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Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
Electronic 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
ECC305 Instrumentation
& Control

Subject Subject Examination Scheme

Code Name Theory Marks Exam Practical Total
Internal assessment End Duration Term And Oral
Test1 Test2 Avg. of Sem. (in Hrs.) Work
Test 1 Exam
and Test
ECC305 Electronic 20 20 20 80 03 -- -- 100
& Control

Course pre-requisites:

1. FEC105 ± Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Objectives:

1. To provide basic knowledge about the various sensors and transducers

2. To provide fundamental concepts of control system such as mathematical modeling,
time response and Frequency response.
3. To develop concepts of stability and its assessment criteria.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course student will be able to:

1. Identify various sensors, transducers and their brief performance specification.
2. Understand the principle of working of various transducer used to measure temperature,
displacement, level, pressure and their application in industry
3. Determine the models of physical systems in forms suitable for use in the analysis and
design of control systems.
4. Obtain the transfer functions for a given Control system.
5. Understand the analysis of systems in time domain and frequency domain.
6. Predict stability of given system using appropriate criteria.

Module Unit Topics Hrs.
No. No.
1 Principle of Measurement, Testing and Measuring instruments 04

1.1 Introduction to Basic instruments: Components of generalized

measurement system Concept of accuracy, precision, linearity,
sensitivity, resolution, hysteresis, calibration.
Measurement of 5HVLVWDQFH.HOYLQ¶VGRXEOHbridge,
1.2 Wheatstone bridge and Mega ohm bridge
Measurement of Inductance: Maxwell bridge and Hey bridge
Measurement of Capacitance: Schering bridge
2 Sensors and Transducers 06

Basics of sensors and Transducers-Active and passive

2.1 transducers, characteristics and selection criteria of transducers
Displacement and pressure- Potentiometers, pressure gauges,
2.2 linear Variable differential transformers (LVDT) for measurement of
pressure and displacement strain gauges
Temperature Transducers- Resistance temperature detectors
2.3 (RTD). Thermistors and thermocouples, their ranges and
3 Introduction to control system Analysis 08

Introduction: Open and closed loop systems, example of control

3.1 systems
Modelling: Modelling, Transfer function model
Block diagram reduction techniques and Signal flow graph
4 Response of control system 04

Dynamic Response: Standard test signals, transient and steady

4.1 state behavior of first and second order systems, steady state
errors in feedback control systems and their types
4.2 Concept of lag and lead compensator.

5 Stability Analysis in Time Domain 08

5.1 Concept of stability: Routh and Hurwitz stability criterion

5.2 Root locus Analysis: Root locus concept, general rules for
constructing root-locus, root locus analysis of control system
6 Stability Analysis in frequency domain 09

6.1 Introduction: Frequency domain specification, Relationship

between time and frequency domain specification of system,
stability margins
Bode Plot: Magnitude and phase plot, Method of plotting Bode plot,
6.2 Stability margins and analysis using bode plot. Frequency response
analysis of RC, RL, RLC circuits
6.3 Nyquist Criterion: Concept of Polar plot and Nyquist plot, Nyquist
stability criterion, gain and phase margin
Total 39

DRS .India
2. B.C Nakra, K.K. Cahudhary, Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis,
Mc Graw Hill.
4. 1DJUDWK0*RSDO³Control System Engineering´7DWD0F*UDZ+LOO
5. Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R. and Mani V. S. V., "Instrumentation
Devices And Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.,2004.
6. .2JDWD³Modern Control Engineering3HDUVRQ(GXFDWLRQ´,,,UGHGLWLRQ
Reference Books:

1. +HOIULFN &RSSHU³Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measuring

Publishing Co. Ltd.New Delhi, 1998.
4. %HQMDPLQ&.XR³Automatic Control Systems(HDUVRQHGXFDWLRQ´
5. Doeblin E.D., Measurement system, Tata Mc Graw Hill., 4th ed,
Tata McGraw hill, 7th edition,1997.
6. 1RUPRQ³&RQWURO6\VWHP(QJLQHHULQJ´, John Wiley & sons, 3rdedition.

NPTEL/ Swayam Course:

1. Course: Control Systems By Prof. C. S. Shankar Ram (IIT Madras);

Internal Assessment (20-Marks):

Internal Assessment (IA) consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. IA-1 is to
be conducted on approximately 40% of the syllabus completed and IA-2 will be
based on remaining contents (approximately 40% syllabus but excluding contents
covered in IA-I). Duration of each test shall be one hour. Average of the two tests
will be considered as IA marks.
End Semester Examination (80-Marks):
Weightage to each of the modules in end-semester examination will be
proportional to number of respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein 4
to 5 sub-questions will be asked.
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature and randomly selected from all
the modules.
4. Weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
5. Total 04 questions need to be solved.


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