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Plant and Animal Reproduction

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Name: John Carlo Ate Palles
Grade Level & Track: 12 – STEM


IDENTIFICATION: Complete the sentences by supplying the correct word(s)

from the word pool. Write the answers in your notebook.

- The main advantage of asexual reproduction, in addition to its speed, is that it permits the
propagation of advantageous _________________makeups since the offspring are
genetically______________ with the parent.
- Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, permits______________ of traits to arise from the
contributions of multiple different ancestors.
- Certain plants produce body parts specialized for breakaway and dispersal that are known
- In grafting, the plant that is to be asexually propagated is known as the__________; this is
attached to the______________, which may be little more than a root. It is important that
the two have their layers in contact with each other.
- The production of_______________ by the seed plants largely circumvents the
requirement found in ferns, mosses, and the like for________________ as a requirement
for fertilization


- The type of reproduction in which an animal divides into several pieces and then each
piece develops into an entire new animal is called
- In metagenesis there is an alternation of
______asexual & sexual generations______
- Parthenogenesis is a type of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg
___Develops into a new individual__
- An individual that can produce both eggs and sperm is described as
- A sex cell (either egg or sperm) is properly called a ______gamete______; a fertilized egg
is a _______zygote__________
Activity 2: Complete the table by listing the advantages and disadvantages of
asexual and sexual reproduction in plants and animals.

Type Advantage Disadvantage

Asexual Reproduction - It does not require - They are unable to
any true investment adapt to the
Sexual Reproduction - Produces genetic - Fewer offspring are
variation in the typically produced

I. Matching type. Select the most appropriate answer from column B for each description in
column A. Write the letter of the correct answer only in your activity notebook.
Column A Column B
A 1. Regeneration A. Asexual reproduction
B 2. Internal fertilization B. Sexual reproduction
A 3. Budding
B 4. External fertilization
A 5. Fission

III. Enumeration
6-9. List down at least 4 organs of the male reproductive system (human)
- Testes - Glands
- Ducts - Penis
10-14. List down at least 5 female internal reproductive organs (human)
- Vagina & Vulva - Mammary Glands
- Ovaries - Rectum
- Oviduct & Uterus

15-20 List down the 6 types of contraception

- Chemical - Surgical Methods
- Barrier Methods - Implantation
- Ovulation - Abstinence

21-22. Enumerate the male reproductive organs of plants

- Anther - Petal

23-25. Enumerate the female reproductive organs of plant

- Carpel - Stigma
- Pistil



IDENTIFICATION: Complete the sentence by supplying with the correct word/words from the
word pool. Write the answers on your notebook.

1. In the grass seed, the cotyledon is a food-absorbing structure known as a ___Scutellum___.
2. The portion of the seedling below the cotyledons is known as ___Hypocotyl___. One of the
structures included in it is the future root, or ___Radicle__.
3. The root hairs form in the zone of __Maturation__ the growing root tip.
4. When the “hook” of a dicot seedling is exposed to light during germination, it reacts by
___Straightening__; the receptor substance that initiates this reaction is a pigment known as
5. The growing nodes of embryonic tissue found at the shoot and root tips of a plant are its
__Apical Meristems_.


1. Movement of cells to form a tube such as the neural tube is an example of _Morphogenesis;
specialization of cells to form neurons or some other cell types is called _Cellular Differentiation.
2. The rapid series of mitoses that to as converts the zygote to a morula is referred _Cleavage_.
3. The cluster of cells that projects into the cavity of the blastocyst is the _Placenta_, _Embryo_,
__inner cell mass_; it gives rise to the __Embryo__.
4. The process by which the blastula becomes a three-layered embryo is called _Gastrulation_.
5. The tissue layer that gives rise to the nervous system is the __Ectoderm _; the germ layer
that gives rise to the lining of the digestive tract is the __Endoderm_.


A. Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write on your

1. It functions as a kind of digestive organ in seed germination.

A. Seed coat B. Aleurone layer C. Ectoderm D. Mesoderm

2. It is a food storage tissue that forms separately from the embryo while the seed is still
attached to the parent plant. Ans. Endosperm
A. Endoderm B. Aleurone layer C. Ectoderm D. Mesoderm

3. It is a state of suspended development which ends when germination takes place.

A. Suspension B. Implantation C. Dormancy D. Activation
4. It is a process wherein the zygote undergoes a rapid mitosis.
A. Mutation B. Diffusion C. Division D. Cleavage
5. Inner cell mass produces three germ layers known as the following, except for one:
A. Endoderm B. Endosperm C. Mesoderm D. Ectoderm

B. Enumeration
List down the 9 stages of human life cycle, in order. Write on your notebook. 6-14
- Pregnancy - Older Adolescence
- Infancy - Adulthood
- The Toddler Years - Middle Age
- Childhood - Senior Years
- Puberty
Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the correct word/words to complete the
sentence. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and potassium are examples of

__nutrients__for plants.
2. The nutrition of some plants depends on a root-fungus association known as
3. _Root nodules is a localized swelling in roots of certain plants where
bacterial cells exist symbiotically with the plant.
4. Of the 20 amino acids used to make proteins in the human body,
essential amino acid must be obtained through the consumption of food.
5. The two main groups of vitamins include those soluble in fat-soluble and
iin water-soluble .
6. Trace elements or minerals refer to inorganic nutrients needed by the body in
minute amounts.
7. Cells take up food via the process of phagocytosis .
8. In terms of feeding mechanisms, earthworms are considered substrate-feeders.
9. 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 Calories
10. 1 gram of protein = 4 Calories
11. 1 gram of fat = 9 Calories
12. Proteins can also be used as an energy source but the body mainly uses
these as building materials for cell structures and as enzymes, hormones, parts
of muscles, and bones.
13. Carbohydrates serve as a major energy source for the cells in the body.
14. Root hairs slender extensions of specialized epidermal cells that greatly
increase the surface area available for absorption.
15. Autotrophs organisms that obtain energy from sunlight and
chemicals to produce their own food.


Complete the following table that summarizes the structure and function of respiratory
system in different kinds of animals. Write your answers in your notebook.

Descriptive of
Organisms Name of Respiratory process by which
System (Organ) gas exchange

Insect - Tracheoles
- Trachea
Fish - Gill Filament
- Blood Vessels
Frog - Mouth Cavity
- Lungs
Mammal -


A. Label the following diagram of a stomata and answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers in your notebook.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) to complete the sentences below. Write
your answers in your notebook.
In woody plants, gas exchange also takes place through small broken parts in the cork
layer called (1) _______________ on the stem.
(2)___________ is in direct contact with the soil where oxygen diffuses.
Respiration in roots of the plant occurs by (3) _________ of oxygen and
carbon dioxide through the root hairs.

B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each item carefully. Then, write the
letter of your answer in your notebook.

1. Which of the following is not a structure for gas exchange in plants?

A. Stomata B. Lenticels C. Aerial root hairs D. Flowers

2. What group of vertebrates rely on gas exchange across the skin as well as at the
lungs to maintain sufficient blood oxygen levels?
A. Fish B. Reptile C. Amphibians D. Birds

3. What is the process by which molecules move from an area of higher

concentration to an area of lower concentration in the direction following a concentration
A. Respiration B. Diffusion C. Ventilation D. Exhalation

4. Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood
A. The lung of vertebrate
B. The tracheal system of an insect
C. The gills of a fish
D. The skin of an earthworm

5. Which refers to the organs where gas exchange with the respiratory medium
A. Respiratory surface
B. Respiratory medium
C. Respiratory system
D. Respiration

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