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Ipte Past Paper

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Candidate ID No: ...../IPTE 8/…….


Department for Teacher Education and Development


TIME Allowed: 1 Hour


1. This paper contains 4 pages. Please check.

2. Write your ID number at the beginning of every page.

3. This paper has 3 sections.

4. Answer ALL the 50 questions.

5. Read the instructions at the beginning of every section.

6. Use a pencil to encircle the letter of the correct answer for each question.

7. If you decide to change your answer, please erase the first choice completely and encircle the letter of your answer.

8. You have exactly 1 Hour to answer all the questions.


Complete the sentences below by encircling a letter that carries the most appropriate word(s)

1. The congregation did not have the ___ idea, why the 4. He is a good teacher, more than three quarters of his
preacher never turned up. candidates managed to ___ their examinations.
A. smallest A. pull over
B. faintest B. pull through
C. simplest C. pull down
D. weakest D. pull round

2. The _____ submitted his plan for the new Parliament 5. The bus driver drove too fast _______ the comfort of
Building for approval by the Ministry. the passengers.
A. builder A. at
B. architect B. to
C. surveyor C. with
D. planner D. for

3. Time ____ the interviews if he had worked hard.

A. would pass
B. will pass
C. was passing
D. would have passed

6. The salary was small to begin with but the job had very 15. Choose the most grammatically correct sentence from the
good ________________. options.
A. future A. Every one of the girls wear skirts
B. outlook B. Every one of the girls wears skirts.
C. picture C. Every one of them happen to wear skirts.
D. prospects D. Every one of the girls will wears skirts.

7. The government might reduce income tax. This means

_______________. 16. My daughter wants to take _____ accounting as a
A. A reduction in tax is expected. career.
B. A reduction in tax is impossible. A. after
C. A reduction in tax is possible but unlikely. B. away
D. Income tax was reduced. C. up
D. out
8. Elephants move ____________ one would expect.
A. so quickly
B. more quicker than
17. They have bought a __________ car.
C. quicker than
A. big Japanese white
D. more quick than
B. big white Japanese
C. Japanese white big
9. The brigade came a little late and failed to turn ___ the
D. Japanese big white
A. off
B. over
18. Immunization protects children ______ many deadly
C. out
D. up
A. from
10. The first thing to greet you at Malosa will be a B. for
________________ of baboons. C. with
A. troop D. against
B. team
C. squad 19. The bus has been travelling for days and it is high time it
D. school ________________.
A. stopped
11. Two wrongs cannot make a right. This statement means B. stops
that: C. would stop
A. whatever is wrong is wrong D. will stop
B. some wrongs are right
C. some right are wrong 20. My stitched wound is now healed. I think I should visit the
D. whatever is right is right doctor to remove these _______________.
A. stitches
12. Door is to lock as shirt is to _____________________
B. slings
A. pocket
C. threads
B. sleeve
D. sutures
C. trousers
D. button
21. The radio asked George to be the __________ of the
13. If he wants me to _____ his orders he will have to give international girls football match.
me more money. A. translator
A. carry out B. commentator
B. carry on C. interpreter
C. carry over D. announcer
D. carry forward
22. Treza had to pay a fine because her book was
14. “Late comers will eat bones.” This statement means that ______________ for return to the library.
A. Bones will be served to those who come late A. belated
B. Punctuality is virtue B. behind
C. Best food is served first C. overdue
D. Those who come late will find no food D. delayed
23. The kitchen is _____ with cockroaches and we fear for 30. “All mad people are fools.” This statement means __
a disease outbreak. A. Although one is foolish, is not mad.
A. loaded B. Every mad person is a fool.
B. covered C. Every foolish person is mad.
C. infested D. Although one is mad, is never a fool.
D. congested
31. Near a big dam, there is a big tree with long branches. Joh
24. I hope this discussion will tone ________ yesterday’s who is under the big tree has seen a big snake and a
disagreement. reflection of a big branch in the dam. Where is the snake?
A. out A. on a big branch
B. down B. in a big tree
C. up C. in the dam
D. away D. near a big branch

32. The fact that there is an examination, it follows that there

25. Baleke is always _________ time.
is _____________.
A. on
A. a marker
B. over
B. a candidate
C. at
C. an invigilator
D. by
D. a paper
SECTION B: (QUESTIONS 26-35) REASONING 33. All boys and girls with a slim body make good athletes.
SKILLS Tionge has a slim body but does not like running, therefore
INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct __________________.
answer for each question. A. Tionge is a good athlete.
B. Tionge is not a good athlete.
26. If the word SHAVING is coded 7392410 then the word
C. Tionge is neither good nor bad athlete.
VANISH would be coded:
D. Tionge needs practice to become a good athlete.
A. 294173
B. 921743 34. Some experienced teachers teach well. This statement
C. 372914 means ___________.
D. 291473 A. Experienced teachers teach well.
B. Experienced teachers are good teachers.
27. Which number best completes the sequence 0, 1, 5, 14, 30
C. Not all experienced teachers teach well.
D. Experienced teachers are better than newly qualified
A. 40
B. 44
C. 50 35. A tiebreaker is an additional contest or period of play
D. 55 designed to establish a winner among tied contestants.
Which situation below is the best example of a tiebreaker?
28. The town of Chasefu is West of Midima, Sigelege East of
A. At halftime, the score is tied at 28.
Chasefu but West of Midima. Dooko is East of Linthipe
B. Mary and John have each scored three goals in the
but West of Sigelege and Chasefu. Out of the five towns,
which one is farthest West?
C. The referee tosses a coin to decide which team will have
A. Midima
a possession of the ball first.
B. Dooko
D. The Sharks and The Bears each finished with 14 points,
C. Linthipe
and they are battling it out in a five minute overtime.
D. Chasefu
29. How many triangles are in the figure below?
INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
for each question.

36. How many prime numbers are there between 0 and 50?
A. 14
A. 4 B. 15
B. 5 C. 16
C. 6 D. 18
D. 8

37. The average of 10 numbers is 15. If one of the numbers is 45. Express 1: 1 to its simplest form.
removed the average of the remaining numbers is 14. What
A. 3:4
is the value of the number that was removed?
B. 3:2
A. 28
C. 4:3
B. 24
D. 1:3
C. 22
D. 20
46. Arrange the following fractions in descending order:

38. What percentage is 50 of 10?

a. b. c. d.
A. 50%
B. 150%
C. 500% A. b, d, c, a
D. 20% B. d, a, b, c
C. c, b, a, d
39. A class has 33 students. 18 of them belong to Maths club. D. d, a, c, b
17 belong to Agriculture club and 4 to neither of the clubs.
How many students belong to both clubs? 47. Round up the following number to the nearest one
A. 1 thousand: 74245
B. 2 A. 80,000
C. 6 B. 75,000
D. 10 C. 74,000
D. 70,000
40. Change 0.0007902 to 2 significant figures.
A. 0.00079 48. Limbani covered of his journey by bus and of the
B. 0.007 remainder by an ox-cart. He finished the remaining 5km on
C. 0.079 foot. How long was the journey?
D. 0.0 A. 3 km
B. 9 km
41. Deduce the value of n in the following mathematical C. 10 km
problem: 0.00357 = 3.57 x 10 D. 50 km
A. 2
B. -2 49. Suppose that 0-0 = 0, 0-1 = 1 and 1-1 = 0.
C. -3 Then 101101 – 011011 is:
D. 3 A. 001011
B. 100110
42. A car covered a distance of 120km in 30 minutes. C. 101101
Calculate the speed in kilometres per hour. D. 110110
A. 60 km/hr
B. 90km/hr 50. Find the value of the letters in the ratio 2:1:4 = 4:x:y
C. 150km/hr
A. 1,4
D. 240km/hr
B. 2,8
C. 8,2
43. By selling a sofa set at K99, 000 a trader made a loss of 10
D. 4,1
%. Calculate the cost price of the sofa set.
A. K9,900
B. K89,100
C. K108,900
D. K110,000

44. Pangano and Tadala shared mangoes in the ration of 5:2. If

Pangano got 21 mangoes more than Tadala, how much did
Tadala get?
A. 6
B. 9
C. 14
D. 35


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