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Policy Social Networking: Managing and Controlling Employee Social Networks

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Social Networking
Managing and Controlling Employee Social Networks Version 1.0
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License Conditions

This product is NOT FOR RESALE or REDISTRIBUTION in any physical or electronic format.
The purchaser of this template has acquired the rights to use it for a SINGLE Disaster
Recovery Plan unless the user has purchased a multi-use license. Anyone who makes an
unlicensed copy of or uses the template or any derivative of it is in violation of United States
and International copyright laws and subject to fines that are treble damages as determined
by the courts. A REWARD of up to 1/3 of those fines will be paid to anyone reporting such a
violation upon the successful prosecution of such violators.

The purchaser agrees that derivative of this template will contain the following words within
the first five pages of that document. The words are:

© 2010 Copyright Janco Associates, Inc. – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Easy use steps:

1. Read this License Conditions

2. Print the first two pages of this template
3. Delete the first two pages.
4. Save As “your file name”
5. Edit replace “ENTERPRISE” with your enterprise’s name.
6. Edit replace “company logo” with your enterprise’s logo
7. Save As “your filename.v001”
8. As you modify the plan continue to save the DRP with a name that has an
updated version number.

The Sensitive Information Policy is saved in two formats. They are

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Table of Contents

Social Network Policy.........................................................................................3

Rights to content.................................................................................................................5
Option for More Restrictive License Terms......................................................................6
Security Standards..............................................................................................................8
Protect Sensitive Data.....................................................................................................9
Social Network Policy Compliance Agreement...............................................................11
What’s News......................................................................................................................12
Version 1.0 June 1010....................................................................................................12

Version 1.0 June 1010

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Social Network Policy


Social Networking - Connecting with a community of people in your network through

services like Facebook and Twitter with various methods of online interaction. A blog with a
broad user base also is a social network

Social Media - Online media like blogs, podcasts, videos, and news with a strong
participatory element through comments, ratings, or other mechanisms. Social media is
generated by the people and for the people with content created by anyone with a voice.


ENTERPRISE regards social networks as a form of communication and relationship among

individuals within the company, its partners, affiliates, and customers. When the company
wishes to communicate publicly as a company – whether to the marketplace or to the
general public – it has well established means to do so. Only those officially designated by
ENTERPRISE have the authorization to speak on behalf of the company.

This policy applies to all employees and contractor who identify themselves or represent
themselves as being associated with ENTERPRISE in

Multi-media and social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook,

MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo! Groups and YouTube
Social networks (Both ENTERPRISE Social networks and Social networks
external to ENTERPRISE)
Wikis such as Wikipedia and any other site where text can be posted
All of these activities are referred to as “postings” in this Policy

Please be aware that violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.

The following is the company’s social media and social networking policy. The absence of, or
lack of explicit reference to a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this
policy. Where no policy or guideline exists, employees should use their professional
judgment and take the most prudent action possible. Consult with your manager or
supervisor if you are uncertain.

Social network posting should have clear disclaimers that the views
expressed by the author in the social network is the author’s alone and
do not represent the views of the company. Be clear and write in first
person. Make your writing clear that you are speaking for yourself and
not on behalf of the company.

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Be authentic, honest and conversational in your posts. Leave the

marketing speak and press release format for other parts of the
Use good judgment about content and be careful not to include
confidential information about your company, customers, or vendors.
Information published in social networks should comply with the
company’s confidentiality and disclosure of proprietary data policies.
This also applies to comments posted on blogs, forums, and other
social networking sites.
Be respectful to the company, other employees, customers, partners,
and competitors.
Social media activities should not interfere with work commitments.
Refer to IT resource usage policies.
Online presence reflects on the company. Be aware that your actions
captured via images, posts, or comments can reflect that of our
Do not reference or site company clients, partners, or customers
without their express consent. In all cases, do not publish any
information regarding a client during the engagement.
Respect copyright laws, and reference or cite sources appropriately.
Plagiarism applies online as well.
Company logos and trademarks may not be used without written
Listen to people and respond to as many comments as possible with
constructive feedback. Allow negative comments (delete the spam) –
the key to managing comments is to respond rather than censor. Avoid
getting defensive and ignore the trolls where appropriate.
Peer reviews, especially for lengthy or complicated posts, should be
encouraged, but not required. It’s always nice to have someone double
check grammar and technical details before it goes out to the world.

ENTERPRISE believes that everyone can both derive and provide important benefits from
exchanges of perspective. ENTERTPRISE personnel are personally responsible for their
posts. Activities in or outside of work that affect your ENTERPRISE job performance, the
performance of others, or ENTERPRISE’s business interests are a proper focus for company

ENTERPRISE supports dialogue among ENTERPRISE employees, contractors, partners,

clients, members of the many communities in which we participate and the general public.
Such dialogue is inherent in our business model of innovation, and in our commitment to the
development of open standards.

A social network is a tool individuals can use to share their insights,

express their opinions and communicate within the context of a
globally distributed conversation. As with all tools, it has proper and
improper uses.

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While ENTERPRISE encourages all of its employees to join a global

conversation, it is important for those who choose to do so to
understand what is recommended, expected and required when they
discuss ENTERPRISE-related topics, whether at work or on their own
time. ENTERPRISE trusts – and expects – ENTERPRISE employees to
exercise personal responsibility whenever they social network. This
includes not violating the trust of those with whom they are engaging.
Social networkers should not use this medium for covert marketing or
public relations. If and when members of ENTERPRISE's
Communications, Marketing, Sales or other functions engaged in
advocacy for the company have the authorization to participate in
social networks, they should identify themselves as such.

The Chief Information Officer or his delegate must approve all social networks and personal
web sites that contain references to ENTERPRISE by ENTERPRISE employees, contractors,
suppliers, and or agents. This includes, but is not limited to, social networks and web sites
that reside on ENTERPRISE’s domains or domains that are outside of the control of

If you comment on any aspect of the ENTERPRISE’s business or any policy issue in which
ENTERPRISE is involved and in which you have responsibility, you must clearly identify
yourself as an ENTERPRISE employee in your postings or social network site(s) and include a
disclaimer that the views are your own and not those of ENTERPRISE. In addition,
ENTERPRISE employees should not circulate postings they know are written by other
ENTERPRISE employees without informing the recipient that the author of the posting is an
ENTERPRISE employee.

This policy applies to the entire enterprise, its employees, its agents, its vendors, its
suppliers (including outsourcers), and co-location providers and facilities regardless of the
ownership of the social networks and or websites.

All social networks and personal web sites must follow this policy and the mandates of the
ENTERPRISE. Failure to comply is grounds for immediate termination, cessation of any and
all business relationships, and the violator (and / or his organization) is subject to financial

Everyone who “social networks” must complete the Social network Policy Compliance

Rights to content

Unless you specify otherwise, any and all works of authorship copyrightable by you and
posted by you to any social network (“Content”) are submitted under the terms of a “Public
License”. Under this license, you permit anyone to copy, distribute, display and perform your
Content, royalty-free, on the condition that they credit your authorship each time they do so.
You also permit others to distribute derivative works of your Content, but only if they do so
under the same Public license that governs your original Content.

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Amongst other things, a “Public License” permits RSS aggregators to copy, distribute,
display and perform any Content on your social network that you syndicate using RSS. All
Content on your social network is syndicated for RSS aggregation unless you change your
settings to indicate otherwise.

Option for More Restrictive License Terms

If you prefer to offer your Content on more restrictive terms, you may do so as follows:

For Content you submit to a social network other than your own, label
your submission with a full copyright notice, i.e., your name, the word
“copyright” or symbol “©” and the year of first publication.
By posting your Content using the Services, you are granting
ENTERPRISE a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide
license to use your Content in connection with the operation of the
Services, including, without limitation, the license rights to copy,
distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit,
translate and reformat your Content, and/or to incorporate it into a
collective work.


When publicly displaying, publicly performing, reproducing or distributing copies of your

Content or Content as incorporated into a collective work, ENTERPRISE will make best efforts
to credit your authorship. You grant ENTERPRISE permission to use your name for such
attribution purposes. You, likewise, agree to represent yourself accurately. You acknowledge
that misrepresentation may lead us, in our sole discretion, to cancel your use of the Services
and delete any of your Content.


The same principles and guidelines that apply to ENTERPRISE business activities apply to
online activities. In addition:

1. Follow ENTERPRISE policies and guidelines as published in all ENTERPRISE

If you have any confusion about whether you should post something on
a social network, chances are ENTERPRISE’s policies, procedures, and
guidelines will provide guidance.
Know what is proprietary, confidential, and sensitive information. If you
are still unclear on this do not post it until you seek the advice of

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1. Inform your immediate supervisor of all social network activities.

2. Identify yourself – name and, when relevant, role at ENTERPRISE – when you
social network about ENTERPRISE or ENTERPRISE-related matters.

ENTERPRISE discourages anonymous postings with any social network

or web site on items that relate to ENTERPRISE, our business or issues
with which ENTERPRISE is engaged. We believe in transparency and
Use your real name, be clear who you are, and identify that you work
Point out your vested interest in something you are discussing.
Protect yourself and your privacy. Be judicious in disclosing personal

1. Write in the first person and make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and
not on behalf of ENTERPRISE. Use a disclaimer.

Make it clear that what you post is representative of your views and
opinions and not necessarily the views and opinions of ENTERPRISE.
Place the disclaimer prominently on each social network post and / or
web page.
Use a suggested disclaimer such as “The postings on this site are my
own and don’t necessarily represent ENTERPRISE’s positions,
strategies or opinions.”
This standard disclaimer does not exempt ENTERPRISE managers and
executives from a special responsibility when social networkging. They
must consider whether personal thoughts they publish may be
misunderstood as expressing ENTERPRISE positions. A manager should
assume that his or her team will read what is written. A social network
is not the place to communicate ENTERPRISE policies to ENTERPRISE

1. Follow copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.

Never quote more than short excerpts of someone else’s work.

Provide a direct link to other’s “work”.
Never provide forecasts or financial data. This information is governed
by laws including Sarbanes-Oxley and has very special disclosure
requirements. Included are statements about an upcoming quarter or
future periods or information about alliances, product and market
development status, and applies to anyone including conversations
with Wall Street analysts, press or other third parties (including
friends). ENTERPRISE policy is not to comment on rumors in any way.
Do not deny or affirm them.

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1. Exclude ENTERPRISE’s and/or another’s confidential or proprietary information.

For example, ask permission to publish someone’s picture or a conversation that
was meant to be private.

2. Exclude references to employees, other individuals, contractors, clients, partners,

suppliers or firms without their approval.

Clients, partners or suppliers should not be cited or obviously

referenced without their approval.
Never identify a client, partner or supplier by name without permission
and never discuss confidential details of a client engagement. It is
acceptable to discuss general details about kinds of projects and to use
non-identifying pseudonyms for a client (e.g., Client ABC) so long as
the information provided does not violate any non-disclosure
agreements that may be in place with the client or make it easy for
someone to identify the client.
Do not conduct business with a client on a social network.

1. Exclude ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, and other disparaging


Assume whatever you post can be taken in a wrong way by someone.

Look at all items you will post and see what could be taken out of

1. Show proper consideration for others’ privacy and for topics that may be
considered objectionable or inflammatory – such as politics and religion.

2. Don't pick fights, be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don’t alter
previous posts without indicating that you have done so.

3. Provide worthwhile information and perspective.

Social networks that are hosted on ENTERPRISE-owned domains should

be used in such a way that adds value to ENTERPRISE’s business.
Social networks that can adversely affect ENTERPRISE should be
avoided. If you find such a social network you must immediately
inform your supervisor.

1. Respond to your own errors, if you make an error admit it and correct your
mistake quickly.

2. Don’t let social networking interfere with your job and commitments to others.

Security Standards

Social network maintenance process that should be followed includes:

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Protect sensitive data.

Protect encryption keys, user ids, and passwords
Protect secure systems and applications
Manage user ids to meet security requirements
Restrict physical access to secure data paper and electronic files
Regularly monitor and test networks
Monitor all access to network resources and sensitive data
Test security systems and processes
Maintain an information security policy

Protect Sensitive Data

Standards and procedures include the following:

Do not post sensitive data on any social network.

Do not post customer information
Do not post financial information about ENTERRISE that has not been
disseminated by the Chief Financial Officer of ENTERPRISE
Redact sensitive data from documents that are provided to outsiders
for whatever reason, and
Utilize the most current working version of anti-virus,
Validate that anti-virus is always running and producing logs that can
be reviewed,
Maintain and utilize anti-virus definitions which are current, and
Never send sensitive data via email. If you must send sensitive data,
do so in an encrypted file that is sent as an email attachment. Do not
include the description of the encryption method and/or password in
the same email.

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Social Network Policy Compliance Agreement

Employee: _________________________ Soc Sec No or Employee ID Number:


Job Title: __________________________ Work Site: _________________________

I hereby certify that I have reviewed ENTERPRISE’s Social Net policy and
understand the policy, its standards and procedures contained therein.

I understated that if I violate this policy, its standards or procedures, I am

subject to immediate termination without recourse.

By signing this form, I affirm my willingness to abide by ENTERPRISE’s security

policies, procedures and guidelines.

Signature: _________________________ Date: ________________

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What’s News

Version 1.0 June 1010

Policy Released

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