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Kegiatan Belajar 1 Introduction (Perkenalan) Tujuan Pembelajaran

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Setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar :

1. Peserta didik dapat menyebutkan dan membeda bedakan macam macam sapaan dalam

bahasa Inggris

2. Peserta didik dapat merespon sapaan dan ungkapan perkenalan


Baiklah para peserta didik kita akan mempelajari beberapa ungkapan, yaitu :

Expressions of Introduction:

 Introducing self
 Introducing others
 Greetings
 Leave-Taking/Partings

Modul 1 Bahasa Inggris, Introducing and Simple Present Tenses

Sumber gambar:

Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk memperkenalkan diri :

- Allow me to introduce myself. My name’s . . . .

- Let me introduce myself. I’m . . . .

- Hello, my name is ……..

- I am ………..

- How do you do?

- Nice to meet/see you. My name’s . . . ./ I’m . . . .

- Etc

Example :

Naufal : Hi… Let me introduce myself for you. My name is Naufal. I live on Jl.

Usman bin Affan, Cempaka Arum. My hobby is singing. I study at

Istiqomah Senior High School, Bandung.

Introducing the others (memperkenalkan orang lain)

- Let me introduce my headmaster, . . . .

- May I introduce my friend, his/her name is . . . .

- I’d like to introduce my teacher. Mr./Mrs . . . .

- This is Mr./Mrs. . . . .

- How do you do?

- Nice to meet/see you.

- Etc

Example :

Fatan : Hi Anggi. Let me introduce my friend. He is Rais. He is from

Ciamis. He studies at 1 Junior High School, Ciamis.

Anggi : How do you do?

Rais : How do you do? Nice to meet you.

Anggi : Nice to meet you too.

* Greetings

- Hi…

- Hello…

- Good morning

- Good afternoon

- Good evening

- Good night

- How are you?

- How is everything?

- How’s life?

- How are you doing?

- Great, thanks.

- Fine, thanks.

- So-so, thanks.

- Pretty well, thanks.

- I’m very well, thank you?

- Everything is ok.

- Etc

Example :

Irfan : Good morning Sir.

Bambang ; Good morning.

Irfan : How is everything?

Bambang : I am fine. Thank you.


- Good bye

- See you
- See you later

- Bye

- Bye bye

- See you tomorrow.

- See you next time.

- Etc

Example :

Firman : Ok. I have to see my sister. See you.

Gonzales : See you. Be careful!


We introduce ourselves by saying our name. It is a way to connect with someone.

You may introduce yourself differently but there are some ways to introduce

ourselves :

 Let me introduce my self. My name’s …

 How do you do

 Hello, my name is …

Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make

their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of

relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between

individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other’

Some examples are :

 Hi

 Hello

 How are you ?

 How’s life ?

 I am fine, thank you


Task 1 :Please, ask to your friend about his/her identity. After that introduce

him/her in front of the class!





Task 5 : Now, please give responses for these dialogues!

1. Ana : Hi, bro. How are you today?

Nahnu : ______________________

2. Anta : Let me introduce myself. My name is Anta.

Anti : __________________________________

3. Antum : Ok. This is the time for me to go home. See you.

Antuna : __________________________________

4. Alit : Good bye, my friend.

Adi : __________________________________

5. Ade : Good morning, Sir. How are you today?

Rayi : __________________________________


1. Ahmad : “Hello, Amir ….”

Amir : “Hi, Emir. I am Amir”.

Emir : “Hi, Amir. Nice to meet you”.

A. This is Emir. C. How do you do?

B. This is Amir. D. How are you?

2. Teti : “What’s your name?”

Siti : “My name is Siti”.

Teti : “How are you?”

Siti : “….”

A. How do you do? C. Hello.

B. Fine, thanks. D. Hi.

3. Cucu : “Hello, Tine. Let me introduce my partner”.

Aris : “How do you do? Nice to see you.”

Nia : “….”

A. Hello. C. Nice to see you, too.

B. How do you do? D. it’s alright.

4. Okta : How is your father?

Markus : . . . .

A. I don’t want to quarrel with you.

B. No, I’m serious.

C. See you next week.

D. He is so-so, thank you.

5. Septi : Are you waiting someone?

Ayuni : Yes, it’s right.

Septi : Who is he?

Ayuni : Fajar.

Septi : Which Fajar? Is UNPAD’s student?

Ayuni: Yes, you are right. Do you know him?

Septi : Of course I know him. He is my boyfriend.

Ayuni : Don’t be kidding.

Septi : No, I’m serious. We don’t have problem.

Ayuni. : Exactly, he is my boy friend. But I don’t want to quarrel with you. I

should go now. Bye, Septi.

From the dialogue we know that . . . .

A. Septi and Ayuni have different boy friend.

B. Ayuni and Septi are waiting for the different boy.

C. Septi and Ayuni are waiting for their boy friend..

D. Ayuni and Septi have same boy friend.




Setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar peserta didik diharapkan dapat menyusun kalimat sederhana

dengan pola S + V1 + O


Baiklah para peserta didik kita akan mempelajari tentang SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE.

Please study simple present tense on


Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1. Pengertian Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian

yang terjadi pada saat ini. Bentuk kata kerja ini paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Penjelasan dan Rumus Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense dibentuk dari verb-1 (present tense) atau linking verb “be” (is,
am, are). Apaitu verb-1? Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -S

atau -es (contoh verb-1: does, goes, wants) khusus untuk subject berupa singular

noun (kata benda tunggal: Tita, book, car) atau third person singular pronoun (kata

ganti orang ketiga tunggal: she, he, it); atau tanpa tambahan apapun (contoh verb-

1: do, go, want) untuk subject berupa plural noun (boys, men, books)

atau plural pronoun (we, they), pronoun I/you, atau compound subject (you and

me, Tina and Ratih).

Berikut rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.

Kalimat Rumus Simple Present Tense Contoh Simple Present Tense

Positif (+) S+V-1

S +/- auxiliary (do/does) + bare infinitive

She eats banana

S + be (am/is/are) The children are naughty.

Negative (-) S + auxiliary (do/does) + not +bare infinitive

She doesn’t eat banana

S + be(am/is/are) + not The children aren’t naughty

Interogatif (?) Do/Does + S + bare infinitive Does she like eating out

Be(am/is/are) + S Are the children naughty


Pada kalimat positif, normalnya auxiliary verb (do/does) tidak digunakan,melainkan hanya digunakan
jika perlu untuk memberi penekanan pada keharusan melakukan aksi.

Simple Present Tense vs. Present Continuous Tense

Aktivitas atau kejadiaan pada simple present tense terjadi pada saat ini (present) namun tidak benar-
benar sedang berlangsung seperti present continuous tense.

Berikut perbandingannya.

 Simple present tense: He sleeps without a pillow.

(Dia tidur tanpa bantal. ≈ habit)

 Present continuous tense: He is sleeping without a pillow.

(Dia sedang tidur tanpa bantal)

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1. Fungsi Kalimat Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense untuk menyatakan habitual action (kebiasaan) dimana sering digunakan adverb of

frequency (always, often, usually, everyday/week, month, all the time,etc) sebagai time signals.

He always consumes low GI rice.

(Dia selalu mengonsumsi beras rendah GI.)

She sends much money to her parents

in the village every month.

(Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.)

Factual (kebenaran umum/fakta yang tak terbantahkan)

The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.

(Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam di ufuk barat.)

Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. (Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.)

Simple present tense digunakan untuk membuat simple statement yang berlaku general (berlaku kapan
saja) maupun tidak general (menggunakan verb be).

I live in Jakarta.

(Saya tinggal di Jakarta)

She is so beautiful.

(Dia sangat cantik.)

He’s angry.

(Dia marah.) [tidak general: terjadi sekarang]

Simple present tense menggunakan stative verb untuk menyatakan perasaan (feeling), indera (sense),
pikiran (mental state), atau kepemilikan (possession).

She loves dancing. (Dia suka menari.)

I see tears in your eyes. (Saya melihat air mata di matamu.)

We agree with the speaker’s opinion. (Kami setuju dengan pendapat pembicara tersebut.)

My brother owns a new house.(Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru.)

Simple present tense digunakan untuk membicarakan rencana atau jadwal dimasa depan namun
memiliki jangka waktu.

The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’clock. (Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense dekat dengan sekarang. Umumnya membicarakan tentang
transportasi atau event. Verb yang biasa digunakan antara lain: arrive, come, leave.malam ini jam 7.)

He arrives from Osaka at 1 pm. (Dia tiba dari Osaka jam 1 siang.)

The ceremony starts at nine. (Upacara dimulai jam sembilan.)

Simple present tensedigunakanuntukmemberikan instruksi atau serial aksi.

You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it. (Kamu tambah segelas santan kedalam panci
lalu rebus.)

You go straight ahead then turn left. (Kamu jalan lurus kedepan lalu belok kiri.)

Simple present tense digunakan pada conditional sentence tipe 1.

If you meet the naughty boy, your parents will be angry.

(Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu, orangtuamu akan marah.)

I will go swimming if I have free time. (Saya akan pergi berenang jika ada waktu.)


SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE menjelaskan kegiatan yang berlangsung saat ini.


S + V1(s/es) + O + Adverb

We use the simple present to indicate general truth and a regular or habitual action in the present.

Negative form :

S + do/does + not + V1 + O + Adverb

Interrogative form :

Do/Does + S + V1 + O + Adverb

Adverb of time : Every . . . , Always, Often, Seldom, etc

Examples :

1. Andi always walks to school every day.

2. Andi doesn’t get on a car every day.

3. Does Andi go to school by bus every day.


A. Please complete these sentences!

1. The teacher (ask) . . . the students every time.

2. Amin (sing) … a song every day.

3. Rani (listen to) … music every day.

4. Lukman (play) … football every week

5. The students (study) … always English.

B. Post Test :

1. Sellers always . . . their products.

A. bid C. feel

B. order D. fall

2. I … to Ciwidey every Lebaran’s Day.

A. go C. went

B. goes D. going

3. You …to music every day.

A. sing C. play

B. listen D. study
4. He … football every afternoon.

A. play C. played.

B. plays D. playing

5. She … panorama of Lembang at the school.

A. draw C. drew

B. draws D. drawing

Daftar Pustaka

Suhara, Toteng. 2014. LKS INOVATIF BAHASA INGGRIS. Bandung.

Sudarwati, Th. M. 2016. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH. Bandung. PT ERLANGGA.

Suhara, Toteng. 2014. LKS INOVATIF BAHASA INGGRIS. Bandung.

Sudarwati, Th. M. 2016. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH. Bandung. PT ERLANGGA.

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