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Efca2019003543 A M P V Ronald R Benjamin Esq Et Al Summons Complaint 1

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Index No.
A M. P ,
Plaintiff designates Broome

Plaintiff, County as the place of trial.


The basis of the venue is

RONALD R. BENJAMIN, ESQ. and THE LAW plaintiff's residence

Defendants. . .
Plamtiff's residence is Endicott,

County of Broome.


YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of

your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the

plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the of

service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you

within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judginent will be taken

against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.


Attorneys for the Plaintiff
Office and Post Office Address
500 Plum Street, Suite 300

Syracuse, New York 13204-1401

Telephone: (315) 422-1152

126 Riverside Drive

Binghamton, New York 13902


126 Riverside Drive

Binghamton, New York 13902

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Index No.

rt M. F~,




The Plaintiff, A~ M. P~, by and through her attorneys Costello, Cooney fir Fearon,

PLLC, as and for her CompIainb against the DefeTtfl~Ttt~, RONALD R. BENJAMIN and THE LAW

c OFFICE OF RONALD R. BENJAMIN, states, affirms and alleges as follows:


l. At all times relevant hereto, Plaintiff A+M. P~(hereinafter referred to as "AMP")

was and re a resident of the State of New York, presently a resident of Endicott, New York.

2. Upon information and belief, and at all times relevant hereto, the Defendant Ronald R,

Befij~mlft (hereinafter referred to as of the of Broome.
) was and remains a resident County

3. Upon information and belief, and at all times relevant hereto, the Defendant Ronald R.

Benjamin was and remains an attorney at law licensed to practice law in the State of New York with an

Office for the practice of law located at 126 Riverside Drive, Birif h~mton, New York.

4. Upon information and belief, and at all times relevant hereto the Defendant the Law Offices

of Ronald R. Benjamin (hereinafter referred to as "LORB") was and still is a law firm with its principal

place of business located at 126 Riverside Drive, Birtgnamlon, New York.


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5. Upon further information and belief, Defendant Benjamin was, and still is, a member of

LORB and was acting in the scope and course of his duties as a member of said law firm.

6. Alternatively, Defendant Benjamin was the apparent agent of LORB.

7. As such, Defendant LORB is vicariously liable for the acts, commissions, omissions,

negligence, breach of fiduciary duties, and other improper conduct of Defendant Benjamin.


8. On March 6, 2015, AMP was married to Adam (hereinafter referred to as


9. AMP and Adam are the natural parents of two (2) infant children, and

10. is lower functioning autistic and is non-verbal.

11. had been diagnosed with Microcephaly, developmental delays and is

8 also nonverbal.

12. During the marriage AMP did not work outside of the home in order to care for their

severely autistic and non-verbal son.

13. On or about May 12, 2016, Adam abandoned AMP and their son, as well as AMP's

daughter from a previous marriage, removed himself from the marital residence located at Street

in Kirkwood and relocated to Indiana.

14. AMP realized that she needed to retain an attorney to represent her legal rights and interest.

15. On or about May 12, 2016, AMP telephoned Defendants. During a telephone conversation

with Defendant Benjamin, AMP fully explained the circumstances surrounding the need for her to retain

legal counsel to protect her rights and interests.


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16. Defendant Benjamin represented and held himself out as experienced, competent and

qualified to handle all aspects of domestic relations and custody matters, including but not limited to

divorce, equitable distribution, spousal maintenance, child support and custody.

17. On or about that same day, AMP met with Defendant Benjamin at Offices.

18. AMP again fully explained the situation and circumstances surrounding the need to retain

an attorney to protect her legal rights and interests. AMP specifically informed Defendant Benjamin she

was fearful that Adam would return to Broome County, take her son to Indiana and evict her and her infant

daughter from a previous marriage from the marital residence.

19. Defendant Benjamin again held himself out as experienced, competent and qualified to

handle these legal matters and to protect AMP's rights and interests. Defendant Benjamin advised AMP

she had to file for divorce and if she filed for divorce it would prevent Adam from taking her son out of

state and from evicting her and her daughter from the marital home. Defendant Benjamin repeatedly

informed AMP that Adam would not obtain custody of her son and she would not lose the marital home.

20. AMP specifically informed Defendant Benjamin that she did not have any assets, funds,

money or resources to pay him for his legal representation. Defendant Benjamin said he would take

AMP's case without a fee from her and indicated Adam would have to pay legal fees.

21. On or about that same day, AMP executed a retainer agreement with Defendants. Despite

repeated requests, Defendants have failed, refused or neglected to provide AMP with a copy of the retainer


22. Defendants then embarked upon a course of continuous representation of AMP until at

least November 2017, which was a dependent relationship.

23. Defendants never sent, delivered or otherwise provided any accounting, bills, invoices or

account statements to AMP during their representation of her in the underlying divorce or custody and

Family Court matters.


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24. Upon information and belief, AMP met and conferred with Defendant Benjamin again on

or about May 18, 2016 at Offices. At that time, AMP and Defendant Benjamin reviewed a

document he had prepared for the divorce action which he indicated would be filed with the New York

State Supreme Court. Defendant Benjamin also had AMP sign either an affidavit or other documents for

the divorce action.

25. Approximately seven (7) or less days later, AMP called Defendant Benjamin to inform him

that Adam had returned to the area. Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to come to Offices

because he had unidentified he wanted her to review.

26. AMP met and conferred with Benjamin at Offices later that same day. During

this meeting, Defendant Benjamin gave AMP the divorce papers, including but not limited to a Complaint

for divorce, and instructed her to serve Adam whenever he came to the marital home. Following

Defendant Benjamin's instructions, AMP served Adam with the divorce papers either that or the next day.

27. AMP attended a court appearance before the Hon. Ferris Lebous, at the end of May or early

June 2016. During this court appearance Justice Lebous held AMP and her children were entitled to
remain in the marital residence. He also provided AMP with the marital automobile. Justice Lebous

awarded custody of the couple's son and One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars in temporary child support to

AMP. Adam was also ordered to pay the monthly mortgage payments and utility bills for the marital

residence. Defendants did not petition, request or otherwise seek temporary spousal maintenance.

28. In June 2016, Defendant Benjamin informed AMP for the first time that he did not have

time to see her at Office and wanted her to come to his home located in Binghamton.

29. When AMP arrived at Defendant Benjamin's house, he asked her to come inside. Upon

information and belief, AMP and Defendant Benjamin were the only people in his house at that or any

subsequent times she was lured or coerced to meet him there.


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30. Defendant Benjamin

initially led AMP to what appeared to be a den or home office. At

that time, Defendant Benjamin requested AMP to sign some papers allegedly related to her divorce action.

31. After signing those papers, Defendant Benjamin led AMP to another room in his home

which contained a couch, television and bar. Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to sit down on the

couch. Defendant Benjamin sat next to AMP and told her he wanted to "help her". Without her permission

or consent, Defendant Benjamin then touched AMP's left knee and moved his hand on her upper left leg.

Defendant Benjamin told AMP he wanted to help her and wanted a personal relationship outside of the

divorce action.

32. AMP immediately felt intimidated, nervous and uncomfortable by this unwanted and

noncensensual touching by Defendant Benjamin. AMP told Defendant Benjamin that she was married

and had children. AMP then told Defendant Benjamin that she had to leave and exited the house.

33. AMP next saw Defendant Benjamin in July 2016 at Office. At that point,

8 Adam had filed for unsupervised visitation with their son. Defendant Benjamin explained there was an

upcoming hearing, but AMP did not have to attend. Although there was no discussion of what had

previously occurred at Defendant Benjamin's house, AMP erroneously believed they had returned to a

strictly professional relationship.

34. Shortly thereafter AMP and Adam attempted to reconcile. During this reconciliation, AMP

became pregnant with their daughter, . In August 2016, AMP informed Defendant Benjamin she

was relocating to Indiana with Adam.

35. AMP's reconciliation with Adam was unsuccessful and she and her son returned to Broome

County and the marital home during the last week of October 2016.

36. Upon her return to Broome County in October 2016, AMP called Defendant Benjamin.

AMP met with Defendant Benjamin at Offices shortly after her return to Broome County.


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37. During this meeting, Defendant Benjamin belittled and berated AMP, calling her stupid

and instructing her to have an abortion. AMP responded she was a Christian and would not have an

abortion. Defendant Benjamin replied that it was no big deal and people have abortions well into six (6)

months of pregnancy. AMP reaffirmed that she would not have an abortion. By that point, AMP felt

extremely uncomfortable. Benjamin took some notes and AMP left Offices.

38. After the aforesaid meeting Defendant Benjamin called AMP to again tell her he did not

have time in his day to meet with her at Office and wanted her to come to his house.

39. When AMP arrived at Defendant Benjamin's house, he directed her to his den or home

office. As they walked to his den or home office, Defendant Benjamin requested her cell phone. AMP

gave Defendant Benjamin her cell phone and he left the room. Defendant Benjamin returned

approximately two (2) minutes later and placed AMP's cell phone on a table in the den or home office.

40. Defendant Benjamin then told AMP she was he was helping her after what she

8 "did". Defendant Benjamin asked AMP if she was "fucking stupid". Defendant Benjamin's cruel and

demeaning language, statements and demeanor caused AMP to cry. AMP also told Defendant Benjamin

she was sorry. Defendant Benjamin then told AMP he was going to "help her anyways".

41. Upon information and belief, in early November 2016, Adam filed a petition alleging AMP

fled Indiana with their son and claiming he did not know if AMP was pregnant with his child. Upon

further information and belief, Adam further asserted, among other things, that the marital residence in

Broome County was in foreclosure.

42. Sometime before Thanksgiving 2016, Defendant Benjamin called AMP and stated he had

appeared in court on Adam's petitions and the court had ruled the house was in foreclosure and AMP and

her children would have to vacate it. Defendant Benjamin further informed AMP that child support was


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established at One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per week for their son and AMP would have to surrender

her automobile. Defendants did not seek or obtain temporary spousal maintenance.

43. Because AMP had a high-risk pregnancy and was caring for an extremely autistic child,

she was unable to work. It was also difficult to coordinate transportation for her son's therapy and doctor

visits since she was forced to surrender her automobile. AMP was forced to apply for Social Services to

supplement the meager $100 per week Defendants obtained in temporary child support without any

temporary spousal maintenance. AMP also received public assistance for the heating and Food Stamps.

44. was born on 2017 by cesarean section. Upon information

and belief, Defendants applied for temporary child support for which was awarded at Forty

($40.00) Dollars per week.

45. In April 2017, Defendant Benjamin called AMP and informed her he had agreed to a

settlement ofher divorce action without consulting with her or obtaining her consent. Defendant Benjamin

further instructed AMP to come to Office to sign the necessary paperwork.

46. AMP met with Defendant Benjamin at Office. Defendant Benjamin reviewed

the settlement documents with AMP and informed her that the total amount she would receive in the

divorce settlement was Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars. Defendant Benjamin further informed AMP

that he was keeping the Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars as payment for his legal fees in the divorce


47. When AMP indicated she did not agree with this settlement, Defendant Benjamin told her

that if she did not sign the divorce settlement documents and give him the Three Thousand ($3,000.00)

Dollars he would no longer represent her, and she would have no attorney to assist her with the custody

matters. Because AMP had no assets, funds, or resources to retain another attorney, she felt forced,

threatened, intimidated and coerced into signing the settlement documents by Defendant Benjamin.


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48. Upon information and belief, in late April or early May 2017 Adam filed for custody of

the two children. After review of the documents provided to her by Defendant Benjamin, AMP

became extremely upset and fearful of losing her children, especially since Adam had more available

resources for legal assistance than AMP.

49. During a subsequent telephone call with Defendant Benjamin, he told AMP he did not have

time to meet with her at Office, so she had to come to his house to discuss the petition and


50. When AMP arrived at Defendant Benjamin's house, he took her to his den or home office.

When AMP sat down in the den or home office across from the chair Defendant Benjamin was in, she lost

her composure and began crying. Defendant Benjamin told AMP it was "going to be and she

needed to calm down. Defendant Benjamin advised AMP he was going to "fix everything". Defendant

Benjamin then, without permission or consent, placed his hands and AMP's knee. Defendant Benjamin

then pulled the chair AMP was sitting in closer to him and without permission or consent, placed his arms

around her and proceeded to place his hands on her back with his arms around her. Defendant Benjamin

then drew AMP to him and fully eilibraced her and said "everything was going to be

51. Without any permission or consent, Defendant Benjamin then slid his hands from AMP's

back to her waist area. AMP imillediately winced from pain because Defendant Benjamin touched

incision sites from her recent cesarean section surgery. Defendant Benjamin directed AMP to stand up.

When Plaintiff stood up, Defendant Benjamin told her to show him her surgical scars. Plaintiff lifted her

shirt just to show the area of her scars. Defendant Benjamin told AMP she "looked good for just having

a baby". He then instructed AMP to lift her shirt up further. AMP lifted her shirt up just below her breasts.

Plaintiff felt intimidated, harassed, uncomfortable and pressured to do what Defendant Benjamin told her

because she could not afford to retain another attorney. AMP reasonably feared Defendant Benjamin


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would make another sexual advance and stated she had to leave because her children were waiting for her.

Defendant Benjamin accepted this excuse and ceased his unwanted physical and sexual conduct.

52. Upon information and belief there was a Family Court hearing shortly thereafter before the

Hon. Rita Connerton. Although AMP advised Defendant Benjamin that Adam failed to adhere to the

existing scheduled video chats with the children for various reasons, he failed, refused or neglected to

submit this evidence to the Court. Defendant Benjamin further failed, refused or neglected to file

appropriate documentation with the Court and Adam and his parents obtained unsupervised visitation with

md overnight visitation with

53. Between April and October 2017, Defendant Benjamin repeatedly instructed AMP to come

to his home because he allegedly did not have time to meet with her at his Office. In addition, Defendant

Benjamin instructed AMP to meet him at Offices on Weekends when no one else was present.

On several of those occasions, Defendant Benjamin without permission or consent, placed his hands upon

3 AMP's waist and pulled her down to sit on his lap.

54. On or about June 2017, Adam filed another petition in Family Court for emergency

placement and custody of the children. Defendant Benjamin called AMP to inform her of the petition and

again told her he did not have time to meet with her at Office so she would have to come to

his house.

55. When AMP entered Defendant Benjamin's house, he directed her to his den or home office.

When they sat in the den or home office, Defendant Benjamin showed AMP the aforementioned Family

Court petition. Defendant Benjamin began yelling at and demeaning AMP. He told Plaintiff that if she

did not start doing things the way he wanted, when he wanted, the way he said so, she would lose her

children. Defendant Benjamin further told AMP that if she did not want to lose her children, she would

do what he told her.


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56. Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to stop sending text messages to Adam unless he

dictated them first. Subsequently, Defendant Benjamin drafted, dictated and otherwise prepared all text

messages AMP sent to Adam until November 2017 when Defendants abruptly ceased represeiiting or

appearing on behalf of AMP during a custody hearing or trial.

57. After several minutes, AMP stood up and told Defendant Bf.iij~miii she had to leave to get

back to her children. Without permission or consent, Defendant BertjaiÃxin grabbed AMP, drew her to him

and hugged her. While h»gt ing her, Defendant Benjamin and told AMP everything would be "fine". He

then, without permission or consent, rubbed and otherwise fondled AMP's breast. Defendant Benjai~i»

further placed his right hand on AMP's waist and attempted to forcibly shoved his left hand down

Plaintiff's pants against her will and without her consent.


58. At that point, AMP was aware of and fearful of Defendant Benjamin's next advance which

8 was clearly sexual knowing he had forced his hand down her pants. AMP pulled away from Defendant

Benjamin and made up an excuse that she was having her period and needed to return home to her children.

Defendant Befij~iTtifi accepted this excuse, ceased his forcible and unwarranted physical and sexual


59. Later in June 2017, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to come to his house concerning

another related custody matter. When Plaintiff arrived at Defendant Benjamin's house, they went to his

den or home office and both sat down in chairs. Defendant Bf'iij~miii requested Plaintiff's cell phone,

which she gave him.

60. Because of the allegations in the related matter, Plaintiff broke down and began to cry.

Defendant Benjamin pulled her chair closer to his. Without permission or consent, Defendant Benjamin

placed his hands upon Plaintiff s knees and then stood up. Defendant Beo!amto appeared fidgety. He


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then stood up and walked to the computer monitor in the den or home office. Plaintiff reinained in her


61. A few seconds later, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to come over to where he was

standing. A horse race appeared to be on the computer monitor. Plaintiff lost her composure, began to

cry again and begged Defendant Benjamin to help her with her children. Without her permission or

consent, Defendant Benjamin placed his arms around AMP and began to hug her.

62. Without her permission or consent, Defendant Benjamin proceeded to place both hands on

AMP's waist and began moving them upward against her upper torso. As he did, Defendant Benjamin

told AMP "it's going to be alright". Defendant Benjamin placed his hands upon AMP's breast and fondled

them. Without her permission or consent, Defendant Benjamin pulled up AMP's shirt and violently

shoved his hand down the front of her pants. When AMP attempted to step back, Defendant Benjamin

pulled forward and purposefully touched her genitals.

8 63. AMP was aware of and feared Defendant Benjamin's next physical advance which was

clearly sexual. AMP was able to pull away from Defendant Benjamin and once again stated that she was

having her period and needed to return home to her children. Defendant Benjamin accepted this excuse

and ceased his unwanted physical and sexual advances.

64. Between July and August 2017, Defendant Benjamin lured AMP to his home on the

pretense of discussing the custody and Family Court matters. On at least six (6) occasions during that

time period, Benjamin without permission or consent of AMP fondled her breast and several times

attempted to put his hands down her pants. On two (2) separate occasions Defendant Benjamin, without

the permission or consent of plaintiff, touched her genitals.


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65. AMP continued to return to Defendant Benjamin's house when instructed because she did

not have assets, funds, money or resources to retain other legal counsel and was afraid of losing her

children. Defendant Benjamin was fully aware that AMP lacked sufficient assets, funds, money or

resources to retain another attorney and repeatedly told her that if she did not do what he said, she would

lose her children.

66. Defendants never sent a bill or invoice for payment to AMP and similarly never asked for

any money.

67. Upon information and belief, during their representation of AMP, Defendants did not file

any opposition to Adam's filings, motions and petitions. Defendant Benjamin further refused to submit

any affidavits, letters, reports, or other evidence from the children's physicians about their

therapy and well-being.

68. In August 2017, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP she had to meet with him at his home

8 to discuss a Family Court petition or other custody matter. When AMP arrived at Defendant Benjamin's

house, he led her to his den or home office.


69. While in his den or home office, Defendant Benjamin told AMP he wanted her to rent an

apartment near Offices. AMP responded that she did not want to rent that apartment.

70. Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to come with him, and he led her into a bedroom

located on the first floor of the house.

71. After Defendant Benjamin led AMP into the bedroom, he took her cell phone and sat it on

the bed. Defendant Benjamin pulled his shirt from his pants, unbuckled his belt and unfasted his pants.

Defendant pulled his pants down below his exposed penis. AMP was aware of and feared Defendant

Benjamin's next advance which was clearly sexual.


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72. Defendant Benjamin placed his left hand on AMP's shoulder and his right hand on her

head. Defêñdañt Benjamin violently forced AMP's head down to his genitals and pulled her face forward.

Defendant then forcibly placed his penis into AMP's mouth several times against her will and without her


73. After she began crying, AMP was able to pull away. She ran out of Defendant Benjamin's

house to her car. As she drove home, AMP was forced to pull over to vomit.

74. Upon information and belief in September or October 2017, a petition was filed by

Defendants to iñcrease the amount of child support to be paid by Adam. The night before the hearing on

the petition, Defendant Benjamin wanted AMP to come to his house. Although AMP had initially told

Defendant Benjamin the day before she would meet him at his house, she was fearful of doing so because

of what had happened during her last visit. AMP was also afraid to say no to Defêñdant Benjamin because

he had repeatedly threatened to cease representing her if she did not do what he told her to do. Defendant

Benjamin called AMP's cell phone multiple times the night before the but she did not answer.

75. The morning of the aforesaid hearing, AMP was fearful when she called Defendant

Benjamin. Defendant Benjamin hung up when she first called. When AMP called back, he instructed her

to meet him in a parking lot near the Family Court building, which she did. As they walked from the

parking lot to the Family Court, Defendant Benjamin yelled, berated, belittled and otherwise verbally

abused AMP. Defendant Benjamin asserted AMP was somehow ungrateful and disrespectful.

76. Inside the Family Court Building, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to sit in a

conference room. When they sat down, Defendant Benjamin asked her for certain information pertaining

to Adam's prior employment and job offers he subsequently rejected, which she had previously supplied

to Defendant Benjamin. Defendant Benjamin became angry and again yelled at AMP because she did not

go to his house the night before. Defendant Benjamin told AMP that she would "pay for that later".


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77. When the attorneys were called into the courtroom, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP

to remain in the hallway. When he came out of the courtroom, Defendant Benjamin stated the Family

Court Judge did not know how handle the petition to increase child support and admitted he had filed the

petition a year too late.

78. Upon information and belief, during the pendency of all custody and Family Court matters,

the attorney for Adam had numerous conversations and meeting with the court appointed Attorneys for

the Children both in and out of court. Upon further information and belief, Defendants never spoke or

met with the Attorneys for the Children. When AMP reasonably asked Defendant Benjamin why he did

not speak or met with the Attorneys for the Children, Defendant Benjamin stated he did not have to speak

to them

79. In addition to the foregoing, Adam petitioned the Family Court for full custody of the

children and to remove them to Indiana. The Sunday before the custody hearing or trial in November

2017, Defendant Benjamin instructed AMP to meet him at Offices to prepare for her

testimony. Upon information and belief, there was no one at Offices that day.

80. During this meeting, Defendant Benjamin repeatedly told AMP she was not answering his

questions correctly. When AMP would not answer Defendant Benjamin's questions the way he wanted,

he told her "well they're your kids". When AMP continued answering questions in a manner which

Defendant Benjamin disagreed, he summarily told her "we are done". AMP immediately left


81. Defendant Benjamin appeared on behalf of AMP on the first day of the aforesaid custody

hearing or trial. A few days later, Defendant Benjamin called AMP claiming there were several e-mails

and letters from Adam's attorney to the Family Court Judge wanting to immediately assume custody.

Until that phone call, AMP was unaware of any such e-mails or letters and Defendant Benjamin did not


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provide them to her. Defendant Benjamin advised AMP to let Adam "take the kids". AMP rejected that

advice because her son was scheduled for surgery and was enrolled in the Applied Behavior Program at

the Binghamton University Child Developmeñt Center and other therapies. AMP reminded Defendant

Benjamin she had provided him with letters from her son's physicians on those issues. Defendant

Benjamin told her that was not good enough. Defendant Benjamin then and without
simply abruptly any

prior warning informed AMP he would no longer represent her and she would have to handle the

remainder of the custody hearing on her own. AMP demanded her file and all relevant paperwork.

Defendant Benjamin refused and had continued to refuse to provide AMP with a copy of her file.

82. Approximately fifteen (15) minutes after the aforementioned telephone conversation,

Defendant Benjamin called AMP again and informed her that the Family Court Judge had ordered her to

surrender the children to Adam the following day. That was the last time Defendant Benjamin spoke to


8 83. AMP attempted to represent herself in the custody matters. However, because Defendant

Benjamin failed, refused or neglected to prepare, file or submit a substitution of counsel form with the

Family Court, Defendants remained counsel of record for her and the Court would not have any contact

with AMP. As a direct and proximate result of failure, refusal or neglect to file or submit a

substitution of counsel form, despite several demands by her, AMP was unable to correct the negligence

and malpractice of Defendants. Similarly, AMP was unable to adequately defend or otherwise represent

herself in several other Family Court matters and petitions.

84. As a direct and proximate cause of negligence and malpractice, AMP and her

children were forced to relocate from Broome County to Indiana at great cost, expense, inconvenience

with loss of earnings.


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85. Despite due and repeated demands of AMP, Defendants have failed and refused to provide

her with a copy of her underlying files relating to the divorce, custody, Family Court and support matters.

86. AMP's claims fall within one or more of the exceptions of section 1602 of the Civil Practice

Law and Rules.


(Sexual Assault, Battery and Harassment)

87. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 86 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

88. Between June 2016 and August 2017, AMP was repeatedly and systematically lured and

coerced into going the house of Defendant Benjamin under the pretense of consultations related to her

legal matters being handled by Defendants.

89. Between June 2016 and August 2017, AMP was forcibly and violently sexually abused,

assaulted and sodomized by Defendant Benjamin.

90. The perverted and predatory actions of Defendant Benjamin again were against AMP's

o will and without her consent and offensive to her reasonable sense of dignity.

91. As a direct and proximate result of the unlawful sexual abuse, assaults and sodomy

perpetrated by Defendant Benjamin upon her, AMP has suffered physical pain and suffering.

92. As a further direct and proximate result of the sexual abuse, assaults and sodomy

perpetrated by Defendant Benjamin upon her, AMP has and continues to suffer anguish, anxiety, stress,

humiliation, emotional distress and mental pain and suffering, as well as adverse physical consequences.

93. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages against the

Defendant Benjamin is a sum which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest,

disbursements and costs.


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(Assault & Battery)

94. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 93 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

95. Between June 2016 and August 2017, AMP was forcibly and violently physically abused,

assaulted and battered by Defendant Benjamin.

96. Defendant Benjamin intended to cause and did cause harmful contact with AMP's person.

97. AMP did not consent to the actions of offensive actions of Defendant Benjamin which

injured her reasonable sense of dignity

98. As a direct and proximate result of the unlawful physical abuses, assaults and batteries

perpetrated by Defêñd=t Benjamin upon her, AMP suffered physical pain and suffering.

99. As a further direct and proximate result. of the physical abuses, assaults and batteries

perpetrated by Defendant Benjamin upon her, AMP has and contimles to suffer anguish, anxiety, stress,
humiliation, emotional distress and mental pain and suffering, as well as adverse physical consequences.

o 100. AMP
By reason ofthe foregoing, seeks monetary and punitive damages against Defendant

Benjamin in a sum which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts together with interest, costs and



(Verbal Assault, Battery and Harassment)

101. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphsl through 100 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein..

102. Between October 2016 and November 2017, AMP was repeatedly subjected to cruel,

unprovoked and unjustified verbal and harassment Defendant Benjamin

abuse, assault, battery by


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103. The verbal abuse, assault, battery and harassment Defendant Benjamin was offensive

to AMP's reasonable sense of dignity

104. As a direct and proximate cause of the verbal abuses, assaults, batteries and harassment

upon her, AMP has and continues to suffer anguish, anxiety, stress, humiliation, emotional distress, mental

pain and suffering, as well as adverse physical consequences.

105. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages in a sum which

exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts together with interest, costs and disbursements.


(Sexual Harassment)

106. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 105 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

107. At the time of all occurrences complained of herein were committed, AMP was a client of


108. At all relevant times herein, AMP's divorce case, custody and Family Court matters were

assigned to and otherwise handled by the Defendant Benjamin.

109. At all relevant times herein, Defendants, and particularly Defendant Benjamin, were fully

aware that AMP lacked the assets, funds, money or resources to pay for their legal services and/or retain

new counsel. Defendant Benjamin was in a position of power, authority and control over AMP.

110. During the course of representation of AMP and commencing in June 2016

until November 2017, Defendant Benjamin used his position of power, authority and control over AMP

to extort and demand as a condition of his continued legal representation that she submit to his

unwanted and non-consêñsual sexual actions, activity and conduct.


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111. The sexual actions, activity and conduct of Defendant Benjamin was unwelcomed by AMP

and against her will.

112. Defendant Benjamin was aware the sexual activity, conduct and actions demanded of AMP

was unwelcomed to AMP.

113. Benjamin demanded that AMP submit to his unwelcomed sexual advances as an express

and/or implied term and condition of his continued representation and provision of legal services to her

although they were not solicited by AMP, nor did she invite them, but rather AMP regarded such conduct

as undesirable, offensive and unwelcomed,

114. When AMP refused to submit any further to Defendant Benjamin's sexual actions,

activities and conduct, the diligence and quality of legal representation and services Defendant Benjamin

provided her materially and substantially diminished.

115. The pattern and practice of the sexual harassment complained of herein occurred between

3 June 2016 and November 2017, when Defendant Benjamin suddenly and without prior warning
terminated representation of AMP in all underlying matters.

116. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's sexual harassment, AMP has

and continued to suffer severe anguish, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, emotional distress,

humiliation and mental pain and suffering, as well as physical consequences.

117. As a further direct and proximate cause, AMP has and continues to sustain actual pecuniary

damages, including but not limited to costs related to the forced relocation of her and her children to

Indiana, costs of travel and loss of earnings.

118. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages in a sum which

exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts together with interest, costs and disbursements.


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(Intentional Infliction of Emetional Distress)

119. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 118 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein

120. The offensive and unlawful actions and conduct committed by Defendant Benjamin against

AMP were intended to cause her to suffer emotional distress, anguish, anxiety, depression,

embarrassment, humiliation and mental pain and suffering.

121. As a direct and proximate cause of the offensive and unlawful actions and conduct of

Defendant Benjamin, AMP has and continues to suffer severe emotional distress, anxiety, embarrassment,

depression, humiliation and mental pain and suffering.

122. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages in a sum which

exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts together with interest, costs and disbursements.


(Legal Malpractice)

123. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 122 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

124. At all times relevant herein, Defendants held themselves out to the public and AMP as

qualified and experienced to represent parties and provide legal advice and guidance with respect to all

divorce and matrimonial, maintenance, custody, child support and related matters.

125. At all times relevant herein, Defendants and AMP had an attorney-client relationship.

Defendants represented and otherwise provided legal advice and guidance to AMP in all matters relating

to the underlying divorce, including the equitable distribution of marital assets, spousal mainteñañce, child

custody and child support. Defendañts agreed and undertook to protect AMP's legal rights and interests

in said matters.


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126. Defendants continually represented AMP from May 12, 2016 until sometime in November


127. Defendants, as AMP's attorneys, had a duty to exercise ordinary and reasonable skill and

knowledge commonly possessed by a member of the legal profession and to handle her matters with the

utmost degree of honesty, forthrightness, loyalty and fidelity.

128. Upon information and belief, Defendants failed, refused or neglected to undertake or

perform any discovery, analysis or investigation relating to the true nature and amount of marital assets,

wasteful dissipation of marital assets by Adam, imputed income or correct amount of spousal maintêñance

and child support due AMP.

129. Defendants failed, refused or neglected to adequately prepare and diligently represent

AMP's interests with respect to all matters, including but not limited to custody, maintenance and support


130. Without consulting with AMP or obtaining her approval and consent, Defendants

unilaterally agreed to a settlement of AMP's divorce action.


131. The terms of the divorce settlement unilaterally negotiated and accepted by Defendants,

without AMP's knowledge, consult or approval, were conscionable, unfair and inequitable. The divorce

settlement failed to adequately address, remedy or provide for Adam's wasteful dissipation of marital

assets, his imputed income, spousal maintenance and statutory child support. It further provided for only

a three thousand ($3,000.00) dollar distributive award to AMP as equitable distribution of the marital

assets. Defendants, who were aware at the outset of their representation that AMP lacked assets, funds or

resources to pay for their legal fees and who had expressly indicated Adam would pay their fees, demanded

the three thousand ($3,000.00) distributive award as compensation for their legal fees.


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132. When told of unilateral decision to settle the divorce action and explanation

of the terms, AMP informed Defendant Benjamin the settlement terms were unacceptable and she would

not agree to settle and thus end the divorce action.

133. Defendant Benjamin informed AMP that if she did not sign the divorce settlement

documents, he would no longer represent her, and she would have no attorney to assist her with the future

custody maters.

134. Defendant Benjamin was well aware that AMP lacked sufficient assets, funds, money or

other resources to retain another attorney to represent her with the custody matters and that she was

petrified she may lose custody of her children.

135. actions caused overwhelming anxiety, fear and duress with AMP, depriving

her of the means of acting independently in her own best interests, to make informed judgments about her

case, legal interests and options, and placing her under the influence of Defendant Benjamin, who violated

8 his duties to AMP by placing his own monetary interests ahead of the interests of his client.

136. Under the coercion and duress of actions, AMP executed the divorce

settlement documents, which did not resolve the custody and child support issues.

137. Defendants failed to exercise the ordinary and reasonable skill and knowledge commonly

possessed by a member of the legal profession and thus departed from the standard of care and breached

their retainer in that they: (a) failed to provide proper legal advice and guidance; (b) did not conduct or

perform any discovery, investigation or analysis as to the nature and value of the marital estate and assets;

(b) did not conduct or perform any discovery, investigation or analysis of Adam's wasteful dissipation of

marital assets and his imputed income; (c) did not petition or seek appropriate temporary spousal

maintenance; (d) did not petition or seek appropriate temporary child support; (e) did not conduct or

perform any discovery, investigation or analysis to determine the proper amounts of temporary and


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permañcñt spousal maintenance; (f) did not conduct or perform any discovery, investigation or analysis

to determine the proper amounts of temporary and permañëñt child support; (e) failed to properly advise,

consult and otherwise communicate with AMP during negotiations for a settlemêñt of the divorce action;

(f) agreed to the terms settling the divorce action without the prior knowledge, approval or consent of

AMP; (g) placing their financial interests over the interests of their client; (h) forced, pressured and

coerced AMP into agreeing to settlement terms which she disagreed with and did not want to enter into;

and (i) other negligence, careless and recklessness.

138. But for negligence and conflict of interest, AMP would have had a more

successful outcome in the divorce action, including but not limited to the equitable distribution of marital

assets, spousal maintenance, custody matters and child support.

139. As a direct and proximate cause of careless, negligence and conflict of

interests, AMP has and continues to sustain actual pecuniary daniages, including but not limited to loss

of equitable distribution of marital assets, spousal maintenance and child support in an amount not

presently ascertainable but believed to exceed the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with statutory

interests, costs and disbursement.


(Legal Malpractice)

140. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 139 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

141. At all times relevant herein, Defendants held themselves out to the public and AMP as

competent, qualified and experienced to represent parties and provide legal advice and guidance with

respect to custody, child support, Family Court and other related matters.

142. At all times relevant herein, Defendants and AMP had an attorney-client relationship.

Defendants represented and otherwise provided legal advice and guidance to Plaintiff in all matters


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relating to the underlying custody, child support, Family Court proceedings and other related matters.

Defendants agreed and undertook to protect AMP's legal rights and interests in said matters.

143. Defendants continually represented AMP from May 12, 2016 until sometime in Noveinber


144. Defendants, as AMP's attorneys, had a duty to exercise ordinary and reasciiable skill and

knowledge commonly possessed by a iñeinber of the legal profession and to handle her matters with the

utmost degree of honesty, forthrightness, loyalty and fidelity.

145. Defendants failed to exercise the ordinary and reasonable skill and knowledge commonly

possessed by a ñieinber of the legal profession and thus departed from the standard of care and breached

their retainer in that they: (a) did not conduct or perform any discovery, investigation or analysis in any

custody, support or other related Family Court matter; (b) failed to adequately or properly prepare

responses to the various Family Court proceedings and related matters; (c) failed to provide proper legal

advice and guidance; (d) failed to properly consult, confer and communicate with AMP; (e) failed to

properly prepare for court appearatices, hearings and trials; (f) failed to properly and adequately prepare

AMP for court appearances, hearings and trials; (g) did not contact, consult or communicate with the court

appointed Attorneys for the Children; (h) failed to file timely petitions, motions and requests with the

family Court; (i) without warning or provocation abruptly unilaterally ceased representing AMP or

providing any legal advice or guidance during the pendency of a custody hearing or trial without seeking

court approval to withdraw as counsel or arranging for the substitution of counsel; (j) failed, refused or

neglected to timely file an appropriate consent to change attorney or substitution of counsel form; and (1)

were otherwise careless, negligent and reckless.

146. Defendants further violated their duties by placing their own personal, business and

financial interests above those of their client.


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147. But for malpractice and conflicts of interest, AMP would have had more

successful outcomes in the various custody and Family Court matters, including but not limited to

increased child support, and would not have incurred unwarranted costs associated with the need to

relocate her and her children to Indiana, costs of travel and loss earnings.

148. As a direct and proximate cause of negligence and conflict of interests, AMP

has and continues to sustain actual pecuniary damages in an amount which is not yet ascertainable but

believed to exceed the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with statutory interests, costs and



(Breach of Fiduciary Duties)

149. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 148 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

150. Defendants, as attorneys for AMP, owed a fiduciary duty of loyalty to her and to refrain

from obtaining any personal, business or financial advantage at her expense

151. Defendants breached their fiduciary duties by: (a) negotiating a settlement of the

underlying divorce action without the knowledge, approval or consent of AMP, which among other things,

provided her with only a three thousand ($3,000) dollar distributive award and then despite previous

representations that Adam would pay their attorney's fees, retaining the entire amount for their legal fees;

(b) attempting to engage in an inappropriate relationship with AMP; (c) engaging in an inappropriate

relationship with AMP; (d) sexually abusing, assaulting and sodomized AMP; (e) physically assaulting

AMP; (f) verbally assaulting AMP; (g) coercing and forcing AMP to agree to a settlement of the

underlying divorce action; (h) abruptly ceasing to represent AMP during the pendency of a custody

hearing and/or trial; and (i) placing their own interests above those of their clients.


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152. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant's breach of fiduciary duties, AMP has and

continues to sustain actual pecuniary damages.

153. By reason ofthe foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages against Defendants

in a sum which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest, disbursements and costs.



154. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 153 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

155. Defendants owed AMP a duty to act as her attorneys without the use of intimidation,

coercion, verbal, physical and sexual abuse and free of conflicts of interests.

156. The actions, conduct and omissions of Defendants were careless, negligent and reckless.

157. As a direct and proximate cause of negligence, AMP suffered physical pain

and suffering.

158. As a further direct and proximate cause of negligence, AMP has and continues

to suffer anguish, anxiety, depression, humiliation, stress, emotional distress and mental pain and

suffering, as well as physical consequences.

159. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary damages against Defendants in a sum

which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest, disbursements and costs.


(Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress)

160. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 159 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

161. The Defendants negligently, carelessly and recklessly disregarded the high probability that

AMP would sustain and suffer severe anguish, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, emotional distress,

humiliation and mental pain and suffering.


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162. The negligent, careless, reckless and offensive actions, conduct and omissions of the

Defendants caused AMP to suffer anguish, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, emotional distress,

humiliation and mental pain and suffering.

163. As a direct and proximate cause of the negligent, careless, reckless and offensive actions,

conduct and omissions AMP has and continues to suffer severe anguish, anxiety, depression,

embarrassment, emotional distress, humiliation and mental pain and suffering, with physical


164. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages in a sum which

exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest, costs and disbursements.


(Gross Negligence)

165. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 164 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.
166. The above described actions, commissions and omissions of the Defendant Benjamin

8 constituted a wanton, willful and/or reckless disregard and indifference to the rights of AMP that were so

careless and reckless to evidence a complete disregard to her rights, well-being and safety.

167. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's wanton, willful and/or reckless

disregard for the rights, well-being and safety of her, AMP has sustained and suffers physical pain and


168. As a further direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's wanton, willful and/or

reckless disregard for the rights, well-being and safety of her, AMP has and continues to suffer anguish,

anxiety, depression, embarrassment, emotional distress, humiliation and mental pain and suffering with

physical consequences.


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169. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages against Defendant

Benjamin in a sum which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest, costs and



(Violation of Professional and Ethical Duties)

170. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 169 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

171. As an attorney licensed to practice law within the State of New York, Defendant Benjamin

has certain professional and ethical duties and obligations, but not limited to those within the

Rules of Professional Conduct.

172. At all times relevant herein, Defendant Benjamin violated his professional and ethical

duties and obligations by: (a) failing to diligently and competently handle AMP's legal matters; (b) failing

to properly communicate with AMP; (c) failing to properly inform AMP of all decisions and

circumstances; (d) failing to keep AMP reasonably informed about the status of her legal matters; ( e)

failing to reasonably consult with AMP about the means by which her legal objectives were to be

accomplished; (f) failing to properly comply with AMP's reasonable requests for information; (g)

continuing to represent and provide legal advice and guidance while having clear financial, property and

personal conflicts of interest with AMP; (h) attempting to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a

client; (i) engaging in inappropriate conduct with a client; (j) sodomizing AMP; (k) employing coercion,

intimidation and undue influence in entering into sexual acts, activity and conduct incident to professional

representation; . and (k) attempting to enter into sexual relations with AMP during the course of

representing her in the various domestic relations matters; (i) engaging in unwanted and nonconsensual

sexual relations with AMP during the course of representing her in the various domestic relations matters;


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(j) sexually assaulting and sodomizing AMP during the course of the various domestic relations matters;

and (1) failing to send itemized or any bills to AMP.

173. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's violations of his professional

and ethical duties, AMP has suffered physical pain and suffering.

174. As a further direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's violations of his

professional and ethical duties, AMP has and continues to suffer anguish, anxiety, embarrassment,

emotional distress, humiliation and mêñtal pain and suffering, as well as adverse physical consequences.

175. By reason of the foregoing, AMP seeks monetary and punitive damages against Defendant

Benjamin in a sum which exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts, together with interest, disbursements

and costs.


(Violation of Judiciary Law § 487)

176. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 175 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

177. Judiciary Law § 487 provides that:

An attorney or counselor who:

1. Is guilty of any deceit or collusion, or consents to

any deceit or collusion, with intent to deceive the

court or any party; or

2. delays his client's suit with a view to his own .

gain; or, willfully receives money or allowance for or on
account of money which he has not laid out, or becomes answerable for,

Is guilty of a misdemeanor, and in addition to the punishment prescribed

therefore by the penal law, he forfeits to the party injured treble d amages to be

recovered in a civil suit.

178. By reason of the foregoing, Defendant Benjamin engaged in deceit and collusion with the

intent to deceive AMP.


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179. Defendant Benjamin êñgaged in such deceitful and fraudulent conduct continuously and

repeatedly from at least May 12, 2016 through November 2017 when Defendant Benjamin suddenly and

without warning abandoned and ceased representing AMP in the custody hearing and trial.

180. Defendant Benjamin

deceitfully stated and represented to AMP he would take her case and

represent her in the underlying divorce action without a fee to her, but when he coerced her into accepting

the terms of the settlement agreement he accepted without her knowledge, consent or approval which

provided her with only a three thousand ($3,000.00) dollar distributive award, he retained it as

fees for representing her in the divorce action.

181. At all relevant times, Defendant Benjamin was fully aware that AMP lacked the assets,

funds, money or resources to pay for legal fees and services or retain new counsel. Defendant

Benjamin was in a position of power, authority and control over AMP.

182. During the course of representation of AMP and commêñcing in June 2016

until November 2017, Defendant Benjamin used his position of power, authority and control over AMP

as leverage to mislead and deceitfully demand as a condition of his continued legal representation that she

repeatedly submit to his unwanted and non-consensual sexual actions, assault, activity and conduct and


183. Upon information and belief, Defendant Benjamin delayed and prolonged the custody,

Family Court proceedings and other related matters for his own personal gain, including but not limited

to his continued ability to subject AMP to his unwanted and nonconsensual sexual activities, assault,

conduct and sodomy.

184. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant Benjamin failed, refused or neglected to diligently

and properly represent, advise and/or guide AMP in her legal matters.


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185. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's deceitful conduct, AMP has and

continues to sustain actual pecuniary daiiiages, including but not limited to loss of appropriate child

support, spousal maintenance, relocation costs, travel costs and loss of earnings.

186. As a further direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's deceitful conduct, AMP

has sustained physical pain and suffering.

187. As a further direct and proximate cause of Defendant Benjamin's deceitful conduct, AMP

has and continued to suffer anguish, anxiety, embarrassment, emotional distress, humiliation and mental

pain and suffering, as well as adverse physical consequences.

188. By reason of the foregoing, AMP has been harmed and damaged in an amount which

exceeds the jurisdiction of all lower courts and is entitled to treble damages by virtue of Judiciary Law

§ 487.


(Punitive Damages)

189. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 188 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

190. The abusive, cruel, deceptive, predatory, perverted and otherwise improper acts of

Defendant Benjamin in his physical, emotional and sexual abuse, liaiassinent and sodomization of AMP

as described herein were so malicious, offensive and outrageous that it constitutes conduct which no

civilized society should be required to tolerate and therefore Defendant Benjamin should be punished for

his outrageous, egregious, oppressive and reprehensible conduct and deterred from such conduct in the

future, as an example to others similarly situated by an award of punitive damages.

191. By virtue of the foregoing, AMP is entitled to an award of punitive damages against

Defendant Benjamin.


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(Vicarious Liability)

192. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 191 as if more fully set forth and

restated herein.

193. Upon information and belief, Defendant Benjamin is a partner, member, attorney,

employee, agent or servant of the Defendant LORB.

194. Defendant LORB, by and through its partner, member, attorney, employee, agent of

servant, Defendant Benjamin represented and provided legal advice and guidance to AMP as described


195. The acts, activity, conduct, deceptions and deviations of Defendant Benjamin were

committed within the scope of his capacity as a partner, member, attorney, employee, agent or servant of

Defendant LORB and while furthering its interests.

196. The Defendant LORB knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known of

Defendant Benjamin's abusive, cruel, deceptive, predatory, perverted and otherwise improper acts as

described herein

197. By virtue of the foregoing, the Defendant LORB is vicariously liable for all acts, activity,

conduct, deception and deviations committed by Defendant Benjamin.

WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff M. P hereby demands a jury trial and judgment in her

favor in a monetary amount to be determined by a jury, including for pain and suffering, pecuniary

damages, punitive damages, treble damages, statutory interest, costs and disbursements to the fullest

extent permitted by law, and such other and further relief this Court deems just and proper.


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DATED: November 18, 2019


Attorneys for the Plaintiff

Office and Post Office Address

500 Plum Street, Suite 300

Syracuse, New York 13204-1401

Telephone: (315) 422-1152


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A M. P being duly sworn, deposes and says that depoñênt is the Plaintiff

in the within action; that deponent has read the foregoing Ce =gl:;ªt and knows the coñtêñts

thereof·, that the same is true to deponent's own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated

to be alleged upon informati0ñ and belief, and that as to those matters dep0ñcnt tollwyea them to

be true.

A M. P

Subsc d and sworn to before me

this a o Nov , 1 .

. 6 ry Public

; 4.Jc.#01EL2281969
Notary Publio-Stateof New York
. , Qualmedin Broome
Ñty Commisslen Empires MAY13,


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