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Discerning The Mauve Factor Part 2

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Woody R. McGinnis, MD; Tapan Audhya, P ~ DWilliam

; J. Walsh, P ~ DJames
; A. Jackson, P ~ DJohn
; McLaren-Howard, DSC, FACN;
Allen Lewis, MD;Peter H. Lauda, MD;Douglas M. Bibus, P ~ DFrances
; Jurnak, P ~ DRoman
; Lietha, MD;Abram Hoffer, MD, P ~ D

mwmyF3; K ~ % g p r ' ~=m ~ . n S ' ~ I ~ J w ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ . y l b ~ l i ~ : ~ ~ & ~ ~ r

i r o li~
'X.lauv$ Factor" was ~ n c e " m i s ~ a k e r i ' ~ o r 4 ~ t o p yhut c I ~ P nittir dxide (P<.O(rOlI.Thus, besides implying propodonate
' kydrvxylautam OF hernnpyrrule, hyrlroqhemupyrrdin-2-011e nerds fur r i l a r n u ~BGand zinc, T V Z . is a promising biornark~rfor
WK). Treatment with nr~trienls-parkubrly r r i r ~ ~3nd nxlriative stress. HI'L i s known to cause non-erythroid I I P ~ I P
zinc--reducr?s urinary !rxccrrho rrt' HPL and i m p r o v ~di whicl1 low CWascs i c oxide, arid increas-
netlmhh&oml sympto~nsin wljn'k with rlevat~du r i n q stress.
Hc$htencd 13%euetinn rlassiually awaciatcs with rrnol listration one reporl ~ k e dKPL
$cress, which in tunis knc lciate wit11 uxidxtive s Tiire adrenoco~tirnid(and cat~cholamine)
k r thi~ retitw, markers f~1 a1 SSIA~IIS ;il~ 3 fur; mid Ite inteslinal prrn~eability,urinary HTI. was
stress were examined in reh PL. lip lo rrtinary irdcans, pltwmptke marker
In ccohorts,withmix& diqposes. 24-lour urmaq - m,l
. m T
or ~nresrmz~ pemcaoility. Lrinary I-1Pi2ar~ociataclwith higher
related neprivdgrvith vitamin R6activity and zinc concc~~tr ~veFsof u~dicanc(k.Ol)Ol). ihtibiotics rrporttdl>~ W~UCP WI. ill
in red cclls 1P<.0001).hbcnlc-normal JtR ~ x c r tir~n e corrc.spn ~rinr,suggesting an enrcrrd~icrole in pmdutmon. PotwtiaDy, pr
Lo stthnormal vitamin IZ, activity and suhnurmal zinc **.lib IS x~s~rvnir tor its TlrcJcilrsos,ahd stress-related changes in
. b b l ~con:3istency. N <I urinary (
and red-ceI1 ratalase. tly rc-ith pli .sz.>

Study, Auckland, New Zealand. Tapan Audhya, P ~ Dis, a

research professor of Endocrinologyat New York University Health and Medicine. (2008;14(2):40-50.)
School of Medicine, New York. WilliamJ. Walsh, P ~ D is , director
of research at H e a r Treatment Center, Warrenville, Illinois.
James A. Jackson, P ~ Dis, a retired professor of medical technol-
ogy, Wichita, Kansas.John McLaren-Howard,DSC,FACN, is
director of BioLab Medical Unit, London. Allen Lewis, MD, is
medical director, lJfeiEer Treatment Center. Peter H. Lauda, MD,
is medical director, Diagnostic and Therapy Center, Vienna,
Austria. Douglas M. Bibus, phD,is director of Lipid
Technologies, Austin, Minnesota, and a faculty member at the
Center for Spirituality and Healing, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis. FrancesJurnak, P ~ Dis, a professor ofphysiology an enterobial role in production of HPL.

Applied Biology, Rapperswil, Switzerland.Abram Hoffer, MD,

P~D,is president emeritus of the International Schizophrenia
Foundation and founder and editor in chief of theJournal of D-lysergic diethylamide (LSD), did increase HPL excretion in
Orthomoledr Medicine, Victoria, British Columbia. 20%of subjects."
Pfeiffer suggested that HPL results from breakdown
heme,"6 and Irvine identified a distinctive triad of urobilinoids

that perform HPL assay: Audhya (VitaminDiagnostics,Inc, Cliffwood with derivation of HPL from microbial degradation of bile p
Beach, New Jersey); Jackson (Bio-Center Laboratory, Wichita, ment.78Irvine was unable to produce HPL from heme, bilirub
Kansas); and McLaren-Howard (Biolab Medical Unit, London). or bile pigments under mild laboratory conditionsg and foun

56 ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, MAY/JUN 2008, VOL. 14, NO. 3 D~scernlngthe Mauve Factor, P
that a large dose of hemoglobin (1.6 kg of blood sausage over 48 HPL might be expected to associate with intestinal permeability.
hours) produced no effect on HPL excretion." Suppression of urinary HPL with zinc (admittedly, in combina-
Irvine hypothesized that HPL is a metabolite of PBG or por- tion with B6; there is no record of attempts to suppress HPL with
phyrins from the heme biosynthetic pathway, citing the structural zinc alone)6comports with evidence that zinc lessens bowel per-
similarity of these compounds to HPL, the porphyrinogenicityof meability in animals3133 and in humans3c37and reduces bacterial
HPL, and very high levels of HPL in acute intermittent porphyria adherence to enterocyte~.~~
(AIP).9The side-chains of PBG correspond exactly to HPL once Irvine observed that laxatives and enemas increase urinary
they are decarboxylated and deaminated, and an endogenous HPL.' The types of enemas and laxatives were not specified, but
enzyme is known to convert PBG to the corresponding hydroxy- the range of possibilities would appear to increase intestinal per-
lactam. Irvine included as precursor candidates all porphyrins meability. Magnesium sulfate3' and biscody140significantly
with a methyl, vinyl, or ethyl group found in hemo-configuration increase intestinal pemeability. Soap-suds or tap-water enemas
on ring I."esponse to a large oral dose of aminolevulinic acid result in epithelial loss,41which would be expected to increase
(ALA) (1.5 g) did double urinary HPL over baseline in one subject intestinal permeability. The effect of laxatives and enemas sug-
for several days." Irvine failed to produce HPL from porphyrins gests that intestinal permeability affects urinary HPL.
ynder mild laboratory condition^.^ To explain the clinical observation that HPL excretion and
Of all the porphyrins, isocoproporphyrin is most homolo- stress are associated, Sohler specifically proposed that urinary
gous to HPL.912Isocoproporphyrins are an abnormal series of excretion of HPL relates to a "stress-induced anomaly of intestinal
porphyrins from altered human heme bio~ynthesis.'~'~ A poly- permeability which permits these pyrroles to get into the systemic
morphism for CPOX increases isocoproporphyrins, as do toxins c i r ~ u l a t i o n . It
" ~is~well
~ ~ ~established that stress increases intesti-
such as mercury,15 diazinon,16 and hexachl~robenzene.'~ nal permeability. One hour of water-avoidance stress" or 4 hours
Suggestively,urinary coproporphryin concentrations were great- of restraint stress43significantly increased intestinal permeability
er in high-Mauve schizophrenics than other schizophrenics," in rats. Psychosocial stress results in intestinal inflammation and
and intraperitoneal injection of rats with 0.65 pmol/kg of HPL greater intestinal permeability in humans.M46 More specifically,
(Cutler's low dose, as discussed in part 1of this article) quintu- emotional stress increases urinary excretion of compounds nor-
pled urinary coproporphyrins.18 mally retained in the bowel, including bilirubin metabolites4748
The formation of isocoproporphyrin from altered human and in dole^^^ 51 from bacterial degradation of tryptophan.
heme biosynthesis requires participation of gut flora. Altered The permeabilized intestinal epithelium of stressed rodents is
host CPOX produces dehydroisocoproporphyrinogen, which is characterized by greater numbers of bacteria adhering to or pene-
degraded by gut flora to produce isocoproporphyrin in stool.13"I6 trating bowel epithelium,Mtration by mononuclear cells,5253 mast
If, as Irvine suggested, isocoproporphyrin is a precursor to HPL, cell activation, and depletion of r n u c ~ u sCatecholamines
.~~~~ and glu-
then either host or microbelg could effect the final conversion cocorticoids--the so-called "stress hormones"-increase many-fold
from isocoproporphyrin. But the preceding step-dehyrodroiso- during stress. Experimentally, administration of stress hormones
coproporphyrinogen to isocoproporphyrin-is microbial. duplicates the effects of experimental stress on intestine.
Preliminary evidence does suggest bacterial involvement in Application of norepinephrine to sheets of large bowel
the formation of Mauve. Oral tetracycline reversibly abolished increased bacterial adherence within 30 minutess5Intestinal epi-
urinary HPL excretion in 4 previously Mauve-positive subjects. thelial permeability is increased by glucocorticoid injection and
Oral dosing with kanamycin, a non-absorbable antibiotic, revers- mediated by glucocorticoid receptor^.^^ Central or peripheral
ibly abolished or sharply reduced urinary HPL in 9 subjects.120 injection of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) mimics stress-
induced degranulation of mast cells and increased permeability
MAUVE AND THE GUT in ~ o l o n .Dexamethasone
~~.~~ injections of rats decreased IgA and
There has been no quantification of HPL in stool or direct increased bacterial adherence to epithelium within 24 hours.58
measurement of intestinal permeability of high-Mauve subjects, Irvine's attempts to provoke HPL in animals with a number
but multiple observations suggest that intestinal permeability of treatments were futile, with one notable exception: urinary
modulates HPL excretion in urine. As these facts are considered, HPL increased significantly in Sprague-Dawley rats and female
it should be kept in mind that Mauve not only is associated with hyperprolinemic (PRO/Re) mice treated with p r e d n i s ~ n e . ~ ~ ~ ~
neurobehavioral symptoms, but abdominal signs and symptoms Other mechanisms-including porphyrinogenic-are possible,
exist in many high-Mauve subjects. Abdominal tenderness was but the response to prednisone is consistent with a permeability
reported in a large percentage of high-Mauve subject^,^' and effect on HPL excretion.
Pfeiffer associated Mauve with sharp abdominal pains, as "stitch- Roman Lietha presented data that suggested an association
i n - ~ i d e . "Schizophrenics*
~~.~~ and a u t i s t i c ~ ~
~ " ~more abdomi- between urinary HPL and indicans in 154 patients at a Princeton
nal symptoms, and abdominal pain is characteristic of AIP. BioCenter conference in 1988. The indicans test is a qualitative
It is known that zinc deficiency results in intestinal epitheli- assay for urinary indoles, which result from enterobial degradation
al damage and increased permeability mediated by greater intes- of tryptophan. It is known that intestinal permeability associates
tinal NO.30Since urinary HPL associates with zinc deficiency, with increased accumulation of tryptophan in intestinal

Discerning the Mauve Factor, Part 2 ALTERNATIVE T.MERAPIES, MAY/JUN 2008, VOL. 14, NO. 3 s7
Indicans correlate poorly with dietary protein and small bowel flora MISLEADING LITERATURE AND OTHER OBSTACLES
but do associate with enteric protein loss? which in turn associates After a period of initial activity, no basic research on Mauve
with intestinal ~ermeability.~~Urinary indicans, while lacking speci- has graced the peer-reviewed literature for many years. This inac-
ficity, would be expected to associate with intestinal permeabity. tivity contrasts rather sharply with ongoing enthusiasm for
Data from a mixed cohort of 2726 subjects from the Biocenter Mauve among a subgroup of nutritional practitioners and fami-
Laboratory in Wichita, Kansas, were examined to determine if a lies. The disparity probably stems in part from continuing mis-
relationship exists between indicans and HPL in urine. Indicans identification of the compound as KP. Also, HPL is a highly
positively correlated with HPL by colorimetric assay (Pc .0001) labile, technically challenging compound to study. What's more,
(Figure 1). Mauve appears to relate to gut (Figure 2). only recently did the prevailing psychoanalytic paradigm open to
underlying physical causation of "psychiatric" disease and the
HPL and Indicans facilitative concept of oxidative stress. Finally, unwarranted nega-
tive conclusions about Mauve in the peer-reviewed literature dis-
courage potential investigators.
30 - An article in the AmericanJournal flsychiatry disparagingly
entitled "Pyroluria: a Poor Marker in Chronic S~hizophrenia"~~
25 - found no relationship between qualitative urinary Mauve and a
presumptive list of signs and symptoms for zinc and vitamin B6
20 deficiency. Remarkably, the cohort had only 2 subjects with posi-
tive urine.
15 - An article in Clinical Science stated unequivocally in title and
abstract that Mauve, "is not causally related to s~hipohrenia.""(p~~~)
The text of the article softened the conclusion by stating that
10 -
Mauve was "unlikely" to be causal, because no difference was
found between schizophrenics and controls. The technical han-
5- dling of specimens is suspect because Mauve was undetected in
half of samples, at a purported detection limit of 0.25 pgfdL. The
0 use of subjects with active somatic illness as controls was unfortu-
0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
nate, because Mauve is elevated in somatic i l l r ~ e s s . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As discussed in part 1 of this article, Cutler minimized
FIGURE 1Median Values for ColorimetricHPL Equivalents*Correlated
With Indicans in Singe-voidUrine From Mixed Cohort of 2726 Subjects potential neurotoxicity of HPL in humans in Pharmacology and
Toxicology on the basis of hypothetical estimates of HPL in
*Normal <20pg/dL. human blood contradicted by prior published values.71In addi-
HPL values for the 4+ indicans group were skewed, necessitatinguse of median
values for siphcance testing. tion, the article indicated that thesis work by Graham failed to
P<.0001for difference in medians of all groups. demonstrate a positive correlation between HPL levels and
symptom severity in schizophrenia. It fact, only 1of 7 schizo-
phrenics in the thesis data had above-normal urinary HPL."
Kershner reported in Journal @Nutritionn the results of a ran-
domized trial that sought to evaluate HPL as a screening test for
response to nutrients. Twenty children with learning disability/
hyperactivity received a low carbohydrate diet for 6 months, and
Emotional Stress 18 of 20 improved. Then the cohort was divided into groups of 10.
One group received daily vitamin C, nicacinamide, vitamin B,, and
vitamin B6(500-750mg); the other group received placebo. After 6
months, neither group showed additional improvement. Kershner
1' Gut Permeability concluded that "Kryptopyrrole [colorimetric HPL] proved invalid
as a screening test for vitamin-dependent learning disorder^"^^(@^^)
because pre-treatment levels did not demonstrate statistical rela-
tionship with improvement on vitamins.
The mean HPL values for the 2 groups were well within nor-
Cp450 mal limits, and only 6 subjects (presumably 3 in either cohort,
.1Regulatory Heme but not specified) had elevated HPL prior to nutrients. To com-
FIGURE2 Proposed RelationshipsAmong HPL, Emotional Stress, pensate for the inadequate number of subjects with abnormal
Oxidative Stress,Zinc,Heme, and Intestinal Permeability HPL, Kershner arbitrarily adjusted the normal range for HPL
prior to statistical analysis. The choice of nutrients for the

58 ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, MAY/JUN 2008, VOL. 14, NO. 3 Discerning the Mauve Factor, Part 2
Kershner study would be considered suboptimal by current stan- FUTURE RESEARCH
dards and at the time of the study. Hoffer embraced vitamin B6 As a high priority, randomized clinical trials are needed to
and zinc as superior to multi-gram doses of B3 years earlier, yet examine symptom improvement in high-Mauve subjects after
Kershner used no zinc. Pfeiffer4,."and McCabe" reported that treatment with B6 and zinc. There are many corollary questions
without zinc, as much as 3 g of B6 were required to suppress to answer: Does P5P, which protects intestinal GSHPX,~~ warrant
HPL, but Kershner used far less. an expanded role, and if so, in which patients? Would zinc,
From the Kerschner study is extracted a useful clinical point. which blocks intestinal lipoxidation and permeability,'%e useful
Behavioral deterioration in some subjects after vitamins was in high boluses or perhaps in poorly absorbable forms? If the
relieved by the addition of magnesium. The late Bernard relationship to oxidative stress is fundamental, would antioxi-
Rimland, P ~ D founder
, and former Director of Autism Research dants such as GSH or coenzyme Qlobe useful treatments?
Institute, San Diego, California, affirmedin oral communications Suggested novel applications of Mauve in behavioral disor-
from 1997 to 2006 that optimal response to higher doses of B6 ders include prevention of suicide," prevention of psychiatric ill-
often is achieved with concurrent magnesium. n e s ~ ,and
~ ] treatment and prevention of criminal behavior.7879
Hoffer found that sudden, unexpected deviant behavior in previ-
CONTEMPORARY THERAPEUTICAPPROACHES ously well-adapted adults associated with Mauve.80
Vitamin B6 (200-800 mg daily) in combination with zinc The status and use of fatty acids in high-Mauve subjects
(25-100 mg daily) usually is sufficient to suppress HPL and needs elucidation. Owing to the vulnerability of double bonds to
achieve optimal symptomatic response. Generally, higher uri- oxidative stress, both omega3 and omega-6 fatty acid depletion
nary HPL suggests the need for proportionately higher dosing of might be expected in high-Mauve subjects. Preliminary data on
zinc and B6, and repeated measurements of HPL influence dos- 23 schizophrenics suggests this is the case, at least in schizophre-
ing decisions. nia. Plasma from the schizophrenics contained significantly less
Clinical symptoms and HPL suppression are the primary docosahexanoic acid (DHA, omega-3), as a percentage of total
determinants of B6 dosing. Poor dream recall or morning nau- lipids, than controls. Only the 6 high-Mauve subjects from this
sea/anorexia reportedly are useful signs of insufficient B6.=Blood cohort also had lower arachidonic acid (AA, omega-6) (P<.01).8I
tests for EGOTT4or P5PUmay be used to confirm functional sta- A number of studies have found lower concentrations of
tus of B6, but pyridoxine blood levels are not considered useful. omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids in blood from schizophren-
Long-term treatment of 3000 high-Mauve patients with high- i c ~ including
, ~ ~ lower
~ ~ red-cell membrane DHA and AA.83
dose vitamin B6 resulted in no cases of peripheral ne~ropathy,'~ Multiple trials report improvement in groups of schizophrenics
but reversible median nerve paresthesis has been reported.23P5P receiving omega3 s~pplementation.~~ It is possible that Mauve
is unassociated with n e u r ~ p a t h y .As
~ ~orally
, ~ ~ communicated by identifies a subgroup which would benefit from omega-6 supple-
William Walsh, P ~ D in, 2005, P5P may be effective in combina- mentation in combination with omega3 or as a higher priority.
tion with B6 or instead of B6 in some high-Mauve subjects, Evening primrose oil (EPO), a rich source of gamma linolen-
including "slender malabsorbers." ic acid (GLA), is a precursor for both AA and dihomo-gamma-
Zinc requirement may be quite high in subjects with elevat- linolenic acid (DGLA), immediate precursor for prostaglandin
ed HPL. Subnormal and low-normal levels of cellular or plasma El (PGE-1). PGE-1 rapidly lowers intestinal permeability, includ-
zinc indicate the need for,more zinc. For assessment with plasma ing stress-induced intestinal ~ermeability.8~~~ EPO also improves
zinc, avoidance of zinc supplementation for 24 hours excludes zinc absorption.9092 EPO and misoprostol, a commercial PGE-1
artifact. Long-term zinc requirements may be less than optimal analogue, are logical possibilities for Mauve research.
doses in initial months of treatment, during accelerated growth, HPL is a potentially useful screen for other biochemical
or during extended periods of psychosocial stress. Recurrence of abnormalities, including dysregulation of homocysteine, a neu-
leukonychia or striae is a relatively sure sign of lagging zinc. rotoxicg3metabolite. Cystathionine beta-synthase,which metabo-
Excessive zinc supplementation, which results in copper lizes homocysteine, is uniquely dependent on both vitamin B6
depression and depressed immunity, can be avoided with periodic and heme as c o f a c t o r ~ In . ~written
~ ~ ~ communication, Allen
blood testing. Especially in adults receiving more than 50 mg of Lewis, MD, Medical Director of Pfeiffer Treatment Center,
elemental zinc daily, cellular or plasma zinc should not exceed Warrenville, Illinois, reported in 2005 that serum HCY and colo-
upper limits of normal, and cellular or serum copper should not rimetric HPL (single-void, unadjusted) from unsupplemented
be below the normal range. Supplemental copper is rarely indi- autistic children seen at the PfeifTer Treatment Center correlated
cated in high-Mauve subjects and can aggravate symptoms. significantly (N=ll4; P=.002). Plasma HCY associates with great-
Suppression of manganese may result from aggressive zinc er risk of cardiovascular and neurodegenerativeg6disease.
supplementation. Small dosages (approximately 5 mg manga- Mauve assay may be useful in the care of subjects with strictly
nese for each 30 mg of supplemental zinc) reportedly improve somatic diagnoses or in the optimization of health in subjects with-
symptoms in some high-Mauve subjects. Serum or red-cell levels out diagnoses. Mauve elevation in somatic illness2'6&6870 presum-
may be monitored during supplementation with manganese, ably reflects unrecognized nutritional deficits and greater oxidative
which in excess is pro-oxidant. stress. In allergy, which is associated with zinc defi~iency,~~ Mauve

Discerning the Mauve Factor, Part 2 ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. MAY/JUN 2008, VOL. 14, NO. 3 S9
testing might enhance nutritional awareness. (PfeiEer suggested ate with HPL. Downstream effects of heme suppression by HPL
allergic diathesis in association with mauve, citing the zinc require- may be detectable in animals and high-Mauve subjects. HPL may
ment for histamine storage in mast cells.u)Similarly,cancer associ- exert significant effects on gut or brain, including hallucinosis.
ates with zinc deficiency98and B6 deficien~y.~~.~~~ Associated EEG abnormalityUgmay normalize with Mauve sup-
Corroboration of HPL as marker for biotin deficiency should pression, but modern brain scans have eluded Mauve.
be a high priority. The finding is plausible. Biotinidase, necessary
for maintenance of biotin levels, is sensitive to oxidative modifi- CONCLUSION
cation, and oxidative stress is suspected to lower biotinidase in At the very least, this review should clarify the identity and
Biotin deficiency causes brain dysfunction, and sub- history of Mauve (HPL). Hopefully, it will strengthen commit-
jects with partial biotinidase deficiency remain asymptomatic ment to careful handling and refined laboratory approaches to
until stressed.lo3 urinary assay of HPL, including normalization to specific gravity
HPL testing is potentially useful in pregnancy, when nutri- or creatinine. And for the first time, herein were presented orga-
tional demands are enormous and when nutritional deficits can nized data that examined-and confirmed-urinary HPL as a
result in fetal disease or malformation. Biotin deficiency, for yardstick for functional B6 and zinc deficiency. The findings are
example, is relatively common in pregnancy," and marginal bio- congruous with clinical observationsover the decades and should
tin deficiency is teratogenic in mice.lMDeficiencies of stimulate independent corroboration and further research.
zinc,lo7and B p independently result in cleft palate in animals. In its search for clinically relevant biomarkers for oxidative
Presumably, combined deficiency of these nutrients increases stress, modern medicine wbuld do well to consider urinary
teratogenic risk. Hyperhomocysteinuria associates with fetal dis- Mauve as a means to quantify oxidative stress and to guide the
ease and malformation," and heme modulates neur~genesis."~ use of specific antioxidant therapies. Besides practical potential,
Pfeiffer associated Mauve with mi~carriage.~~ Mauve provides an exquisite conceptual model for the interplay
Predisposition to Mauve may be heritable. Some clinicians of oxidative stress, emotional stress, nutrients, and gut as they
consider elevated Mauve in one family member an indication for pertain to disease of brain and body.
family-wide testing. Polymorphisms favoring HPL production are
considered most likely in genes for altered expression of CPOX, por- REFERENCES
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