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Sillitoe - 2012 - Geology and Genesis of Major Copper Deposits of The World - Ch1 - Copper Provinces

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© 2012 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Special Publication 16, pp. 1–18

Chapter 1

Copper Provinces
27 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London N6 6ND, England

It has been recognized for the past century that copper deposits, in common with those of many other
metals, are heterogeneously concentrated in Earth’s upper crust, resulting in areally restricted copper
provinces that were generated during several discrete metallogenic epochs over time intervals of up to several
hundred million years. Various segments of circum-Pacific magmatic arcs, for example, have total contained
copper contents that differ by two orders of magnitude. Each metallogenic epoch introduced its own deposit
type(s), of which porphyry copper (and related skarn), followed by sediment-hosted stratiform copper and then
iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG), are globally preeminent. Nonetheless, genesis of the copper provinces remains
somewhat enigmatic and a topic of ongoing debate.
A variety of deposit-scale geometric and geologic features and factors strongly influence the size and/or
grade of porphyry copper, sediment-hosted stratiform copper, and/or IOCG deposits. For example, develop-
ment of major porphyry copper deposits/districts is favored by the presence of clustered alteration-mineraliza-
tion centers, mafic or massive carbonate host rocks, voluminous magmatic-hydrothermal breccias, low sulfida-
tion-state core zones conducive to copper deposition as bornite ± digenite, hypogene and supergene sulfide
enrichment, and mineralized skarn formation, coupled with lack of serious dilution by late, low-grade porphyry
intrusions and breccias. Furthermore, the copper endowment of all deposit types undoubtedly benefits from
optimization of the ore-forming processes involved.
Tectonic setting also plays a fundamental role in copper metallogeny. Contractional tectonomagmatic belts,
created by flat-slab subduction or, less commonly, arc-continent collision and characterized by crustal thicken-
ing and high rates of uplift and exhumation, appear to host most large, high-grade hypogene porphyry copper
deposits. Such mature arc crust also undergoes mafic magma input during porphyry copper formation. The
premier sediment-hosted stratiform copper provinces were formed in cratonic or hinterland extensional sedi-
mentary basins that subsequently underwent tectonic inversion. The IOCG deposits were generated in associ-
ation with extension/transtension and felsic intrusions, the latter apparently triggered by deep-seated mafic
magmas in either intracratonic or subduction settings. The radically different exhumation rates characteristic
of these various tectonic settings account well for the secular distribution of copper deposit types, in particu-
lar the youthfulness of most porphyry relative to sediment-hosted stratiform and IOCG deposits. Notwith-
standing the importance of these deposit-scale geologic, regional tectonic, and erosion-rate criteria for effec-
tive copper deposit formation and preservation, they seem inadequate to explain the localization of premier
copper provinces, such as the central Andes, southwestern North America, and Central African Copperbelt, in
which different deposit types were generated during several discrete epochs. By the same token, the paucity
of copper mineralization in some apparently similar geologic settings elsewhere also remains unexplained.
It is proposed here that major copper provinces occur where restricted segments of the lithosphere were pre-
disposed to upper-crustal copper concentration throughout long intervals of Earth history. This predisposition
was most likely gained during oxidation and copper introduction by subduction-derived fluids, containing met-
als and volatiles extracted from hydrated basalts and sediments in downgoing slabs. As a result, superjacent
lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust were metasomatized as well as gaining cupriferous sulfide-bearing
cumulates during magmatic differentiation—processes that rendered them fertile for tapping during subsequent
subduction- or, uncommonly, intraplate extension-related magmatic events to generate porphyry copper and
IOCG districts or belts. The fertile lithosphere beneath some accretionary orogens became incorporated during
earlier collisional events, commonly during Precambrian times. Relatively oxidized crustal profiles—as opposed
to those dominated by reduced, sedimentary material—are also required for effective formation of all major cop-
per deposits. Large sedimentary basins underlain by or adjoining oxidized and potentially copper-anomalous
crust and filled initially by immature redbed strata containing magmatic arc-derived detritus provide optimal
sites for large-scale, sediment-hosted stratiform copper mineralization. Translithospheric fault zones, acting as
giant plumbing systems, commonly played a key role in localizing all types of major copper deposits, districts,
and belts. These proposals address the long-debated concept of metal inheritance in terms of the fundamental
role played by subduction-metasomatized mantle lithosphere and lowermost crust in global copper metallogeny.

Introduction numbers of exceptionally endowed deposits, and copper is no

THE GLOBAL INVENTORY of metals is critically dependent on exception (Singer, 1995; Laznicka, 1999). Indeed, approxi-
the inordinately large contributions made by relatively limited mately one-third of the world’s defined copper resources are
contributed by just seven districts (Fig. 1), and approximately
† E-mail: 2.5% of producing mines currently supply 25% of total copper


FIG. 1. The world’s supergiant copper deposits and districts (defined as those containing ≥24 Mt [Singer, 1995] to ≥25
Mt [Laznicka, 1999] Cu in resources and past production) and preeminent provinces, keyed to deposit types. The newly dis-
covered Kamoa deposit in the Central African Copperbelt (Broughton and Rogers, 2010) contains 22 Mt Cu, but is also con-
sidered as a supergiant because of the likelihood of further growth. Data compiled from numerous published and unpub-
lished sources, including company press releases.

output (M. Harris, Rio Tinto, unpub. comp., 2012). Further- are not specifically discussed, although because of the impor-
more, large proportions of most major metals, particularly tance of Noril’sk, Russia (Fig. 1), the first of these sources has
well exemplified by copper, are concentrated in areally re- a paper devoted to it (Burrows and Lesher, 2012).
stricted provinces (Fig. 1), which were typically assembled The copper endowment considered herein (≈2,500 million
during several discrete metallogenic epochs. At least in the metric tons [Mt]; Figs. 1, 2) exceeds the global inventory of
case of intrusion-related deposits, individual epochs com- 1,900 Mt determined by Kesler and Wilkinson (2008), and is
monly have durations of ≤10 m.y. (e.g., Sillitoe, 1988). This more than four times larger than some other recent estimates
spatial and temporal confinement of copper and other metal (e.g., ~570 Mt; U.S. Geological Survey, 2011, p. 48–49). Al-
deposits was appreciated by Lindgren (1909) and subsequent though only formal resources plus past production are taken
pioneers, as reviewed by Turneaure (1955), but has become into account, the greater copper tonnage may be attributed to
much better defined over the ensuing century as a result of major recent expansions of hypogene resources, particularly
numerous discoveries and geologic advances, particularly in the central Andes (e.g., Sillitoe, 2010a), and application of
direct isotopic dating of ore-related minerals. lower cutoff grades. If probabilistic methodologies employed
Although the fundamental reasons for the development of by Cunningham et al. (2007) and Kesler and Wilkinson (2008)
the world’s largest copper deposits and premier copper belts are followed, then at least twice the number of copper de-
and provinces are not well understood, this introductory paper posits exist (most at greater depths), albeit probably mainly
explores some of the more plausible possibilities. The principal confined to the currently defined belts and provinces.
contributors to the global copper inventory, namely porphyry
and any associated skarn deposits (~70%), sediment-hosted Deposit-Scale Contributions to Large Size
stratiform deposits (~15%), and, a distant third, iron oxide and High Grade
copper-gold (IOCG) deposits, are emphasized both herein For the sake of brevity, only copper deposits and districts
(Fig. 1) and throughout the rest of this volume. Other relatively that attain supergiant status by containing ≥24 Mt (Singer,
minor copper sources, including magmatic nickel-copper, vol- 1995) or ≥25 Mt (Laznicka, 1999) of copper metal are dis-
canogenic massive sulfide (VMS), nonporphyry-related skarn, cussed and individually plotted in Figure 1; most exceed the
vein, Chilean manto-type, and carbonatite-hosted deposits 31.1-Mt Cu threshold used to define behemothian deposits

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FIG. 2. Total copper endowment (resources and past production) of different segments of Phanerozoic circum-Pacific
magmatic arcs. Only Paleozoic arc terranes, potentially somewhat more deeply eroded because of their greater antiquity, are
present in eastern Australia. Note the two orders of magnitude difference among the segments. Data compiled from nu-
merous published and unpublished sources, including company press releases.

(Clark, 1993). These truly exceptional copper concentrations Nevertheless, as currently understood, Bingham and Resolu-
(Fig. 1) include 14 porphyry ± skarn districts (Pebble, Butte, tion comprise single, zoned deposits rather than clusters or
Bingham, Resolution, Morenci, Chuquicamata, Collahuasi- alignments (e.g., Hehnke et al., 2012; Porter et al., 2012).
Quebrada Blanca, Escondida, Los Pelambres-El Pachón, Río Such clusters and alignments are inferred to occur above
Blanco-Los Bronces, El Teniente, Reko Diq, Oyu Tolgoi, and cupolas on the roof zones of parental plutons located at
Grasberg), four and probably five sediment-hosted stratiform depths of several kilometers (e.g., Emmons, 1927; Dilles and
districts (Lubin-Polkowice, Konkola, Kolwezi, Udokan, and Proffett, 1995; Sillitoe, 2010b). The volume of porphyry in-
probably Kamoa), one IOCG deposit (Olympic Dam), and trusions within the confines of a deposit appears unrelated to
one magmatic nickel-copper district (Noril’sk). Six of these its copper content, as emphasized by comparison of the
porphyry copper districts are the principal contributors to the largely porphyry-hosted Collahuasi deposits with the largely
central Andean copper province (Figs. 1, 2). wall rock-hosted El Teniente deposit (e.g., Camus, 2003).
Nonetheless, it is critically important that the earliest, gener-
Porphyry copper deposits ally best-mineralized porphyry phase and its immediate wall
Intrusion, host-rock, and alteration-mineralization features rocks remain as a physically coherent entity little diluted by
may all be discerned as controls on the large size and/or high subsequent pulses of intermineral and, especially, late min-
grade of the world’s preeminent porphyry copper deposits eral porphyry, which typically contain progressively lower
and districts, as shown schematically in Figure 3. copper contents as they become younger. Such low-grade
The presence of several closely spaced, mineralized por- porphyry phases are volumetrically restricted in most of the
phyry stocks, which define clusters (e.g., Escondida and Reko supergiant copper deposits (Fig. 3).
Diq districts) or alignments (e.g., Collahuasi-Quebrada Blanca, It is well known that magmatic-hydrothermal breccias (Silli-
Chuquicamata, Los Pelambres-El Pachón, Río Blanco-Los toe, 1985) in porphyry copper deposits can give rise to substan-
Bronces, and Oyu Tolgoi districts), is an important localizer of tially higher-grade hypogene (and supergene) mineralization
supergiant copper concentrations. At least 13 discrete de- because of the greater permeability and resultant fluid focus-
posits constitute the Reko Diq cluster (Perelló et al., 2008). ing that they provide (Fig. 3). The prime example of the key

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FIG. 3. Anatomy of a non-eroded, telescoped porphyry copper system showing spatial interrelationships of a centrally
located porphyry Cu ± Au ± Mo deposit in a porphyry stock and its immediate host rocks, including overlying high- and
intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposits in and alongside the lithocap environment. Not all depicted features are nec-
essarily present in any single district. The legend explains the temporal sequence of rock types, with the porphyry stock pre-
dating maar-diatreme emplacement, which, in turn, overlaps lithocap development and related phreatic brecciation. Shallow
alteration types generally overprint deeper ones. Circled letters highlight deposit-scale features that can enhance hypogene
grade development: A. Minimal dilution caused by restricted volume of lower grade, intermineral and late-mineral por-
phyries; B. Large volume of well-mineralized magmatic-hydrothermal breccia; C. Late-stage, barren diatreme located be-
yond rather than within the ore zone; D. Mafic wall rocks induce effective copper precipitation; E. Massive, impermeable
carbonate wall rocks inhibit dispersion of mineralizing fluids and favor internal copper precipitation and grade development;
F. Presence of bornite and digenite in the deep, central parts of the potassic zone increases hypogene copper tenor; G. Hypo-
gene enrichment by high sulfidation-state sulfide minerals in the roots of the sericitic zone; and H. Skarn development with
copper tenors exceeding those in the adjacent porphyry stock. Modified from Sillitoe (2010b).

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role played by magmatic-hydrothermal brecciation in the de- (Hervé et al., 2012) and Pebble East zone (Lang and Gregory,
velopment of both deposit size and grade is at Río Blanco-Los 2012) being prominent examples.
Bronces, the world’s largest copper district (Fig. 1), where on Both calcic and magnesian skarns, developed proximally
the order of 50% of the ore may be breccia hosted (Serrano with respect to porphyry copper stocks emplaced into shelf-
et al., 1996; Irarrazaval et al., 2010; Toro et al., 2012). How- carbonate sequences, as in the Grasberg and Bingham dis-
ever, magmatic-hydrothermal breccias make only relatively tricts, can also give rise to high-grade, hypogene copper min-
minor contributions to the other premier deposits, with Peb- eralization (Meinert et al., 1997; Leys et al., 2012; Porter et
ble, Bingham Canyon, and Chuquicamata being almost de- al., 2012). Particularly large tonnages can be developed where
void of them (Ossandón et al., 2001; Lang and Gregory, 2012; the receptive carbonate horizons either flank the apices of
Porter et al., 2012; Rivera et al., 2012). If present, late, low- porphyry stocks (e.g., Antamina skarn; Love et al., 2004) or
grade breccias, particularly diatremes, are best to be situated parallel the stock contacts (e.g., Ertsberg East skarn, Gras-
beyond deposits so as not to destroy ore (Fig. 3), although berg district; Gandler and Kyle, 2008; Leys et al., 2012).
such destruction can be tolerated in the largest deposits (e.g., Supergene sulfide enrichment since ~40 Ma is well known
El Teniente; Howell and Molloy, 1960). to have been a key process in grade development, particularly
Wall-rock composition and permeability seem to be impor- in parts of the central Andes and southwestern North Ameri-
tant controls on large size and hypogene grades exceeding 1% can porphyry copper provinces (Sillitoe, 2005, and references
Cu at several of the premier deposits (Sillitoe, 2010b; Fig. 3). therein), with Morenci (Leveille and Stegen, 2012), Chuquica-
Intensely biotitized, ferrous iron-rich wall rocks—a Mesopro- mata (Ossandón et al., 2001; Rivera et al., 2012), and Escon-
terozoic diabase sill complex at Resolution (Hehnke et al., dida (Hervé et al., 2012) being prime examples. However,
2012; Leveille and Stegen, 2012), gabbro and dolerite sills particularly in the former region, exploration over the past
and dikes at El Teniente (Skewes et al., 2002), and submarine decade or so has outlined far larger hypogene resources be-
tholeiitic basalt at Oyu Tolgoi (Kirwin et al., 2005; Crane and neath the previously and/or currently mined parts of the
Kavalieris, 2012)—acted as highly effective copper precipi- Cenozoic supergene profiles (e.g., Escondida; Hervé et al.,
tants from oxidized magmatic fluids. By the same token, 2012).
quartzite at Bingham Canyon acted as a poor host (Porter et
al., 2012). In contrast, the massively bedded limestone wall Sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits
rocks at Grasberg may have created a relatively impermeable The most obvious parameters controlling the size of sedi-
sleeve that inhibited magmatic fluid escape and promoted ment-hosted stratiform copper deposits, as exemplified by
grade development within the porphyry stock (Sillitoe, 1997). major examples in the Central African Copperbelt of Zambia
A comparable role has also be ascribed to hornfelsed wall and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Kupfer-
rocks, including those above both the East zone at Pebble schiefer province of Poland and Germany, Dzhezkazgan in
(Lang and Gregory, 2012) and the world’s largest (17 Mt Cu) Kazakhstan, and Udokan in Russia (Fig. 1), are geometric and
skarn copper deposit at Antamina, Peru (Love et al., 2004). depend on structurally uninterrupted stratigraphic continuity.
The evolution of alteration, including the accompanying The largest deposits have the greatest along-strike and down-
sulfide minerals, over the lifespans of porphyry copper de- dip extents and/or thickest or greatest number of ore hori-
posits profoundly influences grade development and conser- zons, as exemplified by the sandstone-, carbonaceous shale-,
vation (Einaudi et al., 2003). In deposits characterized by and dolomite-hosted Lubin, Polkowice, and contiguous de-
major copper introduction in the early, high-temperature, posits of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline in Poland, which un-
potassic stages (e.g., Bingham Canyon, Los Pelambres-El derlie an area of ~500 km2 and are mined to a depth of ~1,300
Pachón, El Teniente, Grasberg), the absence of appreciable m (Oszczepalski, 1999; Borg et al., 2012). The subhorizontal,
overprinting by sericitic or chlorite-sericite alteration, which diamictite-hosted Kamoa deposit in DRC underlies an area of
can cause partial or even total copper removal (e.g., Kouz- at least 80 km2 (Broughton and Rogers, 2010). The number of
manov and Pokrovski, 2012), favors conservation of high cop- individual, ore-bearing sandstone beds approaches 30 over a
per tenors; these attain their maxima in the deep, central 600-m stratigraphic interval at Dzhezkazgan, thereby ac-
parts of systems where low-sulfidation conditions can lead to counting for its large size (Gablina, 1981; Box et al., 2012). In
bornite ± digenite accompanying or even dominating chal- contrast, structural repetition of the main mineralized
copyrite (Fig. 3; e.g., Bingham Canyon; Porter et al., 2012). dolomitic shale horizons, in conjunction with their consider-
Coalescence of several bornite-rich centers favors develop- able strike and dip continuity, contributes to the large size of
ment of large orebodies, as at Los Pelambres and El Teniente the Kolwezi and Tenke-Fungurumé district deposits, DRC
(Vry et al., 2010; Perelló et al., 2012). Nonetheless, where (Hitzman et al., 2012; Schuh et al., 2012).
copper deposition is relatively late, sericitic and even, in some The controls on ore grade in sediment-hosted stratiform
cases, chlorite-sericite alteration appears to accompany grade copper deposits are less readily appreciated, although they
development (e.g., Oyu Tolgoi; Crane and Kavalieris, 2012). appear to be regional in extent since province-wide average
The highest hypogene grades in some major porphyry de- grades tend to be broadly similar, in marked contrast to the
posits are present with sericite ± pyrophyllite ± dickite alter- situation in porphyry copper and IOCG provinces. Conse-
ation and high sulfidation-state copper minerals, in the tele- quently, availability of stratigraphic traps (e.g., pinchouts
scoped roots of advanced argillic lithocaps (Sillitoe, 2010b; against basement highs, anticlinal crests) and original
Fig. 3), with Butte (Meyer et al., 1968), Chuquicamata (Os- amounts and effectiveness of the copper-precipitating reduc-
sandón et al., 2001; Rivera et al., 2012), and Resolution tant in the mineralized horizons, be it in situ (as carbonaceous
(Hehnke et al., 2012) and, to a lesser extent, Escondida matter and/or diagenetic pyrite) or mobile and introduced

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(e.g., Selley et al., 2005; Hitzman et al., 2012), are seemingly Summary statement—deposit-scale contributions
important factors. Nonetheless, the hypogene bornite- and Optimization of all aspects of deposit-scale mineralization
chalcocite-bearing parts of the zoned deposits, especially processes is a likely prerequisite for formation of large, high-
where veining is well developed, consistently have the highest grade orebodies (e.g., Richards, 2005, 2011); however, it is
grade (e.g., Sillitoe et al., 2010; Schuh et al., 2012). Supergene apparent in the case of porphyry copper deposits, and proba-
chalcocite enrichment, suggested by some (e.g., Hitzman et bly other ore types too, that no single geologic characteristic
al., 2005, 2012) to have enhanced copper grades in the shallow or set of characteristics seems able to adequately predict de-
parts of the Central African Copperbelt deposits, is considered posit size or grade (cf. Clark, 1993). Nonetheless, a number of
unimportant. Suppression of the enrichment process is caused geometric, host-rock, brecciation, and alteration-mineraliza-
by the abundance of carbonate-bearing host rocks and paucity tion features may offer at least partial explanations for the
of ore-related pyrite, and is reflected by the ubiquity of high- preeminence of individual porphyry, sediment-hosted strati-
grade oxide copper mineralization throughout the supergene form, and IOCG deposits and districts.
profiles (e.g., Tenke-Fungurumé; Fay and Barton, 2012). Notwithstanding these proposals, it is difficult to see how
IOCG deposits any of these disparate, deposit-scale parameters or mecha-
nisms can satisfactorily explain the origin of exceptionally en-
Notwithstanding the disparity of deposits assigned to the dowed copper belts and provinces. In the case of the central
IOCG category and disaccord over their genesis (e.g., Sillitoe, Andean porphyry copper province, for example, the premier
2003; Barton, 2009; Groves et al., 2010), the paucity of su- deposits are assigned quite different key geologic controls on
pergiant deposits limits assessment of deposit-scale controls grade and/or tonnage: for example, biotitized mafic wall rocks
on their size and grade. However, the overwhelming domi- at El Teniente, exceptional development of magmatic-hydro-
nance of Olympic Dam within the IOCG grouping, both in thermal breccias at Río Blanco-Los Bronces, and a combina-
terms of size and grade (90 Mt Cu; Fig. 1), must surely be re- tion of hypogene and supergene copper enrichment at
lated to the unusually large volume (~5 km3) of the host Chuquicamata. Furthermore, in the case of IOCG deposits,
hematitic breccias (Ehrig et al., 2012), the products of high- even orebodies within individual provinces display radically
energy hydrothermal fragmentation of granite (Reeve et al., different geologic characteristics (e.g., Carajás; Xavier et al.,
1990). Identical breccias occur at Carrapateena (Fairclough, 2012). Clearly, therefore, these deposit-scale parameters are
2005), 120 km southeast of Olympic Dam, but their far more secondary to more regionally relevant processes that are re-
restricted volume results in a commensurately smaller de- quired to explain the localization of the world’s premier cop-
posit (currently 4.4 Mt Cu). per provinces.
The world’s second-largest IOCG deposit, Candelaria-
Punta del Cobre (~11 Mt Cu) in northern Chile, contains rel- Tectonic Controls on Copper Belts and Provinces
atively minor hydrothermal breccia, thereby showing that
large size is by no means exclusively breccia controlled. In- Porphyry copper deposits
deed, a combination of permeable volcaniclastic rocks, an an- It has long been appreciated that porphyry copper deposits
ticlinal fold, faults, and an overlying limestone seal combined occur in accretionary orogens formed at sites of subduction of
to localize Candelaria-Punta del Cobre (Marschik and Font- oceanic lithosphere (Sawkins, 1972; Sillitoe, 1972). However,
boté, 2001). The third largest IOCG deposit, Salobo (offi- copper endowment in magmatic arcs around the Pacific
cially 7.8 Mt Cu) in the Carajás province (Fig. 1), is different Ocean (Fig. 2), as well as elsewhere, is highly heterogeneous,
again, being an elongate, steeply dipping, structurally con- ranging from nearly 1,000 Mt in the central Andes to <10 Mt
trolled orebody associated with sheared and highly altered, known in several major arc segments, such as the northern
granulite-facies, siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks (Réquia and southern Andes, central and southern Mexico and Cen-
and Fontboté, 2000; Xavier et al., 2012; M.W. Hitzman, writ. tral America (excluding Panama), Russian Far East, Japan,
commun., 2012). and New Zealand. In an attempt to address this distributional
Fluorine-rich ore fluids were proposed as an influential inequality, Sillitoe (1998) proposed that the world’s largest
control on size and grade at Olympic Dam (McPhie et al., and highest grade hypogene porphyry copper deposits were
2011), but comparable fluorine enrichment at Carrapateena, generated in contractional arc settings: a proposition sup-
Salobo, and elsewhere clearly did not generate the same size ported by others (Cooke et al., 2005; Perelló, 2006; Tosdal et
effect. The enhanced permeability provided by the breccia al., 2009; Loucks, 2012; Leveille and Stegen, 2012; Mpodozis
host seems to be a more likely explanation for the high cop- and Cornejo, 2012).
per grades, similar to the porphyry copper environment (see Contractional conditions in accretionary orogens have been
above). In common with sediment-hosted stratiform copper ascribed to three main tectonic mechanisms (Fig. 4): (1) rapid
deposits, average grades are also clearly influenced by the advance of overriding plates coupled with high mantle vis-
copper contents of the hypogene sulfide species present, as cosities, causing enhanced interplate coupling and flat-slab
underscored by the high grades at Olympic Dam where bor- subduction (e.g., van Hunen et al., 2004; Lallemand et al.,
nite and chalcocite are widespread (Reeve et al., 1990; Ehrig 2005); (2) subduction of young, buoyant oceanic lithosphere
et al., 2012). However, in common with the sediment-hosted surmounted by plume-generated topographic features, such
stratiform copper deposits, the overall deficiency of pyrite in as aseismic ridges, seamount chains, and small- to moderate-
IOCG orebodies militates against significant development of sized oceanic plateaus, also causing flat-slab subduction (e.g.,
supergene chalcocite enrichment (e.g., central Andes IOCG Gutscher, 2002; Martinod et al., 2010); and (3) accretion of
deposits; Sillitoe, 2005). exotic terranes, such as island arcs, microcontinental blocks,

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Minimal Foreland position of the central Andean copper province approximately

volcanism fold-thrust belt coincides with the middle of the longitudinally extensive An-
dean orogen where shortening, including oroclinal bending,
+ of the overriding plate was maximized (Schellart, 2008),
rather than within the less-contractional northern and south-
ern Andes (Fig. 2). However, in the case of the late Miocene
to Pliocene copper belt of central Chile, subduction of a spe-
cific topographic feature, the Juan Fernández aseismic ridge,
is widely invoked as at least a contributory cause of the slab
a flattening, regional shortening, surface uplift, and exhuma-
Subducted tion of the overriding plate (e.g., Skewes and Stern, 1995).
oceanic volcanism The contraction in southwestern North America that char-
plateau acterized the Laramide (~80–45 Ma) porphyry copper
province is generally inferred to have been caused by sub-
+ duction of an oceanic plateau embedded in the downgoing
Farallon plate (Livacarri et al., 1981; Liu et al., 2010). In con-
trast, the Pliocene contractional tectonism in New Guinea,
with which the Grasberg porphyry-skarn district and several
smaller deposits are related, was due to collision of the
b Melanesian intraoceanic island arc with the leading edge of
the Australian craton (Cloos et al., 2005; Leys et al., 2012).
Collisional Subduction The empirical correlation between major porphyry copper
suture reversal emplacement events and contractional tectonism in accre-
tionary orogens seems to explain the existence of many of the
world’s premier porphyry copper belts, but lacks a well-
founded cause. However, it may be speculated that the con-
traction and concomitant shortening, thickening, and uplift of
arc crust inhibit volcanism, favoring mid- to upper-crustal
magma accumulation (Takada, 1994) and the consequent
c generation and focused expulsion of the voluminous copper-
bearing magmatic fluids required for porphyry copper gene-
Detached sis (Sillitoe, 1998). Certainly, there is clear evidence for surface
uplift and greatly reduced volcanic activity (and eruption-
FIG. 4. Models for generation of contractional tectonism in accretionary related magmatic fluid dissipation) in such contractional set-
orogens: a. Flat-slab subduction developed episodically at advancing subduc-
tion margins. b. Flat-slab subduction caused by oceanic plateaus and other tings (e.g., mid-Eocene–early Oligocene belt of the central
buoyant objects on the downgoing slab (e.g., central Chile during the late Andes; Mpodozis and Ramos, 1990) as well as localized evi-
Miocene-Pliocene); and c. Accretion of exotic terranes (microcontinents, is- dence for assembly of large epizonal plutons (e.g., Río
land arcs, large oceanic plateaus), which may cause reversal of subduction Blanco-Los Bronces district; Toro et al., 2012). Orogen-scale
polarity (e.g., New Guinea in the late Miocene-Pliocene).
contraction may also favor development in the uppermost
lithospheric mantle or lowermost crust of long-lived and re-
and large oceanic plateaus to convergent margins (e.g., Cloos peatedly replenished magma chambers, which undergo evac-
et al., 2005; Shafiei et al., 2009). The first and second mecha- uation once contraction is relaxed (Loucks, 2012). Certainly,
nisms may operate in concert (van Hunen et al., 2004) or, al- there is emerging evidence for porphyry copper emplace-
ternatively, slab flattening may be a time-dependent process ment in the central Andes immediately following active re-
at convergent margins, without the need for subduction of verse faulting (e.g., Escondida and Los Pelambres; Hervé et
topographic prominences (Haschke et al., 2002; Lee and al., 2012; Perelló et al., 2012).
King, 2011). Far more highly endowed porphyry copper In marked contrast, predominantly extensional accretionary
provinces worldwide coincided with contraction triggered by orogens constructed during trench retreat (rollback), such as
slab flattening than with terrane accretion. Paleozoic southeastern Australia (Terra Australis; Collins, 2002),
In the case of the central Andes—characterized by con- the Paleozoic Altaids of central Asia (Yakubchuk et al., 2005,
tractional tectonism for much of the Cenozoic during forma- 2012), Mesozoic eastern Asia, including the Yanshanian belt of
tion of the world’s premier copper province—the contraction southeastern China, Korea, Japan, and the Russian Far East
is generally attributed to opening of the South Atlantic Ocean (e.g., Zhou et al., 2006), and the Cenozoic Cascades of north-
and the consequent westward advance of the South American western United States (du Bray and John, 2011), are either only
plate relative to the Chile-Peru trench (e.g., Oncken et al., modestly endowed with or entirely lack porphyry copper de-
2006). Sobolev and Babeyko (2005) estimated that 58% of the posits (cf. Uyeda and Nishiwaki, 1980; Fig. 2); however, the po-
westward drift since 35 Ma was accommodated by trench tentially greater erosion suffered by the pre-Cenozoic orogens
rollback, 37% by tectonic shortening of the Andean margin, may be a contributory factor (see below). In contrast to con-
and 5% by subduction erosion of the Andean forearc by the tractional arcs, extensional island arcs, particularly intraoceanic
downgoing Nazca plate (e.g., Rutland, 1971). Furthermore, the arcs during their initial stages of construction, are characterized

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by large-volume volcanism (e.g., Stern and Bloomer, 1992). al., 2003; Selley et al., 2005; Koziy et al., 2009; Hitzman et al.,
Such immature arcs lack the large, felsic magma chambers nec- 2012). Evaporites may also have served as sources for the
essary for porphyry copper deposit formation, as exemplified by brines responsible for scavenging, transport, and precipitation
the apparently barren Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Tonga-Kermadec, of the copper and associated metals (e.g., Koziy et al., 2009).
and Kurile arcs in the western Pacific Ocean (Fig. 2). The exceptional copper contents of the premier sediment-
hosted stratiform belts are attributed by some investigators to
Sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits semicontinuity or multiplicity of copper introduction events,
Sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits formed in cra- spanning the commonly protracted (100–300 m.y.) time in-
tonic, foreland, and hinterland basins at low paleolatitudes tervals between sedimentation and early diagenesis through
(Kirkham, 1989; Hitzman et al., 2010). The principal copper to basin inversion and, in the Central African Copperbelt, the
provinces are hosted by basins in which the receptive strata are associated low-grade metamorphism (Michalik and Sawlow-
both areally extensive and hydrologically accessible to large vol- icz, 2001; Schmidt Mumm and Wolfgramm, 2004; Hitzman et
umes of mineralizing brines. The basins have different origins: al., 2005, 2010, 2012; Haest and Muchez, 2011; Schuh et al.,
the Central African Copperbelt occupies part of an intracon- 2012). A variant on this model implicates shorter, but highly
tinental rift system, which, farther west in the Damara belt of effective copper-bearing brine expulsion events driven by ei-
Namibia, underwent limited ocean-floor spreading to generate ther igneous activity related to extension or basin inversion, as
a narrow, Red Sea-type ocean (Hanson, 2003); the Kupfer- supported by several lines of evidence for postlithifaction
schiefer deposits lie within the intracontinental Polish basin, mineralization (e.g., McGowan et al., 2003; Sillitoe et al.,
which was initiated by rifting induced by postcollisional oro- 2010; Symons et al., 2011; Borg et al., 2012; Hitzman et al.,
genic collapse and transcurrent faulting (van Wees et al., 2000); 2012). Both models satisfy the observed presence of mineral-
and the Dzhezkazgan district is hosted by the Chu-Sarysu ization over appreciable stratigraphic intervals in the Central
transpressional hinterland basin that developed at the site of a African Copperbelt (Hitzman et al., 2012) and elsewhere.
former retroarc basin as a consequence of collisional orogeny
(Yakubchuk et al., 2012, and references therein). Nonetheless, IOCG deposits
all are characterized by basal immature redbed siliciclastic Formation of the largest IOCG deposits in the Gawler, cen-
(and, in many cases, volcanic) sequences, above or within tral Andes, and Carajás provinces is synchronous with felsic
which thin, reduced horizons induced copper precipitation and subordinate mafic magmatism in extensional or transten-
from ascendant, moderate-temperature, oxidized brines (e.g., sional settings. In all three provinces, minor intrusions of
Hitzman et al., 2005, 2010; Fig. 5). Deeply penetrating faults mafic composition appear to be the most closely related to
acted as principal conduits for fluid ascent, as documented in IOCG generation (Sillitoe, 2003; Skirrow, 2009; Groves et al.,
the Kupferschiefer province (Borg et al., 2012, and references 2010). Regional-scale fault zones or lineaments are obvious
therein). The Kupferschiefer copper deposits are overlain by deposit controls (e.g., O’Driscoll, 1985; Sillitoe, 2003; Xavier
massive, halite-bearing evaporites, which may have contributed et al., 2012). The Gawler and Carajás provinces were most
to mineralization efficiency by acting as hanging-wall aquitards probably generated in Mesoproterozoic and Neoarchean
that minimized upward fluid dispersion (Jowett, 1986; Schmidt anorogenic, intracratonic settings, respectively, although Skir-
Mumm and Wolfgramm, 2004; Fig. 5). Breccias, including row (2009) discussed evidence for a distal retroarc position
kilometer-scale blocks, in parts of the Central African Cop- for the former. In contrast, the Coastal Cordillera of the cen-
perbelt are interpreted to imply the former presence there of tral Andes was a retreating accretionary orogen characterized
comparable, but now-dissolved evaporitic strata, which may by trench rollback during Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous
also have acted as a top seal during mineralization (Jackson et IOCG generation (Sillitoe, 2003). Mantle plume activity may

FIG. 5. Schematic depiction of key lithologic elements of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits. Rift-bounding nor-
mal faults undergo inversion during contractional tectonism. Residual brines or brines produced by evaporite dissolution
leach copper and associated metals (cobalt or silver) from oxidized basement strata and overlying redbed siliciclastic rocks.
Copper-bearing sulfides are precipitated by in situ or mobile reductants present in overlying siliciclastic rocks and carbon-
ates as well as locally in the basement rocks. Inspired by Hitzman et al. (2010).

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have triggered the Gawler and Carajás magmatism and IOCG to fully explain the premier copper provinces, in which sev-
mineralization (Groves et al., 2010), but was certainly not a eral metallogenic epochs and several different deposit types
feature of the Mesozoic central Andes. generated under different tectonic conditions are commonly
Notwithstanding the synchronism of the largest IOCG de- represented. Furthermore, in some accretionary orogens, con-
posits with magmatism in broadly extensional/transtensional tractional tectonic events failed to give rise to known major
settings, the tectonic position of Olympic Dam and Salobo on porphyry copper deposits, as exemplified by oceanic plateau
the one hand and the much younger Candelaria-Punta del subduction beneath the northern Andes of Ecuador during
Cobre district on the other are markedly different. Hence, it the Late Cretaceous (Vallejo et al., 2009) and flat-slab sub-
must be concluded that tectonic setting alone cannot satisfac- duction beneath southern Alaska during the mid- to late Ceno-
torily account for the localization of IOCG deposits. zoic (Finzel et al., 2011). Similarly, many major redbed- and
evaporite-bearing cratonic, foreland, and hinterland basins
Summary statement—tectonic controls contain only minor or even lack sediment-hosted stratiform
Contractional tectonic conditions and the resultant crustal copper deposits (e.g., Khorat basin, Thailand, and neighboring
thickening, surface uplift, and exhumation offer a viable ex- countries; Racey, 2009). And, of course, numerous anoro-
planation for the world’s most productive porphyry copper genic, intracratonic magmatic provinces and extensional ac-
belts. Basin size, stratigraphic architecture, and brine expul- cretionary orogens worldwide lack even minor examples of
sion history (during extension and/or subsequent contraction) IOCG mineralization.
may, either singly or, more likely, in combination, account for
the world’s principal sediment-hosted stratiform copper Recurrent Mineralization in Major Copper Provinces
provinces. Major IOCG deposits seem to be products of The world’s major copper provinces tend to be dominated
crustal extension/transtension, albeit with indications of a by a single deposit type, albeit in some cases generated during
close link to mafic magmatism. two or more metallogenic epochs (Figs. 1, 6), but commonly
However, these tectonic models, including their attendant also contain subsidiary copper deposits of other types. For
magmatic or sedimentologic histories, do not seem adequate example, the pre-eminent central Andes and southwestern

35°W Paleoproterozoic
Middle Eocene-
PERU early Oligocene Late Cretaceous-
early Eocene
Miocene MEXICO
Pacific Late Jurassic
Paleocene- Ocean
early Eocene
20°S 200 km
115°W 110°W

Jurassic Permian
Pacific 50°N
Ocean Late Devonian-
Carboniferous Carboniferous

Early Cretaceous Chu-Sarysu

30°S Pliocene
65°E 200 km 80°E

Copper deposit types

IOCG, manto type + porphyry

70°W Sediment-hosted stratiform

200 km
a Volcanogenic massive sulfide

FIG. 6. Recurrent metallogenic epochs in representative major copper provinces: a. Central Andes (Sillitoe and Perelló,
2005); b. Southwestern North America (Titley, 1982); and c. Kazakhstan Altaids (Yakubchuk et al., 2005). Note proximity of
the different deposit types.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 9

North America copper provinces are characterized by several readily lost to erosion because of confinement of most of
intrusion- and volcanic-related metallogenic epochs. The them to shallow (<4 km) crustal levels (e.g., Sawkins, 1972;
highly endowed Miocene to early Pliocene, middle Eocene to Sillitoe, 1972; Kesler and Wilkinson, 2006; Fig. 3). This may
early Oligocene, and Paleocene to early Eocene belts of the be particularly true for the largest deposits, which are ar-
central Andes—all apparently generated during tectonic con- guably generated only during rapid uplift and exhumation
traction—were preceded by subordinate Late Carboniferous consequent upon tectonic contraction (Sillitoe, 1998; see
to Triassic porphyry copper, Late Jurassic and Early Creta- above), as well as for gold-rich examples, which tend to form
ceous IOCG, manto-type copper, and porphyry copper, and at shallower depths than those containing by-product molyb-
Late Cretaceous and Miocene sediment-hosted stratiform denum (Murakami et al., 2010). Hence, many major porphyry
copper epochs that all seem to have formed in copper deposits are Cenozoic, in particular Mio-Pliocene in
extensional/transtensional settings (Sillitoe, 1988; Sillitoe and age (Los Pelambres-El Pachón, Río Blanco-Los Bronces, El
Perelló, 2005; Fig. 6a). Indeed, the entire post-Paleozoic cen- Teniente, Reko Diq, Grasberg), with progressively fewer being
tral Andean orogen is copper dominated, a fact that led Stoll hosted by Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and older accretionary oro-
(1965) to define it as a chalcophile province. Similarly, south- gens (cf. Kesler and Wilkinson, 2006). The oldest exploited
western North America is characterized not only by the syn- porphyry copper deposit is the highly deformed, Paleo-
contractional Laramide porphyry copper deposits but, as pre- proterozoic example at Aitik, Sweden, in the Svecofennian
saged by Spurr (1923, Ch. 9, 10), also by Late Jurassic porphyry orogen (Wanhainen et al., 2006).
copper emplacement at Bisbee (Titley, 1982), Paleoproterozoic Hawkesworth et al. (2009, 2010) proposed that the preser-
copper-rich volcanogenic massive sulfide formation at Jerome vation potential of rocks (and any enclosed ore deposits) in
and elsewhere (Lindberg, 1989), and minor younger copper subduction or extensional settings is substantially less than
mineralization (e.g., McLemore, 1996), all plausibly extension- that of collisional orogens (Fig. 7). Potentially for this reason,
related mineralization events (Fig. 6b). The Altaid province the most important Paleozoic porphyry copper province is
of central Asia is made up of several Paleozoic intrusion- and hosted by the extensional Altaid accretionary orogen of cen-
volcanic-related copper epochs, to which may be added the tral Asia (Figs. 1, 6c), which eventually became caught up in
major Dzhezkazgan sediment-hosted stratiform copper dis- the late Paleozoic to earliest Mesozoic collision of the North
trict (e.g., Yakubchuk et al., 2005, 2012; Fig. 6b). The Carajás China and Tarim cratonic blocks with the southern margin of
province (Fig. 1), part of the Southern Amazon craton of the Siberian craton (Yakubchuk et al., 2005, 2012; Xiao et al.,
northeastern Brazil, is primarily defined by a series of proba-
bly Neoarchean IOCG deposits, but also includes greisen-
and vein-type copper deposits related to Paleoproterozoic fel-
sic intrusions (e.g., Breves; Grainger et al., 2008). Even the
Central African Copperbelt includes structurally localized,
carbonate-replacement zinc-copper deposits (e.g., Kipushi,
DRC; Haest and Muchez, 2011), and Mesoproterozoic IOCG
Preservation potential

Total copper endowment

deposits share the Gawler province with sediment-hosted
stratiform copper deposits of Neoproterozoic age (e.g., Mount
Gunson; Tonkin and Creelman, 1990). Retreating
Therefore, it is tempting to think that a yet more funda- subduction zones
mental factor may need to be identified in order to explain
the origin of the world’s premier copper provinces, in which
superposition of several copper-forming epochs and domi-
nance of copper over other metals (except, perhaps, for iron)
seem to be commonplace. Furthermore, given their different subduction zones
formational ages and preservation potentials, the known de-
posits are unlikely to be fully representative of a province’s SUBDUCTION COLLISION BREAKUP
total original copper endowment. Supercontinent cycle
Copper Deposit Preservation FIG. 7. Hypothetical preservation potential of rocks and contained copper
deposits (blue lines) versus approximate copper endowment (red line) of sub-
Attempts to understand the global distribution of copper duction, collisional, and extensional breakup settings. The preservation po-
deposits are dictated by the exposed and near-surface (≤1.5 tential of advancing (Andean type, contractional) subduction margins is
km) deposits discovered to date. Eroded deposits are neces- much lower than that of retreating (southwestern Pacific type, extensional)
sarily ignored, although it is recognized that they are likely to margins characterized by trench rollback. The copper endowment of sub-
have been sufficiently numerous, large, and/or high-grade to duction settings (mainly porphyry deposits) is much greater than that of col-
lisional (sediment-hosted stratiform deposits and a subset of porphyry deposits,
have greatly increased the importance of known copper including the Grasberg district) and extensional (some sediment-hosted
provinces or even constituted former, now-unsuspected stratiform and IOCG deposits) settings. The figure implies that porphyry and
provinces. Undiscovered copper deposits pose the same fun- sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits in collisional settings and IOCG
damental problems. deposits in extensional settings tend to be older than porphyry copper and
IOCG deposits in subduction settings. The shape of the right side of the cop-
The preservation potential of different types of copper de- per endowment curve would change if sediment-hosted stratiform deposits
posits is clearly not the same. Porphyry copper deposits, par- are considered to form mainly during extension rather than basin inversion.
ticularly their near-surface epithermal manifestations, are Based on Hawkesworth et al. (2009).

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2009). In the Kazakh-Mongol magmatic arc in the Altaids, ad- long-debated concepts of metal inheritance and provinciality
vanced argillic lithocaps—characteristic of the shallow epi- (e.g., Noble, 1970; Krauskopf, 1971; Routhier, 1976; Titley,
thermal parts of porphyry copper systems (e.g., Sillitoe, 2001).
2010b; Fig. 3)—are widely preserved, thereby further em-
phasizing the generally shallow erosion level. Typically, Porphyry copper deposits
preservation is a product of postmineral concealment beneath As reviewed by Richards (2003, 2011) and Audétat and
younger volcanosedimentary cover (e.g., Oyu Tolgoi; Perelló Simon (2012), porphyry copper magma generation may be
et al., 2001; Wainwright et al., 2011; Crane and Kavalieris, initiated by hydration and partial melting of peridotite in as-
2012), as it commonly is elsewhere (e.g., Resolution and Peb- thenospheric mantle wedges above subduction zones: a
ble East; Hehnke et al., 2012; Lang and Gregory, 2012; Lev- process induced by upward transfer of aqueous fluid and/or
eille and Stegen, 2012). hydrous melt from downgoing oceanic slabs (e.g., Schmidt
Furthermore, accretionary orogens of classical Andean and Poli, 2005; Dreyer et al., 2010; Fig. 8). Subducted ser-
type are less well preserved than extensional examples char- pentinite may contribute a significant proportion of the re-
acterized by retreating subduction zones and retroarc basin quired water (Hattori and Guillot, 2003).
development (Hawkesworth et al., 2009, 2010; Fig. 7). Thus, The slab-derived fluids introduce sulfur, chlorine, carbon
in the central Andes, the IOCG deposits, formed in a retreat- species, and incompatible elements and, at least during the
ing subduction regime, are ~70 m.y. older than the parallel Phanerozoic, progressively oxidize the mantle wedges (e.g.,
belt of major porphyry copper deposits, generated and ex- Kelley and Cottrell, 2009; Evans and Tomkins, 2011). Ascent
humed during contraction at an advancing subduction margin of the hydrous basaltic melts from mantle wedges causes
(Sillitoe, 2003; Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005; Fig. 6a). progressive metasomatism and oxidation of the overlying
In contrast to porphyry copper deposits, most sediment- lithospheric mantle (e.g., Peslier et al., 2002) as well as un-
hosted stratiform and IOCG deposits have far greater preser- derplating and radically modifying the lower crust (Fig. 8).
vation potential and, as a consequence, tend to be much older Furthermore, magmatic differentiation generates cumulates
because they occur in major sedimentary basins and exten- potentially enriched in copper-bearing sulfides in the vicinity
sional, commonly intraplate environments, respectively. The of the lithospheric mantle-crust boundary (e.g., Richards,
preservation potential of the principal sediment-hosted strat- 2009, 2011; Lee et al., 2012). Hence, long-standing accre-
iform copper provinces was further enhanced by incorpora- tionary orogens—such as the central Andes where subduction
tion in collisional orogens. Hence, ancient deposits are far was initiated >500 m.y. ago (e.g., Bahlburg et al., 2009;
more common, as exemplified by the Neoarchean age of the Mpodozis and Cornejo, 2012)—and those subjected to multi-
Carajás IOCG province and Paleoproterozoic age of the stage subduction histories generally should be characterized
supergiant (26 Mt Cu) sediment-hosted stratiform copper de- by relatively oxidized crust-mantle systems as well as by hav-
posit at Udokan, Russia (Chechetkin et al., 2000; Fig. 1). Fur- ing been subjected to the greatest incompatible element and
thermore, the relatively buoyant nature of the underlying volatile input and concentration. Effective magmatic trans-
Archean lithospheric mantle was also a cogent factor in port of copper and gold through the mantle and crust is fa-
crustal stability and preservation of the Gawler and Carajás vored by relatively oxidized conditions, otherwise such metals
IOCG provinces (Groves et al., 2010). become immobilized as a result of retention or sequestration
by magmatic sulfide minerals and/or melts (e.g., Mungall,
Fundamental Controls of Major Copper Provinces 2002; Richards, 2011; Evans and Tomkins, 2011; Audétat and
The limited number, spatial restriction, and multistage ori- Simon, 2012). Hence, relatively oxidized rather than reduced
gin of the world’s premier copper provinces hint at more fun- crustal profiles (and contained aqueous fluids) characterize
damental reasons than simply tectonic/tectonomagmatic set- major porphyry copper provinces, as emphasized by Keith
ting to explain their localization. In the case of porphyry and Swan (1995) for southwestern North America. The abil-
copper deposits, for example, the reasonably well-understood ity of the lower and middle crust to influence magma chem-
magmatic and hydrothermal processes involved—as summa- istry is underscored by the ubiquitous presence of inherited
rized by Sillitoe (2010b), Richards (2011), Audétat and Simon magmatic zircon grains in porphyry copper stocks (e.g.,
(2012), and Kouzmanov and Pokrovski (2012)—fail to satis- Richards et al., 1999; van Dongen et al., 2010). Translithos-
factorily explain the two orders of magnitude difference in pheric fault systems, some localized by ancient collisional su-
the copper endowment of the various circum-Pacific (Fig. 2) tures bounding accreted terranes, have the potential to focus
and other youthful arc segments worldwide, since neither the ascent of the mantle- and lower crust-derived magmas
dramatically different degrees of deposit exposure (except, and contained metals into the upper crust (e.g., Bingham,
perhaps, for Paleozoic eastern Australia) nor exploration ef- Chuquicamata, Oyu Tolgoi, Grasberg).
fectiveness (except, perhaps, for the northern Andes and Although still unquantified, much of the copper and associ-
Russian Far East) can be realistically called upon. Therefore ated metals incorporated in the mantle wedge-derived basaltic
it is difficult to escape the conclusion that limited volumes of magmas were supplied by the fluids ascending from downgo-
Earth’s upper crust are predisposed to recurrent copper con- ing slabs and, hence, ultimately by hydrated oceanic lithos-
centration, on time scales of tens to hundreds of millions of phere and overlying sediments (e.g., Sillitoe, 1972; Noll et al.,
years and, potentially, as long as 2,000 m.y. It is proposed here 1996; Hattori, 2007; Fig. 8). Irrespective of precisely where
that lithosphere chemistry, perhaps most importantly copper the bulk of the copper is concentrated in the oceanic crust
availability and redox state, is the fundamental control favor- (Cathles, 2011; Hannington, 2011), its distribution in sheeted
ing repetitive copper mineralization: a proposal that builds on dike complexes and overlying basaltic lavas (few hundred

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 11

Oxidized Magma
chamber Oxidized+
crust copper-rich
mantle flow

fluids from

FIG. 8. Schematic section of a convergent margin, showing ascent of oxidized, copper-bearing fluids from the subducted
oceanic plate into the asthenospheric wedge, where relatively low-degree partial melting produces basaltic magma. The
basaltic magma ascends through and causes further partial melting of the mantle lithosphere and lower crust, which locally
may have been oxidized and copper enriched during previous subduction episodes/cycles. The resulting fertile basaltic
magma may underplate the crust or pass directly into the lower crust where it evolves to an andesitic composition by the
MASH (mixing, assimilation, storage, and homogenization) process (Richards, 2003, 2011, and references therein). Cuprif-
erous sulfide-bearing cumulates can also result from magmatic differentiation in the upper lithospheric mantle and lower
crust. Relatively oxidized (as opposed to reduced) crustal profiles maximize delivery of copper and other chalcophile metals
to ore-depositional sites in the upper crust. Major porphyry copper provinces are believed to develop above the oxidized and
copper-enriched zones of lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust, which, in some cases, may have been accreted during
much earlier collisional orogeny.

ppm), contained VMS deposits (up to several %), basal well as subsequently (Humphreys et al., 2003). Metasoma-
pelagic sediments (~800 ppm), and ferromanganese nodules tized lithospheric mantle and mafic lowermost crust may also
and crusts (~4,500 ppm) is undoubtedly highly heteroge- directly contribute partial melts capable of forming porphyry
neous at the scale of ocean basins (e.g., Morgan, 2000; Li and copper deposits after collision has shut down subduction
Schoonmaker, 2005). Furthermore, fluid and contained metal (Richards, 2009, 2011), a situation that can also cause delam-
release from downgoing slabs is highly complex because of its ination (gravity-induced foundering) of potentially fertile
dependence on the interplay between thermomechanical lithospheric material into the asthenosphere (e.g., Grasberg;
properties and reaction paths (Schmidt and Poli, 2005) and Cloos et al., 2005; Fig. 9a).
the strong likelihood that a substantial proportion is sub- Using evidence furnished by mafic enclaves in the porphyry
ducted deeper into the mantle. Therefore the metal flux from copper-related stock, Core et al. (2006) proposed that the
subducted slabs to mantle wedges and their superjacent Bingham Canyon deposit and, by extrapolation, porphyry
lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust may vary consider- copper belts elsewhere may be the results of partial melting
ably both geographically and through time. Ascendant of previously copper- and sulfur-enriched lower crust or
basaltic magmas may obtain additional metals from metasom- lithospheric mantle. Based on strontium and neodymium iso-
atized lithospheric mantle and mafic lower crust (Shafiei et tope ratios of coeval volcanic rocks (Waite et al., 1997) and
al., 2009), which also seem likely to be characterized by highly lead isotope ratios of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal quartz
heterogeneous redox and metal distribution patterns inher- veinlets (Pettke et al., 2010), the subcontinental lithospheric
ited not only from earlier subduction, but also as a result of mantle, subduction-metasomatized and accreted during the
rifting, mantle plume, and accretion events dating back as far Paleoproterozoic (Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, 2007), is per-
as the Precambrian (e.g., Griffin et al., 2003; Clowes et al., haps the more likely source of the magmas and associated
2010). Indeed, pre-Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle may copper (and gold and molybdenum) at Bingham Canyon.
have been particularly well fertilized because the slab-derived Similar Paleoproterozoic lithosphere may also have been the
fluids at that time seem likely to have been less oxidized ultimate copper source for the Laramide porphyry copper de-
(Evans and Tomkins, 2011). Subduction-zone flattening and posits of southwestern North America (e.g., Bouse et al.,
crustal thickening, which appear to have accompanied gene- 1999; Humphreys et al., 2003; Pettke et al., 2010; Leveille
sis of many major porphyry copper belts (see above), can and Stegen, 2012).
cause almost complete elimination of mantle wedges, a The fundamental role played by fertile, subduction-meta-
process which may enhance the metasomatism of lithospheric somatized, oxidized, and copper-enriched mantle and lower-
mantle and lower crust as well as their contributions to mag- most crust in the generation of porphyry copper belts and
matism just prior to eventual onset of amagmatic conditions provinces is underscored by two additional observations.
(Kay et al., 1999; Haschke et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2012), as First, many magmatic arcs that lack appreciable porphyry

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Tectonically thickened
porphyry copper formation (Sato, 2012, and references
continental crust therein). Second, episodic high-flux magmatic events in An-
dean-type arcs, resulting from enhanced crustal melting, give
rise to voluminous felsic ignimbrite eruptions (de Silva et al.,
Lithospheric 2006; DeCelles et al., 2009), but few, if any, porphyry copper
Asthenosphere deposits. Hattori and Keith (2001), Audétat and Simon
Cumulates (2012), and Loucks (2012) emphasized the critical role of ju-
Magma generation
Metasomatized venile mafic melts introduced into midcrustal or even deeper
Upwelling lithospheric
in metasomatized
asthenosphere mantle felsic magma chambers for effective porphyry copper genesis.
lithospheric mantle
Delaminated lithospheric Sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits
mantle sinking
a into asthenosphere It is now commonly accepted that the voluminous brines
responsible for sediment-hosted stratiform copper mineral-
ization in the Central African Copperbelt and Kupferschiefer
province may have circulated through fault arrays in underly-
Erosion of Hinterland ing basement rocks as well as the redbed sedimentary se-
arc detritus
Foreland extensional basin quences that floor the copper-mineralized sedimentary basins
(e.g., Blundell et al., 2003; Schmidt Mumm and Wolfgramm,
Pluton continental 2004; Koziy et al., 2009; Hitzman et al., 2010; Borg et al.,
crust 2012). Indeed, the basement itself also locally underwent
Lithospheric mantle
mineralization in the Central African Copperbelt (e.g.,
Collisional Lumwana deposit, Zambia; Bernau et al., 2007; Hitzman et
suture al., 2012).
The immediate basement to the Dzhezkazgan province
Detached slab (Fig. 6c) seems likely to be relatively oxidized and potentially
sinking into copper mineralized, given that it comprises accreted early Pa-
leozoic magmatic arc terranes and the western portion of a
b Devonian arc. Furthermore, both the Devonian and Car-
boniferous porphyry copper-bearing arcs probably shed detri-
Magma chamber
tus into the Chu-Sarysu basin, the host to the Dzhezkazgan
district (Figs. 6c, 9b). Oxidized crust is also a strong possibil-
extension ity in the Central African Copperbelt and Kupferschiefer
province because both are partly underlain by arc terranes
Metasomatized and derivative (meta)sedimentary rocks of Paleoproterozoic
and Paleozoic age, respectively (Oszczepalski, 1999; Rainaud
Asthenosphere et al., 2005; Borg et al., 2012; Schuh et al., 2012). Several
low-grade porphyry copper deposits and associated skarns
Magma generation plume occur in the Paleozoic basement of southwestern Poland
in metasomatized
lithospheric mantle (Harańczyk, 1980) but, although minor copper occurrences
are widespread in the pre-Katangan basement of the Central
c African Copperbelt in Zambia (Pienaar, 1961), it remains to
FIG. 9. Cartoons of additional geotectonic scenarios that could be influen-
be determined if they are broadly contemporaneous with
tial in major copper deposit/province formation: a. Formation of porphyry their host rocks or were introduced during passage of brines
copper magma by small-degree partial melting of metasomatized (and possi- through the basement at the time of the stratigraphically
bly cumulate-bearing) lithospheric mantle and lower crust during asthenos- higher, sediment-hosted stratiform copper mineralization, as
phere upwelling after subduction ceases, with delaminated lithospheric man- appears to be the case at Lumwana (see above).
tle sinking into the asthenosphere (e.g., Richards, 2011); b. Contribution of
erosional products of copper-bearing magmatic arc to sediment-hosted strat- IOCG deposits
iform copper deposit formation in extensional hinterland basin, following
continental collision (and slab detachment), as applicable to Dzhezkazgan; By analogy with porphyry copper deposits, it may be spec-
and c. Intraplate formation of IOCG-related magma from copper-enriched ulated that the mafic magmas related temporally to major
lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust during mantle-plume activity (e.g.,
Groves et al., 2010).
IOCG deposits may also have tapped preexisting segments of
oxidized and copper-enriched subcontinental lithospheric
mantle located on the margins of Archean cratons (Grainger
copper mineralization have been shown by isotopic studies to et al., 2008; Groves et al., 2010), prior to ascent through dom-
possess only limited mantle contributions and to have formed inantly oxidized crustal rocks via deeply penetrating fault
mainly from recycled crustal material. The Mesozoic arcs of zones (e.g., Olympic Dam; O’Driscoll, 1985; Ehrig et al.,
the Russian Far East, southeastern China, Korea, and Japan 2012). The mafic magmas may have been introduced by man-
are prime examples (e.g., Jahn, 2010). The crust in these re- tle plumes (Groves et al., 2010; Fig. 9c). Certainly, in the case
gions is dominated by thick, reduced sedimentary packages, of the Olympic Dam deposit, some of the neodymium in the
which therefore favor ilmenite-series magmatism inimical to hematite-rich ore was derived from the same source as that in

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 13

synmineral, alkaline mafic/ultramafic dikes within the ore- In summary, the world’s premier copper provinces may be
body, implying a mantle source for both and, arguably, much considered as the cumulative products of a well-orchestrated
of the associated copper (Johnson and McCulloch, 1995; series of copper concentration processes: copper precipita-
Ehrig et al., 2012). Indeed, availability of such fertile lithos- tion on and beneath the ocean floor, at and beyond mid-ocean
pheric mantle may be a fundamental requirement for IOCG ridges, and its eventual subduction at accretionary margins;
generation in intraplate settings (Fig. 9c), in which most extraction of copper from the subducted slabs and its intro-
anorogenic magmatic provinces are devoid of copper (and duction into superjacent asthenospheric mantle wedges; het-
gold) mineralization. If the existence of subjacent fertile erogeneous copper accumulation and short- or long-term
lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust was a prerequisite storage in the lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust; re-
for formation of the central Andean copper province, as hy- current incorporation of copper into ascendant magmas; and
pothesized above, then the transition from IOCG dominance copper ore formation in association with upper-crustal intru-
in the Mesozoic to porphyry copper dominance in the Ceno- sions and sedimentary basins. In the final analysis, however,
zoic may be somehow related to the temporally coincident the key role proposed here for localized copper enrichment
change from extensional to contractional tectonic conditions of the lithospheric mantle and lowermost crust is simply a lat-
instigated by opening of the South Atlantic Ocean (see ter-day elaboration of what Spurr (1923, p. 431) termed “a
above). heterogeneous stable under-earth......a rich storehouse of
Several recent studies of major copper deposits and Acknowledgments
provinces have identified the potentially important metallo- I thank Rio Tinto Exploration for honoring me with this
genic role played by the lithospheric mantle in both accre- dedicated volume, the Society of Economic Geologists for ac-
tionary orogens and anorogenic, intraplate settings (Grainger cepting it as a Special Publication, and the editors—Jeff
et al., 2008; Sillitoe, 2008; Bierlein et al., 2009; Shafiei et al., Hedenquist, Mike Harris, and Francisco Camus—for their
2009; Groves et al., 2010; Pettke et al., 2010). Although por- hard work during volume planning and manuscript review
phyry copper genesis is commonly triggered by subduction- and revision as well as for inviting me to contribute this in-
induced partial melting of asthenospheric mantle wedges, troductory paper. George Steele provided me with sage ad-
previously oxidized and metasomatized lithospheric mantle vice during volume conception, and Alice Bouley, Brian Hoal,
and overlying lowermost crust appear to have contributed im- Christine Horrigan, Mabel Peterson, Stuart Simmons, and
portantly to the development of most major porphyry copper Vivian Smallwood assisted the editors with the planning and
deposits, belts, and provinces. This fertile lithospheric mantle publication processes.
and lowermost crust, commonly parts of accreted Precam- I am also deeply grateful to the numerous geologists who
brian terranes, may contribute supplementary copper to as- over the years have shared their knowledge of the copper de-
cending asthenospheric magmas, both during subduction posits and provinces briefly referred to in this introductory
and, less commonly, intraplate extension, as well as undergo- paper, during consulting assignments and the occasional mine
ing partial melting in their own right. Shallower crust, al- tour. The authors of the other 21 papers—all of them cited in
though necessarily oxidized, seems to play a subordinate role this introduction—are also thanked for helping to make this a
in the provision of copper, except in the case of extensional landmark volume on the major copper deposits and districts
sedimentary basins where subjacent magmatic arc terranes as of the world. Manuscript reviews by Mike Harris, Keiko Hat-
well as the redbed detritus derived from them are the likely tori, Jeff Hedenquist, Pepe Perelló, Stuart Simmons and, on
sources of the copper in sediment-hosted stratiform deposits. behalf of the Society of Economic Geologists, Murray Hitz-
Recurrent tapping of oxidized and potentially copper-en- man, John Thompson, and Dick Tosdal greatly improved this
riched domains of the lithospheric mantle and derivative paper.
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