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Name : Juniarti Rismauli

Npm : 19120019

Write the explanation of them (make the experts when you write the explanation)


Ans : *Wikipedia : In a literary work, film, or other narrative, the plot is the sequence of events

where each affects the next one through the principle of cause-and-effect.

*Plot is one of intrinsic elements that has important role towards the story in the novel
because without plot there is no story to be told. Plot is story that contains of sequence of events
as Nurgiyantoro said (2000:113

*According to Abrams (1999:224) plot it constituted by its events and actions, as there
rendered and ordered toward achieving particular artistic and emotional effects.

2.Setting .

Ans : * In action of interpretation, setting can be distinguished into setting of place, time and
culture (Nurgiyantoro, 2000: 102). The setting of place physically is a place where events in a
story occurred. Presentation of this setting of place supported also by describing of things located
in narration because it is a unity of the narration of place. The setting of time describes about
time of every event that occurred in the story including present, past or even uncertain times.
Whereas the setting of culture describes of society conditions, social group and their attitude,
custom, life style and language used in events of the story.

* Merriam-Webster defines; setting as the time and place of the action of a literary,
dramatic, or cinematic work, (Merriam Webster online, 2009).

*The same definition is stated by Kurtus(2007), that setting is the location and time which
create the mood and atmosphere of the story.
a. Time : Time can cover many areas, such as the character’s time of life, the time of day, time of
year, time period such as the past, present, or future, etc.

b.Place : Place also covers a lot of areas, such as a certain building, room in a building, country,
city, beach, in a mode of transport such as a car, bus, boat, indoors or out, etc.

c.Environment/Situation: The environment includes geographical location such as beach or

mountains, the climate and weather, and the social or cultural aspects such as a school, theatre,
meeting, club, etc.


Ans : *Character is a part of intrinsic elements in a literary work, and of course can also initiate
events. According to Abrams in Nurgiyantoro people who’s shown in a narrative work, or the
drama which is translated by the reader who had quality moral and the willingness to concern
like the expressive in pronunciation and what have to do in the action. Character have two
categories those are antagonist and protagonist character. The antagonist is known as a person
who makes conflict with protagonist.

*According to Pierre in “Literature,Structure,Sound,and Sense”. Statement (1984:90)

characters are the people in the text: there is part of the ordinary life that meets when the readers

*Gill in “Mastering English Literature”. Statement (1997:105) Character is a person in a

literary work, whereas characterization is the way in which a character is created. Characters are
all the product of characterization. That is to say they have been made a particular way

4.Genre (find some characters of genre) : Genre is the organization of literature into categories
based on the type of writing the piece exemplifies through its content, form, or style.

*A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary

technique, tone, content, or even length. They generally move from more abstract, encompassing
classes, which are then further sub-divided into more concrete distinctions. Wikipedia

Poetry Fiction Nonfiction

Lines, stanzas, figurative Written in sentences and paragraphs, Based on real-life
language not real experiences

5.Tone : In literature, the tone of a literary work expresses the writer's attitude toward or feelings
about the subject matter and audience. Wikipedia

7.Style : In literature, writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic
of an individual, period, school, or nation. Wikipedia

6.Attitude/Moral value :

Ans : * Krech, Allport and Campbell in Mar'at (1982, p.9) defines attitude is a lasting system of
the assessment is positive or negative, emotional feelings, the tendency to give respect to an
object, the mental readiness organized through experience, is used to determine a person's
response to all objects and situations.

*Natawijaya (1986, p.40) stated that attitude: Mental attitude is the willingness of
individuals that influence, even determine the color the individual concerned activities in
response to the object or situation that gives meaning to him. This willingness may be expressed
in the activities (actions or words) or a latent force that is sometimes channeled.


Ans : * according to Austin Community : The literary purpose is used to entertain and to give
aesthetic pleasure. The focus of the literary purpose is on the words themselves and on a
conscious and deliberate arrangement of the words to produce a pleasing or enriching effect. A
writer often expresses a worldview when using the literary purpose.


Ans : * wkipedia :In contemporary literary studies, a theme is a central topic, subject, or message

within a narrative.[1] Themes can be divided into two categories: a work's thematic concept is
what readers "think the work is about" and its thematic statement being "what the work says
about the subject".[2] Themes are often distinguished from premises.


Ans : * Wikipedia : In psychology, a mood is an affective state. In contrast

to emotions or feelings, moods are less specific, less intense and less likely to be provoked or
instantiated by a particular stimulus or event. Moods are typically described as having either a
positive or negative valence. In other words, people usually talk about being in a good mood or a
bad mood. There are many different factors that influence mood, and these can lead to positive or
negative effects on mood.

10 based on device :

a .Structural Device :

1.Contrast: Contrast is the antonym of simile. In poetic compositions, it is common for poets to
set out an elaborate contrast or elaborate simile as the argument. For example, John Donne and
the metaphysical poets developed the conceit as a literary device, where an elaborate,
implausible, and surprising analogy was demonstrated. In Renaissance poetry, and particularly
in sonnets, the contrast was similarly used as a poetic argument. In such verse, the entire poem
argues that two seemingly alike or identical items are, in fact, quite separate and paradoxically
different. These may take the form of my love is unlike all other women or I am unlike her other

2.Dialogue:  From a contemporary writing standpoint, writers use the word “dialogue” to mean
any communication between two characters—generally spoken out loud, though there are
exceptions to this rule. Dialogue is denoted by quotation marks and dialogue tags.

b.Sense Device :

1.Symbolic words : A symbol is a person, place, action, word, or thing that (by association,
resemblance, or convention) represents something other than itself. Verb: symbolize. Adjective:
symbolic. In the broadest sense of the term, all words are symbols.

2. Simili : According to Gorys keraf in the book entitled diction and style (2001: 138), Simile is a
comparison that is explicit. What is meant by the comparison that is explicit is that it implies the
same thing with another thing. To that end, it requires an effort that explicitly indicates that
similarity, the words: like, same, as, like, like, and so on.

3. Metaphor: According to Gorys Keraf in the book entitled diction and style (2001: 139),
“metaphor is a kind of analogy that compares two thing, but in the form of a short”, for examples
the words or sentences which are in Gorys Keraf’s book: bunga bangsa, buaya darat, buah hati,
cindera mata, and so on. Metaphor as a comparison is not using the word: like, as, such, and so
on, so that the first subject directly connected to the second principal.

4.Personification: According to Gorys Keraf theory in the book entitled diction and stlye (2001:
140), “personification is a kind of style of figurative language that describes inanimate objects or
goods lifeless as if it has characteristicshumanity.” Personification is a special feature of
metaphor, which make an analogy of inanimate objects act, talk, like humans.

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