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(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-Band Frequency) Case of Study Tripoli and Sebha

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(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of study
Tripoli and Sebha

Conference Paper · January 2019


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Nassir Abuhamoud
Sebha University


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Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences ISSN 2521-9200
Received 02/07/2019 Revised 25/08/2019 Published online 17/11/2019

(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of

study Tripoli and Sebha
*Sana Fadil , Nassir Abuhamoud
Communication and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
Sebha University, Libya
*Corresponding author:
Abstract The link communication between satellite and the Earth Station is exposed to a lot of impairments
such as noise, rain and atmospheric attenuations. The successful implementation of satellite communications
need to the efficient system design to ensure robust air links for the communications signals. However, the
quality of satellite signals are subject to degradation through the atmosphere due to atmospheric
impairments. It is therefore crucial to design for all possible attenuation cenarios before the satellites is
deployed. The performance indicator "Link budget" is a tabular method of calculating satellite communication
system parameters. Link Budget used to estimate the effectiveness and reliability of the link in satellite
communication. The link budget is the compilation of all gains and losses in the satellite communication link.
This paper presents the fundamentals of a satellite link budget analysis of GEO satellite (Nile Sat ) to
accounting of atmospheric attenuation, signal strength and predict the quality of signal received at the
ground station during the atmospheric conditions in Tripoli and Sebha using actual climatic parameters.
Evaluation of the satellite link performance also presents. The performance of the satellite link is evaluated
in terms of carrier to noise ratios, bit energy-to-noise ratios, bit error rate and link margin.
Keywords: Link budget, GEO, Downlink , EIRP, Propagation Losses, attenuation.

Ku-band GEO


Satellite communication systems have become an functioning of the satellite communications.
essential part of the world’s largest Transmission of signals over a satellite
telecommunication infrastructure, serving millions communication link requires Line ofSight (LoS)
of people with telephone, data and video service. communication. Satellite communication
GEO satellite stay above a fixed point on the specialists, radio and broadcast engineers are in
surface by orbiting the equatorial plane of the the business of determining the factors required for
Earth at a speed matching the Earth's rotation. optimal link availability and quality of
Because they stay above a fixed spot on the performance. These factors can be divided into two
surface, they provide a constant vigil for the broad categories; the conduit factors and the
atmospheric. The ability to communicate depends content factors. The conduit factors include: earth-
on the strength of the signal . An accounting of space and space-earth path (uplink and downlink),
signal strength and its quality is an important part effects on signal propagation, quality of earth
of system design and is known as a “link budget”. station equipments, and the impact of the
The calculation of the link budget is a very propagation medium in the frequency band of
important step in the design and analysis phase of interest, et cetera. The content factors deal mainly
any satellite in order to ensure the proper with the type of message transmitted and the

JOPAS Vol.18 No. 4 2019 36

(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of study… Fadil & Abuhamoud.

devices involved in its transformation from one system above horizon. The required carrier to noise
form to another for suitability for transmission over ratio is dependent on the modulation technique
a microwave medium. It is for these reasons that a and code rate. Typically, the higher the data rate of
proper engineering methodology is required to the system, the more bandwidth is needed. This
guarantee timely deployment and effective and means the receiver must capture more signal,
efficient exploitation of satellite communication which means more noise is captured. The
applications and devices[1-2]. This paper aims to minimum required power (sensitivity Pmin[dBw])
analyse the satellite links and make the can be calculated from the minimal required
calculation of the link budget and evaluates the receiver noise input power (Pn[dBw]) and carrier to
link performance and predicts the different types of noise ratio (C/N) [4]:
propagation losses as well as combining them 𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑃𝑛 + 𝐶 ⁄𝑁 (2)
together to determine the overall impact on satellite 𝑃𝑛 = 𝐹 + 10𝑙𝑜𝑔10 (𝑘𝑇0 𝐵)
links. Actual climatic parameters[3] used to where, F is the receiver noise figure , K is
accounting of signal atmospheric attenuation at Boltzmann’s constant (1.38.10–23 Ws/K), T0 is the
the ground station subject to the atmospheric absolute temperature (290K) and B the receiver
conditions in Tripoli and Sebha. noise bandwidth [Hz].
Satellite Link Analysis Link Margin
Link analysis basically relates to accounte the The link margin is obtained by comparing the
transmit power and the receive power and shows in expected received signal strength to the receiver
detail how the difference between these two. To this sensitivity or threshold. The link margin is a
end the fundamental elements of the satellite measure of how much margin there is in the
communications Radio Frequency (RF) or free satellite communications link between the
space link are employed. Basic transmission operating point(satellite ) and the receiver [6]. The
parameters, such as antenna gain, free space loss, link margin required for the link budget
and the basic link power equation are exploited. calculations is usually given at the edge of the
The concept of system noise and how it is coverage area to achieve certain C/N at the
quantified on the RF link is then developed, and receiver. The link margin can be calculated using
parameters such as noise power, noise [4]:
temperature, noise figure and figure of merit are 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 − (path losses) + 𝐺𝑟 − 𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 (3)
defined. The carrier to noise ratio, bit energy to Radio Propagation Losses
noise ratio and bit error rate related parameters The transmission of a satellite signal occurs almost
used to define communications link design and in a free space conditions (more than 97% of a slant
performance are developed based on the basic link path in case of geostationary satellite). The problem
and system noise parameters introduced earlier of receiving a radio frequency signal, between two
[2,4]. antennas separated by atmosphere, is in principle
Link Budget simple, but in practice is complicated. The
A link budget is a method of calculating and frequency band and the weather conditions play
evaluate the performance of a communication link the important role in satellite communication
by taking into account all gains and losses that networks. Wave propagation in high frequency
affect the signal along the path. The calculation of region is mainly surface and sky whereas above it
link budget involves calculation of many the propagation is primarily space waves. During
parameters such as effective isotropic radiated radio propagation electromagnetic waves suffer
power (EIRP), free space loss (FSL), carrier to noise several atmospheric effects that results in power
ratio, receiver sensitivity ,energy per bit noise loss and these effects are: Reflection and refraction,
density ratio, bit error rate, link margin and diffraction and scattering. These effects results in
propagation losses. Link budgets are used to the large scale or small scale fading in accordance
design communications systems from the earliest with the size of the object compared to the
stages of the design and are updated throughout wavelength. In case of satellite based system the
the design process[4-5]. main losses are categorized are[7]:
Received Power Free-Space Loss (FSL)
Received power is one of the most important factors Loss in free space is a function of frequency
for having a reliable radio communication link . The squared plus distance between satellite and earth
received power is given by Friis radio link formula station squared plus a constant, using kilometers
as[4]: (km) for distance and megahertz (MHz) for
𝑃𝑟 = 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 − 𝐺𝑟 − 𝐹𝑆𝐿 − 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 (1) frequency[4]
Where EIRP is Equivalent Isotropic Radiated FSL = 32.45 + 20 × log(D) + 20 log(f) (4)
Power from satellite, 𝐺𝑟 is the receiver antenna Atmospheric Losses
gain . Atmosphere loss can be categorized as attenuation
Receiver Sensitivity or absorption where absorption signal energy. The
Receive sensitivity is the threshold of the received problems become acute for systems operating in
signal power that required at the receiver. Receive the bands above 10 GHz, where radio links can be
sensitivity dependent on the noise figure and adversely affected by atmospheric gases (primarily
required carrier to noise ratio of the system. oxygen and water vapor), rain, clouds and
System noise comprises of the low noise amplifier scintillation. These conditions, when present alone
(LNA) generated noise and associated noises in or in combination on the Earth-space radio link,
terms of noise temperature contributes the overall can cause uncontrolled variations in signal
noise along with elevation angle of the antenna amplitude, phase and polarization which results

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(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of study… Fadil & Abuhamoud.

in reduction in the quality of analog transmissions communication system must be designed to meet
and an increase in the bit error rate of digital certain minimum performance standards. The
transmission[8] . most important performance standard is bit error
 Attenuation Due to Atmospheric Gaseous probability carrier to noise ratio, the bit energy per
The principal interaction mechanism between the noise density ratio in the information channel,
radio waves and gaseous constituents is molecular which carries the signals in a format in which they
absorption from molecules. Attenuation by are delivered to the end users[13].
atmospheric gaseous depends on frequency, Carrier to noise ratio C\N:
elevation angle, altitude above sea level and C⁄N is a key parameter which defines the
humidity . The gaseous attenuation measured in performance of satellite communications link The
dB is expressed as below[9]: carrier power (C) and the noise power in the earth
𝐴 +𝐴
𝐴𝐺𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 = 0 𝑤 (5) station receiver (N) can be represented as[4-12]:
sin 𝜃
C/N = EIRP − (path losses + attenuation) +
Where A0 is oxygen attenuation, Aw is water vapor ,
Ground Station G/T + 228.6 (10)
θ is elevation angle .
Energy Per Bit to Noise Density
 Cloud Attenuation
The energy-per-bit to noise density ratio is the most
The liquid water content of cloud also causes
frequently used parameter to describe digital
absorption and scattering of electromagnetic
communications link performance and one of them
energy especially for frequencies above 10 GHz, but
is used to know how the link responds within an
with less intensity than that of rain . Cloud
acceptable range of errors and how strong the
attenuation can specific by[9] :
signal is respect to the noise, energy per noise
Acloud = γcloud ( ) (6) density ratio Eb ⁄ No in the information channel,
sin θ
Where γcloud is cloud specific attenuation which carries the signal in the form in which it is
coefficient , LWC is liquid water content . delivered to the user(s). The energy-per-bit to noise
 Rain Attenuation density ratio given by[5]:
Rain droplets absorb and scatter the signal energy Eb ⁄N0 (dB) = EIRP + Gr − (path losses + attenuation) −
and cause its power level to attenuate to a value N0 − 10log(R b ) (11)
depending on the size, amount, and shape of the Bit Error Probability
droplets that the signal passes through as well as Bit Error Probability Pe is the indicator of quality in
the rain rate .Rain usually occurs at different a digital radio link and is defined as the likelihood
heights above sea level depending on a region on that a bit sent over the link will be received
the earth. The rain attenuation measured in dB is incorrectly Pe occurs because a symbol error
expressed below[7-9-10]:
𝐴𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = occurs, the link noise produce spurious in the
−[0.655+0.033 ln(𝑝)−0.045 ln(𝐴0.01 )−𝛽(1−𝑝)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃] stream causing that the decision circuitry cannot
𝐴0.01 ( ) (7) identify the original sent data. Using differential
Where A0.01 rain attenuation at 0.01% of time, p is modulation one error in one symbol will produce
the percentage of probability. that the next symbol be misinterpreted and as a
 Scintillation consequence, the number of bit error could be
more than the number of bits per symbol. As
Scintillation happens when signals travels thermal noise increase, symbol rate also increase.
through this turbulent mixing atmosphere, it will for minimum probability of error (N0 is the noise
experience alternation and scattering. The energy per bit)[4]:
scintillation fade depth can be calculating by [11]: Pe =
As = a(p). σ (8) 2 N0

where a(p) is the time percentage factor for time Figure of Merit
percentage, σ standard deviation of the signal The quality or efficiency of the receiver portions of
amplitude. a satellite communications link is often specified by
Noise Power a figure of merit which defined as the ratio of
Noise temperature provides a way of determining receiver antenna gain to the receiver system noise
how much thermal noise active and passive devices temperature, figure of merit is given by[14]:
generate in the receiving system. The most 𝑀 = ( ) = 𝐺𝑟 − 10log(T𝑆 ) (13)
important source of noise in receiver is thermal Satellite Down Link Budget Methodology
noise in the pre-amplification stage. The noise The link budget determines the power
power is given by the Nyquist equation as[12]: requirements, link availability, bit error rate, as
N = k Ts B n (9) well as atmospheric attenuations. It simplifies C/N
Where TS is receiving system noise temperature; k ratio calculations. The down link budget
– Boltzman constant = 1.39 x 10-23 J/K = - 228.6 calculated for a ku-band frequency connection
dBw/K/Hz; Bn – Noise bandwidth in which the using a GEO satellite (Nile sat) with 60 cm earth
temperature is measured in Hz. station antenna diameter. Actual climatic data
Link Performance were adopted form ( for Tripoli
The quality of signals received by the satellite and and Sebha. The climatic data are : temperature,
that retransmitted and received by the receiving relative humidity, pressure and rainfall rate. These
earth station are important if successful data used to calculate atmospheric attenuations.
information transfer via the satellite is to be Link budgets are calculated for clear sky and non
achieved. Within constraints of transmitter power clear sky. The link budget calculations is usually
and information channel bandwidth, a given at the edge of the coverage area to achieve

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(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of study… Fadil & Abuhamoud.

certain C /N at the receiver. It provides account of corresponds to high Pe. The results also show that
all the gains and losses from transmitter to receiver the performance of the ground station figure of
via medium .It is calculated by taking into account merit does not depend on location.
the various losses as shown below:
For clear sky Table 1: Link Budget for GEO Satellite(Nile
Sum of all losses = FSL + gaseous attenuation + Sat) in Clear Sky
scintillation fade depth Parameters Unit Tripoli Sebha
For non clear sky Downlink frequency GHz 12.322 12.322
Sum of all losses = FSL + gaseous attenuation + Elevation angle degree 51.712 57.629
scintillation fade depth +cloud attenuation + rain Earth station dBi 35.18 35.18
antenna Gain
EIRP[15] dBW 50 48
The link budget methodology for satellite Satellite position[15] 70 W
communication link can be summarized into the Distance Km 36986.108 36653.217
following steps: FSL dB 205.6161 205.5376
Gaseous attenuation dB 0.18780 0.130.1
Step 1: Frequency band Scintillation fade dB 0.833.. 0..2838
Step2: Determination of satellite parameters depth
Step 3: Earth station parameter determination Received power dBm -91.45 -93.11
Receiver dBm -102 -102
Step 4: Propagation condition determination.
sensitivity ,code rate
Step 5: Calculate free space loss 1/2
Step 6: Calculate atmospheric attenuations TS system noise K 108.27 108.27
Step 7: Calculate the received power temperature[16]
Step 8: Calculate receiver sensitivity C/N ratio in receiver dB/K 14.06 12.40
Step 9: Calculate C/N Eb/N0 dB 8.12 ..4..
Step10: Calculate Eb/N0 G/T dB/K 14.83 14.83
Step11: Calculate figure of merit Pe 8.80×10-5 2.13×10-4
Link Margin dB 10.5 8.88
Step12: Calculate the bit error rate
Step13:Determine Link Margin
Table 2: Link Budget for GEO Satellite(Nile Sat)
Results and Discussion in Clear Sky
Parameters Unit Tripoli Sebha
Link budget is calculated for clear sky (Table 1)
Downlink GHz 12.322 12.322
and a worst-case(non clear sky ) shows in Table 2. frequency
Due to the large area of Libya, the distances Elevation angle degree 51.712 57.629
between the satellite and earth stations are Earth station dBi 35.18 35.18
different so the losses are different. The results antenna Gain
showed that the FSL in Sebha is the lowest and EIRP[15] dBw 50 48
that is because the signal passes less distance. The Satellite 70 W
atmospheric attenuations showed the various position[15]
Distance Km 36986.10 36653.217
effects of local weather conditions on the
FSL dB 205.6161 205.5376
propagation of radiowave signals. The results also Gaseous dB 0.18.32 0.13211
showed that the rain attenuation has the largest attenuation
effects among other atmospheric phenomena, scintillation fade dB 0.8333. 0..2814
followed by scintillation fade depth, cloud depth
attenuation, gases attenuation. Atmospheric Cloud dB 0.02.4 0.0240
attenuations causes decrease in the received attenuation
signal. The highest values of atmospheric System noise K 108.27 108.27
attenuation is in Tripoli. The reason behind that
Horizontal polarization
is high values of surface humidity which is the
Rain dB 3.33.3 1.372
main contributor to absorption of signal’s attenuation
radiation power, additionally the attenuation Received dBm -94.98 -94.8
increases with decreasing the elevation angle. It power
can be seen from Table 1 and Table 2 that the C/N dB 10.54 10.67
required margin is achieved in both location by Eb/N0 dB 4.03 4.73
antenna diameter 60 cm. The results confirm that G/T dB/K 14.83 14.83
C/N and Eb/No depend on transmitting power. Pe 5.1×10-4 5×10-4
Link Margin dB 7.0 7.1
The improvement on the signal quality indicators
Vertical polarization
C/N, Eb/No and Pe could be achieved by the
Rain dB 3..81 1.333
receiving antenna gain. Sebha is less affected by attenuation
all propagation impairments but the satellite Received dBm -94.729 -94.81
signal is the weakest comparing with Tripoli. The power
results showed that the rain attenuation effect C/N dB 10.79 10.70
causes decrease in the received signal. The rain Eb/N0 dB 4.804 4.7.7
attenuation of horizontally polarized G/T dB/K 14.83 14.83
electromagnetic waves is greater than the Pe 0.00050 0.00053
Link Margin dB 7.271 7.184
attenuation of vertically polarized electromagnetic
waves. The signal quality, which indicated by C/N ,
Eb/No decrease at heavy rain events, this condition Conclusion

JOPAS Vol.18 No. 4 2019 39

(Link Budget of GEO Satellite (Nile Sat) at Ku-band Frequency) Case of study… Fadil & Abuhamoud.

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