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CHN Lab - Quiz IMCI

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1. Sign/s that a young infant is SERIOUSLY ILL & needs iv.

“Kanina, kinakausap ko ang baby ko

URGENT REFERRAL and CARE? nakatingin lang siya sa kisame”

i. Skin pinch goes back very slowly 6. a child who does NOT have 2 or more signs in the
ii. Respiratory rate = 65 breaths per minute pink or yellow row in the diarrhea chart, therefore, the
iii. Presence of skin pustules Nurse will _____
iv. Observed to have some jaundice = give fluid and food for some dehydration
7. Upon assessment of a child in the unit, the Nurse
noted that even though awake, fails to respond to any
stimuli & stares blankly at his surroundings. Based on
your understanding the child is:
= Lethargic

8. Oliver is brought by his mother to ur RHU. According

to his mother, he is [30 months old now]. You ruled out
any danger signs & assessed for cough or DOB. After
your assessment, you noted that the ff: a harsh sound
when he calmly inhales, 55 breaths per minute & chest
indrawing. Which IMCI color-coded classification for
treatment will put categorize Oliver?

9. 1 of the components of IMCI is counselling. w/c of the

ff is true about this component?
i. Advise the caregiver that follow- up is NOT
necessary if they can manage the illness at
ii. Counsel the caregiver of her own health
2. If the child has measles [ w/in last 3 months ], the iii. None of the above
Nurse should _____? iv. Teach caregivers on home remedies for severe

10. Because Andrew’s temperature = 38.5°C & he feels

3. The health worker checked for signs of Malnutrition HOT, the health worker assessed Andrew further for
and anemia. The child does not have VISIBLE SEVERE signs r/t fever. The mother said Andrew’s fever began
WASTING. There is some palmar pallor. He does not [ 2 days ago]. It is the dry season & the risk of malaria is
have oedema of both feet. The Nurse will classify this low. The mother said that Andrew did not travel away
as____ from home in the last [2 weeks]. Andrew has NOT had
= ✰UNCOMPLICATED SEVERE ACUTE measles w/in the last 3 months, & there are NO signs
MALNUTRITION (yellow). suggesting measles. He does NOT have stiff neck. The
health worker noticed that Fatima(book) has a runny
4. What must be included as u check for general danger nose. Therefore, the Nurse will _____
signs for young infants & needs proper referral = Give 1 dose of paracetamol
i. Child is lethargic or unconscious
ii. Continuous vomiting & diarrhea
iii. Febrile with convulsion 11. A 5 y/o child was assessed & based on the IMCI
iv. Breastfeed an hour ago guidelines, the child shows signs from a red & yellow
category. The best action for the Nurse is to
5. a toddler was brought to your care, based on the = USE MORE SEVERE CLASSIFICATION
assessment the child is febrile for 3 days. You asked if
the child is suffering from Convulsions. Which among the 12. An infant is in the health center & he has Jaundice
responses of the mother can signify that the child has that appears [ after 24 hrs ] of age, what the nrsg
been suffering from convulsions? measure is MOST appropriate to perform?
i. None of the above = Advise mother to return immediately if palms and
ii. “Iyak po siya ng iyak sa bahay” soles appear yellow.
iii. “Di po siya nagdedede, sinusuka nya lagi”
13. Ollie, 14 months old, 12kg, should be treated for 21. The proper process in dealing with a young sick
Pneumonia & classified under the Yellow IMCI category. infant
W/c of the ff is the appropriate treatment regimen? = ASSESS – CLASSIFY – TREATMENT
= Amoxicillin, 250mg/ 5ml, 10ml BID for 5 days

14. After classifying ALL conditions of the child. A

treatment plan will follow. Which of the ff statements is
TRUE in treating the child?
✓If the child needs urgent referral,
transfer the child immediately
15. 2 year old came into RHU for an initial visit. Upon
receiving the child gross observation shows that the
22. 14 month old child with Cough is brought to an
child is sick. Based on the Integrated Management of
Outpatient clinic. You will assess this child for:
Childhood Illnesses the ff are the general danger signs
i. General danger signs
to watch out for
ii. Common main symptoms such as Cough or
i. Inability to drink or breastfeed
DOB, Diarrhoea, fever & ear problems
ii. The child vomits ALL oral intake
iii. Developmental milestones
iii. The child is lethargic or unconscious
iv. Trauma
iv. The child had one or more convulsion
v. Malnutrition & anaemia
episodes or is convulsing
vi. Immunization status
v. The child is irritable and hard to manage

16. Why are young infants special?

i. They die very quickly due to serious
bacterial infections
ii. Infants often show only general signs when
seriously ill
iii. The lungs are still immature if born after the 37th
iv. They have low birth weight
23. Every child with Diarrhea should be assessed for
17. In areas with NO malaria risk if the child has NOT Dehydration. Therefore, a duration of Diarrhea greater
travelled to a low or high malaria risk area [in the last 2 than or equal to 14 days with some dehydration requires
weeks], and if the child has NO signs of VERY Assessment, classification and treatment of ______
= Give 1 dose of paracetamol
24. IMCI Clinical guidelines = designed for use with
18. The Nurse ask the Mother to offer the child some certain age grps. One group is 2 months up to 5 years.
water in a cup or spoon & watch the child drink. A child What is the other age group?
is drinking poorly when the child _________ = Birth up to 2 months
= A child is drinking poorly if the child is weak and
cannot drink without help. He may be able to swallow 25. The IMCI guidelines have modified the assessment
only if fluid is put in his mouth. of dehydration. Which of the ff is NOT an indicator in
classifying a child with dehydration?
19. Most common serious illness during the [ first 2
months of life] ?
= They become ill and die very quickly from serious
bacterial infections.

20. In teaching the caregiver on Illness management

which of the ff process is correct
26. If the child has NO fever (by Hx, feel or measured
temp = 37.5͊C or above), then the Nurse would _____

27. If the child who has Measles [within the last 3

months ] and has pus draining from the eye, or mouth
ulcers which are NOT deep or extensice, classify the
child as having

28. What part of young infant’s body = most vulnerable

to infection
= Umbilical cord

29. which of the ff situation will you advise the Caregiver

to return to the clinic?
i. Follow-up visit for the child’s current
ii. For the next well child visit
iii. For the child’s next immunization
iv. Immediately if child shows signs of severe

30. Important tips in providing health teachings?

i. Explain in simple words or use the dialect or
language of the caregiver. Use translator if
ii. Use teaching aids
iii. Praise what was done well and correct any
iv. Encourage and answer questions
v. Allow multiple attempts to pactice

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