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Part 3.3. FCAAM HOPE 3

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Grade: 12 Quarter: First and Second




As implied Based on the With the skills Improved PT of the By using the Based on the Feedback Feedback What student What Formative What topics
the Minimum Culminating that shall be Health Optimizing GRASPS Standards & Mechanism Mechanism centered-flexible Questions shall lead ensure the
Standards, Performance championed by Physical Education 3: characteristics Criteria for (Assessment (Assessmen teaching modality will to the completion of development of
the teaching Standard of Physical Dance of a PT, identify Success in FOR t AS lead towards the EFAA? the desired
of every core the Health Education and the Standards completing the Learning) Learning) completion of the skills?
subject shall Optimizing Health and & Criteria for PT, what EFAA?
lead to the Physical together with the Success Enabling
development Education 3: other skills Formative
of the Dance implied by the Assessment
learners’ Minimum Activities will
Standards, enable the
student to
complete the

1.communica Which of the “What in the long The global health crises Conceptual EFAA #1 *Self- Personal Class lecture/ What do you think of Pre-Personal
tion skills 6 skills must run after that lead to implementation Knowledge *Pre-personal Administered Fitness discussion and your personal fitness Health
it champion completing the of the different community Demonstrate Health standardized Contract orientation through assessment results, Inventory
2.thinking in developing subject can quarantine caused drastic understanding Assessment fitness Virtual Conference and what changes
skills learners? learners do on changes that caught every on the Activities: assessment Feedback (Synchronous) should you make in
(Critical & their own with family unprepared. This appropriatenes tools. and your dance exercise
Problem thinking skills what they pressing situation brings s of the process monitoring Recorded Video routine to improve
Solving) (Critical & learned?” about emotional, mental, in leading and form. Orientation and those results?
Problem and physical stress. As a organizing downloadable files Solving) Dance Fitness Instructor, recreational uploaded to our LMS
skills you are tasked to organize activities: (Asynchronous)
a Family Dance-Based
4.communica Fitness Program that will Skills Printed Modules
tion and develop the student’s Shows (Distance)
Technology proficiency and confidence proficiency
skills in performing dance (requisite skills)
through exercise routine. in creating and
(Creative & The program encourages demonstrating EFAA #2 *Collect Interactive Sharing Which component of Dance as
Innovation) every family member to the planned *KWL Chart students’ Session through health-related Health
engage into various dance activity Making data for Virtual Conference fitness is being Enhancing
5.problem genres such as Traditional, (organizing ● Know interpretation (Sync) developed in dance Physical
Solving skills Festival, Ballroom, Cheer recreational ● What to participation? Activity
involvement in
Dance, Modern and activities):. Know Recorded
6.collaboratio Contemporary and Hip- ● Learn Instructional Video How does dance
n skills hop/Street dancing that Preparation – uploaded to School participation affect
activities in the
promote in maintaining the Targets the LMS (Async) your ability to
family's fitness and at the timeline of enhance your
resulting in the
same time experience accomplishmen Printable Instructional overall well-being?
development of
enjoyment in managing t with efficiency. Learning
physical fitness considering Guide/Module
the minimum health safety Participation (Distance)
protocol. This output will be
“What real life
presented to the class. In * Ability to work
situation can
order to check the rationale efficiently
learners put EFAA #3 *Feedback Spider Web Sharing How safety Safety
and effectiveness of the during the
themselves in *Dance Injuries based on Session (Sync) precautions and first Precautions in
plan, it should target the preparation of
where they can Prevention criteria for aid lead to the Dance
following components; the output
perform the Checklist success. Uploaded important role in Participation
Knowledge of Concept,
transfer goal?” ● Before Instructional Learning participation in
Skills, Preparation and * Ability to
Participation by submitting display clear the Guide (Async) dance -based fitness
Develops self- Dance activity?
the program proposal and effort to finish
efficacy in ● During Printable Instructional
Virtual or Pre-recorded the task
choosing a the Learning Why is it important
Recital Presentation.
recreational Dance Guide/Module to adhere to safety
* Ability to
activity to
G – encourages every consistently ● After the (Distance) precautions in
enhance overall acquiring knowledge
family member to engage shows positive Dance
wellness, thus on quick response?
into various dances behavior in the
resulting in a
genres, planning of the
strong character EFAA #4 *Group Show and Tell How do you identify Elements,
foundation of a *Performance - critique Learning Activity and demonstrate Forms and
R – Dance Fitness
true leader. Based (Dance *Instructor (Sync/Async) movement elements Style as
Demo Critiquing feedback and skills in Integration to
A – family member, class Session) based on Printable Instructional performing the the Different
and teacher criteria for Learning various Genre
success. Guide/Module dance styles?
S – New normal (Distance)
(community quarantine) What connections
can be made
between dance and
healthful living?
P – program proposal and EFAA #5 *Group Self-Administered Why is program FITT Dance-
Virtual or Pre-recorded *Dance Fitness critique Conditioning planning essential Based
Recital Presentation. Program *Instructor Program for the Program
Workshop feedback (Sync/Async/ implementation of
S – Knowledge of based on Distance) Dance-Based
Concept, Skills, Demo 1: criteria for Fitness activities?
Preparation and Traditional success. Virtual Gallery
Participation. Dances Walk (Sync/Async) What characteristics
Demo 2: or values are
Festival Dances Printable Instructional needed in order to
Demo 3: Learning create an
Ballroom Guide/Module appropriate program
Demo 4: Cheer (Distance) and design for
Dance Dance?
Demo 5:
Modern and
Demo 6: Hip-

EFAA #6 *Group Self-Directed What are the Planning and

*Dance-Based critique Planning and considerations in Organizing:
Fitness Program *Instructor Organizing Session planning and Dance-Based
Proposal/ feedback (Sync/Async) organizing a Fitness Event
Recital based on recreational
Presentation criteria for Printable Instructional program?
success. Learning
Subject-Self Guide/Module What learning/s did
Evaluation Individual/ (Distance) you gain from this
Class lesson that will help
Consultation you to become a
productive member
of the community?


Conceptual Knowledge Students demonstrate a deep Students demonstrate understanding Students demonstrate good Students need improvement in
Demonstrate understanding on the understanding of the appropriateness of on the appropriateness of the process understanding on the appropriateness demonstrating his/her understanding on
appropriateness of the process in the process in leading and organizing in leading and organizing recreational of the process in leading and organizing the appropriateness of the process in
leading and organizing dance activities: recreational activities. activities. recreational activities. leading and organizing recreational
A. Ability to state the activities.
rationale/goal of the proposed All four sub-criterions were actualized. Actualized few incorrect connections in Actualized many incorrect connections
dance event the sub-criterions. in the sub-criterions. Shows no connection in any of the sub-
B. Ability to Identify risk factors criterions.
and create proactive
interventions in case of
C. Ability to establish ethical
judgement following the seven
principles of leave no trace
D. Ability to make meaning from
their learning experiences from
the demonstrated activity.

Skills Students show excellent requisite skills Students show very good requisite Students show good requisite skills in Students need improvement on
Shows proficiency (requisite skills) in in creating and demonstrating the skills in creating and demonstrating the creating and demonstrating the requisite skills in creating and
creating and demonstrating the planned organizing recreational activities. organizing recreational activities. organizing recreational activities. demonstrating the organizing
activity (organizing recreational recreational activities.
activities):. All three sub-criterions were actualized. Actualized connections between two Actualized many incorrect connections
sub-criterions. in the sub-criterions. Shows no connection in any of the sub-
A. Ability to organize and analyze criterions.
information in order to make
meaning and decide what to
believe or what actions to take.
B. Ability to show flexibility and
perseverance when they
encounter challenges.
C. Ability to select strategies, tools
and approaches that are
appropriate for planned
recreational activity.
Preparation Always prepared in his/her required Almost prepared in his/her required Inconsistently prepared in his/her Seldom prepared in his/her required
output/task/s and submits the output output/task/s and submits the output on required output/task/s and submits the output/task/s and failed to complete the
Targets the timeline of accomplishment before the deadline, work is complete, the deadline, work is complete and output after the deadline, work is output and was not able submit the
with efficiency. cohesive, and exceeds expectations. cohesive. lacking and incomplete. output on the deadline.

(Complete class required output/task/s) (Unprepared for 1 required (Unprepared for 2 required (Unprepared for 3 or more required
output/task/s) output/task/s) output/task/s)

Participation Give maximum effort, model a high Consistent effort, good level of Displays limited effort contributes little Minimal/poor effort during the
level of participation, self-motivated, participation, and stays on task/s with to team play and needs to be reminded preparation of the activity
A. Ability to work efficiently during and encourage others. minimal supervision. to stay on task/s
the preparation of the output
B. Ability to display clear effort to
finish the task
C. Ability to consistently shows
positive behavior in the
planning of the task

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