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VIKAS-The Concept School

Miyapur, Bachupally, Hyderabad-90

off Phones: 7330999902, 7330999903


1. What is Specific gravity? Give its unit and Dimensional formula.

A sharp blade cuts an object easily than a blunt blade? Why?
3 what is the density or tne
utwo liquids of equal volumes and different densities di and da are mixed,
1Om high is half filled with water and then filled to the top with oil of density 0.8 g/cm'. What
15 the pressure at the bottom due to these liquids? (Take g= 10m/s")

a) Derive an expression for pressure exerted by a liquid column

b) State on what factors it depends and on what factors it is independent.
. Why do we prefer mercury in a barometer?
Write the values of systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.
8 An automobile rack is lifted by a hydraulic jack that consists of two
pistons connected by a pipe as shown in Fig. The large piston is lm
in diameter and the small piston is 10 cm in diameter. If the weight
of the car is F2=8000N, how much smaller a force is needed on the
small piston to lift the car? (Pistons are at same level and g= 10m/s)
a) A solid floats with 1/4th of its volume above the surface of water. Calculate the density of the solid.
b) A piece of metai weighs 45 N in air and 30 N when fully submerged in water. Determine the
specific gravity of the metal.
10. State and prove Archimedes principle.

How does the viscosity of fluid depend upon temperature?
The diameter of ball A is twice of that of B. What will be the ratio of their terminal velocities in

3 Define Newton's law of viscous flow.

4. What is teminal velocity? Derive an expression for the terminal velocity attained by a spherical ball
falling through a viscous fluid?
5. (a) Write poiseuille's equation. Describe the terms in it.
(b) Write the formula of fluid resistance.
6. State any two properties of streamlines?
At what speed will the velocity head of a stream of water be equal to 40 cm?
8. Define critical velocity. Give relation between Vc, Na and n.

9 An incompressible liquid travels as shown figure. Calculate the speed of the fluid in the lower branch
.15msms 2m/s
enoulli's theorem and write mathematical form ofit. (with diagram)
11. a)
Why light roofs are blown off during wind storm?
Derive equation of
b) continuity
Why the area of cross
Name the
section of water coming down a tap decreases?
13. energies possessed by a fluid (or) liquid.
State and
14 explain Bernoulli's principle
Under what
conditions Bernoulli's theorem can be used'?
Explain any 2 applications of
16. Bernoulli's principle
Why light roofs are blown off
17. during wind storm?
What is (i)
velocity head (ii) pressure head?
Explain the dynamic lift felt by an air foil
19 At what
cutting through air?
speed will the velocity head of a stream of water be
20 ne reading of a pressure meter equal to 40 cm?
attached to closed pipe is 2.5 10 Nm. On
e pipe, the reading of the pressure meter reduces to 2.0x 10 Nm". opening the valve of

flowing through the pipe. Calculate the speed of water

21 Write a short note
22 State Torricelli's theorem. Derive
expression for velocity of efflux.
23 Water flows out of a small
hole in the wall of a large tank near its bottom. What is the
of water when the
height of water level in the tank is 5m? speed of efflux
1 The momentum of a body varies with time is given by p =
101 +5. Find the force acting on it.
A gun of mass
1kg fires 2 bullet sec each of mass 100gm with a speed 100m/sec. Find the force
to hold the gun in position.
A metal
plate of1kg is balanced in mid air by throwing 10 marbles per second each of mass
100gm vertically up. Each marble hits the plate and rebounds with the same
the marble hitting the speed. Find the speed of
4. State Newton's laws of motion
5 Discuss the apparent weight of a
person in a lift moving with
i) uniform velocity ii) uniform acceleration upwards and ii) uniform acceleration downwards.
6. a) A body of mass 1kg initially at rest
acquires a speed 10m/sec in 2sec. Find the force acting on
the body.
b) Mention any one difference between mass and weight of a body.
7. What is momentum of a body? Mention its S.I. unit.
8. A body of mass 1kg is at rest. It covers a distance of 10m in 2sec. Find the force
acting on the body.
Find the nomal contact force between 5 kg and 2 kg in the
given figure.

2 KE
10. State Newtons laws of mofion.
A) Define impulse
b) A body of
mass 2 kg at rest acted upon by a foree. The variation of force wilh
time is as
shown below. Find the speed acquired by the
12 Two bodies of masses mi and m (ma> m) are connected hy means of a string passing over a i t
tixedpulley hanging in vertical plane. Find the acceleration of the system of bodies and tenakon
the string

1. Why automobiles are stream lined?

possible to make friction as zero in between two sliding surfaces? Oive reason for youta
Mention the methods of
reducing friction
What are the laws of friction?
Deline angle offriction. Ifangle of fiction is 30 fnd coeffcient of friction
b) A body ofmass 2kg is placed on a rough horirontal surface of O-0.1, puled by a hortzontat
force 6N. Find the velocity acquired by it atter 5 sec.
6. a) Discuss the motion of the body on a rough inclined plane, derive the expression for acceleration
of the body down the
rough inclined plane
b) A body starts sliding down the smooth inclined plane of inclination 30 Find its speed at the
bottom ofthe plane, if the length of the plane is 1Om
Friction can be minimised, but it never becomes zero. Explain.
Abody of mass 10kg is placed on ahorizontal rough surface ofcoefcient offriction 0.2. Ahorizontal
force of SON acting on the body to pull it for 10 seconds. Find the final velocity acquired by thebody
Define nomal reaction. A body of mass 2kg is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination J0
Calculate the normal reaction on the body
10 Write the laws of friction. Mention any two methods to reduce frietion.
11. Explain why pulling is casier than pushing with a neat sketch on a rough horizontal plane
12. Friction can be reduced to a minimum but not equal to zero give reason.
13. Coefficients of static and kinetic frictions are 0.5 and 0.4 respectively,. If statie frictional force
continuously applied on a body find its acceleration on horizontal surface
14. Abody ofmass 2kg is placed on horizontal surface with u-02.ltisconnected2
to a body of mass 3kg as shown in figure. Find the time taken by 3kg body to 02
cover a distance Im after releasing from rest.
15 i) Discuss the motion of a body on a rough inclined plane

i) Ifthe coefficient offriction isthen find the angle offriction


1. Two particle of mass 2gm and 4gm are separated by a distance 12cm. Find the position of center of
mass from 2gm.
2 Two bodies of identical mass are moving with velocities 2i m/sec and 2) m/sec. Find the velocity of
their center of mass.

3 Form a circular disc of radius 'R', a small cireular disc of radius R/2 is removed such that the cavity
portion just touches the edge of the disc. Find the shift in center of mass.
4. What are the characteristics of center of mass?
5 Three identical particles are placed at the comers of an equilateral triangle of side 'a', Find the
co-ordinates of center of mass from any vertex
Define power. Mention its S.I. units
What is kilo-watt- bour? Give its value
in joule
rce ofF=f+j-k)N acts on a body causes displacementi =(2i+ j-kjm.Find the work done
by the force

wO persons 'A" and 'B' lifting 1000 litres of water from a well of depth 1Om in 1hr and 2hr
respectively. Which one having more energy? Give reason. F(9)
5 Find the work done by the force 100
using the following graph.
6 A man runs a distance "S' on a level road. The same man ascends up a hill with the same velocity
through the same distance. When does he do more work!
7. Mention the relation between momentum (P) and kinetic energy (E). If momenturm of a body 15
doubled how does its K.E. change?
8 t the mass is reduced to half and the velocity is doubled what happens to its K.E?
9 A machine gun fires 540 bullets per minute each of mass 150gm with a velocity 720 kmph. Find the
power of the gun.

10. ) Define K.E. ii) Derive K.E =mv. ii) Obtaintheexpression for P.E.
of a body. i)
iv) The velocity of a body is reduced to half of its oiginal value. Find the percentage decrease in
its K.E.
1 A force (2i+j-k)N displaces a body from (0,2, 1pm to (3, 2, 3)m. Findthework done bythe force
12 What type of energy possessed by a flying bird?
13 Obtain the relation between momenturn and KE of a body.
14. A man of mass 70kg carries a bag ofweight 30 kg to a height of 10m. Find the work done by Human.
15. A body mass 10 kg is moving with a velocity (10i+ 10j + 10k) m/s. Find the magritudes of its
momentum and K.E.
16. Water in a river flowing with a velocity 5 m/sec. Find the energy carried by 10m of water in the
river flow.
17. Find the work done by the force in the following.


20 10

i) >s{m) i)
t[sec) er
18 State and prove work-energy theorem.
19 A body ofmass 1kg dropped freely from on height of 1Om. Find ts at the bottom
20. i) A simple pendulum of length 'T is released from an angle 60" to the vertical. Find the speed of
the bob at mean position.
A body of mass 'm' dropped from the top of a smooth inclined plane of height 'h'. Find its
speed at lowest position.

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