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General and Specific Objectives-Combustion and Flames

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Topic Learning points General objectives/ Non Specific Objectives /Behavioral
behavioral objectives Objectives

What is 1. Combustion a) To understand 1) Define Combustion.

combustion?  Concept of Combustion the burning of 2) Identify combustible or
 Combustible or Non any substances noncombustible substance.
combustible in air. 3) Differentiate between
 Oxygen is essential for b) To distinguish combustible or non-
burning between combustible substances.
 Ignition temperature combustible and 4) Define ignition temperature
 Inflammable substances noncombustible with the help of an example.
substances. 5) List out some Inflammable
c) To know the substances.
meaning of 6) Investigate conditions in which
ignition combustion takes place.
temperature. 7) Performing an activity to show
d) To know about that air is essential for burning.
the inflammable
How do we 1. Essentials for producing a) To know about 1) Identify the essential
control fire? fire the essentials or requirements for producing
 Fuel, air and heat requirements to fire.
2. Control of fire produce fire. 2) Explaining how CO2 is able to
b) To know the control fires with the help of
principle of fire an experiment.
Types of 1. Rapid combustion a) To understand a) Define Rapid and Spontaneous
Combustion 2. Spontaneous different types of Combustion.
combustion combustion. b) Cite examples of Rapid and
b) To define Rapid Spontaneous Combustion.
c) To define
Flame  Materials forming Flame a) To observe the a) Define Flame.
on burning materials b) Identify materials which forms
forming flames flame or not.
or not.
Structure of a  Different zones of a) To identify a) Draw a picture of candle flame
flame Candle flame different zones showing different zones of
of candle flame. flame.
b) To identify the b) Locate the hottest part of the
hottest, flame of a candle by
moderately hot performing an activity.
and least hot c) Describe the three types of
parts of a candle zone with labelled diagram.
What is a 1. Fuel a) To define Fuel. a) Define Fuel.
fuel?  Examples of fuel b) To know about b) List out different types of
properties of a fuels.
good fuel. c) Compare Natural gas and
c) Types of fuels Wood as fuels.
d) Name some clean fuels which
are helpful in reducing the
e) Explain how the use of CNG
in automobiles has contributed
in reducing air pollution.
Fuel 1. Calorific value a) To define 1) Name the unit in which the
Efficiency 2. Types of fuel calorific value. calorific value of a fuel is
3. Harmful effects of b) To know expressed.
burning of fuels calorific value of 2) Discuss the harmful effects of
different fuels. burning fossil fuels in the
c) To know about environment.
different types of 3) Name a few clean burning
fuels. fuels and explain its
d) To realize the significance in reducing air
effects of global pollution.
warming and
acid rain.

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