Mr. Look
Mr. Look
Mr. Look
Introducing ourself
Pertanyaan yang lazim dalam dialog transaksional tentang perkenalan:
- What is your name?
- Where are you from?/Where do you come from?
- Where do you live?
- What is your father (Menanyakan pekerjaan)
- What does your mother do? (menanyakan aktifitas pekerjaan yang dilakukan)
Possessiv Possessiv
Subjectiv Objectiv
Personal e e Meaning
e e
Adjective pronoun
You You Your Yours Kamu
Third They Them Their Theirs Mereka
Congratulating (Congratulation) adalah memberi ucapan selamat kepada
orang lain atas prestasi dan kebahagiaan yang diraih. Contohnya: Juara
lomba di sekolah, di luar sekolah, kelulusan, pindah rumah, kenaikan
jabatang(promotion), mendapatkan momongan/bayi, pernikahan, dan lain-
Congratulating Responses
- Congratulations! - Thanks
- Congratulations, Shidqi! - Thank you
- Congratulations for winning the - Thank you very much
bike race! - Thanks a lot
- Congratulations Zahra to become - Thak you so much
the champion of the English speech - Thanks for saying so
contest - It’s very kind of you to say so
- Congratulation on your graduation!- This is because you’re always with
- That’s great me.
- Well done! - I’m glad you think so
- Wow, you made such wonderful -
Contoh Dialog
Dialogue 1
Ana : I heard you win the singing contest last night, Siti. Is that right?
Siti : You’re right, Ana.
Ana : Congratulations, Siti! I’m proud of you. I hope you’ll be winner
again next time.
Siti : Thanks, Ana. You’re very kind to say so.
Ana : You’re welcome.
I Complimenting
Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.
Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on
doing their best and even improve their performance.
(Compliment adalah sebuat ungkapan untuk mengapresiasi atau memuji
orang lain. Pujian atau apresiasi sangat penting untuk memberikan semangat
kepada orang lain sehingga mereka akan tetap konsisten mempertahankan
prestasi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya.)
Contoh Dialog:
Announcement(Pengumuman) adalah pemberitahuan baik secara lisan
maupun tulis yang ditujukan kepada orang lain/khalayak umummmengenai
suatu informasi tertentu.
Social Fuction (tujuan)
To give information formally to others of certain events. Yaitu untuk memberi
informasi secara formal kepada orang lain mengenai even tertentu.
In my opinion.....
I think.....
What I mean is.....
Personally I think.....
In my experience.....
According to me.....
I strongly believe that.....
As far as I am concerned.....
From my point of view.....
As I understand.....
As I see it.....
I reckon.....
I am compelled to say.....
By this I mean.....
To my mind.....
Would like to point out that.....
In my humble opinion.....
Of course.
This is absolutely right.
I agree with this opinion.
I couldn't agree more.
I agree with what you are saying.
I agree, I never thought of that.
Neither do I.
That's a good point.
I think so too.
Contoh bagaimana untuk setuju dan tidak setuju dalam sebuah opini
Statement Agree Disagree
Children below 17 I don't agree with you,
should be given right I agree with your opinion it is forbidden to let children under 17 to
to drive a motorcycle drive a motorcycle
I think it would be harmful to let
Parents must giving
I couldn't agree more with children use smartphone. Because there
smartphone to their
you. are so much bad influence on the
Yes, I agree. The novel
The novel version of
version had a many details
Twilight is better than That's not the same thing at all.
of story hidden from the
its film
Instant noodle is good I agree with what you are I am afraid that i have to disagree with
you, because instant noodle have many
for your health. saying.
chemical things inside it.
Smoking should be I totally agree that smoking
I am sorry but I tend to disagree with
banned in public should be banned in public
you on this.
places. places.
Report text
“Report text is a text which presents information about something generally,
as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis”
Report text adalah teks yang menunjukkan informasi tentang sesuatu pada
umumnya dan apa adanya. Report text ini merupakan hasil dari observasi
penelitian dan analisa sistematis.
Karena menunjukkan sebuah hasil penelitian ilmiah, maka report text ini biasanya
merupakan hal seputar hal-hal ilmiah di sekitar kita, misalnya fenomena alam, tata-
surya, planet, hewan, tanaman, kehidupan sosial manusia, negara, budaya,
transportasi dan lain sebagainya.
1. General Classification
Tahap awal ini merupakan pernyataan mengenai apa yang sedang dibahas
secara umum.
2. Description
Tahap kedua ini merupakan sebuah inti yang menjelaskan detail dari general
classification, bagian per bagian.
Contoh Report
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century in Europe and as of 2003, more
than 1 billion have been produced worldwide, twice as many as the number of
automobiles that have been produced. They are the principal means of
transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation,
and have been adapted for use as children's toys, general fitness, military and
police applications, courier services, and bicycle racing.
The bicycle's invention has had an enormous effect on society, both in terms
of culture and of advancing modern industrial methods. Several components that
eventually played a key role in the development of the automobile were initially
invented for use in the bicycle, including ball bearings, pneumatic tires, chain-
driven sprockets, and tension-spoked wheels.
Materi Expression of Warning
Giving warning is the expression which is spoken when we want to warn about
something to another person.
Contoh Kalimat
No smoking (Jangan merokok)
No littering (Jangan buang sampah sembarangan)
No swimming (Jangan berenang)
Don't step in the grass! (jangan menginjak rumput!)
Don't read books loudly in the library! (jangan mebaca keras di
Don't swim too far! (jangan berenang terlalu jauh!)
Don't go away! (jangan pergi!)
Don't leave me! (jangan tinggalkan aku!)
Don't blame her! (jangan salahkan dia!)
Don't eat too much! (jangan makan terlalu banyak!)
Contoh Kalimat
1. Command (Perintah)
Command merupakan kalimat yang tegas dan biasanya diakhiri dengan
exclamation (!) atau tanda seru karena sifatnya yang memerintahkan seseorang.
Kalimat Command juga dapat berupa larangan dengan menambahkan don't
(jangan) di depan kalimat.
Contoh Kalimat:
2. Request (Permintaan)
Request adalah sebuah kalimat permohonan atau permintaan, dapat juga berbentuk
kalimat perintah namun bahasanya lebih halus dan tidak menggunakan
exclamation (!). Dapat diartikan kalimat ini lebih sopan.
Contoh Kalimat:
3. Direction (Petunjuk)
Direction adalah petunjuk untuk melakukan suatu hal dengan melalui tindakan-
tindakan atau langkah-langkah yang runtut. Contohnya dapat dilihat
pada Procedure Text, Manual, atau ketika seseorang menunjukan jalan ke tempat
Contoh Kalimat:
Turn left when you see a roundabout. (belok kiri ketika kamu melihat
Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67. (belok kanan
di akhir jalan dan nomor rumahku adalah 67)
Wash the mangoes to remove any dirt. Then peel the ripe mangoes (Cuci
mangga untuk membuang kotoran. Kemudian kupas mangganya)
Put the chopped garlic and onion into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a
while. (masukkan potongan bawang merah dan bawang putih ke dalam
minyak panas)
Press and hold the Power button. If the iPhone is already on, the screen will
wake up and you can unlock the screen. If the iPhone is off, you'll need to
keep holding the button until you see the Apple logo (Tekan dan tahan
tombol power. Jika ponselnya sudah menyala, layar akan ikut menyala dan
anda bisa membuka kunci layar. Jika anda ingin mematikan iphone, anda
harus menekan terus tombol sampai anda melihat logo Apple.)
Materi kelas XII
Materi Making Suggestions (Memberi Saran)
Making Suggestions (Memberi Saran)
Making suggestions berarti kita menyampaikan ide atau rencana kepada orang
lain untuk dipertimbangkan. Ide atau rencana tersebut mungkin khusus untuk
dilakukan orang tersebut atau untuk dilakukan bersama-sama.
ontoh kalimat
Ada berbagai formula untuk making suggestions. Berikut beberapa yang umum
dalam bahasa Inggris.
Procedure Text
Pengertian Procedure Text
Struktur Penjelasan
Introductory Introductory paragraph (paragraf pembuka) atau hanya title
Paragraph or Title (judul) yang menyatakan tujuan dari procedure.
Daftar bahan/alat yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan
List of Material procedure yang dapat berupa daftar, paragraf, atau
tidak disebutkan.
Serangkaian langkah untuk menyelesaikan procedure dengan
Sequence of Steps
urutan yang tepat.
Contoh Imperative:
You Add water to the mixture.
(Tambahkan air ke dalam campuran tersebut.)
You Beat egg whites until they are stiff.
(Kocok putih telur hingga kaku.)
Contoh Adverbial:
Pour the batter into cupcake cups.
(Tuang adonan ke dalam mangkuk cupcake.) tempat
Cook them for 5 minutes.
(Masak mereka selama 5 menit) durasi
Beberapa Contoh Procedure Text dan Artinya
Arti procedure text: