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Siesjo Et Al 1985 Extra and Intracellular PH in The Brain During Seizures and in The Recovery Period Following The

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Journal of Cerebral Blood FloI\' and Metabolism

5:47-57 © 1985 Raven Press, New York

Extra- and Intracellular pH in the Brain During Seizures

and in the Recovery Period Following the Arrest of
Seizure Activity

Bo K. Siesjo, Roger von Hanwehr, Gorel Nergelius, Gunilla Nevander, and

Martin Ingvar
Laboratory for Experimental Brain Research and Departments of Pediatrics and Anaesthesiology,
University of Lund, Sweden

Summary: The objective of the study was to estimate to reflect spreading depression and fast transcellular Na+/
changes in extracellular pH (pHe) and intracellular pH H+ exchange. Following cessation of seizure discharge,
(pH) during seizures and in the recovery period following pHe normalized at a surprisingly slow rate, with some
the arrest of seizure activity. Seizures of 5- and 20-min acidosis persisting even after 45 min. The difference be­
duration were induced in rats by fluorothy! added to the tween cerebrovenous and arterial Pco2 was reduced
insufflated gas mixture, and recovery for 5, 15, and 45 during seizures and increased in the recovery period,
min was instituted by withdrawal of the fluorothyl supply probably reflecting alterations in the blood flow/meta­
following 20 min of continuous seizures. Changes in pHe bolic rate coupling. Impedance changes were slight, in­
were measured by double-barreled, liquid ion-exchange dicating only minor changes in ECF volume. Changes in
pH microelectrodes, and in pHj by the CO2 method, fol­ pHj after 5 min of seizures ranged from 0.20 (normoxic
lowing estimation of tissue Pco2 and extracellular fluid animals) to 0.32 (hypoxic animals) unit, the pHj values
(ECF) volume. The animals were either normoxic or ren­ after 20 min being 0.07 -0.08 unit higher. The results sug­
dered moderately hypoxic (arterial P02 40-50 mm Hg). gest the regulation of pHj during ongoing seizures. Upon
Upon induction of seizures in normoxic animals, pHe de­ arrest of seizure activity, pHj rapidly increased to normal
creased by a mean of 0.36 unit, the values being identical and subsequently to supranormal values. Postepileptic in­
at 5 and 20 min. In moderate hypoxia, seizures sustained tracellular alkalosis occurred at a time when pHe was still
for 20 min were accompanied by a further fall in pHe reduced and in spite of the fact that tissue lactate values
(mean decrease 0.51 unit). The changes in pHe seemed had not normalized. It is concluded that the rapid nor­
mainly to reflect the nonionic diffusion of lactic acid from malization of pHj and overt alkalosis were caused by the
cells to the ECF (tissue lactate levels -10 and 15 fLmol simultaneously occurring oxidation of lactate, with the
g-l during seizures in normoxic and hypoxic animals, removal of a stoichiometrical amount of H+, and the ex­
respectively). However, the gradual fall in pHe attribut­ trusion of H+ from cells, possibly via a Na+/H+ ex­
able to lactic acid production was preceded by rapid acid­ changer, the latter probably delaying normalization of
ification, sometimes exceeding the steady-state values pHe. Key Words: Cerebral extracellular pH-Cerebral
subsequently attained. This acidification was interpreted intracellular pH-Lactic acidosis-Seizures.

Seizures induced in normo- or hyperglycemic an­ if animals become hypoglycemic during seizures,
imals invariably lead to tissue lactic acidosis. the increase in lactic acid content is small or absent
During sustained seizures, the tissue lactate content (Blennow et aI., 1979; see also Folbergrova et aI.,
increases to, and remains at, values of 8-10 !-lmol 1981).
g-l (Duffy et aI., 1975; Chapman et aI., 1977; Fol­ Although it seems clear that the production of
bergrova et aI., 1981). If cerebral oxygenation is lactic acid during seizures must reduce the extra­
curtailed by induced arterial hypoxia or hypoten­ and intracellular pH (pHe and pHi' respectively),
sion, tissue lactate values may reach or exceed 20 little information exists on the degrees of acidosis
j.1mol g 1 (Blennow et al., 1977). On the other hand,
- attained during sustained seizures. Several studies
have been devoted to measurements of pHe with
Received July 2, 1984; accepted September II, 1984.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. B. K. glass electrodes during short-lasting seizures
Siesj6 at Research Department, E-blocket, Lund Hospital, 221 (Jasper and E rickson, 1941; Wang and Sonnen­
85 Lund, Sweden. schein, 1955; Caspers and Speckmann, 1972;
Abbreviations used: ECF, extracellular fluid; pHe' extracel­
lular pH; pHj, intracellular pH; P,c02, tissue CO2 tension; Tc02, Howse et aI., 1974; Astrup et aI., 1978; Heuser,
total tissue CO2 content. 1978, 1981). Some of the authors used either rela-


tively bulky microelectrodes, which may have mary, fed male rats of S.P.F. Wistar strain were anesthe­
caused some tissue damage, or surface electrodes tized with 3% halothane-70% NzO, maintained during
operation on 1% halothane-70% NzO, and studied while
resting on the pia-arachnoid membrane, the pH of ventilated on 70% NzO-30% Oz. Immobilization was
which bears an uncertain relationship to the pH of achieved with suxamethonium, and the animals were ar­
the extracellular fluid (ECF) proper. In fact, one tificially ventilated. Seizures were induced by adding 80
group reported that such electrodes recorded a de­ f11 fluorothyl to the inspired gas mixture, sustained by
crease in pH during seizures only if the Pco2 in­ retaining the convulsant in a rebreathing system, and ar­
rested by discontinuing the fluorothyl supply. Femoral
creased (Howse et aI., 1974). In none of the studies
arterial and venous catheters were inserted for the control
cited were the recorded pH shifts correlated with of blood pressure, sampling of blood for measurements
tissue lactic acid values. of pH and blood gases, and infusions. Body temperature
Even less information is at hand regarding was maintained close to 3rc. E E G was recorded by bi­
changes in pHj' Howse et aI. (1974) induced sei­ polar leads from screws inserted in the calvarium of the
frontoparietal region. In the following, we describe ad­
zures of 40- to 60-s duration and measured tissue ditional techniques in more detail.
CO2 content after 10 or 30 s of seizure activity as
well as 0.5, 5, and 15 min following the arrest of Experimental series
seizures. Their calculations suggest that pHj fell by Four experimental series were studied. One was used
to measure the total CO2 content (Tco2) of frontoparietal
�0.15 unit for an increase in tissue lactate content
neocortical samples, taken from the hemisphere opposite
of 5.5 /-Lmol g - 1. However, the authors made no to that used for the analysis of labile metabolites. An
attempt to correct for changes in ECF HC03 - con­ additional series was used to assess arterial and cerebro­
tent. Two subsequent studies provide information venous Pco2 during and following seizures. In these an­
on changes in pHj as calculated from the creatine imals, a burr hole was placed over the caudal part of the
superior sagittal sinus to allow sampling of cerebrovenous
kinase equilibrium (Siesj6 et aI., 1972). In one of
blood (see Ponten and Siesj6, 1966; Mac Millan and
these, a single electroshock and 1 min of pentyl­ Siesj6, 1973). Yet another series was used for measuring
enetetrazole-induced seizures reduced pHj, so cal­ pHe with double-barreled pH microelectrodes. To achieve
culated, by 0.09 and 0.16 unit, respectively (Duffy this, a craniotomy (�3 x 3 mm) was placed over the
et aI., 1975). In the other, in which bicuculline-in­ frontoparietal cortex, the dura was carefully incised, and
the cortical surface was kept moist with artificial CSF
duced seizures were sustained for periods varying
added to a small plastic funnel attached to the bone sur­
between 10 s and 20 min, the change in pH approx­ rounding the craniotomy. The CSF was prewarmed to
imated 0.2 unit (Chapman et aI., 1977; Folbergrova 37°C and equilibrated with �5% CO2, A common ground
et aI., 1985). lead was provided by placing a macro reference electrode
The present study was undertaken to provide (0.16 M KCI in agar) in a separate burr hole in a more
frontal position. In six of the animals, the tissue was
quantitative data on changes in pHe and pHj during
frozen in situ after removal of the microelectrode, either
seizures sustained for 5 or 20 min, and to assess under control conditions (n = I) or after 20 min of seizure
pHe and pHj during the recovery following the ar­ activity (n = 5), to allow measurements of tissue lactate
rest of seizure activity. We induced seizures by the content. In two additional animals, tissue was frozen in
convulsant gas fluorothyl, which was added to the situ after 1 min of seizure activity. Samples (�10 mg)
from the electrode side were dissected at - 22°C from the
inspired gas mixture and retained in a rebreathing
surroundings of the electrode tip. The last series was used
system N ( evander et aI., 1984; Folbergrova et aI., to monitor tissue impedance changes during and fol­
1985). The method allowed seizures to be arrested lowing seizures. For these measurements, a craniotomy
by discontinuation of the fluorothyl supply, ob­ was placed as in the experiments designed for pHe mea­
viating the need to use anticonvulsant drugs. surements.
Changes in pHj were derived by the CO2 method. Measurements of pHe and pHi
Tissue CO2 tensions (Ptco2) were evaluated from pHe• Changes in pHe were assessed by double-barreled
measured values of arterial and cerebrovenous liquid ion-exchange electrodes with tip diameters of 1-3
Pco2• To estimate changes in pHe' liquid ion-ex­ f1m. The electrodes were constructed as described in two
recent communications (Kraig et aI., 1983; Mutch and
change microelectrodes were inserted into the ce­
Hansen, 1984). Following silanization, the tip of the pH
rebral cortex, and changes in ECF volume were as­ barrel was filled with the pH "cocktail" developed by
sessed by impedance measurements. Ammann et al. (1981), and the barrel was back-filled with
a phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). The reference barrel con­
tained 0.16 M KCI. The tip of the electrode was then
beveled at an angle of 90°. The barrels were connected
via Ag-AgCl electrodes to a high-impedance differential
Two recent articles describe the type of animals used, amplifier.
most of the operative procedures, and the technique for The electrodes were calibrated at 3rC in a series of
inducing, maintaining, and arresting seizure activity phosphate buffers (pH 6.0-7.8) to check for sensitivity
(Nevander et aI., 1984; Folbergrova et aI., 1985). In sum- to changes in pH and for absence of drift. In some early

J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol, Vol. 5, No. I, 1985


experiments, this in vitro calibration was the only one tical surface to a depth of -500-700 /-,-m. Changes in ECF
performed. It soon became clear, though, that although volume from an assumed control value of 18% were cal­
this procedure must give correct values for changes in pH culated by the use of the Maxwell and Raleigh equations
(�pH), it gave too low absolute pH values. Thus, when (see Pelligrino et aI., 1981).
the double-barreled electrode was withdrawn from the
cortex and the funnel overlying the tissue surface was
repeatedly filled with fresh buffer solution, the calibration
curve shifted in parallel fashion along the pH axis, dem­ We describe in turn seizure-induced changes in
onstrating that the true pHe was close to 7.3 (see below).
Ptco2, in pHe' and in pHj, before relating changes
As a test of electrode performance, we measured pHe
during short-lasting (5-10 min) hypercapnia, Paco2 being in pH to cerebral metabolic events, notably the pro­
increased to 70-80 mm Hg. About 15-20 min later, when duction of lactic acid.
pHe had stabilized at prehypercapnic values, seizures
were induced by the administration of fluorothyl. In some Blood and tissue Pcoz
animals, the experiments were terminated after 20 min of In the majority of animals, arterial Pco2 was in
seizure activity to allow the freezing of tissue in situ and the range of 35-40 mm Hg. Figure I shows altera­
estimation of tissue lactate content. However, in four nor­ tions in the Pco2 difference between cerebrovenous
moxie and four hypoxic animals, the pHe was continu­
and arterial blood during seizures of 5- and 20-min
ously monitored during 20 min of seizures and for 40-45
min following the discontinuation of seizure activity. In duration and in the recovery period, and gives the
one of these, seizures were arrested by the intravenous �PC02 values that, in subsequent experiments,
administration of 15 mg kg- thiopental. were added to the measured Paco2 to give Ptco2.
pHi' Changes in pHj were derived by the CO2 method. The control arteriovenous Pco2 difference was 8.2
According to this method, the intracellular HC03 - con­
± 0. 3 mm Hg (mean ± SEM). This decreased
centration ([HC03 -]) and pHj are calculated from the
following equations (Siesj6 et aI., 1972): during seizures and rose during recovery. Probably,



In these equations, Tco2 is the total CO2 content (/-,-mol these changes occurred because the blood flow in­
g-'); Ptco2 is the tissue CO2 tension (mm Hg); 0.0292 is creased proportionally more than the metabolic rate
the solubility of CO2 in brain tissue (/-,-mol g-' mm Hg-');
during seizures, and decreased in excess of the met­
VECF' VB!' and Vj are the volumes occupied by ECF,
blood, and intracellular fluid, respectively; 6.12 is the abolic rate during recovery. As a result, the �PC02
pK,' of H2C03; and 0.0314 is the solubility of CO2 in derived (lower panel) was lower during seizures
intracellular fluid (/-,-mol g-' mm Hg-'). than in the recovery period.
For each experimental situation (control; 5 and 20 min
of seizure activity; 5, 15, and 45 min of recovery), Ptco2
was calculated from the following equation (ponten and
Siesj6, 1966): When calibrated in buffers at 37°C, the electrodes
gave a linear response, with a slope of 57.5 ± 0.9
(3) mV per unit change in pH. Pre- and postexperiment
in vitro calibrations showed shifts that usually did
As mentioned above, Paco2 and Pvco2 were measured in not exceed 3 mV. In all instances, the slope of the
a separate series of experiments. curves remained unchanged, attesting to the accu­
We derived the extracellular HC03- concentration
racy of the pH changes recorded.
([HC03 - ] e ) from the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation,
using the values for pHe and Ptco2 and a p K,' of 6.12. As Figure 2 shows, addition of CO2 to the insuf­
VECF was assumed to be 18% (0.18) of tissue weight for flated gas mixture gave rise to an acid shift in pHe'
the control situation, giving a Vj of 0.58 (see Siesj6 et aI., recorded as an upward deflection of the tracing,
1972). Based on changes in tissue impedance (see below), which normalized within a few minutes following
we corrected the ECF volume and adjusted the intracel­
discontinuation of the CO2 supply. To assess the
lular volume accordingly.
rate of recovery after hypercapnia of longer dura­
tion, a few animals were allowed to inhale CO2 for
Measurements of tissue impedance
20 min. As seen in Fig. 2, even in these cases re­
Cerebral cortical impedance was measured by the four­
electrode technique of Ranck (1966), as described in de­ covery was complete within 10 min. In the nine an­
tail in a previous publication (Pelligrino et aI., 1981). The imals studied, pHe changed by 0.23 ± 0.02 unit for
tips of the electrodes were inserted into the exposed cor- a mean Pco2 change of 41 mm Hg. In these exper-

J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1985


:r 5 min (upper tracing). In three experiments, though,
� 12 the initial acidification exceeded the stable values
subsequently reached (lower panel). We interpreted
U 8
.. this initial, fast reduction in pHe as reflecting an
initial spreading depression (see Discussion).
The LlmV values for the 5- and 20-min periods

> 0 were read off the records and converted to LlpHe
values by the use of the electrode calibration curve
:r 8 r for each experiment. Table 1 gives the physiological

: � II rl 1 I
E variables, the mean LlpH values, and the tissue lac­
OJ tate concentrations measured after 20 min of sei­
U zures in five of the nine experiments. The seizure
-J animals were normothermic and all had blood pres­
0 10 20/0 15 30 45 sures above 110 mm Hg. Arterial Peo2 rose some­
Minutes what during seizures; however, owing to the change
FIG. 1. Cerebrovenous-arterial (PvC02-Pac02) and tissue-ar­ in LlPeo2 (see above), calculated Pteo2 values
terial (�PC02) differences in CO 2 tension during 20 min of during seizures were below 45 mm Hg. Arterial pH
fluorothyl-induced seizures and following arrest of seizure
fell somewhat during seizures. As observed, LlpHe
activity. Values are means ± SEM (Pvco2-Paco2) or means
(�PC02); n = 6. showed little variation between animals, and the
values were identical for the 5- and 20-min periods.
On the side contralateral to the craniotomy
iments, no attempt was made to achieve a square­ (Contra), the tissue lactate content was similar to
wave change in Peo2• Thus, failure to reach a pla­ that previously measured in animals with an intact
teau value for pHe could reflect, at least in part, a skull (Folbergrova et aI., 1985). On the ipsilateral
gradual increase in Peo2• side (Ipsi), the values were 1 /J-mol g - l higher, sug­
Figure 3 gives two representative records from gesting an influence of the craniotomy and elec­
animals with seizures of 20-min duration. As ob­ trode insertion. However, in the last two animals,
served, the epileptic discharge was picked up by the the differences were only 0.31 and 0.11 /J-mol g - l.
microelectrode. In all eight experiments, the reduc­ In these, pHe changes were similar to those mea­
tion of pHe showed a biphasic pattern, the first sured in the remainder of the animals. We conclude,
change appearing as a fast acidification followed by therefore, that tissue trauma did not contribute to
partial and transient recovery. In most experiments, the acid shift of pHe'
pHe then fell to reach a stable value within the first One experiment allowed a comparison between


t�� t On

0 5 10 15 20 25 Minutes

t I I

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


FIG. 2. Representative records of extracellular pH (pH.) changes during hypercapnia of 10- or 20-min duration. Note rapid
normalization of pH. upon termination of hypercapnia. Scales on the left give electrode output in mV (the distance between
two bars is 10 mV or �0.17 pH unit).

J Cereh Blood Flow Metabol, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1985



FIG. 3. Basic patterns of extracellular pH

changes recorded during seizures of 20-
min duration. In most animals, there was a
rapid acidosis with partial recovery, and at­
tainment of stable acidosis after 5 min
(top). In some animals, the initial acidifi­
cation exceeded that subsequently at­
tained (bottom). Scales on the left give
> electrode output in mV (the distance be­
E tween two bars is 10 mV or �0.17 pH unit).

-5 o 5 10 15 20

pH changes occurring during a CO2 transient As Fig. 5 shows, the recovery of pHe following
(IlPC02 37 mm Hg), an initial spreading depression, the arrest of seizure activity was surprisingly slow.
sustained seizure discharge, and final ischemia (Fig. Thus, relatively marked acidosis persisted after 15
4). The pH changes were 0.22, 0. 38, 0. 32, and 0.70 min, and even after 45 min, pHe was slightly lower
unit, respectively. than control. We note that this was in contrast to
The question arose of whether the initial pH shift hy percapnia (see Fig. 2). Recovery was slow
("spreading depression") was due to lactic acid whether the seizures stopped spontaneously fol­
production or to ionic shifts between intra- and ex­ lowing withdrawal of the fluorothyl supply (upper
tracellular fluids. In two animals in which tissue record) or were arrested by thiopenthal (lower rec­
was frozen after 1 min of seizures, lactic acid values ord). In the four animals studied, the persisting pH
were 6.08 and 6. 36 /-Lmol g - l, making it highly un­ change after 5, 15, and 45 min of recovery was 0.29,
likely that lactic acid production was the cause of 0.22 and 0.16 unit, respectively.
the marked acidosis (see Discussion). In situ calibration of the microelectrode was per-

TABLE 1. Physiological parameters, cerebral cortical /::"pHe values, and

tissue lactate contents during j7uorothyl-induced seizures

MABP Paco2 (fLmol g-l)
Group Temp. (mm (mm
(n =9) (OC) Hg) Hg) pH /lpHe lpsi Contra

Control 36. 6 154 35.5 7. 34 0. 64) (1.51)

± 0. 1 ± 6 ± 1.1 ± 0.03
5 min 37. 0 123 39. 0 7. 27 0. 37
± 0. 0 ± 4 ± 1.8 ± 0. 02 ± 0.01
20 min 37. 1 120 39. 5 7.23 0. 36 10.24 9.29
± 0. 0 ± 3 ± 1. S ± 0.02 ± 0.02 ± 0.28 ± 0. \1

Values are means ± SEM. Lactate values were measured in samples from the ipsilateral
(ipsi) and contralateral (contra) hemispheres, with respect to the site of the pH electrode
(n = 6). Only one control animal was studied. pHe' extracellular pH.

J Cereh Blood FlolV Me/ahol, Vol. 5, No. I, 1985



[� t
t t


o 5 10 15 20 o 5 10 15

Minutes Minutes

FIG. 4. Comparison of extracellular pH recordings during initial hypercapnia (left; �PC02 = 31 mm Hg), during seizures with
initial rapid acidification and subsequent stabilization, and during terminal anoxia (right).
The pH changes for the four con­
secutive events were 0.22, 0.38, 0.82, and 0.70 unit. Scale on the left gives electrode output in mV (the distance between two
bars is 10 mV or �0.17 pH unit).

formed only in the last three normoxic experiments. These values were used to calculate pHi' as de­
However, in the subsequent hypoxic series, such scribed below.
calibrations were done. From the seven experi­
ments available, the preepileptic pHe was 7.31 ± pHe-hypoxia
0.02. Since this value is similar to that reported by In the seven animals rendered moderately hy­
others (Kraig et aI., 198 3; Mutch and Hansen, poxic (Pao2 40-50 mm Hg), other physiological
1984), we assumed that the preseizure pHe was 7.31 variables were similar to those recorded in the nor­
in each experiment. It was then possible to calculate moxie animals (Folbergrova et al., 1985). After 5
the HC03 - concentration from the Hendersson­ min of hypoxic seizures, the mean /lpHe was 0.33
Hasselbalch equation. The numbers demonstrate ± 0.02 unit, i.e., similar to the change in normoxic
that [HC03 -]e should have been reduced from 21 animals. After 5 min of reduced Po2, /lpH was 0.35
to 8-9 fLmol ml - I, i.e., by 12-13 fLmol ml - I, during ± 0.03 unit, and after 20 min, /lpH increased to
seizures, and that recovery values at 5, 15, and 45 0.51 ± 0.04 unit. Thus, the exaggerated lactic aci­
min were 11, 12, and 15 fLmol ml - I, respectively. dosis was accompanied by a further fall in pHe'


-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

t -5 o
t ••
5 10 15 20

25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65


FIG. 5. Representative records, demonstrating slow recovery of extracellular pH following spontaneous (top) or thiopental­
induced (bottom) arrest of seizure activity. Compare fast recovery following hypercapnia (Fig. 2). Scales on the left give electrode
output in mV (the distance between two bars is 10 mV or �0.17 pH unit).

J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol, Vol. 5, No.1, 1985


Also, in this group, the recovery of pH was slow Teo2 values were similar in the two control groups,
following the cessation of seizure discharge. After the data were pooled. As observed, 5 and 20 min
5, 15, and 45 min, the persisting �pH was 0.30 ± of seizures reduced the tissue HC03 - concentra­
0.05, 0.17 ± 0.07, and 0.00 ± 0.07 unit, respec­ tion to 50-60% of control. Although the number of
tively. Although the last value suggests full nor­ experiments was too small to reveal any significant
malization after 45 min, the variability was pro­ differences, the results suggest that the tissue
nounced. The corresponding HC03 - concentra­ HC03 - content in hypoxic animals was even lower.
tions, calculated from the pH and Peo2, were 11, Notably, Teoz and tissue HC03 - content values
15, and 23 /-Lmol ml - I, respectively. These values rose to normal levels already after 5 min of re­
were used to calculate changes in pHi' covery, with a tendency to increase further after 15
and 45 min of recovery.
pHi The results demonstrate that pHi decreased
Given the Teo2 and the extracellular HC03 - con­
during seizures by a mean of 0.20 unit in normoxic
centration, it is possible to calculate the intracel­
animals and by 0.32 unit in hypoxic animals. The
lular HC03 - concentration and pHi' provided that
results suggest that some regulation of pHi occurred
the ECF volume is known. Changes in ECF volume
in the 5- to 20-min period of seizures; and since this
were assessed by impedance measurements. The
tendency was present also in the hypoxic animals,
recording shown in Fig. 6 gives the impedance
it occurred in spite of a rising tissue lactate content.
change during seizure discharge and that recorded
In the normoxic and hypoxic series, recovery pHi
during terminal anoxia. Seizures caused a surpris­
values exceeded controls from 5 min and onward.
ingly small change in impedance. In the example
We note that this occurred in spite of PteoZ values
given, there was an unusually large, transient in­
exceeding 45 mm Hg.
crease in impedance, which then almost normalized
during ongoing seizures. In other experiments, the
initial change was smaller and the sustained change DISCUSSION
somewhat larger. Generally, though, the changes
The present results give novel information on pHe
were moderate. In seven experiments, the imped­
and pHi during and following seizures. In discuss­
ance change after 5 and 20 min of seizures was only
ing these results, we bring up inherent difficulties
5% of control. As calculated by the Raleigh or Max­
in the methods used to derive extra- and intracel­
well equations (Pelligrino et aI., 1981), VECF de­
lular acid-base variables.
creased from an assumed normal value of 18% to
17.0 ± 0.03 and 16.7 ± 0.01% after 5 and 20 min, Extracellular acid-base changes
respectively. After 5, 15, and 45 min of recovery, Although liquid ion-exchange pH electrodes
the corresponding values were 17.2 ± 0.07, 17.4 ± with tip diameters of 1-3 /-Lm should provide reli­
0.07, and 17.8 ± 0.07%, respectively. able and nontraumatic estimates of pHe (Kraig et
Teo2 and also blood gas data were measured in aI., 1983; Mutch and Hansen, 1984), some prob­
experiments reported elsewhere (Folbergrova et aI., lems of interpretation exist. One of these concerns
1985). Table 2 gives the Teo2, Pteo2, and tissue the absolute pH values obtained. In the rat, cis­
HC03 - content values, the last being calculated as ternal CSF has a HC03 - concentration of -27
Teo2 minus the physically dissolved CO2, Since the /-Lmol ml - I at a Peo2 slightly exceeding 40 mm Hg



Seizures 700
11 em


:::�t J�'<t�( ""'" '-Y"" '

02 off


,,... .... " .... . . __
... . �
300 300
o 5 10 15 20 0 5 10
Min Min

FIG. 6. Recording of impedance change during 20 min of seizures and during terminal anoxia. Note the small impedance
change after 5 and 20 min of seizures. For further details, see the text.

J Cereh Blood Flow Metabol. Vol. 5, No.1, 1985


TABLE 2. Measured Tco2 values and calculated values for PtC02' [HC03 -Jt, [HC03 -1;, and pHi in normoxic and
hypoxic animals exposed to 5 and 20 min of seizures, or allowed recovery periods of 5, 15, and 45 min

Tco2 PtC02 [HCO) -It [HCO) -];

Group (fLmol g -l) (mm Hg) (fLmol g -l) (fLmol g -l) pH;

Control 11.88 ± 0.36 42.6 ± 0.56 10.64 ± 0.37 10.54 ± 0.66 7.01 ± 0.03
Seizures (N)
5 min 6.95 ± 0.15 40.2 ± 0.98 4.63 ± 0.33 6.32 ± 0.18 6.81 ± 0.04"
20 min 7.85 ± 1.04 40.7 ± 2.24 4.73 ± 0.20 7.88 ± 1.46 6.89 ± 0.06
20 + 5 min 12.2 ± 0.98 43.2 ± 0.65 9.59 ± 0.49 14.57 ± 1.58 7.15 ± O.OS"
20 + 15 min 12.5 ± 0.96 42.7 ± 2.18 11.87 ± 0.46 14.57 ± 1.49 7.15 ± 0.04a
20 + 45 min 13.5 ± 0.91 45.7 ± 1.46 12.12 ± 0.88 14.95 ± 1.48 7.13 ± 0.03
Seizures (H)
5 min 5.74 ± 0.36 38.1 ± 1.34 4.63 ± 0.33 4.55 ± 0.51 6.69 ± 0.04b
20 min 5.87 ± 0.21 39.2 ± 0.43 4.73 ± 0.20 5.47 ± 0.29 6.77 ± 0.02b
20 + 5 min 10.9 ± 0.53 45.3 ± 2.77 9.59 ± 0.49 12.2 ± 0.80 7.05 ± 0.03
20 + 15 min 13.2 ± 0.52 45.0 ± 1.97 11.87 ± 0.46 14.9 ± 0.65 7.14 ± 0.01"
20 + 45 min 14.0 ± 0.58 47.5 ± 1.82 12.62 ± 0.53 13.4 ± 0.70 7.07 ± 0.01

Values are means ± SEM (n 4-5). Statistical differences were calculated for intracellular pH (pH) values only. Tco2, total tissue

CO2 content; PtC02, tissue CO2 tension; [HCO")]" tissue HCO") concentration; [HCO")];, intracellular HCO") concentration; N, normoxia;
H, hypoxia.
a p < 0.05, b p < 0.01 by Newman Keul's test following analysis of variance.

(e.g., Messeter and Siesjo, 1971). Thus, the pH ex­ on strate an initial, fast acidification, resembling
ceeds 7.4. The question arises as to why the pHe is spreading depression. Third, evidence was obtained
lower, by �0.1 pH unit. As discussed by Mutch and that pHe' in contrast to pHj, normalized at a strik­
Hansen (1984), this is either because Pco2 is higher ingly slow rate upon cessation of seizure activity.
than usually assumed, or because the extracellular We discuss these findings in turn.
HC03 - content is lower than the CSF content. We Regulation of pHe lt has often been assumed that

agree with these authors that the latter possibility pHe is subject to regulation, either by H+ /HC03 -
is more likely. Thus, calculation of Ptco2 from dif­ transport across the blood-brain barrier or by glial
fusion theory, direct tissue electrode measure­ cells (see Leusen, 1972; Siesjo, 1972; Fencl, 1984).
ments, and measurements of CSF Pco2 all agree in The present results suggest that such regulation is
showing that Ptco2 is lower than P vC02 (Ponten and small or negligible during seizures, at least in the
Siesjo, 1966; Brzezinski et aI., 1967; Caronna et aI., 20-min period studied. Possibly, this was due partly
1974). We submit, therefore, that the Ptco2 values to the fall in arterial pH (and HC03 - concentra­
derived presently are close to the true ones. It fol­ tion). Although the mechanisms of acidification are
lows that the extracellular HC03 - content must be not precisely known, it seems probable that the ef­
lower than the CSF content. Evidence to the con­ flux of lactic acid from cells is mainly responsible.
trary exists (Fencl et aI., 1966). However, since Thus, if the nonionic diffusion of lactic acid pre­
three independent series (Kraig et aI., 1983; Mutch dominates (see Roos and Boron, 1981), one can en­
and Hansen, 1984; and our own measurements) visage that the amount of lactic acid "titrating" the
have consistently given control pHe values of close ECF corresponds roughly to the increase in tissue
to 7.3, we must, at least tentatively, conclude that lactate content (see MacMillan and Siesjo, 1971).
the ECF proper is acidified by the influx of H+ and After 5 and 20 min of seizure activity, the changes
efflux of HC03 - , perhaps by the constant transport in lactate values were close to 10 !-lmol g 1 of tissue

of H+ from nerve and/or glial cells. It should be water (78% of tissue weight). In an isolated system
emphasized, though, that the present conclusions with [HC03 -] equal to 22 !-lmol g-l and a pH of
regarding changes in pHe and pHj are not critically 7.31, this amount of lactic acid, combined with a
dependent on the absolute HC03 - values in the Pco2 increase of 4-5 mm Hg, should reduce the pH
control state. by �0.3 unit. We note that this value is close to that
The pHe changes recorded during seizures were measured. Tentatively, therefore, we conclude that
similar to those recorded by others (e.g., Wang and ECF acidification at semi-steady state is caused pri­
Sonnenschein, 1955; Heuser, 1978). However, marily by the nonionic diffusion of lactic acid from
some findings are new. First, our results demon­ the cells to the ECF.
strate that little or no "regulation" of pHe occurs Initial acid shift. Bicuculline-induced seizures
during the seizure period, since the 5- and 20-min raise tissue lactate content to 4-6 !-lmol g I during -

values were identical. Second, the data clearly dem- the first 30-60 s (Chapman et aI., 1977). It was

J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol. Vol. 5, No. I, 1985


therefore surprising that pHe fell rapidly, at times Intracellular acid-base changes
by values exceeding 0.4 unit, during the first minute The degree of acidosis attained in normoxic ani­
of fluorothyl seizures. The inescapable conclusion mals after 5 min of seizure activity ( �0.2 unit) is
is that mechanisms other than lactic acid production similar to that previously estimated with more in­
must have contributed to this initial acidification. direct techniques (Howse et aI., 1974; Duffy et aI.,
Probably, the explanation is that a spreading 1975; Folbergrova et aI., 1985). The present results
depression is elicited at seizure onset, as previously suggest, though, that some regulation of pHi occurs
documented in bicuculline-induced seizures (As­ during ongoing seizures. The possibility also exists
trup et aI., 1978). Spreading depression has previ­ that some regulation occurred during the first 5 min.
ously been shown to be accompanied by an acid A system in which regulation by H+ IHC03 - trans­
shift in pHe of �0.4 unit (Kraig et aI., 1983; Mutch port does not occur, and which has the buffer ca­
and Hansen, 1984). One probable mechanism is pacity of cerebral intracellular fluids, can be ex­
Na+/H+ exchange across cell membranes. Thus, if pected to change its pH by �0. 35 unit when 10
the seizures increase the Na+ permeability of cell fLmol ml - I of strong acid is added (Siesjo, 1973,
membranes, and if Na+ influx occurs via aNa+ / 1978). This is a somewhat larger pH change than
R+ antiporter, the ECF will be acidified. Clearly, that estimated for normoxic animals after 5 min.
such an exchange would curb and delay the intra­ After 20 min of seizures, the reduction in pHi for
cellular acidosis caused by lactic acid accumula­ both norm oxic and hypoxic animals was clearly
tion. At first sight, the data of Heuser (1978) are lower than what would result from the accumula­
contradictory. However, since this author used tion of lactic acid. We conclude that the persistence
cats, the present results may reflect the fact that of an adequate ATP source allows the extrusion of
rats are more prone than other species to develop H+ to occur.
spreading depression [see also Harris et ai. (1984) A novel finding is that the arrest of seizure ac­
for data on hypoglycemia]. In contrast to previous tivity was followed by rapid normalization of pHi
measurements of pHe at the onset of bicuculline­ and by postepileptic alkalosis. The results receive
induced seizures (Astrup et aI., 1978), the present support from those obtained by the derivation of
results failed to reveal an initial alkaline shift in pHi changes from the creatine kinase equilibrium
pRe' In the previous study, electrodes with much (Folbergrova et aI., 1985). Obviously, the results are
larger tip diameters were used. This may have con­ akin to those obtained following ischemia, when
tributed to the differences in results (see Astrup et postinsult alkalosis develops (Mabe et aI., 1983). It
aI., 1978). However, an even more probable expla­ seems reasonable to assume that the mechanisms
nation is that in the bicuculline experiments, P aco2 are similar, that is, regulation of pHi by acid extru­
fell rapidly at seizure onset, probably because sion, e.g., via the operation of aN a+ /H+ antiporter,
peripheral vasoconstriction due to massive sym­ with the simultaneous removal of H+ by oxidation
pathoadrenal activation reduced the body mass of the lactate accumulated.
perfused. In the present experiments, in which Based on the present results, we can derive a
phentolamine was used to curb sympathetic vaso­ tentative scheme illustrating the events leading to
constriction, the initial decrease in Pco2 should intra- and extracellular acidification during seizures
have been small or absent. and to intracellular alkalosis in the recovery phase
Slow normalization. In contrast to hypercapnia, (Fig. 7). According to this scheme, the initial acid
fluorothyl-induced seizures were followed by a shift in pHe is dominated byNa+ /H+ exchange, and
strikingly slow normalization of pHe' with relatively the sustained acidosis by the nonionic diffusion of
marked acidosis persisting after 15 min of recovery. lactic acid. Intracellularly, acidosis is a result of
Although this may have, at least in part, been due lactic acid production, the effect of which may be
to the slow normalization of lactate content, it is somewhat delayed and curbed by the Na+ /H+ ex­
noteworthy that pHi showed fast normalization. It change. Upon the arrest of seizure activity, con­
is conceivable that the regulation of pHi by the ex­ tinued Na+/H+ exchange will, in conjunction with
trusion of H+ (see below) contributed to the per­ the (slow) oxidation of lactate and the removal of a
sisting extracellular acidosis. At any rate, the re­ stoichiometrical amount of H + , give rise to the
sults demonstrate that feeble mechanisms exist for rapid normalization and subsequent increase of the
the regulation of pHe in the postepileptic situation. pH above normal. Possibly, such acid extrusion de­
It is also worth mentioning that extracellular aci­ lays the normalization of pHe'
dosis persists in the recovery period at times when We wish to emphasize that although the changes
the cerebral blood flow has decreased below control in pHi during and following seizures seem unequiv­
(G.Nevander and M. Ingvar, in preparation). ocal, the results can give no hints as to whether the

J Cereh Blood Flow Metahol. Vol. 5, No. 1, 1985


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263) and U.S. Public Health Service (NIH grant no. 5 cat. Am J PhysioI227:1444-1451
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RO I NS-07838). Barbro Asplund, Kerstin Beirup, and
excessive cortical discharge induced by metrazol and elec­
Cecilia Svensson provided expert technical assistance. trical stimulation. J Neurophysiol 4:333-347
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penhagen) and Wolfgang Grampp (Lund) for valuable swelling. In: Advances in Brain Ischemia Research, Vol J
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Elsevier, pp 131-146
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