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Packet Anatomy Week 3 Packet 3

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Nursing Department
School Year 2021-2022

Learning Packet in Level 1- Anatomy and Physiology

Name:______________________________ Date:__________________
Level and Section:_____________________ Learning Packet No:___#3___

Topic: Skin , Skeleton and Muscles Semester: First

Learning Materials:
● Laptop, computer desktop or android phone
● Ballpen
● Paper
● Video clips
What is this about ?

This packet is about “Body’s protection , Frame and support…..”

What will you learn?

Skin and Body Membranes

- Classification of Body Membranes-Cutaneous, mucous, serous and synovial
- Integumentary System
The Skeletal System
- Bones- An Overview, Axial Skeleton, Appendicular Skeleton, Bone Fractures
- Joints
The Muscular System
- Overview of Muscle Tissues, Muscle movements, Types and Names
- Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles
- Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles-Actin, Myosin, Skeletal Muscle Activity
Learning Competencies and Objectives

At the end of module 3 the student will be able to:

a. List the general functions of each membrane type and integumentary system
By Comparing the structure (tissue make up) of the major membrane types and its
location in the body and Sketching and labelling the structure of the skin and its
appendages and discuss its functions.
b. Describe the skeletal structure and function by Identifying the subdivisions of the
skeleton as axial or appendicular; Naming the main classification of bones; and
Explaining the role of bone salts and the organic matrix in making bone both hard and
c. Characterize concisely the skeletal muscles and recognize the unique characteristics of
its fibers their location in the body. By Describing the microscopic structure of the
skeletal muscles and explain the role of actin and myosin containing myofilaments;
Relating the muscle fibers to muscle performance ; Describing how an action
potential is initiated in a muscle cell; Defining guided responses tetanus, isotonic and
isometric contractions and muscle tone; Defining origin insertion, prime mover
antagonist, synergist and fixator as they relate to muscles; Demonstrating or identifying
the different types of body movements and; Naming and locating the major muscles of
the human body and state the action of each.

A. Can you do this?

Activity: Classification of Body Membranes
Directions: Complete the following table to fully describe the
Classification of Body Membranes Insert your responses in the spaces
provided under each heading.
Membranes Tissue Type Common Function
(epithelial/connective) Locations


Don’t Forget Putting it All Together
● Body membranes cover surfaces, line body cavities and form
protective (and often lubricating) sheets around the organs.
● Skin is also called Integument which simply means covering.
● Skeleton comes from the greek word mean “dried up body” our
internal framework. It is perfectly adapted for its functions of
body protection and motion.
● Because flexing muscles look like mice scurrying beneath the
skin, some scientist long ago dubbed them muscles from the
latin word mus meaning “little mouse.” But muscle is also the
dominant tissue of the heart and in the walls of other hallow
organs of the body. In all its forms, it makes up nearly half the
body’s mass.

Practice makes perfect

B. Let’s start!

Anatomy and Physiology of the of the Integumentary System

Directions: Label the diagram by identifying the parts of the skin indicated by
Letters in the box then Write the functions of each corresponding letter on
the space provided below the on the spaces provided below Figure 1.

Fig 1. Anatomy of the Skin

Anatomy of Muscular System
Directions: Match the given Muscles in the Word Bank to the boxes
labelled ,lettered and numbered on the posterior and anterior view of
the human gross anatomy in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Anterior and Posterior Gross Muscle anatomy

Muscle functions
Directions: Can you write a definition for the words below.

Muscle Function Definition of the words




Anatomy of the Skeletal System
Directions: Match the given names of Bones below and Write it down
on the labelled space provided on Figure 3 . Coler with blue the axial
skeletons while green with appendicular skeletons.

Fig. 3. Gross anatomy of the Skeletal System

Directions: Write the correct label on each bone. Refer to the answer
in the box.
Cervical Vertebrae Jugular notch Body
True ribs Clavicular notch xiphoid process
False ribs Manubrium intercostal space
Floating ribs Sternal angle costal cartilage
Directions: Write the correct label on each bone. Write your answer
on the space provided in the box.
1.________________ 5. _______________
2.________________ 6.________________
3.________________ 7. _______________
4.________________ 8.________________
Think and share
Discuss your answer with your group
( pre-determined classmates assigned to you)

C. Think about these

The Skin
Directions: Using Key Choices, Choose responses that apply to the
following description. Write the appropriate letter and term in the
provided box before.

A. Statum corneum D. Stratum Lucidum G. Epidermis as a whole

B. Stratum basale E. Papillary Layer H. Dermis as a whole
C. Stratum granulosum F. Reticular layer

Letter Key Choices Description

1.Translucent cells containing keratin
2.Dead Cells
3.Dermis Layer Responsible for fingerprints
4.Vascular Region
5.Epidermal Region involved in rapid cell
division, most inferior epidermal layer
6.Scale like cells full of keratin that constantly
flake off
7.Site of elastic and collagen fibers
8.Site of melanin formation
9.Major skin area from which the derivatives
(hair, nails ) arise

Microscopic Anatomy of the muscle

Can you make a flow diagram to show the different LEVELS
of skeletal muscle structure? Start with …Skeletal muscle
End with……actin and myosin
Flow Diagram Figure 4. Microscopic anatomy of the muscle

Can you identify the Internal structure of the skeletal muscles?

Six Steps of Cross Bridge Cycling of the Microscopic muscle function

Steps Process Explanation

1 Exposure of Binding Sites
on Actin

2 the hinge on the tail of the myosin

bending and the energized myosin
head binding into the actin.

4 Disconnecting the Cross

5 ATP is hydrolysed into ADP and phosphate.
The energy (yellow glow) is transferred
from the ATP to the myosin cross bridge,
which points upward.

6 Removal of Calcium Ions

Muscles of the trunks and upper extremity and its functions

Directions: Identify the muscle indicated on Figure 5 and write

down the function on the column provided in the box below.

Letter Muscle Function



Bones and its Locations

Activity: Crossword puzzle
Directions: Fill up the crosswords puzzle with the descriptions
below labelled with numbers across and down
Joints of the Skeleton
Directions: Identify the different joints and the type in our skeleton by
writing it on the lines that indicate their location and describe its
Now, let’s check how you are doing so far in the Think, Pair and Share activity
4- Outstanding
3- Very Satisfactory
2- Satisfactory
1- Unsatisfactory
D. Do you know?

Body Membranes line or cover, protect and lubricate body

surfaces. As the outermost boundary of the body, The Skin protects
against injuries of many types.
The Muscular System provides for movement of the body and its
parts, maintains posture, generates heat and stabilizes joints.
The Skeletal System provides an internal framework for the body,
protects organs by enclosure and anchors skeletal muscles so that
muscle contraction can cause movement.
Activity: Video Clip Viewing
1. Integumentary System -
Integument as defence (Immunology of the Skin:

2. Integumentary System- Crash course:

3. The Muscular System:

4.Muscular System- Crash course: Part 1; Part 2-

5.Skeletal System Crash course:; Bones :

One Minute Paper: You will be given exactly ‘one minute’ to write down all you
learned or would like to know about the video clips.

3-2-1 Reflect

3- What was the most important

or useful piece of information you
learned from these video clips?

2- What two questions do you still

have in your mind?

1-What would you like to know

more about?
The skin protects us from the outer environment..
The muscle protect us from cold and give us heat.
the bone protects our internal organs.


When our body is hurt like when we get a cut in the skin, a sprain in our
ankles or a fractured bone, we need to take care of them focusing in alleviating
the pain we feel. In our daily lives when we deal with others in our family, our
friends and people in the social media we sometimes become insensitive to
others and we tend to even hurt them because of our behaviour.
When we will be exposed in the hospital or community in the future it will be our
responsibility as nursing students to be sensitive with our behaviour and
especially with the way we deal with our clients/ patients when we handle them
as student nurses.
Guide Questions:
In this time of the pandemic what are the things we need to consider? Especially
in social media?
What are the things to remember when we hurt others?
What are the important things that we need put in mind when we will be with our
clients/ patients in the future?

Activity: Thought shapes

Directions: Write down inside each shape: what you learned, what you enjoyed,
what you felt and what were your thoughts.
The most important thing I have learned… What I enjoyed most……….

How I feel about using the skills and The thoughts still going around
ideas I have learned… in my head are …

I. Fill in the blanks. Identify the right term in anatomical language of the bones by
writing it on the space provided before the number of descriptions below.
________________1. Forehead bone
________________2. Lower jaw
________________3. Most posterior part of the cranium
________________4. Weight bearing portion of the vertebra
________________5. Provides articulation part of the ribs.
________________6. Composite bone; articulates with the hip bone laterally.
________________7. Arm bone
________________8. Socket in the scapula for the arm bone.
________________9. Bone of the wrist.
________________10. Knee cap
________________11. Shinbone
________________12. Heel bone
________________13. Longest bone in the body, articulates with the coxal bone
________________14. Receives weight of the body when sitting
________________15. Ribs 1 through 7
II. Matching type. Match set A with Set B by writing the letter of your choice in
Set B before the number of the description in Set A. SET B choices can be used
once, twice or not at all.
Set A Set B
____1. This produces oily material A. Arrector pili
which accumulates as a black head. B. Cutaneous receptor
____2.Tiny muscle attached to hair C. Hair
Follicles that pull the hair upright D. Hair follicle
during fright or cold. E. Sebaceous gland
____3. The most numerous variety of F. Sweat gland (apocrine)
perspiration gland. G. Sweat gland (eccrine)
____4. A sheath formed of both epithelial H. Connective
and connective tissue
____5. A less numerous variety of
perspiration gland.
____6.It is found everywhere in the body except
The palms of the hand, soles of the feet and lips.
____7. The specialized nerve endings tat respond to
Temperature and touch.
____8. Become more active at puberty.

III. The following statements describe the structures of the microscopic

anatomy of the muscles. Identify the structure by choosing the correct
response from key choices and writing the letter and terms on the answer
blanks. Choices may be used once twice or not at all.
Key Choices
A. Endomysium B. Epimysium C. Fascicle D. Fiber E. Myofilament
F.Myofibril G. Perimysium H. Sarcolemma I. Sarcomere
J. Srcoplasm K. tendon
____________1. Connective tissue surrounding a fascicle
____________2. Connective tissue ensheathing the entire muscle
____________3. Contractile unit of muscle.
____________4. A muscle cell.
____________5. Thin connective tissue investing each muscle cell.
____________6. A long filamentous organelle found within muscle cells
that has a banded appearance.
____________7. Actin or myosin containing structure.
____________8. Cordlike extension of connective tissue beyond the
muscle, serving to attach it to the bone.
____________9. Plasma membrane of the muscle.
____________10. A discrete bundle of muscle cells.

IV. True or False. Decide whether the following statements are true or false,
Write it on the space provided before the number.
________1. There are over 1,000 muscles in your body.
________2. Skeletal, or voluntary, muscles are the muscles you can control.
________3. Ligaments connect muscles to bones.
________4. Your heart is a muscle.
________5. A muscle gets strained when it is stretched too much.

You are done! Congratulations for actively participating and

answering all the activities in the learning packet, see you on your next

Do you have questions? Concerns?

Do you need help about the topic?

I am available at our e-class chat room or I am just a text away.


Marieb, Elaine, Anatomy and Physiology Workbook, eighth edition 2006

Marieb, Elaine, Anatomy and Physiology, tenth edition edition 2014

Retrieved from:

1. Integumentary System -

Integument as defense (Immunology of the Skin:
2. Integumentary System- Crash course:
3. The Muscular System:
4. Muscular System- Crash course: Part 1; Part 2-
5. Skeletal System Crash course:;

Prepared By:

Joel Arvin M. Gallego

Nursing Department, Clinical Instructor, Sy2020-2021
Universidad de Zamboanga Pagadian Campus

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