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Control System Theory

Sourav Choubey
Asst. Professor,
Electrical Engineering
SRICT, Ankleshwar
Mob:- +919726785727
Email id:

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Vision, Mission, PEO, PSO and POs of Department
Department Vision
“To attain global recognition in the field of Electrical Engineering and to provide
excellent education and groom the students into competent professionals to take
initiatives for industry and society challenges.”
Department Mission
M1: To impart high quality technical education to produce globally competent
electrical engineering professionals.
M2: To cultivate need based courses to strengthen industry -academia
relationships for mutual benefit.
M3: To an enabling educational experience through connections to industry and
integration of theory and practice.
M4: To encourage graduates for lifelong learning, foster teamwork and
leadership with self-learning attitude & professional ethics.

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Department PEOs
PEO1: To develop graduates having enhanced analytical skills to solve complex electrical
engineering problems.
PEO2: To develop engineers with theoretical knowledge & practical skills to succeed in industry,
entrepreneurs, excel in higher studies and emerge as academicians in field of Electrical Engineering.
PEO3: To transform graduates to become a competent practicing electrical engineer through
continuous interaction between industry – academia.
PEO4: To inculcate in graduates an attitude for life- long learning process.
PEO5: To develop in graduates the qualities like creativity, leadership, team work and
professional ethics, thus contributing towards the growth and development of society.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

PSO1: To clearly understand the concepts and application in the field of Electrical Engineering as per standards used
in various courses to arrive at solutions to real world problems.

PSO2: To develop the capability to comprehend the technological advancements in the usage of modern design
tools to analyses and design Electrical Engineering systems/processes for the various applications.

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Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Basic Engineering to the solution for complex electrical engineering
PO2: An ability to design and conduct electrical engineering experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret the data.
PO3: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
PO4: An ability of identify and formulate solutions for engineering problems and perform investigations of the results to provide
appropriate conclusions.
PO5: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for electrical engineering practices.
PO6: Achieve broad education necessary to understand the impact of electrical engineering solutions in global, economical,
environment, and societal context.
PO7: An ability to understand the impact of electrical engineering solutions and demonstrate professional skills and contextual
reasoning to assess environmental/societal issues for sustainable development.
PO8: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
PO9: An ability to function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.
PO10: An ability to communicate effectively.
PO11: Demonstrate knowledge of engineering and management principles and apply as a member or a leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
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Introduction to CST:
Control & System Definition from Dictionary:

 determine the behaviour or supervise the running of a

 System: A set of things combined together to perform
a certain activity is known as System.
Basic Definition of Control System:

A control system is a set of mechanical or electronic

devices that regulates other devices or systems by way
of control loops. Typically, control systems are

A system is an entity that has certain inputs that are

mapped on to the corresponding outputs under a fixed
rule of law
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Course: Control System Theory
Course Course Teaching Scheme(Hrs.) Credit Theory Marks Practical Marks Total Branch
Code Name Mark code
Theo Tutoria Practica ESE PA ESE (V) PA (I) s
ry l l (E) (M)

3130905 System 3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150 9

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Sl. No. Name of Chapter GTU given %
Hrs. Weightage
1 Introduction to control problem 5 15
Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical
systems. Control hardware and their models. Transfer function
models of linear time-invariant systems.
Feedback Control: Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of
Feedback. Block diagram algebra.
2 Time Response Analysis 12 25
Standard test signals. Time response of first and second order
systems for standard test inputs. Application of initial and final value
theorem. Design specifications for second-order systems based on
the time-response.
Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria. Relative Stability analysis.
Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.
3 Frequency-response analysis 8 20
Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode
plots. Nyquist stability criterion. Relative stability using Nyquist
criterion – gain and phase margin. Closed-loop frequency response.

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Sl. Name of Chapter GTU given %
No. Hrs. Weightage
4 Introduction to Controller Design 12 25
Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance
rejection, insensitivity and robustness of control systems. Root-loci
method of feedback controller design.
Design specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods
of design. Application of Proportional, Integral and Derivative
Controllers, Lead and Lag compensation in designs. Analog and Digital
implementation of controllers.
5 State variable Analysis 6 15
Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State
Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigen values and Stability Analysis.
Concept of controllability and observability. Pole-placement by state
feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space
models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-time

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List of Reference Books with Author:
M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill
Education, 1997.
B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991.
J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age
International, 2009

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Course Outcomes (COs) of Course
C3130905.1 State the response of Feedback Control System.
C3130905.2 Explain the time response specifications and determine the (absolute) stability of a
Closed - loop control system
C3130905.3 Solve the time and frequency-domain responses of first and second-order systems to step and
other standard inputs.
C3130905.4 Analyze the design of controller as per given specifications using different techniques
C3130905.5 Evaluate the state space models of linear discrete-time systems
C3130905.6 Create and solve system equations in state-variable form (state variable models).

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Chapter 1

Introduction to control problem

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Industrial Control examples

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An Industrial Control System, or simply ICS, refers to a collection of individual control systems and other
hardware which work together to automate or operate industrial processes. Each industry, such as
manufacturing, chemical processing, and food production, will utilize ICSs that are tailored for their specific

The goal of ICSs is to make daily operations more efficient and autonomous, with minimal input from human
workers. Additionally, ICSs can come in various forms and types, such as supervisory control and data
acquisition systems, distributed control systems, and process control systems.

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Types of Industrial Control System
Process Control Systems

Process Control Systems are those which are

tasked with ensuring that processes throughout
the production line operate within normal

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Types of Industrial Control System
SCADA Systems
A subset of process control
systems, Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition Systems, or simply
SCADA systems, are tasked with
providing centralized monitoring and
control of a plant's field sites.

This is done through the use of

various hardware devices such as
Programmable Logic Controllers that
are installed in various locations or
through the use of specialized

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Types of Industrial Control System
 Distributed Control Systems

Distributed Control Systems, or DCS,

are those systems which are tasked
with controlling processes at a single

In a DCS, a baseline for the desired

processes is set and sent to the main
controller in the system. This
centralized controller can be viewed
as the brain which then instructs
other controls, or nodes, in the
system to operate so that the
baseline requirements are met and

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Features of a Control System
 The main feature of a control system is that there should be a clear mathematical relationship between
input and output of the system.
 When the relation between input and output of the system can be represented by a linear proportionality,
the system is called a linear control system.
 When the relationship between input and output cannot be represented by single linear proportionality,
rather the input and output are related by some non-linear relation, the system is referred to as a non-linear
control system.

A control system is a system, which provides the

desired response by controlling the output. The
following figure shows the simple block diagram of
a control system.

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Requirements of a Good Control System

• Accuracy
• Sensitivity
• Noise Reduction
• Stability
• Bandwidth
• Speed
• Oscillation

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CST Sourav Choubey
Classification of Control Systems
Based on some parameters, we can classify the control systems into the following ways.
Continuous time and Discrete-time Control Systems
Control Systems can be classified as continuous time control systems and discrete time control systems based on
the type of the signal used.
In continuous time control systems, all the signals are continuous in time. But, in discrete time control systems,
there exists one or more discrete time signals.
SISO and MIMO Control Systems
Control Systems can be classified as SISO control systems and MIMO control systems based on the number of
inputs and outputs present.
SISO (Single Input and Single Output) control systems have one input and one output.
Whereas, MIMO (Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs) control systems have more than one input and more
than one output.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Classification of Control Systems
Open Loop and Closed Loop Control Systems

Control Systems can be classified as open loop control systems and closed loop control systems based on
the feedback path.
In open loop control systems, output is not fed-back to the input. So, the control action is
independent of the desired output.
In closed loop control systems, output is fed back to the input. So, the control action is dependent on the
desired output .

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CST Sourav Choubey
Open Loop System
In open loop control system, the output does not affect the control action of the
system. In other words, the system whose working depends on time is known as the
open loop control system. The open loop system is free from the feedback.

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We use open loop control systems in many applications of our day to day life. Some of the
systems designed based on the concept of open loop control systems are given below.
• Automatic washing machine
• Electric bulb
• Electric hand drier
• Time based Bread toaster
• Volume of the audio system
• Water faucet
• TV remote control
• Clothes drier
• Shades or blinds on a window.
• Stepper motor or servo motor
• Inkjet printers
• Door lock system etc.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Real Time Example 1
Consider the clothes dryer whose control action is done manually by
the operator. Depending on the wetness of the clothes suppose the
operator set the timer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the timer will
stop even after the clothes are wet.

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Block Diagram of the Example

The dryer stops working even if the

desired output is not obtained. This
shows that the system has no feedback.
Here clothes dryer is the example of the
open loop system and the timer is the
controller of the system.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Real Time Example 2
Mobile/ cellular phones

• The mobile phone is an example of open loop system . At the time of

incoming or outgoing call loop begins. In this loop the mobile phone is
connected to the satellite directly. This continuous till the user breaks the
connection by ending the call.
• Thus this system can be said as open loop system as it cannot break the
connection by itself with out the user interference . The action is not done
on an account of feed back but manually.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Advantages of Open loop control System
• The open loop systems are very simple in design and easy to design.
• These are cheaper in cost than other type of control systems.
• Maintenance of open loop control system is very simple.
• These are stable for some extent of time.
• These types of systems are convenient to use.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Disadvantages of Open loop control System
• The bandwidth of open loop control system is less.
• The non feedback system doesn’t facilitates the automation of
• Open loop systems are inaccurate in nature.
• As their output is affected by some of the external system
disturbances, the non feedback systems are unreliable.
• It cannot correct the output deviations automatically.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Automatic washing machine
• This we use in our home to wash and dry clothes. Internally, the machine runs according to the
reset time and doesn’t depend upon the washing process, weather it is completed or not.
Electric bulb
• We all know that the electric bulb need some voltage or current to produce light. When the mains
supply is available, by switching on the switch, we can make the bulb to work. And this process
does not depends up on the temperature of bulb or any other surrounded parameters.
Electric hand drier
• The hand drier that works on electric power supply and when we keep our hands in front of it, it
will automatically dry our hands by blowing hot air, irrespective of how much our hand is dried.
Bread toaster
• The toasting machine runs as per our adjusted time period. And it toasts the bread piece
irrespective of the toasting completed or not.
Volume of the audio system
• We can adjust the volume of a audio system manually, irrespective of the range of output volume.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Closed Loop Control System

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CST Sourav Choubey
Close loop Control System
Control system in which the output has an effect on the input quantity in such a manner that the input
quantity will adjust itself based on the output generated is called closed loop control system.

Open loop control system can be converted in to closed loop control system by providing a feedback. This
feedback automatically makes the suitable changes in the output due to external disturbance. In this way
closed loop control system is called automatic control system.

The error detector produces an error signal, which is the difference between the input and the
feedback signal. This feedback signal is obtained from the block (feedback elements) by considering the
output of the overall system as an input to this block. Instead of the direct input, the error signal is
applied as an input to a controller.
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CST Sourav Choubey
Practical Examples of Closed Loop Control
• Automatic Electric Iron – Heating elements are controlled by output temperature of the iron.
• Servo Voltage Stabilizer – Voltage controller operates depending upon output voltage of the system.
• Water Level Controller – Input water is controlled by water level of the reservoir.
• Missile Launched and Auto Tracked by Radar – The direction of missile is controlled by comparing the
target and position of the missile.
• An Air Conditioner – An air conditioner functions depending upon the temperature of the room.
• Cooling System in Car – It operates depending upon the temperature which it controls.

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CST Sourav Choubey

The air conditioner is the example of the closed-loop system. The air conditioner regulates the
temperature by comparing it with the surrounding temperature. The comparison of temperature is
done with the help of the thermostat. When the AC provides the error signal which is the difference
between the surrounding temperature and room temperature the thermostats turn on or off the

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CST Sourav Choubey
Block Diagram of the system

The air conditioner regulates the temperature by

comparing it with the surrounding temperature.
The comparison of temperature is done with the
help of the thermostat. When the AC provides the
error signal which is the difference between the
surrounding temperature and room temperature
the thermostats turn on or off the compressor.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Key Differences between Open Loop and Closed Loop System
• The open loop system means the output of the system is free from their input. In the closed-loop system, the desired
output depends on their input.
• The open loop system is called the non-feedback system while the closed loop is the feedback system.
• The control and controlled process are the two components of the open loop system. The closed loop requires some
components likes an amplifier, controller, controlled process, feedback system etc.
• The construction of systems is easy because few elements are used in the system. The construction of the closed-
loop system is quite difficult.
• The open loop system is not reliable whereas the closed-loop system is reliable.
• The accuracy of the system is less as compared to the closed-loop system.
• The open loop system is more stable as compared to a closed loop system. Here the word stable means the output of
the system remains constant even after the disturbances.
• The open loop system is not optimized, whereas the closed-loop system is optimized.
• The open loop system gives the fast response, whereas the closed loop system gives the slow response.
• The calibration of open loop system is difficult as compared to the closed-loop system.
• In an open loop system, the disturbance affected the output, whereas in a closed loop system the output is not much
affected by the disturbances.
• The output control system has a non-linear response, whereas the input control system has linear responses.
• The traffic light, automatic washing machine, etc. are the examples of the output system, whereas the temperature
controller, toaster etc. are the examples of the closed-loop system.
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CST Sourav Choubey
Difference between Open loop & Close
loop System
Basis For Comparison Open Loop System Closed Loop System
Definition The system whose control action is free from the output is known In closed loop, the output depends on the control action of the
as the open loop control system. system.

Other Name Non-feedback System Feedback System

Components Controller and Controlled Process. Amplifier, Controller, Controlled Process, Feedback.
Construction Simple Complex
Reliability Non-reliable Reliable
Accuracy Depends on calibration Accurate because of feedback.
Stability Stable Less Stable
Optimization Not-Possible Possible
Response Fast Slow
Calibration Difficult Easy
System Disturbance Affected Not-affected
Linearity Non-linear Linear
Examples Traffic light, automatic washing machine, immersion rod, TV Air conditioner, temperature control system, speed and pressure
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remote etc. control system, refrigerator, toaster. 38
CST Sourav Choubey
If either the output or some part of the output is returned to the input side and utilized as part of
the system input, then it is known as feedback. Feedback plays an important role in order to improve
the performance of the control systems.

Feedback Advantage
Automatically reduce errors
Closed-loop systems are continuously feeding back the actual output and analyzing against the desired output.
As a result, your machinery can react automatically to whatever the data is telling it. All of this is done within
the device itself and requires no manual action.
Improve stability
A feedback device means you have total access to key data and information in real time, meaning you can
remain in control and improve the stability of your movement. Insight into performance can provide significant
support in ensuring stability, control and consistent precision of the movement.
Increase robustness against external disturbances
Often, control systems are used in hazardous and difficult environments. But no matter where you’re operating
your machinery, a feedback device will enable you to gain control of your equipment’s output. It also means
that your machinery can auto-adjust depending on the external situation it is in.
Reliable and repeatable
Having access to information from a feedback device means you can ensure your machinery is reliable, letting
you continue to deliver consistent, accurate movements, time after time.
Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology
A feedback device sounds like a good CSTidea right now, doesn’t it? Well, like everything, there are a few
Sourav Choubey
• Using a feedback device means that there will be a lot of commands and signals passing
to and from the controllers, at all times. If a system is too sensitive to changes in the
commands or signal, it can produce unreliable movements. This is because the
controller will try to over-correct itself. To combat this, you must enter some pre-defined
limits and tell the system exactly how you want it to behave. It will adjust accordingly
from there.
• To provide a high level of information, control and consistent feedback to a machine, a
closed-loop system must have one or more feedback paths. This can be complex,
impacting cost, space and installation.

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Block Diagram
The block diagram is to represent a control system in diagram form. In other words, practical representation of
a control system is its block diagram.

It is not always convenient to derive the entire

transfer function of a complex control system
in a single function. It is easier and better to
derive the transfer function of the control
element connected to the system, separately.
The transfer function of each element is then
represented by a block and they are then
connected together with the path of signal

For simplifying a complex control system, block diagrams are

used. Each element of the control system is represented with a
block and the block is the symbolic representation of the
transfer function of that element. A complete control system
can be represented with a required number of interconnected
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CST Sourav Choubey
What is Block Diagram
• It represents the structure of a controlsystem.
• It helps to organize the variables and equations representing the control system.

Itis composed of:

• boxes, that represents the componentsof the system including their causality;
• Lines with arrows, that represent the actual dynamic variables, such asspeed, pressure,velocity, etc..

• A Block diagram is basically modelling of any simple or complex system.

• It Consists of multiple Blocks connected together to represent a system to explain how it is functioning
• Transfer Function: Ratio between transformation of output to the transformation of input when all the
initial conditions are zero.

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CST Sourav Choubey
Block Diagram
A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed by each component of the
system and shows the flow of signals. In block diagram, the system consists of so many components. These
components are linked together to perform a particular function. Each component can be represented with the
help of individual block.


Block diagrams of some of the systems turn out to be complex, such that the evaluation of their performance
required simplification (or reduction) of block diagrams which is carried out by block diagram rearrangements.


- Very simple to construct the block diagram for complicated systems.

- Individual as well as overall performance of the system can be studied by using transfer functions shown in
the block diagram.
- Overall closed loop transfer function can be easily calculated using block diagram rules.
- The function of the individual element can be visualized from the block diagram.

• Block diagram does not include any information about the physical construction of the system.
• Source of energy is generally not shown in the block diagram, so block diagram for a given system is not

The basic components of block diagram are block, branches, summing point, arrows.

Block: It indicates the function of particular system. R(s) is the

reference or controlling variable. G(s) is the transfer function of
the particular system. C(s) is output or controlled variable.

Comparator or Summing Block Although blocks are used to identify many types of mathematical
operations, operations of addition and subtraction are represented by a
circle, called a summing point. A summing point may have one or several
inputs. Each input has its own appropriate plus or minus sign

Take Off Point The take-off point is a point from which the same input signal
can be passed through more than one branch. That means with
the help of take-off point, we can apply the same input to one
or more blocks, summing points.
In the figure below, there are two elements with
transfer function Gone(s) and Gtwo(s). Where Gone(s) is
the transfer function of first element and Gtwo(s) is the
transfer function of the second element of the system.

In addition to that, the diagram also shows there is a
feedback path through which output signal C(s) is fed
back and compared with the input R(s) and the
difference between input and output
is , which is acting as the
actuating signal or error signal.

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Input Output of Block diagram

In each block of the diagram, the output and input are related together by a transfer function. Where the
transfer function is:

Where C(s) is the output and R(s) is the input of that particular block.

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Need of Block diagram Reduction
A complex control system consists of several blocks. Each of
them has its own transfer function. But overall transfer
function of the system is the ratio of transfer function of final
The technique of combining of these
output to transfer function of initial input of the system. This
blocks is referred to as block diagram
overall transfer function of the system can be obtained by
reduction technique. For successful
simplifying the control system by combining this individual
implementation of this technique, some
blocks, one by one.
rules for block diagram reduction to be
followed. Let us discuss these rules, one by
G4 one for reduction of control system block
R(s) Y(s) diagram.
G1 G2 G3


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Components of Block Diagram

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When we need to apply one or the same input to more than one
blocks, we use what’s known as the take off point. This point is where
the input has more than one path to propagate. Note that the input
does not get divided at a point, but instead the input propagates
through all the paths connected to that point without affecting its
value. Hence, by having a take off point the same input signals can be
applied to more than one systems or blocks. Representation of a
common input signal to more than one blocks of a control system is
done by a common point as shown in the figure below with point X.
Take off

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Block Diagram Reduction Techniques
Rule 1

Cascade Blocks

When several systems or control blocks are connected in cascaded manner, the transfer function of the
entire system will be the product of transfer function of all individual blocks. Here it also to be
remembered that the output of any block will not be affected by the presence of other blocks in the
cascaded system.

Now, from the diagram it is seen that

Where, G(s) is the overall transfer

function of cascaded control

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Summing Point of Block Diagram
Instead of applying single input signal to different blocks
as in the previous case, there may be such situation where
different input signals are applied to same block. Here,
resultant input signal is the summation of all input signals
applied. Summation of input signals is represented by a
point called summing point which is shown in the figure
below by crossed circle. Here R(s), X(s) and Y(s) are the
input signals. It is necessary to indicate the fine specifying
the input signal entering a summing point in the block
diagram of control system.

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• A summing point with more than two inputs can be divided into two or
more consecutive summing points, where alteration of the position of
Consecutive consecutive summing points does not affect the output of the signal. In
other words – if there are more than one summing points directly inter
Summing Point associated, and then they can be easily interchanged from their position
without affecting the final output of the summing system.

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Parallel Blocks
When same input signal is applied different blocks and
the output from each of them are added in a summing
point for taking final output of the system then over all
transfer function of the system will be the algebraic sum
of transfer function of all individual blocks.

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If Cone, Ctwo and Cthree are the outputs of the blocks with transfer function Gone, Gtwo and Gthree, then

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CST Sourav Choubey
Shifting of Take off Point in Forward Direction
If same signal is applied to more than one system, then
the signal is represented in the system by a point called
take off point. Principle of shifting of take off point is
that, it may be shifted either side of a block but final
output of the branches connected to the take off point
must be un-changed. The take off point can be shifted
either sides of the block.

In the figure above the take off point is shifted from

position A to B. The signal R(s) at take off point A will
become G(s)R(s) at point B. Hence another block of
inverse of transfer function G(s) is to be put on that path
to get R(s) again.

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Shifting of Take off Point in Reverse Direction

Here, we have to put one block of transfer function G(s)

on the path so that output again comes as C(s).

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Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Single Block Diagram:

Rule 1: If the blocks are in cascade / Series then

Rule 2: If the blocks are in Parallel then

Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Rule 3: Consecutive Summing Point

Rule 4: Moving Pick off from right side of the Block to Left side or Moving in Reverse Direction
Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Rule 5: Moving Pick off from Left side of the Block to Right side or Moving in Forward Direction

Rule 6: Moving of Summing Point from right side of the Block to Left side or Moving in Reverse Direction

For the two systems to be equivalent the input and output of the system should be the same. For the left hand
side system, we have,

For the system on right side also,

Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Rule 7: Moving of Summing Point from left side of the Block to right side or Moving in Forward Direction

Rule 8: Splitting of Summing Point

Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Rule 9: Combining of Summing Point

Rule 10: Eliminating of Negative Feedback Loop

Block Diagram Reduction Technique
Rule 11: Eliminating of Positive Feedback Loop
Follow these rules for simplifying (reducing) the block diagram, which is having many blocks, summing
points and take-off points.
• Rule 1 − Check for the blocks connected in series and simplify.
• Rule 2 − Check for the blocks connected in parallel and simplify.
• Rule 3 − Check for the blocks connected in feedback loop and simplify.
• Rule 4 − If there is difficulty with take-off point while simplifying, shift it towards right.
• Rule 5 − If there is difficulty with summing point while simplifying, shift it towards left.
• Rule 6 − Repeat the above steps till you get the simplified form, i.e., single block.
Using Block Diagram Reduction Technique find the Transfer function of the system shown in Fig:
Example-1: Continue.
Transfer Function of the System
Example 2:
Using Block Diagram Reduction Technique find the Transfer function of the system shown in Fig:
Problem 3
Solve the Blocks and find the Transfer function
Solution :

Step 1 : Moving take off point after the block

Solution :

Step 2 : Solving the Parallel path and Feedback path

Solution :

Step 2 : Solving the cascaded blocks

Problem 4
Solve the Blocks and find the Transfer function
Solution :

Step 1 : Splitting the feedback path

Solution :

Step 2 : Solving the parallel path

Solution :

Step 3 : Solving the cascade and parallel path

Problem 5
Solve the Blocks and find the Transfer function
Solution :

Step 1 : Moving the take off point after block G4

Step 2 : Moving the Summation Block before the block G1
Step 3 : Interchanging the sum block
Solution :

Step 3 : Solving both the Feedback paths

Solution :

Step 3 : Solving the cascade and Feedback path

Block Diagram reduction Example 2
• Q5. Find Transfer function of the System
Step 1

Splitting the Comparator Block

Step 2

Solving the feedback path & Moving the take off point after the block
Step 3

Solving the feedback path & Parallel Path

Step 4

Solving cascade connection and also the feedback connection

Step 5

Solving all the Series path

Mathematical models of physical systems

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Mathematical models of physical systems
The process of obtaining the
desired mathematical description of the system is
known as “modelling”

Most feedback control systems contain mechanical Newton’s law of motion states that the algebraic
as well as electrical components. From a sum of forces acting on a rigid body in a given
mathematical viewpoint, the descriptions of direction is equal to the product of the mass of the
electrical and mechanical elements are analogous. body and its acceleration in the same direction.
The law can be expressed as
The motion of mechanical elements can be Σforces = Ma
described in various dimensions as translational,
rotational, or a combination of both. The
equations governing the motions of mechanical
systems are often directly or indirectly formulated
from Newton’s law of motion.

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Force Balance Equation of Idealized Elements

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Mechanical Rotational System

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List of Symbols

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Moment of Inertia (J)

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Rotational Friction Coefficient (B)

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Rotational Friction Coefficient (B)

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Spring (K)

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Laplace Transform

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For J1

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For J2

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Obtaining Transfer Function

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Final Result

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Electrical System

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CST Sourav Choubey
Obtain the Transfer function of the following System

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At Node 1

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At Node 2

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Transfer Function

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Transfer Function of Armature Controlled DC

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Electrical Equivalent

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Mechanical Equivalent

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Laplace Transform

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Transfer Function

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Simplification of the equation

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******** END OF MODULE 01********

Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology

CST Sourav Choubey

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