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Dark Age Campaign System

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The document outlines a campaign system for the Dark Age miniatures game including different types of campaigns, formats, and motivations.

There are two main types of campaigns - seasonal campaigns which are played over a fixed number of weeks and achievement campaigns which have certain requirements that must be met to declare champions.

There are two main types of campaign formats - free for all where each player fights independently and team campaigns where players coordinate as teams.



by Tim Korklewski
The Dark Age Campaign System is designed to give players a more casual and exciting, story-driven
approach to the savage and unforgiving world of Samaria. It provides a casual format in which both novice
and veteran players will face off over a set period of time to achieve victory for their chosen faction or team.
Campaigns provide weeks of entertainment through interaction with unique scenarios, painting models,
playing games, and meeting new friends.

It is strongly encouraged that Dark Age campaigns are played at a venue that is suited to recruiting new
players during the course of the league, such as a game store or a gaming club.

Campaigns are designed for every players involved to have a good time, win or lose. Players must remain
courteous and patient with each other and respect the rulings of the Event Organizer. In most cases, players
are encouraged to cooperate with each other to resolve effects that take place during a game. If they cannot
come to an agreement, the Event Organizer is to be asked for assistance on a ruling. The Event Organizer has
the final word on all rulings during a campaign.

All players are to remain polite, mature, and fair to their opponents. Any form of abusive conduct, bullying,
cheating, or disruptive behavior will lead to a player ejection from the campaign by the Event Organizer.

The Event Organizer (or EO) is the person responsible for all of the event coordination and execution.
The EO will be the person to keep track of game scheduling with the venue, settling rules disputes and
clarifications, and making sure that all players are following good sportsmanship practices. In many cases,
the EO is also the person that crafted a Dark Age campaign (more on this later).

All of the guidelines for proper force composition, model conversion, and March to Immortality (MtI)
scenarios can be found at under the Downloads section of the website.

The players are responsible for bringing all of their own models, cards, approved measuring devices,
dice, objective markers, and counters to the venue. Players are also responsible for following good
sportsmanship and respecting the rulings of the EO.

Seasonal: This is a more common campaign, played for a fixed number of weeks. All points are tallied
at the end to determine Campaign Champions. If at any time players tie for position, tiebreakers are
determined by overall VP scored.

Achievement: This format of campaign has a certain set of requirements that must be met in order to
declare Campaign Champions. If at any time players tie for position, tiebreakers are determined by overall
VP scored.

Free for All: This is the most common. Each player chooses one faction or subfaction to play during the
campaign and can fight whoever they choose. Everyone is considered an enemy. Players may choose two
Motivations they wish to follow.
Team: As with a Free for All, each player chooses one faction or subfaction to play throughout the league.
With this format, teams are to take the extra time to discuss who is attacking who, which areas they are
fighting over, and have all Available Campaign points (CP) in a pool for all the the team to use. Teams must
also pick two Motivations to use amongst the entire team.

Motivations are the key to bonus points throughout a campaign and may also be tied to the winning
conditions of achievement campaigns. Each player (or team) must choose two motivations to stick with
for the entire campaign. Each motivation has three challenges that players may strive for throughout the
campaign, granting them up to ten additional Campaign Points (CP). Each challenge will grant the player
three points and can only ever be completed once during a campaign. When they finish the motivation
they gain one bonus point. The Motivations that players can choose are listed at the end of this document.

Players throughout the campaign will vary greatly based upon their experience with Dark Age. Some
players may be seasoned veterans with access to multiple models and factions while some may be new
blood getting into the game for the first time and only have access to a Warband (starter) box. Each game
size is determined through the agreement of the two opponents. If there is a veteran player facing off
against a newer campaign player, the newer player will determine the size of the game played.

Game Size
• Encounter: 300 points (this is the average point cost of a Warband box)
• Clash: 500 Points
• Skirmish: 750 points
• Battle: 1000 Points

There are two types of scenarios that are available during a campaign: March to Immortality (MtI) and
campaign-specific scenarios. MtI scenarios can be found in the Dark Age Core Rules or available in our
Downloads section at Campaign scenarios are created specifically to fit with the story
of the campaign and can be found within the campaign document or created for a custom campaign.

Players can randomly select which scenario they play by rolling a d20 and using the result from the
following table. Alternatively, players can simply agree on a scenario to play if they so choose. There may
be times where the campaign map may dictate a specific scenario to be played.


1-2 The Slaughtering Fields, No Secondary Objectives during Week 1

3-4 Hidden Agendas, Secondary Objectives used moving forward

5-6 King of the Wasteland

7-8 Seize Ground

9-10 Ancient Secrets

11-12 Campaign Scenario Three

13-14 Campaign Scenario Four

15-16 March to Immortality Scenario Four

17-18 March to Immortality Scenario Five

19-20 March to Immortality Scenario Six


Campaign Points (CP) are used to track how each individual player is doing during the campaign. They
will have two different categories to track CP; Overall and Available. When a player gains CP the total is
added to both categories. Overall CP is the total amount of CP that the player has gained throughout the
campaign and used as their scoring CP to determine campaign ranking. Available CP is the total of the
player’s (or team’s) Overall CP minus any CP that are used to gain Advantages.
Example: Raymond has an Overall CP total of 14. He has yet to use any Advantages during the campaign
so his Available CP is also 14. During his next game, Raymond decides that he is going use 7 of his
Available CP to buy an Advantage. If he succeeds in his bid, his Overall CP is 14 and his Available CP will
be 7.

Each Victory in Scenarios grants 3 CP. Each Loss Grants 1 CP. Ties Grant 2 CP to each player.

Before the Game Begins, each player secretly notes how many CP they wish to use to gain an advantage.
Both Players reveal at the same time how many CP they bid. The player that bid the highest subtracts their
CP from their Available CP total and reveals their advantage. The player that lost the bid does not get an
advantage. The player with the lowest overall CP will always choose the Campaign Location to play in
(these will be determined by the campaign). If both players are tied on CP then they will roll to determine
who picks the location. The player that rolls the lowest wins.

• Gain an automatic initiative win that can only be used once during the game.
• Up to 75 points worth of models gain +1 AP on turn one.
• Up to 75 points worth of your opponent’s models suffer -1 AP on turn one.
• +6 Inches to Deployment Zone(s)
• -6 Inches to Opponent’s Deployment Zone(s)
• May Rearrange up to 3 Objective Markers, ignoring the 4” space rule.
• Booby-Trapped: Give three Objective Markers a Booby Trap counter. The first time your opponent
comes into base to base and would score off of an Objective Marker with a Booby Trap Marker it is
ignored. Remove the Booby Trap counter afterwards.
• Refortify: The first time you would score VP off of an objective marker during the game add an
additional 1 VP to the total.
• Scouts: Two models in your force that do not already have Infiltrate may use the Infiltrate ability this game.

Campaign Locations are directly tied to the Campaign Story that players are participating in. These
locations will have a brief story, Battlefield Elements, and if there are any scenarios that MUST be played at
the location. Campaign Locations can also be tied to Achievement Campaigns as an area that players must
control as a win condition.

Battlefield Elements are special terrain and effects that can be used when determining a location to play
in. If there are no specific locations chosen for the league, such as specific story locations, these locations
can be used to craft your own campaign. Locations will determine what elements can possibly take place
during the course of the game. The player with the lowest CP determines which location the game is
played in.

There are two types of Elements: Static and Random. Static elements are placed before the game begins
and are usually defined by terrain keywords. Static Elements last the entire game. Random elements
happen during the Preparation Phase before any other effects take place and last as long as determined
by the random element. Random Elements are determined by a roll of d20 by the player that chose the
location. If the number of a Random Element is rolled then that Random Element immediately takes effect.

Before the game begins, the player that chose the location then rolls for how many Static elements will be
used for terrain. This is in addition to the standard terrain that is placed on the board regularly.


1-5 Four

6-10 Three

11-15 Two

16-19 One

20 No Static Elements

Note: Generic Static Elements can be selected for any location. In addition, Generic Random Elements are
added to the rolls of other locations.
Static Elements
Traps- Select one trap a nd place it anywhere on the board at least 6” outside of a deployment zone. See
the Traps Section for more details.

Weapon Platforms- Select one weapon platform and place it anywhere at least 12” outside of a deployment
zone. See the Weapon Platforms section for more details.

Dusk/Dawn - Before Deployment, determine if the first 3 rounds or the last three rounds of the game will
have LOS restricted to 8”. Model may spend 1 Ap to see beyond the 8”.

Random Elements
Acid Rain (17) - All AR checks are at -1 TN. Units with Acid Blood are immune to this Random Element.
During the Lingering Effects phase, the person who won initiative this round rolls a d20. On a 10 or under
the Acid Rain dissipates. On 11 or Greater the Acid Rain stays in play. This will not stop other Random
Elements from taking place.

Shifting Winds (18) - All Ranged Attacks are at -1 TN for this round.

Spore Burst (19) - Each player places a BL (3) template anywhere on the board and rolls scatter. Any model
that ends up under a template suffers -1 AP per template they are under. Models with Enviro Filters are
immune to Spore Burst.

Earthquake (20) - All models Suffer KP (16). Models with Strider, Serpentine, Float, or Vault are immune to

Static Elements
Crystal Shards - Each player places three 2” Crystal Shards on the battlefield. The Shards cannot be placed
in Deployment Zones and may not be closer than 8” from another Shard Field. These Crystal Shards are

treated just like the SCATTER SHARDS ability.

Unstable/Rocky Ground - Place three BL(3) templates. These templates are considered Rough terrain.

Random Elements
Unnatural Fog (14) - All LOS is reduced to 8” for this round. This is considered a cloud effect that cannot be

Thunderstorm (15) - Both players roll a d20. The player that rolls the lowest selects a point of impact on the
battlefield. Roll a scatter dice. Once the final point of impact has been determined place a BL (3) template
over the point of impact. All models under the Blast suffer Knock Prone (12) and Gain a Stun Counter.

Eerie Wind (16) - All models suffer -2 PS for the remainder of the round. During the Lingering Effects phase,
the person who won initiative this round rolls a d20. On a 10 or under the Eerie Wind dissipates. On 11 or
Greater the Eerie Wind stays in play. This will not stop other Random Elements from taking place.

Static Elements
Shifting Sands - Place three BL(3) templates. These templates are considered Rough terrain. If a model uses
all of its AP on movement while within these templates it suffers a KP (8).

Salt Flats - All MAL rolls that are not Psychogenics, Bio-Gens, or Rituals suffers -2 TN

Random Elements
Desert Heat (14) - Any models that use more than 1 AP for movement must make a PS check after they
complete their actions. On a failure, the model gains an Exhaustion counter. Non Living Models are
immune to Desert Heat. During the Lingering Effects phase, the person who won initiative this round rolls
a d20. On a 10 or under the Eerie Wind dissipates. On 11 or Greater the Desert Heat stays in play. This will
not stop other Random Elements from taking place.

Sand Storm (15) - All LOS is reduced to 8” for the remainder to the round. This is considered a cloud effect
that cannot be neutralized by Envirofilters or similar abilities. All MAL rolls suffer -1 TN

Toxic Exposure (16) - All models must roll PS when they activate. On a failure they lose 1 AP. During the
Lingering Effects phase, the person who won initiative this round rolls a d20. On a 10 or under the Toxic
Exposure dissipates. On 11 or Greater the Toxic Exposure stays in play. This will not stop other Random
Elements from taking place. Models with Enviro Filters, Toxic Cult, and Immunity to Poison ignore Toxic

Static Elements
Crystal Fields - All Psychogenics Attacks are at +1 AS, Psychogenics Tests are at +2 TN, and Psychogenics
MAL are at +2 TN

Steep Slope - Choose either the left or the right side of the board to be the low point. If a model uses all of its
AP for movement is suffers a KP (10). If Knocked Prone, the model will move 3” towards the low point. If the
model moves off of the board, it is placed back on the board edge next round in the area it moved off and
gains an Exhaustion counter. Models with Aerobatics, Float, or Unnatural Climb are immune to Steep Slope.

Random Elements
Falling Rocks (14) - Both players roll a d20. The player that rolls the lowest selects a point of impact on the
battlefield. Roll a scatter dice. Once the final point of impact has been determined place a BL (2) template
over the point of impact. Any model caught under the template immediately gains an Entangle counter.

Mountain Winds (15) - All Ranged Attacks are at -1 TN for this round.

Low Clouds (16) - All LOS is reduced to 8” for the remainder to the round. This is considered a cloud effect
that cannot be neutralized by Envirofilters or similar abilities. All sections of the board without terrain is
treated as Rough while Low Clouds is in play.

Static Elements
Soggy Ground - Place three BL(3) templates. These templates are considered Rough terrain. If a model
uses all of its AP on movement while within these templates it suffers KP (12).

High Humidity - All MAL rolls that are not Psychogenics, Bio-Gens, or Rituals suffer -2 TN

Random Elements
Swamp Gases (14) - Both players roll a d20. The player that rolls the lowest selects a point of impact on the
battlefield. Roll a scatter dice. Once the final point of impact has been determined place a BL (3) template
over the point of impact. Any model within the template that suffers MAL that is not from Psychogenics,
Bio-Gens, or Rituals gains a Fire counter. Swamp Gases lasts one round.

Quicksand (15) - Both players roll a D20. the player that rolls the lowest selects an opponent’s model. That
model must spend all of its AP on movement and cannot attack this round or it immediately gains an
Entangled counter and and Exhaustion counter after it finishes activation.

Misty Bog (16) - All LOS is reduced to 8” for this round. This is considered a cloud effect that cannot be

Traps are Static Elements that do not trigger unless a model entering, beginning, or ending their activation
fails to roll the TN needed to avoid the effectiveness of traps. Effectiveness of Traps (EFF) is the base number
used to determine the TN needed to succeed and not trigger the trap. Simply subtract the Target’s DF from
from EFF to determine the TN the target must roll under in order to not suffer the effects of the Trap.

Unstable Ground: EFF 20. On a failure treat this model as if it started or ended its movement in
Dangerous Terrain. This is a 6”x6” terrain piece.

Stakes: EFF 16. Treated as Dangerous ground once revealed. This is a 4”x4” terrain piece.

Minefield: EFF 15 Blast (2) PW 4x2 Hit. This is a 3”x3” terrain piece.

Barbed Wire: EFF 17. If caught models suffer PW2 and Entangle. This is a 6” long terrain piece.

Weapon Platforms are another Static Element that will not trigger its abilities without a model specifically
interacting with it. Weapon platforms all have differing statistics but all share the characteristics listed below.

• All weapon platforms are considered Light Cover, Does Not Block Line of Sight, and Impassible.
• Only Small, Medium, and Large-sized models may enter a weapon platform.
• Models in base contact with a weapon platform may spend 1 AP to enter the weapon platform. Models wishing
to exit a weapon platform must spend 1 AP and they are placed in base contact with the weapon platform.
• Models that enter a weapon platform are considered prone for purposes of Melee combat. While in the
weapon platform they may fight back as if they are prone.
• Weapon platforms are mounted on 80mm bases.
• If a weapon platform Malfunctions, resolve the effects just like a standard Malfunction, however, all
models in the crew suffer the effects as if they fired the weapon. Afterwards the weapon platform cannot
be used for the duration of the game.
• Aiming, range modifiers, firing into combat, and cover still apply to weapon platforms.

Crew: The number of models required to use the weapon platform each turn. If it takes more than one
model to activate the weapon, use only the AP from the acting shooter. The other model immediately forfeits
all AP. Any weapon platform with a crew size larger than one may fire the weapon upon the models entering
but will do so at a -2 penalty. Any turns after the entry turn they do not suffer the penalty. If either model exits
the weapon platform and re-enters they will gain the -2 penalty again.

AS: All weapons have a base AS. If the model firing has a better ranged AS, then use their lowest ranged AS
instead (example: A Coil has an AS 6 on their Death Disk attack, they would use this as the AS for the weapon
platform instead).

Each weapon has a race category listed next to it in parenthesis such as Human (Human includes Forsaken,
Outcast, and Skarrd models). If the model(s) are not part of the selected race they will suffer a -1 AS for firing
the weapon.


Complex: It takes 2 AP to fire the weapon platform instead of 1.

Crucible Mortarcannon (Human)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Crucible Mortarcannon 2 2 1 10x2 24 18
• Complex
• BL(3)
• Indirect

Hexhammer Autogun (Human)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Hexhammer Autogun 1 3 1 6 18 17
• Proximity Strike (3)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Ionic Cannon 1 2 1 10x2 ST 17
• Complex
• Cauterize
• Fire
• Horrible Death

Splitter Ballista (Ice Caste)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Splitter Ballista 1 3 1 8x2 24 20
• Complex
• Pierce

Altar of Sacrifice (Kukulkani)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Altar of Sacrifice 2 3 1 5 16 -
• Complex
• Bleed
• Hobble
• Life Drain
• Pull (14)
• Knock Prone (14)

Venom Bloom (Brood)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Venom Bloom 2 3 2 5x3 SP 19
• Acid
• Poison (13)

Banshee’s Wail (air CAste)

Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Banshee’s Wail 1 3 1 6x2 ST -
• Complex
• Conduction
• Horrible Death
• Proximity Strike (2)

Inferno shard Launcher (Fire Caste)
Weapon Platform CREW AS RF PW RN MAL
[1] Inferno Shard Launcher 1 3 2 5x2 12 -
• Cauterize
• Fire
• BL(2)
• Place Inferno Shard at
the point of scatter


Experience is granted based upon game size to the survivors of each faction. At the end of the game all
survivors that are not Characters are set aside and your opponent rolls for each model to determine if they
gain experience or not. Each model will start with a base TN which is determined by game size. From there
modifiers are applied based upon the conditions listed on the chart below. If the model receives Experience
it gains a Hero Rank (HR). A model may gain up to a Hero Rank of three.

• Encounter (300 points): TN 10

• Clash (500 points): TN 11
• Skirmish (750 points) TN 12
• Battle (1000 points) TN 13

Then modifiers are applied:


+1 Game Victory

+2 Model scored any VP for the primary or secondary objectives (only

allowed once)
-1 Model is wounded

-3 Model is Hero Rank 1

-5 Model is Hero Rank 2

Tim’s Forsaken vs. Derek’s Air Caste 750 points: Derek Wins with two models left alive. One of Derek’s models
scored an objective (model A). model B is wounded. Tim has 5 models left alive. Models B and D are
wounded. Models A and B scored objective points during the game.

Derek rolls for Tim’s models: The base TN for the game is 12 (750 points). Model A will gain EXP at TN 14 (+2
for scoring VP), model B will score at TN 13 (-1 TN for being wounded, +2 TN for scoring VP). Models C and
E gain EXP at TN 12 (base, no modifiers), and model D will gain EXP at TN 11 (-1 for being wounded).

Tim then rolls for Derek’s models: The Base TN for the game is 12 (750 points). Model A will gain EXP at TN 15
(+1 TN for Game Victory, +2 TN for scoring VP). Model B will gain EXP at TN 12 (+1 TN for Game Victory, -1
TN for being wounded).

Losing Heroes and Characters.

Characters in Dark Age may never die, however they can be wounded so badly that they cannot be used
for a few games. When a Hero dies, they are gone for good. When a hero or character is removed from
play during a game the controlling player rolls on the survival chart to see if they will fight another day.
If the hero dies during the campaign it loses its Name, all Ranks, and Benefits it gained throughout the
campaign and goes back to its standard model and stats.

Survival Roll:
1-5: Miraculous Recovery: Survives and can be fielded in the next battle.
6-15: Wounded: The hero or character must recover from its wounds. It cannot be fielded in the next game.
16-20: Critical Injury: The hero has perished. The Character is so badly wounded it cannot be fielded for
three games.

Gaining Hero Rank

Once a Hero Rank is gained, you may choose one ability from the list of benefits. These benefits are added
to the model’s current Statistics and Abilities.
• +1 AS and PW to all weapons in a single attack group. This cannot be used if any of the current AS or
PW in that attack group is at 10 or more.
• +1 Damage Multiplier to a single attack type in an attack group. This cannot be used if the current
multiplier is at x3
• -1 DF. This cannot be used if the current DF is at 0.
• +1 AR. This cannot be used if the AR is at 20 or more.
• +2 PS. This cannot be used if the current PS is at 20 or more.
• +1 HP. This cannot be used if the current HP is at 5 or more.
• +1 MV. This cannot be used if the current MV is at 5 or more.
• +1 RF to a single attack group.
• Gain Parry Special Ability
• Gain Elusive Special Ability
• Gain Never Panic Special Ability
• Gain Survivor Special Ability
• Gain Furious Charge Special Ability
• Gain Crack Shot Special Ability
• Gain Quickdraw Special Ability
• Gain Infiltrate Special Ability
• Gain Deflection Special Ability
• Gain Backstab Special Ability
• Gain Strider Special Ability
• Gain Acrobatics Special Ability

The following abilities can only be taken by units at hero rank 3, and are limited to models of a specific faction.

• Gain Bio-gen (1) Ability
• Gain Pud-Control (3) Ability

• Gain Upgrade (1) Ability. If the model already has the Upgrade ability, it may not choose Weapon upgrades.
• Gain Cause Panic Ability

• Gain Field Order (Slave) (+2 AS) Ability
• A Model with Ritual Caster gains an additional Psychogenic known.

Followers of the Heretic

• Gain 1 permanent Graft that does not count against the force total.
• Gain Cabal (Saint Johann) Ability

• Gain Cabal (Saint John, Lilith, Saint Luke, Marius, Saint Mark, or Saint Mary) Ability
• Gain Field Order (original unit name) (Hatred: [non-Forsaken])

• Gain Bio-Enhanced Ability. If the model already has Bio-Enhanced, during deployment, it gains one of
the benefits of Bio-Enhanced, as though it killed an enemy model.
• Begin the game with 1 additional Bio-energy.

• Gain Survivalist Ability
• Gain Immaculate Maintenance Ability

• Gain Psychogenic Neophyte (any psychogenic) Ability, or upgrade a Psychogenic Invoker to a
Psychogenic Master.
• Gain Cannibal (-2 TN) Ability


Making a Dark Age campaign may seem a bit daunting at first but after following the guidelines listed it will
start to fall into place quite quickly, allowing multiple campaigns quite easily.

First, the EO must decide the Campaign Type and Format Type (see Campaign Types and Format Types for
this information). Once this is decided, the EO will come up with a story and an area in Samaria where the
campaign will take place. The story can be as simple or as complex as the EO desires.

Achievement Leagues
Achievement Leagues have a set of goals that must be met in order to declare a winner. These goals can
be as simple or as complex as the EO wishes for the campaign. If the EO wishes to design an Achievement
League it is recommended that there are at least three achievements that must be met in order to declare a
winner. Here are a few examples:

• The players must complete one Motivation

• The players must play a game in each campaign location
• The player must win 4 games

The area of the campaign takes a bit of creativity in order to make it unique and exciting. Once you determine
how big the area will be, it is then broken down into locations that the players will be battling in. As with the
story, these locations can be as simple or complex as the EO chooses. It is highly recommended that there
are at least four total locations to be fought over during a campaign. This will give enough variety to keep it in
line with the story behind the battles. The locations themselves will then have Battlefield Elements attached
to them based upon where the location resides. Locations are provided in the section Battlefield Elements.
The EO may choose to custom design their own location if the ones listed in Battlefield Elements does not
quite fit with what they need. Here are the guidelines to making a custom location.

• A location must have two Static Elements to choose from

• A location must have at least one Random Element to be assigned to a dice roll. Random Elements
must either have an effect that happens during the Preparation phase and finishes, lasts for the round,
or has a chance to dissipate when the person who won the initiative rolls a 10 or less on a d20.
• Static and Random Elements should not cause wounds to models automatically. If they cause a wound
it must be due to a model interacting with a set terrain piece or specific actions (such as entering a
weapon platform and using it, walking over a trap and failing its EFF TN, gaining a counter that can
cause wounds and failing to remove it, or moving across terrain with the Dangerous Keyword).

After the locations for the campaign are made the EO may then create scenarios that will fit with the overall
story of the campaign. Scenarios should be designed so that both players are accomplishing the same goal.
If the EO wishes to only use the current March to Immortality scenarios they can, however, if they wish to
create their own it is recommended that they create at least four scenarios for the campaign (see the chart in
the Scenarios section of this document). There are a few rules to keep in mind, however when designing the

• The Scenario must have No Man’s Land

• There can never be less than 4 Objective Markers on the board
• There can never be more than 6 Objective Markers on the board
• Objective Markers Must either be spaced 4 inches apart and 4 inches from the board edge OR 6 inches
apart and 6 inches from the board edge (barring any special rules).
• VP Scoring conditions from the scenario must be the same for both players.

For examples of scenarios look at the March to Immortality scenarios and go to in the
Rules section.

These are all of the tools necessary to create a custom Dark Age campaign. Below is a small sample

Combining the Dark Age Campaign System with

Warlords Rising Slow-Grow League.

Outpost Nine was on great mining colony and Forsaken outpost buried deep in the Northern
wastes. Outpost Nine was responsible for the mining and excavation of various ores and
crystals that were used in the defense efforts of New Ashkelon until the entire colony’s

population were utterly destroyed by a massive Hellstorm twenty years ago.
Unwilling to risk the resources to reclaim it, the Council decided to write it off as a loss until a
few weeks ago when a mysterious signal was received from Outpost Nine, long thought to be
drained of all life and power. This signal is not just being sent by technological means, and
the Council of Prevailers are not the only ones receiving it…

Outpost Nine is a Free-for-All Achievement campaign. The Achievement winning

conditions are:

• Winning Player must have won a game in each location twice

• Winning Player must complete at least one Motivation
• Winning Player must accumulate a minimum of 40 Overall CP

The Scenarios used are found in the current March to Immortality (MtI) document and they
will be used for this campaign.

There are four locations to Outpost Nine. The Mine Entrance, The Wasteland Outpost, The
Living Quarters Sector, and The Forward Base.

The Mine Entrance: In complete disarray, the entrance to the mine has long since caved
in due to a massive landslide. Finding any source of the signal will be perilous. Use the
Mountains location Static and Random Elements.

The Wasteland Outpost: Long since abandoned but mysteriously powered, the outpost’s
flickering lights and eerie hum of decrepit machinery hangs in the air. Use the Generic
location Static and Random Elements.

The Living Quarters Sector: Dried corpses of the unfortunate populace litter the ground.
The homes of these once-proud miners now lie in shambles from the unforgiving Hellstorm.
Use the Desolated Ruins Static and Random Elements.

The Forward Base: Set facing North towards the constant threat of the tribal savages known
as the Skarrd, the base now remains unpowered and empty. The remains of a once-proud
Forsaken encampment now lies untouched and lifeless. Use the Desert Static and Random

Warlords Rising is intended to teach new players how to play Dark Age over the course of 6 weeks. It was
intended to be simple in nature so not to bog down new players with too much all at once. However, if the
players are feeling comfortable enough in their abilities to learn the game and play in a campaign or are
existing players that want to build new forces then both can be combined with a bit of work. Here are the
changes that must be made for a Warlords rising to be used in a campaign:

• The Campaign will follow the 6 week length of Warlords Rising.

• The Campaign cannot be an Achievement Campaign.
• Each player will only choose one Motivation.
• Battle Points (BP) and Hobby Points (HP) are both kept track of as usual, however, the two numbers
combined will also be converted to Campaign Points (CP).

• All games will be played at the Point Levels set by Warlords Rising weekly schedule.
• Campaign Scenarios can be added to the weekly schedule laid out by Warlords Rising at the EO’s
• Battlefield Special Terrain Elements will be used at the EO’s discretion.


Play against 3 New opponents during the first week of the league 1 2 3 3 CP

Win two games against the same opponent during the league 1 2 3 CP

Prevent your opponent from scoring more than 5 Victory Points during a game. 1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP

Shake of two Fire or Bleed counters in three different games 1 2 3 3 CP

Resist 3 Knock Prone attempts in two games 1 2 3 CP

Move a Character or Hero into No Man’s Land and survive there for at least three
rounds and end the game there. 1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP

Score at least 10 Victory Points in 3 games 1 2 3 3 CP

Take or remove Objective counters from your opponent in two games 1 2 3 CP

End a game with at least twice the amount of Victory Points than your opponent 1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP

Be the first player to score Victory Points on Secondary Objectives in 3 games 1 2 3 3 CP

Score more Secondary Objectives than your opponent in two games. 1 2 3 CP

Win a game without placing counters from Special Abilities or Weapon Abilities
on your opponent. 1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP

Be the first player to score Victory Points on Secondary Objectives in 3 games 1 2 3 3 CP

Be the first player to score Victory Points on Primary Objectives in 2 games 1 2 3 CP

Win initiative three times in a row in one game 1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP

Score more Vicory Points from Primary Objectives than your opponent in 3 games 1 2 3 3 CP

Kill an enemy Character or Hero with a friendly Character or Hero in two games 1 2 3 CP
Over the course of a game, kill or remove from play two models in the same
round they activeate first
1 3 CP

Complete all of the previous Challenges for this Motivation 1 CP


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