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Unit 3 - Lesson 4 - Educ 157-1

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• demonstrate knowledge of curriculum planning, design and
organization, implementation, evaluation and improvement; and
• prepare developmentally sequenced lesson plans with well-aligned
learning outcomes and competencies based on curriculum
1. evaluate lessons, programs, and students.
2. evaluate goals and objectives, content and methodology including outcomes or
results of learning.
3. select appropriate evaluation tools and techniques in assessing learning outcomes.
4. prepare evaluation tools like authentic assessment tools including traditional
assessment methods.
5. do formative and summative assessments.
6. evaluate instructional materials that facilitate better teaching and learning.
7. gather data that will help him/her in planning and designing or improving the
8. understand the curriculum evaluation process.

Stufflebeam (1991) Curriculum evaluation refers to the formal process of determining the quality,
effectiveness, or value of a curriculum. It involves value judgment about the
curriculum, both in terms of its process and its product.
Ornstein and The conduct of curriculum evaluation involves a process or group of processes
Hunkins (1998) that educationists or curricularists in particular are actually engaged in for the
purpose of gathering data in order for them to arrive at a decision as to whether
to accept, modify or change or maybe even remove something in the curriculum
in general or an educational material in particular.
Oliva (1988) Curriculum evaluation is a process of delineating, obtaining, and providing
useful information for judging decision alternatives which may include among
all others; maintaining the curriculum, modifying or eliminating it.
Gatawa (1990) Curriculum evaluation is defined in three ways:1) the process of describing and
judging an educational program or subject; 2) the process of comparing a
student’s performance with behaviorally stated objectives, and; 3) the process
of defining, obtaining and using relevant information for decision-making
Identify the strengths and Determine if curriculum is Determine whether Provides pertinent
weaknesses of the producing the desired the results have information
curriculum. results. equaled or exceeded necessary for
the standards. decision-making.

Curriculum evaluation Curriculum evaluation is a Curriculum The data gathered in

identifies strengths and process of monitoring. evaluation is a curriculum
weaknesses of the Monitoring is assessing the terminal assessment evaluation can be a
curriculum and these effectiveness of the which is carried out basis for decision-
identified weaknesses and curriculum during the at the end of making like policy-
strengths become a basis for implementation process. It curriculum making and making
planning, designing and determines whether the implementation to recommendations
implementing the curriculum program can produce or is determine whether for improvements.
as curriculum development is producing the desired the program is
a continuous process. outcomes. successful or not.
Evaluation process need to be focused on gathering and disseminating
information for making decisions leading to curriculum development. Cronbach
as cited by Reyes (2015) distinguishes three types of decisions for which
evaluation is utilized.

1. Course Improvement which pertains to decisions as to what instructional

methods and materials meet the objectives of the curriculum and where
changes are needed.
2. Decisions about individuals, which concerns identifying the needs of the
3. Administrative regulations, which focuses on judging how good the school
system to question about selection, adoption, support and worth of
educational materials and activities.
There are different subjects or objects for evaluation but the focus of
curriculum evaluation maybe on the following:
1. Goals and Objectives. Any educational program is built on a
foundation- goals and objectives. Well- defined goals and
objectives will direct the curriculum planners in developing the
2. Content and Methodology. A curriculum is planned to meet the
needs of the learners, thus, it is important to evaluate the
contents and methodology
3. Outcomes/Results. The outcomes and results reveal whether the
curriculum is effective or not. The curriculum is considered to be
effective if the goals and objectives are achieved/ attained.
FORMATIVE • looks for evidence of success or failure of a curricular
• is done during the implementation process

• evaluates progress and brings about improvements

• a regular and a continuous process

• considers evaluation as a process
SUMMATIVE • evaluates outcomes/results
EVALUATION • evaluates the overall effectiveness of the program

• is done after the implementation of the program

• helps to judge the worth and appropriateness of the

• considers evaluation as a product
Tyler’s Objectives- Centered Model
This is the model of Ralph Tyler (1950), the father of evaluation, which is considered one of the best known models in curriculum evaluation. This
model gives special attention to the planning phases. It puts emphasis on three essential elements; the learners, the life in the community and the
subject matter.


1. Objectives/ Learning Study the objectives that have been previously identified. Objectives
Outcomes should specify both the content of learning and the student behavior
1. Context/Situation Identify the situations that will give the student the opportunity to
express the behavior indicated in the objective which evokes or
encourages behavior.
1. Evaluation Select and create appropriate evaluation instruments and check the
instruments for objectivity, reliability and validity.
1. Instruments/Tools Use the instruments to obtain results.
Compare the results obtained using the different instruments before
and after to determine the amount of change taking place.
1. Outcomes/ Results Analyze the results in order to determine strengths and weaknesses of
the curriculum and to identify possible explanations about the reasons.

Use the results to make necessary changes in the curriculum.

Stufflebeam’s Context, Input, Process and Product Model

This model is popularly known as CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) model which was
developed by Daniel Stufflebeam (1971) and his colleagues. This model emphasizes the importance of
evaluative data used for decision-making. It evaluates the context, input, process and product. It uses both
formative and summative evaluation.
Context, input and process evaluation are formative evaluation while
product evaluation is a summative evaluation. The four phases of program
evaluation emphasized in this model are:
1. Context evaluation- includes not only the students but also, the
environment, background, school climate, and the goals and objectives
of the program offered.
2. Input evaluation- includes the quality of teachers, students and staff,
including the facilities and school infrastructure.
3. Process evaluation- includes the ways and means of how the curriculum
has been implemented. Processes include teachers’ methods, students’
performance and the facilities used.
4. Product Evaluation- determines the extent to which the goals of the
program have been achieved. The data collected can be used to make
decisions about the program and making decisions for improvement.
Stake’s Responsive Model
This model, developed by Robert Stake (1975), gives emphasis on the description of the
evaluation program and the evaluation process. The model has the following
1. It focuses on the concerns and issues of teachers, students, parents as well as school
2. It emphasizes on the evaluation that occurs in school or the place where learning takes
3. It prefers qualitative methods and techniques in evaluating.
4. It presents more of the program activities than the learning intents/ goals and
5. It guides the evaluators to focus more on issues that are of priority.
6. It leads to good decision making as it addresses the concerns and queries of the
participants in the evaluation.
Robert Stake as cited by Reyes (2015) recommends the following steps
in employing his model which he considers as an interactive and
recursive evaluation process:
Step The evaluator meets with stakeholders to gain a sense of their perspectives and intentions regarding
1 the evaluation.
2 The evaluator draws on such discussions and the analysis of any documents to determine the scope of
the evaluation.
3 The evaluator observes the program closely to get a sense of its operation and to note any unintended
deviations from announced intents.
4 The evaluator discovers the stated and real purposes of the project and the concerns that various
audiences have about it and the evaluation.
5 The evaluator identifies the issues and problems with which the evaluation should be concerned. For
each issue and problem, the evaluator develops an evaluation design, specifying the kinds of data
6 The evaluator selects the means needed to acquire the data desired. Most often, the means will be
human observers
7 The evaluator implements the data-collection procedures.
8 The evaluator organizes the information into themes and prepares “portrayals” that communicate in
natural ways the thematic reports. The portrayals may involve videotapes, artifacts, case studies or other
“faithful representations. “
9 By again being sensitive to the concerns of the stakeholders, the evaluator decides which audiences
require which reports and chooses formats most appropriate for given audiences.
Bradley Effectiveness Model
developed by L.H. Bradley (1985). This provides indicators to help measure the effectiveness of a
developed or written curriculum. The table below shows the indicators and the descriptive questions as
presented by Bilbao (2020).

Vertical Curriculum Does the curriculum reflect the format (i.e. K to 12) that enable teachers to quickly assess
Continuity what is being taught in the grade/ levels below or above the current level? (Example, if
you are looking at English 5, below means English 4 and above means, English 6).

Horizontal Curriculum Does the curriculum provide content and objectives that are common to all classes of the
Continuity same grade level? (Example: All English 101 for all 1st year college students).
Instruction Based on Are lesson plans/syllabi/course design derived from the curriculum and strategies? Are
Curriculum materials used correlated with the content, objectives and activities?
Broad Involvement Is there evidence of involvement of the different curriculum stakeholders in the planning,
designing and implementation and review of the curriculum?
Long range Planning Is review cycle followed within the period of planning and implementation of the
Positive Human Did the initial thoughts about the curriculum come from teachers, principals, curriculum
relations leaders and other stakeholders?
Theory into Practice Is there clarity of vision, mission, graduation outcomes, program philosophy, learning
outcomes in the curriculum?
Planned Change Are there tangible evidences to show that the internal and external publics accept the
developed program?
If any of the indicators is answered with a “No”, actions should be made to make it Yes.
Eisner’s Connoisseurship Model
Connoisseurship comes from the Latin word cognoscere , meaning to know. This model
was developed by Elliot Eisner (1979) and it has the following characteristics.
1. It emphasizes qualitative appreciation since Eliot developed this model through his
background in aesthetics and appreciation.
2. It suggests that evaluator should get into the details of what is actually happening
inside the classroom.
3. The model believes that a knowledgeable evaluator uses both skills and experience
to determine if the curriculum program is successful or not.
4. It is built on two related concepts; connoisseurship and criticism. Connoisseurship is
the art of appreciation- while criticism is the art of investigation and exploration
5. Evaluation is regarded as an educational criticism consisting of three aspects:
descriptive aspect- an act of characterizing and portraying the relevant qualities of
educational life; the interpretive aspect which uses ideas from the social sciences to
explore meanings and third, the evaluative aspect where judgments are made in an
effort to improve the educational processes.
Bilbao, Purita et. Al., (2008) Curriculum Development. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing Company

Reyes, Emerita,, (2015). Curriculum Development. Quezon City:

Adriana Publishing Company.
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