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Practical Research 1 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1 – Grade 11

Quarter: Second

Theme: Scholarly Writing

Sub-theme: Prevention of Plagiarism

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner should be able to select, cite, and
ethical standards in writing review of literature use sources according to ethical standards.

I. Learning Competency

 CS_RS11-IIIf-j-2: Cites related literature using standard style (APA, MLA or Chicago
Manual of Style).

II. Objectives:

1. construct an explanation about the image presented,

2. give their own ideas about citation,
3. identify the different citation styles,
4. explain the importance of using citations, and
5. organize citations and bibliographies.

III. Subject Matter

a. Topic : “Citation Styles and Bibliography Writing”
b. References:

IV. Materials
 PowerPoint presentation
 Instructional materials
 Materials for activities

V. Learning Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

Let us all stand for the short prayer. Mr./Ms.______, (The students will stand and pray.)
kindly lead the prayer.

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Shein!

Before you take your seats, please arrange the alignment (The students will arrange their chair and will
of your chair and pick up the trash around your area. pick up the trash around their area.)

Do we have absentees for today?

None, Ma’am.
Very good!

Today, we will be discussing our new topic. Are you all

ready? Yes, Ma’am!
B. Motivation

Directions: The class will be grouped in 4. The members

will be given 3 minutes to write a third person
explanation about the picture. The explanation can be
formed by an individual, by pair, by three from the same


Write your answers on the board following this format:

Full name/s – explanation The students will perform the task.

C. Analysis


If Person A explained something about a certain subject No, because that would be a form a
can Person B claim what he said? plagiarism.

Based on that question can you give an idea about Whenever you refer to someone else’s work,
citation? a citation is REQUIRED to avoid
Discussion of Citation and The Commonly Used Citation

1. MLA Style (humanities)

2. APA Style (psychology & education)
3. Chicago (A) Notes & Bibliography (history)
4. Chicago (B) Author-date (sciences)

Analysis of the Given Example

Title of Book: The Adventures

Author: Shein M. Tumala
Article: “The West”
Page: 22
Published: June 12, 2018 Publisher Rex Bookstore

MLA  …it was the best location (Tumala, 22).

APA  …it was the best location (Tumala, 2018).
Chicago (A) …it was the best location.1
Chicago (B) …it was the best location (Tumala, 2018,
Author, page
What do you think is the format of MLA in citing sources?
Author, year
What do you think is the format of APA in citing sources?
What do you think is the format of Chicago A and B in Chicago a has a foot note while Chicago b
citing sources? uses author, year, page

Discussion of Citing People Directly

Case 1: Tumala (2018) mentioned in her book that west

was the best location.
Case 2: Tumala and Torres (2018) mentioned in their
book that west was the best location
Case 3: (Wrong) Tumala, Torres, and Mortiz (2018)
mentioned in their book that west was the best location.
(Correct)Tumala et al. (2018) mentioned in their book
that west was the best location.

Discussion of Citing People Indirectly

Case 1: …it was the best location (Tumala, 22).

Case 2: …it was the best location (Tumala & Torres,
Case 3: (wrong)…it was the best location
(Tumala,Torres, & Mortiz, 2018).
(correct) …it was the best location (Tumala et al., 2018).

Question Citation is connected to bibliography because

the citation style comes with a format in
Now that you have learned what is citation, what do you bibliography.
think is its connection to Bibliography?

Very short discussion about Bibliography

Identifying the Format of Bibliography Based on the

Given examples:

MLA (from website)

Tumala, Shein. “Global Warming Is Helping to Wipe Out Author. “Title of the Source.” Title of the
Coffee in the Wild.” The New York Times, 16 Container, Other Contributors, Version,
Jan.2019, Number, Publisher, Publication date,
climate-change-coffee.html. Location
MLA (from book)
Author. “Title of the Source.” Title of the
Covey, Stephen. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Container, Other Contributors, Version,
People. Free Press, 1989. Number, Publisher, Publication date,
MLA (from journal)
Author. “Title of the Source.” Title of the
Wieseke, Jan, et al. “Willing to Pay More, Eager to Pay Less:
The Role of Customer Loyalty in Price Negotiations.” Container, Other Contributors, Version,
Journal of Marketing, vol. 68, no. 6, 2014, pp. 17-37. Number, Publisher, Publication date,
JSTOR, Location

APA (books)

Tumala, S. M. (2018). The Adventures: The West. Manila, Last Name, Initials. (Year). Book title (edition).
Philippines: Rex Bookstore City, State/Country: Publisher.

APA (journal)
Last Name, Initials., & Last Name, Initials.
Tumala, S. M., Torres, D. R. (2018). The evolving European (Year). Article title. Journal
model of professional sports finance. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page
of Sports Economics, 1(3), 257276. Retrieved Number(s). Retrieved from:

APA (website) Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Page

Worland, J. (2015, July 27). U.S. flood risk could be worse title [OptionalType]. Retrieved from
than we thought. Retrieved from http://webaddress
coastal- cities

Discussion of Chicago A and B comparison

D. Abstraction
Student’s answer may vary
Why is it important to cite references?
Student’s answer may vary
Why do you need to create a bibliography along with it?

E. Application
The Students will perform the task
Directions: Each group will be given a portion of a
research paper. Their task is to add the missing citation
and write a bibliography correctly with it. The rest of the
group members may use their body to cover their work.
Use the board to write the answers. You have 8 minutes
to prepare. You can use ellipsis to shorten the paragraph.

• Citation 2 points each (total of 6)

• Correct Reference writing 2 points each (total of
• Organization of Bibliography (bibliography,
books, electronic data = 3 points)
• For a total of 15 points

F. Assignment

Create a short essay about Slavery in Africa. Cite sources

to make it factful and create a bibliography along with it.


Shein M. Tumala, LPT

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