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- Open Dot Twenty One -

Installation Manual & User Guide

Simao Reis, Rui Costa

February 12, 2010

1 ODTONE Installation 3
1.1 Required Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Getting ODTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Compilling and installing ODTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 ODTONE User Guide 5

2.1 Local Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Running the Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Remote Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 mihf1 conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.3 mihf2 conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.4 Running the Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1 ODTONE Installation
As ODTONE is developed in order to work in several platforms, we therefore
won't provide detailed tutorials for each mainstream operating system. We
will rather present the main guidelines for installing ODTONE and any relevant
notes on specic platforms that might prove an obstacle.

1.1 Required Dependencies

In order to correctly use ODTONE you must rst make sure you have the
required dependencies installed.

• Boost Developer libraries (v1.37 or higher)

If you do not already have them in your system, you can go to and download a more recent version of the
Boost libraries and manually compile them.

• SQLite Developer library (v3.5.9 or higher)

If you do not already have them in your system, you can go to and download a more recent version.

1.2 Getting ODTONE

• In a tarball

You can get the ODTONE source code tarball from our project page,
at Then just un-
pack it and you are ready to compile and install ODTONE.
• From the git repository You can clone the git repository, from
therefore creating your own local copy.

1.3 Compilling and installing ODTONE

Once you have obtained the ODTONE source code and have assured you have
the right dependencies are installed in all machines you intend to use ODTONE,
then you are ready to compile and install.

• Windows
Using Visual Studio 2008, choose the option to open an existing
project. Browse to the folder vc90/ on your ODTONE folder and select
and open the ODTONE project. Then just build the project.

NOTE that this is still an alpha version, therefore in future releases
Windows support will be improved, in this manual.
• Linux/Unix
You just need to run the ./ script and then run ./configure
and nally make to compile the code. Install is not yet required, and
therefore all applications are local and can be found under the src/

2 ODTONE User Guide
For now the MIHFs capabilities are read from conguration les. Future
versions will inquire the available Link SAPs for the required information.

2.1 Local Demo

The local demo consists in a simple experiment to demonstrate simple mes-

sage exchange between a MIHF, a MIH_User and a Link_SAP. It allows you to
see how evenst are generated by the Link_SAP and reported to a MIH_User
that has subscribed to these events.

2.1.1 Conguration
To run the local demo you will need to edit the default conguration le
odtone.conf that is stored in the src/ directory. The le is well documented
and you will need to edit the link_addr_list entrance and add the MAC
address of your computer's network cards.

2.1.2 Running the Demo

After editing the conguration le, to run this ODTONE demo the best way is
to open 3 terminals. On one terminal start ODTONE, and on the next terminal
start the MIH_User.

If all went well the MIH_User has requested an Capability_Discover to

the local MIHF and printed out some information of the interfaces you previ-
ously congured.

Now it's time to start the Link_SAP, on your third terminal, and send
some Link indications to the MIHF and check that the MIH_User received
notications .

So that the Link_SAP detects some events you should now proceed to
disconnect, disable or shutdown you network cable/interface or your wireless
card according to your conguration le (odtone.conf ).

2.2 Remote Demo

The remote demo consists in a local MIH_User obtaining notications of

events that are happening on a Link_SAP remotely located on another ma-
chine. You are required to have two machines for this experiment, the rst
machine hosting an ODTONE instance (mihf1) and the MIH_User, while the
second will host a second ODTONE instance mihf2) and the Link_SAP.

2.2.1 Conguration
As was said earlier, automatic remote peer MIHF discovery is not yet imple-
mented, so you need to add the remote MIHFs IP address and port number
to the conguration le (odtone.conf ).
Edit the le and add an entry to peers in the form:

<mihf_id> <ip> <port>

<mihf_id> is the identier of the remote MIHF, <ip> and <port> are self

NOTE that you need to edit the conguration le on both machines.

2.2.2 mihf1 conguration

On the machine with the mihf1 the cong le can look like:

id = mihf1
local_port = 1025
remote_port = 4551
peers = mihf2 <mihf2_IP_address> 4551
users = user 1234

2.2.3 mihf2 conguration

The conguration le of mihf2 would be:

id = mihf2
local_port = 1025
remote_port = 4551
peers = mihf1 <mihf1_IP_address> 4551
links = link 1235
link_addr_list = 802_11 <mac_address>,ethernet <mac_address>
event_list = link_detected, link_up, link_down,
link_parameters_report, link_going_down,
link_handover_imminent, link_handover_complete

NOTE that you need to setup the MAC addresses of the mihf2 inter-

2.2.4 Running the Demo

• On the machine hosting mihf1, start a terminal and run ODTONE. Then,
on another terminal start the MIH_User adding the parameter dest
mihf2. The dest option tells the MIH_User to set the 802.21 desti-
nation eld of the frame to mihf2.
• On the machine hosting mihf2, start a terminal and run ODTONE. Then,
on another terminal start the Link_SAP. So that the Link_SAP detects
some events you should now proceed to disconnect, disable or shutdown
your network cable/interface or you wireless card according to your
conguration le (odtone.conf ).

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