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Techniques of Brand Promotion

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Techniques of Brand Promotion Techniques of Brand Promotion

Article · July 2018

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Tanveer Malik
Shri Vaishanav Institute of Technology & Science


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Techniques of Brand 

Mr. Tanveer Malik, 
Mr. Ajay S. Joshi 
Mrs. Rupali Kapoor

Techniques of Brand Promotion

Mr. Tanveer Malik,
Mr. Ajay S. Joshi
Mrs. Rupali Kapoor
Asst. Professor, Department of Textile Technology
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore


Building Indian brands in global apparel market is necessary, because the markets can
increase the value of their products by branding. As well know, there are very few
apparel exports who had attempted to create brands in the global market. Others, still
supply to international buying houses or retail chains as per the specifications and designs
provide by the buyers and most importantly the exporters put the label or brand name as
stipulated by the buyer where in the exporters voluntarily hide their identify in the global

The consumer tastes are changing fast due to the influence of cultural, psychological and
global trends and hence they are less loyal. Many global brands are also entering the
Indian market, making Indian brands clueless as to how to survive the competition. This
situation necessitates the marketers to strengthen their brands for their stay in the market.
This might be possible only when the marketers consider branding not as a set of
activities, but as a strategic thinking. Although, the apparel exporters do have the
capability to produce as per the requirement of global market, their main lacuna is
strategic thinking in creating their own brands. Let’s see the scenario of apparel branding
in domestic market

The liberalized trading regime has ensured incremental international trade, thus providing
greater exporter opportunities; and at the same time exposed the domestic industry to
import penetration. Fashions are led by world class brands like Chanel, Lancome,
Givenchy and Gucci. Brands and retail are also playing great role in this segment.
Branding is a strategy that is used by marketers. Brand occupies space in the perception
of the consumer, and is what results from the totality of what the consumer, and is what
results from the totality of what the consumer takes into consideration before making a
purchase decision. So branding is a strategy, and brand is what has meaning to the

What is Brand?

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and
services from competitive offerings, as defined by the American Marketing Association;
According to the charted institute of marketing, a brand represents the consumer’s
experience with an organization, product, or service. Brand is a word: a cutting or
thrusting weapon that as long metal blade and a hit with a hand guard.A valued promise
that an organization makes to its external & internal audiences. All audiences must
audiences view a brand as the best and sometimes only solution to a problem they have.
Internal audiences must believe the brand is worthy of their commitment.

For advertising it doesn’t matter if the offering is bigger or brisker, as long as the client is
willing to pay good money for the work. Nowadays, advertising impact customers mind
and influences them to buy product first time but later the quality, availability within
time, are the major key words used for success of product

There are many advantages to businesses that build successful brands.

These include:
• High prices
• High profit margins
• Better distribution
• Customer loyalty

Businesses that operate successful brands are also much more likely to enjoy higher
profits. A successful advertisement is one that helps to build a strong brand by giving the
brand a specific identity and by providing a reason or rationale for purchasing the brand,
be it a product or a service, n preference to similar products in the same category. Brands,
in today’s consumer oriented market, play an important role in terms of market
penetration and higher unit value realization. Brands assure the consumers that the
products are of certain quality, durability and complaint to several social, environmental
and quality standards. The markets of USA and Europe, which account for more than
75% of Indian apparel exports, are entirely dominated by various global brands, and
Indian exporters are merely suppliers to such brands.

When first price war attacked the venerable brand that dominated the Indian market
place, they often followed pattern. The low cost players were local manufacturer’s who
ran lean operations, appealed to consumers who sought value, not benefit & tried to
attract a market distinct from that of premium brand. Today this is not the situation. Some
of the very brands that felt the heat from low price competition are today playing the
value game. They trapped the customer with their quality product, in reasonable price,
with in range of all class of customers. As in olden times, local players were dominating
and were able to trap customer with there personal effects, thanks to the negligence of
brand players towards the lower middle class & middle class. Premium brands derive
their aspirational value from their exclusivity and inaccessibility; they tend to lose their
franchise when they become easily accessible. In the Indian context, 51% - 49% ratio
does not give foreign partners sufficient control over Indian operations.

Definitions in Brand Technique:

Brand Image:

“Brand image” refers to the set of beliefs that customers hold about a particular brand.
These are important to develop well since a negative brand image can be very difficult to
shake off.

Brand Equity:

“Brand Equity” refers to the value of a brand equity is based on the extent to which the
brand has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and strong product
associations. Brand equity also includes other “intangible” assets such as patents,
trademarks and channel relationships.

Brand Extension:

“Brand extension” refers to the use of a successful brand name to launch or modified
product in a new market

Technique of Brand Promotion:

Using a brand strategy is possible in two cases. The first is when a company or a product
already exists on the market; the second is when the company wants to enter the market
and wishes to make it known to potential clients. The actions carried out in the first case
are surely much easier. If a product or a firm already exists on the market, more or less
clients have already encountered the brand and have their own concept of it. In such a
case, it is only necessary to look for solutions which would enable them to gain an
advantage over competitors by their action strategy, stressing the values expected by the
targeted market and received positively by them. Here we deal with the strategy of
enhancing the existing brand. Naturally it is necessary to analyze in detail whether or not
the brand evokes any negative images, or whether or not there have been any drastic
crisis situations that would suggest rebuilding the brand under a completely new name.
Although the strategy of enhancing an existing brand surely needs much less financial
outlays, and requires a shorter period of time than creating a new brand, it cannot be used
in every case. Most of all, the company should based its strategy on a great value added,
included in the product, which leads to a high reconcilability of the already existing
branch. On the other hand, if we are just introducing a brand onto the market, we must
propose some unique solutions, as potential clients should be given the idea of the need
which our company can fulfill, something they need subconsciously, and which is
different from everything on the market offered so far.

Usually, to build a new brand, a company is motivated by the following factors:

• Growth of competition in the market where the company is active;

• The need to differ from its competitors;
• The entry of known, strong foreign brands on the market;
• Unused financial resources, thanks to which a new brand can be built;
• Lack of brands in the enterprise, allowing for a strategy of enhancement.

A new brand technique is time-consuming, and needs great financial outlays, with no
guarantee that the enterprise will be successful. That is why it is important to create the
action plan properly. In order to ensure that the results meet our intentions, it is important
to establish some stages, which we must go through before we are able to say that the
new brand has been created. The stages are shown in Figure given below.

As can be seen in the scheme, in the first stage, from which the building of a brand
should be started, the needs of the customers are determined. All kinds of market research
play the key part here. As we know, in a free market economy, which is characterized by
great competition, we work in uncertain conditions in which it is very difficult to foresee
future events without additional information. So, the risk level of accomplishing the
intended aims is dependent on whether we will obtain proper data. It is necessary to
define the clients’ needs in order to suggest something to them, which will fulfill these

We can also undertake such actions, which will awake the interest of potential clients. In
identifying the clients’ needs, such a part is played by the innovative character of the
manufactures of brand products. Introducing a novelty onto the market may become a
strong stimulus for the client, awaking his need. Research carried out at this stage allows
us to establish what advantages are seen by potential buyers, and what the negative
associations may be. Thanks to these analyses, it will be possible to exactly determine the
characteristic of a product, which we want to introduce on the market. Then we can move
to the next stage, which determines the identity, and creates the desired image of the
brand. The brand identity consists in what way the brand should be seen by the receiver;
the image which will be created in their mind is the brand’s image. The standpoints of

this image are usually symbols, such as the name, logo, characteristic colour matching,
form, composition, and style.

All these elements which create the brand image must be coherent and fit in with the
generally idea of the company and its goals. Only in this way will a company create its
own culture. Observing famous global brands, it can be seen how great an influence they
have had on the environment by creating lifestyles and influencing fashion.

The brand identity makes it easier to gain competitive advantage; it distinguishes a brand
and makes remembering it easier. This in turn is connected with gaining such important
advantages as the client’s loyalty, which means his continuity of shopping. It also makes
it easy to shop, as the client easily distinguishes a certain brand from among the many
others available on the market.

Of course, to create a positive image, much research and many tests need to be done,
mainly tests connected with choosing the name and logo. It should be checked to what
extent the brand can be remembered and associated with a certain product or company,
and whether it definitely creates positive images. Only then can it be introduced into the
market. Properly devised brands are universal values with no territory limitations, and
they fit perfectly the demands and rules of the free market.

It is also necessary to concentrate our actions on legal aspects. These are mainly issues
connected with protection of intellectual property (TRIPS). In the modern world, the
knowledge and application of the intellectual property protection rules has become a
significant factor for starting and running a business in practically any industry. The
effective and strong protection of these rights, which guarantees the development and
technological progress, spurs creativity and enhances competitiveness, helping to
improve the quality of all aspects of social life.

The legal protection of a strong brand should prevent four categories of Phenomena:
• Forging famous brands;
• Overruns (a specific kind of forging, which takes place if a subcontractor who
works for the famous brand manufactures more goods than specified in a contract,
and sells them as original brand goods without the brand owner’s permission);
• Unfair imitation (i.e. marking manufactured goods using identifications very
similar to the famous, known brand);
• Using one brand by many producers; in such a situation it is difficult to establish
the authenticity of a brand, if it is not specified who its owner is.

So, it is important to undertake every possible action aiming at protecting the new brand
against its illegal use by a third party. Correct management of the brand means looking
for effective forms of communication with the potential receiver. It is important to use all
marketing instruments correctly, including product placement. This consists of placing a
certain product as a prop in various means of artistic production, such as films, theatre
plays, TV programmes, books, and computer games. Product placement is determined in
literature as one part of public relations activity. In this strategy the so-called opinion

leaders are most often used; these are public persons who convey intended marketing
opinions. Showing a celebrity using a certain product creates the tastes of potential
receivers, becomes a model, and influences perception and evaluation of the product. It
definitely influences the decision process of the consumer, builds brand awareness,
enhances trust, and enlarges loyalty and satisfaction with the decision to buy.

Using different sales promotion techniques is on necessary to achieve the result that the
client becomes a loyal buyer in the future. The goal of sales promotion is to urge the
client to a preliminary test of the brand, make the client try the brand again, and to evoke
a positive experience from his purchase, so that he will also buy this product after the
promotion has been finished.

We can use various instruments of sales promotion:

• Samples - the client gets a free opportunity to try the brand; if he is satisfied, there
is a great probability that he will also buy the product;
• Tokens or vouchers - they guarantee the chance to buy a certain product at a price
lower than normal;
• Promotion discounts - the lower price is clearly marked on the product, which
makes it easier to draw the clients’ attention, and to discover the brand;
• Competitions - they increase the awareness of the brand existence and amplify the
brand image; organizing such activities increases the interest of retailers, to whom
it will later be easier to sell the product;
• Bonus packaging - special packaging with more amount of the product at the
same price;
• Product with a gift - rewarding clients for buying a certain brand with a small gift,
which stimulates impulse buying;
• Prizes for loyalty - not to reward consumers immediately after buying, but to
build up loyalty by promising a reward after some time.

Advertising is another instrument of the marketing programme, whose task is to build the
brand’s image. It is mainly used to build up the awareness of the brand’s existence,
keeping in clients’ minds that the product is available on the market. Its aim is also to
show a given product in opposition to the competitors’ products. However, in the case of
wanting to build up a strong brand, it is more important for the client to have some direct
experience with it, as well as the knowledge of other users’ opinions. The best advertising
campaign will not be able to save the brand if the consumers’ opinions are negative and
their experiences are unsatisfactory.

Advertising is important while introducing the brand on the market, as it enables a wide
variety of potential clients to be reached, and evokes connections with fragments of an
image which the consumer has already seen. But in actual fact it is only sales promotion,
which builds the brand’s image and client loyalty. Of course, advertising has an
important part to play, and greatly stimulates the sale of a given product. It is necessary to
use it when:

• The brand is new and part of the market does not know much about it; in such a
case advertising builds up the awareness of its existence; in the messages sent it
will repeat the firm’s or brand’s name;
• The target market is aware of the brand’s existence; the messages should include
as much information as possible about the needs the brand can meet;
• The brand is already known, and so the company must focus on actions which
will make the consumers think positively; positive images related to the brand
should be used;
• There is much competition on a given market segment; the message should be
created in such a way that it would show the positive features of a brand as
opposed to competitors’ products;
• The company creates the clients’ convictions for a product; we should include
such information in the message, which will make the client want to buy the given

However, in order to use various types of marketing action, a positioning method should
be used earlier, so as to determine precisely what the difference of a given brand is and
what the target market is. The company should also take a close look at the competition’s
actions. A precise analysis of these dimensions will surely help to reach the goals, which
the company will aspire to, and will help to choose proper instruments of action and use
them correctly. If we are successful in promoting the brand, we cannot neglect such
follow-up actions as constant monitoring. Detailed supervision is necessary, whether or
not everything goes according to plan. As is well-known, the life cycle of a product in
today’s world is becoming ever shorter, more new products are on the market, and if the
company wants to retain its position on that market, it must constantly develop and try to
evoke a high level of client satisfaction. Summing up our considerations, we can
conclude that a company’s anonymity does not support its actions, but on the contrary, it
hinders its development, therefore proper brand managing is one of the most valuable
strategies. Brand positioning does not only provide an opportunity to differentiate the
company’s product from other brands, but also defines its quality, value and professional-
ism. A correctly created system of brand identity is a simple and quick communication
tool in the process of creating the best image.

Brand Building:

Building strong brand will be a key to share holder value creation by retail business.
• Successful brand building creates higher growth prospects for a business.
• Successful brand building increases the sustainability of profit. This will create a
big barrier to new competitors emerging in market.
• It leads to reduced volatility of returns.
• Profit can around from one year to next.

The combination of above all four benefits means that present value cash flow is greater
for strong brand as compared to weak one. Problem in skills & brand building is long
term investment, in people & skills, in store brand product & quality control, marketing,
consumer research & supplier relationship. The organizational culture philosophy of

senior management may be skeptical of a brand building or downright oppose to it. Most
Indian companies approach brand building from the profit and loss perspective. It was
fine as long as the market remained closed and options were not available to consumers.
But with competition on the rise, brand building must be linked to the balance sheet to
fine how much value it has brought or destroyed.

Brands play a crucial role in either creating or destroying wealth in competitive

environments and, perhaps, in commercial parlance, stands for the spirit of free world.
The challenge will emerge from different quarters, namely big agencies which are
looking at specialization, individual experts and similarly management consulting
business in India. “In short, brand building comprises three areas – Create, manage and
value. For us, most of the opportunity here is in creating and managing brand strategies.
Brand valuation mainly comes into play at the time of M&A”s, says body kurian.

Strong brand v/s weak brand:

“When First price war attacked the venerable brand that dominated the Indian market
place, they often followed pattern. The low cost players were local manufacturer’s who
ran lean operation, appealed to customers who sought value, not benefit & tried to attract
a market distinct from that of premium brand”.

Today this is not the situation. Some of very brand that felt heat from low price
competition are today playing the value game. They trapped the customer with there
quality product, in reasonable price, within range of all class of customers. As in olden
time when local players are Marjory dominating, are able to trap customer with there
personal effects, as well as the negligence of brand players towards the lower middle
class & middle class.

• Premium brands derive their aspirational value from their exclusivity and
inaccessibility; they tend to lose their franchise when they become easily
• 51%-49% ratio does not give foreign partners sufficient control over Indian

Brand Building Techniques in European countries:

Economic development in a united Europe has resulted in a great number of commercial

connections between European countries, and that means the joining and mixing of
different cultures and the consolidation of mass communications. The result of this
process is the change in social thinking, and a greater sense of mutual dependence
between the citizens of Europe. But the most important part of this globalization is, of
course, the development of the international economy.

As we know, not all the countries have developed at the same speed; for some of them,
joining the EU will be a chance to an economical success; this will include Poland among
others. In order to reach the present state of development of the current members of the
EU, many actions need to be undertaken. Members of EU who are consistent and stable
will be needed. Most of all, effort should be focused on improving the competitiveness,
modernization and quality of manufacturing, but also on introducing the Union
regulations, and on creating and enhancing institutions which will supervise the
functioning of the economy correctly and appropriately.

Globalization in integrated Europe causes many challenges, and so in order to build and
maintain competitive advantages, it is necessary to constantly react to changes in the
global environment, because simple monitoring of the threats and opportunities in the
immediate neighborhood is no longer enough. Together with the liberalized access to the
EU markets, the second half of the 1990s brought vast opportunities for dynamic
development of trade with the member states. Undoubtedly this was apparent in every
industrial branch, not least in the clothing industry. The clothing industry in Poland, once
strong, is today in a difficult economical situation. With the exception of just a few

companies, which have managed well in the new reality, we mainly have strong foreign
companies on the market, not to mention enterprises operating in the grey zone, which
are characterized by smuggling products and forging logos. Therefore it is so important to
define our segment and use modern marketing methods.

So, Polish producers operating in the clothing industry are faced with a range of
challenges, and only changes - which in the foreseeable future will be necessary - will
allow them to compete with other enterprises on the united European market. These are
the following:

• Improving the work output;

• Raising capital for investments;
• Reorganizing the production cycles - changing from subcontracting only to a full
production cycle (not many companies implement a full production cycle from
the design to the final product);
• Lowering the production of half-finished textile products;
• Creating manufacturing of textiles and clothes of high quality under their own
brand name, with their own original design;
• Investing in their own delivery system and their own transport infrastructure, in
order to enlarge their ability to quickly deliver the products to the receivers;
• Improving the distribution system (it is necessary to co-operate with big trading
• Investing in research that would be helpful to innovate in production.

The free market is not for everyone on equal terms. It favors those who have a vision, an
idea and are consistent in their actions. A chance for success is surely taking care of a
good brand and a modern managing system.

Importance of Brand:

Effect of brands:

Brands are something that has control on consumers mind as well as monopoly in market.
The brand owner can obtain advantage of this monopoly. But monopoly is not only the
one factor; maintaining the brand value is important factor. The brand building is no
child’s play but maintaining it is tougher. There is also a legal dimension. Brand names
and trademarks are protected by all means available. The monopoly may also be
extended, or even created, by patent, copyright, trade secret (e.g. secret recipe), and other
intellectual property regimes.

Brand is only aimed is not only aimed at deeper and wider penetration in major selected
markets but also to increase the acceptability of Indian apparels for increased export
earnings. However, brand promotion is only an expensive proposition but also requires
very carefully designed multi-stakeholder strategy, on a sustainable basis. The capacity of
Indian industry, by virtue of being SME, fragmented and decentralized, is not in a
position to design and launch brand promotion efforts o its own. Therefore, a public
private partnership (PPP) approach is the appropriate strategy to develop globally
acceptable Indian apparel brands.

Market Leaders in Textile Brands:

• Arvind Mills: Market leader in Denim, Yarn Dyed Shirting & Bottomweights
• Bombay Dyeing: Market Leader in Home Textiles
• Himatsingka Seide: Largest Exporter of premium silk fabrics
• Madura Garments: India’s Largest Clothing company
• Morarjee Mills: Market leader in premium 100% cotton shirting
• Raymond: Market Leader in Worsted and Blended Fabrics
• Shopper’s Stop : Largest Department Store chain
• Ambattur Clothing Limited : Leading Garment Exporter
• Reliance: Market Leader in Polyester Fibre (and Intermediates)
• Welspun: India’s Largest Manufacturer & Exporter of Terry Towels
• Wills Sports: Fastest growing Fashion clothing retail chain


Enterprises can use various marketing instruments in their actions. Obviously, managing
a brand needs much talent and skill, but most of all some experience. In order to fully
exploit the opportunities given by the brand strategy, it needs constant work on the brand,
investment in its development and expansion of its capital. Of course, this is time-
consuming and demands many financial investments, but what the company gets back in
return is the loyalty of the clients, and all the efforts and investments pay off. Therefore it
is worth finding out precisely all the possible aspects of brand managing, if we wish to
achieve a position of the leader in a given sector


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