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Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting Fixture/switches and
auxiliary Outlets is the third unit of competency of electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII,
a course designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, positive attitude and wok values in
accordance with international standards.
This module has four learning outcomes
 Select wiring devices
 Install wiring devices
 Install lighting fixture/ switches
 Notify completion of work
To get the most from this module, do the following
1. Read the Learning Outcomes. These will tell what you should know and be able to do
after finishing this module.
2. Read the Information Sheets. An information needed in the attainment of a learning
3. Answer Self-checks. These are set of question that would verify the acquisition of
knowledge stated in the learning objectives. There is no prescribed number of items nor
type of test for self-check. Number of item depends on the content of the information
4. Perform the task sheets/job sheet. These are set of instructions telling the trainee to
perform a task. An operation sheet is a set of instructions for the operation or use of a
particular machine or equipment.
5. After practicing all the required learning activities, demonstrate your learned skills to
your trainers for evaluation. The results of your assessment will be recorded in your
progress chart and accomplishment chart.
You need to complete this module before you can perform the module on installing wiring
devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting fixture/switches and auxiliary outlets

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Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
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Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
Competency-Based Learning Materials

No. Unit Competency Module title Code
1. Perform roughing-in activities, Performing roughing-in ELC741301
wiring and cabling works for activities, wiring and
single-phase distribution, cabling works for single-
power lighting an auxiliary phase distribution, power,
system lighting and auxiliary

2. Install electrical protective Installing electrical ELC741302

devices for distribution, protective devices for
power, lighting, auxiliary, distribution, power,
lighting protection and lighting, auxiliary, lighting
grounding systems protection and grounding

3. Install wiring devices of floor Installing wiring devices of ELC741303

and wall mounted outlets, floor and wall mounted
lighting fixture/switches and outlets, lighting
auxiliary outlets fixture/switches and
auxiliary outlets

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Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
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Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
Unit of competency Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting
fixture/switches and Auxiliary
Module Title Installing wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets,
lighting fixture/switches and Auxiliary
Module Description This unit covers the knowledge, skill and attitudes on selecting and
installing wiring devices, installing lighting fixtures/switches and
notifying completion of works of floor and wall mounted outlets
and auxiliary outlets.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, you must be able to:
1. Select wiring devices
2. Install wiring devices
3. Install lighting fixture/switches
4. Notify completion of work
Assessment Criteria
1. Drawing are read and interpreted to determine job requirements
2. Correct types and quantity of wiring devices and consumable items are identified in line
with job requirements
3. Tools and equipment are selected in line with job requirements
4. Correct PPE are identified and selected in line with safety requirements
5. Safety procedures are followed based on safety regulations
6. Correct procedures for installation of wiring devices are performed in line with job
7. Schedule of work is followed based on agreed time, quality standard and minimum
8. Further instructions are sought if unplanned events or conditions occur
9. On-going checking of quality of works is done in accordance with instructions and
10. Safety procedures are followed

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11. Correct procedures for installation of lighting fixtures/switches are performed in line with
job requirements
12. Schedule of work is followed to ensured work is completed in an agreed time, to a quality
standard and with a minimum waste
13. Further instructions are sought from a supervisor if unplanned events or condition occur.
14. On-going checks of quality of work are undertaken in accordance with instruction and
15. Final checks are made to ensure that works conforms with instructions and to
16. Supervisor is notified upon completion of work.
17. Tools, equipment and any surplus resources and materials are, where appropriate,
cleaned, checked and returned to storage in accordance with established procedures.
18. Work area is cleaned and made safe.

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1. Safety procedures
2. Installation of lighting fixtures/switches
3. Schedule of work and quality standard
4. Unplanned events or conditions
5. Checking of quality of work
1. Safety procedures are followed
2. Correct procedures for installation of lighting fixtures/switches are performed in line with
job requirements
3. Schedule of work is followed to ensure work is completed in an agreed time, to a quality
standard and with a minimum waste
4. Further instructions are sought from a supervisor if unplanned events or condition occur
5. On-going checks of quality of work are undertaken in accordance with instructions and
6. Conditions
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
 Tools and materials
Wiring devices
Wire splicer
Electricians’ knives
Set of screwdrivers
Wire stripper
Wiring booth/simulated workplace
Side cutting plier
Electric tape
Electric wire
 Learning materials
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1. Direct observation of application task
2. Questions related to underpinning knowledge
3. Demonstration/practical activity
4. Written test

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Read Information Sheet 3.2-1 This learning outcome deals with the
development of the institutional competency
Answer Self-Check 3.2-1 evaluation tool which teacher//trainers use in
evaluating their students after finishing a
Read Information Sheet 3.2-2 on competency of the qualification.
“Installation of Wiring Devices”
Answer Self-Check 3.2-2 Go through the learning activities outlined for
Compare Answer with Answer Keys 3.2-2 you on the left column to gain the necessary
information or knowledge before doing the
Read and Analyze Job Sheet 3.2-2 on tasks to practice on performing the
“Installation of Wiring Devices” requirements of the evaluation tools.
Perform Job Sheet 3.2-2 on
“Installation of Wiring Devices”
Evaluation Performance using The outputs of this LO is a complete
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.2-2 Institutional Competency Evaluation Package
Read Information Sheet 3.2-3 on for one Competency of electrical Installation
“Schedule of Work and Quality Standard” & Maintenance NCII
Answer Self-Check 3.2-3
Compare Answer with Answer Key 3.2-3 If you have some problem on the content of
the information sheet don’t hesitate to
Read Information Sheet 3.2-4 on approach your teacher/trainer.
“Unplanned Events or Conditions”
Answer Self-Check 3.2-4 After doing all the activities for this LO2, you
Compare Answer with Answer Key 3.2-4 may now proceed to LO 3.
Read Information 3.2-5 on
“Checking of Quality of Work”
Answer Self-Check 3.2-5

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Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
Compare Answer with Answer Key 3.2-5



Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you must be able to
1. Apply the safety procedures on the workplace
2. Familiarize with Philippine Electrical code (PEC)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) refers to items typically worn by a worker to provide
protection from recognized hazard. When installing any type of electrical system, there is always
risk involved. The power of electricity should be respected. The line “prevention is better that
cure” is always a good reminder to each Electrical Practitioner to prioritize safety in work place.
Before doing any electrical works, read and observe the following safety guidelines:
Check the breaker or power sources and make sure the power is always off before starting any
electrical work
Put warning signs, lock or Tag-out on the Circuit breaker to let others in the workplace know that
you are working on the electricity.
Wear Personal Protective equipment. Always wear rubber-soled shoes. Never work with wet feet
or while standing on a wet surface. Avoid wearing jewelry, a watch or clothing items that might
get snagged while you are working.
Work in a methodical manner and double check the security of all connections before restoring
the power, work as if the wires are live.
Don’t touch any metal while working. Make sure you grab tools by the handle (rubber-gripped
tools are best). If you need to use a ladder, use a fiberglass or wooden one, NOT aluminum.
Special note: it is dangerous and is against code to connect copper to aluminum wire.
Philippine Electrical Code

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The primary objectives of the code are to establish basic materials quality and electrical work
standards for the safe use of electricity for light, heat, power, communications, signaling and for
other purpose.
The purpose of this Code is the practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazard
arising from the use of electricity. Practical Safeguarding states that “the purpose of this code is
the practical safeguarding of persons and properly from hazards arising from the use of

True or false: Read the statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true, and f if the statement
is false.
1. It is not dangerous and is against code to connect copper to aluminum wire.
2. Check the breaker or power source and make sure the power is always off before starting
any electrical work.
3. Equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work is called PPE
4. The secondary objectives of the PEC are to establish basic materials quality and electrical
work standards for the safe use of electricity for light, heat, power, communications,
signaling and for other purposes.
5. The purpose of this Code is the practical safeguarding of person and property from hazard
arising from the use of electricity.

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1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T

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Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to
1. Identify the different kinds of lighting fixture and switches
The lighting in a home changes the mood of a room just as it does the perceived size of a room.
Placement and type are important aspects, so it’s vital that you spend the time to create a lighting
setup inside of each and every interior to ensure that the room is perfectly suited to its purpose.
PEC Rules on wire dressing and termination

Articles Live Parts. Fixtures, lamp holders, lamps, rosettes, and receptacles shall have no
live parts normally exposed to contact. Exposed accessible terminals in lamp holders, receptacles
and switches shall not be installed in metal fixture canopies or in open bases of portable table or
floor lamps.

All joints/splices o be done must be properly insulated with spaghetti sleeving, wire nut or taped
with electrical tape having a thickness like the conductor used.
Lighting Fixture
Lighting fixture or luminaire is an electrical device that contains an electrical lamp that provides

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Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
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Fluorescent Lamp
A form of electric discharge light source. It consists of a glass tube containing mercury vapor at a
low pressure and inert gas like argon and krypton.
Kinds/types of electric discharge lamps
1. Pre-heat starting, hot-cathode- this is the original fluorescent lamp. It requires starter
(glow switch) and is pre-heated during starting.
2. Cold cathode- requires high voltage in its operation. This lamp has electrodes made of
thimble-types iron. It is not pre-heated and does nit require a started for starting.
3. Instant-starting, hot-cathode- this type of lamp was introduced in 1944. It was called the
slim lamp. It has only one pin at each end. This type of lamp is more expensive than the rapid
start types and somewhat less efficient.
4. Hot-cathode, rapid-start- It is introduced in 1952. This circuit eliminates the delay
inherent in preheat circuits by keeping the lamp cathodes constantly energized (preheated)
Classifications of Fluorescent lamp
1. Regular Fluorescent Lamp
Circular type Fluorescent lamp Open type Fluorescent

Box type fluorescent lamp

2. Compact fluorescent lamp

Different types of fluorescent lamp

Parts and function of fluorescent lamp

1. Fluorescent tube- is a circular bulb containing mercury vapor and inert gas with phosphor
coating inside.
2. Ballast- is an induction coil, which produces high voltage to start the lamp into operation.
It also limits the flow of current during the operation of the lamp. Ballast consumed by the lamp
itself. (induction & electronic type ballast)
3. Starter- is aglow switch that opens and closes the circuit so as to produce a high voltage
or inductive kick across the bulb at the filament during the starting period.

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4. Lamp holder and starter sockets- are the point of connection of the fluorescent and
5. Frame- is the metal housing of the whole fixture.
Part of fluorescent lamp starer

Current moves in utilizing the rare gas as conducting means and the rare gas procedures a
“Glow”. The glow generates heat and causes the bimetallic blade to expand.
When the bimetallic blade is heated, it changes shape and touches the fixed contact. The close
contacts of the two starter contacts produce an easy path for current flow.

In electrical installation, switch is a device which can break the electrical circuit or a controlling
device, which interrupt the flow of current or direct flow of current in another direction.

1. Single pole switch

The single-pole switch is the general -purpose workhorse of switches. It is used to control a light,
receptacle or other device from a single location.

2. 3-way switch
A three-way switch is a common type of light switch that makes it possible to control a ceiling
light or other electrical fixture from two different locations.
3. 4-way switch
Four-way switch definition is-an electric switch used in house wiring so that a light may be
turned on or off at here or more places.

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Multiple choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer and write the letter on
your answer sheet
1. Lighting fixture or luminaire is an electrical device that contains an
___________________ that provides illumination
a. Switch
b. Ballast
c. Electrical lamp
d. Starter
2. Is a circular bulb containing mercury vapor and inert gas with phosphor coating inside,
a. Switch
b. Ballast
c. Luminaire
d. Fluorescent Tube
3. The metal housing of the whole fixture.
a. Fuse
b. Junction box
c. Frame
d. Hot-cathode, rapid-start
4. A device which can break the electrical circuit or a controlling device, which interrupts
the flow of current or direct flow of current in another direction?
a. Switch
b. Ballast
c. Luminaire
d. Fluorescent lamp

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5. This is the original fluorescent lamp. It requires starter (glow switch) and is pre-heated
during starting.
a. Hot-cathode, rapid-start
b. Pre-heat starting, hot-cathode
c. Cold cathode
d. Instant-starting, hot-cathode


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B

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Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary

Title Install lighting fixture/switches

Performance objective Give the tools and materials, you should be able to install
lighting fixture in accordance with the instruction. (2hours)
Supplies/ Materials CBLM, Electrical Wire, PPE
Tools Pliers, Measuring tools, pencil
Procedures in installing lighting fixtures
1. Gather all necessary materials for the work then secure tools, equipment and
PPEs from the tools room
2. On your work area, layout all the measurement of installation based on the
given work plan, use pencil to mark the location dimensions.
3. All measurement should be taken from center to center of conduits, raceways
and devices.
4. Level the horizontality and verticality position of the layout
5. Use chalk line to make final mark of the layout of conduits, raceways, boxes
and devices. Make sure that all marks are horizontally and vertically levelled.
6. Install/mount all boxes to be followed by connector and adapter, if necessary
and required by the job then tighten snugly according to manufacturer’s torque
7. For box type lighting fixture and surface type receptacle, mount them to the
specified measurement and locations, but for lighting materials (such as
incandescent bulb) that uses flush type receptacles, provide junction box for the
mounting of flush type receptacle.
8. Install/mount wire ways such as conduit =, raceway, NM cables. Place the
desired kind and size of support according to manufacturer’s specification.
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NM Cable RSC Raceway PVC raceway
9. Cut bend wire ways to desired length and bends based on the job requirements.
Avoid installing nicked conduits. All ends must be free of burrs.
10. Fish-in conductors/wires inside conduits/wire ways based on the required size
of wire as prescribe by the PEC.
11. Cut wire to the desired length. Always provide allowance (6-8’ for smaller size
of wire) for future tapping or termination.
12. Strip wires in the boxes then connect them to the terminals of the switches,
breakers and fuse slip holder.
Note: all loop termination must be turning clockwise and tighten snugly
according to manufacturer’s torque specification. Avoid excess wire
13. Splice, joint wires in junction boxes based on the circuit design operation.
Joining or splicing of conductors inside conduits, raceways is strictly
prohibited. Make sure the wires joined have 6-8” allowances from the edge of te
outstripped joined end of wires.
14. Connect all lighting materials based on the circuit design operation.
15. Check the continuity of circuit to identify and troubleshoot possible defects.
16. Perform housekeeping

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Did you…

1. Prepare the necessary tool and materials 

2. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) 
3. Plan all the dimension of installation based on the given work layout, 
use pencil to mark the location dimensions?
4. Level the horizontality and verticality position of the layouts? 
5. Use chalk line to make final mark of the layout of conduits, boxes and 
6. Install/mount all boxes according to manufacturer’s torque 
7. Mount the box type lighting fixture and surface type receptacle? 
8. Install/mount wire ways such as conduit, raceways NM cables? 
9. Cut, bend wire ways to desired length ad bends based on the job 
requirements. Avoid installing nicked conduits?
10. Fish-in conductors/wires inside conduits/wire ways based on the 
required size of wire as prescribe by the PEC?
11. Cut wire to the desired length. Always provide allowance (6-8 for 
smaller size of wire) for future tapping or termination?
12. Strip the wires in the boxes then connect them to the terminals of the 
switches, breakers and fuse clip holder?
13. Splice joint wires in junction boxes based on circuit design operation? 
14. Connect all lighting materials based on the circuit design operation? 

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15. Check the continuity of circuit to identify and troubleshoot possible 
16. Clean the tools and equipment used and place it to its storage area? 


Learning Objective
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to
1. The importance of work schedule
2. Apply the quality standard.
Schedule of work
 The most commonly used schedule in the work place is a physical or online document
that contains the hours of work for a certain period of time.
 A work schedule is like a Calendar for the work place people can see when they need to
be working and for how long, most of the time such a schedule is subject to much change
often however they normally have a solid base.
 A list of work required. Any information about quality should be provided by reference
to specifications, and information about location and sized should be provided on
drawings. Where a schedule includes a description of the work required, this is a
specified schedule of work.
Quality Standard
 Quality standards are defined as documents that provide requirements, specifications,
guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials,
products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.
Quality and safety will be assured only if:

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 The design has been done according to the latest edition of the Philippines Electrical
Code (PEC).
 The electrical equipment complies with relevant products standards.
 The initial checking of conformity of the electrical installation with the standard and
regulation has been achieved.
 The periodic checking of the installation recommended is respected.

Department Order No. 13 Series of 1998 Hazardous Workplaces

No. of Work Safety Personnel
1-50 1 Part-time safety Man
51-200 1 full time safety Man
201-250 1 full time & 1 Part-time Safety Man
251-500 2 full-time Safety Man
Every additional 500 or Fraction thereof 1 additional full-time safety man
1 safetyman for every 10 unit of heavy equipment

This is the workers and safety personnel guidelines in construction industry

Acronyms and abbreviations
PEC- Philippine Electrical Code
OHS – Occupational Health and Safety
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ICC sticker – Import Commodity Clearance stickers
PS – Philippine Standards
ESEA – Electrical Safety Enforcement and Awareness
BFP – Bureau of Fire Protection
Proclamation No. 193 – Declaring the month of May of every year as “Electrical Safety Month”
signed by President Benigno S. Aquino.

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Switches and Auxiliary
Fill in the Blanks: Read the statement carefully or question carefully and fill in the blank(s) with
correct answer.
1________. The most commonly used schedule in the work place is a physical or online
document that contains the hours of work for a certain period of time.
2________. Defined as documents that provided requirements, specifications, guidelines, or
characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes
and services are fit for their purpose.
3________. How many safety personnel is/are needed for 51-200 number of workers.
4________. How many safety personnel is/are needed for 201-250 number of workers.
5________. Declaring the month of May of every year as “Electrical Safety Month” signed
Abbreviate the following Safety standard:
6. PEC
7. BFP
9. ICC
10. ESEA

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1. Schedule of work
2. Quality standard
3. 1 full-time safety man
4. 1 Full-time & 1 Part-time Safety Man
5. Proclamation no.193
6. Philippines electrical code
7. Bureau of Fire Protection
8. Institute of electrical and electronics Engineers
9. Import Commodity Clearance
10. President Benigno S. Aquino

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Learning Objective:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to
1. Respond to unplanned events or conditions
Unplanned events are episodes that are not expected to occur during the Project’s normal
Construction and Operational Phase activities, such as accidents. the project follows safety and
engineering design criteria that aim to avoid unplanned events that could lead to adverse
environmental, socio-economic or health and safety impacts.
It can refer to a humorous occurrence or a violent one, somethings that disturbed one’s routine or
something unusual that happened.
An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly unintentionally, typically resulting in damage
or injury.
Prevention and mitigation will be accomplished by the following general principle

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 Use best management practices and technology for carrying out the Project while
controlling permitted/allowable releases to the environment and consequent environment
 Incorporate safety and reliability by design and application of principles and practices of
process and mine safety management;
 Develop and apply procedures and training aimed at safe operation of the facilities that
prevent or avoid the potential upsets that might lead to accidents, malfunctions or
unplanned events and
 Implement effective emergency preparedness and response.

How to respond to unplanned events or condition:

a. Take control at the scene and try to restore order.
b. Assure first aid and call for emergency services. Provide immediate care if you’re
qualified to do so; have someone else call for help.
c. Control potential secondary accidents. This includes denying access to people who don’t
need to be on the scene. If there’s been a spill, for example, you don’t want other
employees wandering through and slipping on something.
d. Identify people and conditions at the scene. The people are potential witness to what
happened. Have someone else take down their names. If you’re alone at the scene, try to
at least look around and notices who’s there.
e. Preserve physical evidence. Secure the scene and again, control access. You don’t want
evidence being altered or removed.
Once the immediate emergency is stabilized, these additional steps should be taken
f. Evaluate how bad the loss is, how bad it could have been and whether additional
investigation resources are needed.
g. Make appropriate notifications. Be sure owners and upper management are notified; they
should not learn about the accident from the newspaper. Also contact families, any
necessary regulatory agencies, and your insurance companies.
Other tips
 An initials report should be completed and sent to all supervisors within 24 hours of the
 A follow-up report that includes recommended action should be undertaken within 48
hours and completed within 30 days.
 Finally, it’s a good idea to have a written procedure to be followed in case of an accident
and to train employees and supervisors in the procedure.
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True or False : Write T if the statement is True and write F if the statement is False.

1________. The project follows safety and engineering design criteria that aim to
avoid unplanned events that could lead to adverse environmental, socio-economic or
health and safety impacts.
2________. Accident are fortunate incident that happens expectedly and intentionally,
typically resulting in damage or injury.
3________. Take control at the scene and try to restore order.
4________. Evaluate how good the loss is, how bad it could have been, and whether
additional investigation resources are needed.
5________. A follow-up repost that includes recommended action should be
undertaken within 48 hours and completed within 30 days.

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1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
Learning Objective:
After reading this information Sheet, you must be able to
1. Check the Quality of work in the workplace.\
2. Check periodically the installation.
In so far as control procedures are respected, quality and safety will be assured only if:
 The design has been done according to the latest edition of the appropriate wiring rules.
 The electrical equipment complies with relevant product standard
 The initial checking of conformity of the electrical installation with the standard and
regulation has been achieved.
 The period checking of the installation recommended is respected.


Before a utility will connect an installation to its supply network, strict pre commissioning
electrical tests and visual inspections by the authority, or by its appointed agent, must be

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
The pre-commissioning electrical tests and visual-inspection checks for installations in buildings
include, typically, all of the following:
 Electrical continuity and conductivity tests of protective, equipotential and earth bonding
 Insulation resistance tests between live conductors and the protective conductors
connected to the earthing arrangement
 Test of compliance of SELV (safety Extra Low Voltage) and PELV (Protection by Extra
Low Voltage) circuits or for electrical separation
 Insulation resistance/impedance of floors and walls
 Protection by automatic disconnection of the supply
 For TN, by measurement of the fault loop impedance and by verification of the
characteristic and/or the effectiveness of the associated protective devices (overcurrent
protective device and RCD)
 For TT, by measurement of the resistance RA of the earth electrode of the exposed-
conductive-parts and by verification of the characteristics and/or the effectiveness of the
associated protective devices (overcurrent protective device and RCD)
 For IT, by calculation or measurement of the current ID in case of a fist fault at the line
conductor or at the neutral, and with the test done for TN system where conditions are
similar to TN system in case of a double insulation fault situation, with the test done for
TT system where the conditions are similar to TT system in case of a double insulation
fault situation.
 Additional protection by verifying the effectiveness of the protective measure
 Polarity test where the rules prohibit the installation of single pole switching devices in
the neutral conductor.
 Check of phase sequence in case of multiphase circuit
 Functional test of switchgear and control gear by verifying their installation and
 Voltage drops by measuring the circuit impedance or by using diagrams

These test and checks are basic (but not exhaustive) to most installations, while numerous
other tests and rules are included in the regulations to cover cases, for example:
installations based on class 2 insulation, special location, etc.

The aim of this guide is to draw attention to the features of different types of installation,
and to indicate the essential rules to be observed in order to achieve a satisfactory level of
quality, which will ensure safe and trouble-free performance.

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
After verification and testing an initial report must be provided including records of
inspection, records of circuits tested together with the test result and possible repairs or
improvement of the installation.

Periodic checks-testing of an installation

In many countries, all industrial and commercial-building installations, together with
installation in building used for public gathering, must be re-tested periodically by
authorized agents.

 Verification of RCD effectiveness and adjustments

 Appropriate measurements for providing safety of persons against effects of electric
shock and protection against damage to property against fire and heat
 Confirmation that the installation is not damaged
 Identification of installation defects.
The table below shows the frequency of testing commonly prescribed according to the kind
of installation concerned.
Type of Installation Testing Frequency
Installation which requires  Location at which a risk of Annually
the protection of employees degradation fire or explosion
 Temporary installation at
 Location at which MV
installation exist
 Restrictive conducting
locations where mobile
equipment is used Every 3 years
 Other cases
Installations in building used  According to the type of From one to three years
for public gatherings, where establishment and its
protection against the risk of capacity for receiving the
fire and panic are required public
Residential  According to local Example: the REBT in
regulation Belgium which imposes a
periodic control each 20

Conformity assessment (witch standard and specifications) of equipment used in the installation
Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.
Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
The conformity assessment of equipment with the relevant standards can be attested:
 By mark of conformity granted by the certification body concerned, or
 By a certificate of conformity issued by a certification body, or
 By a declaration of conformity given by the manufacturer
As business, the declaration of conformity, including the technical documentation, is generally
used in for high voltage equipment or for specific product. In Europe, the CE declaration is a
mandatory declaration of conformity.
Note: CE marking
In Europe, the European directives require the manufacturer or his authorized representative to
affix the CE marking on his own responsibility.
It means that:
 The product meets the legal requirements
 It is presumed to be marketable in Europe
The CE marking is neither a mark of origin nor a mark of conformity, it completes the
declaration of conformity and the technical documents of the equipment’s
A certificate of conformity can reinforce the manufacturer’s declaration and the customer’s
confidence. It could be requested by the regulation of the countries, imposed by the customers
(Marine, Nuclear) be mandatory to guaranty the maintenance or the consistency between the
Marks of conformity are strong strategies tools to validate a durable conformity. It consolidated
the confidence with the brand of the manufacturer. A mark of conformity is delivered by
certification body if the equipment meets the requirement from an applicable referential
(including the standard) and after verification of the manufacturer’s quality management system.
Audit on the production and follow up on the equipment are made globally

Quality assurance
Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.
Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
A laboratory for testing sample cannot certify the conformity of an entire production run: these
tests are called types tests. In some tests for conformity to standards, the samples are destroyed
(tests on fuses, for example)
Only the manufacturer ca certify that the fabricated products have, in fact, the characteristic
stated. As proof that all the necessary measures a have been taken for assuring the quality of
production, the manufacturer obtains certification of the quality control system which monitors
the fabrication of the product concerned. These certifications are issued by organizations
specializing in quality control and are based on the international standard ISO 9901: 2000. These
standards define three model system of quality assurance control corresponding to different
situations rather than to different levels of quality:

Model 3 defines assurance of quality by inspection and checking of final products.

Model 2 includes, in addition to checking of the final product, verification of the manufacturing
process. For example, this method is applying, to the manufacturing of fuses where performance
characteristics cannot be checked without destroying the fuse.
Model 1 correspond to model 2, but with the additional requirement that the quality of the design
process must be rigorously scrutinized; for example, where it is not intended to fabricate and test
a prototype (case of a custom-built product made to specification).

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
Fill in the blanks: read the statement carefully or question carefully and fill in the blank(s) with
correct answer.
1_________________________. Are strong strategic tools to validate a durable conformity.
It consolidates the confidence with the brand of the manufacturer.
2_________________________. Is neither a mark of origin nor a mark of conformity, it
completes the declaration of conformity and the technical documents of the equipment’s
3_________________________. It is the basic of the quality and safety of an electrical
4_________________________. It is a types of installation thar has a testing frequency of
one to three years.
5_________________________. It could be requested by the regulation of the countries,
imposed by the customers (marine, Nuclear) be mandatory to guaranty the maintenance
or the consistency between the equipment’s.

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary
1. Mark of Conformity
2. CE marking
3. Philippines Electrical Code 2017 Edition
4. Installation in Buildings used for public gatherings, where protection against the risk of
fire and panic are required
5. Certification of conformity.

Electrical Installation & Date Develop: Document No.

Maintenance NCII Issued by: Page
Date revised:
Installing Wiring Devices of Developed by:
Floor and wall Mounted
Outlets, Lighting Fixture/ Revision #
Switches and Auxiliary

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