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Workmen Camp

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Annexure- 1

PM – Project Manager SOP – Safe Operating Procedure BOCW- Building and other construction work (Regulating Rules)
CM – Construction Manager SWL – Safe working load IER – Indian Electricity Rules
PE – Planning Engineer EHS – Environment, health & Safety MV act – motor vehicle act
Admin IC – Accounts & Admin In charge PTP – Pre-Task Plan GC rules – Gas Cylinder Rules
SK – Store Keeper PTW – Permit to Work PR – Petroleum Rules
SI – Section In charge LOTO – Lock out & Tag out PGCIL - Power grid corporation of India
SE – Site engineer SLI – Safe load indicator ROW – Right of way
EHSO – Environment, health & safety officer MSDS – Material safety data sheet P – Probability
SS – Site supervisor (front line) HT – high tension S- Severity
EHSS- Environment, health & safety steward LT – Low tension RL – Risk level
SC – Sub-Contractor TL – Transmission Line UG - Underground
TO – Time office kV – kilo Volt LC – Line clearance
P&M D – Plant & Machinery Department Hp – horse power LILO – Line in Line out
R – Routine ISMC – Indian Standard Medium channel WISA – Work force induction & Skill application
NR – Non-Routine IS – International standards
E - Emergency PP – Poly propylene
RLTI – Reportable Loss time Injury OHS – Occupational, health & Safety

Hierarchy of Risk Control:

E – Elimination
S – Substitution
EC – Engineering Control
AC - Administrative control
PPE’s – Personal Protective equipment’s
Outbreak of any severe diseases (Hepatitis B Virus, Ebola Virus, Influenza Virus, Dengue Virus,Nipola Virus and Coronavirus Disease)

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Annexure- 2

Guideline reference IM 6.1.2

Guide for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment


Value Probability Noise

Safety Health Generati
An incurable disease that cannot be
Daily / Single or adequately treated and is reasonably 101 dB
5 Terminal
Frequently multiple expected to result on death within a short and above
at site Fatality period of time
Serious Major Health impact requiring doctor's
Weekly / Injury attention returning back to work after a 91 to 100
4 Unemployable
Occurrence requiring month or non-ionic radiations / tolerable dB
due to illness
in our IC hospitalisatio residual risk with medication
Moderate health impact / requiring doctors’
Monthly / attention. Person can return back to work
Lost Time Intense health 81 to 90
3 accordance within a week
Injury effect E.g. Viral Fewer, fewer due to water
in other ICs
contamination etc.
Yearly / requiring Minor health impact / requiring nurse
Occurrence Medical Minor health /doctors’ attention and person can return 71 to 80
2 in back to work next day hours
Treatment effect dB
constructio but not Lost E.g. Diarrhoea, vomiting, Constipation
n Industry Time
Very rare Momentary discomfort / Nuisance E.g.
occurrence First Aid Head ache, burning of eyes, Giddiness,
1 Slight health 60- 70 dB
in treatment person can return back to work
constructio only immediately after rest
n industry
Precautions to be taken for outbreak of any severe disease. (Coronavirus Disease)
➢ Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands. When your hands are visibly dirty, wash them with soap and running water. When they are not visibly dirty, frequently clean them with alcohol
based hand rub or soap and water.
➢ Use of face mask by asymptomatic people is not recommended. Face mask is advised only for those having symptoms of cough, cold fever; and the close contacts of the patients.
➢ Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
➢ Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the
virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
➢ Practice respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately

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Ref: IM 6.1.2 A Issue 2 – Rev 01


Name of the Project: NIT-305 /306/307 Job Code: LE-181141/LE-181140/LE-181111 BU/Segment/Cluster: TL Date: 20.03.2020

Main Activity: WORKMEN HABITAT Type of activity: Routine/ Non-routine/Emergency (Tick whichever applicable)
Sub Activity: WORKMEN CAMP

Routin Residual
e (R), Applicable Risk (After
Evaluation of OHS Responsib
Non- Legal & other existing
Sub- Hazard Additional Control Opport ility
Routin Requirement Other Risk control
Sl Activity Hazard Existing Control Measures unities
e (NR) OHS Risk s, Reference/ (Effect of measures) Apply Hierarchy of controls &
No (Flow of and
Emerg TS Details (If Uncertainty) (E, S, EC, AC, PPEs) Accountab
activity) other
ency any) RL RL ility
P S P S opportu
(E) PxS PxS
Snake repellents vibrant sonic
Provide concrete
battery- operated device to be
flooring rooms for
EC EC used around the camp, Admin
workmen stay
minimum 4 corners around the
Ensure workmen camp
Lighting facility is to be ensured
provided in flat ground
inside and outside of workmen
surface, level the area
camp, ensure adequate quantity
using excavator Admin
of torch lights provided to
BOCW central Grass & bushes around workmen
Remote village - the camp cleaned before
rules 1988,
Venomous concrete shifting of workmen
Fatal / Part-III
01 Camp Snake & 04 05 20 flooring rooms, 02 04 08 Regularly clean the grass and
E Poisoning Chapter-IV 2 ft depth trench made Admin
Insects not available for bushes around the camp
Sec:36 around camp leaving 2-
AC meter gap from camp Display of do’s & don’ts poster
end EHSD
Adequate quantity of
snake repellent sprayed
around the workmen Admin &
First aid facilities available in the
camp and regular EHSO
camp, first-aid technic and
maintain spraying of
emergency response training
powder once in two days
conducted to the team

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Routin Residual
e (R), Applicable Risk (After
Evaluation of OHS Responsib
Non- Legal & other existing
Sub- Hazard Additional Control Opport ility
Routin Requirement Other Risk control
Sl Activity Hazard Existing Control Measures unities
e (NR) OHS Risk s, Reference/ (Effect of measures) Apply Hierarchy of controls &
No (Flow of and
Emerg TS Details (If Uncertainty) (E, S, EC, AC, PPEs) Accountab
activity) other
ency any) RL RL ility
P S P S opportu
(E) PxS PxS

Cooking arrangement Metal roofing to be provided at

made separately from EC cooking area to avoid plastic Admin & SE
living camp catching fire by heat of cooking

Display ‘NO SMOKING’

board and create Do not store flammable fuels near
awareness of no the cooking stove
smoking in rh camp
camp/ BOCW central
smoking / rules 1998,
02 Camp Fire/ 04 04 16 ROW issues AC 02 02 04
petrol, Chapter -V
Explosion Sec:117 Flammable fuels stored
diesel Fuels to be stored separately
E storage in separately – display AC SE & SS
away from cooking area
camp caution boards

Petrol storage in the

metal store tank

Ensure double insulated Ensure all electrical connections

EC Admin & SE
electrical cable used routed through distribution box
Strictly avoid electrical
connection tapped from Connections routed through
Unauthori pole by unauthorized EC ELCB/ RCCB tripping devices
zed Electric IER 1956,
NR hooking
03 Camp electrical shock/ Chapter IV 04 05 20 02 05 10
connectio Fatal REV. 2005 The cable passed over
AC Industrial connection plug & top SE & SS
n head and protected from
to be fixed
Wooden poles used to
lift and hold the charged Ac No authorized tapping

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Routin Residual
e (R), Applicable Risk (After
Evaluation of OHS Responsib
Non- Legal & other existing
Sub- Hazard Additional Control Opport ility
Routin Requirement Other Risk control
Sl Activity Hazard Existing Control Measures unities
e (NR) OHS Risk s, Reference/ (Effect of measures) Apply Hierarchy of controls &
No (Flow of and
Emerg TS Details (If Uncertainty) (E, S, EC, AC, PPEs) Accountab
activity) other
ency any) RL RL ility
P S P S opportu
(E) PxS PxS
Connection and electrical
Display Do’s & Don’ts
maintenance work to be done by
authorized electrician only

Double insulated three Fire extinguisher provided near

Poor EC
Electric core cables used the distribution box
E Insulation IER 1956,
Shock, SI, Admin &
04 Camp -Electrical Chapter IV 04 05 20 02 03 06 AC
spark, fire Ensure minimum joints, Display Do’s & Don’ts poster SE
connectio REV 2005
& Fatal AC provide insulation over create awareness among th
joints workmen
Select suitable camping
location, don’t arrange
E workmen camp where Forest guard with shot gun
there is severe threat of
wild animal AC
Wild SI, Admin &
05 Camp E Human 12 02 04 08 Adequate Nos of electrical
animal 03 04 Metal cage provided SE
injury EC firesticks available with the team
attack around the camp
where possibly bear attack
Don’t throw food waist around
AC Lighting facility provided the camp, dispose it in designated
Create awareness among
Animal Dog bite / the workmen, avoid Carry strong wooden sticks while
06 Camp NR 04 02 06 AC 02 02 04 AC SC & SS
attack injury alone travelling in the travelling in open fields
forest area
Do not provide camp
No one allowed to swim or take
E close to any river or Dam
bath in the river
Inadequate downstream area
NR Drowning
/ wave off communication Daily collect weather PM, CM,
07 Camp Flooding by the 02 05 10 regarding forecasting data form 02 02 04 AC Admin, SI,
AC Prohibit fishing in the river
flow of monsoon and local meteorological EHSO & SE
water Dam opening division & alert the team
Team leader responsible for team
member off duty work activity

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Routin Residual
e (R), Applicable Risk (After
Evaluation of OHS Responsib
Non- Legal & other existing
Sub- Hazard Additional Control Opport ility
Routin Requirement Other Risk control
Sl Activity Hazard Existing Control Measures unities
e (NR) OHS Risk s, Reference/ (Effect of measures) Apply Hierarchy of controls &
No (Flow of and
Emerg TS Details (If Uncertainty) (E, S, EC, AC, PPEs) Accountab
activity) other
ency any) RL RL ility
P S P S opportu
(E) PxS PxS
Do not make
arrangement of camp Lightening surge spike device
E where lightning probe EC fixed to neutralize the lightning
location, hills, height at spark
NR Thunder/ hill top SI, Admin &
08 Camp 03 03 05 15 02 03 06
Lightning SE
Do not fix camp at near
Conduct training, safe practices
AC height steel structure, AC
followed during thunderstorm
Isolate yourself from the
world if with
E 03 02 06
your family and stay
If cannot isolate use
Proved Immunization to be
Coronavir remote means of work. All
09 Camp Fatal 05 05 25 S 02 01 02 available in the market tested
us Disease Use internet and phone if concerned
with approved laboratory
Keep a check on body
EC 03 02 06
ezing and wash your
hands frequently
Maintain social
distancing. Keep a
AC 04 02 08
distance of 1-2 meter
while talking to people Proved Immunization to be
Coronavir All
10 Camp Fatal 05 05 25 available in the market tested
us Disease concerned
with approved laboratory
PP Better use mask while
05 02 10
E’s going outside

Ravi Roshan Gupta Omkar Sahu

(Project Manager) (EHSO)
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Kaushik Laha Abhishek Ku. Singh Somnath Dey Kalaiseziyan P. Suman Modak Biswajit Guchait
(Accountant) (Planning Engineer) (IR-Admin) (Store I/C) (Site Engineer) (Surveyor)

Masoom Raza Khan Sudhanshu Shekhar Santosh Kumar Manoj Ku. Pandey
(Site Engineer) (QA/QC Engineer) (ROW I/C) (P&M I/C)

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