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Technology and Livelihood Education: Quarter 1, Wk.6 - Module 3

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 1,Wk.6 - Module 3
Types of Equipment, Tools and Materials

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippine

Technology and
Quarter 1, Wk.6 - Module 3
Types of Equipment, Tools and Materials

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by select teachers, school heads, Education Program Supervisor in TLE of
Department of Education – Division of Iligan City. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education – Iligan City at or Trlrfax (063) 221-6069.

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What This Module is About

This module covers the skills and knowledge required to Support horticultural
production under supervision. It will include the ability to prepare materials, tools and
equipment for horticultural production work, undertake routine production assistance work,
handle materials and equipment, and clean up on completion of work. Supporting horticultural
production work also covers knowledge of safe work practices relating to basic crop handling
techniques including planting, maintaining, picking and packing, loading and unloading, and
using associated farm tools and equipment.

What I Need to Know

This module is on Learning outcome: Prepare materials, tools, and equipment for
horticultural production work with the sub learning outcome is identify the required materials,
tools and equipment according to list provided and /or teacher’s/ supervisor’s instructions.

How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know

Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your
answer in a separate sheet.

1. The shovel is used for breaking hard top soil.

2. The wheel borrow is used for moving the soil from one place to another.
3. The farm equipment is used to plow the area.
4. The sprayer is used for spraying chemicals such as herbicide, insecticides.
5. The tractor is used for loosening soil around the growing plant.
6. The hand tractor is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a large area of land.
7. The water pumps are used to draw irrigation water from a source.
8. The Grab-hoe is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil.
9. The Rake is used for cleaning the ground and levelling the topsoil.
10. The hand cultivator is used for cultivating the garden plot by loosening the soil and
removing young weeds around the plant

B. Multiple Choice
Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by writing only the letter of
your choice on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is an example of a digging tool?

a. Bolo b. Crowbar c. Grub hoe d. Pruning shear
2. Which tool is used for cutting grass?
a. Shovel b. Bolo c. Crowbar d. Mattock
3. What tool does NOT belong to the group?
a. Crowbar b. Mattock c. Shovel d. Pruning shear
4. Farm tools are very important in pre-horticultural operations because they __________
a. make work easier b. make work faster c. save time and effort d. all of the above
5. A tool with one end of its blade flattened and the other pointed at right angles to its
handle is a ________________.
a. mattock b. crowbar c. bolo d. spade
6. Which tool resembles the appearance of a spoon and is used for transferring soil?
a. Spade b. Shovel c.. Spading fork d. Grub hoe
7. What implement is being pulled by a working animal to till the land?
a. Harrow b. Native plow c. Disc plow d. Disc harrow
8. An implement attached to a tractor that is used to pulverize the newly plowed soil is
a. trailer b. disc harrow c. native plow d. disc plow
9. An open container with a single wheel at the front and two handles at the back used to
transport things is a____________.
a. hand tractor b. tractor c. basket d. wheel barrow
10. Which of the following tools is used to harvest crops?
a. Knife b. Plow c. Spade d. Basket
Lesson Title of the Lesson
1 Types of Equipment, Tools and Materials

What I Need to Know

LO 1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work
LC: 1.1. Identify the required materials, tools and equipment according to lists
provided and/or teacher’s/supervisor’s instructions
Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you should be able
to identify the types of equipment, tools and materials.

What’s In
Definition of terms:

• Hand tools – objects that are usually light and are used without the help of animals
and machines
• Farm implements – accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machineries to
make the work easier
• Equipment – powered tool machine used in farming

What’s New

Farm tools, implements and equipment play very important role in agricultural crop
production. Their availability makes the work easier and faster. However, even if one may
have the most sophisticated tools, implements, but does not know how to use them, they are
useless. In order to do crop production operations successfully, one must have a good working
knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment before using them.
What Is It

1. Equipment/Machineries

1. Combined Harvester - is a
machine which is used in harvesting
grain crops. It is the combination of
harvesting— reaping, threshing,
and winnowing. It is one of the most
economically important labor-saving
inventions, enabling a small fraction
of the population to be engaged in
4xc to view how combine harvester works

2. Hand tractor is used to pull a plow

and harrow in preparing a large area
of land.

3. Four-wheel tractor is used to pull

disc plow and disc harrow in
preparing much bigger
area of land.

4. Water pumps are used to draw

irrigation water from a source.
2. Farm Implements - are accessories which are pulled by working animals or mounted
machineries (hand tractor, tractor) and which are usually used in the preparation of
land. These are usually made of a special kind of metal.


1. Plow - farm implement pulled by

either a working animal or a
tractor. It is specifically used for
tilling large areas, making furrows
and inters row cultivation. Plows
pulled by working animals are
made of either a combination of
metal or wood or pure metal. They
are used to till areas with a
shallower depth than that of the
disc plows; which are pulled by

2. Harrow - the native wooden

harrow is made of wood with metal
teeth and pulled by a carabao,
while the disc harrow is made of
metal mounted to a tractor.
Harrows are used for tilling and
pulverizing the soil.

3. Rotavator - is an implement
mounted to a tractor used for
tilling and pulverizing the soil.

Other materials, tools and equipment

1. Water pails – for hauling water, manure and fertilizers

2. Sprinklers – for watering seedlings and young plants
3. Wheel barrow – for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting materials and
other equipment
4. Sprayers – for spraying insecticides
, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicide
What’s More

Farm tools, implements, and equipment play very important role in Agricultural Crop
Production. Their availability makes the work much easier and faster. However, even if one
may have the most sophisticated tools and implements, but does not know how to use them,
they are useless. In order to do agricultural operations successfully, one must have a good
working knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment before using them.

Hand Tools - are usually light and are used without the help of animals or machines. The
simplest tools since they are used with your bare hands in performing farm operation and
practices in a small farm or vegetable garden in the backyard or in school. They are being
used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and home


1.Sickle/scyth 4.Grub-hoe is a
e is a hand tool heavy hoe used
that has a for breaking hard
curved blade topsoil and
attached to a pulverizing soil.
short handle
which is used
for harvesting
grains or cutting
2.Bolo is a 5. Pick mattock
large cutting is a digging tool
tool used for with a pointed
cutting tall head at one end
grasses and and a transverse
weeds and blade at the
cutting other.
branches of
3.Hand trowel 6. Crowbar is a
is a gardening tool used for
tool which is digging big holes
used for and for digging
loosening the out big stones
soil, digging and stumps.
small holes,
seedlings and
other similar
7.Hand fork is 14.Dibbler or
a gardening tool dibble is a
with sharp tines pointed wooden
which makes it stick used in
easy to prick making holes in
into the soil the ground for
(moist soil) planting seeds,
making it
suitable for seedlings or
planting, small bulbs.
weeding and
mixing additives
into the soil.
8.Hand 15.Pruning
cultivator is a shears is a type
gardening tool of scissors used
used for for basic
cultivating the maintenance
garden plot by tasks like cutting
loosening the small branches,
soil and twigs and leaves.
weeds around
the plant.
9.Spade is a 16.Sprinkler is a
gardening tool devise used for
with a flat and watering plants
sharp edge and seedlings.
which is used
for digging or
loosening soil.
10.Shovel is a 17.Sprayer is an
tool for digging, equipment used
lifting, moving for applying
bulky materials herbicides,
from one place pesticides and
to another, fertilizers to
removing trash, agricultural
and mixing soil crops.
11.Rake is a 18.Axe is an
long- handled implement used
tool used for to split and cut a
cleaning the bigger post
ground by
gathering the
leaves and for
loosening or
leveling the soil.
12.Spading 19.Wheelbarro
fork is a w is a hand-
gardening tool propelled vehicle
with a handle used for hauling
and strong tines trash, manure,
which is used fertilizers,
for loosening planting
the soil, digging materials and
out root crops other equipment.
and turning
over the
materials in a
compost heap.
13. Knives are 20.Pail or can is
cutting tools a container used
used for cutting for hauling soil,
planting compost,
materials, chemical
grafting, fertilizer and
marcotting, even water.
budding, and
for performing
operations in

What’s More

It has been mentioned earlier that tools, implements and equipment facilitate work
conveniently but then a user must bear in mind that knowledge on the usability of these tools
lead a safe and successful endeavor. Before using any of the tools, implements, and
equipment, always check whether or not they are still usable or serviceable. Always check or
refer to the manual of operations as prescribed by the manufacturer for other tools and
equipment that are new to you. Always ask the assistance of skilled operator whenever
Tools that are defective should be separated and be fixed immediately to avoid

What I Have Learned


Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your
answer in a separate sheet

1. The shovel is used for breaking hard top soil.

2. The wheel borrow is used for moving the soil from one place to another.
3. The farm equipment is used to plow the area.
4. The sprayer is used for spraying chemicals such as herbicide, insecticides.
5. The tractor is used for loosening soil around the growing plant.
B. Matching Type: Match column A to Column B

Column A Column B

______1. Sprinkler A. used for spraying insecticides,

foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides
______2. Knife B. used for hauling water, manure and
______3. Hand Fork C. used for watering seedlings
______4. Bolo D. used for cutting planting materials
______5. Rake E. used for leveling the top soil
______6. Shovel F. used for removing trash, digging loose
soil, moving soil from one place to another
and for mixing soil media
______7. Pruning Shear G. used for cutting bigger size post
______8. Sprayer H. used for cutting branches of planting
materials and unnecessary branches of plants
______9. Pail I. used for inter-row cultivation
______10. Axe J. used for cutting tall grasses and weeds
and chopping branches of trees

Activity No.1

You are tasked to prepare a vegetable garden at the back of your house. You and your
friend or even your relatives are assigned to get the tools and equipment available at your
house that will be needed for the task. List down the tools and equipment that you will get and
explain how each one issued in accomplishing the job.

Tools/Equipment Needed Use


Rubric for Rating:

Highest Possible
10 Able to list down and explain the uses of all the needed tools in
accomplishing the task
8 Able to list down and explain the uses of 90%-99% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task
6 Able to list down and explain the uses of 80%-89% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task
4 Able to list down and explain the uses of 70%-79% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task
2 Able to list down and explain the uses of 69% below of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task
What I Can Do


Farm Tools:

 Land preparation tools

 Cultivation tools
 Plant propagation tools
 Harvesting tools


The learner will do the following instructions.

1. Make a list of farm tools used in:

 Land preparation
 Cultivation
 Plant propagation
 Harvesting
2. Write the functions of each tools
3. Compile the listing in one folder and submit to your teacher


Farm tools, implements and equipment play very important role in agricultural crop
production. Their availability makes the work easier and faster. However, even if one may
have the most sophisticated tools, implements, but does not know how to use them, they are
useless. In order to do crop production operations successfully, one must have a good working
knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment before using them.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Write your
answer in a separate sheet

1. The shovel is used for breaking hard top soil.

2. The wheel borrow is used for moving the soil from one place to another.
3. The farm equipment is used to plow the area.
4. The sprayer is used for spraying chemicals such as herbicide, insecticides.
5. The tractor is used for loosening soil around the growing plant.
6. The hand tractor is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a large area of land.
7. The water pumps are used to draw irrigation water from a source.
8. The Grab-hoe is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil.
9. The Rake is used for cleaning the ground and levelling the topsoil.
10. The hand cultivator is used for cultivating the garden plot by loosening the soil and
removing young weeds around the plant.


 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education

Learning Module (Agricultural Crops Production Exploratory Course Grade 7
and 8

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