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Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

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Volume 31 Issue 2 Article 6


Orthodontic Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion with Mini-screws

in Class II Hyperdivergent Patient
Shih-Ying Lin
Department of Orthodontics, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital

Kai-Wen Yu
Department of Orthodontics, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital

Tai-ting Lai
Department of Orthodontics, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital

Chung-Ji Liu
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital

Li-Fang Hsu
Department of Orthodontics, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital; Division of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
Orthopedics, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital,

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Recommended Citation
Lin, Shih-Ying; Yu, Kai-Wen; Lai, Tai-ting; Liu, Chung-Ji; and Hsu, Li-Fang (2020) "Orthodontic Correction of
Bimaxillary Protrusion with Mini-screws in Class II Hyperdivergent Patient," Taiwanese Journal of
Orthodontics: Vol. 31 : Iss. 2 , Article 6.
DOI: 10.30036/TJO.201906_31(2).0006
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Case Report

Orthodontic Correction of
Bimaxillary Protrusion with Mini-screws
in Class II Hyperdivergent Patient

1 1 1 2 1,3
Shih-Ying Lin, Kai-Wen Yu, Tai-ting Lai, Chung-Ji Liu, Li-Fang Hsu
Department of Orthodontics, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital
Division of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital

To achieve a harmonious profile with pleasant smile arc in Class II hyperdivergent adult cases has been a
clinical challenge. Adequate retraction and intrusion of maxillary dentition as well as vertical control are the key
factors to improve the smiling appearance and the facial profile. A 19-year-old female initially presented with
lip protrusion, convex profile, retrusive chin, and a Class II malocclusion. The cephalometric analysis showed
a Class II skeletal pattern (ANB = 9°) with high mandibular plane angle (SN-MP = 38°). The treatment plan
included extraction of four first premolars for anterior teeth retraction as well as installation of three miniscrews
in the maxilla as bony anchorage. Two miniscrews were placed into the infrazygomatic crest of the maxilla
and one was inserted in the sub-apical region of maxillary incisors for retraction, intrusion, and torque control
of anterior teeth. Bimaxillary protrusion was improved and a stable occlusal relationship was established
after treatment. The total treatment duration was 24 months. Cephalometric analysis showed significant
intrusion and retraction of maxillary incisors as well as a slight counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. This
case demonstrated that the combined use of upper posterior and anterior miniscrews could be an effective
manner to treat Class II hyperdivergent adult case with dentoalveolar protrusion. (Taiwanese Journal of
Orthodontics. 31(2): 115-126, 2019)

Keywords: Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion.

INTRODUCTION surgery. If clinicians choose the camouflage treatment

option, appropriate intrusion and retraction of maxillary
In the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion incisors, upper incisors torque control, and vertical control
with hyperdivergent facial type, treatment modalities can of upper and lower dentitions are all critical components
be divided into camouflage treatment or orthognathic of a successful treatment. Before the age of temporary

Received: April 12, 2019 Revised: May 23, 2019 Accepted: May 30, 2019
Reprints and correspondence to: Dr. Li-Fang Hsu, No.1, ChangTe St., Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital,
Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 100
Tel: +886-2-23562347 E-mail:

Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2 115

Lin SY, Yu KW, Lai TT, Liu CJ, Hsu LF

anchorage devices (TADs), the camouflage treatment in The frontal view revealed mild facial asymmetry
non-growing patients can be very difficult and requires with larger left hemiface and chin deviation to the right
high patient compliance to the extraoral appliance for an side (Figure 1). No gummy smile was found on her full
ideal force system like J-hook or high pull headgear. smile. Relatively to facial midline, upper dental midline
Most Class II mechanics without TADs also cause lower shifted to her right side by 3 mm. From the lateral view,
molar extrusion along with posterior rotation of mandible, she exhibited a convex lateral profile with retrusive chin,
which is non-desirable in hyperdivergent cases. However, an acute nasolabial angle, lip incompetence and mentalis
surgical morbidity and risk of nerve injury, as well as strain on lip closure. Both upper and lower lips are very
surgical costs are both other concerns regarding combined protrusive to E-line. No obvious occlusal plane canting
surgical treatment option. Recently, miniscrews have was found.
been used to correct vertical maxillary excess through the
Intraoral examination
intrusion of maxillary incisors and molars. Substantial
Her overjet and overbite were both 2 mm. From the
profile improvement could be achieved successfully
frontal view, lower dental midline shifted to left 4 mm in
through proper design of mechanics delivered by TADs.
comparison to the upper dental midline (Figure 1). The 12
This case report presents the orthodontic
was in palatal crossbite. From the occlusal view, the upper
treatment of a 19-year-old female whose lip protrusion
and lower arch forms were square. And for the space
was corrected by retracting anterior teeth and intruding
analysis, the upper arch was 5 mm and the lower arch was
the entire maxillary dentition using posterior and anterior
1.5 mm insufficient. The buccal segment revealed Class
miniscrews. This retraction and intrusion of the upper
II canine and Class I molar relationship on the right side.
anterior teeth mimics a maxillary anterior subapical
And Class II canine and molar relationships were on the
osteotomy, and intrusion of the entire upper dentition
left side.
mimics a Le Fort I impaction. Mandibular autorotation
after maxillary dental intrusion contributes to better chin Radiographic findings

projection without orthognathic surgery. In panoramic X-ray, there were multiple caries. The
38 and 48 were horizontally impacted. The morphology of
TMJ showed no abnormal findings (Figure 2). From the
lateral cephalogram, the patient exhibited a skeletal Class
This is a case of a 19-year-old female who II facial pattern with a high mandibular plane angle. The
came with her chief complaint of protrusive lips and axis of the upper incisors was within normal range and
malocclusion. She denied all major systemic disease and lower incisors were proclined (ANB: 9°; MPA: 38°; U1-
food /drug allergy. In the functional examination, no TMJ SN: 109°; L1-MP: 104°). The upper incisors and molars
clicking sound was noted. No muscle and joint palpation were both over-erupted compared to normal values.
tenderness were found. Past dental history showed that (UADH: 32 mm; UPDH: 26 mm) (Figure 3, Table 1).
she had received restoration and scaling before. About
family history investigation, she had a younger sister who
Skeletally, the patient had a Class II relationship and
also had dentoalveolar protrusion problem.
a high mandibular plane angle. Dentally, she had Class
Pre-treatment data II malocclusion. In soft tissue aspect, she had a convex

Extraoral examination profile with retrusive chin, and lip incompetence.

116 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2

Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

Figure 1. Pre-treatment extraoral and intraoral photographs.

Figure 2. Pre-treatment panoramic radiograph.

Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2 117

Lin SY, Yu KW, Lai TT, Liu CJ, Hsu LF

Figure 3. Pre-treatment lateral cephalometric radiograph.

Table 1. Pre-treatment and post-treatment cephalometric measurements.


Pre-treatment Post-treatment Norm

SNA 90 90 81.5° ± 3.5

SNB 81 82 77.7° ± 3.2

ANB 9 8 4.0° ± 1.8

Nv-A 8 8 0.0 ± 2.0 mm

Nv-Pog -5.2 -4.5 -5.0 ± 8.0 mm

SN-FH 8 8 5.7°±3.0

SN-MP 38 36 33.0° ± 1.8

UFH/LFH 44/56 44.3/55.7 45% / 55%


U1-SN 109 100 108.2°± 5.4

U1-L1 110 133 119.9°± 8.5

L1-MP 104 91 93.7°± 6.3

UADH 32 30.4 29 ± 2mm

UPDH 26 24.4 20 ± 2mm

LADH 45.6 44.5 45 ± 3mm

LPDH 34 34.8 35 ± 3mm


Upper 5.6 1.5 2 ± 2.0 mm

Lower 11.2 6 1 ± 2.0 mm

118 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2

Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

Treatment objectives and plan Treatment progress and result

The treatment goals were as the followings: Before full mouth bonding, we referred the
1. Improve protrusive facial appearance and lip posture patient to remove all third molars and to have all cavities
through maximum retraction of the upper and lower restored. Besides, orthodontic treatment was initiated
anterior teeth. after proper oral hygiene routine undertaken. After that,
2. Reduce the lower anterior facial height, and auto- the .022 Damon Q self-ligating bracket system was
rotate the mandible to strengthen the chin projection. bonded, except 12 (Table 2). Then, we extracted four first
3. Correct dental midline. premolars and started canine distalization with lace back.
4. Achieve bilateral Class I canine and molar relationships. After space was sufficient for 12, we bonded 12 and used
We proposed her the treatment plan to extract a double wire technique to level the lock-in lateral incisor.
four third molars and four first premolars, along with In the 7 month of treatment, we inserted the anterior
installation of 3 miniscrews as bony anchorage. Two subapical miniscrew in between the upper central incisors
miniscrews were placed into the infrazygomatic crest for for intrusion and torque control of anterior teeth. In the
maxillary anterior retraction and vertical control. And one 12 month of treatment, we inserted two miniscrews into
miniscrew was placed into the sub-apical of maxillary the infrazygomatic crest for anterior retraction and vertical
central incisors for retraction, intrusion, and torque control control of posterior teeth (Figure 4).
of upper anterior teeth. The total treatment duration was 24 months.

Figure 4. Mid-treatment extraoral and intraoral photographs (1Y8M).

Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2 119

Lin SY, Yu KW, Lai TT, Liu CJ, Hsu LF

Table 2. Treatment progress.

Date Upper Arch Lower Arch

Bonding, .014 NiTi

(bypass #12)

2016.10.15 Bonding, .014 NiTi

.016x.022 NiTi .016x.022 NiTi

Ext #14 Ext #44

.017x.025 NiTi
Ext #34
2016.11.15 Ext #24
Lace back for canine retraction
Lace back for canine retraction

.016x.025 Cu-NiTi
2016.12.6 Bonding #12 eyelet and using .017x.025 NiTi
double wire technique to level

2016.12.27 PC 43-46 to correct midline

Bonding #12 bracket

.014 NiTi

.016x.025 NiTi
2017.2.9 42 lingual bite built-up to facilitate
crossbite correction

2017.3.4 .016 NiTi

2017.4.8 .014x.025 Cu-NiTi

Ant. subapical miniscrew

2017.5.6 .017x.025 SSW

.016x.022 SSW
2017.6.17 Canine retraction
Canine retraction

2017.9.21 L't Class II elastics for midline correction

Bilateral upper posterior

2017.10.31 miniscrews insertion for ant.

017x.025 SSW
2017.12.28 remaining space closure
add 12-22 labial crown torque

2018.3.6 anterior teeth add lingual root torque

2018.4.3-2018.9.25 arch coordination, occlusal detailing and interdigitation, settling elastics

2018.10.11 Lingual fixed retainer delivery, full mouth debonding

2018.10.23 Deliver upper and lower wraparound retainers

Total treatment duration: 2Y

120 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2

Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

1. Upper incisors: retracted, intruded

2. Lower incisors: retracted, intruded

3. Upper molars: intruded

4. Lower molars: uprighted

5. MPA decrease

-------- Pre-treatment

-------- Post-treatment

1. U1: retract 6.4 mm, 1. L1: retract 6.4 mm,

intrude 1.6 mm intruded 1.1 mm

2. U6: intrude 1.6 mm 2. L6: uprighted

Figure 9. Cephalometric superimpositions. Overall superimposition registered at the cranial base

and S point, maxillary superimposition using the structure method and mandibular superimposition
registered on the anterior internal cortex of symphysis and mandibular lower border.

Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2 121

Lin SY, Yu KW, Lai TT, Liu CJ, Hsu LF

The dentoalveolar protrusion was resolved and a stable and retracted. U6 was intruded 1.6 mm and caused MPA
occlusion was established after treatment (Figure 5). changed from 38 to 36 degrees. It revealed the mandible
Lingual fixed retainers were placed in both arches and had slightly counterclockwise rotation. It would further
removable wraparound retainers were delivered for help improve the patient's Class II appearance from
retention. augmentation of chin profile. L1-MP changed from 104
The cephalometric analysis showed both upper and to 91 degrees, and L1 was retracted and intruded. The L1
lower lips retracted after treatment. The U1-SN changed intruded 1.1 mm may cause by leveling the lower curve of
from 109 to 100 degrees and U1 was significantly intruded Spee during the anterior retraction (Table 1, Figure 9).

Figure 5. Post-treatment extraoral and intraoral photographs.

122 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2

Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

If retraction is also undertaken at the same time, the

retraction force could not be too heavy to prevent loss of
For patients who need to reduce tooth show from anterior torque control. In this case, we use light force
vertical excess problems, adequate intrusion mechanics provided by an elastic thread from the archwire to the
should be chosen according to the needs respectively. subapical screw. The force exerted through this approach
The methods included using a conventional orthodontic has been shown to effectively provide constant force
6 2,3 8,9
appliance, such as intrusive arch or headgear and J-hook level below 100g. We found some root blunting in the
to apply intrusive force for upper anterior teeth. The upper anterior region in the post-treatment panoramic
intrusive arch could intrude the anterior teeth, and extrude, radiograph, which is acceptable considering the amount of
tip-back of posterior teeth at the same time. To prevent intrusion performed.
unwanted molars extrusion, we could lace the molars to Concerning the amount of intrusion of posterior
posterior miniscrews or insert the intrusive arch directly teeth and its relapse rate, Yao et al. found the mean
to posterior miniscrews. However, the intrusive arch is intrusive movement of the maxillary first molars was 3-4
a “shape-driven mechanics”. The force system changes mm. Baek et al. found the maxillary first molars were
according to the V bend position and angulation; the intruded by 2.39 mm during treatment and at the 3-year
insertion site of the intrusive arch at the molar auxiliary follow-up, and the relapse rate was 22.88% in open bite
tube or miniscrews also increased friction in sliding cases. Eighty percent of the total relapse of the intruded
mechanics. maxillary first molars occurred during the first year of
In this case, we combined used the bilateral retention. Sugawara et al. also found the average relapse
miniscrews of the infrazygomatic crest and anterior rate was about 30% at the 1-year follow-up in open bite
sub-apical miniscrew to retract, intrude and control the cases. However, in Class II hyperdivergent cases who
torque of maxillary incisors. Compared with the intrusive need total maxillary intrusion to improve facial esthetics,
arch, the anterior sub-apical miniscrew can provide pure the treatment result showed good stability after the
intrusive force to anterior teeth (force-driven mechanics). retention period from 12-21 months. This might be
These mechanics do not have the side effect of extrusion owing to the etiological basis of different malocclusions,
and tip-back of posterior teeth which could make the chin and their ability for neuromuscular adaptations. In our
profile worsened; neither does it cause any additional case, the upper molars were intruded 1.6 mm after the
friction in the force system. During the intrusion of treatment. However, at the finishing stage, the patient
anterior teeth, we provided light retraction force to prevent showed good stability of the occlusion at each visit, under
unwanted root resorption and anterior flaring. the cancellation of intrusive force for the upper dentition.
While using miniscrews to sustain the intrusive Yet concerning the unpredictability of active retention
force, the appropriate biomechanical design is required for protocol, we did not design any active retainer for the
efficient incisor intrusion and less risk of root resorption. patient, further follow up for the patient’s stability is
According to Lee et al., a good periodontal condition required (Figure 8).
should be maintained during the intrusion. The force In this case, U6 was intruded 1.6 mm after
magnitude should be low and constant. The recommended treatment, while the lower molars slightly extruded
force for the intrusion of the upper four incisors should during uprighting after treatment. If we could maintain
less than 100 g. And periodical periapical X-ray check or even intrude the lower molars, the counterclockwise
of root condition in every 4-6 months is recommended. rotation of the mandible would be further maximized and

Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2 123

Lin SY, Yu KW, Lai TT, Liu CJ, Hsu LF

Figure 8. Follow up extraoral photos and intraoral photos.

expressed thoroughly. However, if we take the patient’s amount could be accomplished. In our case, the U1
facial proportions at frontal view into consideration, the and L1 both retracted 6.4 mm. Sarikaya et al. found that
treatment effect already turned her slight dolichofacial lingual movements of the maxillary and mandibular
pattern into a mesofacial pattern, and her lower facial incisors reduced the lingual bone width in both arches.
height proportions (subnasale-stomion/ stomion-menton) And some of the patients demonstrated bone dehiscence.
is already less than 1/2; it could be a worsening of facial Pan et al. found during anterior retraction, there is a risk
esthetics if we increase the amount of intrusion for lower for the U1 root to contact the incisive canal and might
dentition regardless of facial proportions. Thus, more cause external apical root resorption. Wainwright found
vigorous intrusion and counterclockwise rotation of that once the cortical plate had been penetrated, the buccal
mandible is not a treatment alternative for this patient. root surface became devoid of cortical bone. Although
According to Proffit's “envelope of discrepancy”, some osteogenesis took place during the 4-month retention
maxillary and mandibular incisors could be retracted 7 period, it was insufficient to cover the root completely.
mm and 3 mm maximally by orthodontic tooth movement If we look at the anterior alveolar ridge width and
alone. If tooth movement aided by miniscrews, a larger their relationship to mandibular symphysis and facial

124 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2019, Vol. 31. No. 2

Class II Bimaxillary Protrusion

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