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1. Seminal fluid is secreted by the

A. bulbourethral glands
B. prostate gland
C. seminal vesicles
D. all of the above

2. How will penile function be altered if the blood supply to the corpora cavernosa is impaired?
A. The erect penis will be unable to become flaccid.
B. Erection will not occur.
C. Erection can occur but ejaculation cannot.
D. The urethra will be occluded.
E. None of the above.

3. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of organs of the male reproductive system
from the beginning of spermatogenesis until the sperm leaves the body?
A. vas deferens, testis, urethra, epididymis
B. urethra, epididymis, vas deferens, testis
C. epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, testis
D. testis, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra

4. The prostate gland

A. Does not actually serve a purpose
B. Two of the above answers are correct
C. Produce some of the liquid that is used to make semen.
D. Exist only in the male body.

5. The tube that connects the testes to the seminal vesicle is called:
A. Testes
B. Vas deferens
C. Prostate gland
D. Penis


1. Clients may be unlikely to introduce the topic of sex with health care providers for which reason?
A. They assume that healthcare providers know little about sexual functioning.
B. Most clients have few questions or problems
C. Female clients prefer to discuss problems with female health care providers
D. They are too embarrassed to introduce the topic of sex.

2. A research article the nurse is reading discusses the prevalence of androgyny in persons 20 to 30
years old. The nurse understands which of the following about androgynous persons?
A. They do not limit behaviors to one gender over the other.
B. They are attracted to people of the same gender.
C. They often repress their sexual feelings.
D. They hold rigid stereotyped gender role expectations.

3. The nurse enters the room and finds the adult client masturbating. What action should the nurse
A. Tell the client that masturbation is harmful to sexual well-being
B. Say “excuse me” and leave the room
C. Request that the client to stop so that care can be provided.
D. Ask the client if there are any sexual concerns that should be discussed.

4. The nurse is preparing for pelvic physical examination of a woman who has been medically
diagnosed with vaginismus. What equipment should the nurse obtain for this examination?
A. Culture tubes to assess expected vaginal infection
B. Extra cleaning supplies to remove thick external secretions
C. Smaller than normal vaginal speculums.
D. Equipment for pre-examination douche.

5. Because a client reports having dyspareunia, it is most appropriate to ask which question?
A. “Have you talked with your partner about this discomfort?”
B. “Have you had these spasms since you became sexually active?”
C. “Do you have pain before your period begins?”
D. “Do your breasts swell large enough to need a larger bra?”


1. What is the primary function of the family?

A. Provide everything each member wants.
B. Provide an environment that supports growth of individuals
C. Ensure that the members are accepted into society.
D. Ensure that family resources are not shared with the boarder community.

2. A nurse has been working with a family at the community health office and alert to signs of family
violence. Which of the following would the nurse find most concerning?
A. The baby always seems to have a cold
B. One of the children never speaks and seems “on guard” when in the presence of a parent.
C. The family’s clothes are relatively clean, but the children usually have some kind of dirt stain on
the shirt or pants.
D. The family does not have a regular physician.

3. Because a severely injured middle-aged client informed the nurse that he did not have any
immediate family members, the nurse contacted extended family members. Which of the following is
most representative of extended family members?
A. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles
B. Parents and spouse
C. Children who no longer live at home
D. Roommates and close family friends.

4. The nurse is performing a family risk assessment. Which of the following factors would indicate that
this family is at risk of developing health problems?
A. The family is an elderly couple who are active in their retirement community.
B. The family is a teenage mother and child. The mother is enrolled in parenting classes at the
high school.
C. The family belongs to the local synagogue and has family members still living in Germany.
D. The family depends on two incomes with a limit on their health insurance spending.

5. What should a nurse instruct a client who identifies “the family” as two college roommates, a dog,
and a cat when completing a family health history form?
A. Include all information about blood relatives and the animals and roommates that might
influence his health.
B. Include only information about genetic / hereditary and environmental illnesses of blood
C. Leave the area blank since the client does not live with blood relatives.
D. Use the client’s own judgment in completing the area since the physical exam is more
important than the history.
Critical Thinking Care Study

Tommy is a 10-year old who has asthma. He is home schooled after having serious asthma
attacks at school because he is allergic to the cleaning product used in his primary school classroom.
His mother is pregnant with a new brother or sister but hasn’t come for prenatal care because she
noticed the clinics uses the same cleaning solution and doesn’t want her new baby to develop an
allergy to it. At the same time, she wants a sonogram so she can see if she’s having a girl or boy.

1. Nurses work in a wide range of settings in maternal and child health. What actions could you
take to help Tommy get back to school and his mother begin to come for prenatal care?
The nurse should educate the mother that she should see an asthma specialist, so that physician
can give the right amount and type of medication needed to control the boy’s asthma

2. Homelessness is becoming an increasing concern in modern society. Suppose Tommy’s family

became homeless? How do you anticipate this will affect their overall health?
Being in a homeless situation, the risk getting a disease is greater. Without shelter that could
protect them from diseases, their current condition can be worsen.



1. Hormones are secreted:

A. directly into the bloodstream
B. into the tissues surrounding the glands where they were manufactured
C. into the stomach and then are digested and travel throughout the body
D. into the ovaries and testes
E. none of the above

2. A common problem among girls during puberty is:

A. That they are more likely to have acne than boys
B. That they are more like to experience obesity than the boys
C. Gynecomastia
D. A and B

3. Which statement about adolescence is accurate?

A. Adolescence is a social construction
B. The concept of adolescence has existed throughout human history
C. The concept of a period of adolescence exist in only a few societies today
D. Adolescence is generally considered the beginning of puberty
4. The principal sign of sexual maturity in males is the:
A. Onset of acne
B. Onset of menarche
C. Appearance of facial hair
D. Production of sperm

5. The precise time for the burst of hormonal activity that triggers the onset of puberty deopends on:
A. The presence of estrogen
B. Age
C. Reaching the critical wright level
D. The presence of androgens



1. A nurse is providing information on the female reproductive system. While discussing the uterus
and its different layers, the nurse understands that the myometrium has unique muscle fibers that
make it ideally suited for the birth process. The nurse would describe this layer to the client as:
A. The inner layer of muscle that is in the uterus
B. The middle layer of thick muscle in the uterus
C. The outer layer of muscle that covers most of the uterus
D. The functional layer that lies above the basal layer of the uterus.

2. The nurse should explain which of the following to a pregnant client found to have a gynecoid
A. That her type of pelvis has a narrow pubic arch
B. That her type of pelvis is the most favorable for labor and birth
C. That her type of pelvis is a wide pelvis, but has a short diameter
D. That she will need a caesarean section because this type of pelvis id not favorable for a normal
labor and vaginal delivery.

3. The fallopian tubes arise from each upper corner of the uterine body and extend outward and
backward until each opens at its distal end, next to an ovary. The tubes are approximately 10cm
in length. It is divided into four separate parts: interstitial, isthmus, ampulla, and infundibulum.
Among the following statements, which is the most accurate?
A. The infundibular portion is the most proximal segment of the tube. It is funnel-shaped.
B. The isthmus, is the most common site of fertilization. It is about 2 cm in length.
C. The ampulla is the longest portion of the tube which is approximately 5 cm.
D. The most distal division of the tube is the interstitial portion. It is about 1 cm in length.
4. The uterus is a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ located in the lower pelvis. It consists of 3
divisions, the body, the isthmus and the cervix. The fundus is the portion that is palpated
abdominally during pregnancy. Ordinarily, the uterus is tipped slightly forward however, there are
positional deviations that may occur. Which of the following refers to the condition in which the
body of the uterus is bent sharply forward at the junction of the cervix?
A. Anteversion
B. Retroversion
C. Anteflexion
D. Retroflexion.

5. Nurse Charlene is instructing a 25 year old nulligravid client on how to perform breast self-exam.
The breasts of a healthy mature woman are approximately equal in size and shape but not
absolutely symmetric. The hormone Estrogen stimulates growth of the breast by inducing fat
deposits in the breast. Which of the following statements made by the client indicates that the
teaching has been successful?
A. “It is very important that I perform breast self-exam on the same day of each month.”
B. “I should perform breast self-exam on the first day of my menstrual period.”
C. “If I notice some discharge from my nipples, I should avoid squeezing them.”
D. “If I notice that one of my breasts is significantly much smaller than the other, I should not
worry. That is normal.”



A nursing instructor is conducting lecture and is reviewing the functions of the female reproductive system.

1. The instructor asked one of her students to describe the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the
luteinizing hormone (LH). The student accurately responds by stating that:
A. FSH and LH are released from the anterior pituitary gland.
B. FSH and LH are secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary
C. FSH and LH are secreted by the adrenal glands
D. FSH and LH stimulate the formation of milk during pregnancy.

2. The menstrual cycle is defined as episodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormonal
changes. There are 4 body structures involved in the menstrual cycle: hypothalamus, pituitary
gland, ovaries and uterus. During which of the following phase of the menstrual cycle is it ideal for
implantation of a fertilized egg to occur?
A. Ischemic phase
B. Menstrual phase
C. Proliferative phase
D. Secretory phase
3. The average number of days of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. Variations on the length of
menstrual cycle are due to variations in the number of days in which of the following phase?
A. Proliferative phase
B. Luteal phase
C. Ischemic phase
D. Secretory phase

4. In a 32-day cycle, the day of ovulation is on day 20. Granting that the 1st day of menstruation is
November 23, the nurse expect that her next menstrual period will start on
A. December 24
B. December 25
C. December 26
D. December 27
5. Mrs. Echavaloo, a clinical instructor from Systems Plus College, was teaching her group of
students about menstrual cycle. She provided factual information that the length of menstrual cycle
differs from woman to woman but mentioned that the accepted average length is 28days. She had
mentioned that generally ovulation occurs at which of the following times?
A. 7 days after the last day of menstruation
B. 14 days after the last day of the menstrual cycle
C. 7 days before the end of the menstruation
D. 14 days before the end of the menstrual cycle

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