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Prelims in NSTP-CWTS 1

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Prelims in NSTP-CWTS 1

Date: October 8, 2021

I. Identify the word or phrase described in each item. Write the answer after each number.
1. Program aimed at enhancing civic-consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth
by developing the ethics of service and patriotism.
2. Program components of NSTP designed to provide military training to tertiary-level
students in order to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national defense
3. Refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the
members of the community or the enhancement of facilities.
4. NSTP component designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills.
5. A program option for students who cannot take NSTP during the regular semester.
6. It is responsible to exercise academic and administrative supervision over the design,
formulation, adoption, and implementation of the different NSTP components in their
7. Number of NSTP program component that a student-trainee is required to complete as
a graduation requirement
8. Number of semester/s NSTP will be taken by a student
9. Number of hours per semester that a student must take the NSTP component of his/her
10. Organization where graduates of the CWTS component shall form part of

II. The following is an excerpt of the NSTP Law. Fill in the blanks with the correct word
or phrase based on the provision of law.
Section 4. Establishment of the National Service Training Program – There is hereby
established a national Service Training Program (NSTP), which shall form part of the
curricula of all 1. Baccalaureate degree courses and of at least 2. Two-year
technical-vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation consisting of the
following service components: 3. Reserve Officers’ Training Program, 4. Literacy
Training Service, 5. Civic Welfare Training Service.
The ROTC under the NSTP shall instill 6. Patriotism, moral, virtues, 7. Respect for
the rights of civilians, and 8. Adherence to the constitution among others. 9.
Citizenship training shall be given emphasis in all three (3) program components.
The 10. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and 11. Technical Education and
Skills Development (TESDA), in consultation with 12. Department of National
Defense (DND), 13. Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
(PASUC), 14. Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations of the
Philippines (COCOPEA) and other concerned government agencies, may design and
implement such other program components as may be necessary in consonance
with the provision of this Act.

Section 5. Coverage – Students, 15. male and 16. female, of any baccalaureate
degree course or at least 17. two (2) – year technical – vocational courses in public
and private educational institutions shall be required to complete one(1) of the NSTP
components as requisite for graduation.

Section 6. Duration and Equivalent Course Unit – Each of the aforementioned

NSTP program components shall be undertaken for an academic period of 18. Two
In lieu of the two(2) semester program for any of the components of NSTP, a one (1)
summer program may be designed, formulated and adopted by 19. DND, 20. CHED,
and 21.TESDA.
Section 7. NSTP Offering in Higher and Technical-Vocational Educational
Institutions- All higher and technical-vocational education institutions, public and
private, must offer at least one of the program components: Provided, that 22. State
universities and 23.colleges shall offer the ROTC component and at least one other
component as provided herein: Provided further, That 24.private higher
25.technical - vocational education institutions may also offer the ROTC if they have
at least 26. Three hundred and fifty (350) cadet students.
In offering the NSTP whether during the semestral or summer periods, 27.
Clustering of affected students from different educational institutions may be done,
taking into account 28. logistics, 29.branch of service and 30.geographical
considerations. Schools that do not meet required numbers of students to maintain
optional ROTC and any of the NSTP components shall allow their students to cross-
enroll to other schools.
III. Essay 10 pts each
1. What is Community Service? What is volunteerism? Cite example/s of
volunteerism and community service that you’ve participated.
Community Service is unpaid work performed by a person or group of people
for the benefit and betterment of their community without any form of
compensation. Cleaning the coastal areas is one of the community services I’ve
done. Volunteerism is the use or involvement of volunteer labor, especially in
community service. Helping my friends, cleaning the room, and washing the
dishes without asking me to do are some of volunteerism I did.
2. What is Nationalism? What is Patriotism? Differentiate and cite example.
Nationalism is the identification with one’s own nation and support for its
interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other
nations. While patriotism is the feeling of attachment and commitment to a
country, nation, or political community.
3. What is “Preamble”? What is its importance?
A preamble is an introduction to a document that describes the document’s
purpose. The word comes from “pre” meaning before and amble meaning
walk. A preamble can contain facts about the document. The preamble of a
law is not part of the law but explains its purpose. It is very important because
it shapes and understand the legislative intent and policy of each other.


What are the NSTP-CWTS DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT? Give at least 2 activities
on each.


1. Safety and Security

~ Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
~ Disaster Preparedness
2. Education
~ Journalism
~ Alternative Learning System (ALS)
3. Recreation
~ Poster Making Contests
~ Sports Fest
4. Formation and Moral Recovery
~ Youth Empowerment Program
~ Values Education
5. Entrepreneurship
~ Food Processing
~ Broadcast Advertising
6. Care for Health
~ Vaccination
~ Medical Services
7. Environment
~ Tree Planting
~ Coastal Cleaning
My leadership level or position is in the middle level which is 5. I could say
that my leadership level is in 5 because I can lead my members somehow not
the best but the outcome of our efforts was good.

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