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LK 9002

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Course Aims

This course is an unrestricted elective (UE) for any undergraduate student who has successfully passed
the LK9001, Korean Language Level 1 or its equivalent. LK9002 will teach you basic Korean to the level of
A1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In this course,
you will become more familiar with the morphology of spoken and written Korean and further develop
your proficiency in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills will be taught in an
interactive and integrated manner through theme-based activities related to everyday life. The course will
also enable you to acquire more accurate pronunciation and articulation of Korean words and sentence
patterns. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of Korean lifestyle and culture
and you will hence be able to better appreciate the richness and diversity of Korea.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After completing LK9002 you will be able to:
1. Ask and answer questions about family, time, illness, destination, clothes, and travel plans.
2. Identify information provided in basic Korean texts and audio files.
3. Speak at different levels of formality and politeness; formal/informal ending and honorific form.
4. Write a blog, notice, text message, e-mail, thankful card, travel brochure and invitation.
5. Discuss and compare Korean culture and your culture though Korean cultural stories.

Course Content
List of Topics Covered:
• Introducing your friends and family members with honorific language, A/V(으)시
• Deciding what time to meet and making plans with time words and V(으)ㄹ 거예요
• Expressing symptoms, prohibition and obligation using V 지 마세요, V 아/어야 되다
• Talking on the phone and expressing reasons using A/V 아/어서, V 고 있다, 못 V
• Expressing school vacation plans and requesting using V(으)려고 하다, N 에서 N 까지, V 아/어 주다,
• Describing someone’s appearance with A(으)ㄴ and recommending with V 아/어 보세요
• Expressing wanting to do something and travel plans using V 고 싶다/싶어 하다, V 는 N
• Irregular verbs: (으) 탈락, ‘ㄹ’탈락
• Inviting and visiting using V(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다, V(으)ㄹ 게요, V(으)러 가다/오다, V(으)면서
• Pronunciation rules of double final consonants, nasalization, glottalization, and aspiration
• Cultural note on Korean age, operating hours for public facilities, home remedies for a cold, emergency
call, public transportation, gift-giving taboos, famous travel destinations, and housewarming party gift

Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Component Course Related Weighting Team/ Assessment
LO Programme LO or Individual Rubrics

1. Continuous LO 2, Competence, 30% Individual NA
Assessment 1 (CA 1): and 4 Communication,
Test 1 (Listening test Creativity,
1(10%)+Written test Character
2. Continuous LO 2 Competence, 15% Individual NA
Assessment 2 (CA 2): Communication,
Listening test 2 Character
3. Continuous LO 4, Competence, 25% Individual Appendix 1: Essay
Assessment 3 (CA 3): and 5 Communication,
Written Test 2 Creativity,
4. Continuous LO 1, 3, Competence, 20% Individual/ Appendix 2: Script
Assessment 4 (CA 4): 4 and 5 Civic-mindedness pair Appendix 3: Oral
Oral presentation (Global Citizenry), presentation
5. Continuous All Competence, 10% Individual Appendix 4:
Assessment 5 (CA 5): Civic-mindedness Participation
Participation (Global Citizenry),
Total 100%

Formative feedback
You will be provided with feedback on the first test, the oral presentation and the listening test. The first
test will be returned to you for viewing to provide you with valuable feedback on your learning progress
before the listening and written test 2. Feedback on the oral presentation script is in the form of marks
and a written feedback on the script. The feedback is useful in the preparation for the final oral
presentation. The listening test will provide you with a score and information on correct and incorrect
Learning and Teaching approach

Approach How does this approach support students in achieving the learning outcomes?

Technology Technology Enhanced Learning(TEL) seeks to leverage technology and sound

Enhanced pedagogy to facilitate better student engagement and learning outcomes. TEL
Learning in helps you learn Korean online before and after the actual class, and it makes a
Blended Learning well-balanced blended learning environment.
For the pre-class learning, you will learn vocabulary online with voice and pictures,
and take a quiz which will help to follow the face to face class. For the post-class
learning, you will do your homework online which is called eAssignment. You can
check the learned grammar and expression, and review by listening, reading, and
writing. Online learning before and after the class will support you in achieving the
learning outcomes.

Reading and References

Language Education Institute, Seoul National University (2013), SNU Korean 1B, Twoponds, Seoul, Korea.

Course Policies and Student Responsibilities
1. General
You are expected to complete all assigned pre-class and post-class activities, attend all classes punctually
and take all scheduled assignments and tests by their scheduled dates. You are expected to take
responsibility to follow up with course notes, assignments, and materials for any classes you have missed.
In class you are expected to participate in all discussions and activities.
2. Absenteeism
Absence from class without a valid reason will affect your participation in class, and hence your overall
course grade. Valid reasons include falling sick supported by MC (Medical Certificate) and participation in
NTU’s approved activities supported by LOA (Letter Of Absence) from the relevant bodies. There will be
no make-up opportunities for in-class activities. Please note that you will be awarded a zero grade if you
do not attend any of your assessments. In order to be eligible for a re-test you have to inform your tutor
and the Korean language coordinator before the test date/time. Moreover, you need to email a digital
copy of your supporting documents on the same day to the same people. Remember that these
documents also have to be submitted to your school for evaluation. If they warrant an excused absence
you will be granted an alternative test date. If a re-test is granted and scheduled, you have to attend the
re-test on the day and time provided, otherwise you will be awarded a zero grade.

Academic Integrity
Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student
relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values
shared by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared
As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the
principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in
maintaining academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip yourself
with strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion
and cheating. If you are uncertain of the definitions of any of these terms, you should go to the academic
integrity website for more information. Consult your instructor(s) if you need any clarification about the
requirements of academic integrity in the course.

Planned Weekly Schedule

Week Topic Couse LO Readings/Activities
Week 1 Preliminary lesson 1 • Crossword puzzle
• Introduction • Board game
Lesson 1 • Revision grammar from level 1
Preliminary lesson 2 2, 3, 5 • Reading a blog about the seasons
• Formal polite style ending (Level in Korea
Lesson 2 1 book p.173)
• Connecting two clauses into one
sentence using ‘-고’
Week 2 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
Unit 9-1
learning and quiz- unit 9
• Introducing your friends
Lesson 3 • Task: Getting to know each other

• Grammar: N 의 N, N 을/를 잘
• Listening to a conversation about
the size of a family
Unit 9-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Introducing family members 9
Lesson 4 • Grammar: N(이)세요, A/V(으)시 • Writing a passage to introduce
• Reading a blog about family your family members
Unit 10-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
Week 3 • Deciding what time to meet learning and quiz- unit 10
• Grammar: 시간, N 부터 N 까지 • Task: Making plans for the
Lesson 5 • Listening to a conversation about weekend
Sunday’s schedule
Unit 10-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Asking and responding to 10
questions about a schedule • Replying to an e-mail
Lesson 6 • Grammar: V 아/어서,
• Reading an e-mail about
weekend plans
Unit 11-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
• Expressing symptoms and learning and quiz- unit 11
Week 4
prohibition • Task: Writing a notice or sign
• Grammar: ‘ㅡ’탈락, V 지 마세요
Lesson 7
• Listening to a conversation about
symptoms and advices
Unit 11-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Expressing obligation 11
Lesson 8
• Grammar: N 만, V 아/어야 되다 • Writing about giving advice
• Reading a passage about worries
Unit 12-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
Week 5 • Talking on the phone learning and quiz- unit 12
• Grammar: A/V 지요?, V 고 있다 • Task: Asking information by
Le son 9 • Listening to telephone numbers telephone
and a telephone conversation
Unit 12-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Expressing reasons 12
Lesson 10
• Grammar: 못 V, A/V 아/어서 • Replying to a text message
• Reading a text message
Week 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• Revision from unit 9 to unit 12
• Review paper 1
• Preparation for test 1
Lesson 11
• Test 1(30%): Listening test 2, 4
Lesson 12
1(10%)+Written test 1(20%)

Unit 13-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
• Expressing school vacation plans learning and quiz- unit 13
Week 7
• Grammar: V(으)려고 하다, • Task: Visiting a famous place in
N 에서 N 까지 Seoul by public transportation
Lesson 13
• Listening to a conversation about
traffic facilities
Unit 13-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Requesting 13
Lesson 14 • Grammar: V 아/어 주다, N(으)로 • Writing a passage about thankful
• Reading a passage about experiences
transportation routes
Unit 14-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
• Describing someone’s learning and quiz- unit 14
Week 8
appearance • Task: Deciding on gifts
• Grammar: ‘ㄹ’탈락, A(으)ㄴ N
Lesson 15
• Listening to a conversation about
clothing styles
Unit 14-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Recommending 14
• Grammar: N 한테/께, V 아/어 • Writing about a memorable gift
Lesson 16
• Reading a blog about birthday
Unit 15-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
Week 9 • Expressing travel plans learning and quiz- unit 15
• Grammar: A/V(으)면, V 는 N • Task: Surveying opinions about
Lesson 17 • Listening to a conversation about travel
honeymoon destinations
Unit 15-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
• Expressing wanting to do 15
something • Writing a travel brochure
Lesson 18
• Grammar: V 고 싶다, V 고 싶어
• Reading a travel brochure
Week 10 1, 3, 4, 5
• Oral presentation (20%)
Lesson 19
Unit 16-1 1, 2, 3, 5 • Pre-class online vocabulary
• Inviting and visiting learning and quiz- unit 16
• Grammar: V(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다, • Task: Planning a gathering
Lesson 20
• Listening to a conversation about
what someone did yesterday
Unit 16-2 1, 2, 3, 4 • Post-class online assignment-unit
Week 11
• Promising to help 16
• Grammar: V(으)러 가다/오다, • Replying to an invitation
Lesson 21

• Reading an email invitation
• Revision from unit 13 to unit 16 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Lesson 22 • Review paper 2
• Preparation for test 2
Week 12 4, 5
• Written test 2 (25%)
Lesson 23
2, 5
• Listening test 2 (15%)
Lesson 24 • Cultural activity: Making Korean
food, Gimbap

Appendix 1: Assessment Criteria for Essay in Written Test 2

Content (3 points)
• All requested content is covered in detail.
3 points:
• Content goes beyond of what is requested.
• Most requested content is covered.
2 points:
• Only some parts of the content are covered in detail.
• Most requested content is covered.
1 points:
• None or few parts of the content are covered in detail.
0 points: • Content is irrelevant.

Grammar (4 points)
• All grammatical content covered in class has been used and mostly used
4 points:
• Few grammatical errors.
• No systematic errors.
• Most grammatical content covered in class has been used and mostly used
3 points: successfully.
• Systematic errors only in one or two structures.
• Some grammatical content covered in class has been used.
2 points: • Many grammatical errors.
• Several systematic errors, even in basic structures.
• Grammatical content covered in class has been used, but many structures
were avoided.
1 points:
• Frequent grammatical errors.
• Many systematic errors, even though direct translation from English.
• Shows no grammatical competence.
0 points:
• Largely copied from the reading comprehension.
Style and Structure (3 points)
• Diverse and with variation of expression.
3 points: • Logical structure.
• Creative use of learnt vocabulary and learnt conjunctions.
• Little variation of expression.
• Somewhat logical structure.
• Mostly comprehensible.
2 points:
• Some problems with learnt vocabulary.
• Some of the learnt conjunctions are successfully used.
• Maximum 11 points if required word count was not met or not indicated.
• Very repetitive.
• No logical structure.
1 points: • Difficult to comprehend.
• Problems with learnt vocabulary.
• Learnt conjunctions are not successfully used.
0 points: • Major difficulties to comprehend the text.

Total: ________ / 10 points

Appendix 2: Assessment Criteria for Script of Oral Presentation (40 points for Script and 60 points for
Oral presentation, Total 100 points will be converted to 20% of overall grade.)

1. 40 points for Group work

A. Contents (10 points): Creativity and Flow

• All requested content is covered in detail.
9-10 points: • The content is creative.
• Logical structure.
• Most requested content is covered.
6-8 points: • Only some parts of the content are creative.
• Mostly logical structure.
• Most requested content is covered.
3-5 points: • None or few parts of the content are creative.
• No logical structure.
0-2 points: • Content is irrelevant.

B. Language (30 points): Vocabulary, Grammar and Accuracy

• All grammatical content covered in class has been used successfully.
• Diverse use of learned vocabulary
25–30 points:
• Few grammatical errors
• No systematic errors
• Most grammatical content covered in class has been used and mostly used
19–24 points: • Good use of learned vocabulary
• A few grammatical errors.
• Systematic errors only in one or two structures.
• Some grammatical content covered in class has been used.
• Used some of learned vocabulary
• Many grammatical errors
• Several systematic errors
• Some grammatical content covered in class has been used.
• Limited use of learned vocabulary
7–12 points:
• Frequent grammatical errors.
• Several systematic errors, even in basic structures.
• Shows no grammatical competence.
0–6 points:
• Largely copied from the book.

Total: ________ / 40 points

Appendix 3: Assessment Criteria for Oral Presentation (40 points for Script and 60 points for Oral
presentation, Total 100 points will be converted to 20% of overall grade.)

1. 30 points for Individual work

A. Preparation ________ / 10 points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

10-9 8-7 6-4 3-1 0

B. Fluency ________ / 15 points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

15-13 12-10 9-6 5-2 1-0

C. Theatrical Engagement ________ / 5 points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

5 4 3 2-1 0

2. 30 points for Group work

A. Flow/Interaction ________ / 15 points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

15-13 12-10 9-6 5-2 1-0

B. Prop/PPT ________ / 8 points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

C. Involvement/Contribution ________ / 7points

excellent good satisfactory inadequate insufficient

7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

Total: ________ / 60 points

Appendix 4: Assessment Criteria for Participation (Total 100 points will be converted to 10% of overall

The marks (100points) are calculated based on two components:

1. Online learning: pre-class vocabulary quiz and post-class eAssignments
2. Classroom participation

1. Online quiz and eAssignment (50 points):

Students need to complete all online learning.
• Full marks if all quizzes and eAssignments were attempted and submitted with 70% or higher.
• 10 marks deduction for each quiz and eAssignment that was not attempted or submitted below 40%.
• 5 marks deduction for each eWorksheet attempted and submitted below 70%.

2. Classroom participation (50 points)

Students ought to participate actively in all classroom activities. Students who are absent from class are
unable to participate, thus unexcused absence does affect the participation marks.

Active participation:
• 50 points for extremely active participation in almost every class (Team tasks, activities, asking and
answering questions). Always comes prepared to class.
• 30 points for regular participation, active in team tasks and activities, yet offers answers mostly after
being called upon. Usually comes prepared to class.
• 10 points for adequate participation, moderately active in team tasks, yet only offers answers on
being called upon. Is sometimes unprepared.
• 0 points for students who show no active participation, who do not participate in team tasks, are not


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