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MacArthur Highway, Brgy. Kiagot, Digos City


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your
choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use
pencil No. 2 only.

1. From the given name below, who was the former convict that became a
notorious thief-catcher in Paris? It was in 1811 when he became part of the
Brigade de la Surete which eventually evolved as national detective agency of
A. John Fielding C. Edmond Locard
B. Eugene Vidocq D. Henry Goddard

2. What was the name of the first organized group of non-uniformed thief-catchers
that served as the forerunner of Scotland Yard?
A. Criminal Investigation Department C. Brigade de la Surete
B. Bow Street Runners D. Shire Reeve

3. Which case caused total damage on the reputation of anthrometry as positive

means of personal identification? This case led to advancement of fingerprints in
United States.
A. Colin Pitchfork case C. New York vs. Castro
B. West Case (William West & Will West) D. Daubert Case

4. In 1914, the US Supreme Court decided weeks vs. United States. The doctrine of
Criminal jurisprudence established in this case which prohibited unreasonable
searches and seizures in order to obtain evidences is now popularly called.
A. Miranda Doctrine C. Exclusionary Evidence Rule
B. Archipelagic Doctrine D. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

5. In 1966, a controversial criminal case was appealed to the US Supreme Court

that established standard procedural guidelines for arresting suspects and taking
criminal confessions. What is the famous name of this criminal case?
a. People vs. Weeks C. Mapp vs. ohio
b. Miranda vs. Arizona D. Morales vs. Enrile

6. Mapp vs. Ohio was the case decided by the US Supreme Court which
established the so called-
A. Exclusionary rule C. Miranda Doctrine
B. Fruit of Poisonous Tree Doctrine D. Hearsay rule

7. In the determining the sufficiency of evidence, proof beyond reasonable doubt is

the weight and sufficiency of evidence needed to convict the defendant in-
A. Administrative cases C. Criminal cases
B. Civil cases D. Political issues

8. If a suspect refuses to answer questions because he is afraid that he might say

things that can be used against him later, he should claim his right
A. To remain silent C. Against self-incrimination
B. To have an attorney D. To liberty

9. In order to have a speedy and logical flow of conducting criminal investigation,
thye detective or investigator should have
A. Evidence C. A theory
B. A systematic plan D. Intelligence

10. The criminal investigator, after identifying and collecting information or evidence,
the next logical step to do is
A. Present them before the court
B. Preserve their legal integrity
C. Evaluate their strenght in establishing proof
D. Recognize their importance in the case at bar

11. What is the activity devoted to the planning and coordinating legal search which
are conducted to locate physical evidences at the locus criminis?
A. Crime scene investigation C. Instrumentation
B. Intelligence D. Covert operation

12. Which law defined certain rights of persons arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining, and investigating
a. Republic Act No. 7255 C. Republic Act No. 3815
b. Republic Act No. 7438 D. Republic Act No. 7659

13. What is the first stage of crime scene investigation?

A. Collection of evidence C. Processing the crime scene
B. Preservation of the crime scene D. Crime scene boundary

14. In the arson investigation cases, the presence of carbon monoxide in the blood of
the victim of fire is considered a tell tale sign that the victim died
A. Before the fire C. During the fire
B. After the fire D. Of smoking

15. Any condition or act which increases or may cause increase in the probability of
the occurrence of fire which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with
firefighting operations and the safeguarding of life and property is called
A. Duct system C. Hose reel system
B. Fire hazard D. Abatement

16. A passage hgall or antechamber between the outer doors and interior parts of a
house or building.
A. Smelting B. Distillation C. Refining D. Vestibule

17. Combustion is classified into flaming and glowing mode. Which one of the
following represents the flaming mode of combustion?
A. Fire tetrahedron C. Free radicals
B. Fire triangle D. Elements of fire

18. A fire can exist in the presence of oxygen, fuel and heat. How many percent of
oxygen is needed to sustain continuous combustion?
A. Below 15% C. Not higher than 21%
B. Atleast 16% D. More than 35%

19. A fire started from the basement of a building. After 30 minutes, the whole
building had turned into ashes. Which among the following was responsible for
the spread of fire throughout the building?
A. Carbon monoxide C. Smoke and the fire gases

B. Flame D. Carbon dioxide

20. The means sanctioned by the rules of court of ascertaining the truth, respecting a
matter of fact is refers to
A. Evidence C. Proof of facts
B. Physical evidence D. Corpus delicti

21. An effort made to determine what actually occurred and the understanding of the
circumstances of a crime is called
A. Physical construction C. Mental reconstruction
B. Crime scene investigation D. Crime reconstruction

22. The written record made by the investigator upon arrival at the crime scene
which contains observations of the crime scene, results of the interview of
witnesses, evidence collected and others is called
A. Preliminary investigation report C. Secondary report
B. Final investigation report D. Field note taking

23. An examination of the immediate vicinity of the crime scene where the
perpetrator may have been hiding immediately after commission of the crime is
A. Warm search C. Cold search
B. Hot search D. Spiral search

24. The systematic classification of the fundamentals or basic factors of a criminal

method is called
A. Corpus delicti C. Mens Rea
B. Modus operandi D. None of these

25. In criminal investigation, it is the considered that___is inner drive or impulse or

intention that causes a person to accomplish a criminal act.
A. Motive B. Urge C. Intent D. Need

26. What element of crime commission referring to the condition and favorable time
of the suspect to possibly execute and commit the crime?
A. Motive B. Timing C. Opportunity D. Alibi

27. The setting made up of all those who had custody of the evidence since its
acquisition by a police agency to ensure continous accountability is called-
A. Chain of custody C. Transfer of evidence
B. Custody of evidence D. Chain of custody of

28. Dismembered or cut up parts of the human body such as hand, feet, torso, sex
organ, and others which are thrown to different places to conceal a crime are
medically termed as different places to conceal a crime are medically termed as
A. Mutilation C. Mutilated remains
B. Chop chop D. Corpse

29. The official inquiries made by the police on the facts and circumstance
surrounding the death of a person that is expected to be unlawful is properly
termed as
A. Official investigation C. Murder investigation
B. Homicide investigation D. Death investigation

30. What is known to refer to the peculiar habits of the criminals in committing

A. Operational method C. Modus operandi
B. Criminal trademark D. Crime signature

31. The principal alkaloid of opium constituting as much as 20% of opium is

A. Morphine B. Heroin C. Codeine D. Hashish

32. The intelligent, logical questioning of a suspect about a crime to ensure a

confession of guilt is called-
A. Admission B. Interview C. Torture D. Interrogation

33. Hints that suggest lines of investigative actions and information that is valuable in
expanding the universe of suspects, identifying prime suspects and finding the
guilty person are called-
A. Trace items C. Investigative leads
B. Clues D. Angles

34. One is an important tool in investigation which refers to the investigative lead that
shows the identity of a system of several hundred plastic slides containing photo
reproduction of one small portion of human face, nose, mouth, ears, etc.
A. Rogues galler C. Portrait parle
B. Identi-kit D. Cartography

35. Under Philippine law, breaking and entering into house or building with felonious
intent is known as
A. Burglary B. Larcenary C. Robbery D. Theft

36. Those robbers who usually enters windows of second floor, puts chair against
door to afford time to leave, especially if discovered are called-
A. Apartment house robbers C. Jimmy entry robbers
B. Safe robbers D. Super robbers

37. In police parlance, this kind of robbery is one made in an open place following
sudden attact. What is being referred to?
A. “Snatching cases” C. “Forcible entry”
B. “hold up cases” D. “frisking”

38. The killing of four or more victims at one location at one single event is also
A. Mass murder C. Serial murder
B. Spree murder D. Manslaughter

39. A criminal act committed by a person of responsibility and high social status in
the course of his or her occupation is called
A. Corporate crime C. Occupational crime
B. White-collar crime D. Environmental crime

40. The following are the requisites of self-defense, except-

A. Unlawful aggression
B. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to repel it
C. Sufficient provocation on the part of person defending himself
D. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself.

41. Among the following persons, who can be prosecuted in the case of prostitution?
A. Gay prostitute C. Mother selling daughter’s
B. Lady prostitute D. Any of the above

42. Robbery can be committed in band. Band means

A. 5 man team C. Concert band
B. 3 armed malefactors D. 4 armed malefactors

43. Normally, fire feeds in all directions, but the least likely path a fire will follow is
A. Upward B. Sideward C. Downward D. Outward
44. Criminal investigation,to be effective, is not governed by rigid rules or laws, but
most often, it is governed by –
A. Intuition C. Felicity of inspiration
B. Some chances D. All of these

45. As an initial step in criminal investigation whereby the investigator strictly observe
one of the nine (9) golden rules upon arrival at the crime scene. Which one is
referred to?
A. Arrest the suspect and prosecute him
B. Do not touch or move any object
C. Apply immediately the mechanics of search and cordon the crime scene.
D. Save the life of the victim, and at the same time be able to identify the
suspect, if any.

46. Articles and materials which are found in connection with investigation and which
ideas in establishing the identity of the penetrator or the circumstances under
which the crime was committed or which in general, assist in the prosecution of
the criminal.
A. Corpus delicti C. Physical evidence
B. Fruits of the crime D. Chain of custody of physical

47. When a suspect is questioned of his or her involvement in a crime and that he or
she is reluctant to divulge information, the method of questioning should be
A. Interrogation C. Use of 3rd degree
B. Interview D. Instrumentation

48. He may be one who gives the necessary information to the investigator. He may
give the information openly and even offer to be a witness or he may inform the
investigator surreptitiously and request to remain anonymous.
A. Informant C. Sources of information
B. Tracing D. Informer

49. When the crime subject of investigation is gambling, prostitution, illegal sale of
drugs, alcohol, dishonesty among employees or infidelity of a spouse, the
appropriate method of surveillance is-
A. Casing C. One-man shadow
B. Shadowing or tailing D. Two-man shadow

50. From among the methods of surveillance of persons, which is the most
appropriate method applied in crowded places?
A. One-man shadow C. Multiple shadow
B. Two-man shadow D. Undercover assignment

51. Among the constitutional rights accorded to every arrested person under
custodial investigation, one of them is not included-
A. Right to bail bond
B. Right to remain silent
C. Right to have a legal counsel
D. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation.

52. Sweating, color change, dry mouth, pulse and breathing if found to be abnormal
to a subject/ suspect, may indicate-
A. Sufficient, strong and convincing evidence of guilt
B. Physiological sysmptoms of guilt
C. Circumstantial evidence of guilt
D. Innocence of the subject

53. When a subject of investigation confessed to the crime, the investigator can
determine voluntariness of the confession through the following, except-
A. Presence of the physiological symptoms of guilt
B. Statement obtained by request and was spontaneous or self-induced
C. Statement was obtained without coercion and free from any force or
D. Statement was obtained during the official investigation after the accused was
informed of the cause and nature of the offense charged, of the fact that the
evidence can be used against him at the trial

54. Search of crime scene where the searchers ( A, B & C) proceed slowly at the
same pace along the path parallel to one side of the rectangle. At the end of the
rectangle, the searcher turns and proceeds back along new lanes but parallel to
the first movement. This type of search is called-
A. Spiral method C. Zone method
B. Strip method D. Wheel method

55. Legally, in order to establish a case of arson

A. The fire must have been started by the suspect with own hand.
B. The property does not belong to the suspect of the crime
C. The presumption that the fire was accidental in origin must be overcome
D. The evidence of incendiarism must be direct and positive not

56. If a fire breaks out simultaneously in different parts of the building, it is most
reasonable to think that the fire is the result
A. Explosive C. Carelessness
B. Spontaneous combustion D. Incendiary fire

57. Probably one of the most definite clues to arson or attempted arson is-
A. Intensity of the flame C. Odor of burning materials
B. Multiple fires D. Difficulty in extinguishments

58. You arrive first at an automobile fire. A short circuit caused a small fire under the
hood which has spread to the dashboard and wires are also involved. Of the
following, the one which should be performed first is.
A. Cool the hood by applying the water
B. Apply ashes, sand or earth on the hood
C. Cut the ignition wiring using a knife
D. Disconnect the battery terminal connections

59. The public attitude towards fire prevention which is most difficult to overcome is
A. Maliciousness C. Indifference
B. Laziness D. Unreasonableness

60. Because no fires are alike, it is impossible to lay down general plans for fire
fighting operations. This viewpoint is unacceptable primarily because
A. The variety of techniques and methods available are conductive to all levels
of command

B. Proper utilization of forces at hand are independent of the variable
characteristics of fire situations
C. Elements of similarity are sufficient to establish tactics and strategy applicable
in a variety of situations
D. All of the above

61. You were on your way home late at night when you noticed smoke pouring out
on one of the windows in a house in which several families reside. Your first
consideration under these circumstances should be to
A. Determine the cause of smoke
B. Arouse all the residents of the house
C. Summon fire apparatus to the scene of the fire
D. Carry out to safety any person overcome by smoke

62. A partially filled gasoline drum is a mere dangerous fire hazard than a full one. Of
following, the best justification for this statement is that
A. Air is not combustible
B. Gasoline is difficult to ignite
C. Gasoline vapors are more explosive than gasoline itself
D. A partially filled gasoline drum contains relatively little air.

63. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic accidents than any
other part in the area. The police unit assignment to the area should.
A. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for violators
B. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to caution motorist
C. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from view
D. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to the intersection

64. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by
electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails
are considered-
A. Skating B. Bicycle C. Tricycle D. Motor vehicles

65. It is the investigator’s responsibility to insure that every precaution is exercised to

preserve the evidence. What is being described?
A. Tagging of evidence C. Preservation of evidence
B. Evaluation of evidence D. Releasing evidence

66. Trial is allowed only after arraignment and the accused may waive his right to
appear at the trial except when his presence is required to appear at the trial
except when his presence is required for purposes of identification. This is the
principle of trial by:
A. Substitution C. Re-assignment
B. Absentia D. Ordeal

67. If the sworn written statement, charging a person with an offense,is subscribed
by the prosecutor and filed with court, such written statement is called-
A. Deposition C. Police blotter
B. Complaint D. Information

68. The fundamental responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the crime
scene is to:
A. Interrogate the witnesses
B. Engage in the search for tracesleft by the search for traces left by the criminal
C. Remove of evidence which may prove importance to the case
D. Preserving the site of the crime in the same physical condition as it was
left by the perpetrator.

69. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets except signs set into the
surface or applied upon or attached to the pavement of curbing officially place for
the purpose of regulating traffic are considered-
A. Warning signs C. Traffic engineering
B. Traffic management D. Pavement marking

70. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights are used on some
intersection is that
A. Motorist are discourage from “jumping signals”
B. Traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
C. An officer can stop and start as necessity demands
D. Greater safety to pedistrians and motorist is effected

71. “A” stabbed “B”. “A” brought “B” to a hospital for medical treatment. Had it not
been the timely medical attendance. “B” would have died. This is a case of
A. Physical injury C. A consummated felony
B. An attempted felony D. A frustrated felony

72. Traffic accidents happen anytime and anywhere in the roads. Of the following
types of accident, which one is most decreased by the installation of traffic light?
A. Cross traffic accidents
B. Exists are more readily seen
C. The doors may not catch fire
D. Audience can go out easier incase of fire or emergency

73. Exit doors in theatre should swing out in the direction of the street mainly
A. People should walk, not run, to the nearest exit
B. Exists are more readily seen
C. The doors may not catch fire
D. Audience can go out easier incase of fire or emergency

74. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume
electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system is
A. Self-closing door C. Overloading
B. Jumper D. Oxidizing material

75. When people are considered sources of information, the experienced police
A. Recognizes that persons from all walks of life represent potential
investigative resources
B. Develops his contracts only with law abiding citizens
C. Restricts his efforts to members of the departments
D. Concentrates all his efforts to acquire informants only from criminal types

76. The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the
offense charged and the imposition of the penalty provided by law on the
defendant who pleads or is found guilty thereof is approximately called-
A. Judgment B. Litigation C. Review D. Arraignment

77. Clandestine operations are conducted by the police in criminal investigation

activities. In police parlance, clandestine operation means-
A. Covert intelligence C. Secret activity
B. Surveillance D. Overt intelligence

78. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal to one or more
A. Property damage C. Fatal accident
B. Non-fatal injury accident D. Traffic law enforcer

79. What do you call a word or group of words that express a complete thought?
A. Adverb B. Verb C. Subject D. Sentence

80. A written order of the court or any competent authority cosigning an offender to a
bail or prison for confinement is called-
A. Order of contraband C. Instrumental of restraint
B. Mittimus D. Release order

81. An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from the floor, as well as for
the base to the top of the building is known as
A. Sprinkle evidence C. Flash point
B. Vertical shaft D. Standpipe system

82. What do you call the name of the drug from the leaves of the coca bush plant, a
South American Shrub?it is a central nervous system stimulant.
A. Opiates B. Marijuana C. Cocaine D. Shabu

83. When an investigator finds an entry tool at the crime scene, he should first
A. Pick it up for closer observation taking care not to jar with it.
B. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the impressions to determine
if this was the tool used in the crime
C. Immediately collect it and always sent it to the crime laboratory for scientific
D. Wait until the crime scene has been sketched or photographed and
measurements taken before the collects the evidence.

84. A wall designated to prevent the spread of fire having a fire resistance rating of
not less than fours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if
construction on either side collapses under the fire conditions is called-
A. Firewood B. firewall C. post wall D. fire trap

85. Amphetamine is representative of good class of stimulant known as

A. Stick B. Speed C. Reefers D. Pop pills

86. Investigator must be patient to obtain accurate and complete information

especially with uncooperative subjects. He should have-
A. Logical mind C. Perseverance
B. Power of self-control D. Integrity

87. The so called “golden triangle” where illicit drugs are produced refers to-
A. Myanmar-Vietnam-Thailand borders C. Thailand-Myanmar-Laos borders
B. Laos- Thailand-china borders D. Thailand-Myanmar-China borders

88. A traffic police officer stationed at the route of a parade and has been ordered by
his superior to allow no cars to cross the route. While the parade is in progress,
an ambulance driver on an emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance
across the route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances the
traffic police officer should.
A. Ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact his superior and
obtains decisions
B. Stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to cross the

C. Hold up the ambulance in accordance with the susperior’s order.
D. Direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour

89. An instance that may cause fires from the heat accumulated from the heat
accumulated from the rolling, sliding or friction in machinery or between two hard
surfaces, at least one of which is usually a metal is called
A. Static electricity C. Friction heat
B. Overheating of machine D. Heat from arching

90. Assume a dead body has been discovered on the street and being the only
police officer around, you have been called upon by a passersby to proceed to
the scene upon arriving at the scene, several onlookers are gathered. As a rule,
it essential that a police office should refrain from expressing his opinion as to the
probable cause of death because-
A. Opinion may influence the investigator assigned to the case
B. No useful purpose will be served
C. The killer may overhead your conclusion
D. You do not know the cause of the death

91. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision course or otherwise
avoid hazard is
A. State of evasive action C. Point of no escape
B. Point of possible perception D. Final position

92. What group of drugs can produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of
mind with delusions?
A. Stimulants B. Narcotics C. Depressant D. Volatile substance

93. What group of drugs that produce perceptual alternation, varying emotion,
change ego distortion and thought disruptions?
A. Stimulants B. Depressants C. Tranquilizers D. Hallucinogen

94. Any event the results in unintended injury or property damage attribute directly or
indirectly to the action of motor vehicle is called-
A. Motor transportation way C. Motor vehicle accident
B. Non motor vehicle traffic accident D. Motor vehicle non traffic accident

95. The behavior of uncontrollable impulse to put things on fire is known as

A. Kleptomania B. Pedophilia C. Pyromania D. Hero type

96. Usually, the color of the smoke will indicate the type of material that is burning, in
order to be of value to the investigator, observation should be made.
A. Before the fire C. After the fire
B. After the water has been poured D. During overhaul

97. The primary responsibility of a fire investigator in fire investigation is to-

A. Determine the true cause of fire C. Determine the fire setter
B. Determine the origin of fire D. Determine the victim

98. The type of flame which do not deposit soot because it has complete combustion
is called-
A. Non-luminous flame C. Diffusion flame
B. Laminar flame D. Luminous flame
99. When the maximum heat and destructive capability of the fire is developed, the
fire is in its-
A. Incipient phase C. Smoldering phase
B. Free burning space D. Ignition

100. Smoke of usual color that changes to yellow or grayish yellow is caused
by a dangerous fire condition known as-
A. Black draft condition C. Flash over condition
B. Flashback condition D. Stack effect

1. The first action of an investigator upon arriving at the crime scene of the homicide is-
a. Identification of the victim c. call an ambulance
b. The verification of death d. search of the scene for weapon used

2. From the given statement below, which one is not essentially a duty of a criminal
a. Enforcement of the law c. identify and apprehend the suspect
b. Recover stolen property d. establish that in fact, a crime was
Committed under the law

3. In using a witness, for purposes of identifying the culprit, what method is not part of
police standards if investigation?
a. Solitary confinement type of interrogation
b. Artist assistance or composites sketches
c. Photographic files (rogues gallery)
d. Verbal description

4. Which of the sworn statement is where the affiant is informed of his constitutional
a. Before the signature of prosecutor
b. In the preliminary
c. After the signs the statement
d. After the affiant signs the waiver

5. Questioning a person suspected of having committed an offense or a person who is

reluctant to make full disclosure pertinent information in his position to the
a. Polygraph test c. interrogation
b. Interview d. truth serum

6. It is also known as cartographic sketching wherein the investigator, sketcher will draw a
face based on the description to be given by the victim, complaint or witness?
a. Sketching c. interrogation
b. Artist assistance d. general photograph

7. History of criminal investigation traced that the first woman detective was
_____employed by the pinkerton detective agency in the united states.
a. Kate warne c. Katherine Jones
b. Kristine Wicks d. Andrea Abraham

8. Interview in crime investigation is very important considering that the person

interviewed usually gives his account of an incident. The basic assumption is that –
a. Talk to no one except in the line of duty
b. Everyone has the right against self-incrimination
c. The law is always the law and everyone has to submit himself or herself for

d. No law compels a person to talk to the police if he does not want to, thus making
interviewing an art

9. Among the following, which is the primary reason why crimes are investigated?
a. Establish, if in fact, a crime was committed
b. Provide accurate details about a case
c. Identify and apprehend the suspect
d. Recover stolen properties

10. It refers to the method of operation which will enable investigation to a pattern of
criminal behavior.
a. Crime scene construction c. instrumentation
b. Modus operandi d. interrogation

11. Who among the following criminal investigation personalities first to advocate the use
of scientific methods of criminal investigation?
a. Francis Galton c. Hans Gross
b. Aberdeen Job d. Oliver Smith

12. In criminal investigation what is known as the “unimpeachable witness” because it does
not lie, no faulty memory, not bias and not favoring anyone?
a. Expert Witness c. Ordinary Witness
b. Testimonial expert d. Physical evidence

13. Under standard composition of the SOCO Team, which among the following is not a
SOCO member?
a. Team leader
b. Intelligence personnel
c. Sketcher and Evidence Recorder
d. Photographer & photographic log recorder

14. The fact that no physical evidence was found at the scene of the crime will most likely
mean that –
a. The suspect was juvenile
b. The suspect was professional
c. The victim cleaned up before the police arrived
d. The police probably did not conduct a complete search for evidence

15. It refers to the good and harmonious relationships between the interviewer and
interviewee which serve as a door for overflowing information coming from the subject.
a. Mutual understanding c. Rapport
b. Affection d. friendship

16. It refers to a thing which is found at the crime scene in connection with an investigation
and which aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under
which the crime was committed or which, in general, assist in the prosecution of
a. Forensic article c. Criminal stuff
b. Physical evidence d. Tracing item

17. In the examination of blood spatters, which among the following indicates the direction
of travel?
a. Size of the blood c. pointed shape of the blood
b. Volume of the blood d. color of the blood
18. It is the art of suspect’s surveillance pioneered by Allan Pinkerton.
a. Modus operandi c. Role
b. Shadowing d. Casing

19. What is the reason why when a police officer appears in the court as a witness, he has
to be in complete uniform? To show his respect to the court and to his
a. Comrades c. Superior
b. Position/rank d. Profession

20. The choice of particular crime to commit and the selection of a method of committing a
criminal act that forms the signature of the criminal give a clear lead on who might have
committed the crime. The investigator should study –
a. Informants c. Modus Operandi File
b. Mug file d. field Contact reports

Traffic accident investigation 21-35

21. An event that may occur during an accident which refuse to that place and time after
beyond which the accident cannot be prevented by traffic unit under consideration.
a. Point of no escape c. Perception delay
b. Final position d. Stopping

22. When two cars coming from different directions reached a four way stop at the same
time. Which car has the right of way?
a. The with the driver who flashes his head lights first
b. The car which blow its horn first
c. The car on the right
d. The car on the left

23. On the occasion of the kadayawan festival parade, a traffic officer is instructed not to
allow vehicles to cross the route where the parade is to pass, however, a 911 ambulance
with an injured passenger is about to cross the route. What should be the best action of
the traffic law enforcement officer?
a. Direct the driver to the nearest short cut without passing the route
b. Stop the parade to allow the ambulance to cross the street.
c. Follow the order not to allow any vehicle to cross the route.
d. Call his supervisor for the prompt decision.

24. Which of the following is the best yardstick of an effective traffic law enforcement
a. Smooth and orderly traffic flow
b. Increased law enforcement action
c. Reduction of traffic accidents and delays
d. Less traffic law enforcement officers deployed with the same output

25. Which is the following is the basic objective of the police traffic control?
a. Economized transport of goods and services
b. Movement of traffic with safety
c. Prevention of traffic accidents
d. Planning for safe roads

26. Part of the traffic rules are colors and shapes of the traffic signs. What is background of
a regulatory sign?
a. Blue c. Yellow
b. White d. Green

27. In relation to traffic lights, from the bottom, what is the arrangement of color of the
traffic light?
a. Red, yellow, green c. green, red, yellow
b. Red, green, yellow d. green, yellow, red

28. Which of the following traffic concepts instruct drivers and pedestrians when, how
pedestrians move, not to move or stand steady at a particular time?
a. Traffic way c. traffic direction
b. Traffic control d. Traffic direction and control

29. What should drivers do when an emergency vehicle approaches displaying legally
authorized red light and sounding a siren?
a. Continue driving slowly without regard of the emerging vehicle
b. Yield the right-of way and wait for the passage of the vehicle
c. Pull aside and stop the car abruptly
d. Disregard the red light and siren

30. A double solid white line in the highway means-

a. Allowed parking c. allow lane changing
b. Allowed overtaking d. no lane changing

31. It is a chain of events in vehicular accident that refers to the first action to be taken by a
traffic unit to avoid an accident.
a. Maximum engagement c. initial contact
b. Perception of hazard d. start of evasive action

32. In hit and run accident investigation, what should be the initial step or phase in the
investigative process?
a. Check the victim for injuries c. gather evidence
b. Establish the identity of the persons involved d. cordon the area

33. It is an activity by which the movement of traffic units at a particular intersection are
controlled and allocated according to proportionate time to prevent traffic accident and
to maintain the smooth flow of traffic.
a. Traffic supervision c. Traffic management
b. Traffic direction and control d. Traffic enforcement

34. What is the process of determining factors on how accidents occur and on how to
mitigate and prevent its effects through clinical and statistical method?
a. Accident evaluation c. accident assessment
b. Accident examination d. accident analysis

35. When sketching traffic, point of reference on the road should be anything which is fixed
or permanent in nature for motor vehicles involved, what should be the point of
a. Corner of the edges of the vehicles c. edge of the tire
b. Corner of the rear and front bumper d. center of the axle

Special crime investigation 36-52

36. The most important factor in homicide investigation in relation to physical evidence.
a. Handling c. Technological terrorism
b. Identification d. Preservation

37. It refers to terrorism that initiates, or threatens to initiate, the exploitation of or attack
on information systems.
a. Computerrosism c. Technological terrorism
b. Enviroterrorism d. cyber terrorism

38. The primary responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the crime scene is:
a. Arrest of the suspect
b. Engaging in the search for trace evidence
c. Correction of evidence which may prove significant to the crime
d. Preserving the scene in the same physical condition when discovered

39. Which action of the first officer to arrive at the crime scene takes precedence over other
a. Attend to any injured persons
b. Preserve the scene
c. Cordon off crime area
d. Arrest suspicious

40. Under RA 7787, sexual harassment may take place in the following places, except:
a. During work school or training-related travel
b. By telephone, cellphone , fax machine or e-mail
c. At official conferences, symposia or training sessions
d. At work or education or training-related social functions

41. This type of operation involves the collection of information to support investigative law
enforcement actions, counter-intelligence operations and other management usage.
a. Order of battle c. espionage
b. Anti-insurgency d. undercover operation

42. In the investigation of a homicide case, photographs taken on the victim in its original
conditional and position. The best reason for this practice is that:
a. Photographs show the motive for the homicide and thus indicate likely suspects
b. Photographs form a permanent record of the body and the scene of the crime
c. Photographs reveal the specific method used in committing the homicide
d. Photographs indicate if the corpse has been moved in any way

43. Republic Act Number 10175 is otherwise known as:

a. Human Security Act
b. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
c. An act to Institute Policies to Eliminate trafficking

44. In a crime scene physical investigation, which of the following is the most concern of the
police investigator in relation to criminal or suspect?
a. Extent of influence of the victim as reflected by the physical evidence
b. Traces from the scene imparted on the criminal/suspect
c. Pattern of actions or modus operandi
d. Scene reconstruction
45. This type of prostitution has her own legitimate work but in order to supplement her
income, she works as a prostitute.
a. Knocker c. Door knocker
b. Call girl d. streetwalker
46. It is the otherwise known as an Act of Decriminalizing Vagrancy.
a. R.A. 6425 c. R.A. 9165
b. R.A. 10354 d. R.A. 10158

47. Generally, if the gunshot wound is only (1) and in contact or near contacts as shown by
tattooing, smudging, it indicates:
a. Grazing injuries c. self-inflicted injuries
b. Open wounds d. accidental wounds

48. It is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and circumstances surrounding

a. criminal investigation

b. Medico Legal Investigation

c. Special Crime Investigation

d. Homicide Investigation

49. In the course of your investigation of an alleged sexual offense. You found out the penis of
the man was able to be in contact only the labia majora (outer folds enclosing women’s
genetalia) of the woman thereby no penetration into the vagina. What crime was committed?

a. Attempted Rape

b. Acts of Lasciviousness

c. Frustrated Rape

d. Consummated Rape

50. The first essential step in homicide investigation.

a. Identification of Cadaver

b. Identifying Suspect

c. Establishing Death

d. Occurrence of Crime

51. What kind of investigation is the official inquiry made by the police on the facts and
circumstances surrounding the death of the person which is expected to be criminal or

a. Crime of Chastity

b. Homicide Investigation

c. Property crime investigation

d. Crime Against Person

52. “X” was caught after killing “Y”. At the police station he freely and voluntary confessed and
admitted the killing before the start of interrogation and no warning of his rights was made by
the police investigator. Is the confession admissible as evidence?

a. Yes, inadmissible because it was made without a warning of his right

b. Yes, it was freely given before the start of the investigation

c. No, because he was not inform of his right

D. None of these


53. From the definitions of organized crime, the following are its characteristics, except –

a. conspiracy

b. political ideology

c. ideology of economics

d. Hierarchy

54. Refers to the practices, tactics, and strategies that government, militaries, and other groups
adopt in order to fight terrorism.

a. Counter Intelligence

b. Counter Terrorism

c. Counter Insurgency

d. Interpol

55. The Philippine program that highlights an integrated approach to the prevention, combat

eradication of transnational crime.

a. Anti Transnational Crime Council Program

b. Program
c. on Anti Money Laundering Council
d. Philippine Center on Transnational Crime Program
e. Comprehensive Program to Combat Transnational Organized Crime

56. It is the Philippines Terrorism Law known also as human security act of 2007.

a. RA 9732
b. RA 9372
c. RA 6235
d. RA 9165

57. This is regarded as the oldest and the biggest criminal organization in the world.

a. Chinese Mafia
b. Cosa nostra
c. Medillen Cartel
d. Japanese Yakuza

58. What is the penalty for a person found guilty of the crime of terrorism?

a. 12 years and 1 day to 40 years without the benefit of parole

b. 40 years of imprisonment without the benefit of parole
c. 40 years of imprisonment and the benefit of parole
d. 12 years and 1 day to 20 years of imprisonment

59. Refers to a public official, usually not members of the organization family, who can wield
influence on behalf of the organization’s interest.

a. Corruptee
b. Corrupter
c. Boss
d. Enforcer

60. This is the category of terrorist group which aims in the re-structuring of the society.

a. Political
b. Revolutionary
c. Ethnocentric
d. Religious

61. What is known as the world’s computer network in which crimes may be committed
through the use of computer or similar means?

a. Computer system
b. World web
c. Internet
d. International crime

62. A criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed and devoted

primarily to the pursuit through illegal means.

a. Kidnapping
b. Terrorism
c. Syndicate
d. Organized crime

63. The mafia’s code of secrecy, and informal, unwritten code of organized crime, which
demands silence and loyalty, among other things, of family members.

a. Code silence
b. Omerta
c. Honor code
d. Secrecy

64. One of the following is a process by which criminals seek to disguise the illicit nature of their
proceeds by introducing them into the mainstream of legitimate commerce and finance.

a. Plunder
b. Pyramiding
c. Monopoly
d. Money Laundering

65. It refers to terrorism that initiates, or threatens to initiate, the exploitation of or attack on
information system.

a. Cyber Terrorism
b. Inviroterrorism
c. Computer Terrorism
d. Technological Terrorism

66. It is known as the anti-trafficking in person act of 2003.

a. RA 9262
b. RA 9208
c. RA 8484
d. RA 8792

67. Organized crime as any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose
primary objectives is to obtain money through –

a. ideology
b. natural events
c. untoward incidents
d. illegal activities

68. Which of the following is the reason why the CPP NPA is not categorized as Organized Crime

a. They have representative in congress

b. They are terrorist dedicated to political change
c. They are fully armed and a threat to national security
d. They are loved and idolized by other sector of society

69. A police officer was found guilty for the failure to deliver a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism within the prescribed period of three days. What is the
impossible penalty?

a. 6 years and 1 day to 8 years imprisonment

b. 10 years and 1 day to 12 years imprisonment
c. 40 years imprisonment w/o the benefit of parole
d. 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years of imprisonment


70. A treatment for alcoholics with call for hospitalization and are costly due to the
administration of nauseating drugs.

a. aversion treatment
b. Therapeutic method
c. Psychotherapy method
d. Program for alcoholics anonymous

71. A method of treatment for alcoholics’ w/c aims at eliminating emotional tensions of the
patient w/c led to their alcoholism.

a. Therapeutic Method
b. Psychotherapy Method
c. Aversion method
d. Program for alcoholic anonymous

72. A drug obtained from the leaves of coca, a South American shrub. It is a central nervous
system stimulant.

a. Heroin
b. Opiates
c. Shabu
d. Cocaine

73. Study reveal that the reason why “Marijuana” is difficult to control is that:

a. Can easily be smuggled from outside the country

b. Can be easily smoked surreptitiously
c. the plant can be easily cultivated
d. The big Demand

74. Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change, thought disruption and
ego distortion.

a. Tranquilizers
b. Stimulants
c. Hallucinogens
d. Depressants

75. The Operation Plan of PDEA conducted to neutralize military or police personnel suspected
of illegally engage in dangerous drugs.

a. OPLAN Hunter
b. OPLAN Athena
c. OPLAN Iceberg
d. OPLAN Tornado

76. The most popular and latest sex drug, whose chemical name is “Methy Dioxy

a. Shabu
b. Ecstacy
c. Chomper
d. Heroin

77. A coddler or protector who knowingly and wilfully consents to any violation of the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)is punished with an imprisonment of 12
years and 1 day to 20 years plus fine ranging from 100,000 to __________.

a. 1,000,000

b. 2, 000,000

c. 300,000

d. 500,000

78. A degree of intoxication wherein the subject is in state of unconsciousness or in stupor


a. coma

b.Moderate inebriation

c. very drunk

d. drunk

79. The known drugs found in a Mexican mushroom.

a. lysergic acid

b. psilocybin

c. mescaline

d. ephedrine

80. Refer to a combined effects of the abused drugs taken by the user.

a. Synergistic effects

b. withdrawal sickness

c. tolerance

d. addiction

81. The policy making body in the planning and formulation of programs on drug prevention
and control in the Philippines.

a. AFP

b. DDB


d. PNP

82. A classification of drugs under RA 9165 which have the effects of stupor, melancholy, and
dullness of the mind with delusions.

a. depressants

b. stimulants

c. inhalants

d. hallucinogens

83. A state of Psycho and Physio dependence or both on dangerous drugs arising in a person
following administration or use of a drug on a periodic or continuous basis.

a. drug tolerance

b. drug addiction

c. drug dependence

d. drug habit

84. What dangerous drug can be extracted from the Chinese plant known as Ephedra or “Ma

a. Mescaline

b. shabu

c. cocaine

d. Benzedrine

85. In large drug doses, this type of drugs can cause respiratory depression, coma and death
due to respiratory arrest when taken in large doses.

a. stimulant

b. depressants

c. inhalants

d. hallucinogens


86. The final phase of burning wherein flame cases but dense smoke and heat completely fill
the confined room, flames may die and leave only glowing embers.

a. beginning phase

b. free-burning phase

c. temperature

d. smoldering phase

87. This usually indicates the intensity of the fire.

a. color of flame

b. color of smoke

c. size of fire

d. size of flame

88. a continuous and unobstructed route of exit from any point in a building structure or facility
to a public way.

a. pathway

b. fire lane

c. means of egress

d. firewall

89. How much percent of oxygen is needed to sustain combustion?

a. at least 10%

b. must be more than 21%

c. approximately 16%

d. must not be less than 21%

90. In fires wherein the fuel is flammable liquid such as gasoline, kerosene, alcohol and grease
which among the foregoing may be used to put out this fire?

a. water

b. foam extinguisher

c. sand

d. dry chemical

91. Persons who are possessed with uncontrollable desire or impulse to set things on fire,
without any motive, only to satisfy intense excitement, passion, or enthusiasm to watch big

a. pyromaniac

b. arsonist

c. terrorist

d. fire setter

92. In attacking a fire in a closed building, it is necessary to determine whether ventilating is

necessary and if so, the method of ventilating to be used. Which of the following is of least
value in making such a decision?

a. observing the points at which smoke may be oozing out from the building

b. observing density of smoke through windows

c. feeling walls and roots for hot spots

d. observing the color of the smoke

93. Reason why fire investigation is unique

a. it does not conform with regular investigative procedure

b. unavailability of witness

c. fire destroys evidence

d. all of the foregoing

94. The temperature at which the material will give off ample vapors to keep burning.

a. flash point

b. flashover

c. flame-over

d. fire point

95. most common motive in arson cases

a. intimidation

b. concealment of crime

c. economic gain

d. punitive measure

96. A type of built-in devise which works by the increase of room temperature designed to
protect establishment from looses through fire is:

a. fire hazard

b. automatic sprinkling system

c. fire protection

d. fire extinguisher

97. It refers to the temperature at which the material is not hot enough to keep burning but still
gives off enough vapors to cause a flash across the surface.

a. kindling temperature

b. flash point

c. fire point

d. boiling point

98. Which among the following is the primary objective in investigating fires

a. to determine liable persons

b. to prevent recurrences

c. to determine its cause

d. all of these

99. the fire triangle represents the glowing mode of fire while the fire tetrahedron represents
the _______ of fire.

a. flaming mode

b. pyrolysis

c. charring mode

d. thermal decomposition

100. The combustion process is also the burning process known as

a. vaporization

b. free radicals

c. pyrolysis

d. controlled fire

1.    What legal doctrine was established in the case Mapp vs. Ohio?

A.  Archipelagic Doctrine
B.  Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine
C.  Miranda Doctrine           
D.  Eclectics Doctrine
E.  None of these
2.    The testimony of witnesses reduced in writing while under oath is
generally called
A.  Admission
B.  Declaration
C.  Information
D.  Deposition
3.    Human sources of information who voluntarily provide facts to the
detectives are generally known as
A.  Informers
B.  Suspects
C.  Informants
D.  Respondents
4.    Proof beyond reasonable doubt is the weight and sufficiency of evidence
needed to convict the defendant in
A.  administrative cases
B.  civil cases
C.  criminal cases
D.  all of the above

5.    The stage of criminal interview purposely done to clarify information
already gathered or to gather additional facts about the case is the:
A.  initial interview
B.  follow-up interview
C.  concluding interview
D.  preliminary interview

6.    The prosecutor is the proper authority to subscribe in the

A.  Affidavit
B.  Complaint
C.  Joint affidavit
D.  Information
7.    Any person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation shall at
all times be assisted by
A.  Prosecutor
B.  police officer
C.  counsel
D.  complaint
8.    Remuneration gain is the main motive of
A.  Informants
B.  Criminals
C.  Informers
D.  Witnesses
9.    As established by our Supreme Court through the case People vs. Galit,
the first step in arresting an offender is
A.  show the warrant of arrest
B.  inform the nature and cause of accusation
C.  identify yourself as a law enforcer
D.  give the Miranda warning
10.  Planned and coordinated legal search conducted to locate physical
evidences at the locus criminis refers to
A.  Crime scene search
B.  Intelligence
C.  Instrumentation
D.  Covert operation
11.  A self-incriminatory statement not tantamount to acknowledgement of
criminal guilt is called
A.  Complaint
B.  Admission
C.  Confession
D.  Deposition
12.  The fundamentals responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting
the crime scene is 
A.  interrogating the witnesses
B.  engaging in the search for traces left by the search for traces left by
the criminal
C.  removal  of evidence which may prone important to the case
D.  preserving the site of the crime in the same physical condition as it
was left by the perpetrator

13.  Which of the following is NOT among the rules to be observed in
questioning a suspect?

A.  simplicity of the question
B.  one question at a time
C.  accepted applied answer
D.  saving faces
14.  One of the following is an art, which deal with the identity and
location of the offender and provides evidence of his guilt through
criminal proceedings.
A.  information
B.  interrogation
C.  instrumentation
D.  criminal investigation
15.  The declaration made under a consciousness of an impending death is
A.  Res gestae  
B.  Declaration against interest
C.  Dying declaration
D.  all of these
16.  A police officer testifying to the fact that he observed the defendant
assault the victim is presenting to the court ____ evidence.
A.  circumstantial evidence
B.  direct evidence
C.  artificial evidence
D.  real evidence
17.  A standard arrow to designate the north must be indicating to
facilitate proper orientation. This is known as 
A.  map      
B.  wind whirl       
C.  compass direction    
D.  window 
18.  The profession and scientific discipline directed to the recognition,
identification, individualization and evaluation of physical science
by application of natural sciences in matters of law and science.
A.  chemist   
B.  scientist   
C.  toxicologist   
D.  criminalistics

19.  The number of person who handle the evidence from the scene of the
crime and between the times of the commission of the crime up to the
final disposition of the case.
A.  time of disposition   
B.  chain of custody 
C.  time of custody
D.  time of disposal
20.  A technique useful in investigation with the application of
instrumental detection of deception is called
A.  ballistic test 
B.  questioned document test
C.  fingerprint testing 
D.  polygraph testing
21.  The warrant of arrest is good only for

A.  10 days
B.  15 days
C.  20 days
D.  none of these

22.  The effectiveness of this tool in investigation depends on the craft,

logic, and psychological insight of the initiator in interpreting the
information relevant to the case is called
A.  instrumentation
B.  information
C.  interrogation
D.  interview
23.  The systematic classification of the fundamentals or basic factors of a
criminal method is called
A.  corpus delicti
B.  modus operandi
C.  methodology
D.  all of the above
24.  It is a type of reconstruction of crime wherein collected information
is analyzed carefully thereby developing a theory of the crime.
A.  deductive reasoning
B.  physical reconstruction
C.  inductive reasoning
D.  mental reconstruction

25.  The defense of the suspect that he was present in a place other than
the crime scene during the estimated time when the crime was committed
is called
A.  Defense
B.  Allegation
C.  Alibi
D.  Statement
26.  These are hints that suggest lines of investigative actions and
information that is valuable in expanding the universe of suspects,
identifying prime suspects and finding the guilty person. This is
A.  Information
B.  Investigative leads
C.  Corpus delicti
D.  Modus operandi
27.  Complaint document is filed by the
A.  Police to the prosecutor's office
B.  Offended party directly to the court
C.  Fiscal against the offended party
D.  Prosecutor directly to the court
28.  That  type  of reasoning used in reconstruction of  the  crime whereby
the detective assumes a theory based  on  collected information is
regarded as
A.  deduction approach
B.  logical reasoning
C.  inductive approach
D.  positive approach

29.  The  lawful  act  of restraining a person  believed  to  have committed
a crime and placing him under custody  is  termed as
A.  Imprisonment
B.  Restraint
C.  Arrest
D.  Detention
30.  The use of scientific instruments, methods and processes while
detecting and investigating crimes is technically called
A.  Criminal Justice
B.  Forensic Science
C.  Criminalistics 
D.  Instrumentation

31.  Preponderance of evidence is the weight and sufficiency of evidence

needed to convict a person in
A.  Murder cases
B.  Civil cases
C.  Criminal cases
D.  None of these
32.  The two forms of arrest are arrest by actual restraint and
A.  By forcible surrender
B.  By detention
C.  By voluntary submission
D.  By virtue of a warrant

33.  In portrait parle method the witness provides a vivid physical

appearance of the offender. Portrait parle means
A.  Oral discussion
B.  Verbal description
C.  Photographic files
D.  Facial appearance
34.  The application of the same or substantially the same pattern, plan,
system of a particular offender in committing a crime is known as
A.  Premeditation
B.  plan
C.  modus operandi
D.  all of the above
35.  The method employed by peace officers to  trap and catch malefactor in
inflagrante delicto is known as
A.  modus operandi
B.  “buy-bust”
C.  Entrapment
D.  Instigation
36.  An effort made to determine what actually occurred and what the
circumstances of a crime were is called
A.  physical construction
B.  crime scene investigation
C.  mental reconstruction    
D.  crime reconstruction
37.  Which of the following is under the Field Laboratory Work of the SOCO?
A.  Macro-etching
B.  DNA examination

C.  Casting
D.  DNA typing

38.  “Releases the crime scene to the officer on case” is the function of

A.  evidence custodian
B.  team leader
C.  sketcher
D.  technician
39.  “The xerox copy signed by Rose” is an example of
A.  document evidence
B.  direct evidence
C.  secondary evidence
D.  positive evidence
40.  Evidence which the law does not allow to be contradicted is known as
A.  competent evidence
B.  conclusive evidence
C.  expert evidence
D.  substantial evidence
41.  An interrogation technique where to police officers are employed, a
relentless investigator and a king-hearted man is called
A.  shifting the blame
B.  mutt and jeff
C.  tom and jerry
D.  none of the above
42.  What law enumerated and provided definition of the different felonies
in the Philippines?
A.  RA 8177
B.  RA 6975
C.  RA 8353
D.  None of these
43.  The following are authorized to issue a valid search warrant, except:
A.  Appellate Judge
B.  Presiding Judge of MCTC
C.  Chief Prosecutor
D.  RTC Judge
44.  Which of the following detective system prioritized on information that
are bought?
A.  American System
B.  English System
C.  French System
D.  All of these

45.  In crime reconstruction, gathering information first then developing a

theory on how the crime was committed is one approach, otherwise known
A.  Deductive reasoning
B.  Inductive reasoning
C.  Productive reasoning
D.  Pragmatic reasoning
46.  The branch of medicine, which deal with the application of medical
knowledge to the purpose of law and in the Administration of justice.
A.  Nursing

B.  Medico Legal
C.  Legal
D.  None of these
47.  It pertains to law, arising out of, it also refer anything conformable
to the law.
A.  Legal
B.  Rule
C.  Sanction
D.  All of these
48.  One of the following denotes things belonging to the court of law or
use in court or legal proceeding or something fitted for legal or
legal argumentation.
A.  Jurisdiction
B.  Jurisprudence
C.  Law or Legal
D.  None of these
49.  The legal maxim which means “both drivers displayed negligence”
A.  Res Ipsa Loquitor
B.  Pare Delicto
C.  Inflagrante Delicto
D.  Locus criminis
50.  Which of the following is useful in the investigation of hit and run
A.  Motor vehicle registers
B.  Employees of the body fender shops
C.  Records of accidents and stolen vehicles
D.  all of the above

51.  When 6 pedestrians who witnessed an automobile accident all tell

identical stories, the investigating officer might reasonably  suspect
A.  the story which they tell is true since they all agree so perfect
B.  the delay between the time of the accident and the witnesses time
together to discuss and compare their observations
C.  all of the witnesses are close friends with similar physical abilities
opinions, educational and the like
D.  all of the witnesses are dishonest
52.  The police must arrived at the scene of the crime as quickly as
possible because:
A.  he is the source of the most productive evidence
B.  the principals are there or may still be present
C.  some physical evidence may deteriorate
D.  all of the above
53.  The traffic sign that is triangular in shape and have a red colored
border is known as:
A.  information sign
B.  instruction sign
C.  direction sign
D.  caution sign

54.  The systematic examination of all the facts relating to condition,
actions and physical features associated with motor collision or
accident is called:
A.  traffic engineering
B.  reckless driving
C.  traffic accident investigation
D.  hit and run investigation

55.  An event in the road which characterizes the manner of occurrence of a
motor vehicle traffic accident is
A.  Accident
B.  key event
C.  chain of accident
D.  all of these
56.  The delay resulting from traffic congestion affect not only the time of
travel but also the productivity of individual is part of what we call
A.  traffic engineering
B.  traffic environment
C.  traffic economy
D.  traffic congestion

57.  The traffic enforcement action that does not contemplate possible

assessment of penalty by the court
A.  traffic arrest
B.  traffic citation
C.  traffic warning
D.  traffic violation        
58.  In accordance with Sec. 6 of PD 1613, which of the following
circumstances does not constitute a prima facie evidence of arson?
A.  The property was insured substantially more than its actual value at
the time of the issuance of the policy.
B.  Substantial amounts of flammable substances were stored within the
building not necessary in the business.
C.  Doors and windows that were normally kept open in the course of
business were found closed during the fire.
D.  The fire started in more than one part of the building or
59.  After a fire in which arson is suspected, you may be able to trace the
fire to its origin because __.
A.  the alligator pattern of charring is not as light absorbent of the
surrounding areas
B.  the checks of the charring process will be larger then the surrounding
C.  the pattern of charring at the point of origin is smaller and deeper
than the rest of the areas
D.  the point of origin will be darker than the rest of the areas
60.  One of the following situations is a good indication of an accidental
A.  Smell of ammonia
B.  Fire of several origin
C.  Intense heat
D.  Fire of only one origin
61.  The purpose of closing the doors and windows during fire is to __.
A.  stop the fire
B.  confine the fire

C.  slow the spread of fire
D.  spread the accelerants
62.  The purpose of opening the doors and windows of adjacent rooms in a
burning building is to __.
A.  extinguish the fire
B.  supply the oxygen in the area
C.  prevent back draft
D.  serve as entrance of firemen
63.  An arsonist may rearrange materials or furniture in a room prior to
setting it on fire in order to __.
A.  mislead the investigators
B.  camouflage the odor of accelerants
C.  provide a quick burning situation
D.  all of the above
64.  If the fire is set by rationale motive, the important point to
establish is ___.
A.  intensity of fire
B.  size of fire
C.  rapidity of spread
D.  origin of fire
65.  The “eyes and ears” of the investigators in fire investigation are the
A.  By standers
B.  Arsonists
C.  Victims
D.  Firemen
66.  The fire that started in almost all corners of the building at the same
time is called __.
A.  separate burning    
B.  simultaneous burning
C.  non-related burning
D.  related burning
67.  A building which is unsafe in case of fire because it lacks adequate
fire exit is said to be a __.
A.  Fire hazard
B.  Fire trap
C.  Fire resistive
D.  Fire unsafe
68.  In cases where a structure is completely burned to the ground, the
position of doors and windows during the fire whether opened or closed
may be ascertained by __.
A.  consulting the original structure blueprint on file
B.  interviewing spectators
C.  collecting broken pieces of window glasses
D.  locating the hardware used in the construction of such doors
69.  Using electrical appliances, which draws electrical current beyond the
designed capacity of the electrical circuit, is known as __.
A.  Over using
B.  Over loading
C.  Over plugging
D.  Over capacity
70.  The introduction of drugs into the deeper layer of the skin by means of
special electric current is known as:
A.  Topical method
B.  Injection method

C.  Iontophoresis
D.  Oral method
71.  When too much drug is taken into the physiological system of the human
body, there maybe an over extension of its effect which is commonly
A.  Overdose
B.  Allergic reaction
C.  Side effect
D.  Idiosyncracy
72.  When two drugs are taken together, or with in a few hours of each
other, they may interact with:
A.  good effects   
B.  bad effects
C.  unexpected results
D.  no effects
73.  The actual action of a particular drug depend on the basis of:
A.  it’s chemical component
B.  person’s tolerance
C.  body absorption
D.  food and water intake
74.  Which of the following is considered as the world’s oldest cultivated
plant as a source of prohibited drug?
A.  Marijuana
B.  Coca Bush
C.  Opium Poppy
D.  Peyote Cactus
75.  The opium poppy plant is scientifically known as:
A.  Cannabis Sativa
B.  Hashis
C.  Erythroxylon coca
D.  None of these
76.  The word hashis is derived from the name Hasan/Hashasin, a Muslim
leader. Hashis refers to:
A.  male marijuana plant
B.  female marijuana plant
C.  the marijuana resin
D.  marijuana leaves

77.  Opium use in China was stemmed out from India and became widespread in
the 19th Century. From Middle East, the plant was cultivated
in India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan which is known as the:
A.  City of Dope
B.  Golden Crescent
C.  Green triangle
D.  Golden triangle
78.  Among the following was the German pharmacist who discovered the
morphine drug.
A.  Allan Heithfield
B.  Troy Mcweigh   
C.  Freidrich Serturner
D.  Alder Wright
79.  What do you call the incident where vast numbers of American soldiers
were addicted on the morphine drug during the American Civil War?
A.  Morpheum Illness

B.  Soldier’s Disease phenomenon
C.  American Addiction
D.  Dreamer’s syndrome
80.  What is the chemical name of the Heroin drug?
A.  Amphetamine Sulfate
B.  Diacetylmorphine
C.  Acetonyl Dioxide
D.  Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
81.  Which of the following law was enacted to provide for the registration
of collection, and the imposition of fixed and special taxes upon all
persons who engage in illegal drug production?
A.  R.A. 953
B.  PD 44
C.  R.A 7659
D.  R.A. 6425
82.  The cause of majority of fire deaths is:
A.  Shock          
B.  Burn
C.  Falling materials
D.  Asphyxiation
83.  One of the following is a fire resistant item.
A.  Asbestos
B.  Borax
C.  Phosphate of ammonia
D.  Sulfur

84.  Uncontrollable impulse to incendiarism is commonly known as
A.  Kleptomania
B.  Pedophilia
C.  Manic depressive
D.  Arson
85.  Normally, fire feeds in all directions, but the least likely path a
fire will follow is
A.  Upward         
B.  Sideward
C.  Downward
D.  Outward laterally
86.  What part of the investigation report that gives a brief summary of the
major investigative steps accomplished?
A.  Details
B.  Synopsis
C.  Undeveloped
D.  Conclusions
87.  He was a buckle maker then a brothel operator; a master criminal who
became London’s most effective criminal investigator. He was the most
famous thief catcher in 1720s.
A.  Henry Fielding
B.  Jonathan Wild
C.  John Fielding
D.  Chales Dickens
88.  The America’s most famous private investigator and founder of Criminal
Investigation in USA. He established the practice of handwriting
examination in American courts and promoted a plan to centralize
criminal identification records.

A.  Henry Fielding
B.  Jonathan Wild
C.  John Fielding
D.  Allan Pinkerton
89.  In this method, the three searchers follow each other along the path of
a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling in toward the center.
A.  Skip method search
B.  Round the clock method of search
C.  Quadrant search
D.  None of these

90.  A fire started from the basement of the building. After 30 minutes, the
whole building has turned into ashes. Which among the following is
responsible for the spread of fire in the building?
A.  Heat
B.  Smoke
C.  Flame
D.  Combustion products 
91.  These are used by fire setters in spreading the fire throughout the
A.  Plants   
B.  Accelerants
C.  Trailers
D.  Gasoline
92.  The sudden ignition of accumulated radical gases produced when there is
incomplete combustion of fuel
A.  Backdraft
B.  Flashfire
C.  Flashover
D.  Biteback
93.  A flow which would be obtained if there is a continuous flow of vehicle
and are given a one hundred percent green time is called:
A.  Saturation flow
B.  Traffic flow
C.  Acceleration flow
D.  Smooth flow
94.  A signal system is created when two or more signals on any traffic
route is coordinated with a fixed time relationship among the several
intervals known as:
A.  Signal system
B.  Traffic system
C.  Traffic lights
D.  Traffic signals
95.  The time within which the traffic indicates of any particular traffic
signal face does not change:
A.  Interval
B.  Cycle
C.  Phase          
D.  Timing

96.  The total time required for the complete sequence of the phase is known
A.  Cycle                    
B.  Cycle length
C.  Timing
D.  Interval
97.  the objective of traffic signal time apportionment to secure movement
with safety through an intersection with a minimum delay is called:
A.  Timing
B.  Cycle length
C.  Phase
D.  Interval
98.  A portion of a signal cycle during which an assignment of right of way
is made to given traffic management:
A.  Offset
B.  Traffic phase
C.  Signal cycle
D.  Cycle split
99.  The number of times allocated to each phase of traffic light is called:
A.  Split
B.  Cycle time
C.  Cycle split
D.  Traffic phase
100.On a highway, a yellow or white line with a dotted white line means
A.  you cannot overtake if the solid is in your side
B.  absolutely no overtaking
C.  overtaking allowed
D.  keep right

1.    An extra judicial confession obtained from a suspect is admissible in a

court of law if it was made in the presence of a counsel of his own
choice and must be in
                   the presence of  a  fiscal
B.  the presence of a police investigator
C.  writing
D.  front of a judge
2.    Fiscals and Prosecutors  are under the control and supervision of the
A.  National Bureau of Investigation
B.  Department of the Interior and Local Government
C.  Supreme Court
D.  Department of Justice
3.    The questioning of a person in a formal and systematic way and is most
often used to question criminal suspects to determine their probable
guilt or innocence.  
A.  Inquiry
B.  Interview
C.  polygraph examination
D.  interrogation
4.    A form of investigation in which the investigator assume a different
and unofficial identity.
A.  Tailing
B.  Casing
C.  Espionage

D.  Undercover work
5.    A type of surveillance in which extreme precautions and actions are
taken in not losing the subject.
A.  loose tail
B.  casing
C.  pony tail
D.  close tail
6.    A type of shadowing employed when a general impression of the subject’s
habits and associates is required.
A.  loose tail
B.  casing
C.  pony tail
D.  close tail
7.    A surveillance activity for the purpose of waiting the anticipated
arrival of a suspect or observing his actions from a fixed location.
A.  Casing
B.  Tailing
C.  Stake out
D.  Espionage
8.    An examination of an individual’s person, houses, or effects or a
building, or premises with the purpose of discovering contrabands or
personal properties connected in a crime.
A.  Search
B.  Raid
C.  Investigation
D.  Seizure
9.    A kind of evidence that tends to prove additional evidence of a
different character to the same point.
A.  Corroborative evidence
B.  Circumstantial evidence
C.  Direct evidence
D.  Real evidence
10.  The process of bringing together in a logical manner all evidence
collected during the investigation and present it to the prosecutor.
A.  case preparation
B.  order maintenance
C.  crime prevention
D.  public service
11.  Ways and means are resorted for the purpose of trapping and capturing
the law breaker during the execution of a criminal act.
A.  Instigation
B.  Inducement
C.  Buy bust operation
D.  Entrapment
12.  A special qualification for an undercover agent.
A.  excellent built
B.  excellent eyesight
C.  excellent looks
D.  excellent memory
13.  The discreet observation of places, persons and vehicles for the
purpose of obtaining information concerning the identities or
activities of suspects.
A.  close observation
B.  espionage

C.  tailing
D.  surveillance
14.  The questioning of a person by law enforcement officers after that
person has been taken into custody.
A.  preliminary investigation
B.  interrogation
C.  custodial investigation
D.  cross examination
15.  As a general rule, a warrant of arrest can be served at
A.  day time                  
B.  night time
C.  any day and at any time of the day or night
D.  weekdays
16.  Measures through which police seek to detect crimes, or attempts to be
present when they are committed, through the use of the undercover
agents, electronic devices for wiretapping or bugging, and stakeouts.
A.  preventive measures
B.  countermeasures
C.  pro-active measures
D.  tape measures
17.  A police activity directed toward the identification and apprehension
of alleged criminals and the accumulation, preservation, and
presentation of evidence regarding their alleged crimes.
A.  police patrol
B.  police intelligence
C.  Criminal procedure
D.  Criminal investigation
18.  An extension or continuation of the preliminary investigation.
A.  initial investigation
B.  custodial investigation
C.  secondary investigation
D.  follow-up investigation   

19.  To obtain admission and confession of guilt is the primary purpose of

A.  Interview
B.  Surveillance
C.  Investigation
D.  Interrogation
20.  Such facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonably discreet and
prudent man to believe that an offense has been committed and that the
object sought in connection with the offense are in the place sought
to be searched.
A.  prima facie evidence
B.  probable cause
C.  prejudicial question
D.  res ipsa loquitur
21.  A search warrant shall be valid for _____ days from its date. 
Thereafter, it shall be void.
A.  10
B.  15
C.  30

D.  45
22.  It means that a specific crime was committed at a specified time, date
and place, and that the person named in his report committed the
A.  corpus delicti
B.  sufficiency of evidence
C.  stare decisis
D.  parens patriae
23.  Police seek to prevent crime by being present in places where crimes
might be committed and by alerting citizens to refrain from practices
that make them or their property vulnerable.
A.  opportunity denial
B.  order maintenance
C.  criminal investigation
D.  police intelligence
24.  A statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his guilt.
A.  Admission
B.  Confession
C.  Deposition
D.  Accusation

25.  It may be a direct acknowledgement of the truth of the guilty fact as

charge or of some essential part of the commission of the criminal act
A.  Admission
B.  Confession
C.  Deposition
D.  Accusation
26.  It may be a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short
of an acknowledgement of guilt.
A.  Admission
B.  Confession
C.  Deposition
D.  Accusation
27.  The simplest type of interview which concerns with the gathering of
information regarding the personal circumstances of a person who is
the subject of investigation.
A.  background interview
B.  personal interview
C.  intimate interview
D.  pre-game interview
28.  It means method of operation.
A.  corpus delicti
B.  parens patriae
C.  stare decisis
D.  modus operandi
29.  It is one which induces the criminal to act and need not be shown in
order to obtain conviction.
A.  Intent
B.  Motive
C.  Opportunity

D.  Inducement
30.  The three tools in criminal investigation, whereby their application
varies in proportion on their necessity to establish the guilt of the
accused in a criminal case.
A.  information, interrogation, instrumentation
B.  detection, apprehension, conviction  ‘
C.  inquiry, observation, conclusion
D.  magnifying glass, pencil, tape measure
31.  The simple questioning of a person who is cooperating in the
A.  Interview
B.  Inquiry
C.  Interrogation
D.  Instrumentation
32.  It involves a number of persons who might have handled evidence between
the time of the commission of the alleged offense and the disposition
of the case, should be kept to a minimum.
A.  chain of command
B.  chain of custody
C.  evidence tracking
D.  tracing evidence
33.  A kind of evidence which may link the suspect to the crime scene or
offense. Examples are fingerprints, impressions, blood etc.
A.  physical evidence
B.  associative evidence
C.  tracing evidence
D.  factual evidence
34.  Articles and materials which are found in connection with an
investigation and which help in establishing the identity of the
perpetrator or the circumstances under which the crime was committed
or which in general, assist in the prosecution of the criminal.
A.  physical evidence
B.  documentary evidence
C.  tracing evidence
D.  testimonial evidence
35.  The following are different techniques in interrogation except one:
A.  sympathetic approach
B.  emotional appeal
C.  financial assistance
D.  friendliness
36.  This may be applicable to a crime scene which is approximately circular
or oval.  The searchers gather at the center and proceed outward along
radii or spokes.
A.  strip method
B.  wheel method
C.  spiral method
D.  zone method
37.  The area to be searched is divided into quadrants and each searcher is
assigned to one quadrant.
A.  strip method
B.  wheel method
C.  spiral method
D.  zone method

38.  The searchers follow each other in the path of a crime scene beginning
in the outside and circling around a central point.
A.  strip method
B.  wheel method
C.  spiral method
D.  zone method
39.  A kind of gathering information whereby a subject is being followed.
A.  Convoy
B.  Caravan
C.  Tailing
D.  Surveillance
40.  Another term for tailing.
A.  Impersonating
B.  Backing
C.  Supporting
D.  Shadowing
41.  A person who gives necessary information to the investigator.  He may
give the information openly and even offer to be a witness or he may
inform the investigator surreptitiously and request to remain
A.  Witness
B.  Expert witness
C.  Hostile witness
D.  Informant
42.  The use of an equipment or tool to listen and record discreetly
conversations of other people.
A.  Bugging
B.  Dubbing
C.  Mimicking
D.  Tapping
43.  The questioning of persons not suspected of being involved in a crime,
but who knows about the crime or individuals involved in it.
A.  Interrogation
B.  rumor mongering
C.  interview
D.  inquiry
44.  An objective of criminal investigation.
A.  determine the motive
B.  identify criminals
C.  rehabilitate criminals
D.  prevent crimes
45.  A term used to describe a transition which occur in the development of
a fire, when, for example, most of all the combustible surfaces within
a room are heated above their ignition temperature at the same time.
A.  Intensity
B.  Ignition
C.  Flash over
D.  Starter
46.  A term of the start of the combustion, its detailed process of a solid
is very complicated, since the proportion of different flammable
vapours varies from one material to another and contact with oxygen
must take place before combustion can begin.
A.  Intensity
B.  Ignition
C.  Flash over

D.  Starter
47.  The term describes the transfer of heat through a gas or vacuum in a
similar way to that of light.
A.  Ignition
B.  Convection
C.  Radiation
D.  Conduction
48.  The transfer of heat within a solid material from hotter to cooler
A.  Ignition
B.  Convection
C.  Radiation
D.  Conduction
49.  The greatest concern of the firemen at the fire/crime scene is to
A.  interview witnesses
B.  view the site of the crime
C.  preserve the fire/crime scene
D.  phot opportunity in the fire/crime scene
50.  Most malicious fires are set by individuals secretly; it is either set
for revenge or self aggrandizing; or set by psychotic fire setter, or
for sexual gratification.
A.  group fire setter
B.  arson for profit
C.  fire starter
D.  solitary fire setter

51.  The primary course of action in case of a fire.

A.    pack up and flee
B.    run for your life
C.    call an ambulance
D.    raise the alarm
52.  The main product of the combustion of carbon.  It is not poisonous but
is an asphyxiant which lowers the proportion of oxygen available for
A.  carbon oxide
B.  carbon monoxide
C.  carbon paper
D.  carbon dioxide
53.  A normal product of combustion, and is poisonous, especially when the
air supply to the fire is restricted.
54.  The fire resisting property of structural elements and the behavior of
a building material in a fire, it is used to predict how long it will
resist the effect of a fire before it fails.
A.  fire resistance
B.  fire duration
C.  fire proof
D.  fire strength

55.  A type of fire that is the result of the combustion of certain metals
in finely divided forms; magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc….
A.  class A
B.  class B
C.  class C
D.  class D
56.  A type of fire which results from burning of wood, paper, textiles, and
other carbonaceous materials.  Extinguishment of this fire is by
quenching and cooling.
A.  class A
B.  class B
C.  class C
D.  class D
57.  The following are components of fire except one:
A.  Gas
B.  Fuel
C.  Oxygen
D.  Heat
58.  It is observed in structural fires and can be an indicator of the fire
travel and point of origin.
A.  Charring
B.  Alligatoring
C.  V pattern
D.  Pour pattern
59.  A pattern or network of fine, irregular lines in glass and wood.
A.  Crazing
B.  Spalling
C.  Light bulbs
D.  Charring
60.  A tool employed by an arsonist to delay the start of the fire and allow
him to establish an alibi.
A.  Accelerants
B.  delaying tactic
C.  timing device
D.  stopper
61.  It can be readily identified by their distinctive odors, and the most
common examples are gasoline, turpentine and kerosene.
A.  Accelerants
B.  Trailers
C.  timing device
D.  Stopper
62.  This catalytic combustion device is the most common means employed to
detect flammable vapors.
A.  Accelerant
B.  Sniffer
C.  timing device
D.  stopper
63.  The irresistible impulse or compulsion to start a fire and  experience
gratification and satisfaction from it.
A.  fire starter syndrome
B.  pyrotechnic disease
C.  pyromania
D.  pyrophobia
64.  It is known as the “Fire Code of the Philippines.”

A.  PD 1108
B.  PD 1017
C.  PD 1081
D.  PD 1185

65.  Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set

off explosives.
A.  blasting agent
B.  blasting cap
C.  gun powder
D.  explosive primer
66.  These are description of materials or compounds that are easily set on
fire except one:
A.  Combustible
B.  Corrosive
C.  Flammable
D.  Inflammable
67.  Any material having a flash point at or above 37.80 degree Celsius or
100 degree Fahrenheit.
A.  combustible liquid
B.  flammable liquid
C.  inflammable liquid
D.  corrosive liquid
68.  Any liquid that causes fire when in contact with organic matter.
A.  combustible liquid
B.  flammable liquid
C.  inflammable liquid
D.  corrosive liquid
69.  An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by the passage of an electric
current across the space between two conductors.
A.  electrical arc
B.  damper
C.  duct system
D.  ember
70.  The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light
A.  explosion 
B.  arson
C.  combustion
D.  fire
71.  A type of fire, of flammable liquid and gasses.
A.  class A
B.  Class B
C.  Class C
D.  Class D

72.  A mass movement in a fluid, an example a liquid or a gas where fluid at

one temperature and density moves under the influence of gravity at
different temperatures.
A.  Conduction
B.  Convection
C.  Radiation

D.  Combustion
73.  The temperature at which a liquid is transformed or converted to vapor.
A.  burning point
B.  melting point
C.  freezing point
D.  boiling point
74.  The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision
course or to avoid hazard.
A.  point of no return
B.  point of no escape
C.  start of evasive action
D.  final position
75.  The movement of vehicles, and pedestrians in a road or highway.
A.  Traffic
B.  Flight
C.  Trip
D.  Journey
76.  A method of locating a spot in the area by measurements from two or
more reference points.
A.  traffic report
B.  spot report
C.  triangulation
D.  accident investigation
77.  The force that tends to pull all objects to the center of the earth.
A.  Inertia
B.  Friction
C.  Energy
D.  Gravity
78.  Any motor vehicle accident that results in no death, but only injuries
to one or more persons.
A.  Fatal
B.  Chronic
C.  Non fatal
D.  Injurious

79.  The “Traffic and Land Transportation Code of the Philippines”

A.  RA 7160
B.  RA 8551
C.  RA 6425
D.  RA 4136
80.  An occurrence in a sequence of events, which usually produces
unintended injury, death or property damage.
A.  traffic incidents
B.  traffic accidents
C.  traffic hazards
D.  traffic events
81.  Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic way.
A.  non motor vehicle traffic accident
B.  non motor vehicle non-traffic  accident
C.  motor vehicle non-traffic accident
D.  motor vehicle traffic accident

82.  An order wherein a violator is commanded to appear in court, but
without detaining him.
A.  traffic citation
B.  traffic request
C.  traffic warrant
D.  traffic violation
83.  The first accidental touching of an object collision course or
otherwise avoid a hazard.
A.  primary contact
B.  secondary  contact
C.  disengagement
D.  initial contact
84.  The following are the three E’s of Traffic Management and Operation
except one:
A.  Engineering
B.  Education
C.  Enforcement
D.  Evaluation
85.  The “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.”
A.  RA 9870
B.  RA 9165
C.  RA 1017
D.  RA 6195
86.  Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change,
thought disruption and ego distortion. They are called psyhedelics.
A.  Tranquillisers
B.  Hallucinogens
C.  Stimulants
D.  Depressants
87.  Drugs which produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of
the mind with delusions.
A.  Stimulants
B.  Narcotics
C.  Depressants
D.  Hallucinogens
88.  The practice or profession of having sexual intercourse for money or
A.  Gynaecology
B.  Prostitution
C.  White Slavery
D.  Sex Trade
89.  The scientific name of Indian hemp plant.
           A.   cannabis sativa L
           B.   Papaver somniforum
           C.   deoxyribonucleic acid
           D.   methamphetamine HCl     
90.  The original components of heroin and morphine.
A.  Codeine
B.  Caffeine
C.  Opium
D.  Methamphetamine
91.  An inter department agency that enforce and carry out the law against
illegal drugs.
A.  Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

B.  Bureau of Foods and Drugs
C.  Dangerous Drug Board
D.  Food and Drug Administration
92.  A harmful conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity,
wickedness and corruption of the mind and body.
A.  Vice
B.  Abuse
C.  Addiction
D.  Virtue
93.  The most common form of stimulant.
A.  Heroin
B.  Codeine
C.  Morphine
D.  Shabu

94.  It is chemically known as methamphetamine hydro chloride.

A.  Heroin
B.  Codeine
C.  Morphine
D.  None of these
95.  A derivative of opium which is used a cough reliever.
A.  Codeine
B.  Heroin
C.  Morphine
D.  Caffeine
96.  Any part of the plant of the papaver somniferum, including the seeds.
A.  opium poppy
B.  marijuana
C.  caffeine components
D.  codeine
97.  Another term for psychological drug addiction.
A.  drug habituation
B.  drug net consciousness
C.  drug pushing
D.  drug dependence
98.  Commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only
by a physician’s order.
A.  illegal drugs
B.  prohibited drugs
C.  regulated drugs
D.  prescription drugs
99.  Any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters the
structure and functioning of living organism.
A.  Alcohol
B.  Poison
C.  Drug
D.  Vice
100.It is, in most cases, the initial step for obtaining information to
determine the origin and cause of fire.
A.  Evidence collection
B.  laboratory examination of evidence
C.  interview witnesses
D.  interrogation of suspects


. America's most famous private investigator and founder of 

    Criminal Investigation.
     A. Alec Nayhem
      B. Allan Pinkerton
      C. Thomas Byrnes
      D. None of these

2.  The first woman detective in the history of criminal investigation.

     A. Kathleen Jacob
      B. Candy Miles
      C. Kate Wayne
      D. Pines Hamilton

3. He was known to be the creator of the "bow street runners", a 

   group of police officers attached to the Bow Street Court, and not 
   in uniform, performing criminal investigative functions.
     A. Henry Fielding
      B. John Fielding
      C. John Howard
      D. Robert Peel

4. The founder and chief organizer of the London Metropolitan Police,

    the Scotland Yard, which became famous police organization
    in the world.
     A. Henry Fielding
      B. John Fielding
      C. John Howard
      D. Robert Peel

5. As a rule, do not touch, alter or remove anything at the crime 

    scene until the evidence has been processed through notes, 
    sketches and photographs, with proper measurements.This refers to
   A. the golden rule in investigation
      B. the number one SOP in investigation
      C. the act of note taking
      D. the act of crime scene preservation

6. An Englishman who published a handbook for Examining Magistrates

    in Munich, Germany and advocated the use of scientific methods 
    in criminal investigation process.

      A. Hans Gross

      B. Thomas Byrnes
      C. Alphonse Bertillon
      D. Francis Galton

7. The SC ruled the illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in

    state criminal prosecutions in the famous case of

     A. Miranda vs Arizona
      B. Otit vs Jeff
      C. Mapp vs Ohio
      D. Milkey vs Wett

8. The continues accountability of persons handling evidences, and

    having responsibility of taking care and preserving the evidences
    from the time it was found until brought to court for presentation 
    is called
    A. Chain of events
      B. Key events
      C. Chain of custody of evidence
      D. Chain of command

9.  In England, he was a buckle maker then a brothel operator; a 

     master criminal who became London's most effective criminal
     investigator. He was the most famous Thief-Catcher in 1720s.

      A. Alexander Macanochie

      B. Jonathan Wild
      C. Billy Cook
      D. John Howard

10. What is the Latin term for criminal intent?

      A. Mens Rea

      B. Magna Culpa
      C. Inflagrante Delicto
      D. Mala Vise

1. Combustion or burning in which substances combine chemically with 

    oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light,heat and 
     A. Flame                                                        
      B. Heat    
      C. Fire
      D. Smoke 
                                                                         Ans. C
2. A hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something 
    on fire.
     A. Flame                                                       
      B. Heat    
      C. Fire
      D. Smoke
                                                                        Ans. A
3. An extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property.
    A. Conflagration                                              
     B. Burning 
     C. Fire
     D. Combustion
                                                                       Ans. A

4. Means on fire or very hot or bright.
    A. Flame                                                         
      B. Burning
      C. Fire
      D. Combustion
                                                                      Ans. B
5. The rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen 
    involving the production of heat and light.
   A. Flame                                                       
      B. Burning 
      C. Fire
      D. Combustion
6. The quality of being hot or high temperature at which fuel will
    continue to burn for atleast 5 seconds after ignition by an open 
     A. Flame                                                         
      B. Heat  
      C. Fire
      D. Smoke
                                                                      Ans. B
7. The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

      A. Flame                                                       
      B. Heat  
      C. Light
      D. Smoke
                                                                      Ans. C
8. Is one of the 4 fundamental states of matter, the other being 
    solid,liquid and gas.

      A. Flame                                                       

      B. Plasma  
      C. Light
      D. Smoke
                                                                      Ans. B
9. The lowest temperature a which the vapor of a combustible liquid
    can be ignited in air.
     A. Flash point                                             
      B. Ignition temperature 
      C. Fire point
      D. Boiling point
                                                                      Ans. A
10. Is the temperature at which fuel will continue to burn for at least 
     five seconds after ignition by an open flame.
     A. Flash point                                          
      B. Ignition temperature 
      C. Fire point
      D. Boiling point
                                                                      Ans. C

Traffic Operation and Accident Investigation Reviewer 1

1. In arresting the traffic violator or when it involved arrest due to 
    traffic violation, the following procedures are followed except:
       A. bring the suspended person before the court
       B. detention of the arrested person may take place
       C. arrest can be effected even without a warrant
       D. impose the probable penalty that might be imposed

2. A person can escape from the scene of the accident on

     one of the following ground:
       A. offense committed is serious
       B. bringing the person to your custody
       C. bring the suspect before the court to answer a charge of 
       D. if the person is under the imminent danger

3. In the examination of the scene of accident, which of the 

    following  evidence will show how the accident happened?
       A. hole on the road pavement
       B. the driver under the influence of liquor
       C. point of impact
       D. vehicle has break failure

4. The basic principle behind selective enforcement in traffic control is

       A. selection of geographical areas for strict enforcement
       B. concentration of enforcement activities at peak traffic hours
       C. a shifting emphasis on different types of violations
       D. a warning rather than a citation will act as preventive
           measure for future violation

5. The general principle of traffic accident investigation is to

       A. consider road conditions as limiting conditions rather than 
           as causes KVB
       B. consider violation as primary causes and any other factors
           as secondary causes
       C. regard any unfavorable factor existing immediately prior to
           the accident as a cause
       D. look for the "key event" that cause the accident

6. It is customary for the police to keep records of lost or stolen

    automobile license plates. The best reason for this practice is to
       A. permit the promote issuance of new plate
       B. prevent cards from being stolen
       C. keep record of all outstanding license plate in use
       D. detain any person found using or attempting to use any of 
           these plates.

7. One of the following statements that best indicates the main 

    purpose of traffic law enforcement is
       A. reduce traffic by punishing violators of traffic rules
       B. keep traffic moving at a steady rate to avoid bottlenecks
       C. control the speed limited in densely populated areas
       D. prevent traffic accidents and expedite the flow of traffic

8. The traffic accident investigator is chiefly concerned with 

     accidents that involves one or both of the elements namely
       A. motor vehicles and traffic way

       B. motor vehicle and victim
       C. victim and traffic way
       D. victim and traffic unit

9. With respect to minor traffic violations, the traffic police officers 

    should be guided foremost by the consideration that
       A. some traffic violation are intended
       B. the aim is to discourage violations
       C. same traffic violations are caused by negligence
       D. violations must be punished

10. A number representing the resistance to sliding of two surfaces

      in contract is known as:
       A. coefficient of friction
       B. traffic jam
       C. attribute
       D. contract damage

11. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision

      course or otherwise avoid a hazard
       A. state of evasive action
       B. point of possible perception
       C. point of no escape
       D. final position
12. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal 
      to one or more persons.
       A. non-fatal injury accident
       B. fatal accident
       C. traffic law enforcer
       D. property damage accident

13. Which of the following types of accident is most decreased

      by the installation of traffic light?
       A. Cross traffic accidents
       B. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
       C. Accidents of confusion
       D. Accidents of decision of right of way

14. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic 

     accidents than any other part in the area. The Police unit 
     assignment to the area should.
       A. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for violators.
       B. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to
           caution motorist
       C. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from view
       D. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to 
           the intersection

15. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which

      is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley 
     wires, but not operated upon rails.
       A. Skating
       B. Bicycle
       C. Tricycle
       D. Motor vehicles

16. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights

      are used on some intersection is that
       A. motorist are discourage from "jumping signals"
       B. traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
       C. greater safety to pedestrians and motorist is effected
       D. an officer can stop and start as necessity demands

17. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets EXCEPT

      signs set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the 
      pavement or curbing officially place for the purpose of regulating
      traffic is called _____
       A. warning signs
       B. traffic management
       C. traffic engineering
       D. pavement marking

18. Prohibitive traffic signs and restrictive traffic signs shall have

       A. blue background and white symbols
       B. a red background and white symbols and black border
       C. white background with black symbols and red border
       D. green background with white and black symbols

19. Motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine 

      shall be equipped with a ____ as said motor vehicle passes
      through a street of any city, municipality or thickly populated   
      district or barrio.
       A. wiper
       B. light
       C. muffler
       D. windshield

20. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a parade has been
      ordered by his superior to allow no cars to cross the route. 
     While the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver on an
      emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance across the
      route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances
      the traffic police officer should.
       A. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact 
           his superior and obtains decisions
       B. stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to
           cross the street
       C. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior's order
       D. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour which
           will add at least then minutes to run


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