vertical direction can be obtained by opening the valve V6 and closing the valve V5. After
the grouting operation, the grout pipe and nozzle can be cleaned with the help of the water jet
and water inlet. Fig 5.4 shows a photograph of the grouting set up.

(b) Cross-section all dimensions are in mm

(a) Longitudinal section (c) Photograph

Fig. 5.2c Grouting nozzle

Fig: 5.3 Schematic diagram of the grouting setup

Fig. 5.4 Grouting set up

5.3 Grouting of sand beds
Detachable steel tanks of 0.45 m x 0.45 m x 0.60 m and 1 m x1 m x 0.60 m were used for the
laboratory studies. The tanks were assembled in the proper position and the bottom of the
grouting nozzle was kept on the sand bed at a distance of 5cm from the bottom of the tank.
The sand bed was prepared in the tank at a unit weight of 13.1kN/m3 (loosest state). Cement
grout was prepared by adding 10 % (by weight of sand + cement) of water and was poured
into the grout chamber. While preparing the grout, the viscosity was measured using Mash
funnel ensuring that the viscosity was within the pump able limits. The grout so prepared was
pumped into the sand medium by maintaining the pressure at 5 kg/cm2. When pumping of
around 1/3 rd of the quantity of the grout was over, the nozzle attached to the pipes was lifted
slowly and kept at 1/3 rd the height from the bottom. The process was repeated till another
1/3 rd quantity of the grout got pumped into the medium. Again the nozzle was lifted and
kept at 2/3 rd height from bottom of the tank for pumping the final 1/3 rd quantity of the
grout into the sand medium. Throughout the period of the pumping, the agitator was kept
working in order to avoid the settling of cement.

After this the nozzle was completely withdrawn from the sand and cleaned with water jet.
The hole left in the sand bed which was already full with cement slurry was filled with dry
sand. Figs 5.5(a), 5.5(b) and 5.6 show the grouting process in progress and the grouted sand.
These grouted beds were kept in humid conditions for curing. After 7 days of curing, load
tests were conducted on these grouted beds, dimensions of the cross section at different
depths were taken and representative samples were taken at different depths and at different
radial distances.

5.4 Grouting efficiency from cross section dimensions

A preliminary idea about the grouting efficiency can be obtained from the cross section area
of the actual grouted medium at different depths. For this purpose, the side walls of the tank
were removed so that the dimensions of various cross sections of the intact grouted mass at
different depths could be taken.

Fig. 5.5 (a) Grouting process in small tank in progress

Fig.5.5 (b) Grouting process in large tank in progress

Fig. 5.6 Grouted sand bed

5.6 Grouting efficiency from load tests

The results and discussions in the previous sections show that the grouting efficiency can be
assessed reasonably well from the effective grouted cross section area and also by the
determination of cement contents at different radial distances. But it was felt that a more
realistic picture could be obtained if load tests were conducted on these grouted sand beds.

Load – settlement characteristics of grouted sand was studied by conducting load tests in
tanks of size 1 m x 1 m x 0.6 m. The sand was filled in the tank at the loosest state (unit
weight -13.1kN/m3). Grout was injected in to the sand bed using different percentages of
cement with or without admixtures. The top 100 mm of the sand bed was removed and the
grouted bed was kept in humid conditions for curing for a period of 28 days. The cured sand
bed was loaded through a plate 20 cm x 20 cm with the help of a hydraulic jack. The loading
setup is shown in Fig. 5.7

Fig. 5.8 shows the load settlement curves in the case of medium sand grouted with 2, 4 & 6 %
cement along with that for ungrouted sand. When the sand at loosest state was grouted with
2% cement, the ultimate stress became 380kN/m². The ultimate load corresponding to 4%
cement grout was 611kN/m² which is around 27 times the ultimate stress at the loosest state.

In case of sand grouted with 6% cement, the ultimate stress was 830kN/m², which is 35 times
the value of that of the sand at loosest state.

Fig. 5.7 Loading set up

Load intensity (kN/m²)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


Settlement (mm)

10 2 % Cement
4 % Cement
15 6 % Cement



Grouted with

Fig. 5.8 Load settlement curves for grouted sand bed (medium sand)
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
The effectiveness of grouting to improve the strength characteristics of loose sandy soils has
already been established with the help of experimental results in Chapters 4 and 5. Grouting
is normally undertaken to reduce the permeability of rock or soil formations and this process
is used extensively in the construction of hydraulic structures such as dams, power houses,
tunnels and in a wide variety of special cases. Various materials such as cement, sand, silt,
clay, bentonite, chemicals etc. are used, depending upon the need and purpose of grouting
and the nature of formations to be grouted. Even though the application of this grouting
technique to reduce the permeability of rock formations has been reported in literature, no
serious attempts are reported about the effective use of this technique to reduce the
permeability of soil formations. The results of experimental investigations carried out in this
direction are presented in this chapter.

The results obtained from permeability tests conducted on different graded sand fractions
such as fine, medium and coarse sand at a dry unit weight of 14.5kN/m3 is given in Table
6.1. As one would expect, the permeability increases with increase in grain size of soil

Table 6.1 Coefficient of permeability of different sand fractions

Sl. No. Soil type Size range (mm) Permeability (m/sec)

1 Fine sand 0.075 – 0.425 0.54 x 10-4

2 Medium sand 0.42 5 – 2.0 1.86 x 10-4

3 Coarse sand 2 .0 – 4.75 2.69 x 10-4

The technology of grouting now plays an important role in all the fields of foundation
engineering such as seepage control in rock and soil under dams, advancing tunnels, cut off
walls etc. in the evaluation of safety of any dam, problems connected with excessive leaching
and seepage. Seepage not only causes loss of valuable water stored in the reservoir, but also
poses problems by its existence through piping. Control of seepage through the dam
foundation and minimizing exit gradient on the downstream, play key roles in the analysis

and design of dams. When transit or utility tunnels are to be placed beneath the water table
and the soils encountered have permeability greater than approximately 1 x 10-5 m/s, water
inflow can be expected. Along with this water inflow, soil can be eroded into the tunnel,
resulting in piping collapses and adverse surface settlements. Remedial and rehabilitation
measures for arresting excess leaching and seepage mainly involve controlling the
permeability of the soil strata by means of grouting.

6.2 Cement as the grout material

For grout injected specimens, decreasing the water to cement ratio of the grout and increasing
the curing time significantly lowered the permeability and increased the strength, whereas
increasing the distance from the injection point had little effect on the permeability but
produced meaningful reductions in strength. These trends are consistent with the sand acting
as a filter for the grout suspension (Schwarz and Krizek, 1994). In order to determine the
effect of cement in reducing the permeability of the sand medium, permeability tests were
conducted on specimens prepared in the permeability mould. For preparing the samples,
medium sand (unit weight 14.5kN/m3) was mixed with different percentages of cement in the
dry condition. Then 10 % (by weight of sand – cement mixture) water was added to the
mixture, mixed well and filled in the mould for conducting the permeability test. Figure 6.1
shows the effect of cement content on permeability of sandy soil treated with cement, at
different curing periods. As one would expect, the permeability decreases with increase in the
percentage of cement. The reduction in permeability is only marginal in case of specimens
cured for 7 & 14 days, whereas the reduction is substantial as the curing period is increased to
28 days. Similarly increased use of cement (beyond 10%) can influence the permeability at
higher curing periods only. The reduction in permeability with respect to the cement content
and curing period is clearer in Fig. 6.2. It can be seen that the permeability got reduced by
1/7400 in the case of 25% cement and cured for 28 days. When cement alone was added to
the medium sand, the cement hydrates and occupied the voids of sand thereby decreasing the
interconnectivity of soil voids by blocking the potential flow paths.

The permeability and strength of grouted sand is strongly influenced by the method of
grouting because different mechanisms govern the deposition and packing of cement particles
within the pores structure. During the injection process, preferential flow paths allow the
migration of cement particles into the soil and micro structural packing undoubtedly varies
within the pore spaces of the grouted sand.

Fig.6.3 shows the effect of curing period on permeability of cement treated sand having
different cement contents 4, 10 and 25 %. It can be also be seen that even though the
permeability decreases with elapsed time, it becomes almost constant beyond 15 days of
curing period for lower cement contents (i.e. 4 % and 10 %), but at higher contents (e.g. 25
%), the permeability goes on reducing drastically even after 15 days. Hence one can presume
that reduction in permeability is directly related to the hydration of cement


0 Curing period
28 days
7 days

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cement content (%)
Permeability k, (m/sec)

Chapter 7
7.1 Introduction
There has been a rapid development in the field of civil engineering requiring selection of site
from considerations other than soil quality alone. This results in the need to make use of sites
with very low bearing capacity/strength also, such as loose sandy soils. This investigation
examines the scope of improving granular soils of low strength with cement grouting. Results
on systematic studies carried out on strength of cement grouted sand medium from the view

point of bearing capacity are scanty. Based on the experimental investigations and test
results, the following conclusions are made.

7.2 Strength improvement on densification

Investigations carried out to assess the improvement in the load carrying capacity of sand
beds on densification through vibration techniques gave the following conclusions.

 The load carrying capacity of the sand medium depends not only on the density but
also on the gradation and the load carrying capacity of finer fractions, is always
higher compared to the coarser fractions irrespective of the density. This can be
attributed to the increased contact area between the particles, in the case of finer
 Maximum densification improves the load carrying capacity of the sand at the loosest
state by 16 times and even that would not be sufficient to serve as the bed for shallow
foundations in the case of multi-storeyed buildings.

7.3 Improvement of shear strength on grouting

The present investigations mainly focused at studies on the strength behaviour of these loose
sandy soils when grouted with different materials such as cement with or without admixtures,
lime etc. Grouted sand present the general characteristic of cemented soils and can be
considered as an intermediate material between soil and concrete (Dano et al. 2004). The
conclusions drawn from the results of a series of direct shear tests, conducted on samples
prepared (by hand mixing) with different grouting materials are given below.

7.3.1 Grouted with cement

 The shear strength of the loose sandy soil steadily increases with increase in cement
content and also with curing period, for all sand fractions.
 The rate of increase in shear strength is very high at higher percentages of cement
than at lower percentages in the case of all the sand fractions.
 Even though specimens of medium sand give higher shear strength than coarse sand
specimens at lower cement contents; the coarse sand specimens register higher
strength as the cement content increases.

 The influence of the increased initial water content of the grout is to decrease the
shear strength of the grouted sand and the effect is more pronounced at higher cement
 Shear strength of the grouted sand increases with increase in normal pressure. The
stress–strain response exhibits a linear relationship prior to the peak, for all cement
contents and the value of shear strength steadily increases with increase in cement

7.5 Compressive strength

Determination of shear strength through direct shear test is a time consuming process and at
higher cement contents it is very difficult to conduct this test till the failure at lower normal
loads occurs. It is also difficult to collect three to four identical samples after grouting.
Compressive strength tests were done on the grouted samples with the objective of arriving at
some simple correlation between the compressive strength and the shear strength of grouted
samples, since this test is very simple and can be done very accurately, irrespective of the
cement content. The conclusions drawn from the test results are,

 Compressive strength goes on increasing with increase in percentage of cement

content and curing period. Also, as in the case of shear strength, the compressive
strength also decreases with increase in initial water content.
 The compressive strength increases with increase in cement content for all the three
sand fractions – i.e. fine, medium and coarse sand. Even though the coarse fraction
shows less strength than the fine & medium sand at lower cement contents, it
overtakes the other two, as the cement content increases (beyond 15%).

7.6 Studies on cement grouted sand beds

In order to simulate the grouting process in the field, model tests were conducted on sand beds
prepared in steel tanks in the laboratory. For this purpose, a grouting set up was designed and
fabricated. The grouting nozzle was designed so as facilitate the flow of the grout smoothly both in
the vertical and lateral directions. The following conclusions were drawn from the results of the
model studies conducted using this set up developed in order to study the grouting efficiency.

7.6.2 Grouting efficiency from actual cement contents

The efficiency of grouting mainly depends upon the penetration of cement grout through the
pores of sand. The following conclusions are drawn from the results of cement contents
determined by chemical analysis on samples from the grouted mass, in order to assess the
quantity of lateral flow of grout into the soil mass.

 4 % cement grout is more effective in medium sand and coarse sand compared to 2 %
and 6 %, while considering the travel distance of the grout and the cement contents at
various points in the grouted mass.

7.6.3 Grouting efficiency from load tests

The results of a series of load tests conducted on the grouted sand beds gave the following

 A comparison in the strength behaviour between medium sand and coarse sand when
grouted with 4% cement shows that the strength of the grouted coarse sand is much
higher and it exhibits a brittle type failure.
 For coarse sand, minimum cement content is required for the grouting to be effective.
This may be due to the increased pore space available in the case of coarse sand
compared to medium sand.
 Even though there is a slight reduction (around 20%) in strength in medium sand, the
admixtures make the grouted sand bed to be more ductile, thus eliminating the
chances of a sudden failure of foundations.
 In the case of coarse sand, the admixtures help to increase the load carrying capacity
(twice the strength compared to the sand bed grouted without admixtures). This can
be attributed to the increased lateral flow of the grout when admixtures are used
along with cement in grouting coarse sand bed
 A comparison in strength of the medium sand beds grouted with cement (grout
pumped through grout pump) with that of the uniformly mixed sand beds (ideal
condition) stresses the need for developing more appropriate grouting tools and
methods for making the grouting process more efficient so that the foundation design
can be made more economical.

7.7 Permeability studies on the grouted soil

The following conclusions are drawn from the results of permeability tests conducted on sand
samples prepared with different grouting materials.

 The permeability goes on reducing with increase in cement content.
 The effect of the curing period is to decrease the permeability of cement grouted
sand. But at lower cement contents, the permeability remains more or less constant
beyond a curing period of 15 days.

Thus the present study undoubtedly proves the effectiveness of using grouting as an efficient
technique in improving the foundation beds of sandy soils.


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