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The Internet is transforming the business environment, creating new

challenges and opportunities. This chapter provides an overview of the internet
and its defining characteristics, highlighting the key developments that have
contributed to its explosive growth and its impact on the business environment.

The internet is world-wide net work of net works. In essence, it is a common

technology platform that allows computing devices to communicate with each
others. In doing so, it offers a number of alternative channels that enable
businesses and people to communicate. The three core channels include e-mail
(the most common), news groups and mailing lists, and the “World Wide Web”

The World Wide Web (www) is a large network of documents, which

contain hypertext and pictures, provides the opportunity for dynamic
interaction. Hypertext allows information to be organized in user friendly way
that is easily accessible. Information is becoming a major part of the products
and services that people buy, and a critical source of added value.


The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected

computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard
Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of
smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which
together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online
chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the
World Wide Web (WWW).


The origin of the internet date back to 1969, when the United State
Defence Department developed the ‘Arpanet”, which was intended to link
military networks together. The growth of personal computing technology in the
1980’s, largely contributed to the accelerated adoption of the internet and the
World-Wide web(WWW) which far outstrips that of previous technologies.

The number of Internet user is constantly increasing. By 2000 there are

375 million Internet users world-wide, and by 2002 the figure is 500 million.
This boom has been the result of several underlying forces that have come

-The wider availability of the internet, offering inexpensive bandwidth.

-Easier access to these networks provided by point-and-click wed browsers.

-Multimedia development tools that can be used to create rich content.

-The emergence of open standards in development tools and at the network

protocol level (eg. TCP/IP), making it more cost effective for software
developers and other technology providers to create interoperable products.

-The growth in support services (eg: web design, hosting, and gateway

-The development of critical processes (ordering, billing, payment, etc).

A study by the Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society

(2000), reveals the wide range of areas where people are embracing the
Internet-from communicating (90% use e-mail) and sourcing information, to
interacting (eg: chat rooms, entertainment) and purchasing (37%). These
activities highlights the adoption of the internet as an interactive
communication and information tool.

 E-mail
 World Wide Web
 Remote Access
 Collaboration
 Streaming Media
 File Sharing
 Voice Telephony

A data card is any removable computer component, approximately the

size of a credit card, that contains data, or that contains non-volatile memory to
which data can be written and from which data can be recovered. The term is a
synonym for smart card.

Some data cards are portable devices and include such components as
flash memory modules and proprietary memory sticks. They are useful for the
transfer of files among computers and for short-term data backup. Still other
data cards are used with notebook computers to provide mobile wireless
Internet access.

The USB Data Cards market for wide area communications over 3G
networks is growing rapidly. During 2008 alone over dozens of million units of
broadband 3G modems have been shipped around the world, either as external
USB modems or integrated note book/laptop, Mobile Internet Devices and
Smart phone applications.

The common PC connectivity for such devices is the USB standard that
enables high-speed data transfer rates, and is compatible with every common
desktop operating system. Together with mobile PCs' emerging demand for
longer battery life and better host OS support, the need for high-performance
quality communication drivers becomes critical.

Driver Core for Data Cards accommodates these industry requirements

by supporting the advanced mobile networking standards and meeting the rigid
data card driver needs.

A few years ago, even the dial-up connection was regarded as the latest
innovation in the world of Internet connectivity. Things, however, started to
change for the delight of the Internet users from the time, Broadband made its
entry. From that very time, it has been able to make a niche for itself in this
ever-growing market segment.

The greatest advantage of a broadband connection is its high speed apart

from reliability of the Internet solutions.

If you are a prospective broadband user and looking for an affordable

broadband deal then you can search for numerous options in the traditional as
well as the online market. This will help you to compare broadband deals and
select the best deal to serve your needs. One thing is for sure, getting a good
deal without you getting into deals' comparison is too much to ask from destiny.

Wire line broadband connections are yet to penetrate the vast semi-urban
and rural parts of the country where entrepreneurs, officials, students, etc have
the need to surf the Internet for various purposes. Though the laptop penetration
in these areas has not made a significant mark, desktop penetration is
comparatively more.

With data cards offering convenient access to the Internet, a number of

companies have started to tie up with service providers to avail bulk network
connections for their employees on the go and allow them to utilize their time
during business travels. Since data cards can be used with desktop also, it cuts
down the office infrastructure costs as well. With the data card segment
witnessing steady growth, affordability will go up, which, in turn, will drive
growth. “As the data card growth increases, speed evolves and prices come
down, affordability will go up and more users can begin to think of data card as
an affordable solution,” says an Airtel spokesperson. And growth of mobile
telephony in India has created users with specific needs like m-commerce that
require wireless Internet, driving the wireless data card growth. Once the
concept of mobile wallet and its applications hit the market in India in the near
future, the wireless data card segment is also expected to witness an exponential
Apart from this, Internet charges in costly hotels are very high. With the
availability of data cards and USB modems, frequent business travelers who
stay in costly star hotels can access the Internet and corporate applications on
their laptops and avoid using the Internet facility at hotels, saving on high
Internet charges..
The objectives of the study is to gain knowledge about the brand preference of data cards
among college students, to study about different data card providers in the market and the
growth of the wireless internet sector.
The objective of the study is to understand the consumer’s pre, post behavior, during perception

of data card and consumer buying behavior and attitude for Vodafone data card. To understand

the former part, the researcher created a questionnaire and conducted a survey. The researcher

analyzed the questionnaire and the survey to create an extensive questionnaire understanding the

buying behavior of consumers of Vodafone data card and other brands. The researcher had an

analysis done on the 600 respondents from Durgapur, Asansol & Burdwan to identify how much

of buying intension is due to attributes and how much due to influence by referrals.

The research analysis had revealed that the consumers are satisfied with the brand Vodafone data

card and its attributes. However, Vodafone has not performed well with the customers who are

considerably concerned about internet connection with its cost and tariff plans. This following

detailed analysis is presented in the project report.

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