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May 01, 2011 Page 1 Volume 1 Issue 9

Dear Parents,

I find it hard to believe that the 2010-2011 school year is almost over. For me, this has been a busy but very enjoyable year, a year
filled with many pleasurable activities and events and only a few challenges. I have had much to learn about procedures and tradi-
tions at RWA but have always felt supported by parents, faculty, and students as I asked questions to better understand our school.
Thank you for this support.

I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and the students this year. I appreciate all that you have done and continue to do to
make this a great year for all of us at RWA. I look forward to working with you for the rest of this year and am excited about the
2011-2012 school year.

Next year we will have three new faculty members and a few changes in faculty assignments at RWA. Miss Kathryn Warren, a re-
cent graduate of Winthrop University, has been hired as a third grade teacher. Mrs. Lily Caldwell will serve as a third grade
teacher, also, but the number of students enrolled for this grade level next year requires two teachers. Miss Warren comes to our
school highly recommended by her professors and teachers who supervised her during her teaching internships.

Miss Emily Horowitz will join our staff as the Spanish teacher. Mrs. Thames, our current Spanish teacher, majored in English in
college and requested to teach English classes next year. Mrs. Thames’ request is the result of a retirement; Mrs. Martha Ladd, one
of our English teachers, is retiring but may continue to sponsor yearbook production. Miss Horowitz is a recent Winthrop graduate
with excellent references.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Sharon Bell has chosen not to return to RWA next year. Mrs. Joye Schwartz, one of our current second grade
teachers, will become our 2011-2012 first grade teacher. Mrs. Lou Anne Atkerson will remain in grade two next year; based on the
number of students progressing from grade one to two, only one second grade teacher is needed.

Mr. Tony Caulder is retiring from RWA. The seventh grade math class assigned to Mr. Caulder and Coach Copeland this year will
be taught next year by Mrs. Kerri Martin, a graduate of Lander University. Mrs. Martin will teach one upper school computer class,
also. Most of you know Mrs. Martin since she grew up in Winnsboro, graduated from RWA, and has served in various leadership
capacities at school as a parent and volunteer. No decisions have been made at this time regarding a replacement for Mr. Caulder’s
role as finance director.

Coach Roe Coleman will be missed next year at RWA, also. He plans to continue working as an educator but hopes to find a posi-
tion that allows him to serve full-time as a physical education teacher for older students and to continue coaching, possibly even as
a head baseball coach. As a result, in addition to teaching fifth and sixth grade science and sixth grade social studies classes, Coach
Haltiwanger will teach physical education to students in grades one through five next year. Coach Atkerson will teach sixth and
seventh grade physical education classes; Coach Atkerson and Coach Berry will share responsibility for eighth grade physical edu-
cation students. Mrs. Missy Taylor will teach the seventh grade history class.

Coach Joe Pitt, a retired educator and basketball coach from Union County Schools, will serve as our boys’ basketball coach next
year. He works with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes but has enough flexibility with his schedule to serve as our basketball

These are the major changes that are confirmed for next year. As always, slight adjustments may occur among upper school staff
regarding which courses each person will teach but these adjustments will not be made until the course offerings and next year’s
schedule are finalized this summer.

Please join me in wishing Mrs. Ladd and Mr. Caulder much happiness in retirement from RWA and Mrs. Bell and Coach Coleman
much success with any new ventures they may undertake next year. Each of these individuals has contributed greatly to the success
of RWA over time and will be deeply missed next year. If other major changes occur throughout the summer, notification will be
May 01, 2011 Page 2 Volume 1 Issue 9
IMPORTANT: Please remember that the hours during which office staff members are available to assist parents
changes during the summer months. Beginning the week of May 23 and continuing through August 5, the office
will be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00 A. M. until 2:00 P. M. Also, appointments
may be made for special assistance at other times. While we work additional hours in the summer other than
those stated above, much time is devoted to preparations and planning for the next school year and except dur-
ing the specific times set for office hours, we are not always accessible without advance notice. Also, because va-
cations are taken during the summer, calling in advance is strongly recommended if you need to see a specific

Best wishes for a wonderful and safe summer. Again, thank you for your continued support of RWA. Parental support
and involvement are critical to our school’s success.

Nancy Coleman

Senior Exams: May 11, 12, 13 Exam/Test Schedule for Students in Grades 7-11
Seniors (and selected Junior Marshals) will take exams on
May 11, 12, and 13 according to the following schedule: Students in grades 7-11 will take exams on May 16, 17, and
18. In grades 9-11, students with a yearly “A” average in a
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 course are allowed to exempt the exam with the teacher’s
Exams for First Period Classes: 8:15-10:12 A. M. approval. (Attendance and discipline records impact exam
Exams for Second Period Classes: 10:23 A. M.-12:23 P. M. exemption privileges, also.) All other students are required
Thursday, May 12, 2011 to take all tests.
Exams for Third Period Classes: 8:15-10:12 A. M.
Exams for Fourth Period Classes: 10:23 A. M.-12:23 P. M. The exam schedule is as follows:
Friday, May 13, 2011 May 16
Exams for Fifth Period Classes: 8:15-10:12 A. M. 1st Period Exam 8:15-10:00 A. M.
Exams for Sixth Period Classes: 10:23 A. M.-12:23 P. M. 2nd Period Exam 10:15-12:00 Noon
May 17
A number of senior students/selected junior marshals will be 3rd Period Exam 8:15-10:00 A. M.
exempting one or more exams. Students only need to attend 4th Period Exam 10:15-12:00 Noon
school during the time scheduled for an exam they are re- May 18
quired to take. Students involved in exams on these dates 5th Period Exam 8:15-10:00 A. M.
should report to school no less than 10 minutes prior to the 6th Period Exam 10:15-12:00 Noon
scheduled exam time and may leave school campus upon
completing their exams. (For example, a student who finishes In general, on exam days students are expected to arrive at
an exam prior to 10:12 A. M. or 12:23 P. M. may leave cam- school by 8:10 A. M. and must remain in class and at school
pus when he/she completes his/her exam). However, any late through the entire time designated for exams (i. e. through
arrival, early dismissal, or non-attendance due to exam 12:00 Noon dismissal bell). However, if a student in grades
exemptions on May 11, 12, and 13 (meaning a student is 9-11 is exempting an exam, he/she does not need to (but cer-
not here consistently from 8:10 A. M. until 12:23 P. M.) tainly may) attend school during the time period for the ex-
requires written permission from parents. Please check empted exam. Written parental permission is required
with your child regarding his/her exam schedule and send for the student not to attend that period. Written per-
a note to school by Tuesday, May 10 specifying permission mission should be sent to school by Friday, May 13. Par-
for any late arrivals, early dismissals, or non-attendance. ents are requested to clearly state in the note the specific
Please be very clear regarding all dates and/or times. date(s) and time(s) a student will not be on campus.
Thank you for your cooperation. Communicating your Again, thank you for your cooperation with this request. The
awareness of your child’s time on and off campus is a request is to help us assist you regarding your child’s safety
safety precaution. and appropriate supervision. (Note: Students finishing ex-
ams before the exam period ends must remain in class.
Criteria for exam exemptions for seniors and selected junior Early dismissals from exams are not allowed for students
marshals are located on page 16 of the Parent/Student Hand- in grades 7-11 on these dates.)
book issued to all families in August of 2010. Should you
have questions about the criteria, please check with one of
your child’s teachers or call the school office.
May 01, 2011 Page 3 Volume 1 Issue 9
Lost and Found Items Our school for collecting 358 canned goods for the Fairfield
County Food Bank and to Mrs. Schwartz’ class for contributing
Please check the bin located in the lobby area of the gym for any the most cans in lower school (78 cans) and to the senior class for
items your child may have lost this year. Clothing and other contributing the most cans in upper school (56 cans). Mrs.
items not collected by the end of school (i.e. Friday, May 20) will Schwartz’ class will have a pizza party courtesy of RWA Student
be donated to charity or the D.A.R.E. clothing bin at the recycling Government Association. Seniors have been rewarded with
center in Winnsboro. “jeans” days every Wednesday until the end of school.

New Stage Curtain and Gym Bleacher Repairs Our Prom Queen, Britney Poland

Courtesy of the 2010 Auction Funds designated for facilities, a Our Prom King, Neeraj Singal
new curtain was purchased and recently installed on the stage in
the gym. It looks so nice. Please take time to “check it out” next Our Cutest Couple at the Prom, Ivy Wilkes and Dillon Cail
time you are in the building. The old curtain was much worn and
also torn; it could not be repaired. However, the seal on the old Other Selected Dates to Remember…
curtain was detached and saved. If someone would like to frame
the seal for display in the school, please call the school office. May 2-6: National Teacher Appreciation Week
May 2: PTO Meeting in the Faculty Lounge: 6:00 P. M.
Also, a portion of the auction funds designated to support athletics (Note: Date changed from previous newsletter
paid for our gym bleachers to be repaired. Due to years of service, communication)
some of the sections did not lock into place as securely as other May 3: Field Trip Sponsored by Mrs. Mobley for Biology I/II
sections. Hopefully, next time you attend an event in the gym you Honors Students
will notice that all sections of seating are stable. Thank you to the Athletic Banquet at White Oak Conference Center:
Booster Club for allowing a portion of athletic auction funds to be 7:00 P. M.
used to address this safety concern. May 4: Field Trip Sponsored by Mrs. Padgett for Biology I/II Stu-
Mr. RWA “Limo and Lunch” Sponsored by PTO for “Top
Sellers” in Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Just a reminder … the Mr. RWA Contest is scheduled for Satur- May 4-5: Mother’s Day Shopping Sponsored by the Yellow
day, April 30 at 7:00 P. M. in the gym. (Note: the date changed Daisy for PreK-Grade 8 Students
from previous communications.) Admission is $3 for students and May 5: Advanced Placement English Literature Exam
$5 for adults. Please come join the fun! Field Trip Sponsored by Mrs. Thames for Fourth Period
Spanish Class
Summer Practice/Camps for Sports May 6: Advanced Placement US History Exam
Blood Drive Sponsored by Student Andy Taylor from
Coaches are currently planning summer activities for selected 2:30 until 7:30 P. M.
sports. Please remember that students must be enrolled officially Field Trip Sponsored by Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs.
(i. e. signed enrollment contract) for the 2011-2012 school year to Woodle for the Third and Fourth Grades
take advantage of any of these opportunities. For more informa- May 12: Third Graders Present South Carolina History Musical
tion about this requirement or the activities to be offered, contact Program in Fine Arts Room: 9:00 A. M.
Athletic Director Kenny Atkerson. 5th and 6th Grade Field Trip to Medieval Times and Rip-
ley’s Aquarium Sponsored by Mrs.
Congratulations to… Grant and Mr. Haltiwanger
May 13: Field Day for PreK-5th Graders Sponsored by PTO
Allison Cooke for being accepted to the Governor’s School for Baccalaureate Service Rehearsal for Seniors and
Arts and Humanities and for being selected as the winner of the Junior Marshals at Noon (or following exams if more
Skylark Prize in the Annual Poetry Competition sponsored by The time is needed by a student) at ARP Church in
Poetry Society of South Carolina. Winnsboro (MANDATORY)
May 15: Baccalaureate Service at ARP Church: 7:00 P. M.
Taylor Ingle for being selected to play and for earning a top May 16-18: Exams/Tests for Students in Grades 7-11
“Medalist” award in the State Golf Championship Match spon- All Students in Grades PreK-11 Dismissed at Noon
sored by SCISA. May 18: PreK and Kindergarten Musical Program in the Fine
Arts Room: 9:00 A. M.
All of our fifth and sixth graders for completing the D. A. R. E. Last Day of School for PreK and K Students
program taught by Officers Steve McDonald and Chris Truesdale. Seniors Set-up for Graduation in Gym at Noon
Also, congratulations to our D.A.R.E. essay contest winners: First May 19: Graduation Rehearsal for Seniors and Junior Marshals in
Place-Mitchell Gibbons and Lydia Wilder, Second Place-Cali Gym: 10:00 A. M. (MANDATORY)
Swearingen and Dru Talbert, Honorable Mention-Bryant Car- Teacher Workday/Student Holiday
valho, Shelley Priddy, Kimmy Albert, and James Price. Graduation in the Gym: 7:00 P. M.
May 20: Last Day of School for Grades 1-11
Lower School Awards Day for Grades 1-6 in the Gym:
9:30 A. M. All Students (Grades 1-11) Dismissed After
Attending School to Receive Report Cards and/or Partici-
pating in Awards Day

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