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eng (re5556) – HW01 – horvitz – (92187) 1

This print-out should have 31 questions. The air pressure above the liquid in figure is
Multiple-choice questions may continue on 0.589 atm . The depth of the air bubble in the
the next column or page – find all choices liquid is 35.7 cm and the liquid’s density is
before answering. 820 kg/m3 .
001 10.0 points
Air within the funnel of a large tornado may
have a pressure of only 0.52 atm.
What is the approximate outward force F 35.7 cm
on a 8.9 m × 16 m wall if a tornado suddenly
envelopes the house? Atmospheric pressure is air
1.013 × 105 Pa.
Answer in units of N.
Determine the air pressure in the bubble
002 10.0 points
suspended in the liquid. The acceleration of
If a 1-megaton nuclear weapon is exploded gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
at ground level, the peak overpressure (that
Answer in units of Pa.
is, the pressure increase above normal atmo-
spheric pressure) will be 0.2 atm at a distance
007 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points
of 6 km.
Engineers have developed a bathyscaph that
What force due to such an explosion will be
can reach ocean depths of 6.01 mi.
exerted on the side of a house with dimensions
If the density of seawater is about
2.14 m × 34.3 m?
1030 kg/m3 , what is the absolute pressure
Answer in units of N.
at that depth? The acceleration of gravity is
9.8 m/s2 .
003 10.0 points
Answer in units of Pa.
The four tires of an automobile are inflated to
a gauge pressure of 2.3 × 105 Pa. Each tire
008 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points
has an area of 0.026 m2 in contact with the
If the inside of the vessel is maintained at
atmospheric pressure 1.013 × 105 Pa, what
Find the weight of the automobile.
is the net force on a porthole of diameter
Answer in units of N.
6.01 cm?
Answer in units of N.
004 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points
A water bed is 1.94 m on each vertical side
009 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points
and 24.3 cm high.
A reservoir behind a dam is 30 m deep.
Find its weight. The acceleration of grav-
What is the gauge pressure at the base
ity is 9.8 m/s2 and the density of water is
of the dam? The acceleration of grav-
1000 kg/m3 . 2
ity is 9.8 m/s and atmospheric pressure is
Answer in units of N.
10100 Pa .
Answer in units of kPa.
005 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points
Find the pressure exerted on the floor when
010 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points
the bed rests in its normal position. Assume
What is the gauge pressure 5.5 m from the
that the entire lower surface of the bed makes
top of the dam?
contact with the floor.
Answer in units of kPa.
Answer in units of Pa.
011 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points
006 10.0 points
eng (re5556) – HW01 – horvitz – (92187) 2
A simple U-tube that is open at both ends
is partially filled with a liquid of density 013 10.0 points
424 kg/m3 . Water is then poured into one The small piston of a hydraulic lift has a
arm of the tube, forming a column 14 cm in cross-sectional area of 4.5 cm2 and the large
height, as shown in the diagram. piston has an area of 59 cm2 , as in the figure

h1 F

light liquid 4.5 cm2
424 kg/m3
14 cm
59 cm2

heavy liquid What force F must be applied to the small

1000 kg/m3 piston to maintain the load of 18 kN at a
constant elevation?
Answer in units of N.
What is the difference in the heights of the
two liquid surfaces? The density of heavy 014 10.0 points
liquid is 1000 kg/m3 . Piston 1 in the figure has a diameter of 0.26 in
Answer in units of cm. and is attached to a lever arm a distance 2 in
from the pivot point. Piston 2 has a diameter
012 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points of 1.3 in. An external force F acts on the
A simple U-tube that is open at both ends lever arm at a distance 11 in from piston 1 as
is partially filled with heavy liquid. A liquid shown below.
of density 424 kg/m3 is then poured into one
arm of the tube, forming a column 14 cm in
height, as shown. 466 lb
2 in

h2 11 in

14 cm light liquid 1
424 kg/m3

heavy liquid In the absence of friction, find the force

1000 kg/m3 F necessary to support the 466 lb weight.
Assume the height difference between the pis-
tons is negligible.
What is the difference in the heights of the Answer in units of lb.
two liquid surfaces?
Answer in units of cm.
eng (re5556) – HW01 – horvitz – (92187) 3
015 10.0 points
A hollow brass tube has outer diameter D =
2.2 cm. The tube is sealed at one end and
loaded with lead shot to give it a total mass
of M = 23 g. The tube floats in water (of
density 1 g/cm3 ) in vertical position, loaded
end down.
What is the depth of the bottom end of the
tube? B
Answer in units of cm. b

016 10.0 points
Consider a spherical balloon submerged in
water. What is the force exerted by the wa-
At what depth does the buoyant force de- ter on the top of the block? (Take P0 =
1 1.013 × 105 Pa .) The acceleration of gravity
crease to of its surface value? Assume wa- is 9.8 m/s2 .
ter temperature does not change with depth Answer in units of N.
and use Pa = 1.01 × 105 Pa. The acceleration
of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 019 (part 2 of 4) 10.0 points
Answer in units of m. What is the force exerted by the water on the
bottom of the block?
017 10.0 points Answer in units of N.
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
water level. One of the two glasses has ice 020 (part 3 of 4) 10.0 points
cubes floating in it. What is the reading of the spring scale?
Which weighs more? Answer in units of N.

1. The glass with the ice cubes. 021 (part 4 of 4) 10.0 points
What is the buoyant force?
2. The glass without the ice cubes. Answer in units of N.

3. The two weigh the same. 022 10.0 points

Oil having a density of 926 kg/m3 floats on
018 (part 1 of 4) 10.0 points water. A rectangular block of wood 4.42 cm
An 11.6 kg block of metal is suspended from a high and with a density of 960 kg/m3 floats
scale and immersed in water as in the figure. partly in the oil and partly in the water. The
The dimensions of the block are 12.9 cm × oil completely covers the block.
9.7 cm × 9.7 cm. The 12.9 cm dimension is
vertical, and the top of the block is 5.07 cm
4.42 cm

below the surface of the water.



How far below the interface between the

two liquids is the bottom of the block?
Answer in units of cm.
eng (re5556) – HW01 – horvitz – (92187) 4
023 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points What is the gauge pressure of the water
A beaker of mass 1.5 kg containing 2.3 kg of flowing through the constricted segment? At-
water rests on a scale. A 3.8 kg block of a mospheric pressure is 1.013 × 105 Pa . The
metallic alloy of density 2700 kg/m3 is sus- density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . The viscosity
pended from a spring scale and is submerged of water is negligible.
in the water of density 1000 kg/m3 as shown Answer in units of atm.
in the figure.
027 10.0 points
A liquid of density 1399 kg/m3 flows with
speed 2.69 m/s into a pipe of diameter 0.16 m .
The diameter of the pipe decreases to 0.05 m
at its exit end. The exit end of the pipe is
5.48 m lower than the entrance of the pipe,
3.8 kg and the pressure at the exit of the pipe is
1.2 atm .

What does the hanging scale read? The

2.69 m/s P2 1.2 atm 5.48 m
acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 0.16 m
Answer in units of N.

024 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points v2

What does the lower scale read? 0.05 m
Answer in units of N. Applying Bernoulli’s principle, what is
the pressure P1 at the entrance end of the
025 10.0 points pipe? Assume the viscosity of the fluid
A cowboy at a dude ranch fills a horse trough is negligible and the fluid is incompressible.
that is 1.5 m long, 72 cm wide, and 49 cm The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 and
deep. He uses a 2.7 cm diameter hose from Patm = 1.013 × 105 Pa.
which water emerges at 3 m/s . Answer in units of Pa.
How long does it take him to fill the trough?
Answer in units of min. 028 10.0 points
You are visiting a winery for a wine tasting. A
026 10.0 points large storage barrel (diameter 4.9 m) is filled
Water flows at speed of 5.8 m/s through a to a height of 280 cm . The barrel has on its
horizontal pipe of diameter 3.3 cm . The gauge top a small hole to guarantee contact with the
pressure P1 of the water in the pipe is 1.4 atm . atmospheric pressure. The tap of the barrel
A short segment of the pipe is constricted to is at a height of 13 cm from the bottom of the
a smaller diameter of 2.4 cm . barrel. The opening of the tap faces towards
1.4 atm you and does not point downward.
P1 P2

5.8 m/s v2
3.3 cm 2.4 cm
eng (re5556) – HW01 – horvitz – (92187) 5
has a 30 cm radius. Take the pressure in the
section with radius 70 cm to be 190 kPa and
the density of oil to be 800 kg/m3 . Assume
laminar nonviscous flow.
Answer in units of kPa.

031 10.0 points

The picture below shows water forced out of
280 cm

a fire extinguisher by compressed air. The

water jets out at speed 8.87 m/s from a nozzle
located at height 1.11 m above the water level
inside the extinguisher.

13 cm

x h

Figure: Not drawn to scale.

If you hold your wine glass at the same
height level as the bottom of the barrel, how Calculate the gauge pressure of the com-
far away from the tap do you have to hold the pressed air inside the extinguisher; that is,
glass so that the wine stream hits it exactly? the pressure difference
Answer in units of cm.
gauge inside outside
Pair = Pair − Pair .
029 10.0 points
A large storage tank is filled to a height 78 cm. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Water
The tank is punctured with a small hole at a density is 1000 kg/m3 and the extinguisher’s
height 37 cm from the bottom of the tank. body is much wider than the water jet.
Answer in units of kPa.

h0 h

How far from the tank will the stream land?

Assume that the tank is very large so that the
velocity of the liquid at the top of the tank is
Answer in units of cm.

030 10.0 points

The $8-billion, 820 mile long Alaskan Pipeline
has a capacity of 2.3 × 105 m3 /day of oil per
day. Along most of the pipeline the radius is
70 cm .
Find the pressure at a point where the pipe

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